Results for 'Social justice Economic aspects'

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  1.  16
    Neoliberal social justice: Rawls unveiled.Nicholas Cowen - 2021 - Northhampton, MA, USA: Edward Elgar Publishing.
    This timely and provocative book challenges the conventional wisdom that neoliberal capitalism is incompatible with social justice. Employing public choice and market process theory, Nick Cowen systematically compares and contrasts capitalism with socialist alternatives, illustrating how proponents of social justice have decisive reasons to opt for a capitalism guided by neoliberal ideas. Cowen shows how general rules of property and voluntary exchange facilitate widespread cooperation. Revisiting the works of John Rawls, he offers an interdisciplinary reconciliation of (...)
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    (1 other version)Is social justice just?Christopher J. Coyne, Michael C. Munger & Robert M. Whaples (eds.) - 2019 - Oakland, California: Independent Institute.
    What is social justice? At this point, there is considerable disagreement. For many, the term social justice is baffling and useless, with no real meaning. Most who use it argue that social justice is the moral fairness of the system of rules and norms that govern society. Do these rules work so that all persons get what is due to them as human beings and as members of the community? Shifting from the will of (...)
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    Educational leadership for ethics and social justice: views from the social sciences.Anthony H. Normore & Jeffrey S. Brooks (eds.) - 2014 - Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing.
    A volume in Educational Leadership for Social Justice Series Editor Jeffrey S. Brooks, University of Idaho, Denise E. Armstrong, Brock University; Ira Bogotch, Florida Atlantic University; Sandra Harris, Lamar University; Whitney H. Sherman, Virginia Commonwealth University; George Theoharis, Syracuse University The purpose of this book is to examine and learn lessons from the way leadership for social justice is conceptualized in several disciplines and to consider how these lessons might improve the preparation and practice of school (...)
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  4. Returning to Rawls: Social Contracting, Social Justice, and Transcending the Limitations of Locke.Richard Marens - 2007 - Journal of Business Ethics 75 (1):63-76.
    A generation ago, the field of business ethics largely abandoned analyzing the broader issue of social justice to focus upon more micro concerns. Donaldson applied the social contract tradition of Locke and Rawls to the ethics of management decision-making, and with Dunfee, has advanced this project ever since. Current events suggest that if the field is to remain relevant it needs to return to examining social and economic fairness, and Rawl's approach to social contracting (...)
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  5. Care, gender and global social justice: Rethinking 'ethical globalization'.Fiona Robinson - 2006 - Journal of Global Ethics 2 (1):5 – 25.
    This article develops an approach to ethical globalization based on a feminist, political ethic of care; this is achieved, in part, through a comparison with, and critique of, Thomas Pogge's World Poverty and Human Rights. In his book, Pogge makes the valid and important argument that the global economic order is currently organized such that developed countries have a huge advantage in terms of power and expertise, and that decisions are reached purely and exclusively through self-interest. Pogge uses an (...)
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  6. Recognition and Social Justice: A Roman Catholic View of Christian Bioethics of Long-Term Care and Community Service.Christian Spiess - 2007 - Christian Bioethics 13 (3):287-301.
    Contemporary Christian ethics encounters the challenge to communicate genuinely Christian normative orientations within the scientific debate in such a way as to render these orientations comprehensible, and to maintain or enhance their plausibility even for non-Christians. This essay, therefore, proceeds from a biblical motif, takes up certain themes from the Christian tradition (in particular the idea of social justice), and connects both with a compelling contemporary approach to ethics by secular moral philosophy, i.e. with Axel Honneth's reception of (...)
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    (1 other version)Spheres of Global Justice: Volume 1 Global Challenges to Liberal Democracy. Political Participation, Minorities and Migrations; Volume 2 Fair Distribution - Global Economic, Social and Intergenerational Justice.Jean-Christophe Merle (ed.) - 2013 - Dordrecht: Imprint: Springer.
    Spheres of Global Justice analyzes six of the most important and controversial spheres of global justice, each concerning a specific global social good. These spheres are democratic participation, migrations, cultural minorities, economic justice, social justice, and intergenerational justice. Together they constitute two constellations dealt with, in this collection of essays by leading scholars, in two different volumes: Global Challenges to Liberal Democracy and Fair Distribution. These essays illustrate each of the spheres, delving (...)
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    Interactive Democracy: The Social Roots of Global Justice.Carol C. Gould - 2014 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    How can we confront the problems of diminished democracy, pervasive economic inequality, and persistent global poverty? Is it possible to fulfill the dual aims of deepening democratic participation and achieving economic justice, not only locally but also globally? Carol C. Gould proposes an integrative and interactive approach to the core values of democracy, justice, and human rights, looking beyond traditional politics to the social conditions that would enable us to realize these aims. Her innovative philosophical (...)
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    Social Causes And Epistemic (in)Justice in Medical Machine Learning-Mediated Medical Practices.G. Pozzi & Juan M. Durán - 2024 - In Federica Russo & Phyllis Illari (eds.), The Routledge handbook of causality and causal methods. New York, NY: Routledge. pp. 178-189.
    The social aspects of causality in medicine and healthcare have been emphasized in recent debates in the philosophy of science as crucial factors that need to be considered to enable, among others, appropriate interventions in public health. Therefore, it seems central to recognize the bearing of social causes (broadly understood, e.g., social inequalities and socio-economic status) in bringing about certain concrete pathologies. Being aware of the relevance of social causes in medicine and healthcare is (...)
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    Unequivocal Justice.Christopher Freiman - 2017 - New York: Routledge.
    _Unequivocal Justice_ challenges the prevailing view within political philosophy that broadly free market regimes are inconsistent with the basic principles of liberal egalitarian justice. Freiman argues that the liberal egalitarian rejection of free market regimes rests on a crucial methodological mistake. Liberal egalitarians regularly assume an ideal "public interest" model of political behavior and a nonideal "private interest" model of behavior in the market and civil society. Freiman argues that this asymmetrical application of behavioral assumptions biases the analysis and (...)
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    Global justice and the use of AI in education: ethical and epistemic aspects.Aleksandra Vučković & Vlasta Sikimić - forthcoming - AI and Society:1-18.
    One of the biggest contemporary challenges in education is the appropriate application of advanced digital solutions. If properly implemented, AI could benefit students, opening the door for personalized study programs. However, we need to ensure that AI in classrooms is used responsibly and that it does not pose a threat to students in any way. More specifically, we need to preserve the moral and epistemic values we wish to pass on to future generations and ensure the inclusion of underprivileged students. (...)
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    Globalization and economic ethics: distributive justice in the knowledge economy.Albino Barrera - 2007 - New York: Palgrave-Macmillan.
    What is the appropriate criterion to use for distributive justice? Is it efficiency, need, contribution, entitlement, equality, effort, or ability? Globalization and Economic Ethics maintains that far from being rival principles of distributive justice, efficiency and need satisfaction are, in fact, complementary norms in our emerging knowledge economy. After all, human capital plays the central role in effecting and sustaining long-term efficiency in the Digital Age. This book explores the vital link between human capital formation and allocative (...)
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    Social and Economic Aspects of Peirce's Conception of Science.W. Christopher Stewart - 1991 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 27 (4):501 - 526.
  14.  11
    The Role of Hybrid Methodologies in Understanding Complex Environmental Issues and Promoting Social Justice.Sharlene Hesse-Biber - 2019 - International Journal for Transformative Research 6 (1):20-26.
    Climate adaptation research often ignores the broader socio-cultural human sphere within which climate change takes place. Dominant viewpoints on climate adaptation derive from the biophysical world that often excludes social, economic, and political contexts that also connect to biophysical changes. Hybrid methodological mixed methods approaches to climate adaptation provide paradigmatically different questions. This perspective is useful for identifying socio-cultural aspects of climatic adaptation. To demonstrate the power of a hybrid approach for interconnecting human and non-human factors implicated (...)
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  15. Social costs of environmental justice associated with the practice of green marketing.Janet S. Adams, Armen Tashchian & Ted H. Shore - 2001 - Journal of Business Ethics 29 (3):199-211.
    This study investigated effects of codes of ethics on perceptions of ethical behavior. Respondents from companies with codes of ethics (n = 465) rated role set members (top management, supervisors, peers, subordinates, self) as more ethical and felt more encouraged and supported for ethical behavior than respondents from companies without codes (n = 301). Key aspects of the organizational climate, such as supportiveness for ethical behavior, freedom to act ethically, and satisfaction with the outcome of ethical problems were impacted (...)
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  16.  5
    Justice as attunement: transforming constitutions in law, literature, economics, and the rest of life.Richard Dawson - 2014 - New York, NY: Routledge.
    The meaning of an expression resides not in the expression itself but in the experience of a person’s engagement with it. Meaning will be different not only to different people but also to the same person at different times. This book offers a way of attending to these different meanings. This way is a version of a trans-cultural activity that Richard Dawson calls attunement. The activity of attunement involves a movement of self-adjustment to a language, which a person transforms in (...)
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  17.  13
    Ethics of inclusion: the cases of health, economics, education, digitalization and the environment in the post-COVID-19 era.Julia M. Puaschunder - 2022 - UK: Ethics International Press.
    Ethics of Inclusion captures fairness and social justice for all from an ethical perspective in our post-pandemic world. The book discusses inequality in Healthcare, Economics & Finance, Education, Digitalization, and the Environment, in order to envision economics of diversity and a transition to a more inclusive society. A wide-ranging approach addresses issues of inequality in access to innovations such as telemedicine and artificial intelligence, economic gains of robotics, and big data insights. A rising performance gap between the (...)
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  18.  82
    Freedom’s Right. The Social Foundations of Democratic Life.Axel Honneth - 2013 - New York: Polity.
    The theory of justice is one of the most intensely debated areas of contemporary philosophy. Most theories of justice, however, have only attained their high level of justification at great cost. By focusing on purely normative, abstract principles, they become detached from the sphere that constitutes their “field of application” - namely, social reality. Axel Honneth proposes a different approach. He seeks to derive the currently definitive criteria of social justice directly from the normative claims (...)
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    The Indeterminacy of the Principles of Justice: The Debate on Property-Owing Democracy Versus the Welfare State and the Ideal of Social Union.Ingrid Salvatore - forthcoming - Res Publica:1-22.
    In the past decade, scholars such as Samuel Freeman, Martin O’Neill, Alan Thomas and others have argued that no matter how widely Rawls’s theory of justice (TJ) was understood as a defence of the welfare state (WS), the socio-economic system Rawls defends and always defended is property-owing democracy (POD). In this article I present the argument that Rawls did not defend POD in TJ. However, while the claim that it was POD the socio-economic system implied by the (...)
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    International Justice and the Third World: Studies in the Philosophy of Development.Robin Attfield & Barry Wilkins (eds.) - 1992 - New York: Routledge.
    _International Justice and the Third World_ vindicates belief in global or universal justice, and explores both liberal and Marxist grounds for such belief. It also investigates the presuppositions of belief in development, and relates it to sustainability, to environmentalism, and to the obligation to cancel Third World debt.
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  21. Caritas in Veritate: Economic activity as personal encounter and the economy of gratuitousness.James Franklin - 2011 - Solidarity: The Journal of Catholic Social Thought and Secular Ethics 1 (1):Article 3.
    We first survey the Catholic social justice tradition, the foundation on which Caritas in Veritate builds. Then we discuss Benedict’s addition of love to the philosophical virtues (as applied to economics), and how radical a change that makes to an ethical perspective on economics. We emphasise the reality of the interpersonal aspects of present-day economic exchanges, using insights from two disciplines that have recognized that reality, human resources and marketing. Personal encounter really is a major factor (...)
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  22.  15
    Justice and love: a philosophical debate.Mary Zournazi - 2020 - New York: Bloomsbury Academic. Edited by Rowan Williams.
    How do we act justly in the world? How can we ethically respond to social and economic crisis and the desperation caused by violence and atrocity? Justice and Love is a philosophical dialogue on how to imagine and act in a more just world by theologian Rowan Williams and philosopher Mary Zournazi. Drawing on examples from the European Migrant Crisis to Brexit, the authors reflect on justice as a condition of being rather than cold fact. Looking (...)
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  23.  52
    When utilitarianism dominates justice as fairness: an economic defence of utilitarianism from the original position.Hun Chung - 2023 - Economics and Philosophy 39 (2):308-333.
    The original position together with the veil of ignorance have served as one of the main methodological devices to justify principles of distributive justice. Most approaches to this topic have primarily focused on the single person decision-theoretic aspect of the original position. This paper, in contrast, will directly model the basic structure and the economic agents therein to project the economic consequences and social outcomes generated either by utilitarianism or Rawls’s two principles of justice. It (...)
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  24.  24
    The dynamics of economic action and the problems of its social embedding – Ethical challenges in view of the nascent commercial use of outer space.Traugott Jaehnichen - 2020 - HTS Theological Studies 76 (1).
    As a result of the increasing economical exploitation of outer space, humanity faces a new challenge that, as well as having economic advantages, also entails a great many ecological hazards. At present, the human race is encroaching on outer space, particularly in the form of almost 5000 active satellites and the corresponding space debris they produce. For the large part, this debris burns up on entering the Earth’s atmosphere, yet time and again it still does cause damage. However, this (...)
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    The dangers of masculine technological optimism: Why feminist, antiracist values are essential for social justice, economic justice, and climate justice.Jennie C. Stephens - 2024 - Environmental Values 33 (1):58-70.
    Responding to the climate crisis requires social and economic innovation—because climate change is a symptom of patriarchal capitalist systems that are concentrating—rather than distributing—wealth and power. Despite the need for social and economic innovation, technological innovation continues to be prioritized in climate policy and climate investments. This paper reviews the dangers of technological optimism in climate policy by exploring its links to patriarchal systems and masculinity. The disproportionate focus on science and technology emerges from and reinforces (...)
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  26. Utilitarianism and Distributive Justice: The Civil Law and the Foundations of Bentham's Economic Thought.P. J. Kelly - 1989 - Utilitas 1 (1):62-81.
    Between 1787, and the end of his life in 1832, Bentham turned his attention to the development and application of economic ideas and principles within the general structure of his legislative project. For seventeen years this interest was manifested through a number of books and pamphlets, most of which remained in manuscript form, that develop a distinctive approach to economic questions. Although Bentham was influenced by Adam Smith'sAn Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations, (...)
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  27. Downward mobility and Rawlsian justice.Govind Persad - 2018 - Philosophical Studies 175 (2):277-300.
    Technological and societal changes have made downward social and economic mobility a pressing issue in real-world politics. This article argues that a Rawlsian society would not provide any special protection against downward mobility, and would act rightly in declining to provide such protection. Special treatment for the downwardly mobile can be grounded neither in Rawls’s core principles—the basic liberties, fair equality of opportunity, and the difference principle—nor in other aspects of Rawls’s theory. Instead, a Rawlsian society is (...)
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    Rebuilding Social Fabric in Failed States: Examining Transitional Justice in Bosnia. [REVIEW]David A. Hoogenboom & Stephanie Vieille - 2010 - Human Rights Review 11 (2):183-198.
    This paper examines the importance of reconciliation in post-conflict state-building. We argue that while the economic and political aspects are vital components of the state-building tool-kit, states can hardly be reconstructed without the support of the society. Individuals and communities are central to the re-establishment of peace and democracy. We will conduct a case study analysis focusing on Bosnia and Herzegovina (hereinafter Bosnia). After more than 10 years of international supervision, Bosnia remains fragmented by ethnic tension, and continues (...)
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  29.  8
    Pour un socialisme vert: vers la société écologique par la justice sociale: Contribution à la critique de l'écologie politique.Arno Münster - 2012 - [Paris]: Lignes.
    L'écologie politique est traversée depuis son origine par de nombreuses lignes de fractures théoriques. La plus importante d'entre elles oppose les tenants d'une écologie centrée sur la seule préservation de la nature, plaçant leurs espoirs dans un illusoire "capitalisme vert", aux partisans d'un écosocialisme se proposant de lier entre elles les préoccupations écologiques et les luttes sociales. Spécialiste de Marx, commentateur attentif d'André Gorz, Arno Münster décrit ici la genèse de la théorie écologique et ses développements récents en France et (...)
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    Environmental justice and care: critical emancipatory contributions to sustainability discourse.Leonie Bellina & Daniela Gottschlich - 2017 - Agriculture and Human Values 34 (4):941-953.
    Sustainability has become a powerful discourse, guiding the efforts of various stakeholders to find strategies for dealing with current and future social-ecological crises. To overcome the latter, we argue that sustainability discourse needs to be based on a critical-emancipatory conceptualization. Therefore, we engage two such approaches—environmental justice approaches informed by a plural understanding of justice and feminist political economy ones focusing on care—and their analytical potential for productive critique of normative assumptions in the dominant sustainability discourse. Both (...)
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    Ethical principles of catholic social teaching behind the united states bishops' letter on the economy.Charles E. Curran - 1988 - Journal of Business Ethics 7 (6):413 - 417.
    This article analyzes six ethical principles at work in the Pastoral Letter of the Roman Catholic Bishops on the United States economy. The first three principles derive from the Thomistic tradition with its attempt to avoid the extremes of collectivism and individualism. Human beings are by nature social and called to live in political society. The principle of subsidiarity guides the role of the state. Distributive and social justice furnish the criteria for a just distribution of human (...)
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    Economic Aspects of Social and Environmental Violence from a Buddhist Perspective.Sulak Sivaraksa - 2002 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 22 (1):47.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Buddhist-Christian Studies 22 (2002) 47-60 [Access article in PDF] Economic Aspects of Social and Environmental Violence from a Buddhist Perspective Sulak Sivaraksa Pacarayasara I have been asked to write on some economic aspects of social and environmental violence, approaching the subject from a Buddhist perspective. Indeed this invitation offers a wide range of choices, but I shall try to keep my subject matter (...)
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    Economic Aspects of Social and Environmental Violence.John B. Cobb - 2002 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 22 (1):3.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Buddhist-Christian Studies 22 (2002) 2-15 [Access article in PDF] Economic Aspects of Social and Environmental Violence John B. Cobb Jr. Claremont School of Theology I When we think of violence, what first comes to mind are violent acts by individuals or groups against other individuals. We think of rapes and murders, lynchings and muggings, beatings and armed robberies. We want the police to protect us from (...)
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  34. Globalizing Justice: The Ethics of Poverty and Power.Richard W. Miller - 2010 - Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press UK.
    Richard Miller presents a bold new program for international justice. He argues for new standards of responsible conduct by governments, firms, and individuals in developed countries, to govern trade, investment, environmental policy, and the use of force. He offers an urgently needed strategy for moving humanity toward genuine global co-operation.
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    Social Justice and Economic Systems.Martin O’Neill - 2020 - Philosophical Topics 48 (2):159-201.
    This essay is concerned with the question of what kind of economic system would be needed in order to realize Rawls’s principles of social justice. Hitherto, debates about ‘property-owning democracy’ and ‘liberal socialism’ have been overly schematic, in various respects, and have therefore missed some of the most important issues regarding the relationships between social justice and economic institutions and systems. What is at stake between broadly capitalist or socialist economic systems is not (...)
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    Three Different Currents of Thought to Conceive Justice: Legal, and Medical Ethics Reflections.Francesco De Micco & Roberto Scendoni - 2024 - Philosophies 9 (3):61.
    The meaning of justice can be defined according to a juridical, human, theological, ethical, biomedical, or social perspective. It should guarantee the protection of life and health, personal, civil, political, economic, and religious rights, as well as non-discrimination, inclusion, protection, and access to care. In this review, we deal with three theoretical concepts that define justice in all its aspects. (1) The utilitarian theory, which justifies moral statements on the basis of the evaluation of the (...)
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  37. (1 other version)Economic Analysis, Moral Philosophy and Public Policy.Daniel Hausman, Michael McPherson & Debra Satz - 2006 - New York: Cambridge University Press. Edited by Michael S. McPherson.
    This book shows through argument and numerous policy-related examples how understanding moral philosophy can improve economic analysis, how moral philosophy can benefit from economists' analytical tools, and how economic analysis and moral philosophy together can inform public policy. Part I explores the idea of rationality and its connections to ethics, arguing that when they defend their formal model of rationality, most economists implicitly espouse contestable moral principles. Part II addresses the nature and measurement of welfare, utilitarianism and cost-benefit (...)
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  38. Introduction: Justice and Disadvantages during Childhood: What Does the Capability Approach Have to Offer?Gottfried Schweiger, Gunter Graf & Mar Cabezas - 2016 - Ethical Perspectives 23 (1):73 - 99.
    Justice for children and during childhood and the particular political, social and moral status of children has long been a neglected issue in ethics, and in social and political philosophy. The application of general, adult-oriented theories of justice to children can be regarded as particularly problematic. Philosophers have only recently begun to explore what it means to consider children as equals, what goods are especially valuable to them, and what are the obligations of justice different (...)
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  39. Social justice and economic development in a transitional context.Mounir Kichaou - 2021 - In Agus Wahyudi (ed.), Social justice: a sketch of the west and the Islamic world experiences. Yogyakarta: Gadjah Mada University Press.
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    America’s Public Philosopher: Essays on Social Justice, Economics, Education, and the Future of Democracy by John Dewey.John R. Shook - 2021 - Review of Metaphysics 74 (4):622-624.
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    Engaging Global Justice Through Internships.Ericka Tucker - 2015 - In Julinna Oxley & Ramona Ilea (eds.), Experiential Learning in Philosophy: Philosophy Without Walls. New York: Routledge. pp. 161-168.
    Engaging with Global Justice through InternshipsGlobal justice, on its face, seems like an impossible task. As individuals, even citizens of wealthy and powerful countries, the task of economic, social and political justice seems to outstrip our intellectual, practical and emotional abilities. Considering the scope of 'global' justice, it would appear that a massive coordinated effort would be necessary to overcome the problems of global injustice, yet it would seem such coordination may be impossible. The (...)
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    Elección social y desigualdad económica.Damián Salcedo Megales - 1994 - México: Anthropos Editorial.
    Se aborda la cuestión normativa del bienestar social en su relación con la utilización que de esta noción se hace en la medición de la desigualdad económica. El asunto, que interesa a varias disciplinas, se aborda a través de un enfoque estrictamente filosófico. El tema central de toda la obra es :¿cómo es posible hacer un juicio fiable sobre la desigualdad de las distribuciones de renta y riqueza? Primeramente se trata la posibilidad de una valoración social del bienestar (...)
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    Profits, priests, and princes: Adam Smithʾs emancipation of economics from politics and religion.Peter Minowitz - 1993 - Stanford, Calif.: Stanford University Press.
    In launching modern economics, Adam Smith paved the way for laissez-faire capitalism, Marxism, and contemporary social science. This book scrutinizes Smith's disparagement of politics and religion to illuminate the subtlety of his rhetoric, the depth of his thought, and the ultimate shortcomings of his project. The author analyzes Smith's ideas on government, justice, human psychology, and international relations, stressing Smith's efforts to elevate wealth at the expense of citizenship and to replace normative political philosophy with historical theorizing and (...)
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    Trade Justice.James Christensen - 2017 - Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.
    The international trading system remains a locus of fierce social conflict. The protesters who besiege gatherings of its managers—most famously on the streets of Seattle at the turn of the millennium—regard it with suspicion and hostility, as a threat to their livelihoods, an enemy of global justice, and their grievances are exploited by populist statesmen peddling their own mercantilist agendas. If we are to support the trading system, we must first assure ourselves that it can withstand moral scrutiny. (...)
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    Creating the Conditions for Intergenerational Justice: Social Capital and Compliance.Adelin-Costin Dumitru - 2022 - The Pluralist 17 (3):20-44.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Creating the Conditions for Intergenerational Justice: Social Capital and ComplianceAdelin-Costin DumitruIntroductionSuppose philosophers succeeded in putting forward two equally desirable theories of intergenerational justice. Both of them fare extremely well in regard to either a case-implication critique or a prior-principle strategy of argumentation (with the former requiring us to check the implications of a principle in counterfactual cases, and the latter testing the compatibility of a principle (...)
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    The Principle of Subsidiarity as a Valuable Benchmark in the Regulation of Economic Relations.Virginija Kondratienė - 2014 - Annales. Ethics in Economic Life 17 (4):65-78.
    The principle of subsidiarity can be an effective tool for adjusting economic systems and establishing the social rule-of-law concept in public organisation. In considering the usability of the principle of subsidiarity, the following aspects thereof are discussed: the role in the development of the European social model; employment in determining limits for the powers of the public and private sectors; the application in the market and planned economy systems; and the social justice function in (...)
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    Introduction to the topical Collection: Concept formation in the natural and social sciences: empirical and normative aspects.Kevin Reuter, Catherine Herfeld & Georg Brun - 2023 - Synthese 201 (3):1-10.
    Concept formation has recently become a widely discussed topic in philosophy under the headings of “conceptual engineering”, “conceptual ethics”, and “ameliorative analysis”. Much of this work has been inspired either by the method of explication or by ameliorative projects. In the former case, concept formation is usually seen as a tool of the sciences, of formal disciplines, and of philosophy. In the latter case, concept formation is seen as a tool in the service of social progress. While recent philosophical (...)
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  48. The ideology of social justice in economic justice for all.William E. Murnion - 1989 - Journal of Business Ethics 8 (11):847 - 854.
    Although both the American Catholic bishops and their commentators seem to agree that the economics pastoral is capitalist, if anything, in its ideology, a careful reading of the pastoral shows that the principle of social justice implicit in it is actually socialist, indeed communist, in nature. The bishops arrived at such a principle because of their interpretation of the biblical sense of justice as entailing a preferential option for the poor. To justify this option on a rational (...)
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    Globale Mächte und Gewalten, wer steuert die Welt?: die Verantwortung der Weltreligionen.Hermann Weber (ed.) - 2011 - Ostfildern: Matthias-Grünewald-Verlag.
    Ein stetig beschleunigtes Weltgeschehen, medial drangend prasent, die Eigendynamik von globalen "Machten und Gewalten" lassen nach einer "Weltautoritat", zumindest aber nach klugen und partizipativen Formen der Steuerung Ausschau halten, nach verantwortlichen und wertegeleiteten Akteuren. Dies Buch tut das neben dem Blick auf die politische "Global Governance" in den Bereichen Finanzwirtschaft, Medien, Zivilgesellschaft und Religionen. Denn immer haufiger werden religiose Akteure in Konflikten auch alsvermittelnde, friedensstiftende Krafte wahrgenommen und angerufen.
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    Efficiency, sustainability, and justice to future generations.Klaus Mathis (ed.) - 2011 - New York: Springer.
    Fifty years after the famous essay “The Problem of Social Cost” (1960) by the Nobel laureate Ronald Coase, Law and Economics seems to have become the lingua franca of American jurisprudence, and although its influence on European jurisprudence is only moderate by comparison, it has also gained popularity in Europe. A highly influential publication of a different nature was the Brundtland Report (1987), which extended the concept of sustainability from forestry to the whole of the economy and society. According (...)
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