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  1. A Philosophical Examination of Social Justice and Child Poverty.Gottfried Schweiger & Gunter Graf - 2015 - Palgrave-Macmillan.
    Child poverty is one of the biggest challenges of today, harming millions of children. In this book, it is investigated from a philosophical social justice perspective, primarily in the context of modern welfare states. Based on both normative theory (particularly the capability approach) and empirical evidence, the authors identify the injustices of child poverty, showing how it negatively affects the well-being of children as well as their whole life course. But child poverty is not 'given by nature'. It is avoidable (...)
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    Ethics and the dynamic vulnerability of children.Gottfried Schweiger & Gunter Graf - 2017 - Les Ateliers de l'Éthique / the Ethics Forum 12 (2-3):243-261.
    GOTTFRIED SCHWEIGER,GUNTER GRAF | : In this paper, we want to examine the particular vulnerability of children from an ethical perspective. We want to defend three claims: Firstly, we will argue that children’s vulnerability is best understood as a dynamic quality, meaning that as children progress through childhood, their vulnerability also undergoes particular changes. To capture this, we want to discriminate among physical, mental, social, and symbolic vulnerability, which vary according to certain features, such as age, maturity, gender, and race. (...)
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  3. Health, justice and happiness during childhood.Mar Cabezas, Gunter Graf & Gottfried Schweiger - 2014 - South African Journal of Philosophy 33 (4).
    Health is certainly a valuable asset in the life of every human being and of particular relevance for a flourishing childhood. As empirical research concerning the social determinants of health shows, its distribution can, at least to a certain extent, be influenced by the way a society is arranged. Many philosophers now acknowledge that a fair distribution of health has to be a central part of a just society and they discuss to what extent a right to health can be (...)
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    Capabilities, Recognition and the Philosophical Evaluation of Poverty: A Discussion of Issues of Justification and the Role of subjective Experiences.Gunter Graf & Gottfried Schweiger - 2013 - International Critical Thought 3 (3):282--296.
    Both the capability and the recognition approach are influential and substantial theories in social philosophy. In this contribution, we outline their main assumptions in their assessment of poverty. The two approaches are set in relation to each other, focusing mainly on (a) their moral evaluation of poverty, (b) issues of justification of their central normative claims, and (c) the role that is attributed to subjective experiences, feelings and emotions in these theories. This comparison reveals that in spite of significant differences, (...)
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    The Well-Being of Children: Philosophical and Social Scientific Approaches.Gottfried Schweiger & Gunter Graf (eds.) - 2015 - De Gruyter Open.
    This volume explores the questions related to the theory, practice, and policy of the well-being and well-becoming of children. It does so in a truly interdisciplinary way with a focus on the social sciences and philosophy, giving therefore justice to the growing insight that studying and promoting the well-being of children has a strong ethical component. It is dependent on the questions of good life, its conditions and cannot be separated from the concept of social justice and moral entitlements of (...)
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  6. Poverty and Freedom.Gottfried Schweiger & Gunter Graf - 2014 - Human Affairs 24 (2):258-268.
    The capability approach, which is closely connected to the works of Amartya Sen and Martha Nussbaum, is one possible theoretical framework that could be used to answer the question as to why poverty is a problem from a moral point of view. In this paper we will focus on the normative philosophical capability approach rather than the social scientific and descriptive perspective. We will show that the approach characterizes poverty mainly as a limitation of freedom and that it is precisely (...)
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  7. Introduction: Justice and Disadvantages during Childhood: What Does the Capability Approach Have to Offer?Gottfried Schweiger, Gunter Graf & Mar Cabezas - 2016 - Ethical Perspectives 23 (1):73 - 99.
    Justice for children and during childhood and the particular political, social and moral status of children has long been a neglected issue in ethics, and in social and political philosophy. The application of general, adult-oriented theories of justice to children can be regarded as particularly problematic. Philosophers have only recently begun to explore what it means to consider children as equals, what goods are especially valuable to them, and what are the obligations of justice different agents have toward children. In (...)
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    Corporal Punishment: A Philosophical Assessment.Gunter Graf - 2022 - Philosophical Papers 51 (2):351-355.
    Patrick Lenta’s Corporal Punishment: A Philosophical Assessment provides a thorough, well-researched, accessible, and philosophically convincing examination of the normative status of the corporal...
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    Health, justice and happiness during childhood.María del Mar Cabezas Hernández, Gunter Graf & Gottfried Schweiger - 2014 - South African Journal of Philosophy 33 (4):501-511.
  10.  16
    Justice, education and the politics of childhood: challenges and perspectives.Johannes Drerup, Gunter Graf, Christoph Schickhardt & Gottfried Schweiger (eds.) - 2016 - Cham: Springer.
    This volume contributes to the ongoing interdisciplinary controversies about the moral, legal and political status of children and childhood. It comprises essays by scholars from different disciplinary backgrounds on diverse theoretical problems and public policy controversies that bear upon different facets of the life of children in contemporary liberal democracies. The book is divided into three major parts that are each organized around a common general theme. The first part (“Children and Childhood: Autonomy, Well-Being and Paternalism”) focusses on key concepts (...)
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    Justice, Education, and the Politics of Childhood.Johannes Drerup, Gunter Graf, Christoph Schickhardt & Gottfried Schweiger - 2017 - Zeitschrift für Philosophische Forschung 71 (1):169-172.
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  12. Capabilities and Functionings as the,,Currency of Justice" for Children.Gunter Graf & Gottfried Schweiger - 2017 - Archiv Fuer Rechts Und Sozialphilosphie 103 (4):439-455.
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    Fähigkeiten und Funktionsweisen als „Währung der Gerechtigkeit“ für Kinder.Gunter Graf & Gottfried Schweiger - 2017 - Archiv für Rechts- und Sozialphilosophie 103 (4):439-455.
    In this paper, we aim to clarify two central assumptions, which allow to specify what justice for children implies in the Capability Approach. First, we argue that an adequate currency of justice for children consists in a bundle of functionings, which develops into a bundle of capabilities in the course of childhood; the currency of justice for children is dynamic, not static. Second, we discuss how the respective functionings and capabilities should be selected. In particular, we suggest four criteria. They (...)
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    “Poor Fat Kids”: Social Justice at the Intersection of Obesity and Poverty in Childhood.Gunter Graf & Gottfried Schweiger - 2016 - Dilemata. International Journal of Applied Ethics 21:53-70.
    Obesity and poverty in childhood are widely studied phenomena and despite mixed results, some findings are without doubt: they come with various experiences of mental, physical and social harm, have therefore negative effects on the well-being of children, and they intersect in relation with race, class and gender. In this contribution we analyze child obesity and poverty from a philosophical social justice perspective, which has, to a large extent, so far neglected this topic. We show how they compromise social justice (...)
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  15. Social Policy and Justice for Children.Gunter Graf & Gottfried Schweiger - 2016 - In Johannes Drerup, Gunter Graf, Christoph Schickhardt & Gottfried Schweiger, Justice, education and the politics of childhood: challenges and perspectives. Cham: Springer. pp. 101-114.
    Empirical evidence clearly shows that child poverty is a growing concern in the industrialized world and that the well-being of children is deeply affected by growing up in poverty in at least two ways. On the one hand, a low socioeconomic status jeopardizes the access to goods and services that are necessary for the current well-being of children. On the other hand, growing up in poverty also, in various ways, negatively affects the well-being in later life. On the basis of (...)
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    Einleitung: Kindheit und Gerechtigkeit.Gottfried Schweiger & Gunter Graf - 2015 - Zeitschrift für Praktische Philosophie 2 (1):37-58.
    Beschäftigt man sich systematisch mit der Konzeption von Gerechtigkeit für Kinder bzw. während der Kindheit, ist es hilfreich, drei verschiedene Fragen zu klären, die normalerweise in Hinblick auf Erwachsene diskutiert werden, doch auch für eine genauere Analyse der Ansprüche von Kindern relevant sind. Welche Güter sind für die Gerechtigkeitstheorie relevant? Nach welchen Prinzipien sollen diese Güter verteilt werden? Wer ist dafür verantwortlich, dass die angestrebte Güterverteilung verwirklicht wird? In dieser Einleitung umreißen wir kurz den gegenwärtigen Diskussionsstand, der in diesen drei (...)
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    The Subjective Experience of Poverty.Gottfried Schweiger & Gunter Graf - 2014 - SATS 15 (2):148-167.
    What significance should the subjective experiences of poor people have in a normative philosophical critique of poverty? In this paper, we take up this question and answer it by looking at two different normative theories: the capability approach of Amartya Sen and Martha Nussbaum and the recognition approach of Axel Honneth. While Sen and Nussbaum are largely quite reluctant toward the role of subjective experiences of poor people, the recognition approach views them as central for its social critique of poverty. (...)
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  18. Papst Benedikt XVI. im europäischen Dialog.Christian J. Feldbacher, Gunter Graf, Irene Klissenbauer & Marina Teixeira - 2011 - In Clemens Sedmak & Stefan O. Horn, Die Seele Europas. Papst Benedikt XVI. und die europaische Identitat. Pustet. pp. 345--381.
    In diesem Beitrag wird das Verhalten des Papstes im europäischen Dialog der Religionen und Weltanschauungen kritisch erörtert. Am Anfang steht eine kurze Analyse der Sprache der Religionen bzw. Weltanschauungen, die in Anlehnung an Joseph Maria Bochenski durchgeführt ist. Es wird dabei die Auffassung vertreten, dass Religionen und manche Weltanschauungen Behauptungen über die Wirklichkeit aufstellen, Sprache in einer deskriptiv-kognitiven Funktion verwenden, dass ein solcher Sprachgebrauch eine epistemische Verpflichtung auf Bescheidenheit mit sich bringt und dass eine solche Verpflichtung wiederum eine Basis für (...)
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