Results for 'Simona Zaami'

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  1.  36
    Intensive and pharmacological care in times of COVID-19: A “special ethics” for emergency?Enrico Marinelli, Francesco Paolo Busardò & Simona Zaami - 2020 - BMC Medical Ethics 21 (1):1-5.
    BackgroundThe Authors have laid out an analysis of Italian COVID-19 confirmed data and fatality rates, pointing out how a dearth of health care resources in northern regions has resulted in hard, ethically challenging decisions in terms of granting patient access to intensive care units (ICU).Main textHaving to make such decisions certainly entails substantial difficulties, and that has led many health care professional to seek ethical guidance. The Italian Society of Anesthesia, Analgesia, Resuscitation and Intensive Care (SIAARTI) has attempted to meet (...)
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    Corporate Socially Responsible Initiatives and Their Effects on Consumption of Green Products.Simona Romani, Silvia Grappi & Richard P. Bagozzi - 2016 - Journal of Business Ethics 135 (2):253-264.
    Corporate social responsibility research has focused often on the business returns of corporate social initiatives but less on their possible social returns. We study an actual company–consumer partnership CSR initiative promoting ecologically correct and conscious consumption of bottled mineral water. We conduct a survey on adult consumers to test the hypotheses that consumer skepticism toward the company–consumer partnership CSR initiative and the moral emotion of elevation mediate the relationship between company CSR motives perceived by consumers and consumer behavioral responses following (...)
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  3. Disposition Ascriptions.Simona Aimar - 2019 - Philosophical Studies 176 (7):1667-1692.
    I argue that disposition ascriptions—claims like ‘the glass is fragile’—are semantically equivalent to possibility claims: they are true when the given object manifests the disposition in at least one of the relevant possible worlds.
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    Morphological Processing as We Know It: An Analytical Review of Morphological Effects in Visual Word Identification.Simona Amenta & Davide Crepaldi - 2012 - Frontiers in Psychology 3.
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    Editorial: The Variable Mind? How Apparently Inconsistent Effects Might Inform Model Building.Simona Amenta & Davide Crepaldi - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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    Fluctuation and vagueness: breaks from univocity in Phenomenology and Cognitive Linguistics.Simona Cresti - 2016 - Metodo. International Studies in Phenomenology and Philosophy 4 (2):215-243.
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  7. Theorizing the role of the Baxter Paradox in the possible evolution of international biolaw.Simona Fanni - 2020 - In Torres Cazorla & María Isabel, Bioderecho internacional y universalización: el papel de las organizaciones y los tribunales internacionales = International biolaw and universality: the role of international organizations and international courts. Valencia: Tirant lo Blanch.
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    Biomedical Research with Dual Use: Ethical Concerns.Simona Loana Gheorghiu - 2015 - Ethics in Biology, Engineering and Medicine 6 (1-2):105-112.
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  9. The contribution of philology in the study of second scholasticism thought.Simona Langella - 2012 - Rivista di Filosofia Neo-Scolastica 104 (1):175-187.
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    Virtù, legge e fioritura umana: saggi in onore di Angelo Campodonico.Simona Langella, Maria Silvia Vaccarezza, Michel Croce & Angelo Campodonico (eds.) - 2022 - Milano: Mimesis.
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    Tantalvs Poeta: The Catalogue of the Great Sinners in seneca's Thyestes 1–13.Simona Martorana - 2022 - Classical Quarterly 72 (1):269-284.
    The opening lines of Seneca's Thyestes (1–13), which feature Tantalus’ reference to the so-called great sinners, have received little critical attention. Through both an intertextual and an intratextual analysis, this article reveals the peculiarities of this allegedly canonical list of sinners by comparing it to similar catalogues in other Senecan dramas, as well as by identifying its structural function within this particular tragedy. This kind of two-fold approach enables a reinterpretation of certain key passages of the drama vis-à-vis lines 1–13, (...)
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  12. Chapter 15. Nicolas de Caritat, Marquis of Condorcet.Simona Pisanelli - 2023 - In Marnie Hughes-Warrington & Daniel Woolf, History from loss: a global introduction to histories written from defeat, colonization, exile and imprisonment. New York: Routledge.
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    The evolution of the sensitive soul: learning and the origins of consciousness.Simona Ginsburg - 2019 - Cambridge, Massachusetts: The MIT Press. Edited by Eva Jablonka.
    A new theory about the origins of consciousness that finds learning to be the driving force in the evolutionary transition to basic consciousness. What marked the evolutionary transition from organisms that lacked consciousness to those with consciousness—to minimal subjective experiencing, or, as Aristotle described it, “the sensitive soul”? In this book, Simona Ginsburg and Eva Jablonka propose a new theory about the origin of consciousness that finds learning to be the driving force in the transition to basic consciousness. Using (...)
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    Technology and Anarchy: A Reading of Our Era.Simona Chiodo - 2020 - Lexington Books.
    This book argues that our technological era is the most radical form of anarchism we have ever experienced. People are not only removing the role of the expert as a mediator, but also replacing the role of a transcendent god with an omnipresent, omniscient, and omnipotent technological entity that is totally immanent.
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    Gender dysphoria in adolescents: can adolescents or parents give valid consent to puberty blockers?Simona Giordano, Fae Garland & Soren Holm - forthcoming - Journal of Medical Ethics.
    This article considers the claim that gender diverse minors and their families should not be able to consent to hormonal treatment for gender dysphoria. The claim refers particularly to hormonal treatment with so-called ‘blockers’, analogues that suspend temporarily pubertal development. We discuss particularly four reasons why consent may be deemed invalid in these cases: the decision is too complex; the decision-makers are too emotionally involved; the decision-makers are on a ‘conveyor belt’; the possibility of detransitioning. We examine each of these (...)
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    When Grammar and Parsing Agree.Simona Mancini - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Identità e persona. Alcune riflessioni sulla demenza.Simona Bertolini - 2019 - Società Degli Individui 65:143-155.
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  18. Postcolonialism.Simona Bertacco - 2009 - In Richard Thomas Eldridge, The Oxford handbook of philosophy and literature. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 322--342.
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    Il recupero della letteratura nel pensiero bioetico.Simona Giardina - 2006 - Roma: Aracne.
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  20.  14
    Family Socioeconomic Status and Adolescent School Satisfaction: Does Schoolwork Support Affect This Association?Simona Horanicova, Daniela Husarova, Andrea Madarasova Geckova, Andrea F. de Winter & Sijmen A. Reijneveld - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    BackgroundThe aim of this study is to explore the association of family socioeconomic status and internal and external schoolwork support with adolescents’ school satisfaction and whether schoolwork support modifies these associations.MethodsData come from the cross-sectional Health Behavior in School-aged Children study collected in 2018 from Slovak 15-year-olds. SES was measured by Family Affluence Scale. School satisfaction was measured via school engagement and attitudes toward education. Schoolwork support was measured regarding two groups of sources inside and outside the family, separately. Logistic (...)
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  21. Francisco de Vitoria y el fundamento del dominium.Simona Langella - 2025 - SCIO Revista de Filosofía 27:71-91.
    Se explora el fundamento que proporciona Vitoria al dominium rerum, es decir, la capacidad del hombre de ser dueño de las cosas. En primer lugar, exponemos sucintamente la concepción vitoriana de la teología como saber que puede y debe ocuparse de cuestiones temporales. Después, se estudia el tema del dominio en su comentario al tratado De restitutione de la Summa theologiae de Tomás de Aquino. Por último, se examina cómo aborda la capacidad humana de dominio en la relectio De indis, (...)
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    Approaches to Latin Love Elegy.Simona Martorana - forthcoming - The Classical Review:1-9.
    While different in their approaches, structure and intended readership, the four books reviewed here are connected by their common aim of responding to traditional views of elegy as a minor, ‘softer’ genre, which stands in binary opposition to the magniloquence of epic. These books thus build upon long-established developments in the field of Latin literary criticism, which have contributed to a general reassessment, and deconstruction, of the taxonomic categorisations of Latin texts, and Latin poetry more specifically, pointing out its generic (...)
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    Legal Development Prospects of Penitenciary System in Lithuania.Simona Mesonienė - 2009 - Jurisprudencija: Mokslo darbu žurnalas 117 (3):197-216.
    One of the legal institutions of the punishment realization, i.e. the probation release, is investigated in the article from the legal comparative point of view. The article covers the legal relations, appearing as the result of application of the probation (setting and realization) towards the imprisoned convicts. The norms of the international and national juridical acts on the punishment realization, which regulate the probation, and the juridical doctrine of the punishment realization, brought forward by Lithuania and foreign countries, is analyzed (...)
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    A Global Culture.Simona Modreanu - 2017 - Human and Social Studies. Research and Practice 6 (2):7-10.
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    Peeping Trough the Open Door of the Post-Globalization.Simona Modreanu - 2018 - Human and Social Studies. Research and Practice 7 (1):7-10.
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    Editorial: Body Representation and Interoceptive Awareness: Cognitive, Affective, and Social Implications.Simona Raimo, Matteo Martini, Cecilia Guariglia, Gabriella Santangelo, Luigi Trojano & Liana Palermo - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
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    La notion de liberté dans l'existentialisme positif de Nicola Abbagnano.Maria Angela Simona - 1962 - Friburg, Suisse,: Editions Universitaires.
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    Persecutors or Victims? The Moral Logic at the Heart of Eating Disorders.Simona Giordano - 2003 - Health Care Analysis 11 (3):219-228.
    Eating Disorders, particularly anorexia and bulimia, are of immense contemporary importance and interest. News stories depicting the tragic effects of eating disorders command wide attention. Almost everybody in society has been touched by eating disorders in one way or another, and contemporary obsession with body image and diet fuels fascination with this problem. It is unclear why people develop eating disorders. Clinical and sociological studies have provided important information relating to the relational systems in which eating disorders are mainly found. (...)
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    Visually-induced facial analgesia effect on thermonociceptive cortical evoked responses in healthy subjects and migraine patients.Sava Simona Liliana, Baschi Roberta, La Salvia Valeria, De Pasqua Victor, Magis Delphine & Schoenen Jean - 2014 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8.
  30.  14
    Debating Buchanan’s Our Moral Fate: Why Exercising Moral Reasoning Cannot Be a Luxury Good.Simona Tiribelli - 2021 - Jus Cogens 3 (1):59-71.
    In Our Moral Fate: Evolution and Escape from Tribalism, Buchanan’s challenging attempt to account for morality through an evolutionary lens has, as its turning point, the introduction of the key roles of the human capacity for critical, open-ended moral reasoning and the powerful motivating force of moral identity to exercise it, in order to explain the shift from “shallowly inclusive” to “deeply inclusive moralities” and therefore to account for the possibility of the Two Great Expansions of the moral regard. Nevertheless, (...)
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    Psychological Mechanisms Involved in Radicalization and Extremism. A Rational Emotive Behavioral Conceptualization.Simona Trip, Carmen Hortensia Bora, Mihai Marian, Angelica Halmajan & Marius Ioan Drugas - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Brandi Janssen: Making local food work: the challenges and opportunities of today’s small farmers: University of Iowa Press, Iowa City, Iowa, 2017, 230 pp, ISBN 978-1609384920.Simona Zollet - 2019 - Agriculture and Human Values 36 (1):161-162.
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    Task unrelated thought whilst encoding information.Jonathan M. Smallwood, Simona F. Baracaia, Michelle Lowe & Marc Obonsawin - 2003 - Consciousness and Cognition 12 (3):452-484.
    Task unrelated thought (TUT) refers to thought directed away from the current situation, for example a daydream. Three experiments were conducted on healthy participants, with two broad aims. First, to contrast distributed and encapsulated views of cognition by comparing the encoding of categorical and random lists of words (Experiments One and Two). Second, to examine the consequences of experiencing TUT during study on the subsequent retrieval of information (Experiments One, Two, and Three). Experiments One and Two demonstrated lower levels of (...)
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  34. The Transition to Experiencing: I. Limited Learning and Limited Experiencing.Simona Ginsburg & Eva Jablonka - 2007 - Biological Theory 2 (3):218-230.
    This is the first of two papers in which we propose an evolutionary route for the transition from sensory processing to unlimited experiencing, or basic consciousness. We argue that although an evolutionary analysis does not provide a formal definition and set of sufficient conditions for consciousness, it can identify crucial factors and suggest what evolutionary changes enabled the transition. We believe that the raw material from which feelings were molded by natural selection was a global sensory state that we call (...)
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  35.  17
    Die Geburt des Philologen aus dem Geiste der Schopenhauerschen Philosophie. Nietzsches Antrittsvorlesung Über die Persönlichkeit Homers.Simona Apollonio - 2022 - Nietzsche Studien 51 (1):154-178.
    The Birth of the Philologist from the Spirit of Schopenhauer’s Philosophy. Nietzsche’s Inaugural Lecture On the Personality of Homer. This essay highlights Schopenhauer’s decisive and unexplored role in Nietzsche’s Über die Persönlichkeit Homers. Following Schopenhauer’s negative assessment of the study of history, Nietzsche criticizes F. A. Wolf’s organic systematization of the sciences of antiquity and foregrounds the aesthetic dimension of philology. Contrary to Wolf, Nietzsche believes that historical investigation is subordinate to the essential pedagogical function of philology; and only through (...)
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  36. The Transition to Experiencing: II. The Evolution of Associative Learning Based on Feelings.Simona Ginsburg & Eva Jablonka - 2007 - Biological Theory 2 (3):231-243.
    We discuss the evolutionary transition from animals with limited experiencing to animals with unlimited experiencing and basic consciousness. This transition was, we suggest, intimately linked with the evolution of associative learning and with flexible reward systems based on, and modifiable by, learning. During associative learning, new pathways relating stimuli and effects are formed within a highly integrated and continuously active nervous system. We argue that the memory traces left by such new stimulus-effect relations form dynamic, flexible, and varied global sensory (...)
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    Weapons of moral construction? On the value of fairness in algorithmic decision-making.Simona Tiribelli & Benedetta Giovanola - 2022 - Ethics and Information Technology 24 (1):1-13.
    Fairness is one of the most prominent values in the Ethics and Artificial Intelligence (AI) debate and, specifically, in the discussion on algorithmic decision-making (ADM). However, while the need for fairness in ADM is widely acknowledged, the very concept of fairness has not been sufficiently explored so far. Our paper aims to fill this gap and claims that an ethically informed re-definition of fairness is needed to adequately investigate fairness in ADM. To achieve our goal, after an introductory section aimed (...)
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  38.  19
    Holistic Assessment and Ethical Disputation on a New Trend in Solid Biofuels.Simona Hašková - 2017 - Science and Engineering Ethics 23 (2):509-519.
    A new trend in the production technology of solid biof uels has appeared. There is a wide consensus that most solid biofuels will be produced according to the new production methods within a few years. Numerous samples were manufactured from agro-residues according to conventional methods as well as new methods. Robust analyses that reviewed the hygienic, environmental, financial and ethical aspects were performed. The hygienic and environmental aspect was assessed by robust chemical and technical analyses. The financial aspect was assessed (...)
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  39.  67
    Understanding Eating Disorders: Conceptual and Ethical Issues in the Treatment of Anorexia and Bulimia Nervosa.Simona Giordano - 2005 - Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press.
    Understanding Eating Disorders is an original contribution to the field of healthcare ethics. It develops a new theory concerning the moral basis of eating disorders, and places such disorders for the first time at the centre of philosophical discourse. The book explores the relationship that people have with food and their own body by looking at genetics and neuro-physiology, sociology and family studies, clinical psychology and psychiatry, and frames abnormal eating at the extreme of a spectrum of normal behaviours, directed (...)
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    Per mari inesplorati: studi in onore di Domenico M. Fazio.Simona Apollonio, Mario Carparelli, Francesco Giordano & Domenico M. Fazio (eds.) - 2017 - Lecce: Pensa multimedia.
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    Ist der Mensch auch ein Tier?: Zwei Antworten der phänomenologischen Tradition.Simona Bertolini - 2017 - Studia Phaenomenologica 17:119-149.
    The phenomenological interpretation of the human being is not a naturalistic explanation. Likewise phenomenology does not interpret the human being as an example of a complex animal: from a phenomenological point of view man is not an animal, inasmuch as his definition and his essence imply a specifically human component, which cannot be attributed to the linear development of animal complexity. However, this does not mean that any animal component is excluded from the structure of humans. How can human animality (...)
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  42. Presentazione.Simona Bertolini & Faustino Fabbianelli - 2016 - Discipline Filosofiche 26 (1):5-7.
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  43. La comunicazione: Vita, schermi e società.Simona Caraceni - 2004 - Divus Thomas 107 (3):87-94.
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    Engineered humans.Simona Chiodo - 2023 - Studi di Estetica 25.
    In what follows, I shall focus on what may be defined as the engineering of hu- mans from a philosophical perspective. More precisely, I shall reflect upon the way in which our language increasingly changes when we define our relationship with emerging technologies, specifically human digital twins, which, as our tech- nological replica, can serve as privileged standpoints to try to understand the meaning of the shift from using distinguishable words to define humans and technologies (for instance, when we happen (...)
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    La bellezza utile dell’architettura.Simona Chiodo - 2015 - Rivista di Estetica 58:70-79.
    La relazione tra bellezza e utilità in architettura appare più complicata nel presente che nel passato. In particolare, nella cultura contemporanea si manifesta un antagonismo paradossale tra la prima e la seconda: più nascondiamo, e addirittura neghiamo, la dimensione dell’utilità di un oggetto architettonico più abbiamo la possibilità di aumentare la dimensione della sua bellezza. Ragionare sul significato della nozione di forma, articolata in morphe (la forma concreta, reale) ed eidos (la forma astratta, ideale), può portarci verso una soluzione possibile, (...)
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  46. From horrorism to the gray zone.Simona Forti - 2021 - In Adriana Cavarero, Toward a feminist ethics of nonviolence. New York: Fordham University Press.
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  47. Derecho a la comunicación y reconocimiento de "el otro" en la Escuela de Salamanca.Simona Langella - 2011 - Ciencia Tomista 138 (445):287-298.
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  48. La incorporación historiográfica de la Escuela de Salamanca durante el siglo XX: el caso Francsico de Vitoria.Simona Langella - 2007 - Ciencia Tomista 134 (432):113-136.
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    A Critical Threshold.Simona Modreanu - 2017 - Human and Social Studies. Research and Practice 6 (1):7-10.
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  50. Oraşul ca operă de artă.Simona Sora - 2002 - Dilema 487:14.
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