Results for 'Simon Wolf'

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  1. Interview by Simon Cushing.Susan Wolf & Simon Cushing - 2016 - Journal of Cognition and Neuroethics (Philosophical Profiles).
    Simon Cushing conducted the following interview with Susan Wolf on 29 July 2016.
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  2. Did nature also choose arsenic ?Felisa Wolfe-Simon & Paul C. W. Davies - unknown
    : All known life requires phosphorus (P) in the form of inorganic phosphate (PO43x or Pi) and phosphate-containing organic molecules. Pi serves as the backbone of the nucleic acids that constitute genetic material and as the major repository of chemical energy for metabolism in polyphosphate bonds. Arsenic (As) lies directly below P on the periodic table and so the two elements share many chemical properties, although their chemistries are sufficiently dissimilar that As cannot directly replace P in modern biochemistry. Arsenic (...)
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    A System of Argumentation Forms in Aristotle.Simon Wolf - 2010 - Argumentation 24 (1):19-40.
    In his works on argumentation, Aristotle develops three main forms: apodeictical, dialectical, and rhetorical argumentation; dialectic is subdivided into several subspecies. The purpose of this paper is to discuss all of the forms described by Aristotle, to examine their differences and to point out their interrelations. This leads to an examination of the differentiating criteria and their applicability in the case of each argumentation form—and in particular to the question regarding the number of criteria that are necessary to describe each (...)
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    Linking atomistic and mesoscale simulations of nanocrystalline materials: quantitative validation for the case of grain growth.Dorel Moldovan†, Dieter Wolf & Simon R. Phillpot - 2003 - Philosophical Magazine 83 (31-34):3643-3659.
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  5. Susan Wolf, Meaning in Life and Why it Matters: Princeton University Press, 2010, ISBN 978-0-69114524-2, € 19.99.Simon Derpmann - 2012 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 15 (3):421-422.
    Susan Wolf, Meaning in Life and Why it Matters Content Type Journal Article Pages 1-2 DOI 10.1007/s10677-011-9321-8 Authors Simon Derpmann, Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster, Philosophisches Seminar, Domplatz 23, 48143 Münster, Germany Journal Ethical Theory and Moral Practice Online ISSN 1572-8447 Print ISSN 1386-2820.
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    Wageningen Dialogue : Hands-on navigator to explore why, when and how to engage with dialogue in research for more impact in society.Nina Roo, Janita Sanderse, Petra Boer, Dirk Apeldoorn, Birgit Boogaard, Annet Blanken, Jan Brouwers, Simone Burg, Mark Camara, Malik Dasoo, Ivo Demmers, Monice Dongen, Walter Fraanje, Miriam Haukes, Riti Herman Mostert, Alexander Laarman, Cees Leeuwis, Bert Lotz, Philip Macnaghten, Tamara Metze, Jeanne Nel, Hanneke Nijland, Leneke Pfeiffer, Simone Ritzer, Eirini Sakellari, Herman Snel, Gert Spaargaren, Wijnand Sukkel, Antoinette Thijssen, Daoud Urdu, Saskia Visser, Marieke Vonderen, Simone Vugt, Marjan Wink & Ingeborg Wolf - unknown
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    Latin LvpvsWolf’ as a Greek Loanword.Simon Esposito - 2024 - Classical Quarterly 74 (1):320-322.
    The Latin word lupus ‘wolf’ uniquely shares with Greek λύκος a metathesized form of Proto-Indo-European *u̯l̥kʷos, and it is unlikely that they could have arisen independently. But an early borrowing from Greek into the Italic languages can be justified, after metathesis took place, but before the changes to labiovelar consonants in each language that would exclude the possibility.
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  8. Matthias Wolfes: öffentlichkeit und rgergesellschaft.Simon Gerber - 2008 - In Hermann Patsch, Hans Dierkes, Terrence N. Tice & Wolfgang Virmond, Schleiermacher, romanticism, and the critical arts: a festschrift in honor of Hermann Patsch. Lewiston, NY: Edwin Mellen Press.
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    Die Intellekstlehre des Simon von Faversham nach seinen De-anima-Kommentaren.Friedrich Antonius Wolf - 1966 - Bonn,:
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  10. Spaces of the Monstrous. Philosophical Topics on Monstruosity.Simone Guidi & Antonio Lucci (eds.) - 2012 - Roma RM, Italia: Lo Sguardo.
    A partire dalla seconda metà del Novecento la questione della mostruosità è stata oggetto – insieme a quella del prodigio, da cui si differenzia soltanto parzialmente – di un crescente interesse accademico. Gli studi riguardanti la funzione antropologica, cosmologica, estetica e naturalistica dei mostri, sono oramai tanto numerosi e tanto vari nell'approccio da renderne ardua anche solo una parziale enumerazione. Difficilmente potremmo esimerci dal menzionare un autore come Jurgis Baltrušaitis, che così acutamente ha posto il tema della funzione estetica del (...)
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  11. Rudolf Pokorny and Martina Stratmann, eds., with Wolf-Dieter Runge, Capitula episcoporum, 2.(Monumenta Germaniae Historica.) Hannover: Hahnsche Buchhandlung, 1995. Pp. xvi, 241; 1 table. [REVIEW]Walter Simons - 2000 - Speculum 75 (4):975-976.
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    Christian faith, philosophy & international relations: the lamb and the wolf.Govert J. Buijs & Simon Polinder (eds.) - 2019 - Leiden ; Boston: Brill.
    International relations are in constant turbulence. Globalisation, the rise and fall of superpowers, the fragilisation of the EU, trade wars, real wars, terrorism, persecution, new nationalism and identity politics, climate change, are just a few of the recent disturbing developments. How can international issues be understood and addressed from a Christian faith perspective? In this book answers are presented from various Christian traditions: Neo-calvinism, Catholic social teaching, critical theory and Christian realism. The volume offers fundamental theological and Christian philosophical perspectives (...)
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    Detel Foucault and Classical Antiquity. Power, Ethics and Knowledge. Translated by D. Wigg-Wolf. Pp. x + 281. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2005 . Cased, £45, US $75. ISBN: 0-521-83381-7. [REVIEW]Simon Goldhill - 2006 - The Classical Review 56 (1):225-227.
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    Responses to My Critics.Daniel M. Hausman, Herbert A. Simon & Hilldale - 2017 - Public Health Ethics 10 (2):164-175.
    This essay responds to the helpful criticisms of Valuing Health: Well-Being, Freedom, and Suffering, which have been offered by Elselijn Kingma, Adam Oliver, Anna Alexandrova, Alex Voorhoeve, Erik Nord and James Wilson. I am extremely grateful to Jonathan Wolf and especially James Wilson for arranging a one-day conference on my book, Valuing Health: Well-Being, Freedom, and Suffering [Hausman, D.. Valuing Health: Well-Being, Freedom, and Suffering. Oxford: Oxford University Press.], and for publishing this symposium. I am also grateful to the (...)
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    Simone Ruth Wolf, Herakles beim Gelage. Eine motiv- und bedeutungsgeschichtliche Untersuchung des Bildes in der archaisch- frühklassischen Vasenmalerei.Annie Verbanck-Piérard - 1994 - Kernos 7:394-401.
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    Maynard Frank Wolfe. Rube Goldberg: Inventions. 192 pp., illus., bibl. New York/London: Simon & Schuster, 2000. $25.Robert Friedel - 2002 - Isis 93 (3):525-526.
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    Marx Through Post-Structuralism: Lyotard, Derrida, Foucault, Deleuze.Simon Choat - 2010 - New York: Continuum.
    Introduction -- Marx and postwar French philosophy -- A writer full of affects : Marx through Lyotard -- Messianic without messianism : Marx through Derrida -- The history of the present : Marx through Foucault -- Becoming revolutionary : Marx through Deleuze -- Marx through post-structuralism.
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  18. Immunity to error through misidentification.Simon Prosser & François Recanati (eds.) - 2012 - Cambridge University Press.
    In this collection of newly commissioned essays, the contributors present a variety of approaches to it, engaging with historical and empirical aspects of the subject as well as contemporary philosophical work.
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  19. Rimini Protokoll's Call Cutta and the performance of presence.Wolf-Dieter Ernst - 2011 - In Renate Brosch, Ronja Tripp & Nina Jürgens, Moving images, mobile viewers: 20th century visuality. Berlin: Lit.
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    Die Ambivalenz des Fortschritts: Friedrich Nietzsches Kulturkritik.Wolf Gorch Zachriat - 2001 - Oldenbourg Verlag.
    Previously issued as author's dissertation, 1999/2000, Universiteat Berlin.
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    Einleitung.Wolf Gorch Zachriat - 2001 - In Die Ambivalenz des Fortschritts: Friedrich Nietzsches Kulturkritik. Oldenbourg Verlag. pp. 13-22.
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  22. Global Poverty and Human Rights: the Case for Positive Duties.Simon Caney - 2007 - In Thomas Winfried Menko Pogge, Freedom From Poverty as a Human Right: Who Owes What to the Very Poor? Co-Published with Unesco. Oxford University Press.
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    Harnessing the power to bridge different worlds: An introduction to posthumanism as a philosophical perspective for the discipline.Simon Adam, Linda Juergensen & Claire Mallette - 2021 - Nursing Philosophy 22 (3):e12362.
    Although it is argued that social justice is a core concern for the discipline, nursing has not generally played a leadership role in the responses to many of the greatest social problems of our time. These include the accelerated rate of climate change, pandemic threats, systemic racism, growing health and social inequities, and the regulation of new technologies to ensure an equitable future ‘for all.’ In nursing codes of ethics, administration, education, policies, and practice, social justice is often claimed to (...)
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  24. Czy teoria hegemonii obarczona jest deficytem moralnym? (przełożył Wiktor Marzec).Simon Critchley - 2012 - Hybris. Internetowy Magazyn Filozoficzny 16.
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    Humor.Simon Critchley - 2002 - Routledge.
    Humor is een fascinerend, prachtig geschreven en komisch boek over wat homor ons kan vertellen over onze menselijke natuur. Van de oudheid tot aan de moderne tijd en puttend uit het werk van een breed scala aan auteurs, in het bijzonder Swift, Sterne, Shaftesbury, Bergson, Beckett en Freud, keert Humor het komische binnenstebuiten en onthult ons een smakelijk inzicht in wat we grappig vinden. Humor beantwoordt vragen zoals: "Waarom lijden komieken aan depressies", "Waarom lachen we zo vaak om dieren" en (...)
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    Existenzieller Glaube.Wolf Hertel - 1971 - Meisenheim am Glan,: A. Hain.
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  27. Denkbarkeit Gottes?: Fichte, Schleiermacher und Hegel antworten auf die Frage nach Gott.Wolf-Dieter Marsch - 1967 - Wuppertal-Barmen: Jugenddienst-Verlag.
  28. Reason and Prediction.Simon Blackburn - 1973 - London: Cambridge University Press.
    An original study of the philosophical problems associated with inductive reasoning. Like most of the main questions in epistemology, the classical problem of induction arises from doubts about a mode of inference used to justify some of our most familiar and pervasive beliefs. The experience of each individual is limited and fragmentary, yet the scope of our beliefs is much wider; and it is the relation between belief and experience, in particular the belief that the future will in some respects (...)
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  29. Opinions and chances.Simon Blackburn - 1980 - In David Hugh Mellor, Prospects for Pragmatism: Essays in Memory of F P Ramsey. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 175--96.
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    Evaluation of a 'bias-free' measure of awareness.Simon Evans & Paul Azzopardi - 2007 - Spatial Vision. Special Issue 20 (1-2):61-77.
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    Instruction grammar: from perception via grammar to action.Simon Kasper - 2015 - Berlin: De Gruyter Mouton.
    Bringing together evidence from natural and social sciences, the work introduces the non-reductionist Instruction Grammar programme. Viewed from within the practicalities of the lifeworld, utterances are described as instructions to simulate perceptions and attributions for action. The approach provides solutions to long-standing philosophical problems of cognitive grammar theories and traditionally puzzling syntactic phenomena.
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  32. Company Values and Codes: Current Best Practices in the United Kingdom.Simon Webley - forthcoming - London: Institute of Business Ethics.
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    IV. Die Fortschrittskritik des freien Geistes.Wolf Gorch Zachriat - 2001 - In Die Ambivalenz des Fortschritts: Friedrich Nietzsches Kulturkritik. Oldenbourg Verlag. pp. 133-202.
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    Literaturverzeichnis.Wolf Gorch Zachriat - 2001 - In Die Ambivalenz des Fortschritts: Friedrich Nietzsches Kulturkritik. Oldenbourg Verlag. pp. 217-226.
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  35. Ein anderes Verständnis von «Vorbild»: Dietrich Bonhoeffers Gedanken über die Bedeutung des «Vorgelebten» Glaubens.C. Zimmermann-Wolf - 1993 - Freiburger Zeitschrift für Philosophie Und Theologie 40 (1-2):146-160.
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    Infrahuman madness: Mental health nursing and the discursive production of alterity.Simon Adam, Cindy Jiang, Marina Mikhail & Linda Juergensen - 2024 - Nursing Inquiry 31 (1):e12533.
    By examining an exemplar sample of mental health nursing educational policies and related legislation, in this article, we trace the discursive production of madness as an “othered” identity category. We engage in a critical discourse analysis of mental health nursing education in Canada, drawing on provincial and federal policies and legislation as the main sources of data. Theoretically framed by critical posthumanism and mad studies, this article outlines how the mad subjectivity becomes decontextualized out of its identity‐based understanding and recontextualized (...)
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  37. Pragmatism in Philosophy: The Hidden Alternative.Simon Blackburn - 2011 - Philosophic Exchange 41 (1).
    This paper contrasts two ways of understanding the function of human thought and language. According to representationalism, the function of thought and language is to refer to entities in the world and assert truths about them. By contrast, pragmatism seeks to understand the function of thought and language without any such appeal, at the most fundamental level, to the concepts of truth or reference.
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  38. Challenger Flight 5I-l A case history in whistleblowing.Simon Robinson - 2002 - In Chris Megone & Simon J. Robinson, Case histories in business ethics. New York: Routledge. pp. 108--122.
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  39. Judgment, reasons and feelings.Simon Blackburn - 2019 - In Brian Andrew Ball & Christoph Schuringa, The Act and Object of Judgment: Historical and Philosophical Perspectives. New York: Routledge.
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    Frémissement de la conscience: essai philosophique.Simon Bissari Magbenga - 2020 - Lomé, Togo: Éditions Continents.
    Frémissement de la conscience est un essai philosophique qui servira beaucoup pour le changement des mentalités au sein de nos communautés et pour l'accouchement d'un nouvel Homme sur terre. Il n'a pas manqué d'explorer des themes tres importants dans ce monde en mutations comme la liberté, la démocratie, la bonne gouvernance, que bon nombre de dirigeants africains et de l'élite intellectuelle tardent a s'approprier et a appliquer dans la testion de leurs pays. L'auteur est a son premier ouvrage édité.--Back cover.
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  41. Some remarks about minimalism.Simon Blackburn - 2012 - In Annalisa Coliva, Mind, meaning, and knowledge: themes from the philosophy of Crispin Wright. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  42. Pragmatism: all or some or all and some?Simon Blackburn - 2016 - In Cheryl Misak & Huw Price, The Practical Turn: Pragmatism in Britain in the Long Twentieth Century. Oxford: Oup/Ba.
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  43. (1 other version)Et après Coray.Simon Byl - 2001 - Revue de Philosophie Ancienne 19 (2):113-114.
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  44. Chorsingen und Verbundenheit.Simon Rummel - 2019 - In Bettina Hesse, Die Philosophie des Singens. [Hamburg]: Mairisch Verlag.
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  45. Wissenschaft und Zukunft.Simon Moser - 1964 - Philosophia Naturalis 8 (1/2):117-133.
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    Critical ethnography and its others: Entanglement of matter/meaning/madness.Simon Adam, Efrat Gold & Joyce Tsui - 2024 - Nursing Inquiry 31 (1):e12576.
    Beginning with a critical examination of the humanist assumptions of critical ethnography, this article interrogates and surfaces problems with the ontological and epistemological orientations of this research methodology. In drawing on exemplar empirical data from an arts‐based project, the article demonstrates the limitations in the humanist‐based qualitative research approach and advances a postdualist, postrepresentationalist direction for critical ethnography called entangled ethnography. Using data from a larger study that examined the perspectives of racialized mad artists, what is demonstrated in this inquiry (...)
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  47. Writing the revolution: the politics of truth in Genet's Prisoner of love'.Simon Critchley - 1990 - Radical Philosophy 56 (1990):25-34.
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  48. The Kelly Quest.Simon Dalton - 2009 - Agora (History Teachers' Association of Victoria) 44 (2):72.
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  49. (1 other version)European Positivism in the Nineteenth Century.W. M. Simon - 1963 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 22 (2):211-212.
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    Wissen kultur- und sprachübergreifend.Simon Wimmer - 2024 - Lehrgut: Blog Für Philosophische Hochschullehre.
    This blog post describes an inter-disciplinary (incl. linguistics and anthropology) epistemology course I designed to centre the linguistic and cultural diversity that my students bring to the classroom.
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