Results for 'Simon Leser'

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    : The Other Synaesthesia.Simon Leser - 2024 - Critical Inquiry 51 (1):219-220.
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    Krise - Subjekt - literarische Form: Dissonanz erzählen im Werk von Terézia Mora, Reinhard Jirgl und Peter Wawerzinek.Simon Scharf - 2020 - Berlin: Frank & Timme, Verlag für wissenschaftliche Literatur.
    Der spätmoderne Mensch befindet sich in einer Identitätskrise. Frei im Hinblick auf die individuelle Lebensgestaltung ist er zugleich losgelöst von alten Sicherheiten und Bindungen an Klasse, Religion und Nation. Vor dem Hintergrund gesellschaftspolitischer und kultureller Krisen erscheint Identitätsbildung heute als situatives, ständig neu zu entwerfendes und dabei höchst ambivalentes Projekt. Welches Potenzial entfaltet das literarische Erzählen in diesem Kontext? Terézia Mora, Reinhard Jirgl und Peter Wawerzinek modellieren in ihren Werken Szenarien der Identitätsarbeit. Die Krise des Subjekts führt bei ihnen zu (...)
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    Wilfred Bions »A Memoir of the Future«.Victor Blüml, Simon Delacher & Ortrun Hopf - 2023 - Psyche 77 (6):530-559.
    Das zentrale »Spätwerk« von Wilfred Bion, die fiktionale Trilogie »A Memoir of the Future« (1975–1979), wurde im deutschsprachigen psychoanalytischen Diskurs bisher wenig beachtet. Die Rezeption wird zweifellos durch die fehlende Übersetzung, aber auch durch die Sperrigkeit und überbordende Komplexität des Werks erschwert. In seiner Trilogie geht es Bion nicht um die Präsentation neuer psychoanalytischer Theorien oder klinischer Fakten, vielmehr ist er darum bemüht, eine Sprache und Form zu finden, die unmittelbare emotionale Erfahrung evoziert. In diesem Erfahrungsbericht sollen in diesem Sinne (...)
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  4. A Case for AI Consciousness: Language Agents and Global Workspace Theory.Simon Goldstein & Cameron Domenico Kirk-Giannini - manuscript
    It is generally assumed that existing artificial systems are not phenomenally conscious, and that the construction of phenomenally conscious artificial systems would require significant technological progress if it is possible at all. We challenge this assumption by arguing that if Global Workspace Theory (GWT) — a leading scientific theory of phenomenal consciousness — is correct, then instances of one widely implemented AI architecture, the artificial language agent, might easily be made phenomenally conscious if they are not already. Along the way, (...)
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  5. LLMs Can Never Be Ideally Rational.Simon Goldstein - manuscript
    LLMs have dramatically improved in capabilities in recent years. This raises the question of whether LLMs could become genuine agents with beliefs and desires. This paper demonstrates an in principle limit to LLM agency, based on their architecture. LLMs are next word predictors: given a string of text, they calculate the probability that various words can come next. LLMs produce outputs that reflect these probabilities. I show that next word predictors are exploitable. If LLMs are prompted to make probabilistic predictions (...)
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  6. Will AI and Humanity Go to War?Simon Goldstein - manuscript
    This paper offers the first careful analysis of the possibility that AI and humanity will go to war. The paper focuses on the case of artificial general intelligence, AI with broadly human capabilities. The paper uses a bargaining model of war to apply standard causes of war to the special case of AI/human conflict. The paper argues that information failures and commitment problems are especially likely in AI/human conflict. Information failures would be driven by the difficulty of measuring AI capabilities, (...)
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  7. Belief-in is belief-that with affectivity and evidentiality.Simon Wimmer - 2024 - Proceedings of Sinn Und Bedeutung 28:961-979.
    Belief-in reports of the form 'S believes in O' have been taken to have at least two senses: factual and evaluative. I begin by briefly suggesting that there is no evidence for two distinct senses, then spend most of the paper developing a general semantics for belief-in reports. I explore, and use my semantics to explain, several features of belief-in reports: the context-dependence of what belief-that reports they entail, their widespread lack of equivalence with belief-that reports, and their neg-raising property. (...)
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    Formen des Nichtwissens der Aufklärung.Hans Adler & Rainer Godel (eds.) - 2010 - München: Fink.
    Preliminary Material /Hans Adler and Rainer Godel -- Formen des Nichtwissens im Zeitalter des Fragens /Hans Adler and Rainer Godel -- Das gewisse Etwas der Aufklärung /Hans Adler -- Zur Prekarität der Aufklärung. Vernunftkritik und das Paradigma der Anthropologie (Taine, Horkheimer / Adorno, Foucault, Lyotard) /Heinz Thoma -- Von den berechenbaren Grenzen des Nichtwissens zur Zeit der Aufklärung /Eberhard Knobloch -- L'effi cace de la raison /Bertrand Binoche -- Aufgeklärtes Nicht-Wissen /Rainer Enskat -- 'Fabelhaft' und 'wunderbar' in Aufklärungsdiskursen. Zur Genese (...)
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  9. On the Nature and Relationship of Individual and Collective Justification.Simon Graf - 2024 - Dissertation, University of Leeds
    This thesis is an investigation into the nature of epistemic justification. It brings together themes from traditional, individual-centred epistemology, and collective, group-centred epistemology. The first half of the thesis is concerned with the question of whether rationality is epistemically permissive; that is, whether one body of evidence can rationalise more than one doxastic attitude. In chapter 1, I argue that permissive cases are best understood as epistemic standard conflicts. Doing so provides us with a novel understanding of the arbitrariness objection (...)
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  10. To Test the Boundaries of Consciousness, Study Animals.Simon Brown, Elizabeth S. Paul & Jonathan Birch - 2024 - Trends in Cognitive Sciences 28 (10):874-875.
    A letter replying to Bayne et al. "Tests for consciousness in humans and beyond", 2024, arguing that the search for consciousness "beyond" healthy adult humans should begin with other animals.
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  11. Mindshaping in nonhuman great apes.Simon Fitzpatrick - forthcoming - In Tad Zawidzki (ed.), Routledge Handbook of Mindshaping.
    The mindshaping hypothesis proposes a “de-intellectualized” explanation for human unique cooperation. In contrast to standard mindreading accounts, which emphasize the evolution of sophisticated reasoning about others’ propositional attitudes to explain how our ancestors became hyper cooperators, the hypothesis holds that sophisticated mindreading was a late-arriving product of our ancestors becoming better cooperators via the evolution of mechanisms that shape and regulate the minds of members of human groups to be suited to cooperation. Comparative research with nonhumans, especially our closest living (...)
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  12. Simplicity in the philosophy of science.Simon Fitzpatrick - 2013 - Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy:xx.
    Encyclopedia entry on the debate over simplicity/parsimony and Ockham's Razor in the philosophy of science.
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    Proflexionen.Marcus Steinweg - 2018 - Berlin: Matthes & Seitz Berlin.
    Nach Inkonsistenzen, Evidenzterror, Splitter und Subjekt und Wahrheit setzt der Philosoph Marcus Steinweg mit den Proflexionen sein eigensinniges Denken fort und nimmt den Leser mit auf den Weg. In prägnanten und hochverdichteten Kurztexten, Denkbildern, Bemerkungen und Miniaturen zu Autoren wie Simone Weil, Georg Trakl, Fernando Pessoa, Etel Adnan, Peter Handke, Franz Kafka, Jean-Luc Nancy oder Ludwig Wittgenstein kristallisiert sich seine unabschliessbare Arbeit an den Antinomien des Denkens. Motive wie 'Manhattan', 'Kindheit', 'Gespenster', 'Liebestheologie', 'Diätetik', 'Schnee', 'Professorenphilosophie', 'Märchenstunde', 'Freundschaft' dienen ihm (...)
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  14. The No-Defeater Clause.Simon Graf - forthcoming - Episteme.
    Rational or epistemically justified beliefs are often said to be defeasible. That is, beliefs that have some otherwise justification conferring property can lose their epistemic status because they are defeated by some evidence possessed by the believer or due to some external facts about the believer’s epistemic environment. Accordingly, many have argued that we need to add a so-called no defeater clause to any theory of epistemic justification. In this paper, I will survey various possible evidentialist as well as responsibilitst (...)
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    Deconstruction and Pragmatism.Simon Critchley, Jacques Derrida, Ernesto Laclau & Richard Rorty (eds.) - 1996 - New York: Routledge.
    Deconstruction and pragmatism constitute two of the major intellectual influences on the contemporary theoretical scene; influences personified in the work of Jacques Derrida and Richard Rorty. Both Rortian pragmatism, which draws the consequences of post-war developments in Anglo-American philosophy, and Derridian deconstruction, which extends and troubles the phonomenological and Heideggerian influence on the Continental tradition, have hitherto generally been viewed as mutually exclusive philosophical language games. The purpose of this volume is to bring deconstruction and pragmatism into critical confrontation with (...)
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    Dark Matter: Explanatory Unification and Historical Continuity.Simon Allzén - manuscript
    In recent years, the hope to confirm the existence of dark matter by experimentally detecting it has diminished significantly. After more than 30 years of experimental searches, many of the most promising candidates have since been ruled out, leaving the epistemic and scientific condition of dark matter in a state of suspension. In efforts to improve the epistemic justification for the dark-matter hypothesis, physicists have turned to philosophical arguments and historical narratives. In this paper, I explicate two such strategies -- (...)
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  17. Believe is not a propositional attitude verb.Simon Wimmer - 2024 - In Fausto Carcassi, Tamar Johnson, Søren Brinck Knudstorp, Sabina Domínguez Parrado, Pablo Rivas Robledo & Giorgio Sbardolini (eds.), Proceedings of the 24th Amsterdam Colloquium. pp. 393-400.
    I develop a challenge for the view that 'believe' is a propositional attitude verb based on two observations: (i) 'believe' can embed 'in O', and (ii) 'in O' does not denote a proposition. To develop my challenge, I argue (section 2) that 'believe' is not homonymous or polysemous between a propositional belief-that and non-propositional belief-in interpretation, and (section 3) that type-shifting 'in O'’s denotation to a proposition falsely predicts that belief-in and belief-that reports are equivalent.
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    The Problem with Levinas.Simon Critchley (ed.) - 2015 - Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press UK.
    Levinas's idea of ethics as a relation of responsibility to the other person has become a highly influential and recognizable position across a wide range of academic and non-academic fields. Simon Critchley's aim in this book is to provide a less familiar, more troubling, and truer account of Levinas's work. He proposes a new dramatic method for reading Levinas, where the fundamental problem of his work is seen as the attempt to escape from the tragedy of Heidegger's philosophy and (...)
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  19. Evolutionary dynamics of Lewis signaling games: signaling systems vs. partial pooling.Simon Huttegger, Brian Skyrms, Rory Smead & Kevin Zollman - 2010 - Synthese 172 (1):177-191.
    Transfer of information between senders and receivers, of one kind or another, is essential to all life. David Lewis introduced a game theoretic model of the simplest case, where one sender and one receiver have pure common interest. How hard or easy is it for evolution to achieve information transfer in Lewis signaling?. The answers involve surprising subtleties. We discuss some if these in terms of evolutionary dynamics in both finite and infinite populations, with and without mutation.
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    Preemption in Singular Causation Judgments: A Computational Model.Simon Stephan & Michael R. Waldmann - 2018 - Topics in Cognitive Science 10 (1):242-257.
    The authors challenge the reigning “causal power framework” as an explanation for whether a particular outcome was actually caused by a specific potential cause. They test a new measure of causal attribution in two experiments by embedding the measure within the Structure Induction model of Singular Causation (SISC, Stephan & Waldmann, 2016).
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    Derrida and the Philosophy of Law and Justice.Simon Glendinning - 2016 - Law and Critique 27 (2):187-203.
    Readings of Derrida’s work on law and justice have tended to stress the distinction between them. This stress is complicated by Derrida’s own claim that it is not ‘a true distinction’. In this essay I argue that ordinary experiences of the inadequacy of existing laws do indeed imply a claim about what would be more just, but that this claim only makes sense insofar as one can appeal to another more adequate law. Exploring how Derrida negotiates a subtle path between (...)
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    The Emancipatory Effect of Deliberation: Empirical Lessons from Mini-Publics.Simon Niemeyer - 2011 - Politics and Society 39 (1):103-140.
    This article investigates the prospects of deliberative democracy through the analysis of small-scale deliberative events, or mini-publics, using empirical methods to understand the process of preference transformation. Evidence from two case studies suggests that deliberation corrects preexisting distortions of public will caused by either active manipulation or passive overemphasis on symbolically potent issues. Deliberation corrected these distortions by reconnecting participants’ expressed preferences to their underlying “will” as well as shaping a shared understanding of the issue.The article concludes by using these (...)
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  23. Mereological Nihilism and Material Constitution.Simon Thunder - 2024 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 105 (4):448-467.
    Mereological nihilists typically employ a paraphrase strategy in order to mitigate the apparent absurdity of their denial of the existence of composite objects. I argue here that the nihilist's paraphrase strategy is incomplete, because no schema for generating nihilistically acceptable paraphrases of sentences concerning material constitution has ever been given. Nor can an adequate schema be arrived at by generalising things that nihilists have already said. I fill this lacuna in the nihilist's account by developing and defending a novel paraphrase (...)
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  24. Digital breast tomosynthesis in breast cancer screening: an ethical perspective.Simon Rosenqvist, Johan Brännmark & Magnus Dustler - 2024 - Insights Into Imaging 15:1-5.
    Although digital breast tomosynthesis has higher sensitivity than digital mammography and at least as high specificity, digital mammography remains the most common method for conducting mammographic screening. At the same time, mammography systems are now delivered “DBT-ready” and can be used for either digital mammography or digital breast tomosynthesis. In this paper, we ask whether it is ethically permissible to use such equipment for digital mammography, given its lower sensitivity. We argue it is not, and that clinics are ethically required (...)
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    The Influence of Change-Related Organizational and Job Resources on Employee Change Engagement.Simon L. Albrecht, Sean Connaughton & Michael P. Leiter - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Employee attitudes to change are key predictors of organizational change success. In this article, change engagement is defined as the extent to which employees are enthusiastic about change, and willing to actively involve themselves in ongoing organizational change. A model is tested showing how change-related organizational resources influence change engagement, in part through their influence on change-related job resources. Confirmatory Factor Analysis and Structural Equations Modeling results yielded good fit to the data in two independent samples: 225 Australian working professionals, (...)
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  26. (1 other version)Very Little... Almost Nothing: Death.Simon Critchley - 1997 - Philosophy, Literature 50.
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    Max Horkheimer on law's force of resistance.Simon Gansinger - 2024 - Exchanges: The Interdisciplinary Research Journal 12 (1):102-112.
    The law maintains, rather than challenges, the powers that be – or so it is commonly thought. In ‘Rackets and Spirit,’ a little known and untranslated essay, Max Horkheimer complicates this notion by attributing to law a ‘force of resistance’. He contends that, under certain conditions, the legal process develops a logic of its own, one that can become disjointed from the rationale of power. In this Critical Reflection, I look closely at the paragraph in which Horkheimer introduces the notion (...)
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  28. Time, quantum mechanics, and tense.Simon Saunders - 1996 - Synthese 107 (1):19 - 53.
    The relational approach to tense holds that the now, passage, and becoming are to be understood in terms of relations between events. The debate over the adequacy of this framework is illustrated by a comparative study of the sense in which physical theories, (in)deterministic and (non)relativistic, can lend expression to the metaphysics at issue. The objective is not to settle the matter, but to clarify the nature of this metaphysics and to establish that the same issues are at stake in (...)
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    (1 other version)Going green: the evolution of micro-business environmental practices.Simon Parry - 2012 - Business Ethics 21 (2):220-237.
    This paper examines the process through which micro-businesses ‘go green’. It builds upon previous studies that have identified the different drivers of this greening process. However, rather than a static focus on specific drivers, the study articulates the evolution of environmental practices over time. The paper uses comparative case studies of six micro-businesses to build a composite sequence analysis that plots the greening process from its roots through to large-scale and ambitious ecological projects. The study identifies three distinct stages that (...)
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  30. Normative systems of discovery and logic of search.Jan M. Zytkow & Herbert A. Simon - 1988 - Synthese 74 (1):65 - 90.
    New computer systems of discovery create a research program for logic and philosophy of science. These systems consist of inference rules and control knowledge that guide the discovery process. Their paths of discovery are influenced by the available data and the discovery steps coincide with the justification of results. The discovery process can be described in terms of fundamental concepts of artificial intelligence such as heuristic search, and can also be interpreted in terms of logic. The traditional distinction that places (...)
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    Dynamic stability and basins of attraction in the Sir Philip Sidney game.Simon M. Huttegger & Kevin J. S. Zollman - unknown
    We study the handicap principle in terms of the Sir Philip Sidney game. The handicap principle asserts that cost is required to allow for honest signalling in the face of conflicts of interest. We show that the significance of the handicap principle can be challenged from two new directions. Firstly, both the costly signalling equilibrium and certain states of no communication are stable under the replicator dynamics ; however, the latter states are more likely in cases where honest signalling should (...)
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    Is there a normative deficit in the theory of hegemony?Simon Critchley - 2004 - In Simon Critchley & Oliver Marchart (eds.), Laclau: A Critical Reader. New York: Routledge. pp. 113--122.
  33.  41
    Argument schemes for reasoning about trust.Simon Parsons, Katie Atkinson, Zimi Li, Peter McBurney, Elizabeth Sklar, Munindar Singh, Karen Haigh, Karl Levitt & Jeff Rowe - 2014 - Argument and Computation 5 (2-3):160-190.
    Trust is a natural mechanism by which an autonomous party, an agent, can deal with the inherent uncertainty regarding the behaviours of other parties and the uncertainty in the information it shares with those parties. Trust is thus crucial in any decentralised system. This paper builds on recent efforts to use argumentation to reason about trust. Specifically, a set of schemes is provided, and abstract patterns of reasoning that apply in multiple situations geared towards trust. Schemes are described in which (...)
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    Good Proctor or “Big Brother”? Ethics of Online Exam Supervision Technologies.Simon Coghlan, Tim Miller & Jeannie Paterson - 2021 - Philosophy and Technology 34 (4):1581-1606.
    Online exam supervision technologies have recently generated significant controversy and concern. Their use is now booming due to growing demand for online courses and for off-campus assessment options amid COVID-19 lockdowns. Online proctoring technologies purport to effectively oversee students sitting online exams by using artificial intelligence systems supplemented by human invigilators. Such technologies have alarmed some students who see them as a “Big Brother-like” threat to liberty and privacy, and as potentially unfair and discriminatory. However, some universities and educators defend (...)
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  35. Newton at the crossroads.Simon Schaffer - 1984 - Radical Philosophy 37:23-28.
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    Briefwechsel.Carl Schmitt - 2004 - Berlin: Duncker Und Humblot. Edited by Álvaro D' Ors & Montserrat Herrero López.
    Carl Schmitt unterhielt zeitlebens eine beeindruckend umfangreiche Korrespondenz. Seine Briefpartner waren höchst unterschiedlich. Es zählten dazu sowohl Künstler, wie Gelehrte aller Art, insbesondere juristische Kollegen als auch sonstige Persönlichkeiten.Ein Teil seiner Korrespondenz, nämlich die mit Ernst Jünger und mit Armin Mohler wurde in den letzten Jahren bei Klett-Cotta bzw. dem Akademie-Verlag veröffentlicht. In unserem Hause erschienen 1989 Briefe an Carl Schmitt, die der langjährige frühere Leipziger Studentenpfarrer Werner Becker in den Jahren 1923-1978 an Schmitt gerichtet hatte. Die Schreiben Schmitts, die (...)
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    Algorithmic Randomness, Effective Disintegrations, and Rates of Convergence to the Truth.Simon M. Huttegger, Sean Walsh & Francesca Zaffora Blando - manuscript
    Lévy's Upward Theorem says that the conditional expectation of an integrable random variable converges with probability one to its true value with increasing information. In this paper, we use methods from effective probability theory to characterise the probability one set along which convergence to the truth occurs, and the rate at which the convergence occurs. We work within the setting of computable probability measures defined on computable Polish spaces and introduce a new general theory of effective disintegrations. We use this (...)
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    From SSI to contextualism.Simon Langford - forthcoming - Episteme:1-14.
    Subject-Sensitive Invariantism (SSI) and Epistemic Contextualism (EC) are rival theories in epistemology. Both involve shifting epistemic standards, but they differ in how they explain this shiftiness. SSI is primarily a metaphysical thesis about the knowledge relation, whereas EC is primarily a semantic thesis about knowledge attributions. This paper revisits some of the central problems faced by SSI, especially those concerning Dutch books and third-person knowledge ascriptions. The main aim is to show that existing responses that stay true to SSI do (...)
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  39. Putting ‘Public’ Back into the Public University.Simon Marginson - 2006 - Thesis Eleven 84 (1):44-59.
    The American public university is losing status vis-à-vis the Ivy League private sector. In mass education it is challenged by for-profit institutions such as the University of Phoenix. Declining state financing is symptomatic of the evacuation of public values inside and outside the university. This has proceeded furthest in the USA. Other university systems are affected by national/local as well as global/American factors. Nevertheless, most public universities are on the defensive. Intensified status competition, locking neatly into neo-liberal government, is reconstituting (...)
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    Things merely are: philosophy in the poetry of Wallace Stevens.Simon Critchley - 2005 - New York: Routledge.
    This book is an invitation to read poetry. Simon Critchley argues that poetry enlarges life with a range of observation, power of expression and attention to language that eclipses any other medium. In a rich engagement with the poetry of Wallace Stevens, Critchley reveals that poetry also contains deep and important philosophical insight. Above all, he argues for a "poetic epistemology" that enables us to think afresh the philosophical problem of the relation between mind and world, and ultimately to (...)
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    Deconstructive Subjectivities.Simon Critchley & Peter Dews (eds.) - 1996 - State University of New York Press.
    Explores the meanings of subjectivity in continental philosophy in the wake of post-structuralism and critical theory.
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    Basic Income and Social Sustainability in Post-Growth Economies.Simon Birnbaum, Eva Alfredsson & Mikael Malmaeus - 2020 - Basic Income Studies 15 (1).
    A central task in efforts to identify pathways to ecologically and socially sustainable economies is to reduce inequality and poverty while reducing material consumption, which has recently inspired future post-growth scenarios. We build a model to explore the potential of a universal basic income (UBI) to serve these objectives. Starting from the observation that post-growth trajectories can take very different forms we analyze UBI in two scenarios advanced in the literature. Comparing UBI in a “local self-sufficiency” economy to a UBI (...)
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    Capitalism and the Camera: Essays on Photography and Extraction, Kevin Coleman and Daniel James (eds) (2021).Simon Constantine - 2023 - Philosophy of Photography 14 (1):124-128.
    Review of: Capitalism and the Camera: Essays on Photography and Extraction, Kevin Coleman and Daniel James (eds) (2021) London and New York: Verso, 320 pp., ISBN 978-1-83976-080-8, p/bk, GBP 19.99.
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  44. Am I My Brother's Keeper? On Personal Identity and Responsibility.Simon Beck - 2013 - South African Journal of Philosophy 32 (1):1-9.
    The psychological continuity theory of personal identity has recently been accused of not meeting what is claimed to be a fundamental requirement on theories of identity - to explain personal moral responsibility. Although they often have much to say about responsibility, the charge is that they cannot say enough. I set out the background to the charge with a short discussion of Locke and the requirement to explain responsibility, then illustrate the accusation facing the theory with details from Marya Schechtman. (...)
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    Semantics and Social Science.Lawrence H. Simon - 1989 - Noûs 23 (5):688-690.
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    Universal Salvation, Damnation, and the Task of Theology.O. P. Simon Francis Gaine - 2024 - Nova et Vetera 22 (3):879-892.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Universal Salvation, Damnation, and the Task of TheologySimon Francis Gaine O.P.The science of theology is rightly concerned with questions of the ultimate salvation and damnation of intellectual creatures, both angelic and human.1 Here I shall touch on the orthodoxy and theological correctness of two opposed views, which are current in Christian theology today, about the ultimate fate of human beings in the order God has created. One is universalism, (...)
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    Epistemic health, epistemic self-trust, and bipolar disorder: a case study.Simon Barker - 2025 - Synthese 205 (1):1-28.
    The symptoms and associated features of mental disorders can include profound and often debilitating effects on behaviour, mood and attitude, social interactions, and engagement with the world more generally. One area of living that is closely tied to mental disorder is that of our intellectual lives, pursuits, and projects. If the symptoms and features of mental disorders can have significance when it comes to intellectual activity, however, it is plausible that they can also have significance when it comes to epistemic-normative (...)
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    Union's inspiration: Universal health care and the essential partiality of solidarity.Simon Derpmann - 2018 - Bioethics 32 (9):569-576.
    Solidarity is commonly invoked in the justification of public health care. This is understandable, as calls for and appeals to solidarity are effective in the mobilization of unison action and the willing- ness to incur sacrifices for others. However, the reference to solidarity as a moral notion requires caution, as there is no agreement on the meaning of solidarity. The article argues that the refer- ence to solidarity as a normative notion is relevant to health-related moral claims, but that it (...)
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    Private versus public: A dual model for resource-constrained conflict representations.Simon DeDeo - 2022 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 45.
    Pietraszewski's representation scheme is parsimonious and intuitive. However, internal mental representations may be subject to resource constraints that prefer more unusual systems such as sparse coding or compressed sensing. Pietraszewski's scheme may be most useful for understanding how agents communicate. Conflict may be driven in part by the complex interplay between parsimonious public representations and more resource-efficient internal ones.
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    Prioritization of Referrals in Outpatient Physiotherpay Departments in Québec and Implications for Equity in Access.Simon Deslauriers, Marie-Hélène Raymond, Maude Laliberté, Anne Hudon, François Desmeules, Debbie E. Feldman & Kadija Perreault - 2018 - Canadian Journal of Bioethics/Revue canadienne de bioéthique 1 (3):49-60.
    In the context of long waiting time to access rehabilitation services, a large majority of settings use referral prioritization to help manage waiting lists. Prioritization practices vary greatly between settings and there is little consensus on how best to prioritize referrals. This paper describes the prioritization processes for physiotherapy services in Québec and its potential implications in terms of equity in access to services. This is a secondary analysis of a survey of outpatient physiotherapy departments conducted in 2015 across publicly (...)
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