Results for 'Sigrid Quack'

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  1. Overcoming path dependency: path generation in open systems. [REVIEW]Marie-Laure Djelic & Sigrid Quack - 2007 - Theory and Society 36 (2):161-186.
    Studies on societal path dependencies tend to focus on mechanisms that anchor and stabilize national trajectories while paying less attention to transnational interactions and multilevel governance. This paper explores processes of path transformation in societies that are presumed to have the characteristics of open systems. Two pairs of case studies are presented and compared. The first illustrates institutional change through collision, when a national path meets with another. The second describes the emergence of transnational institutional paths and the impact of (...)
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    Studiengruppe "Topographien der Geschlechter" am Kulturwissenschaftlichen Institut Essen. Leitung: Sigrid Weigel.Sigrid Schade - 1992 - Die Philosophin 3 (6):105-107.
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    “Many roads lead to Rome and the Artificial Intelligence only shows me one road”: an interview study on physician attitudes regarding the implementation of computerised clinical decision support systems.Sigrid Sterckx, Tamara Leune, Johan Decruyenaere, Wim Van Biesen & Daan Van Cauwenberge - 2022 - BMC Medical Ethics 23 (1):1-14.
    Research regarding the drivers of acceptance of clinical decision support systems by physicians is still rather limited. The literature that does exist, however, tends to focus on problems regarding the user-friendliness of CDSS. We have performed a thematic analysis of 24 interviews with physicians concerning specific clinical case vignettes, in order to explore their underlying opinions and attitudes regarding the introduction of CDSS in clinical practice, to allow a more in-depth analysis of factors underlying acceptance of CDSS. We identified three (...)
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    Quantified structures as barriers for LF movement.Sigrid Beck - 1996 - Natural Language Semantics 4 (1):1-56.
    In this paper I argue for a restriction on certain types of LF movement, which I call ‘wh-related LF movement’. Evidence comes from a number of wh-in-situ constructions in German, such as the scope-marking construction and multiple questions. For semantic reasons, the in situ element in those constructions has to move at LF to either a position reserved for wh-phrases, or even higher up in the structure. The restriction (the Minimal Quantified Structure Constraint, MQSC) is that an intervening quantified expression (...)
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    Noreen Masud, A flat place Mijn vlakke land.Sigrid Wallaert - 2023 - de Uil Van Minerva 36 (4).
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    The Figure of Total History, the Sacred and Terror.Sigrid Hackenberg Almansa - 2007 - International Studies in Philosophy 39 (1):1-18.
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    Ruin and restitution.Sigrid Beck, Luka Crnic & Thilo Götz - 2008 - Natural Language Semantics 16 (2):111-114.
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  8. Wiener Ethikkommentare des 15. Jahrhunderts.Sigrid Müller - 2006 - Documenti E Studi Sulla Tradizione Filosofica Medievale 17:445-467.
    Dopo aver brevemente spiegato le modalità dell'insegnamento dell'Etica a Nicomaco nella Vienna del XV secolo, l'A. si sofferma ad indagare l'influsso esercitato dal commento di Buridano sulla produzione di commenti che fiorì in quel contesto. La maggior parte di tali commenti prodotti nei primi decenni del sec. XV seguivano infatti lo schema delle sue quaestiones: i commenti secundum Buridanum. Nella seconda metà del secolo furono i commenti di Corrado de Susato e le Quaestiones di Johannes Versor a rappresentare un importante (...)
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    „Jüdisches Denken in einer Welt ohne Gott“. Stéphane Mosès’ Ort in der deutschsprachigen Geisteswissenschaft und sein Beitrag zur Kulturwissenschaft.Sigrid Weigel - 2017 - Naharaim 11 (1-2):115-129.
    Name der Zeitschrift: Naharaim Jahrgang: 11 Heft: 1-2 Seiten: 115-129.
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    The Critique of Violence Or, The challenge to political theology of just wars and terrorism with a religious face.Sigrid Weigel - 2006 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 2006 (135):61-76.
    I. The New World Order The issue at the center of Giorgio Agamben's book Homo Sacer: Sovereign Power and Bare Life (1995), that of the relation of bare life to politics and the law, has, in the ten years since the book's appearance, been propelled so forcefully into the foreground by events on the world political stage that Agamben's central figure has taken on an uncanny actuality.1The images broadcast around the world of Guantánamo Bay appear like visualizations of the homo (...)
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    Zeichen/Momente: Vergegenwärtigungen in Kunst und Kulturanalyse.Sigrid Adorf & Kathrin Heinz (eds.) - 2018 - Bielefeld: Transcript.
    Wie müssen wir zurückschauen, um Was sehen zu können und darüber unseren Blick für das Gegenwärtige und Kommende zu schärfen?0Die Beiträge des Bandes, der zu Ehren von Sigrid Schade erscheint, beziehen sich auf vielschichtige Diskursgeschichten an den Schnittstellen von Kunst-, Kultur- und Medienwissenschaften. Sie beleuchten künstlerische, kulturelle und soziale Praktiken und Ordnungen als Aushandlungsort komplexer Bedeutungs- und Beziehungsgefüge.
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    Grammatology of images: a history of the A-visible.Sigrid Weigel - 2022 - New York: Fordham University Press. Edited by Chadwick Truscott Smith & Sigrid Weigel.
    Grammatology of Images radically alters how we approach images. Instead of asking for the history, power, or essence of images, Sigrid Weigel addresses imaging as such. The book considers how something a-visible gets transformed into an image. Weigel scrutinizes the moment of mis-en-apparition, of making an appearance, and the process of concealment that accompanies any imaging. Weigel reinterprets Derrida's and Freud's concept of the trace as that which must be thought before something exists. In doing so, she illuminates the (...)
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    Saving Deaf Children? Screening for Hearing loss as a Public-interest Case.Sigrid Bosteels, Michel Vandenbroeck & Geert Van Hove - 2017 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 14 (1):109-121.
    New-born screening programs for congenital disorders and chronic disease are expanding worldwide and children “at risk” are identified by nationwide tracking systems at the earliest possible stage. These practices are never neutral and raise important social and ethical questions. An emergent concern is that a reflexive professionalism should interrogate the ever earlier interference in children’s lives. The Flemish community of Belgium was among the first to generalize the screening for hearing loss in young children and is an interesting case to (...)
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    Body-and Image-Space: Re-Reading Walter Benjamin.Sigrid Weigel - 1996 - New York: Routledge.
    The last decade has seen a new wave of interest in philosophical and theoretical circles in the writings of Walter Benjamin. In _Body-and Image-Space_ Sigrid Weigel, one of Germany's leading feminist theorists and a renowned commentator on the work of Walter Benjamin, argues that the reception of his work has so far overlooked a crucial aspect of his thought - his use of images. Weigel shows that it is precisely his practice of thinking in images that holds the key (...)
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  15. The Role of Narratives in Transferring Rational Choice Models into Political Science.Alexandra Quack & Catherine Herfeld - forthcoming - History of Political Economy.
    One striking observation in the history of rational choice models is that those models have not only been used in economics but spread widely across the social and behavioral sciences. How do such model transfers proceed? By closely studying the early efforts to transfer such models by William Riker – a major protagonist in pushing the adoption of game theoretic models in political science – this article examines the transfer process as one of ‘translation’ by which abstract and mathematical rational (...)
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    The Flash of Knowledge and the Temporality of Images: Walter Benjamin’s Image-Based Epistemology and Its Preconditions in Visual Arts and Media History.Sigrid Weigel - 2015 - Critical Inquiry 41 (2):344-366.
  17. Neurofeminism and feminist neurosciences: a critical review of contemporary brain research.Sigrid Schmitz & Grit Hã¶Ppner - 2014 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8.
  18. Intervention Effects Follow from Focus Interpretation.Sigrid Beck - 2006 - Natural Language Semantics 14 (1):1-56.
    The paper provides a semantic analysis of intervention effects in wh-questions. The interpretation component of the grammar derives uninterpretability, hence ungrammaticality, of the intervention data. In the system of compositional interpretation that I suggest, wh-phrases play the same role as focused phrases, introducing alternatives into the computation. Unlike focus, wh-phrases make no ordinary semantic contribution. An intervention effect occurs whenever a focus-sensitive operator other than the question operator tries to evaluate a constituent containing a wh-phrase. It is argued that this (...)
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    A Flexible Approach to Exhaustivity in Questions.Sigrid Beck & Hotze Rullmann - 1999 - Natural Language Semantics 7 (3):249-298.
    A semantics for interrogatives is presented which is based on Karttunen's theory, but in a flexible manner incorporates both weak and strong exhaustivity. The paper starts out by considering degree questions, which often require an answer picking out the maximal degree from a certain set. However, in some cases, depending on the semantic properties of the question predicate, reference to the minimal degree is required, or neither specifying the maximum nor the minimum is sufficient. What is needed is an operation (...)
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  20. Patenting and licensing of university research: promoting innovation or undermining academic values?Sigrid Sterckx - 2011 - Science and Engineering Ethics 17 (1):45-64.
    Since the 1980s in the US and the 1990s in Europe, patenting and licensing activities by universities have massively increased. This is strongly encouraged by governments throughout the Western world. Many regard academic patenting as essential to achieve ‘knowledge transfer’ from academia to industry. This trend has far-reaching consequences for access to the fruits of academic research and so the question arises whether the current policies are indeed promoting innovation or whether they are instead a symptom of a pro-intellectual property (...)
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    Eating Novalis.Sigrid Berka - 1991 - Semiotics:239-248.
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    Maids in Germany.Sigrid Berka - 1990 - Semiotics:267-274.
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  23. The making and unmaking of deaf children.Sigrid Bosteels & Stuart Blume - 2014 - In Miriam Eilers, Katrin Grüber & Christoph Rehmann-Sutter, The human enhancement debate and disability: new bodies for a better life. New York, NY: Palgrave-Macmillan.
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    Zum ersten astrologischen lapidar im Steinbuch Des damigeron und evax.Joachim Friedrich Quack - 2001 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 145 (2):337-344.
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    Operant contingencies and the origin of cultures.Sigrid S. Glenn - 2003 - In Kennon A. Lattal, Behavior Theory and Philosophy. Springer. pp. 223--242.
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    Theories of Totalitarianism and Modern Dictatorships: A Tentative Approach.Sigrid Meuschel - 2000 - Thesis Eleven 61 (1):87-98.
    This essay discusses totalitarian theories with regard to their capacity to interpret in a normatively plausible way such different dictatorships as Nazism, Stalinism and post-Stalinism. In contrast to theoretical approaches which subsume all these regimes under a single concept (totalitarianism as total control), it argues in favor of discerning terror and ideology as main characteristics (totalitarianism as extermination). The focus on National Socialism and Stalinism needs further differentiation. Theories of bureaucratic structures and charismatic domination may help in distinguishing both regimes' (...)
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    What precision‐protein‐tuning and nano‐resolved single molecule sciences can do for each other.Sigrid Milles & Edward A. Lemke - 2013 - Bioessays 35 (1):65-74.
    While innovations in modern microscopy, spectroscopy, and nanoscopy techniques have made single molecule observation a standard in many laboratories, the actual design of meaningful fluorescence reporter systems now hinders major scientific breakthroughs. Even though the field of chemical biology is supercharging the fluorescence toolbox, surprisingly few strategies exist that make the transition from model systems to biologically relevant applications. At the same time, the number of microscopy techniques is growing dramatically. We explain our view on how the impact of modern (...)
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  28. The Accountability of Bioethics Committees and Consultants.Sigrid Fry Revere & Paul M. McNeill - 1996 - Bioethics 10 (1):71-72.
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    A Bergsonian View of Agent-Causation.Sigrid Sarnoff - 1985 - International Philosophical Quarterly 25 (2):185-196.
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    Value articulating institutions and changing social preferences.Sigrid Stagl - 2012 - In Eric Brousseau, Tom Dedeurwaerdere & Bernd Siebenhüner, Reflexive Governance for Global Public Goods. MIT Press. pp. 225--240.
    This chapter demonstrates how the reflexive governance approach is applied to innovative institutional design of the science–policy interface in global and local public goods provision. To achieve this objective, it discusses methodological options for sustainability valuation, explaining different valuation methods used in various real-world applications. The chapter highlights those methods that are conceptually and practically suitable for evaluating policies, programs, and projects where sustainability is a key factor. It also reviews sustainability valuation methods, which mix analytical and collective methods that (...)
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    Response to Open Peer Commentaries on “Patenting Foundational Technologies: Lessons From CRISPR and Other Core Biotechnologies”.Sigrid Sterckx, Kristof Van Assche, Lisa Diependaele, Michael Morrison, Julian Cockbain & Oliver Feeney - 2019 - American Journal of Bioethics 19 (1):W10-W13.
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    Durf te geloven.Sigrid Wallaert - 2023 - de Uil Van Minerva 36 (2).
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    Inkorporation der Genealogie durch die Genetik: Vererbung und Erbschaft an Schnittstellen zwischen Bio- und Kulturwissenschaften.Sigrid Weigel - 2002 - In Genealogie Und Genetik: Schnittstellen Zwischen Biologie Und Kulturgeschichte. De Gruyter. pp. 71-98.
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    Der Ort von Frauen im Gedächtnis des Holocaust: Symbolisierung, Zeugenschaft und kollektive Identität.Sigrid Weigel - 1995 - Die Philosophin 6 (12):53-62.
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    Pluralities of questions.Beck Sigrid & Sharvit Yael - 2002 - Journal of Semantics 19 (2):105-157.
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  36. Destra e sinistra nello spazio iconico tra iconografia cristiana e antropologia.Sigrid Weigel - 2012 - Aisthesis: Pratiche, Linguaggi E Saperi Dell’Estetico 5 (2).
    Proceeding from the statement that «reading» images is not at all analogous to any culturally codified lecture of written texts, Sigrid Weigel develops a crucial critic of the anthropological paradigm linked to the left-right problem in the visual arts. Focusing on various examples of painted and sculpted Annunciations, the author argues how the decline of the traditional orientation, based on the figure of God in central position, leads to a growing importance of the spectator gaze and to a new (...)
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    “You hoped we would sleep walk into accepting the collection of our data”: controversies surrounding the UK scheme and their wider relevance for biomedical research.Sigrid Sterckx, Vojin Rakic, Julian Cockbain & Pascal Borry - 2016 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 19 (2):177-190.
    An ‘Information Centre’ has recently been established by law which has the power to collect, collate and provide access to the medical information forall patients treated by the National Health Service in England, whether in hospitals or by General Practitioners. This so-called ‘’ scheme has given rise to major and ongoing controversies. We will sketch the background of the scheme and look at the responses it has elicited from citizens and medical professionals. In Autumn 2013, NHS England set up a (...)
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  38. (1 other version)Putting “Epistemic Injustice” to Work in Bioethics: Beyond Nonmaleficence.Sigrid Wallaert & Seppe Segers - 2023 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 2023:1-4.
    We expand on Della Croce’s ambition to interpret “epistemic injustice” as a specification of non-maleficence in the use of the influential four-principle framework. This is an alluring line of thought for conceptual, moral, and heuristic reasons. Although it is commendable, Della Croce’s attempt remains tentative. So does our critique of it. Yet, we take on the challenge to critically address two interrelated points. First, we broaden the analysis to include deliberations about hermeneutical injustice. We argue that, if due consideration of (...)
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    Signaling Parenthood: Managing the Motherhood Penalty and Fatherhood Premium in the U.S. Service Sector.Sigrid Luhr - 2020 - Gender and Society 34 (2):259-283.
    An extensive body of research documents that women experience a motherhood penalty at work whereas men experience a fatherhood premium. Yet much of this work presupposes that employers are aware of a worker’s parental status. Given the different consequences that parenthood has on outcomes such as pay and promotions, it is conceivable that men and women may deploy their status as parents differently when interacting with employers. Drawing on in-depth interviews with a racially diverse sample, this article examines how mothers (...)
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  40. Comparison constructions.Sigrid Beck - 2011 - In Klaus von Heusinger, Claudia Maienborn & Paul Portner, Semantics: An International Handbook of Natural Language Meaning. De Gruyter Mouton. pp. 2--1341.
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    The diachronic semantics of English again.Sigrid Beck & Remus Gergel - 2015 - Natural Language Semantics 23 (3):157-203.
    This paper explores the diachronic development of the English adverb again. A compositional semantic analysis of its grammar at various stages is provided. It is argued that this analysis must consist of a staging of first a lexical and then a structural change, in order to adequately model the sequence of individual developmental steps observed in the historical corpus data, and that it provides an insight into pathways of semantic change in general.
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    Poetry and Culture in Middle Kingdom Egypt: A Dark Side to Perfection.Joachim Friedrich Quack & Richard B. Parkinson - 2004 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 124 (2):357.
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    Insect Control in Socialist China and the Corporate United States: The Act of Comparison, the Tendency to Forget, and the Construction of Difference in 1970s U.S.–Chinese Scientific Exchange.Sigrid Schmalzer - 2013 - Isis 104 (2):303-329.
    In 1975, a delegation of U.S. entomologists traveled to socialist China to observe Chinese insect control science. Their overwhelmingly positive reports highlighted in relief the pernicious effects of pesticide corporations on U.S. agriculture; some entomologists hoped this would goad the United States to catch up to China in environmentally sensible insect control practices. Of course, insect control in socialist China carried its own political baggage, some of which—for example, mass mobilization and self-reliance—the state made highly visible to visitors, and some (...)
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  44. Reciprocals are Definites.Sigrid Beck - 2001 - Natural Language Semantics 9 (1):69-138.
    This paper proposes that elementary reciprocal sentences have four semantic readings: a strongly reciprocal interpretation, a weakly reciprocal interpretation, a situation-based weakly reciprocal reading, and a collective reading. Interpretational possibilities of reciprocal sentences that have been discussed in the literature are identified as one of these four. A compositional semantic analysis of all of these readings is provided in which the reciprocal expression is uniformly represented as 'the other ones among them' (recasting Heim, Lasnik and May 1991a, b). A reciprocal (...)
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    Double Objects Again.Sigrid Beck & Kyle Johnson - unknown
    (1) a. Satoshi sent Thilo the Schw¨abische W¨orterbuch. b. Satoshi sent the Schw¨abische W¨orterbuch to Thilo. Many have entertained the notion that there is a rule that relates sentences such as these. This is suggested by the fact that it is possible to learn that a newly coined verb licenses one of them and automatically know that it licenses the other. Marantz (1984) argues for the existence of such a rule in this way, noting that once one has learned of (...)
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    Menschenbilder in der (Medizin-)Ethik.Sigrid Graumann & Marianne Rabe - 2011 - Ethik in der Medizin 23 (1):1-3.
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    Settimio Monteverde (Hrsg) (2012) Handbuch Pflegeethik. Ethisch denken und handeln in den Praxisfeldern der Pflege.Sigrid Graumann - 2014 - Ethik in der Medizin 26 (4):353-354.
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    Hannah Arendt's Concept of Totalitarianism and the Post-Stalinist Constellation.Sigrid Meuschel - 2005 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 2005 (132):99-108.
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    Agypten und die Fremden im ersten vorchristlichen Jahrhundert.Joachim Friedrich Quack & Gunter Vittmann - 2004 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 124 (2):360.
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    Der Oasenmann: Eine altagyptische Erzahlung ubersetzt und kommentiert.Joachim Friedrich Quack & Dieter Kurth - 2004 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 124 (2):361.
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