Results for 'Hotze Rullmann'

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  1. Modals as distributive indefinites.Hotze Rullmann, Lisa Matthewson & Henry Davis - 2008 - Natural Language Semantics 16 (4):317-357.
    Modals in St’át’imcets (Lillooet Salish) show two differences from their counterparts in English. First, they have variable quantificational force, systematically allowing both possibility and necessity interpretations; and second, they lexically restrict the conversational background, distinguishing for example between deontic and (several kinds of) epistemic modality. We provide an analysis of the St’át’imcets modals according to which they are akin to specific indefinites in the nominal domain. They introduce choice function variables which select a subset of the accessible worlds. Following Klinedinst, (...)
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    A Flexible Approach to Exhaustivity in Questions.Sigrid Beck & Hotze Rullmann - 1999 - Natural Language Semantics 7 (3):249-298.
    A semantics for interrogatives is presented which is based on Karttunen's theory, but in a flexible manner incorporates both weak and strong exhaustivity. The paper starts out by considering degree questions, which often require an answer picking out the maximal degree from a certain set. However, in some cases, depending on the semantic properties of the question predicate, reference to the minimal degree is required, or neither specifying the maximum nor the minimum is sufficient. What is needed is an operation (...)
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    Novel Integration of a Health Equity Immersion Curriculum in Medical Training.Kendra G. Hotz, Allison Silverstein & Austin Dalgo - 2024 - Journal of Medical Humanities 45 (2):193-199.
    Health disparities education is an integral and required part of medical professional training, and yet existing curricula often fail to effectively denaturalize injustice or empower learners to advocate for change. We discuss a novel collaborative intervention that weds the health humanities to the field of health equity. We draw from the health humanities an intentional focus retraining provider imaginations by centering patient narratives; from the field of health equity, we draw the linkage between stigmatized social identities and health disparities. We (...)
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  4. Shaping the Christian Life: Worship and the Religious Affections.Kendra G. Hotz & Matthew T. Matthews - 2006
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    Worldmaking in the Community of Inquiry.Debbie Hotz - 1997 - Inquiry: Critical Thinking Across the Disciplines 17 (1):78-80.
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    Adiposity Related Brain Plasticity Induced by Bariatric Surgery.Michael Rullmann, Sven Preusser, Sindy Poppitz, Stefanie Heba, Konstantinos Gousias, Jana Hoyer, Tatjana Schütz, Arne Dietrich, Karsten Müller, Mohammed K. Hankir & Burkhard Pleger - 2019 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 13.
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    Denken, um zu leben: Philosophinnen.Mari Rullmann - 2018 - Wiesbaden: Marix Verlag. Edited by Werner Schlegel.
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    Frauen denken anders: Philo-Sophias 1 x 1.Marit Rullmann & Werner Schlegel - 2000 - Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp. Edited by Werner Schlegel.
    Inhaltsübersicht: Vorwort, Göttin, Tod und Geburt, Mensch, Subjekt, Leib, Sprache, Vernunft, Differenz, Ethik, Freiheit, Gerechtigkeit, Glück, Liebe, Arbeit, Kunst, Zeit, Anhang: Literaturverzeichnis, Kommentiertes Personenverzeichnis, Bildnachweise, Sach- und Personenregister.
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    Three Months in the Confederate Army.Henry Hotze - 2003 - University Alabama Press.
    Confederate service, Confederate propaganda. Although not born in the South, Henry Hotze's devotion to the cause of the Confederacy was as ardent as that of any native secessionist. As a member of the Mobile Cadets, an elite volunteer company of the Gulf City, Hotze was ordered to Virginia at the start of war as part of the Third Alabama Regiment. He distinguished himself in many ways, primarily off the battlefield as a clerk and European go-between. In November of (...)
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    Evaluation of fish and macroinvertebrate indices of biotic integrity in the bioassessment of the illinois river Basin.Rebekah Hotz - 2010 - Inquiry: The University of Arkansas Undergraduate Research Journal 11.
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    Precious to Grace.Mary Elizabeth Hotz - 2001 - Renascence 53 (3):207-226.
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  12. Résumés des contributions.Marcus Cb Hotz - 1979 - In Philip W. Hemily & M. N. Őzdas, Technological challenges for social change. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 371.
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  13. Summaries of contributions.Marcus Cb Hotz, Wolf Hafele & Wolfgang Sassin - 1979 - In Philip W. Hemily & M. N. Őzdas, Technological challenges for social change. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 386.
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    Response to Open Peer Commentaries on “'Doctor, Would You Prescribe a Pill to Help Me…?'A National Survey of Physicians on Using Medicine for Human Enhancement”.Timothy D. Hotze, Kavita Shah, Emily E. Anderson & Matthew K. Wynia - 2011 - American Journal of Bioethics 11 (1):W1 - W3.
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    From action to performative gesture: the Slapping movement used by children at the age of four to six.Silva H. Ladewig & Lena Hotze - 2023 - Semiotica 2023 (250):91-116.
    This paper introduces a manual movement performed recurrently by German children in the age range of four to six. Based on the movement gestalt and its meaning, we termed it the Slapping movement. All forms identified in the data were performed with a communicative function, yet they showed different degrees of “gesturality.” To be more precise, we observed versions that clearly count as actions or gestures, but we also observed transitional forms between them. Based on a thorough analyses of form, (...)
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    Zum Pragmatismus verurteilt?: Zu den jüngsten Tendenzen der Ausbildungsreform.Michael Woller & Burkard Hotz - 1973 - Zeitschrift Für Evangelische Ethik 17 (1):179-186.
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    “Doctor, Would You Prescribe a Pill to Help Me …?” A National Survey of Physicians on Using Medicine for Human Enhancement.Matthew K. Wynia, Emily E. Anderson, Kavita Shah & Timothy D. Hotze - 2011 - American Journal of Bioethics 11 (1):3 - 13.
    Using medical advances to enhance human athletic, aesthetic, and cognitive performance, rather than to treat disease, has been controversial. Little is known about physicians? experiences, views, and attitudes in this regard. We surveyed a national sample of physicians to determine how often they prescribe enhancements, their views on using medicine for enhancement, and whether they would be willing to prescribe a series of potential interventions that might be considered enhancements. We find that many physicians occasionally prescribe enhancements, but doctors hold (...)
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    The risks of oral contraceptives and estrogen replacement therapy.F. L. Coe, J. H. Parks, R. A. Fraser, S. B. Hotz, J. B. Hurtig, S. N. Hodges, D. Moher, B. Wolf, A. G. Wile & P. J. DiSaia - 1989 - Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 33 (1):86-106.
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  19. Blackwell Companion to Semantics.Lisa Matthewson, Cécile Meier, Hotze Rullman & Thomas Ede Zimmermann (eds.) - 2020 - Wiley.
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    Fear avoidance beliefs in back pain-free subjects are reflected by amygdala-cingulate responses.Michael L. Meier, Phillipp Stämpfli, Andrea Vrana, Barry K. Humphreys, Erich Seifritz & Sabina Hotz-Boendermaker - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
  21.  11
    Cortical Sensorimotor Processing of Painful Pressure in Patients with Chronic Lower Back Pain—An Optical Neuroimaging Study using fNIRS.Andrea Vrana, Michael L. Meier, Sabina Hotz-Boendermaker, Barry K. Humphreys & Felix Scholkmann - 2016 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 10:225510.
    In this study we investigated sensorimotor processing of painful pressure stimulation on the lower back of patients with chronic lower back pain (CLBP) by using functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS) to measure changes in cerebral hemodynamics and oxygenation. The main objectives were whether patients with CLBP show different relative changes in oxy- and deoxyhemoglobin ([O2Hb] and [HHb]) in the supplementary motor area (SMA) and primary somatosensory cortex (S1) compared to healthy controls (HC). Twelve patients with CLBP (32 ± 6.1 years; range: (...)
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    Relationship between structural brainstem and brain plasticity and lower-limb training in spinal cord injury: a longitudinal pilot study.Michael Villiger, Patrick Grabher, Marie-Claude Hepp-Reymond, Daniel Kiper, Armin Curt, Marc Bolliger, Sabina Hotz-Boendermaker, Spyros Kollias, Kynan Eng & Patrick Freund - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
  23. Doornbos, Groenhut and Hotz, Transforming Care: A Christian Vision of Nursing Practice.V. Tschudin - 2006 - Studies in Christian Ethics 19 (2).
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    Nikodim, Metropolit von Leningrad und Nowgorod: Johannes XXIII. - Ein unbequemer Optimist. Hrsg. von Robert Hotz, aus dem Russischen übersetzt von Heinz Gstrein und Robert Hotz. Mit einem Geleitwort von Kardinal König. Benziger Verlag Köln 1978, 540 pp., 32 s/w Bilder. [REVIEW]Josch Scheumpflug - 1979 - Zeitschrift für Religions- Und Geistesgeschichte 31 (3):316-317.
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    Müller Gert Heinz. Charakterisierung einer Klasse von rekursiven Funktionen. Colloquium on the Foundations of Mathematics, Mathematical Machines and Their Applications, Tihany, 11–15 September 1962, herausgegeben von László Kalmár, Akadémiai Kiadó, Budapest 1965, S. 45–51.Müller G. H.. Rekursionsformen in der Zahlentheorie. Automatentheorie und formate Sprachen, Nr. 3, Bericht aus dem Mathematischen Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach, herausgegeben von Johannes Dörr und Günter Hotz, Bibliographisches Institut, Mannheim–Wien–Zurich, Hochschultaschenbücher–Verlag, Mannheim 1970, S. 399–440. [REVIEW]Dieter Rödding - 1973 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 38 (1):156-157.
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  26. Licensing strong NPIs.Jon R. Gajewski - 2011 - Natural Language Semantics 19 (2):109-148.
    This paper proposes that both weak and strong NPIs in English are sensitive to the downward entailingness of their licensers. It is also proposed, however, that these two types of NPIs pay attention to different aspects of the meaning of their environment. As observed by von Fintel and Chierchia, weak NPIs do not attend to the scalar implicatures of presuppositions of their licensers. Strong NPIs see both the truth-conditional and non-truth-conditional (scalar implications, presuppositions) meaning of their licensers. This theory accounts (...)
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    Emedded Questions and 'De Dicto' Readings.Yael Sharvit - 2002 - Natural Language Semantics 10 (2):97-123.
    It is argued, contra Beck and Rullmann (1999), and with Heim (1994), that the sources of strongly exhaustive interpretations and `de dicto' interpretations of wh-complements of veridical question-embedding verbs are one and the same. Beck and Rullmann's theory is shown to predict certain `de dicto' readings which do not exist, while a particular rendition of Heim's theory is shown to constrain the generation of `de dicto' readings in the correct way.
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  28. A Question of Strength: On NPIs in Interrogative Clauses. [REVIEW]Yael Sharvit - 2007 - Linguistics and Philosophy 30 (3):361 - 391.
    We observe that the facts pertaining to the acceptability of negative polarity items (henceforth, NPIs) in interrogative environments are more complex than previously noted. Since Klima [Klima, E. (1964). In J. Fodor & J. Katz (Eds.), The structure of language. Prentice-Hall], it has been typically assumed that NPIs are grammatical in both matrix and embedded questions, however, on closer scrutiny it turns out that there are differences between root and embedded environments, and between question nucleus and wh-restrictor. While NPIs are (...)
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