Results for 'Shiyang Ran'

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  1.  77
    Chinese Translation of Coca Cola: Analysis and Enlightenment.Shiyang Ran - 2010 - Asian Culture and History 2 (2):P213.
    The Chinese translation of Coca Cola is thought to be a well-known good translation, and many people discussed the translation or brand translation with it as an example. A large number of books or articles generally and abstractly conclude that the Chinese translation leaves people a kind of feeling of coolness and cleanness, pleases and attracts consumers’ attention and their favor, however there is not still a book or an article studying systematically and scientifically how good the translation is, neither (...)
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    Peirce Knew Why Abduction Isn’t IBE—A Scheme and Critical Questions for Abductive Argument.Shiyang Yu & Frank Zenker - 2017 - Argumentation 32 (4):569-587.
    Whether abduction is treated as an argument or as an inference, the mainstream view presupposes a tight connection between abduction and inference to the best explanation. This paper critically evaluates this link and supports a narrower view on abduction. Our main thesis is that merely the hypothesis-generative aspect, but not the evaluative aspect, is properly abductive in the sense introduced by C. S. Peirce. We show why equating abduction with IBE unnecessarily complicates argument evaluation by levelling the status of abduction (...)
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    Schemes, Critical Questions, and Complete Argument Evaluation.Shiyang Yu & Frank Zenker - 2020 - Argumentation 34 (4):469-498.
    According to the argument scheme approach, to evaluate a given scheme-saturating instance completely does entail asking all critical questions relevant to it. Although this is a central task for argumentation theorists, the field currently lacks a method for providing a complete argument evaluation. Approaching this task at the meta-level, we combine a logical with a substantive approach to the argument schemes by starting from Toulmin’s schema: ‘data, warrant, so claim’. For the yet more general schema: ‘premise; if premise, then conclusion; (...)
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  4.  28
    A Dialectical View on Conduction: Reasons, Warrants, and Normal Suasory Inclinations.Shiyang Yu & Frank Zenker - 2019 - Informal Logic 39 (1):32-69.
    When Carl Wellman introduced the reasoning-type conduction, he endorsed a dialectical view on natural language argumentation. Contemporary scholarship, by contrast, treats conductive argument predominantly on a product view. Not only did Wellman’s reasons for a dialectical view thus fall into disregard; a product-treatment of conduction also flouts the standard semantics of ‘argument’. Attempting to resolve these difficulties, our paper traces Wellman’s preference for a dialectical view to the role of defeasible warrants. These act as stand-ins for value hierarchies that arguers (...)
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    Swāmī Hariharānanda Āraṇya's Yoga kārikā: with Yoga sūtras, transliteration, English translation & special notes.Hariharānanda Āraṇya - 2008 - Lonavala, Pune: Kaivalyadhama. Edited by Maheshananda, Patañjali & Hariharānanda Āraṇya.
    Classical commentary on Yogasūtra of Patañjali, work on Yoga philosophy; includes complete text of Yogasūtra.
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    A Scheme and Critical Questions for the argumentum ad baculum.Shiyang Yu & Frank Zenker - 2023 - Topoi 42 (2):527-541.
    Instances of the ad baculum argument (also known as the threat appeal argument or the argument from threat) are common in both private and public sphere discourse. Although contemporary argumentation scholarship recognizes these instances as contingently fallacious, the literature lacks not only a well-motivated ad baculum argument scheme but also a complete list of critical questions (CQs). In combining argument scheme and speech act theoretic elements, we formulate the felicity conditions of the speech act of threatening from the viewpoint of (...)
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  7.  31
    How to justify a backing’s eligibility for a warrant: the justification of a legal interpretation in a hard case.Shiyang Yu & Xi Chen - 2023 - Artificial Intelligence and Law 31 (2):239-268.
    The Toulmin model has been proved useful in law and argumentation theory. This model describes the basic process in justifying a claim, which comprises six elements, i.e., claim (C), data (D), warrant (W), backing (B), qualifier (Q), and rebuttal (R). Specifically, in justifying a claim, one must put forward ‘data’ and a ‘warrant’, whereas the latter is authorized by ‘backing’. The force of the ‘claim’ being justified is represented by the ‘qualifier’, and the condition under which the claim cannot be (...)
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  8. Bubers schöpferischer dialog mit einer chassidischen Legende.Ran HaCohen - 2015 - In Paul R. Mendes-Flohr, Dialogue as a trans-disciplinary concept: Martin Buber's philosophy of dialogue and its contemporary reception. Boston: De Gruyter.
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  9. Kalā, saundarya aura jīvana.Raṇavīra Saksenā - 1967
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  10.  26
    Hsieh, Shu-wei 謝世維, Syncretic Traditions of Daoism and Esoteric Buddhism: A Study on Daoist and Esoteric Buddhist Cultures 道密法圓——道教與密教之文化研究: Taipei 臺北: Xinwenfeng Chuban Gongsi 新文豐出版公司, 2018, 268 pages.Shiyang Weng - 2020 - Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy 19 (2):311-314.
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  11. Corporate Philanthropic Giving, Advertising Intensity, and Industry Competition Level.Ran Zhang, Jigao Zhu, Heng Yue & Chunyan Zhu - 2010 - Journal of Business Ethics 94 (1):39-52.
    This article examines whether the likelihood and amount of firm charitable giving in response to catastrophic events are related to firm advertising intensity, and whether industry competition level moderates this relationship. Using data on Chinese firms’ philanthropic response to the 2008 Sichuan earthquake, we find that firm advertising intensity is positively associated with both the probability and the amount of corporate giving. The results also indicate that this positive advertising intensity-philanthropic giving relationship is stronger in competitive industries, and firms in (...)
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  12.  22
    A study of Paul Lengrand’s philosophy of lifelong physical education.Shiyang Weng, Ang Li & Pengcheng Li - 2024 - Trans/Form/Ação 47 (4):e0240052.
    Resumo: Paul Lengrand escreveu extensivamente sobre a filosofia da educação física, ao longo de sua vida. Esses trabalhos foram meticulosamente coletados, categorizados e sintetizados. De acordo com um estudo perceptivo, a postura vitalícia de Paul Lengrand sobre a filosofia da educação física foi significativamente influenciada por seu histórico singular, demandas sociais e interações interpessoais. Além disso, foi revelado que sua visão sobre a filosofia da educação física era uma extensão de seu profundo compromisso com a filosofia da educação, no decorrer (...)
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  13.  53
    Identifying Linked and Convergent Argument Structures.Shiyang Yu & Frank Zenker - 2022 - Informal Logic 42 (4):363-387.
    To analyze the argument structure, the linked vs convergent distinction is crucial. In applying this distinction, argumentation scholars test for variations of argument strength under premise revision. A relevance-based test assesses whether an argument’s premises are individually relevant to its conclusion, while a support-based test assesses whether premises support the conclusion independently. Both criteria presuppose that evaluating an argument’s strength is methodologically prior to identifying its structure. Yet, if ‘argument structure’ is a concept of analysis, then a structural analysis would (...)
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  14. What neuropsychology tells us about consciousness.Ran Lahav - 1993 - Philosophy of Science 60 (1):67-85.
    I argue that, contrary to some critics, the notion of conscious experience is a good candidate for denoting a distinct and scientifically interesting phenomenon in the brain. I base this claim mainly on an analysis of neuropsychological data concerning deficits resulting from various types of brain damage as well as some additional supporting empirical evidence. These data strongly point to the hypothesis that conscious experience expresses information that is available for global, integrated, and flexible behavior.
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  15.  40
    Inherently Ambiguous: Facial Expressions of Emotions, in Context.Ran R. Hassin, Hillel Aviezer & Shlomo Bentin - 2013 - Emotion Review 5 (1):60-65.
    With a few yet increasing number of exceptions, the cognitive sciences enthusiastically endorsed the idea that there are basic facial expressions of emotions that are created by specific configurations of facial muscles. We review evidence that suggests an inherent role for context in emotion perception. Context does not merely change emotion perception at the edges; it leads to radical categorical changes. The reviewed findings suggest that configurations of facial muscles are inherently ambiguous, and they call for a different approach towards (...)
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  16. Statistical learning of tonal sequences by human infants and adults. Saffran Jr, E. K. Johnson, R. N. Aslin & E. L. Newport - 1999 - Cognition 70:27-52.
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  17. The New Unconscious. Oxford Series in Social Cognition and Social Neuroscience.Ran R. Hassin, James S. Uleman & John A. Bargh (eds.) - 2005 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    This collection of 20 original chapters by leading researchers examines the cognitive unconscious from social, cognitive, and neuroscientific viewpoints, presenting some of the most important developments at the heart of the new picture of the unconscious.
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  18. Amr̥tānubhava vivaraṇa.RaṅGanāTha MahāRāJa[From Old Catalog] - 1970 - [Sonapeṭha?]: [Jilhā Parabhaṇī]. Edited by Muralidhar Bastiram Dhut & Jñānadeva.
    Commentary on Amr̥tānubhava, verse work in Old Marathi, by Jñānadeva, fl. 1290, on the Hindu philosophy of Advaita Vedanta; includes text.
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  19.  48
    Authority Argument Schemes, Types, and Critical Questions.Frank Zenker & Shiyang Yu - 2023 - Argumentation 37 (1):25-51.
    Authority arguments generate support for claims by appealing to an agent’s authority status, rather than to reasons independent of it. With few exceptions, the current literature on argument schemes acknowledges two basic authority types. The _epistemic_ type grounds in knowledge, the_ deontic_ type grounds in power. We review how historically earlier scholarship acknowledged an_ attractiveness-based_ and a _majority-based_ authority type as equally basic type. Crossing these with basic speech act types thus yields authority argument sub-schemes. Focusing on the_ epistemic-assertive_ sub-scheme (...)
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  20. (1 other version)Against compositionality: The case of adjectives.Ran Lahav - 1989 - Philosophical Studies 57 (3):261 - 279.
  21.  13
    (1 other version)Early Engagements with the Constitutive Laws of Others: Possible Lessons from Pre-Modern Religious Law.Ran Hirschl - 2016 - Law and Ethics of Human Rights 10 (1):71-108.
    Journal Name: The Law & Ethics of Human Rights Issue: Ahead of print.
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  22. Self-Talk in Marcus Aurelius’ Meditations:: A Lesson for Philosophical Practice1.Ran Lahav - 2009 - Philosophical Practice 4 (3):486-491.
    For anyone who wishes to make philosophy relevant to our everyday life, the Meditations by the Roman emperor Marcus Aurelius is a fascinating text. It is fascinating because it not only presents a deep conception about life, but also mentions practical ways of applying this conception to everyday life.The Meditations is a Stoic text which contains some central ideas already found in earlier Stoic writings and develops them in an engaging way. Several prominent historians of philosophy, notably Pierre Hadot2 and (...)
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  23.  8
    Cārbāketara Bhāratīẏa darśana.Raṇadīpama Basu - 2017 - Ḍhākā: Rodelā.
    On Jaina, Bauddha, Nyaya, Vaiśeṣika, Sankhya, Yoga, Purva-Mimamsa and Vedānta systems of Indic philosophy.
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  24. The amazing predictive power of folk psychology.Ran Lahav - 1992 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 70 (1):99-105.
  25.  22
    The Relationship Between Neuroticism Fit and General Well-Being: The Mediating Effect of Psychological Resilience.Ran Hao, Huan Dong, Ruili Zhang, Ping Li, Peng Zhang, Meng Zhang & Jie Hu - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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  26. What is philosophical in philosophical counseling?Ran Lavah - 1996 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 13 (3):297-310.
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  27.  25
    Thyroid hormones and prevention of atherosclerotic heart disease: an old-new hypothesis.Arye Lev-Ran - 1994 - Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 37 (4):486.
  28.  60
    Defining Violence.Ernest W. Ranly - 1972 - Thought: Fordham University Quarterly 47 (3):415-427.
    Violence is not a free, self-creative activity but exactly the opposite; it is a passive, slavish response; it is falling victim to overpowering passions.
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    On thinking clearly and distinctly.Ran Lahav - 1992 - Metaphilosophy 23 (1-2):34-46.
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    Epistles of a Sāṁkhya-yogin.Dharmameghā Āraṇya - 1989 - Madhupur, Bihar: Kapil Math. Edited by Swāmī Dharmameghā Āraṇya.
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  31. Sāṁkhya across the millenniums.Hariharānanda Āraṇya - 2005 - Madhupur: Kapil Math. Edited by Kapila, Hariharānanda Āraṇya & Pañcaśikha.
    Critical interpretation of Sankhya philosophy based on Sankhyasutra of Kapil, Sāṅkhyatattvāloka of Hariharananda Aranya and Sāṅkhyasūtra of Pancasikha; includes Sanskrit text with English translation.
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  32. Filo-Sofiyah: ʻal ha-emet ha-aḥat.Ran Sigad - 1992 - Yerushalayim: Devir.
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  33. Musag ha-otentiyut ba-filosofyah ha-eksistentsyalistit.Ran Sigad - 1970
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  34.  91
    Inferring a linear ordering over a power set.Ran Spiegler - 2001 - Theory and Decision 51 (1):31-49.
    An observer attempts to infer the unobserved ranking of two ideal objects, A and B, from observed rankings in which these objects are `accompanied' by `noise' components, C and D. In the first ranking, A is accompanied by C and B is accompanied by D, while in the second ranking, A is accompanied by D and B is accompanied by C. In both rankings, noisy-A is ranked above noisy-B. The observer infers that ideal-A is ranked above ideal-B. This commonly used (...)
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    Emergent Privacy.Ran Wolff - 2015 - Journal of Philosophy 112 (3):141-158.
    Defining privacy is a long-sought goal for philosophers and legal scholars alike. Current definitions lack mathematical rigor. They are therefore impracticable for domains such as economics and computer science in which privacy needs to be quantified and computed. This paper describes a game-theoretic framework in which privacy requires no definition per se. Rather, it is an emergent property of specific games, the strategy by which players maximize their reward. In this context, key activities related to privacy, such as methods for (...)
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  36. A Memristive Hyperjerk Chaotic System: Amplitude Control, FPGA Design, and Prediction with Artificial Neural Network.Ran Wang, Chunbiao Li, Serdar Çiçek, Karthikeyan Rajagopal & Xin Zhang - 2021 - Complexity 2021:1-17.
    An amplitude controllable hyperjerk system is constructed for chaos producing by introducing a nonlinear factor of memristor. In this case, the amplitude control is realized from a single coefficient in the memristor. The hyperjerk system has a line of equilibria and also shows extreme multistability indicated by the initial value-associated bifurcation diagram. FPGA-based circuit realization is also given for physical verification. Finally, the proposed memristive hyperjerk system is successfully predicted with artificial neural networks for AI based engineering applications.
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  37. Attention Modulates Neural Responses to Unpredictable Emotional Faces in Dorsolateral Prefrontal Cortex.Guangming Ran, Xu Chen, Qi Zhang, Yuanxiao Ma & Xing Zhang - 2016 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 10.
  38.  59
    Implicit working memory.Ran R. Hassin, John A. Bargh, Andrew D. Engell & Kathleen C. McCulloch - 2009 - Consciousness and Cognition 18 (3):665-678.
    Working Memory plays a crucial role in many high-level cognitive processes . The prevalent view holds that active components of WM are predominantly intentional and conscious. This conception is oftentimes expressed explicitly, but it is best reflected in the nature of major WM tasks: All of them are blatantly explicit. We developed two new WM paradigms that allow for an examination of the role of conscious awareness in WM. Results from five studies show that WM can operate unintentionally and outside (...)
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  39. Bedānta o Advaitabāda. Bidyāraṇya - 1982 - [Bardhamāna]: Bardhamāna Biśvabidyālaẏa.
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  40. Kadin felsefeci̇leri̇mi̇z.Yücel Kayıran - 2006 - In Mustafa Günay & Arslan Kaynardağ, Arslan Kaynardağ'a armağan: Türkiye'de felsefenin kurumsallaşması. İzmir [Turkey]: İlya. pp. 11--182.
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    Contribution Of The Five-Year Development Plans To Tourism In Turkey.İsmail Kervanki̇ran - 2015 - Journal of Turkish Studies 10 (Volume 10 Issue 2):587-587.
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    Dünyada Değişen Müze Algısı Ekseninde Türkiye'deki Müze Turizmine Bakış.İsmail Kervanki̇ran - 2014 - Journal of Turkish Studies 9 (Volume 9 Issue 11):345-345.
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  43. An alternative to the adverbial theory: Dis-phenomenalism.Ran Lahav - 1990 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 50 (3):553-568.
  44. Applied Phenomenology in Philosophical Counseling.Ran Lahav - 1992 - International Journal of Applied Philosophy 7 (2):45-52.
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    An Effect of Buddhism on the formation of Modern New-Confucianism (Ⅱ)-centering around Qiwulunshi(齊物論釋) of Zhang Taiyan(章太炎)-.Kim Je Ran - 2007 - Journal of Eastern Philosophy 50:359-392.
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  46. Corporate Philanthropic Disaster Response and Ownership Type: Evidence from Chinese Firms’ Response to the Sichuan Earthquake.Ran Zhang, Zabihollah Rezaee & Jigao Zhu - 2009 - Journal of Business Ethics 91 (1):51-63.
    This article examines whether the charitable giving amount and likelihood of firm response to catastrophic events relate to firms’ ownership type using a unique dataset of listed firms in China, where state ownership is still prevalent. Based on the data of Chinese firms’ response to the 2008 Sichuan earthquake, we find that the extent of corporate contributions for state-owned firms following this disaster is less than that for private firms. State-owned firms are also less likely to respond in␣this disaster compared (...)
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  47.  45
    A three-valued quantified argument calculus: Domain-free model-theory, completeness, and embedding of fol.Ran Lanzet - 2017 - Review of Symbolic Logic 10 (3):549-582.
    This paper presents an extended version of the Quantified Argument Calculus (Quarc). Quarc is a logic comparable to the first-order predicate calculus. It employs several nonstandard syntactic and semantic devices, which bring it closer to natural language in several respects. Most notably, quantifiers in this logic are attached to one-place predicates; the resulting quantified constructions are then allowed to occupy the argument places of predicates. The version presented here is capable of straightforwardly translating natural-language sentences involving defining clauses. A three-valued, (...)
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  48. J. Krishnamurti's View on the Problem of Violence.Ran Bhushan Prasad - 2007 - In Manjulika Ghosh, Musings on philosophy: perennial and modern. New Delhi: Sundeep Prakashan.
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  49. ʼAnupaññā caṃ.Khaṅʻ Moṅʻ Raṅʻ - 1997 - Ranʻ kunʻ: [Phranʻʹ khyi reʺ], Muṃ rveʺ Cā ʼupʻ Tuikʻ. Edited by Joʻ Joʻ ʼOṅʻ.
    Aesthetics of art and literature; articles.
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    Buddhist thought underlied in Mou Zhongsan's philosophy.Kim Je Ran - 2015 - Journal of Eastern Philosophy 83:311-342.
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