Results for 'Shimʻon Likhṭenshṭain'

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  1. Sefer Mishpeṭe Shimʻon.Shimʻon ben Nisim Malkah - 1996 - Yerushalayim: ha-Makhon ha-gadol ṿeha-merkazi.
    ḥeleḳ 1. Halṿaʼah le-or ha-halakhah -- ḥeleḳ 2. Shevitato shel ḳaṭan -- ḥeleḳ 3. Istakal be-oraita uve-ʻalma -- ḥeleḳ 4. Emunah u-misḥar.
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  2. Sefer Divre Shimʻon: mah she-nishʼar aḥar ha-milḥamah ha-ʻolamit ha-shenyah.Shimʻon Tsevi ben Yehoshuʻa Dubyansḳi - 1995 - Brooklyn: Yehudah Ḳravits. Edited by Binyamin Dubyansḳi.
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  3. Musage ha-ḥayyim.Shimʻon Yaʻaḳov Gliḳsberg - 1945 - [Tel-Aviv,:
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  4. Sefer Ḥinukh la-noʻar.Shimʻon Leṿi (ed.) - 1997 - Bene Beraḳ: Mekhon "Mayim ḥayim".
    ʻAl ḥinukh ha-yeladim -- ʻAl ḥinukh le-midot ṭovot.
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  5. ha-Poʼemah ha-pedagogit shel Avraham Oren: be-Vet ha-sefer Orṭ Rogozin--Migdal ha-ʻEmeḳ: ḳovets maʼamarim be-ḥinukh uve-horaʼah.Yuval Deror & Shimʻon Oren (eds.) - 1995 - Oranim: Bet ha-sefer le-ḥinukh shel ha-tenuʻah ha-ḳibutsit.
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  6. Sefer Mitsṿat kibud horim: sipurim u-maʻaśiyot mi-toldot ʻam Yiśraʼel le-dorotam..Shimʻon Ṿanunu (ed.) - 1998 - [Israel: Sifre Shalom.
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  7. Sefer Rinat ha-Torah: ḥizuḳ gadol li-vene Torah... be-nośe maʻalat ʻerekh ha-Torah..Shimʻon Ṿanunu (ed.) - 1997 - Yerushalayim: Shimʻon Ḥen, Mordekhai Ḥen.
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  8. Sefer Bat melekh.she-ḥiber Shimʻon ben Daṿid Abayov - 1977 - In Joseph ben Solomon Calahora, Ḥayim Yitsḥaḳ Aharon, Eliyahu Saliman Mani, Moses ben Menahem Graf, Shimʻon ben Daṿid Abayov & Avraham Bar Shem Ṭov, Yesod Yosef. [Yerushalayim: Ḥ. Mo. L..
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  9. Sefer Maʻaśeh Roḳeaḥ ; Derashat ha-Roḳeaḥ le-Fesaḥ ; Sefer Shaʻare ṭerefot : hilkhot ṭerefot u-khesherut mi-Sefer Roḳeaḥ / le-Rabenu Baʻal ha-Roḳeaḥ ; Sefer Yoreh ḥaṭaʼim ; Sefer Yesod teshuvah ; Darkhe teshuvah ; Sefer Shemen Roḳeaḥ : ṿe-hu heʻarot beʼurim ṿe-tsiyunim ʻal Sefer ha-Roḳeaḥ ha-gadol.Shimʻon Likhṭenshṭain - 1982 - In Eleazar ben Judah, Zeh Sefer ha-Roḳeaḥ. Shikun Sḳṿira: Sh. E.Z. Unger.
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  10. Derekh emunah baḥarti: divre musar ṿe-hashḳafah be-nośe ha-emunah meluḳaṭim mi-sifre gedole ha-dorot, rishonim ṿe-aḥaronim: ʻuvdot ṿe-sipurim mi-gedole ha-dorot..Shimʻon Ṿanunu - 2003 - Yerushalayim: Mekhon Barukh.
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    Jews and Greeks in Ancient Cyrene.Jerzy Linderski, Shimʾon Applebaum & Shimon Applebaum - 1982 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 102 (1):210.
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  12. 48 ḳinyanim le-maʻaśeh: meʼot perushim 48 ḳinyane ha-Torah ha-menuyim be-Masekhet avot p. 6, m. 6, meluḳatim me-ʻaśrot sefarim me-rabotenu gedole ha-dorot metumtsatim ṿe-ʻorkhim be-seder naʼeh ṿe-yaʼeh.Ḥayim Shimʻon Rabiʻa - 2013 - Betar ʻIlit: [Ḥayim Shimʻon Rabiʻa].
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  13. Gilu bi-reʻadah: otsar maʼamre Ḥazal rishonim ṿe-aḥaronim, sipurim, ʻuvdot ṿe-hanhagot niflaʼim ʻal mitsṿot tefilah...Shimʻon Ṿanunu - 1999 - [Yerushalayim: Merkaz ha-sefer. Edited by Mordekhai ben Efrayim Mosheh Argaman.
    ḥeleḳ 1. Mivḥar penine musar, pirḳe hagut u-maḥshavah be-nośe ha-tefilah -- ḥeleḳ 2. Otsar sipurim ʻuvdot ṿe-hanhagot be-nośe ha-tefilah.
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  14. ʻInve ha-gefen: asupat sipurim, ʻuvdot ṿe-hanhagot nedirim... be-ʻinyene shidukhim ṿe-ziṿugim..Shimʻon Ṿanunu - 1999 - Yerushalayim: Maʻayenot ha-Torah.
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  15. Sefer Mi-zeḳenim etbonen: otsar peninim niflaʼim, siḥot ṿe-hashḳafah musariyim..Shimʻon Ṿanunu - 1999 - Yerushalayim: Merkaz ha-sefer. Edited by Mordekhai ben Efrayim Mosheh Argaman.
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  16. Hakarah, lashon u-metsiʼut: (beʻayot ha-episṭemologyah).Shimʻon Ṿiner - 1993 - Petaḥ Tiḳṿah: Sh. Ṿiner.
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  17. Maʻalat ha-midot ṿeha-yirʼah: ṿe-hu Yalḳuṭ Ketavam ʻal luaḥ libkha: liḳuṭim... be-mitsṿot ben adam la-Maḳom uve-mitsṿot ben adam la-ḥavero..Shimʻon Ṿanunu (ed.) - 1996 - Yerushalayim: Mekhon "Ḥen ha-ḥayim".
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  18. Sefer Meʼor ha-Torah: otsar perushim u-maʼamarim, penine ḥokhmah musar hashḳafah... ʻal ha-ḥovah be-limud ha-Torah..Shimʻon Ṿanunu (ed.) - 1997 - Yerushalayim: Shalom Ben Daṿid.
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  19. Yesod Yosef.Joseph ben Solomon Calahora, Ḥayim Yitsḥaḳ Aharon, Eliyahu Saliman Mani, Moses ben Menahem Graf, Shimʻon ben Daṿid Abayov & Avraham Bar Shem Ṭov (eds.) - 1977 - [Yerushalayim: Ḥ. Mo. L..
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  20. Sefer Yitsro shel adam: otsar balum u-mivḥar ḥidushim u-veʼurim, heʼarot, peninim u-meshalim be-derekh ha-pardes, mi-divre rabotenu ha-geʼonim... baʻale ha-musar: ba-nośe yetser ha-ṭov ṿe-yetser ha-raʻ ṿeha-derakhim ke-hitgaber ʻalaṿ, meluḳaṭim mi-meʼot sifre rabotenu be-tosefet alfe marʼe meḳomot u-mafteḥot meforaṭ.Shimʻon Ṿanunu (ed.) - 2002 - Yerushalayim: Mekhon Barukh.
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  21. Marʼot ʻenayim: ʻena de-oraita: ha-kolel be-tokho liḳuṭim... bi-shemirah me-reʼiyot asurot... ʻal kol ʻinyanin ha-shayakhim la-ʻenayim..Shimʻon Ṿanunu (ed.) - 1996 - Yerushalayim: Sh. Ṿanunu.
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    A Note on the Birth of Skanda in Nepalese Skandapurāṇa(adhyāya 163-165).Jaekwan Shim - 2015 - The Journal of Indian Philosophy 43:97-120.
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  23. Towards a Phenomenological Monadology. On Husserl and Mahnke.Michael K. Shim - 2002 - In David Carr & Christian Lotz, Subjektivität, Verantwortung, Wahrheit: neue Aspekte der Phänomenologie Edmund Husserls. Frankfurt am Main: P. Lang. pp. 243-260.
    The following proposes an interpretation of Husserl's sustained exegetical commentary on Leibniz's metaphysics from 1922 (Hua XIV 298300), with reference to textual and historical resources. The leading historical index for the following interpretation is a minor contribution to Leibniz scholarship from 1917 by Dietrich Mahnke, a work with which Husserl was intimately familiar. Textual references are to works by Husserl which would have been available to Mahnke- i.e., the Logische Untersuchungen and Ideen—I as well as relevant notes and lectures from (...)
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  24.  35
    Presence and Origin: On the Possibility of the Static-Genetic Distinction.Michael K. Shim - 2005 - Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology 36 (2):129-147.
    In this paper, I defend Husserl against Derrida's critique that Husserl's phenomenology is of a piece with the "the metaphysics of presence." I show much of Derrida's critique can be met by what Husserl calls "genetic phenomenology.".
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    Leibniz on Concept and Substance.Michael K. Shim - 2006 - International Philosophical Quarterly 46 (3):309-325.
    A historically persistent way of reading Leibniz regards him as some kind of conceptualist. According to this interpretation, Leibniz was either an ontological conceptualist or an epistemological conceptualist. As an ontological conceptualist, Leibniz is taken to hold the view that there exist only concepts. As an epistemological conceptualist, he is seen as believing that we think only with concepts. I argue against both conceptualist renditions. I confront the ontological conceptualist view with Leibniz’s metaphysics of creation. If the ontological conceptualist interpretation (...)
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  26. Representationalism and Husserlian Phenomenology.Michael K. Shim - 2011 - Husserl Studies 27 (3):197-215.
    According to contemporary representationalism, phenomenal qualia—of specifically sensory experiences—supervene on representational content. Most arguments for representationalism share a common, phenomenological premise: the so-called “transparency thesis.” According to the transparency thesis, it is difficult—if not impossible—to distinguish the quality or character of experiencing an object from the perceived properties of that object. In this paper, I show that Husserl would react negatively to the transparency thesis; and, consequently, that Husserl would be opposed to at least two versions of contemporary representationalism. First, (...)
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    A Comment on "Jesus the Bodhisattva".Jae-Ryong Shim - 1996 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 16:191.
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    The Role of ‘Political Trust’ in Science Communication : Focusing on ‘K-Quarantine Evaluation’ on COVID 19.Jae-Chul Shim & Moon-Hwan Kim - 2021 - Episteme 26:55-81.
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    Aisthetik Research on media performance.Hea-Ryun Shim - 2021 - EPOCH AND PHILOSOPHY 32 (2):45-78.
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    Distributive Justice between Basic Income and Labor Income: Study on a New Distribution Way combined with Common Property and Labor Value.Hyunju Shim - 2019 - Journal of Ethics: The Korean Association of Ethics 1 (125):105-128.
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    On the Structure of Justice.Shim Hun-sup - 2017 - Korean Journal of Legal Philosophy 20 (3):291-302.
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  32. The duality of non-conceptual content in Husserl’s phenomenology of perception.Michael K. Shim - 2005 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 4 (2):209-229.
    Recently, a number of epistemologists have argued that there are no non-conceptual elements in representational content. On their view, the only sort of non-conceptual elements are components of sub-personal organic hardware that, because they enjoy no veridical role, must be construed epistemologically irrelevant. By reviewing a 35-year-old debate initiated by Dagfinn F.
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  33. Ethics and Imagination.Joy Shim & Shen-yi Liao - 2023 - In James Harold, The Oxford handbook of Ethics and Art. New York, NY: Oxford University Press. pp. 709-727.
    In this chapter, we identify and present predominant debates at the intersection of ethics and imagination. We begin by examining issues on whether our imagination can be constrained by ethical considerations, such as the moral evaluation of imagination, the potential for morality’s constraining our imaginative abilities, and the possibility of moral norms’ governing our imaginings. Then, we present accounts that posit imagination’s integral role in cultivating ethical lives, both through engagements with narrative artworks and in reality. Our final topic of (...)
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    Accounting for Complexity: Gene–environment Interaction Research and the Moral Economy of Quantification.Janet K. Shim, Robert A. Hiatt, Sandra Soo-Jin Lee, Katherine Weatherford Darling & Sara L. Ackerman - 2016 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 41 (2):194-218.
    Scientists now agree that common diseases arise through interactions of genetic and environmental factors, but there is less agreement about how scientific research should account for these interactions. This paper examines the politics of quantification in gene–environment interaction research. Drawing on interviews and observations with GEI researchers who study common, complex diseases, we describe quantification as an unfolding moral economy of science, in which researchers collectively enact competing “virtues.” Dominant virtues include molecular precision, in which behavioral and social risk factors (...)
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  35.  28
    Community Engagement in Precision Medicine Research: Organizational Practices and Their Impacts for Equity.Janet K. Shim, Nicole Foti, Emily Vasquez, Stephanie M. Fullerton, Michael Bentz, Melanie Jeske & Sandra Soo-Jin Lee - 2023 - AJOB Empirical Bioethics 14 (4):185-196.
    Background In the wake of mandates for biomedical research to increase participation by members of historically underrepresented populations, community engagement (CE) has emerged as a key intervention to help achieve this goal.Methods Using interviews, observations, and document analysis, we examine how stakeholders in precision medicine research understand and seek to put into practice ideas about who to engage, how engagement should be conducted, and what engagement is for.Results We find that ad hoc, opportunistic, and instrumental approaches to CE exacted significant (...)
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  36. Review: Nuzzo, Ideal embodiment: Kant's theory of sensibility.Michael K. Shim - 2010 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 48 (2):pp. 248-249.
    This book is a survey of Kant's three Critiques that makes use of an "interpretive concept" that Nuzzo calls "transcendental embodiment" . According to Nuzzo, if we think of Kant as holding that there is something like the " a priori of the human body" or body as "the transcendental site of sensibility," which "displays a formal, ideal dimension essential to our experience as human beings" , then our understanding of Kant will be greatly improved. That is because the "notion (...)
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  37.  26
    On the generation of nanograins in pure copper through uniaxial single compression.B. Zhang & V. P. W. Shim - 2010 - Philosophical Magazine 90 (24):3293-3311.
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    Transference, Counter-transference, and Reflexivity in Intercultural Education.Jenna Min Shim - 2015 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 47 (7):675-687.
    The article addresses the contributions psychoanalytic theory, particularly its concepts of transference and counter-transference, can make to our understanding of reflexivity in intercultural education (IE). After the introduction, the article is organized into three parts. The first part is a psychoanalytic discussion that focuses on the concepts of transference and counter-transference. The second part elaborates on the concepts of transference and counter-transference by presenting examples through existing studies in the fields of multicultural and IE and psychoanalysis to illuminate what it (...)
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    Consumers’ ethical orientation and pro-firm behavioral response to CSR.KyuJin Shim & Soojin Kim - 2019 - Asian Journal of Business Ethics 8 (2):127-154.
    This study identifies the roles of consumers’ ethical orientations and CSR motives and the dynamics of these two variables on the subsequent consumers’ attitudinal and behavioral responses to CSR—perceived corporate authenticity and pro-firm behavioral intentions. To examine the impact of individual consumers’ ethical orientations, the authors measured consumers’ ethical orientations such as deontology and consequentialism through a Web-based survey conducted in Korea and in the USA. Further, to investigate the role of perceived CSR motives, the authors measured the perception of (...)
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    Igrot ha-Rambam: ḥalifat ha-mikhtavim ʻim R. Yosef ben Yehudah.Moses Maimonides, Abraham S. Halkin, D. H. Baneth & Joseph ben Judah Ibn Shim on - 1985 - Yerushalayim: Hotsaʼat sefarim ʻa. sh. Y.L. Magnes, ha-Universiṭah ha-ʻIvrit. Edited by Ibn Shimʻon, Joseph ben Judah, D. H. Baneth & Abraham S. Halkin.
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    End-of-Life Treatment Preferences Among Older Adults.Eun-Shim Nahm & Barbara Resnick - 2001 - Nursing Ethics 8 (6):533-543.
    With the advancement of medical technology, various life-sustaining treatments are available at the end of life. Older adults should be encouraged to establish their end-of-life treatment preferences (ELTP) while they are physically and mentally able to do so. The purpose of this study was to explore ELTP among older adults and to compare those preferences in a subset of individuals who had reported their ELTP in a survey completed the previous year. This was a descriptive study of 191 older adults (...)
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    The Effect of Emotional Labor of College Administrative Service Workers on Job Attitudes: Mediating Effect of Emotional Labor on Trust and Organizational Commitment.Sang-Lin Han, Hyeon-Sook Shim & Won Jun Choi - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9:424853.
    Service providers working for a service organization are asked to express such positive emotions as joy, pleasure, and politeness required at the organizational level rather than their natural emotions they are experiencing at the moment. They cannot express their emotion they are actually going through and accordingly, their level of emotional labor and emotional dissonance influence on their job commitment and trust toward their organization. This study thus set out to investigate the effects of leading variables of emotional labor on (...)
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    Descartes and Husserl: The Philosophical Project of Radical Beginnings (review). [REVIEW]Michael K. Shim - 2000 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 38 (4):593-595.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Descartes and Husserl. The Philosophical Project of Radical BeginningsMichael K. ShimPaul S. MacDonald. Descartes and Husserl. The Philosophical Project of Radical Beginnings. Albany: State University of New York Press, 2000. Pp. 285. Paper, $21.95.The enormous influence exerted by Descartes on Husserl's phenomenological philosophy cannot be underestimated. Not only is Husserl quite open and explicit about his philosophical debt to Descartes, but the fundamental motivation of the phenomenological [End (...)
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  44. Feminism and the discourse of sexuality in korea: Continuities and changes. [REVIEW]Young-Hee Shim - 2001 - Human Studies 24 (1-2):133-148.
    This paper aims to deal with the change of sexual discourse through the rise of a feminist movement in Korea from a constructivist point of view. First, the paper discusses the Confucianism of the Chosun dynasty as an historical background of the issue of sexuality (since Confucianism still has a far-reaching grip and effect on many aspects of everyday life in Korea). Second, it deals with chastity ideology and the double standard of sexuality between men and women as ongoing Confucian (...)
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    A New Approach to Estimate Concentration Levels with Filtered Neural Nets for Online Learning.Woodo Lee, Junhyoung Oh & Jaekwoun Shim - 2022 - Complexity 2022:1-8.
    The COVID-19 pandemic heavily influenced human life by constricting human social activity. Following the spread of the pandemic, humans did not have a choice but to change their lifestyles. There has been much change in the field of education, which has led to schools hosting online classes as an alternative to face-to-face classes. However, the concentration level is lowered in the online learning class, and the student’s learning rate decreases. We devise a framework for recognizing and estimating students’ concentration levels (...)
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  46. Sefer Maṭeh Shimʻon: yipared li-shene roshim..Sz Halperin - 1923 - Vilna: Bi-defus Sheraga Faivel Garber.
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    Interrogating the Value of Return of Results for Diverse Populations: Perspectives from Precision Medicine Researchers.Caitlin E. McMahon, Nicole Foti, Melanie Jeske, William R. Britton, Stephanie M. Fullerton, Janet K. Shim & Sandra Soo-Jin Lee - 2024 - AJOB Empirical Bioethics 15 (2):108-119.
    Background Over the last decade, the return of results (ROR) in precision medicine research (PMR) has become increasingly routine. Calls for individual rights to research results have extended the “duty to report” from clinically useful genetic information to traits and ancestry results. ROR has thus been reframed as inherently beneficial to research participants, without a needed focus on who benefits and how. This paper addresses this gap, particularly in the context of PMR aimed at increasing participant diversity, by providing investigator (...)
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    The Musā-Nāma of R. Shimʿon ḤakhamThe Musa-Nama of R. Shimon Hakham.Amnon Netzer & Herbert H. Paper - 1989 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 109 (2):311.
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  49. Mishnato ha-filosofit shel R. Shimʻon ben Tsemaḥ Duran, ha-Rashbats.Nachum Arieli - 1976 - [Israel,:
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  50. Sefer Musre Rashbi: divre musar be-ʻinyene ha-midot uvi-sheʼar ʻinyanim / mi-leshon Shimʻon ben Yoḥai. Ṿe-ʻalav ḥibur Even shelemah: bo yevoʼar divre ha-musar sheba-Zohar...Simeon bar Yoḥai - 2004 - Yerushalayim: Mekhon Daʻat Yosef.
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