Results for 'Sharma Aditi'

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  1.  23
    Difference in the level of knowledge regarding Consumer Protection Act among dentist before and after interventional program: A comparative study.Gijwani Deeksha, Singh Simarpreet, Mathur Anmol, Makkar DiljotKaur, Aggarwal VikramPal & Sharma Aditi - 2016 - Journal of Education and Ethics in Dentistry 6 (1):41.
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    Comment by Arvind Sharma.Arvind Sharma - 2000 - Journal of Religious Ethics 28 (1):159-164.
    Comments on: JRE Focus on The 50th Anniversary of the Universal Declaration ofHuman Rights, Journal of Religious Ethics 26.2 “Rethinking Human Rights: A Review Essay on Religion, Relativism, and Other Matters” by David Little, Journal of Religious Ethics 27.1.
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    On Corporate Virtue.Aditi Gowri - 2007 - Journal of Business Ethics 70 (4):391-400.
    This paper considers the question of virtues appropriate to a corporate actor's moral character. A model of corporate appetites is developed by analogy with animal appetities; and the pursuit of initially virtuous corporate tendencies to an extreme degree is shown to be morally perilous. The author thus refutes a previous argument which suggested that (1) corporate virtues, unlike human virtues, need not be located on an Aristotelian mean between opposite undesirable extremes because (2) corporations do not have appetites; and (3) (...)
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    The mental representation of lexical form: A phonological approach to the recognition lexicon.Aditi Lahiri & William Marslen-Wilson - 1991 - Cognition 38 (3):245-294.
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    Extracting Low‐Dimensional Psychological Representations from Convolutional Neural Networks.Aditi Jha, Joshua C. Peterson & Thomas L. Griffiths - 2023 - Cognitive Science 47 (1):e13226.
    Convolutional neural networks (CNNs) are increasingly widely used in psychology and neuroscience to predict how human minds and brains respond to visual images. Typically, CNNs represent these images using thousands of features that are learned through extensive training on image datasets. This raises a question: How many of these features are really needed to model human behavior? Here, we attempt to estimate the number of dimensions in CNN representations that are required to capture human psychological representations in two ways: (1) (...)
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    Choice, internal consistency and rationality.Aditi Bhattacharyya, Prasanta K. Pattanaik & Yongsheng Xu - 2011 - Economics and Philosophy 27 (2):123-149.
    The classical theory of rational choice is built on several important internal consistency conditions. In recent years, the reasonableness of those internal consistency conditions has been questioned and criticized, and several responses to accommodate such criticisms have been proposed in the literature. This paper develops a general framework to accommodate the issues raised by the criticisms of classical rational choice theory, and examines the broad impact of these criticisms from both normative and positive points of view.
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    Voluntary Obligation and Contract.Aditi Bagchi - 2019 - Theoretical Inquiries in Law 20 (2):433-455.
    Absent mistake or misrepresentation, most scholars assume that parties who agree to contract do so voluntarily. Scholars tend further to regard that choice as an important exercise in moral agency. Hanoch Dagan and Michael Heller are right to question the quality of our choices. Where the fundamental contours of the transaction are legally determined, parties have little opportunity to exercise autonomous choice over the terms on which they deal with others. To the extent that our choices in contract do not (...)
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    Left inferior-parietal lobe activity in perspective tasks: identity statements.Aditi Arora, Benjamin Weiss, Matthias Schurz, Markus Aichhorn, Rebecca C. Wieshofer & Josef Perner - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
  9.  20
    Nondomination and the ambitions of employment law.Aditi Bagchi - 2023 - Theoretical Inquiries in Law 24 (1):1-25.
    There is something missing in existing discussions of domination. While republican theory, antisubordination theory, and critical legal theory each have contributed significantly to our understanding of domination, their focus on structural relationships and group subordination can leave out of focus the individual wrongs that make up domination, each of which is an unjustified exercise of power by one person over another. Private law (supported by private law theory) plays an important role in filling out our pictures of domination and the (...)
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    Education for All: How Schooling Is Creating Social Changes for Lowered-Caste Girls in Rural India.Aditi Ashok Arur & Joan Dejaeghere - 2020 - Gender and Society 34 (6):951-975.
    Arguments for the expansion of formal schooling have long focused on individual outcomes from schooling, including increasing income, reducing poverty, delaying marriage, and improving health, particularly for girls and women. For nearly three decades now, global education agendas have supported girls’ education in an effort to achieve these outcomes. A large body of research analyzes girls’ individual empowerment from schooling, but less attention is given to how schooling is creating change in families and communities, particularly for lowered-caste girls in India. (...)
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  11.  34
    The philosophy of mathematics education by Paul Ernest.Aditi Gowri - 1994 - Social Epistemology 8 (2):139 – 150.
  12.  73
    Towards a moral ecology: What is the relationship between collective and human agents?Aditi Gowri - 1997 - Social Epistemology 11 (1):73 – 95.
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  13.  9
    Collective epistemic vices in Blaise Pascal's Provinciales.Aditi Chaturvedi - forthcoming - Southern Journal of Philosophy.
    Les Provinciales (1656–1657) by Blaise Pascal is best known today for its scathing attack on the Jesuits. Most contemporary accounts treat the work either as a gem of polemical epistolography or of theological and historical interest as a depiction of the debates between the Jansenists and the Jesuits in seventeenth‐century France. In general, Pascal's epistemology is either ignored in Anglophone epistemology or explored in relation to Descartes or other more “substantial” epistemologists. This article argues that such marginalization of Les Provinciales—and (...)
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  14.  21
    Advaitamaṇiḥ: Professor Ram Murti Sharma commemorative volume = Advaitamaṇiḥ.Ram Murti Sharma, Vempaṭi Kuṭumbaśāstrī, Pravesh Saxena & Priti Kaushik (eds.) - 2012 - Delhi: Vidyanidhi Prakashan.
    Contributed articles on Advaita, Hindu philosophy, Vedic and Sanskrit literature.
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  15.  35
    Accomplishing the Accomplished: The Vedas as a Source of Valid Knowledge in Sankara.Arvind Sharma - 1993 - Philosophy East and West 43 (4):737-744.
  16.  58
    Contract as Procedural Justice.Aditi Bagchi - 2016 - Jurisprudence 7 (1):47-84.
    The premise of contract law is that the redistribution of entitlements that results from contract is justified by the process of agreement. But theories of contract differ importantly on how and when voluntary exchange justifies a resorting of entitlements. Pure theories regard the principles of contract as essentially derivative from some aspect of the principle of autonomy; contracting parties’ intent to assume legal obligation is in principle necessary and sufficient for its enforcement. Perfect theories do not view contract as self-justifying (...)
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  17.  12
    The development of the concept of maya and avidya with special reference to the concept of vivarta: an interpretation of Sankara philosophy.Aditi De - 1982 - [Patna]: De.
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  18.  48
    Six Kleptocratic Continua.Aditi Gowri - 2005 - Journal of Business Ethics 60 (4):411-421.
    This article suggests that criminality in leaders might best be understood by ethicists as a matter of degree. Leaders may take without legitimate claim a variety of tangible or intangible goods including ideas and personal health. The extent to which any such act should be disfavoured is subject to debate. Moreover, both theft and control may be understood as continuous phenomena. Kleptocratic regimes within workplace or family may foster in people a habit of accepting similar treatment from economic and political (...)
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  19. Drivers of Proactive Environmental Strategy in Family Firms.Sharma Pramodita & Sharma Sanjay - 2011 - Business Ethics Quarterly 21 (2):309-334.
    ABSTRACT:Globally, family firms are the dominant organizational form. Family involvement in business and unique family dynamics impacts organizational strategy and performance. However, family control of business has rarely been adopted as a discriminating variable in the organizations and the natural environment (ONE) research field. Drawing on the theory of planned behavior we develop a conceptual framework of the drivers of proactive environmental strategy (PES) in family firms. We argue that family involvement in business influences the attitudes, subjective norms, and perceived (...)
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  20.  42
    Effect of germanium addition on the physical properties of Se–Te glassy semiconductors. Mainika, Pankaj Sharma & Nagesh Thakur - 2009 - Philosophical Magazine 89 (33):3027-3036.
    The effect of germanium addition on the physical properties, i.e. density, molar volume, compactness, number of lone-pair electrons, average coordination number, heat of atomization, mean bond energy, cohesive energy and glass-transition temperature, of (Se80Te20)100− x Ge x (x = 0, 2, 4, 6) bulk glassy alloys was investigated. The density of the glassy alloys is found to decrease with increasing Ge content. The molar volume and compactness of the structure of the glass were determined from the measured density. The mean (...)
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  21.  30
    A History of Early Vedanta Philosophy, Part I.Arvind Sharma - 1987 - Philosophy East and West 37 (3):325-331.
  22.  36
    Dharmakīrti on the existence of other minds.Ramesh Kumar Sharma - 1985 - Journal of Indian Philosophy 13 (1):55-71.
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  23.  46
    A Critical Survey of Indian Philosophy.Chandradhar Sharma - 2000 - Motilal Banarsidass Publ..
    The present treatise is a critical study of different systems of Indian Philosophy based on original sources and its principal value lies in their interpretation. On almost all fundamental points the author has quoted from the original texts to enable the reader to compare the interpretations with the text. The book opens with the survey of Indian philosophical thought as found in the Vedas, the Upanisads and Bhagavadgita. It proceeds to the study of Materialism, Jainism and Early Buddhism, Sunyavada, Vijnanavada (...)
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  24. Dreamless Sleep and Some Related Philosophical Issues.Ramesh Kumar Sharma - 2001 - Philosophy East and West 51 (2):210 - 231.
    The phenomenon of dreamless sleep and its philosophical consequences, particularly deep sleep's relevance to such issues as Self, Consciousness, Personal Identity, Unity of Subject, and Disembodied Life, are explored through a discussion, in varying detail, of certain noted doctrines and views--for example of Advaita Vedānta, Hegel, and H. D. Lewis. Finally, with a cue from Leibniz and McTaggart, the suggestion is made that at no stage during sleep is the self without some perceptions, however indeterminate. Support for this hypothesis is (...)
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  25.  1
    Experiencing caste in higher education: Everyday pedagogic contexts and silenced conflicts. Karan & Gunjan Sharma - 2024 - ENCYCLOPAIDEIA 28 (70):35-52.
    This study engages with the experiences of Dalit-Bahujan (oppressed social castes) students at a higher education institution in India. Drawing from interview-based data, it explores the students’ narratives to map their educational experiences, taking the medium of instruction as a case in point. The study aims to deepen understanding of the intersection of caste and curricular-pedagogic context of higher education and its relation to knowledge production in institutional contexts. The findings highlight a significant gap between the socio-economic backgrounds of Dalit-Bahujan (...)
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  26.  27
    Modern Logic--Its Relevance to Philosophy.Dhirendra Sharma - 1973 - Philosophy East and West 23 (3):409-412.
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    Bringing politics back in: Rethinking the Asian financial crisis and its aftermath.Shalendra D. Sharma - 2003 - Critical Review: A Journal of Politics and Society 15 (1-2):221-238.
    We now have a fairly good understanding of the economic causes of the 1977 Asian financial crisis. There is as yet, however, little understanding of the politics behind the crisis. Not only did various political systems in Asia play a significant role in fomenting the crisis, they have also demonstrated remarkable capacities in dealing with its aftermath. Nowhere is this more evident than in the far‐reaching economic reforms implemented by the Kim Dae‐Jung administration in South Korea. The key to Korea's (...)
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    The Anatomy of an Illusion: On Plato's Purported Commitment to Self-Predication.Ravi Sharma - 2007 - Apeiron 40 (2):159-198.
  29.  27
    The ethics behind medical conferences: a view from India.V. Sharma & A. Sharma - 2010 - Journal of Medical Ethics 36 (7):445-446.
    Medical conferences are organised by professional bodies with a view to providing an opportunity of continuing medical education and improving the practices of medical professionals. Of late these events have degenerated into entertainment extravaganzas and no longer remain pure academic exercises. This article discusses the possible reasons behind the current state of decay and mechanisms to improve the state of affairs.
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    Abrogating Article 370 and Kashmir’s exceptionalism: a critical analysis of India’s bodies politic.Aditi Bhatia - 2025 - Critical Discourse Studies 22 (2):167-182.
    On 5th August 2019, India’s Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) government, under the direction of Prime Minister Narendra Modi, revoked Kashmir’s special status in a bid to integrate its Muslim-majority...
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    Jīvanmukti in Neo-Hinduism: The Case of Rama a Mahar i.Arvind Sharma - 2005 - Asian Philosophy 15 (3):207-220.
    Jīvanmukti or ‘living liberation’ has been identified as a distinguishing feature of Indian thought; or, upon drawing a narrower circle, of Hindu thought; and upon drawing an even narrower cocentric circle of Vedānta—of Advaita Vedānta. In some recent studies the cogency of its formulation within Advaita Vedānta has been questioned—but without reference to the testimony of its major modern exemplar, Rama a Mahar i. This paper examines the significance of the life and statements of Rama a Mahar i for the (...)
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  32.  32
    Eating Ethically: Towards a Communitarian Food Model.Shivani Sharma - 2020 - Food Ethics 5 (1):1-16.
    It is no secret that there have been radical changes in the way we produce and consume food ever since the introduction of industrial methods of production to food. Such changes have raised several ethical concerns about loss of biodiversity, ethical treatment of animals, nutritional quality of industrial food, safety of genetically modified food, and adequate working conditions of people in agricultural sector among many others. Food ethics has recently started to respond to some such concerns. However, a food ethics (...)
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  33.  15
    Moral Issues in Environmental Crisis: A Feminists Approach.Laimayum Bishwanath Sharma - 2013 - Tattva - Journal of Philosophy 5 (1):125-139.
    Environmental crisis is one of the biggest problems of the world that involves moral issues. From different perspectives the crisis can be analyzed in order to find out a solution. This paper intends to highlight on feminists ethical theory with the aim of clarifying the standpoints of eco-feminism on the issues of environmental ethics. An attempt has been made to initiate a discussion about the issue of how environmental degradation and exploitation of nature became a feminist issue. The feminists‟ view (...)
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  34.  16
    Subthreshold Electrical Noise Applied to the Plantar Foot Enhances Lower-Limb Cutaneous Reflex Generation.Tushar Sharma, Ryan M. Peters & Leah R. Bent - 2020 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 14.
  35.  41
    “Om”: Singing Vedic Philosophy for Music Education.Aditi Gopinathan & Leonard Tan - 2023 - Philosophy of Music Education Review 31 (1):4-24.
    Extending a nascent line of Asian philosophical research in music education, we mine Indian philosophies of music and education. Three key questions guide our project: What are Vedic philosophies of music? What are Vedic philosophies of education? Taken together, what insights can we draw for contemporary music education writ large? To address our questions, we analyze key passages from the Upanishads and synthesize ideas from these texts. A quartet of inter-related ideas emerge from our analysis: the guru, the shishya, vidya, (...)
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  36.  64
    Buddhist theory of meaning (apoha) and negative statements.Dhirendra Sharma - 1968 - Philosophy East and West 18 (1/2):3-10.
  37.  69
    Is anubhava a pramāṅa according to śaṇkar?Arvind Sharma - 1992 - Philosophy East and West 42 (3):517-526.
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    Three Different Approaches to Impact: Translating, Cocreating, and Performing.Garima Sharma & Pratima Bansal - 2022 - Business and Society 61 (4):827-832.
    In 1843, Søren Kierkegaard said, “ It is perfectly true, as philosophers say, that life must be understood backwards. But they forget the other proposition, that it must be lived forwards.” Management researchers are often attracted to the business and society domain because of a desire to impact management practice to create a better world. However, they often do not have the impact that they hope, because researchers tend to rely on historical data, but managers seek insights that inform future (...)
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  39.  26
    Letters, Notes, & Comments.Arvind Sharma & William A. Barbieri Jr - 1999 - Journal of Religious Ethics 27 (3):537 - 549.
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  40. A view into the fray : lived testimony of minorities in the UK peace, security and foreign policymaking fields.Aditi Gupta & Mélina Villeneuve - 2024 - In Hannah Partis-Jennings & Clara Eroukhmanoff, Feminist policymaking in turbulent times: critical perspectives. New York, NY: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group.
  41.  89
    The structure of intrinsic complexity of learning.Sanjay Jain & Arun Sharma - 1997 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 62 (4):1187-1201.
    Limiting identification of r.e. indexes for r.e. languages (from a presentation of elements of the language) and limiting identification of programs for computable functions (from a graph of the function) have served as models for investigating the boundaries of learnability. Recently, a new approach to the study of "intrinsic" complexity of identification in the limit has been proposed. This approach, instead of dealing with the resource requirements of the learning algorithm, uses the notion of reducibility from recursion theory to compare (...)
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  42. Manyness of selves, samkhya, and K. C. Bhattacharyya.Ramesh Kumar Sharma - 2004 - Philosophy East and West 54 (4):425-457.
    : Classical Sāmkhya, as represented by Īśvarakrsna's Sāmkhya-kārikā, is well known for its attempt to prove not only the reality but the plurality of selves (purusa-bahutva). The Sāmkhya argument, since it proceeds from the reality of the manyness of the bodies as its basic premise, approximates, even if not in every detail, the 'argument from analogy' in its traditional form (which the essay tries to explicate). One distinguished modern interpreter, K. C. Bhattacharyya, however, not satisfied with this account, attempts to (...)
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  43.  46
    Platonic Inquiry.Ravi Sharma - 2017 - Polis 34 (1):147-155.
  44.  32
    Mitigating Challenges in Dual-Role Consent: Honoring Patient Preferences to Discuss Research Participation With Someone They Know.Akshay Sharma & Liza-Marie Johnson - 2019 - American Journal of Bioethics 19 (4):30-32.
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    Corporate Gita: Lessons for Management, Administration and Leadership.Subhash Sharma - 1999 - Journal of Human Values 5 (2):103-123.
    This paper expounds the model of a 'sacro-civic' society, drawing upon psycho-spiritual insights of the Gita. Four major management themes of common interest in the East and the West have been selected. Then the relevant verses of the Gita have been used to elaborate on their respective deeper imports. These four broad themes have later again been decomposed into 20 specific subthemes, and verses connected with each of them are presented. The author offers simple rhymed English translations of these verses (...)
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  46. (1 other version)What is Aristotle's 'Third Man' Argument Against the Forms?Ravi Sharma - 2005 - Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy 28:123-160.
  47.  16
    Book review: Chris Featherman, Discourses of Ideology and Identity: Social Media and the Iranian Election Protests. [REVIEW]Aditi Bhatia - 2017 - Discourse and Communication 11 (3):330-332.
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    Catalogus Catalogorum of Bengali Manuscripts. Volume I. Bāṅglā Puthira Tālikā Samanvaya, Prathama KhaṇdaCatalogus Catalogorum of Bengali Manuscripts. Volume I. Bangla Puthira Talika Samanvaya, Prathama Khanda. [REVIEW]Aditi Nath Sarkar & Jatindra Mohan Bhattacharjee - 1981 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 101 (4):500.
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  49. A reply to A. Kanthamani's comments on my views concerning consciousness vs. dreamless sleep.Ramesh Kumar Sharma - 2003 - Journal of the Indian Council of Philosophical Research 20 (4):208-213.
  50.  79
    Embodiment, subjectivity, and disembodied existence.Ramesh Kumar Sharma - 2011 - Philosophy East and West 61 (1):1-37.
    I think, from the standpoint of present experience, one can fairly start by saying that all experience is lived embodied experience, though it is clear that such a statement, if wholly unqualified, would mean a commitment of extensive implications. 1 Some of these implications I will briefly try to spell out toward the end of this essay. I don’t say our body sets limits to how far our imagination can really go, for clearly, if our imagination were wholly controlled by (...)
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