Results for 'Shanmeng He'

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  1.  8
    "Mengzi" de jun zi guan yan jiu.Shanmeng He - 2017 - Beijing Shi: Jiu zhou chu ban she. Edited by Jingyi Chi.
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    Jun zi wen hua yu dang dai she hui: shou jie jun zi wen hua lun tan lun wen ji = Jun zi wen hua yu dang dai she hui.Niansun Qian & Shanmeng He (eds.) - 2016 - Hefei Shi: Huang Shan shu she.
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    Hun he de fa lü wen hua.Qinhua He (ed.) - 2008 - Beijing Shi: Fa lü chu ban she.
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    Chu mo shi dai de ling hun: He Zhaowu tan du shu.Zhaowu He - 2020 - Shanghai: Xue lin chu ban she.
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    Zhe xue wei du xia de he xie she hui.Junlu He - 2007 - Beijing: Zhongguo jing ji chu ban she.
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    Everybody Has the Right to Do What He Wants.He Wants, Hans Reichenbach’S. Volitionism & Its Historical Roots - 2013 - In Nikolay Milkov & Volker Peckhaus, The Berlin Group and the Philosophy of Logical Empiricism. Berlin: Springer. pp. 151.
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    He Bingsong xing fa xue wen ji.Bingsong He - 2011 - Beijing Shi: Zhongguo min zhu fa zhi chu ban she.
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  8. He Lin ji.Lin He - 2006 - Beijing: Zhongguo she hui ke xue chu ban she.
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    Semantic and subword priming during binocular suppression.Patricia Costello, Yi Jiang, Brandon Baartman, Kristine McGlennen & Sheng He - 2009 - Consciousness and Cognition 18 (2):375-382.
    In general, stimuli that are familiar and recognizable have an advantage of predominance during binocular rivalry. Recent research has demonstrated that familiar and recognizable stimuli such as upright faces and words in a native language could break interocular suppression faster than their matched controls. In this study, a visible word prime was presented binocularly then replaced by a high-contrast dynamic noise pattern presented to one eye and either a semantically related or unrelated word was introduced to the other eye. We (...)
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    Perceptions of Chinese Biomedical Researchers Towards Academic Misconduct: A Comparison Between 2015 and 2010.Qing-Jiao Liao, Yuan-Yuan Zhang, Yu-Chen Fan, Ming-Hua Zheng, Yu Bai, Guy D. Eslick, Xing-Xiang He, Shi-Bing Zhang, Harry Hua-Xiang Xia & Hua He - 2018 - Science and Engineering Ethics 24 (2):629-645.
    Publications by Chinese researchers in scientific journals have dramatically increased over the past decade; however, academic misconduct also becomes more prevalent in the country. The aim of this prospective study was to understand the perceptions of Chinese biomedical researchers towards academic misconduct and the trend from 2010 to 2015. A questionnaire comprising 10 questions was designed and then validated by ten biomedical researchers in China. In the years 2010 and 2015, respectively, the questionnaire was sent as a survey to biomedical (...)
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    Wo shi He Zuoxiu.Zuoxiu He - 2002 - Beijing: Zhongguo shi dai jing ji chu ban she.
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    Is He 和 an accurate term to express harmony: Tong 同 as another viable option.Fan He - forthcoming - Asian Philosophy:1-12.
    Contemporary scholarships on various accounts of the concept of harmony in Chinese philosophy have produced fruitful outcomes by examining the term he. A standard use of he to account for harmony comes from the Analects, and this account sets up disjunctions not just between he and tong but also between harmony and tong. Such disjunctions are even more conspicuous in the political discourses from the Zuozhuan and Guoyu, and hence, has led scholars to overlook the more nuanced resonances between tong, (...)
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    Is He 和 an accurate term to express harmony: Tong 同 as another viable option.Fan He - forthcoming - Asian Philosophy:1-12.
    Contemporary scholarships on various accounts of the concept of harmony in Chinese philosophy have produced fruitful outcomes by examining the term he. A standard use of he to account for harmony comes from the Analects, and this account sets up disjunctions not just between he and tong but also between harmony and tong. Such disjunctions are even more conspicuous in the political discourses from the Zuozhuan and Guoyu, and hence, has led scholars to overlook the more nuanced resonances between tong, (...)
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    Horizontal Spatial Metaphors for Morality: A Cross-Cultural Study of Han Chinese Students and Ethnic Minority Hui Students in China.Rui Chen, Jiao Sai, Qi Zhu, Renlai Zhou, Peng Li & Shunchao He - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Anterior cingulate cortex-related connectivity in first-episode schizophrenia: a spectral dynamic causal modeling study with functional magnetic resonance imaging.Long-Biao Cui, Jian Liu, Liu-Xian Wang, Chen Li, Yi-Bin Xi, Fan Guo, Hua-Ning Wang, Lin-Chuan Zhang, Wen-Ming Liu, Hong He, Ping Tian, Hong Yin & Hongbing Lu - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
    Understanding the neural basis of schizophrenia (SZ) is important for shedding light on the neurobiological mechanisms underlying this mental disorder. Structural and functional alterations in the anterior cingulate cortex (ACC), dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC), hippocampus, and medial prefrontal cortex (MPFC) have been implicated in the neurobiology of SZ. However, the effective connectivity among them in SZ remains unclear. The current study investigated how neuronal pathways involving these regions were affected in first-episode SZ using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). Forty-nine patients (...)
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  16. (1 other version)He Bingdi si xiang zhi du shi lun.Bingdi He - 2013 - Taibei Shi: Lian jing chu ban shi ye gu fen you xian gong si. Edited by I.-Chun Fan & Hanwei He.
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    He Dingsheng zhu zuo ji.Dingsheng He - 2022 - Taibei Shi: Wan juan lou tu shu gu fen you xian gong si. Edited by Xingjian Che.
    何定生是顧頡剛在廣州中山大學任教時的學生,早年即已有文章收錄於《古史辨》中,而享有古史辨學者的光環。一九四九年隨國民政府來臺,任教於臺大中文系。生前出版有《詩經今論》一書,收錄三篇《詩經》研究論文,為 臺灣學界所仰重。一九七○去世後,其弟子何寄澎、曾志雄整理遺稿,出版《定生論學集──詩經與孔學研究》,收錄四篇論著。《何定生著作集》即在此二書的基礎上,復廣泛蒐求其論著、書信與相關資料,編為二冊。第一冊 為《何定生著作集一:詩經、孔學及其他》,第二冊為《何定生著作集二:尚書與文法》,雖尚未能將何氏著作網羅殆盡,但已足將何氏學術的主要面向及研究精華充分展現出來。 何定生深受五四以來新文化運動的影響,繼承顧頡剛及古史辨的學風,將此學風在戰後的臺灣學界持續發皇。何定生的學問主要表現在《詩經》,強調復古解放的精神,他呼籲今日的《詩經》研究,應從清學的漢學壁壘中出來, 以復於原始的樂歌地位。他認為惟有站在《儀禮》的樂歌地位來讀《詩經》,從人性的同類意識來接觸人性,才有碰到詩人靈感的可能。.
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  18. He Guanghu zi xuan ji.Guanghu He - 1999 - Guilin Shi: Guangxi shi fan da xue chu ban she.
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    He Lin xuan ji =.Lin He - 2005 - Changchun: Jilin ren min chu ban she. Edited by Xuezhi Zhang.
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  20. He Xinyin ji.Xinyin He - 1960 - Beijing: Xin hua shu dian Beijing fa xing suo fa xing.
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    He Xin lun mei.Xin He - 2010 - Beijing Shi: Dong fang chu ban she.
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  22. Emotion-Related Consciousness Detection in Patients With Disorders of Consciousness Through an EEG-Based BCI System.Jiahui Pan, Qiuyou Xie, Haiyun Huang, Yanbin He, Yuping Sun, Ronghao Yu & Yuanqing Li - 2018 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 12.
  23. Ru jia si xiang di xin kai zhan: He Lin xin ru xue lun zhu ji yao.Lin He - 1995 - Beijing: Zhongguo guang bo dian shi chu ban she. Edited by Zhiming Song.
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    Soldiers in War as Homo Sacer.AssociAte PrOfessor Of Military Ethics At THe Military Academy In Belgradehe Is Also Lecturer In Ethics at The School Of National Defence he Is An Elected Member Of The Board Of Directors Of The EuropeAn Society For Military Ethics & War Collection He is A. Reserve Officer in the Serbian Armed Forces Editor-in-Chief of the Online Ethics of Peace - forthcoming - Journal of Military Ethics:1-13.
    In this article, the author aims to demonstrate how Agamben’s concept of Homo Sacer is ideally epitomized by a soldier in war. A soldier in war holds a peculiar position, as killing of soldiers is considered neither illegal by laws nor immoral by ethics, and so a soldier is not considered to be legally or morally “guilty” in the usual sense of the word if he or she kills another soldier in war. The author analyzes the notion of Homo Sacer (...)
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    Effect of Serendipity in an Encounter on Purchase Intention of Unexpected Products.Shichang Liang, Yuxuan Chu, Min Zhang, Rulan Li, Bin Lan & Lingling He - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Previous studies on the follow-up effect of serendipity mostly focused on the positive effects and less on the negative effects. Therefore, the purpose of this article is to investigate the negative effect of serendipity on the purchase intention of unexpected products. To verify all hypotheses in this article, we used online and offline survey data in China. Three experimental results showed that serendipity contains a certain degree of uncertainty, which will cause consumers’ perceived risk and decrease the purchase intention of (...)
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    Good medicine: the art of ethical care in Canada.Philip C. Hébert - 2016 - Toronto: Doubleday Canada.
    Drawing on his extensive experience as both a medical practitioner and a patient, acclaimed author, award-winning physician, and ethicist Philip Hébert creates a brave and intimate portrait of the complex ethical questions raised by revolutionary advances in medical diagnosis and treatment. Philip Hébert addresses the complex ethical questions raised by revolutionary advances in medical treatment. This work expands upon Hébert's previous book, "Doing Right," and extends his knowledge of the field beyond medical professionals to reach the patients they treat.
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    Matrix models and poetic verses of the human mind.Matthew He - 2023 - New Jersey: World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte..
    In this multidisciplinary book, mathematician Matthew He provides integrative perspectives of algebraic biology, cognitive informatics, and poetic expressions of the human mind. Using classical Pythagorean Theorem and contemporary Category Theory, the proposed matrix models of the human mind connect three domains of the physical space of objective matters, mental space of subjective meanings, and emotional space of bijective modes; draws the connections between neural sparks and idea points, between synapses and idea lines, and between action potentials and frequency curves.
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  28. Tántalo recobrado.Héctor Pablo Agosti - 1964 - [Buenos Aires]: Editorial Lautaro.
    Introducción: mito y conocimiento.--La crisis del hombre en la "sociedad de masas."--El hombre y la masa.--El camino de Marx.--Los "proyectos" del humanismo cristiano.--Los humanismos en disputa.--El humanismo socialista.
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  29. Pascal and Port-Royal.Hélène Bouchilloux - 2019 - In Steven Nadler, Tad M. Schmaltz & Delphine Antoine-Mahut, The Oxford Handbook of Descartes and Cartesianism. Oxford, England: Oxford University Press.
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    Liang zi fu he chang lun di zhe xue si kao.Zuoxiu He - 1997 - Beijing: Beijing shi fan da hsueh chu ban she.
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  31. Wo bu xin xie: He Zuoxiu fan wei ke xue lun zhan ji.Zuoxiu He - 1999 - Nanchang Shi: Jiangxi jiao yu chu ban she.
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    (1 other version)Pragmatic awareness and second language learning motivation : A mixed-methods investigation.He Yang & Wei Ren - 2019 - Pragmatics Cognition 26 (2-3):447-473.
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  33. Ren de ying dang.Daofeng He - 2021 - Beijing Shi: Zhong xin chu ban ji tuan gu fen you xian gong si.
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  34. Derekh emunah: śiḥot hadrakhah bi-yesodot ha-emunah be-dorenu, be-darko shel Rihal ba-"Kuzari".Yiśraʼel Hes - 1987 - Yerushalayim: Teḥiyat Yiśraʼel.
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    Próbakövek: van-e aranyszabály ércnél maradandóbb?Ottó Hévizi - 2015 - Budapest: Pesti Kalligram Kft..
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  36. Wen hua, zhe xue yu fang fa.Xiuhuang He - 1988 - Taibei Shi: Zong jing xiao San min shu ju.
  37.  15
    Research on WiFi Penetration Testing with Kali Linux.He-Jun Lu & Yang Yu - 2021 - Complexity 2021:1-8.
    Aiming at the vulnerability of wireless network, this paper proposed a method of WiFi penetration testing based on Kali Linux which is divided into four stages: preparation, information collection, simulation attack, and reporting. By using the methods of monitoring, scanning, capturing, data analysis, password cracking, fake wireless access point spoofing, and other methods, the WiFi network penetration testing with Kali Linux is processed in the simulation environment. The experimental results show that the method of WiFi network penetration testing with Kali (...)
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  38. Chinese Religious Culture as a Whole: An Essay on Applied Religion.He Tun - 1998 - In Melville Y. Stewart & Chih-kʻang Chang, The Symposium of Chinese-American Philosophy and Religious Studies. San Francisco: International Scholars Publications. pp. 1--225.
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    Kangde Heige'er zhe xue zai Zhongguo =.He Yang - 2002 - Beijing: Shou du shi fan da xue chu ban she. Edited by Anqing Deng.
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  40. Le problème de la substance.Hélène Konczewska - 1937 - Paris,: J. Vrin.
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    Ciencia política: teoría de la política.Héctor Rodolfo Orlandi - 1975 - Buenos Aires: Plus Ultra.
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    How and When Does Leader Behavioral Integrity Influence Employee Voice? The Roles of Team Independence Climate and Corporate Ethical Values.He Peng & Feng Wei - 2020 - Journal of Business Ethics 166 (3):505-521.
    Management literature has repeatedly shown that an absence of voice can have serious negative influences on team and organization performance. However, employees often withhold suggestions or advices when they have ideas, concerns, or opinions. The present study proposes leader behavioral integrity as a key antecedent of employee voice, and investigates how and when leader behavioral integrity influences employee voice. Specifically, we argue that leader behavioral integrity affects employee voice via team independence climate. In addition, we propose a moderating effect of (...)
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  43. Le droit et les forces.Armand Le Hénaff - 1926 - Paris,: F. Alcan.
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  44. Are non-consensual medical interventions and therapies to change sexual orientation or gender identity a crime against humanity of persecution against the LGBTIQ population under the ICC statute?Héctor Olasolo, Nicolás Eduardo Buitrago-Rey & Vanessa Bonilla-Tovar - 2020 - In Caroline Fournet & Anja Matwijkiw, Biolaw and international criminal law: towards interdisciplinary synergies. Boston: Brill Nijhoff.
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    Kierkegaard en France au XXe siècle: archéologie d'une perception.Hélène Politis - 2005 - Paris: Kimé.
    Le nom de Kierkegaard est aujourd'hui bien connu des Français : " Ah, oui, le père de l'existentialisme! ". Ou encore : " Sa fiancée ne se prénommait-elle pas Régine? N'a-t-il pas été affreusement malheureux en amour? ". Ou parfois " Le solitaire de Copenhague, l'original, l'isolé... ". Et aussi : " Un non-philosophe ou même un anti-philosophe, un contempteur du système hégélien, précurseur de Nietzsche, frère en esprit de Rimbaud, de Van Gogh, de Dostdevski, de Pascal - et de (...)
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    Application of the Bionic Concept in Reducing the Complexity Noise and Drag of the Mega High-Speed Train Based on Computer Simulation Technologies.He-Xuan Hu, Bo Tang & Ye Zhang - 2018 - Complexity 2018:1-14.
    Regarding the continuous development of high-speed trains and the increase of running speeds, the aerodynamic design of high-speed trains has become significantly important, while reduction of drag and noise comprises a significant challenge in order to optimize aerodynamic design of high-speed trains. The design form factor of a high-speed train is highly influenced by aerodynamic aspects including aerodynamic drag, lift force, and noise. With the high-speed train as the object, the paper aims to take bionic concept as the entry point, (...)
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  47. Fa hsüeh hsü lun.Shi He - 1970
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  48. Igeret ha-teshuvah.Yonah he-Ḥasid - 1862 - In Avraham Abeli Rozanos, Ḥayim Berish ben Yaʻaḳov & Jonah ben Abraham Gerondi, Sefer Sheloshah sifre musar. [Brooklyn, N.Y.?: Ḥ. Mo. L..
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    Min xue kun zhi lu =.Naichuan He - 2007 - Beijing Shi: She hui ke xue wen xian chu ban she.
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    Crítica de la razón poética.Héctor Oscar Ciarlo - 1982 - Río Piedras, P.R.: Editorial de la Universidad de Puerto Rico.
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