Results for 'Shane Dowle'

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  1.  13
    Are doctoral progress reviews just a bureaucratic process? The influence of UK universities’ progress review procedures on doctoral completions.Shane Dowle - forthcoming - Perspectives: Policy and Practice in Higher Education:1-8.
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    Experimenting on Theories.Deborah Dowling - 1999 - Science in Context 12 (2):261-273.
    The ArgumentThis paper sets out a framework for understanding how the scientific community constructs computer simulation as an epistemically and pragmatically useful methodology. The framework is based on comparisons between simulation and the loosely-defined categories of “theoretical work” and “experimental work.” Within that framework, the epistemological adequacy of simulation arises from its role as a mathematical manipulation of a complex, abstract theoretical model. To establish that adequacy demands a detailed “theoretical” grasp of the internal structure of the computer program. Simultaneously, (...)
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    Covid-19 and the accelerating smart home.Robyn Dowling & Sophia Maalsen - 2020 - Big Data and Society 7 (2).
    Home, digital technologies and data are intersecting in new ways as responses to the COVID-19 pandemic emerge. We consider the data practices associated with COVID-19 responses and their implications for housing and home through two overarching themes: the notion of home as a private space, and digital technology and surveillance in the home. We show that although home has never been private, the rapid adoption and acceptance of technologies in the home for quarantine, work and study, enabled by the pandemic, (...)
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    A managerial in-basket study of the impact of trait emotions on ethical choice.Shane Connelly, Whitney Helton-Fauth & Michael D. Mumford - 2004 - Journal of Business Ethics 51 (3):245-267.
    This paper explores the relationship of various trait emotions to the ethical choices of 189 college students who completed a managerial decision-making task as part of an in-basket exercise in a laboratory setting. Prior research regarding emotion influences on ethical decision-making and linkages between emotions and cognition informed hypotheses about how different types of emotions impact ethical choices. Findings supported our expectations that positive and negative emotions classified as active would be more strongly related to interpersonally-directed ethical choices than to (...)
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    Genetic Algorithm Search Over Causal Models.Shane Harwood & Richard Scheines - unknown
    Shane Harwood and Richard Scheines. Genetic Algorithm Search Over Causal Models.
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    Ricoeur on Time and Narrative: An Introduction to Temps Et Récit.William C. Dowling - 2011 - University of Notre Dame Press.
    “The object of this book,” writes William C. Dowling in his preface, “is to make the key concepts of Paul Ricoeur’s _Time and Narrative_ available to readers who might have felt bewildered by the twists and turns of its argument.” The sources of puzzlement are, he notes, many. For some, it is Ricoeur’s famously indirect style of presentation, in which the polarities of argument and exegesis seem so often and so suddenly to have reversed themselves. For others, it is the (...)
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  7. Time discounting and time preference: A critical review.Shane Frederick, George Loewenstein & Ted O’Donoghue - 2002 - Journal of Economic Literature 40 (2):351–401.
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    Identity Politics: Lesbian Feminism and the Limits of Community.Shane Phelan - 1991 - Temple University Press.
    "Lesbian feminism began and has fueled itself with the rejection of liberalism.... In this rejection, lesbian feminists were not alone. They were joined by the New Left, by many blacks in the civil rights movement, by male academic theorists.... What all these groups shared was an intense awareness of the ways in which liberalism fails to account for the social reality of the world, through a reliance upon law and legal structure to define membership, through individualism, through its basis in (...)
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    Interpreting excess: Jean-Luc Marion, saturated phenomena, and hermeneutics.Shane Mackinlay - 2010 - New York: Fordham University Press.
    Introduction -- Marion's claims -- The hermeneutic structure of phenomenality -- The theory of saturated phenomena -- Events -- Dazzling idols and paintings -- Flesh as absolute -- The face as irregardable icon -- Revelation : the phenomenon of God's appearing -- Conclusion: Revising the phenomenology of givenness.
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  10. Paternalism: An Analysis.Shane Ryan - 2016 - Utilitas 28 (2):123-135.
    In this article I argue for a particular analysis of paternalism. I start by examining Dworkin's conditions for the paternalist act and make a case for alternative conditions. I argue that the paternalist actor acts irrespective of what she believes the wishes of the target of her action are and the paternalist actor acts because she has a positive epistemic standing that the act may or will improve the welfare of the target of her action. I also argue that it (...)
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    Learning Linear Causal Structure Equation Models with Genetic Algorithms.Shane Harwood & Richard Scheines - unknown
    Shane Harwood and Richard Scheines. Learning Linear Causal Structure Equation Models with Genetic Algorithms.
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    The current link between management behavior and ethical philosophy.Shane R. Premeaux - 2004 - Journal of Business Ethics 51 (3):269-278.
    The current linkages between ethical theory and management behavior are investigated. The vignettes used in this investigation represent ethical dilemmas in the areas of coercion and control, conflict of interest, physical environment, and personal integrity. Overall, even with heightened ethical awareness the link between ethical philosophy and management behavior remains similar to that of the early 1990s. Generally, practitioners still rely heavily on the utilitarian ethical philosophy when making business decisions. However, more managers are now likely to select ethically appropriate (...)
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    Scale and contour: Two components of a theory of memory for melodies.W. Jay Dowling - 1978 - Psychological Review 85 (4):341-354.
  14.  8
    On the Claim that Cities Do Not Exist.Shane Epting - 2024 - Philosophy and Global Affairs 4 (1):153-176.
    The history of philosophy and urban thought makes it evident that there are several ways to define cities. However, there are no popular views holding that cities do not exist. While this paper does not make this claim per se, it shows there are significant reasons that allow such a position to advance. In turn, examining this view provides several insights into the nature of cities and exposes the challenges they face due to issues such as vast socioeconomic inequalities, widespread (...)
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  15. Chapter Fifteen.W. Jay Dowling - 2001 - In E. Bruce Goldstein (ed.), Blackwell Handbook of Perception. Blackwell. pp. 469.
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    Love, passion, action: the meaning of love and its place in life.Eric Dowling - 1995 - Melbourne: Australian Scholarly.
  17. Some necessary conditions for a good marriage.D. S. Dowling - 1998 - South African Journal of Philosophy 17 (1):50-61.
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  18. Sartre's student and the captain of HMS Indomitable.Kw Dowling - 1993 - South African Journal of Philosophy 12 (1):1-5.
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  19. Universalizability as a Formal and a Material Principle.K. Dowling - 1987 - South African Journal of Philosophy 6 (4):133-139.
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    Bodies, passions and citizenship.Shane Phelan - 1999 - Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 2 (1):56-79.
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    Smart Environments.Shane Ryan, S. Orestis Palermos & Mirko Farina - 2024 - Social Epistemology 38 (4):491-510.
    This paper proposes epistemic environmentalism as a novel framework for accounting for the contribution of the environment – broadly construed – to epistemic standings and which can be used to improve or protect epistemic environments. The contribution of the environment to epistemic standings is explained through recent developments in epistemology and cognitive science, including embodied cognition, embedded cognition, extended cognition and distributed cognition. The paper examines how these developments support epistemic environmentalism, as well as contributes theoretical resources to make epistemic (...)
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  22. Was Hume An Atheist?Shane Andre - 1993 - Hume Studies 19 (1):141-166.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Was Hume An Atheist? Shane Andre Hume's philosophy of religion, as expressed in the Dialogues Concerning Natural Religion, the Natural History of Religion, and sections 10 and 11 ofthe Enquiry ConcerningHuman Understanding,1 invites a number of diverse interpretations. At one extreme are those who see Hume as an "atheist"2 or "anti-theist."3 At the other extreme are those who see Hume as some kind of theist, though not a (...)
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    A Defense of Ectogenic Abortion.Shane Ward - manuscript
    A popular argument for a right to ectogenic abortions appeals to a right to avoid the obligations associated with parenthood. A common objection to this argument questions whether there are any sufficiently great harms associated with parenthood to ground such a right. I propose a novel formulation of this argument that avoids these objections. I then defend it against important objections.
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  24. Epistemic Environmentalism.Shane Ryan - 2018 - Journal of Philosophical Research 43:97-112.
    I motivate and develop a normative framework for undertaking work in applied epistemology. I set out the framework, which I call epistemic environmentalism, explaining the role of social epistemology and epistemic value theory in the framework. Next, I explain the environmentalist terminology that is employed and its usefulness. In the second part of the paper, I make the case for a specific epistemic environmentalist proposal. I argue that dishonest testimony by experts and certain institutional testifiers should be liable to the (...)
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    Who Is a Wise Person? Zhuangzi and Epistemological Discussions of Wisdom.Shane Ryan & Karyn Lai - 2021 - Philosophy East and West 71 (3):665-682.
    This essay articulates the contribution that the Zhuangzi can make to contemporary epistemological discussions of wisdom. It suggests that wisdom in the Zhuangzi involves, in part, correctly distinguishing the "heavenly" (or the naturally given) from human artifice. It is important for humanity to understand naturally given conditions (e.g., seasons, climate, forces, mortality) to grasp what is within, and what beyond, our initiatives. To enable this, we need to be openly engaged with the world, rather than approach it with rigid convictions (...)
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  26. Out of our heads: Addiction and psychiatric externalism.Shane Glackin, Tom Roberts & Joel Krueger - 2021 - Behavioral Brain Research 398:1-8.
    In addiction, apparently causally significant phenomena occur at a huge number of levels; addiction is affected by biomedical, neurological, pharmacological, clinical, social, and politico-legal factors, among many others. In such a complex, multifaceted field of inquiry, it seems very unlikely that all the many layers of explanation will prove amenable to any simple or straightforward, reductive analysis; if we are to unify the many different sciences of addiction while respecting their causal autonomy, then, what we are likely to need is (...)
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    Weak Anthropocentrism’s Future.Shane Epting - 2024 - Environmental Ethics 46 (3):231-238.
    Although Eugene Hargrove did not invent weak anthropocentrism, his version lacks adequate representation in several pedagogical and research venues in environmental ethics. In turn, weak anthropocentrism is one of the lesser-appreciated approaches when compared to areas such as ecocentrism. The author argues Hargrove’s version remains highly applicable to several of today’s ecological issues and advances in neighboring subfields, such as philosophy of technology, philosophy of food, and the emerging area of philosophy of the city. These points suggest weak anthropocentrism could (...)
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  28. A Collection of Definitions of Intelligence.Shane Legg & Marcus Hutter - 2007 - :1–12.
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    Necessary Truths and St. Thomas Aquinas’ Definition of ‘Law’.Shane D. Drefcinski - 2024 - Canadian Journal of Law and Jurisprudence 37 (2):601-617.
    What is the nature of law? The question that St. Thomas Aquinas answers in Summa Theologica I-II continues to be a crucial question in contemporary philosophy of law. Various scholars of jurisprudence attempt to identify the necessary features of law. Yet they struggle with the question, what kind of necessity is involved? Is it conceptual necessity? Metaphysical necessity? In this paper, I explore an alternative way of distinguishing different kinds of necessity that is found in Aquinas’ Commentary on Aristotle’s Physics. (...)
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    Back to bundles: Deflating property rights, again.Shane Nicholas Glackin - 2014 - Legal Theory 20 (1):1-24.
    Following Wesley Hohfeld's pioneering analyses, which demonstrated that the concept of ownership conflated a variety of distinct legal relations, a deflationary regarding those relations as essentially unconnected held sway for much of the subsequent century. In recent decades, this theory has been thought too diffuse; it seems counterintuitive to insist, for instance, that rights of possession and alienation over a property are associated only contingently. Accordingly, scholars such as James Penner and James Harris have advanced theories that revive the concept (...)
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    A Meta-Analysis of Ethics Instruction Effectiveness in the Sciences.Lynn D. Devenport, Shane Connelly, Ryan P. Brown, Michael D. Mumford, Ethan P. Waples, Alison L. Antes & Stephen T. Murphy - 2009 - Ethics and Behavior 19 (5):379-402.
    Scholars have proposed a number of courses and programs intended to improve the ethical behavior of scientists in an attempt to maintain the integrity of the scientific enterprise. In the present study, we conducted a quantitative meta-analysis based on 26 previous ethics program evaluation efforts, and the results showed that the overall effectiveness of ethics instruction was modest. The effects of ethics instruction, however, were related to a number of instructional program factors, such as course content and delivery methods, in (...)
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    An attempt at a general solution to the problem of deviant causal chains.Shane Ward - 2024 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 108 (2):374-395.
    Deviant causal chain problems arise in many settings. The most famous instance of the problem is the Gettier problem, but the problem also arises in the philosophy of action and perception. Usually, attempts to tackle these problems try to solve them individually. This paper takes a different approach: I propose a general solution to the problem. I begin by providing a solution to the deviant causal chain problem for skillful performance, and I argue that the solution can be extended to (...)
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  33. The Curious Case of Corporate Tax Avoidance: Is it Socially Irresponsible?Grahame R. Dowling - 2014 - Journal of Business Ethics 124 (1):173-184.
    In contrast to many aspects of the social responsibility of business, CSR scholarship has been largely silent on the issue of the payment of corporate tax. This is curious because such tax payments are often considered a fundamental and easily measured example of a company’s citizenship behavior. However, because the payment of corporate tax can often be legally avoided, this activity represents a boundary condition for CSR. If the law and CSR suggest that a company should pay its fair share (...)
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  34. Grounded Disease: Constructing the Social from the Biological in Medicine.Shane N. Glackin - 2019 - Philosophical Quarterly 69 (275):258-276.
    Social Constructivism about the disease concept has generally been taken to ignore the fundamental biological reality underlying diseases, as well as to fall foul of several apparently compelling objections. In this paper, I explain how the metaphysical relation of grounding can be used to tie a socially constructed account of diseases and their classification to their underlying biological and behavioural states. I then generalize the position by disambiguating several varieties of normativism, including a particularly strong ‘placeholder’ version of social constructivism, (...)
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    Intra-Disciplinary Research as Progress in Philosophy: Lessons from Philosophy of the City.Shane Epting - 2016 - Philosophia 44 (1):101-111.
    Philosophy of the city has recently emerged as a new subfield, garnering global interest. While most inquiries in this area have ‘the city’ or an urban issue as common ground, particular approaches engage in a kind of study identified as ‘intra-disciplinary research.’ An intra-disciplinary approach draws from different areas of philosophy to address problems that extend beyond the limits of individual subfields. A close examination reveals that this practice challenges assumptions holding that definitively answering philosophical questions is the only path (...)
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    Guidelines to Prevent Malevolent Use of Biomedical Research.Shane K. Green, Sara Taub, Karine Morin & Daniel Higginson - 2006 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 15 (4):432-439.
    In February 1975, a group of leading scientists, physicians, and policymakers convened at Asilomar, California, to consider the safety of proceeding with recombinant DNA research. The excitement generated by the promise of this new technology was counterbalanced by concerns regarding dangers that might arise from it, including the potential for accidental release of genetically modified organisms into the environment. Guidelines developed at the conference to direct future research endeavors had several consequences. They permitted research to resume, bringing to an end (...)
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  37. The Infectious Disease Ontology in the Age of COVID-19.Shane Babcock, Lindsay G. Cowell, John Beverley & Barry Smith - 2021 - Journal of Biomedical Semantics 12 (13).
    The Infectious Disease Ontology (IDO) is a suite of interoperable ontology modules that aims to provide coverage of all aspects of the infectious disease domain, including biomedical research, clinical care, and public health. IDO Core is designed to be a disease and pathogen neutral ontology, covering just those types of entities and relations that are relevant to infectious diseases generally. IDO Core is then extended by a collection of ontology modules focusing on specific diseases and pathogens. In this paper we (...)
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    Getting Specific: Postmodern Lesbian Politics.Shane Phelan - 1994 - U of Minnesota Press.
    Phelan examines lesbian political theory and points out the pitfalls of a lesbian feminism that ignores the specificities of race. As she searches for a democratic identity politics, she explores the possibilities for lesbian community and for alliances with other groups, as well as the political goals of lesbian action.
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    Hobbesian Right to Healthcare.Shane D. Courtland - 2015 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 34 (1):99-113.
    Over the last few years we have had a debate regarding the role of government in providing healthcare. There has been a question as to whether or not the state's proper role requires protection of its subjects from the calamities associated with a lack of healthcare. In this article, I will argue that straightforward Hobbesian principles require the state to provide healthcare. It might seem odd that such a positive right can be justified by a philosopher who famously conceives of (...)
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    An Applied Mereology of the City: Unifying Science and Philosophy for Urban Planning.Shane Epting - 2016 - Science and Engineering Ethics 22 (5):1361-1374.
    Based on their research showing that growing cities follow basic principles, two theoretical physicists, Luis Bettencourt and Geoffrey West, call for researchers and professionals to contribute to a grand theory of urban sustainability. In their research, they develop a ‘science of the city’ to help urban planners address problems that arise from population increases. Although they provide valuable insights for understanding urban sustainability issues, they do not give planners a manageable way to approach such problems. I argue that developing an (...)
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    8 Phenomenality in the Middle: Marion, Romana, and the Hermeneutics of the Event.Shane Mackinlay - 2022 - In Ian Leask & Eoin Cassidy (eds.), Givenness and God: Questions of Jean-Luc Marion. Fordham University Press. pp. 167-181.
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    Anxiety and working memory capacity.Shane Darke - 1988 - Cognition and Emotion 2 (2):145-154.
  43.  20
    What Does It Mean, To Become Like God?: Theaetetus 176a–177b.Shane Drefcinski - 2014 - International Philosophical Quarterly 54 (4):411-427.
    In the Theaetetus Socrates states that we should become like God. Recent commentators disagree over the meaning of his directive. David Sedley argues that it urges us to assimilate to God in our present lifespan by a life of philosophical contemplation. Julia Annas thinks that it is just another way of stating that virtue is sufficient for happiness. Sandra Peterson denies that Socrates’s directive should be taken seriously. I argue that his directive is serious and includes both moral virtue and (...)
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  44. Teaching Ethics in the High Schools.Shane Ralston - 2008 - Teaching Ethics 9 (1):73-86.
    Should ethics be taught in the high schools? Should high school faculty teach it themselves or invite college and university professors (or instructors) into the classroom to share their expertise? In this paper, I argue that the challenge to teach ethics in the high schools has a distinctly Deweyan dimension to it, since (i) Dewey proposed that it be attempted and (ii) he provided many valuable resources with which to proceed. The paper is organized into four sections. In the first, (...)
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    Moral Reasoning Strategies and Wise Career Decision Making at School and University: Findings from a UK-Representative Sample.Shane McLoughlin, Rosina Pendrous, Emerald Henderson & Kristján Kristjansson - 2023 - British Journal of Educational Studies 71 (4):393-418.
    Ofsted requires UK schools to help students understand the working world and gain employability skills. However, the aims of education are much broader: Education should enable flourishing long after leaving school. Therefore, students’ career decisions should be conducive to long-term flourishing beyond career readiness and educational attainment. In this mixed-methods study, we asked a representative sample of UK adults to reflect on their career decision-making processes at school and at university. We also measured current levels of self-reported objective (e.g., financial (...)
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  46. A defense of senate obstructionism.Shane Courtland - 2016 - In Emily Crookston, David Killoren & Jonathan Trerise (eds.), Ethics in Politics: The Rights and Obligations of Individual Political Agents. New York: Routledge.
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    (1 other version)Brian Barry, why social justice matters (cambridge: Polity press, 2005), pp. VII + 311.Shane D. Courtland - 2007 - Utilitas 19 (4):522-524.
  48. Absolute and conditional rights.K. Dowling - 1997 - South African Journal of Philosophy 16 (1):1-6.
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  49. Expressing gratitude and feeling grateful.K. Dowling - 1996 - South African Journal of Philosophy 15 (1):23-28.
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  50. Phenomenological research approaches : mapping the terrain of competing perspectives.Maura Dowling - 2011 - In Gill Thomson, Fiona Dykes & Soo Downe (eds.), Qualitative Research in Midwifery and Childbirth: Phenomenological Approaches. Routledge.
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