Results for 'Sex differences Political aspects'

973 found
  1. Feminism, theory, and the politics of difference.Chris Weedon - 1999 - Malden, Mass.: Blackwell.
    "Feminism, Theory and the Politics of Difference" looks at the question of difference across the full spectrum of feminist theory from liberal, radical, lesbian ...
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    Geschlecht Iii: Sex, Race, Nation, Humanity.Jacques Derrida - 2018 - Chicago: University of Chicago Press. Edited by Geoffrey Bennington, Katie Chenoweth & Rodrigo Therezo.
    A significant event in Derrida scholarship, this book marks the first publication of his long-lost philosophical text known only as “Geschlecht III.” The third, and arguably the most significant, piece in his four-part Geschlecht series, it fills a gap that has perplexed Derrida scholars. The series centers on Martin Heidegger and the enigmatic German word Geschlecht, which has several meanings pointing to race, sex, and lineage. Throughout the series, Derrida engages with Heidegger’s controversial oeuvre to tease out topics of sexual (...)
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    Men in political theory.Terrell Carver - 2004 - New York: Published exclusively in the USA by Palgrave.
    Men in Political Theory builds on feminist re-readings of the traditional canon of male writers in political philosophy by turning the "gender lens" on to the representation of men in widely studied texts. It explains the distinction between "man" as an apparently de-gendered "individual" or "citizen" and "man" as an overtly gendered being in human society. The ten chapters on Plato, Aristotle, Jesus, Augustine, Machiavelli, Hobbes, Locke, Rousseau, Marx and Engels show the operation of the "gender lens" in (...)
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    I corpi infranti: tracce e intersezioni simboliche tra etica e politica.Fiammetta Ricci - 2013 - Roma: Edizioni Nuova cultura.
    L’ipotesi da cui muove la scelta di temi ed autori di questo percorso è quella di aprire esplorazioni ed incursioni nelle pieghe della cultura umana per cogliere le frizioni e le smagliature tra etica e politica in vista della possibilità, data o negata, di riconfigurare sé stessi e la cultura di cui ogni uomo è forza viva, mutante e trasfigurante. Un viaggio tra luoghi e stanze parallele, che a volte si svelano comunicanti, altre volte solo tracce di afone esistenze. Indagine (...)
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    Knowing Better: Sex, Cultural Criticism, and the Pedagogical Imperative in the 1990s.Jeffrey Wallen & Richard Burt - 1999 - Diacritics 29 (1):72-91.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Knowing Better: Sex, Cultural Criticism, and the Pedagogical Imperative in the 1990sRichard Burt (bio) and Jeffrey Wallen (bio)Teacher Petting“A distinguished professor and her graduate student French-kissed in front of a semicircle of gaping students. Were they furthering ‘an exploration of the erotics of the relation between teacher and student’ as the professor says—or was it part of a pattern of sexual harassment as the student later charged?” So ran (...)
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    Sexing-Up the Subject: An Elaboration of Feminist Critique as Intervention.Cathrine Egeland - 2005 - European Journal of Women's Studies 12 (3):267-280.
    The decisive epistemological and methodological moment of feminist analysis and critique is the moment of intervention. An intervention does not require a standpoint; instead, it displaces the locus of critique from the standpoint to the effects or consequences of critique. Intervention requires no new information or hitherto concealed facts about the object being interfered with. The critical effects of an intervention are the results of what is called a ‘sexing-up’ strategy. Different epistemological and methodological aspects of this strategy are (...)
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    Sex, Abortion, and Infanticide: The Gulf between the Secular and the Divine.Mark J. Cherry - 2011 - Christian Bioethics 17 (1):25-46.
    This paper critically explores key aspects of the gulf between traditional Christian bioethics and the secular moral reflections that dominate contemporary bioethics. For example, in contrast to traditional Christian morality, the established secular bioethics judges extramarital sex acts among consenting persons, whether of the same or different sexes, as at least morally permissible, affirms sexual freedom for children to develop their own sexual identity, and holds the easy availability of abortion and infanticide as central to the liberty interests of (...)
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    The Materiality of Language: Gender, Politics, and the University.David Bleich - 2013 - Bloomington: Indiana University Press.
    David Bleich sees the human body, its affective life, social life, and political functions as belonging to the study of language. In The Materiality of Language, Bleich addresses the need to end centuries of limiting access to language and its many contexts of use. To recognize language as material and treat it as such, argues Bleich, is to remove restrictions to language access due to historic patterns of academic censorship and unfair gender practices. Language is understood as a key (...)
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    Problem of sex differences in space perception and aspects of intellectual functioning.Julia A. Sherman - 1967 - Psychological Review 74 (4):290-299.
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    Sex Differences in Socio‐political Attitudes Revisited∗.Bo Ekehammar - 1985 - Educational Studies 11 (1):3-9.
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    Uncommon sense: Jeremy Bentham, queer aesthetics, and the politics of taste.Carrie D. Shanafelt - 2022 - Charlottesville: University of Virginia Press.
    In his extensive private manuscripts, Jeremy Bentham used same-sex male intimacy as a philosophical test-case for the full political and social enfranchisement of women, colonized and enslaved persons, and sexual nonconformists. Bentham argued that oppression in law, philosophy, religion, and literature were all based on aesthetic hierarchies that refused to acknowledge differences of taste in sensory pleasure, including sexual pleasure. In Uncommon Sense, Carrie Shanafelt reads Bentham's sexual nonconformity papers as an argument for the toleration of aesthetic difference (...)
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    Psychological Aspects of the Study of Gender Sphere of Concept in the Media.Myroslava Chornodon, Nataliia Leonova, Tetyana Doronina, Olha Yadlovska, Ellina Tsykhovska & Viktoriia Zarva - 2022 - Postmodern Openings 13 (1):103-130.
    The changes that have affected all spheres of society have also affected the existing stereotypes of gender behaviour, so the issue of the place and role of men and women in society focuses on research on the aspirations, interests and preferences of both sexes. Gender issues are studied in an interdisciplinary aspect, so recently there have been many studies in which the subject of discussion concerns different fields of science - psychology, philosophy, linguistics, journalism, sociology, political science and many (...)
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  13. Aspects of Sex Differences: Social Intelligence vs. Creative Intelligence.Ferdinand Fellmann & Esther Redolfi Widmann - 2017 - Advances in Anthropology 7:298-317.
    In this article, we argue that there is an essential difference between social intelligence and creative intelligence, and that they have their foundation in human sexuality. For sex differences, we refer to the vast psychological, neurological, and cognitive science research where problem-solving, verbal skills, logical reasoning, and other topics are dealt with. Intelligence tests suggest that, on average, neither sex has more general intelligence than the other. Though people are equals in general intelligence, they are different in special forms (...)
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    Liberalism in neoliberal times: dimensions, contradictions, limits.Alejandro Abraham-Hamanoiel (ed.) - 2017 - London: Goldsmiths Press.
    An exploration of the theories, histories, practices, and contradictions of liberalism today. What does it mean to be a liberal in neoliberal times? This collection of short essays attempts to show how liberals and the wider concept of liberalism remain relevant in what many perceive to be a highly illiberal age. Liberalism in the broader sense revolves around tolerance, progress, humanitarianism, objectivity, reason, democracy, and human rights. Liberalism's emphasis on individual rights opened a theoretical pathway to neoliberalism, through private property, (...)
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  15.  25
    Touchy subject: the history and philosophy of sex education.Lauren Bialystok - 2022 - London: University of Chicago Press. Edited by Lisa M. F. Andersen.
    In the United States, sex education is more than just an uncomfortable rite of passage, it's an amorphous curriculum that varies widely based on the politics, experience, resources, and biases of the people teaching it. Most often, it's a train wreck, overemphasizing or underemphasizing STIs, teen pregnancy, abstinence, and consent. In Touchy Subject, philosopher Lauren Bialystok and historian Lisa M. F. Andersen make the case for thoughtful sex education, explaining why it's worth fighting for and which kind most deserves our (...)
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  16. Pandemic Leadership: Sex Differences and Their Evolutionary–Developmental Origins.Severi Luoto & Marco Antonio Correa Varella - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12:633862.
    The COVID-19 pandemic has caused a global societal, economic, and social upheaval unseen in living memory. There have been substantial cross-national differences in the kinds of policies implemented by political decision-makers to prevent the spread of the virus, to test the population, and to manage infected patients. Among other factors, these policies vary with politicians’ sex: early findings indicate that, on average, female leaders seem more focused on minimizing direct human suffering caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus, while male (...)
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    Corpi senza frontiere: il sesso come questione politica.Caterina Rea - 2012 - Bari: Dedalo.
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  18. Universal sex differences across patriarchal cultures [not equal] evolved psychological dispositions.Alice H. Eagly & Wendy Wood - 2005 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 28 (2):281-283.
    Schmitt's findings provide little evidence that sex differences in sociosexuality are explained by evolved dispositions. These sex differences are better explained by an evolutionary account that treats the psychological attributes of women and men as emergent, given the biological attributes of the sexes, especially female reproductive capacity, and the economic and social structural aspects of societies.
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    Sex Differences in Reciprocal Altruism: Reply to Mower.David C. Geary - 2009 - Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 39 (1):121-124.
    Mower questions some aspects of Geary's proposals regarding the nature of male-male and female-female relationships during human evolution and the implications for understanding the basis for same-sex friendships. The core of this proposal is reviewed and Mower's challenges to the core are addressed.
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    Introduction.Alison Martin - 2003 - Theory, Culture and Society 20 (3):1-12.
    This article provides an introduction to Irigaray's work, dealing with the questions of cultural difference that a culture of sexual difference raises. It sets out the main elements of Irigaray's thought and work without assuming any prior knowledge of it. It discusses her status as a French thinker and her reception in Anglo-academia, emphasizing the influence of Heidegger and Hegel on her thinking, and questioning her categorization as a `French feminist' and exponent of `feminine writing'. It highlights Irigaray's work in (...)
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  21. Philosophical, ethical, and moral aspects of health care rationing: A review of Daniel Callahan's setting limits.Richard Hull - manuscript
    My assigned task in today’s colloquium is to review philosophers’ perspectives on the broad question of whether health care rationing ought to target the elderly. This is a revolutionary question, particularly in a society that is so sensitive to apparent discrimination, and the question must be approached carefully if it is to be successfully dealt with. Three subordinate questions attend this one and must be addressed in the course of answering it. The first such question has to do with the (...)
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    On the biology and politics of cognitive sex differences.David C. Geary - 1996 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 19 (2):267-284.
    The male advantage in certain mathematical domains contributes to the difference in the numbers of males and females that enter math-intensive occupations, which in turn contributes to the sex difference in earnings. Understanding the nature and development of the sex difference in mathematical abilities is accordingly of social as well as scientific concern. A more complete understanding of the biological contributions to these differences can guide research on educational techniques that might someday produce more equal educational outcomes in mathematics (...)
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    Sex Differences in the Brain:From Genes to Behavior: From Genes to Behavior.Jill B. Becker, Karen J. Berkley, Nori Geary, Elizabeth Hampson, James P. Herman & Elizabeth Young (eds.) - 2007 - Oxford University Press USA.
    Sex is a fundamentally important biological variable. Recent years have seen significant progress in the integration of sex in many aspects of basic and clinical research, including analyses of sex differences in brain function. Significant advances in the technology available for studying the endocrine and nervous systems are now coupled with a more sophisticated awareness of the interconnections of these two communication systems of the body. A thorough understanding of the current knowledge, conceptual approaches, methodological capabilities, and challenges (...)
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  24.  44
    Sex differences in emotion expression: Developmental, epigenetic, and cultural factors.Carroll E. Izard, Kristy J. Finlon & Stacy R. Grossman - 2009 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 32 (5):395-396.
    Vigil's socio-relational framework of sex differences in emotion-expressive behavior has a number of interesting aspects, especially the principal concepts of reciprocity potential and perceived attractiveness and trustworthiness. These are attractive and potentially heuristic ideas. However, some of his arguments and claims are not well grounded in research on early development. Three- to five-year-old children did not show the sex differences in emotion-expressive behavior discussed in the target article. Our data suggest that Vigil may have underestimated the roles (...)
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    The Importance of Physical Strength to Human Males.Aaron Sell, Liana Se Hone & Nicholas Pound - 2012 - Human Nature 23 (1):30-44.
    Fighting ability, although recognized as fundamental to intrasexual competition in many nonhuman species, has received little attention as an explanatory variable in the social sciences. Multiple lines of evidence from archaeology, criminology, anthropology, physiology, and psychology suggest that fighting ability was a crucial aspect of intrasexual competition for ancestral human males, and this has contributed to the evolution of numerous physical and psychological sex differences. Because fighting ability was relevant to many domains of interaction, male psychology should have evolved (...)
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  26. The primacy of right. On the triad of liberty, equality and virtue in wollstonecraft's political thought.Lena Halldenius - 2007 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 15 (1):75 – 99.
    I argue along the following lines: For Wollstonecraft, liberty is independence in two different spheres, one presupposing the other. On the one hand, liberty is independence in relation to others, in the sense of not being vulnerable to their whim or arbitrary will. Call this social, or political, liberty. For liberty understood in this way, infringements do not require individual instances of interfering. Liberty is lost in unequal relationships, through dependence on the goodwill of a master. In addition, liberty (...)
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  27.  23
    Evolutionary and clinical aspects of lateralized sex differences.P. Flor-Henry - 1980 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 3 (2):235-236.
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    Some aspects of the development of sex differences in DRL behavior.William W. Beatty, Daniel R. Studelska & Jeffrey M. Gerth - 1975 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 6 (6):622-624.
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    The identity myth: why we need to embrace our differences to beat inequality.David Swift - 2022 - London: Constable.
    In A Contribution to the Critique of Political Economy, Karl Marx outlined his idea of a material 'base' and politico-cultural 'superstructure'. According to this formula, a material reality - wealth, income, occupation - determined your politics, leisure habits, tastes, and how you made sense of the world. Today, the importance of material deprivation, in terms of threats to life, health and prosperity, are as acute as ever. Despite the continued importance of inequality and disadvantage, the identities apparently generated by (...)
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  30. Imaginary Bodies: Ethics, Power and Corporeality.Moira Gatens - 1995 - New York: Routledge.
    Moira Gatens investigates the ways in which differently sexed bodies can occupy the same social or political space. Representations of sexual difference have unacknowledged philosophical roots which cannot be dismissed as a superficial bias on the part of the philosopher, nor removed without destroying the coherence of the philosophical system concerned. The deep structural bias against women extends beyond metaphysics and its effects are felt in epistemology, moral, social and political theory. The idea of sexual difference is contextualised (...)
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    The body and its representations in Aristophanes' thesmophoriazousai: Where does the costume end?Eva Stehle - 2002 - American Journal of Philology 123 (3):369-406.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:American Journal of Philology 123.3 (2002) 369-406 [Access article in PDF] The Body And Its Representations In Aristophanes' Thesmophoriazousai:Where Does The Costume End? Eva Stehle Aristophanes' Thesmophoriazousaiis a rich and funny play, but it gives the impression of lacking a sustained point. Theater directors can happily stage it, subverting Aristophanes by casting women and recasting the text to speak to modern disputes over gender, sex, and politics, as Mary-Kay (...)
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    Ethico-Political Aspects of Conceptualizing Screening: The Case of Dementia.Martin Gunnarson, Alexandra Kapeller & Kristin Zeiler - 2021 - Health Care Analysis 29 (4):343-359.
    While the value of early detection of dementia is largely agreed upon, population-based screening as a means of early detection is controversial. This controversial status means that such screening is not recommended in most national dementia plans. Some current practices, however, resemble screening but are labelled “case-finding” or “detection of cognitive impairment”. Labelled as such, they may avoid the ethical scrutiny that population-based screening may be subject to. This article examines conceptualizations of screening and case-finding. It shows how the definitions (...)
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    The Making of Fornication: Eros, Ethics, and Political Reform in Greek Philosophy and Early Christianity (review).Denise Kimber Buell - 2005 - American Journal of Philology 126 (1):138-142.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:American Journal of Philology 126.1 (2005) 138-142 [Access article in PDF] Kathy L. Gaca. The Making of Fornication: Eros, Ethics, and Political Reformin Greek Philosophy and Early Christianity. Hellenistic Culture and Society 40. Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press, 2003. xviii + 359 pp. Cloth, $60. As the current attention to same-sex marriage attests, religious communities and politicians today are concerned with sexual activity and rules, (...)
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  34. Sex Without Sex, Queering the Market, the Collapse of the Political, the Death of Difference, and Aids: Hailing Judith Butler.Brett Levinson - 1999 - Diacritics 29 (3):81-101.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Diacritics 29.3 (1999) 81-101 [Access article in PDF] Sex without Sex, Queering the Market, the Collapse of the Political, the Death of Difference, and AIDS: Hailing Judith Butler Brett Levinson It is interesting to note that in Judith Butler's study of the social construction of sex, Gender Trouble (as well as in the sequel, Bodies That Matter), one finds barely a trace of sex. Or to put matters (...)
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    Brain Storm: The Flaws in the Science of Sex Differences.Rebecca M. Jordan-Young - 2010 - Harvard University Press.
    1. Sexual Brains and Body Politics 2. Hormones and Hardwiring 3. Making Sense of Brain Organization Studies 4. Thirteen Ways of Looking at Brain Organization 5. Working Backward from “Distinct‘ Groups 6. Masculine and Feminine Sexuality 7. Sexual Orienteering 8. Sex-Typed Interests 9. Taking Context Seriously 10. Trading Essence for Potential.
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    (1 other version)Liberals versus conservatives: Personality, child-rearing attitudes, and birth order/sex differences.Russell Eisenman & Henry B. Sirgo - 1991 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 29 (2):240-242.
    Fifty adults who had made monetary contributions to political campaigns were interviewed to determine differences between liberals and conservatives in terms of personality, child-rearing attitudes, and birth order/sex variables. Study 1 found liberals to favor nonrestrictive controls both on self and on children, while conservatives tended to favor the opposite. Women were more likely than men to be liberals, and all first-born females were liberals. In Study 2, the sample as a whole was high in self-esteem and autonomy, (...)
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    A politics of impossible difference: the later work of Luce Irigaray.Penelope Deutscher - 2002 - Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell University Press.
    Sexual difference as a basis of equality : an introduction to Irigarayan politics -- Irigaray on language : from the speech of dementia to the problem of sexual indifference -- Rethinking the politics of recognition : the declaration of Irigarayan sexuate rights -- Irigarayan performativity : is this a question of can saying it make it so? -- Sexuate genre : ethics and politics for improper selves -- Anticipating sexual difference : mediation, love, and divinity -- Interrogating an unasked question (...)
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    Sexual selection, the division of labor, and the evolution of sex differences.David C. Geary - 1998 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 21 (3):444-447.
    Sexual selection traditionally involves male-male competition and female choice, but in some species, including humans, sexual selection can also involve female-female competition and male choice. The degree to which one aspect of sexual selection or another is manifest in human populations will be influenced by a host of social and ecological variables, including the operational sex ratio. These variables are discussed in connection with the relative contribution of sexual selection and the division of labor to the evolution of human sex (...)
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    “Persons of the Sex are True Wonders”: Gabrielle Suchon on Difference and Political Wonders.Mary Jo MacDonald - 2024 - Political Theory 52 (3):490-516.
    Gabrielle Suchon’s Treatise on Ethics and Politics offers surprising descriptions of sexual difference for an ostensibly feminist work. Stereotypically feminine traits—such as excessive emotions, chattiness, and deception—are compared to earthquakes, storms, wildfire, and apparitions. Although these descriptions may seem off-putting to modern readers, I argue that in offering these unflattering descriptions of women, Suchon is making a novel intervention in debates about the nature of sexual difference. In the Renaissance and Early Modern period, the salient question about feminine difference was (...)
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    Sex‐related Differences in Socio‐Political Attitudes: a replication.Kevin Marjoribanks - 1981 - Educational Studies 7 (1):1-6.
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    Book Review: Gendered Community: Rousseau, Sex, and Politics. [REVIEW]Jean A. Perkins - 1995 - Philosophy and Literature 19 (1):184-185.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Gendered Community: Rousseau, Sex, and PoliticsJean A. PerkinsGendered Community: Rousseau, Sex, and Politics, by Penny A. Weiss; xvii & 189 pp. New York: New York University Press, 1993, $40.00.As Penny Weiss puts it herself: “The main argument of this book is that Rousseau’s defense of sexual differentiation is based on the contribution he perceives it can make to the establishment of community” (p. 7). She accomplishes this by (...)
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  42. Hierarchy and Power in the History of Civilisations: Political Aspects of Modernity.Leonid Grinin, Dmitry Beliaev & Andrey Korotayev (eds.) - 2008 - Librocom.
    The human history has evidenced a great number of systems of hierarchy and power, various manifestations of power and hierarchy relations in different spheres of social life from politics to information networks, from culture to sexual life. A careful study of each particular case of such relations is very im-portant, especially within the context of contemporary multipolar and multicultural world. In the meantime it is very important to see both the general features, typical for all or most of the hierarchy (...)
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    Sex, gender, and difference.Victoria K. Burbank - 1992 - Human Nature 3 (3):251-277.
    Empirical research has demonstrated that women’s aggressive behavior is widespread and displays regularities across societies. Until recently, however, discussions about the aggressive behavior of women and gender differences in aggressive behavior have been based largely on data from nonhuman primates, children, or laboratory experiments. Using a unique corpus of naturalistic data on aggressive human interactions both between and among men and women, I explore the complexity of our questions about sex differences in aggression and further illuminate the ways (...)
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  44. Sexing the Body: Gender Politics and the Construction of Sexuality.Anne Fausto-Sterling & Edward Stein - 2004 - Hypatia 19 (3):203-208.
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    Filosofia dei mezzi: per una nuova politica dei corpi.Elettra Stimilli - 2023 - Vicenza: Neri Pozza editore.
    There is no era of history and thought in which bodies have not been the expression of social, race and class, sex and gender differences, even before anatomical ones. Far from being exclusively biological fields, bodies are conceptual and political battlefields, where forms of domination and, on the contrary, of liberation are at stake. Bodies are "means to". Means for the reproduction of life and work, means, in short, inscribed in a "natural" order: this concept has run through (...)
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  46. The sex of nature: A reinterpretation of Irigaray's metaphysics and political thought.Alison Stone - 2003 - Hypatia 18 (3):60-84.
    : I argue that Irigaray's recent work develops a theoretically cogent and politically radical form of realist essentialism. I suggest that she identifies sexual difference with a fundamental difference between the rhythms of percipient fluids constituting women's and men's bodies, supporting this with a philosophy of nature that she justifies phenomenologically and ethically. I explore the politics Irigaray derives from this philosophy, which affirms the sexes' rights to realize the possibilities of their rhythmically diverse bodies.
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    The Baptism of Relics of Oleg and Yaropolk: Ethical, Theological and Political Aspects.Roman Dodonov, Vira Dodonova & Oleksandr Konotopenko - 2021 - Filosofiya-Philosophy 30 (3):272-286.
    A stereoscopic view on a particular historical event, in which contemporary assessments are combined with mental stereotypes of a medieval man, allows a slightly different assessment of the chronicle plot about the posthumous “baptism of bones” of Oleg and Yaropolk, Princes of Kyivan Rus, in 1044. While from theological positions it is perceived as an absurdity and a direct violation of the rules of the church, in the Middle Ages this act did not contradict the mass religious beliefs. From an (...)
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    No Sex, Cursing and Politics: Adult Views of Inappropriate Facebook Posts.Loreen Wolfer - 2017 - Journal of Human Values 23 (2):116-128.
    With the increasing popularity of Facebook among adult users and the diverse social networks, especially based on age, that adults form on Facebook, it is important to examine what adult Facebook users have seen on Facebook and deem inappropriate. Previous studies only address college students and most of them involve hypothetical post-scenarios. This study addresses these gaps by examining 190 adult Facebook users from a northeastern Pennsylvania university and asking them to identify the top three types of posts they have (...)
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    Feminism and the body: interdisciplinary perspectives.Catherine Kevin (ed.) - 2009 - Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Press.
    By definition, feminism is concerned with the historical, social and political meanings of sexual difference in the human body, and the spectrum of experiences those meanings produce. At the beginning of the twenty-first century, gendered forms of violence persist, abortion remains a political issue, reproductive and cosmetic technologies and their concomitant ethical questions are proliferating, and the presence of women's bodies in public spaces and for public consumption produces a range of anxieties about women's well-being and the common (...)
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    From sex objects to sexual subjects.Claudia Moscovici - 1996 - New York: Routledge.
    From Sex Objects to Sexual Subjects traces some of the ruptures and continuities between the eighteenth-century masculinist formulations of subjectivity elaborated by Rousseau, Diderot and Kant and the contemporary postmodern and feminist critiques of the universal subject--meaning the self viewed as an abstract individual who exercises an impartial and rational (political) judgment that is idential to other similarly defined individuals--developed by Luce Irigaray, Francois Lyotard, Jacques Derrida, Jurgen Habermas, Nancy Fraser, Judith Butler and Michel Foucault. In her work, Moscovici (...)
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