Results for 'Serge Pampfer'

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  1.  22
    Role of colony stimulating factor‐1 (CSF‐1) and other lympho‐hematopoietic growth factors in mouse pre‐implantation development. [REVIEW]Serge Pampfer, Robert J. Arceci & Jeffrey W. Pollard - 1991 - Bioessays 13 (10):535-540.
    Mouse pre‐implantation development appears to be under the control of paracrine and autocrine growth factors. The epithelium of the oviduct and the uterus together, with the population of macrophages and lymphocytes present in the reproductive tract from the onset of pregnancy, are thought to be the major sources of paracrine growth factors targeted to the developing embryos. Some of the growth factors are synthesized by both uterine epithelial cells and activated lympho‐hematopoietic cells, suggesting a partial overlap of the regulatory signals (...)
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    Modal logics with Belnapian truth values.Serge P. Odintsov & Heinrich Wansing - 2010 - Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics 20 (3):279-304.
    Various four- and three-valued modal propositional logics are studied. The basic systems are modal extensions BK and BS4 of Belnap and Dunn's four-valued logic of firstdegree entailment. Three-valued extensions of BK and BS4 are considered as well. These logics are introduced semantically by means of relational models with two distinct evaluation relations, one for verification and the other for falsification. Axiom systems are defined and shown to be sound and complete with respect to the relational semantics and with respect to (...)
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  3. Every recursive linear ordering has a copy in dtime-space (n, log(n)).Serge Grigorieff - 1990 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 55 (1):260-276.
  4.  44
    On the Willingness to Report and the Consequences of Reporting Research Misconduct: The Role of Power Relations.Serge P. J. M. Horbach, Eric Breit, Willem Halffman & Svenn-Erik Mamelund - 2020 - Science and Engineering Ethics 26 (3):1595-1623.
    While attention to research integrity has been growing over the past decades, the processes of signalling and denouncing cases of research misconduct remain largely unstudied. In this article, we develop a theoretically and empirically informed understanding of the causes and consequences of reporting research misconduct in terms of power relations. We study the reporting process based on a multinational survey at eight European universities. Using qualitative data that witnesses of research misconduct or of questionable research practices provided, we aim to (...)
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    The Tomb of the Artisan God: On Plato's Timaeus.Serge Margel - 2019 - Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press.
    A far-reaching reinterpretation of Plato’s Timaeus and its engagement with time, eternity, body, and soul that in its original French edition profoundly influenced Derrida The Tomb of the Artisan God provides a radical rereading of Timaeus, Plato’s metaphysical text on time, eternity, and the relationship between soul and body. First published in French in 1995, the original edition of Serge Margel’s book included an extensive introductory essay by Jacques Derrida, who drew on Margel’s insights in developing his own concepts (...)
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    Toward an evolutionary basis for resilience to drug addiction.Serge H. Ahmed - 2011 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 34 (6):310-311.
    According to Minstrumentalize” this framework to propose an evolutionary basis for the existence of a biological resilience to drug addiction in people.
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    How Do Objects Enter and Exit Collections?: Exchanging Material Culture Over the Atlantic, 1920–1940.Serge Reubi - 2023 - Centaurus 65 (3):627-647.
    In 1926, François Machon, a Swiss physician who lived for many years in Argentina, organised the restitution of a religious garment that had been stolen from the cathedral of Paraguay in the late 1860s and was kept in the Swiss Musée d'ethnographie de Neuchâtel (MEN) in exchange for a small part of his ethnographic collection. In the following decade, he donated more of his own collections to the MEN, but also negotiated as a go-between for the donation of his son (...)
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  8. The locked-in syndrome : what is it like to be conscious but paralyzed and voiceless?Serge Goldman - unknown
    1Neurology Department and Cyclotron Research Center, University of Lie`ge, Sart Tilman B30, 4000 Liege, Belgium 2Neurorehabilitation Medicine, Hoˆpital Caremeau, CHU Nıˆmes, 30029 Nıˆmes Cedex, France 3Department of Speech Therapy, Hospital Pitie´ Salpe´trie`re, Paris and French Association Locked in Syndrome (ALIS), 225 Bd Jean-Jaures, MBE 182, 92100 Boulogne-Billancourt, France 4Neurosciences et Syste`mes Sensoriels Unite´ Mixte de Recherche 5020, Universite´ Claude Bernard Lyon 1 – CNRS, 69007 Lyon, France 5Intensive Care Medicine, Hoˆpital Erasme, Universite´ Libre de Bruxelles, Route de Lennik 808, 1070 (...)
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  9.  43
    A functional partial semantics for intensional logic.Serge Lapierre - 1992 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 33 (4):517-541.
  10.  42
    Emotional Stroop interference in trauma-exposed individuals: A contrast between two accounts.Serge Caparos & Isabelle Blanchette - 2014 - Consciousness and Cognition 28:104-112.
  11.  41
    Journal Peer Review and Editorial Evaluation: Cautious Innovator or Sleepy Giant?Serge P. J. M. Horbach & Willem Halffman - 2020 - Minerva 58 (2):139-161.
    Peer review of journal submissions has become one of the most important pillars of quality management in academic publishing. Because of growing concerns with the quality and effectiveness of the system, a host of enthusiastic innovators has proposed and experimented with new procedures and technologies. However, little is known about whether these innovations manage to convince other journal editors. This paper will address open questions regarding the implementation of new review procedures, the occurrence rate of various peer review procedures and (...)
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  12.  49
    Altruism and efficiency.Serge-Christophe Kolm - 1983 - Ethics 94 (1):18-65.
  13.  19
    Quelques remarques sur la réception d’un pseudépigraphe : les Oracles Chaldaïques.Serge Cazelais - 2005 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 61 (2):273-289.
    Cet article propose une hypothèse au sujet des Oracles Chaldaïques en les abordant sous l’angle de l’histoire de leur réception. L’objectif de l’A. est de replacer l’origine de ces oracles dans le contexte immédiat de la spiritualité néoplatonicienne. L’hypothèse proposée est illustrée par quelques vers de Proclus qui nous sont rapportés par son disciple Marinus dans son traité Proclus ou sur le bonheur ainsi que par quelques témoignages littéraires sur la conception de la prière chez les néoplatoniciens. L’article se termine (...)
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  14.  13
    L'être et la logique: essai.Serge Druon - 2009 - Paris: Edilivre-Aparis.
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  15. The Freising, Ariccia and Balamand Statements: An Analysis,‖ in.Serge Keleher - 1993 - Logos. Anales Del Seminario de Metafísica [Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España] 34 (3-4):427-463.
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  16. Advances in Psychology Research, Vol. 14.Serge P. Shohov (ed.) - 2002 - Nova Science Publishers.
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  17.  47
    Cross-modal facilitation is not specific to self-face recognition.Serge Brédart - 2004 - Consciousness and Cognition 13 (3):610-612.
  18.  10
    L'âge productiviste: hégémonie prométhéenne, brèches et alternatives écologiques.Serge Audier - 2019 - Paris: La Découverte.
    La crise écologique actuelle prend ses racines dans une histoire faite de possibles, parfois aboutis, d'échecs et de renoncements. Près de deux siècles de politiques environnementales que Serge Audier synthétise ici à la lumière des entraves et des infléchissements qui les ont forgées, les empêchant encore aujourd'hui de répondre efficacement à l'urgence toujours plus criante. Depuis la fin du XXe siècle, des signaux d'alarme écologiques ne cessent de retentir : réchauffement climatique toujours plus incontrôlable, destruction exponentielle et dramatique de (...)
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    Modern Theories of Justice.Serge-Christophe Kolm - 1996 - MIT Press.
    This first book in English by Serge-Christophe Kolm provides an overview of his far-reaching vision of distributive justice. Kolm derives justice from considerations of rationality.
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  20.  10
    Reciprocity: An Economics of Social Relations.Serge-Christophe Kolm - 2008 - Cambridge University Press.
    Reciprocity is the basis of social relations. It permits a peaceful and free society in which people and rights are respected. The essence of families and communities, it also enables the working of markets and organisations, while correcting their main failures. Reciprocity is also a basis of politics, and it justifies social policies. Although the importance of reciprocity has been widely recognised in other social sciences, it has, until recently, been somewhat ignored in economic analysis. Over the past three decades, (...)
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  21.  71
    The origin of addictions by means of unnatural decision.Serge H. Ahmed - 2008 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 31 (4):437-438.
    The unified framework for addiction (UFA) formulated by Redish et al. is a tour de force. It uniquely predicts that there should be multiple addiction syndromes and pathways – a diversity that would reflect the complexity of the mammalian brain decision system. Here I explore some of the evolutionary and developmental ramifications of UFA and derive several new avenues for research.
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  22.  6
    La philosophie de Cabanis: une réforme de la psychiatrie.Serge Besançon - 1997 - Le Plessis-Robinson: Institut Synthelabo Pour Le Progres de La Connaissance.
  23.  27
    Sleep cycle or REM sleep generator?Serge Daan, Domien G. M. Beersma & Derk Jan Dijk - 1986 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 9 (3):402-403.
  24.  7
    The Formation and Transmission of Western Legal Culture: 150 Books that Made the Law in the Age of Printing.Serge Dauchy, Georges Martyn, Anthony Musson, Heikki Pihlajamäki & Alain Wijffels (eds.) - 2016 - Cham: Imprint: Springer.
    This volume surveys 150 law books of fundamental importance in the history of Western legal literature and culture. The entries are organized in three sections: the first dealing with the transitional period of fifteenth-century editions of medieval authorities, the second spanning the early modern period from the sixteenth to the eighteenth century, and the third focusing on the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. The contributors are scholars from all over the world. Each 'old book' is analyzed by a recognized specialist in (...)
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  25.  16
    Enjeux cliniques de l’accueil familial de la protection de l’enfant : pour une professionnalisation du dispositif.Serge Escots - 2021 - Dialogue: Families & Couples 4:31-51.
    L’accueil familial de la protection de l’enfant traverse une crise importante. Comprendre cette crise passe par l’analyse critique du dispositif d’Aide sociale à l’enfance dans lequel s’inscrit l’accueil familial. Les évolutions du métier d’assistant familial ont déstabilisé le dispositif lorsqu’elles n’ont pas été accompagnées par des transformations des organisations et des pratiques. La loi de 2016 qui réoriente la protection de l’enfance sur les besoins de l’enfant est une opportunité pour l’accueil familial. À partir de l’analyse critique des pratiques en (...)
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  26. L'Héraldique, représentation du pouvoir ?Serge Gravet - 2012 - Cahiers Internationaux de Symbolisme 131:115-124.
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    Roger Scruton: The Philosopher on Dover Beach.Serge Grigoriev - 2014 - The European Legacy 19 (4):505-506.
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    Natural suggestibility in children.Serge Nicolas, Thérèse Collins, Yannick Gounden & Henry L. Roediger - 2011 - Consciousness and Cognition 20 (2):394-398.
  29. Revisiting Aron's the class struggle : rereading fifty years after.Serge Paugam - 2015 - In José Colen & Élisabeth Dutartre-Michaut (eds.), The Companion to Raymond Aron. New York: Palgrave Macmillan US.
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    La culture comme enjeu politique.Serge Regourd - 2004 - Hermes 40:28.
    Le rapport entre culture et politique est l'un des plus débattu sous l'angle des sciences sociales, opposant notamment culture légitime et culture anthropologique ; et ceci selon deux points de vue complémentaires : d'abord quant aux vicissitudes subies par les politiques culturelles des États-nations, à l'exemple de la France du fait de l'échec de l'objectif de démocratisation culturelle, ensuite quant à leur remise en cause frontale par les processus de la mondialisation libérale. C'est dans ce contexte que s'inscrit la diversité (...)
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  31. Acoustique industrielle et aéroacoustique.Lewy Serge - forthcoming - Hermes.
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    What's on the Inside Counts: A Grounded Account of Concept Acquisition and Development.Serge Thill & Katherine E. Twomey - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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  33.  11
    La machine à remonter le temps: quand l'Europe s'est mise à écrire l'histoire du monde.Serge Gruzinski - 2017 - [Paris]: Fayard.
    En 1517, il y a cinq cents ans, la réforme de Luther fracture l'Europe. La même année, les conquistadores espagnols s'en prennent au Mexique, qu'ils colonisent et christianisent. Ils y introduisent aussi notre façon d'écrire l'histoire. Les vainqueurs ignorent tout des sociétés indigènes. Or pour imposer leur loi, ils doivent impérativement connaître les coutumes et donc le passé des vaincus. Mais que sont l'histoire et le temps dans l'esprit des Indiens? Le temps n'est pas encore une valeur universelle. Comment les (...)
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  34.  11
    Total Digital Photography: The Shoot to Print Workflow Handbook.Serge Timacheff & David Karlins - 2004 - Wiley.
    This full-color title is designed to be a classic reference for the millions of photographers going to digital, from enthusiasts shooting family events and vacations with their SLRs, to professionals creating journalistic prints and fine art. It?s the only book on the market with a focus on complete, end-to-end workflow from shoot to print. It?s tied to Adobe?s latest version of Photoshop, which boasts an installed base of 4 million! Serge Timacheff is a professional photographer living in Pacific Northwest. (...)
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    Neonatal euthanasia: A claim for an immoral law.Serge Vanden Eijnden & Dana Martinovici - 2013 - Clinical Ethics 8 (2-3):75-84.
    Active ending of the life of a newborn baby is a crime. Yet its clandestine practise is a reality in several European countries. In this paper, we defend the necessity to institute a proper legal frame for what we define as active neonatal euthanasia. The only legal attempt so far, the Dutch Groningen protocol, is not satisfactory. We critically analyse this protocol, as well as several other clinical practises and philosophical stances. Furthermore, we have tried to integrate our opinions as (...)
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  36.  58
    Exposure to an urban environment alters the local bias of a remote culture.Serge Caparos, Lubna Ahmed, Andrew J. Bremner, Jan W. de Fockert, Karina J. Linnell & Jules Davidoff - 2012 - Cognition 122 (1):80-85.
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  37. Le bonheur-liberté. Bouddhisme profond et modernité.Serge-Christophe Kolm - 1983 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 173 (3):379-380.
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  38.  22
    Idéologie de la réussite, réinvention des institutions et reconfiguration du handicap.Serge Ebersold - 2010 - Alter - European Journal of Disability Research / Revue Européenne de Recherche Sur le Handicap 4 (4):318-328.
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    Assertion-level Proof Representation with Under-Specification.Serge Autexier, Christoph Benzmüller, Armin Fiedler, Helmut Horacek & Bao Quoc Vo - 2004 - Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science 93:5-23.
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  40.  16
    Le Grand Repli.Serge Mboukou - 2016 - le Portique 36.
    Serge Mboukou. – Votre collaboration et votre travail au long cours semblent croiser avec force les fils souvent tendus et tragiques d’une actualité qui ne cesse, s’il en était besoin, de confirmer vos analyses et, en tout cas, d’en souligner la pertinence. Ils en appellent, au fond, à une analyse et une réflexion conséquentes. Si le texte que vous présentez aujourd’hui au public semble fonctionner comme un précipité lié aux accélérations et aux explosions de l’actualité,...
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  41.  35
    Decision-makers: Introductory paper.Serge Feneuille - 1994 - World Futures 41 (1):62-64.
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    Essai Sur la Logique des Modalites. Par J.-L. Gardies. Paris: Presses Universitaires de France. 1979.Serge Robert - 1981 - Dialogue 20 (2):378-382.
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  43.  21
    Télévision et culture dans l'Union Européenne.Serge Robillard - 1999 - Hermes 23:73.
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  44.  67
    Ronald Dworkin.Serge Champeau - 2001 - Cités 5 (1):208-.
    Ronald Dworkin, né en 1931, est actuellement Professor of Jurisprudence à l’Université d’Oxford et Professor of Law à l’Université de New York. Après des études à Harvard College, à l’Université d’Oxford et à la Harvard Law School, il occupe le poste d’assistant auprès du juge Learned Hand, puis se..
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  45. Bog i chelovek: Uchenie o Boge i Bogopoznanil v svete pravoslaviia.Serge S. Verhovskoy - 1956 - Ni︠́u︡-ĭork: Chekhov Pub. House.
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  46. History Will Judge: Hume's General Point of View in Historical Moral Judgment.Serge Grigoriev - 2021 - Journal of Political Philosophy 29 (1):94-116.
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    The Myth of the Lonely Paradigm: A Rejoinder.Serge Moscovici - 1984 - Social Research: An International Quarterly 51.
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  48. Editing Heraclitus (1999-2012).Serge Mouraviev - 2013 - Epoché: A Journal for the History of Philosophy 17 (2):195-218.
    I shall tell you the story, propose an overview, and show the structure, goal, and peculiarities of this monstrous edition that I undertook forty-four years ago: the Heraclitea, of which ten volumes have appeared since 1999. One volume was published in November 2011 and a few others are still in preparation. While telling you this story, I shall strive to show the radical differences between my approaches and the standard ones taught worldwide in the departments of classics and ancient philosophy (...)
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  49.  20
    Les nouveaux agencements sexuels, symboliques et imaginaires amènent à des reconstructions.Serge Hefez, Florence Baruch & Haydée Popper - 2024 - Dialogue: Families & Couples 242 (4):15-23.
  50.  11
    Canon Eos Digital Photography Photo Workshop.Serge Timacheff - 2008 - Wiley.
    Veteran professional photographer Serge Timacheff walks you through the features of the Canon EOS DSLR camera; selecting, understanding, and using lenses and accessories; and caring for your equipment. You'll also get professional insight into protecting your gear and building your skill set. Once you understand how to build a photography system that meets your needs and discover which filters and accessories are best for you, you can begin to embrace all the Canon EOS camera system has to offer. Note: (...)
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