Results for 'Sebastian Burkholdt'

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  1. What is the Problem with Fundamental Moral Error?Sebastian Köhler - 2015 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 93 (1):161-165.
    Quasi-realists argue that meta-ethical expressivism is fully compatible with the central assumptions underlying ordinary moral practice. In a recent paper, Andy Egan has developed a vexing challenge for this project, arguing that expressivism is incompatible with central assumptions about error in moral judgments. In response, Simon Blackburn has argued that Egan's challenge fails, because Egan reads the expressivist as giving an account of moral error, rather than an account of judgments about moral error. In this paper I argue that the (...)
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  2. Interrogative Belief Revision in Modal Logic.Sebastian Enqvist - 2009 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 38 (5):527-548.
    The well known AGM framework for belief revision has recently been extended to include a model of the research agenda of the agent, i.e. a set of questions to which the agent wishes to find answers (Olsson & Westlund in Erkenntnis , 65 , 165–183, 2006 ). The resulting model has later come to be called interrogative belief revision . While belief revision has been studied extensively from the point of view of modal logic, so far interrogative belief revision has (...)
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    Kommentar Zu Nietzsches ›Die Fröhliche Wissenschaft‹.Sebastian Kaufmann - 2022 - Boston: De Gruyter.
    Hiermit liegt der Kommentar zu Nietzsches Werk Die fröhliche Wissenschaft vor, das 1882 in erster und 1887 in stark erweiterter zweiter Auflage mit dem neuen Untertitel la gaya scienza erschienen ist. Die fröhliche Wissenschaft gehört zu Nietzsches bekanntesten Schriften und gilt als besonders "ausgewogenes" Werk.
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  4. Routledge Philosophy Guidebook to Kant and the Critique of Pure Reason.Sebastian Gardner - 1999 - New York: Routledge.
    Kant's _Critique of Pure Reason_ is arguably the single most important work in western philosophy. The book introduces and assesses: * Kant's life and background of the _Critique of Pure Reason_ * the ideas and text of the _Critique of Pure Reason_ * the continuing relevance of Kant's work to contemporary philosophy. Ideal for anyone coming to Kant's thought for the first time. This guide will be vital reading for all students of Kant in philosophy.
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  5. Do Expressivists Have an Attitude Problem?Sebastian Köhler - 2013 - Ethics 123 (3):479-507.
    One objection that has been raised for meta-ethical expressivism is that expressivists must give an account of the nature of the attitude which constitutes moral thinking, but that any expressivist account that attempts to do seems to fail. Call this objection the “moral attitude problem.” In this article I suggest a strategy for expressivists to escape this problem: I argue that the moral attitude problem is a problem that arises not only for expressivists but also for meta-ethical cognitivists, and that (...)
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    Duality, Fundamentality, and Emergence.Elena Castellani & Sebastian De Haro - unknown
    We argue that dualities offer new possibilities for relating fundamentality, levels, and emergence. Namely, dualities often relate two theories whose hierarchies of levels are inverted relative to each other, and so allow for new fundamentality relations, as well as for epistemic emergence. We find that the direction of emergence typically found in these cases is opposite to the direction of emergence followed in the standard accounts. Namely, the standard emergence direction is that of decreasing fundamentality: there is emergence of less (...)
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    Scrutinizing thing knowledge.Sebastian Kletzl - 2014 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 47:118-123.
  8.  46
    An Axiomatic Reconstruction of the Basic Categories in Process Philosophy.Sebastian Siemoleit & Heinrich Herre - 2020 - Axiomathes 30 (2):107-147.
    Although the ideas in Process and Reality are well-recognized by many scientists in various disciplines beyond philosophy, these investigations are focused on the formal interpretation of the notion of space in the context of mereotopology. Indeed, the notion of time is either neglected completely or understood as an abstraction from the four-dimensional existence of enduring objects. However, there is no elucidation of the notion of time beyond this existence. We introduce a monadic second order language to formalize the ultimate principles (...)
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  9. Making modern identity: Charles Taylor's retrieval of moral sources.Sebastian Gurciullo - 2001 - Critical Horizons 2 (1):93-125.
    Charles Taylor's attempt to map the complexity and fullness of the modern identity has led him to recuperate its moral sources. This paper explores the zone of ontological contestation Taylor has engaged by defending a notion of the self that does not succumb to a narrowing or partiality of vision. Taylor's criticisms of Michel Foucault and Jürgen Habermas are examined to draw out the features of his project and its own limitations.
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    Kommentar Zu Nietzsches "Morgenröthe", "Idyllen Aus Messina".Sebastian Kaufmann & Jochen Schmidt - 2015 - Boston: De Gruyter.
    This volume includes the commentaries on two works from the third volume of the Critical Studies Edition of Nietzsche's Works: Morgenröthe (The Dawn), and Idyllen aus Messina (Idylls from Messina). Volume 3.2 will be devoted to commentary on The Gay Science. This volume includes the manuscript facsimiles of the Idyllen aus Messina.
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    A Naturalist Taming of Supernatural Subjectivity? The Kantian and Fichtean Origins of Hegel’s Idealist Account of Cognition.Sebastian Stein - 2024 - Idealistic Studies 54 (2):137-168.
    Against recent naturalist critiques of Kant and interpretations of Hegel, it can be shown that Hegel’s accounts of consciousness and mind (Geist) commit him to a distinctly supernatural, post-Kantian idealist concept of subjectivity. While Kant describes this subjectivity as independent, unconditioned and self-positing, he relies on the notion of an interplay of two distinct realms — labelled the ‘natural’-phenomenal and the ‘supernatural’-noumenal — to justify it. While Fichte accepts Kant’s description of the structure of supernatural subjectivity, he rejects the two-realms-doctrine (...)
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  12.  27
    Introduction to Neo-Kantianism in Contemporary Philosophy.Rudolf A. Makkreel & Sebastian Luft - 2009 - In Rudolf A. Makkreel & Sebastian Luft (eds.), Neo-Kantianism in Contemporary Philosophy. Indiana University Press.
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    Are gifted adolescents more satisfied with their lives than their non-gifted peers?Sebastian Bergold, Linda Wirthwein, Detlef H. Rost & Ricarda Steinmayr - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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    Husserl und die klassische deutsche Philosophie.Faustino Fabbianelli & Sebastian Luft (eds.) - 2014 - Springer.
    Diese Aufsatzsammlung ist der erste ausführliche Versuch, eine Verbindung zwischen dem Denken der klassischen deutschen Philosophie und Husserls Phänomenologie herzustellen. Vorliegender Band versammelt eine Reihe neuer kritischer Artikel sowohl von etablierten Forschern wie jüngeren Philosophen aus beiden Traditionen, um diese Forschungslücke, als welche sie von beiderlei Forschungsrichtungen anerkannt ist, zu schließen. Dieser Band wirft neues Licht auf beide Traditionen und hebt ihre Bedeutung für die Philosophie der Gegenwart hervor, sowohl in historischer wie systematischer Hinsicht. Die in diesem Band behandelten Hauptthemen (...)
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  15. Encarar lo real: Caos, fantasía Y trabajo. Sobre Hans Blumenberg.Sebastian Alejandro Gonzalez Montero - 2008 - Universitas Philosophica 25 (51):85-114.
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    Konwergencja czy dywergencja kultur i systemów prawnych?Oktawian Nawrot, Sebastian Sykuna & Jerzy Zajadło (eds.) - 2012 - Warszawa: Wydawnictwo C.H. Beck.
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    Transmutaciones del vacío: el problema de la soberanía y el estado de excepción.Sebastián Rodríguez Cárdenas - 2018 - Manizales: Editorial Universidad de Caldas.
    ¿“Quién asume la competencia en un caso para el cual no se ha previsto competencia alguna?”. Retomando esta pregunta de Carl Schmitt, el autor pretende unir la definición desgarradora de soberanía propuesta por este pensador con la idea de soberanía popular, consignada en las constituciones de los estados modernos y contemporáneos. El lector encontrará también una reflexión sobre la noción filosófica de estado de excepción y la ambivalencia entre peligro y oportunidad que este representa para el ejercicio del derecho y (...)
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  18. Judah Benzion Segal, 1912-2003.Edward Ullendorff & Sebastian Brock - 2005 - In Ullendorff Edward & Brock Sebastian (eds.), Proceedings of the British Academy Volume 130, Biographical Memoirs of Fellows, IV. pp. 205-212.
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    Logical Constants and Arithmetical Forms.Sebastian G. W. Speitel - forthcoming - Logic and Logical Philosophy:1-16.
    This paper reflects on the limits of logical form set by a novel criterion of logicality proposed in (Bonnay and Speitel, 2021). The interest stems from the fact that the delineation of logical terms according to the criterion exceeds the boundaries of standard first-order logic. Among ‘novel’ logical terms is the quantifier “there are infinitely many”. Since the structure of the natural numbers is categorically characterisable in a language including this quantifier we ask: does this imply that arithmetical forms have (...)
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    Natorp, Husserl und das Problem der Kontinuität von Leben, Wissenschaft und Philosophie.Sebastian Luft - 2006 - Phänomenologische Forschungen 21:99-134.
    In this paper I compare and contrast Natorp’s and Husserl’s philosophies as to their programmatic and systematic profiles. I will begin by giving an assessment of their relationship and mutual influence, something that many scholars believe had been done exhaustively in Kern’s initial study of 1964 on the relation between Husserl and Kant and the neo-Kantians. Indeed, this topic – in general, the relation between phenomenology and „critical“ philosophy – deserves a new look now that more material has appeared in (...)
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  21. Musikalische Strategien der Verführung Zu meiner Verjüngungs-Szene aus der Kollektiv.Sebastian Sprenger - 2007 - In Hanns-Werner Heister (ed.), Mimetische Zeremonien: Musik als Spiel, Ritual, Kunst. Berlin: Weidler. pp. 7--129.
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    Philosophiegeschichtsschreibung als Sakralisierungspraxis.Sebastian Bandelin - 2023 - Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 71 (2):251-271.
    In this article, I would like to use the case of Rudolf Eucken to examine how the historiography of philosophy, and especially the interpretation of German Idealism, became a medium of national self-assurance. By referring to the philosophical classics of German Idealism, Eucken, at the end of the 19th century, develops a model of a publicly effective philosophy to which he ascribes the task of contributing to the recovery of unity and strength. My aim is to work out the social (...)
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    Book Review: Visual Representations in Science.Sebastian De Haro - forthcoming - Grazer Philosophische Studien.
    Review of Nicola Möβner’s 'Visual Representations in Science. Concept and Epistemology'. Forthcoming in Grazer Philosophische Studien.
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    Los futuros contingentes en Roberto Grosseteste, con una traducción inédita de su De veritate propositionis.Julio Ostalé García & Adrián Pradier Sebastián - 2010 - Daimon: Revista de Filosofia Supplemento 3:29-40.
    Este artículo es una breve introducción al opúsculo De veritate propositionis de Roberto Grosseteste , acompañada por una traducción inédita de dicho opúsculo, la primera que por primera vez puede ser leído en español. En él Grosseteste comenta el problema de los futuros contingentes tal y como fue expuesto por Aristóteles en Sobre la interpretación, capítulo IX. Las soluciones de Aristóteles y Grosseteste son similares, aunque la idea de necesidad en Grosseteste está más vinculada a la eternidad que a la (...)
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    Dieu et la morale.Joachim Haddad & Sebastian Hüsch (eds.) - 2023 - Basel: Schwabe Verlag.
    Depuis l'Antiquite, la philosophie occidentale tente de determiner si la morale peut et doit etre ancree dans une constellation theiste. Tenter de repondre a cette question constitue un defi d'autant plus grand dans un monde globalise, au sein duquel le theisme est non seulement remis en question par la tradition occidentale des Lumieres, mais aussi par des modeles de pensee qui promeuvent une maniere fondamentalement differente de se rapporter a la realite. Les reflexions proposees dans ce volume sur Dieu et (...)
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  26. Husserl and Classical German Philosophy.Faustino Fabbiancelli & Sebastian Luft (eds.) - 2014 - Dordrecht, Netherlands: Springer.
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    The City and Its Limits. The Demarcation of the Political in Cornelius Castoriadis.Diego Sebastián Garrocho Salcedo - 2020 - Las Torres de Lucca. International Journal of Political Philosophy 9 (16):65-82.
    De las muchas virtudes que caben reconocerse en el pensamiento de Cornelius Castoriadis nunca podrá eludirse el valor de su singular aproximación a lo que vino en denominarse “la experiencia griega”. En este artículo trataremos de acompañar su original lectura de la Grecia antigua, retomando la pertinencia y la exactitud con la que Castoriadis se sirvió de la pólis griega para justificar algunos matices velados de nuestras intuiciones políticas. En nuestra exposición trataremos de alinearnos con su original perspectiva, sirviéndonos esencialmente (...)
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    Addiction and the Capability to Abstain.Sebastian Östlund - 2024 - Res Publica 30 (2):211-228.
    Addiction is a widespread problem affecting people from different regions, generations, and classes. It is often analysed as a problem consisting in compulsion or poor choice-making. Recently, however, integrated analyses of compulsion and choice have been called for. In this paper, I argue that the capability approach highlights the well-being loss at stake in cases of addiction, whether they are described as stemming from compulsion, poor choice-making, or some combination thereof. The relevant capabilities obtain when combinations of individual, socio-political, and (...)
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    Beyond Frege-Geach: neglected problems for Expressivism.Sebastian Köhler - unknown
    This thesis is about the viability of meta-normative expressivism. On what I take to be the dominant conception of the view, it subscribes to two theses. First, that the meaning of sentences is to be explained in terms of the mental states these sentences conventionally express. Second, that there is a fundamental difference in the roles of the states expressed by normative sentences and the states expressed by descriptive sentences: descriptive sentences, according to expressivists, express mental states which are representational (...)
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    „die letzte Entscheidung über den Text zwingt zum scrupulösesten ‚Hören‘ von Wort und Satz“ – Textgenese und Druckgeschichte der Fröhlichen Wissenschaft.Sebastian Kaufmann - 2015 - In Jutta Georg & Christian Benne (eds.), Friedrich Nietzsche: Die Fröhliche Wissenschaft. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 7-18.
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    (1 other version)1.5 Scientific Knowledge Leads to Moral Responsibilities–Case Study Synthetic Biology.Anna Deplazes-Zemp & Sebastian Leidel - forthcoming - Common Knowledge: The Challenge of Transdisciplinarity.
  32.  34
    Europa – Herkunft und Zukunft: Momente kultureller Transformation vom Mittelalter bis zur Gegenwart.Sebastian Hansen & Oliver Victor (eds.) - 2023 - De Gruyter.
    Die Frage, welche Bedeutung Herkunft und Zukunft in und für Europa haben, ist sowohl auf eine historische Rückschau als auch eine prospektive Sichtweise angewiesen. Insbesondere die Diskussionen über die Entwicklung Europas offenbaren immer wieder die Relevanz einer historischen Betrachtung der unterschiedlichsten Vorstellungen, Ideale und Konzepte, die im Laufe der Jahrhunderte mit Europa verbunden wurden. Die Beiträge des Sammelbandes analysieren aus interdisziplinärer Perspektive Schlüsselmomente kultureller Transformation in der europäischen Geistesgeschichte und befragen diese mitunter auf ihre Bedeutung für die Zukunft. Dabei werden (...)
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    Reinhard Knodt: Der Atemkreis der Dinge – Einübung in die Philosophie der Korrespondenz.Sebastian Knöpker - 2018 - Philosophischer Literaturanzeiger 71 (1):74-79.
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    Existenz.Sebastian Ostritsch & Andreas Luckner - 2018 - Berlin: De Gruyter. Edited by Sebastian Ostritsch.
    Lassen sich die unterschiedlichen Weisen, philosophisch über Existenz nachzudenken, fruchtbar miteinander in Beziehung setzen? Dieses Buch argumentiert für eine positive Antwort auf diese Frage und schlägt dazu sowohl historisch als auch inhaltlich einen großen Bogen: Es rekonstruiert die Auseinandersetzung um die Grundfrage der Metaphysik, warum es etwas statt vielmehr nichts gibt; die in der analytischen Philosophie geführte Debatte um den Status der Existenz als Eigenschaft von Individuen; die Geschichte der ontologischen Gottesbeweise, die um den Gedanken notwendiger Existenz kreisen; die insbesondre (...)
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    Namenregister.Sebastian Ostritsch & Andreas Luckner - 2018 - In Sebastian Ostritsch & Andreas Luckner (eds.), Existenz. Berlin: De Gruyter. pp. 221-224.
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  36. Husserl's Notion of the Natural Attitude and the Shift to Transcendental Phenomenology.Sebastian Luft - 2002 - Analecta Husserliana 80:114-119.
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    Distributed Cognition in Enlightenment and Romantic Culture.Miranda Anderson, George Sebastian Rousseau & Michael Wheeler (eds.) - 2019 - Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
    11 essays by international specialists open up the research field of distributed cognition and the cognitive humanities in the Enlightenment and Romantic periods - The third book in an ambitious four-volume set looking at distributed cognition in the history of thought - Brings together essays on literature, history, philosophy, art, archaeology, medicine, science and material culture - Includes a general and a period-specific introduction to distributed cognition and the cognitive humanities - For students and scholars in Enlightenment and Romantic studies, (...)
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    On the death of art in Hegel's lectures on aesthetics.Juan Sebastián Ballén Rodríguez - 2012 - Universitas Philosophica 29 (59):179-194.
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    Ethik und Politikmanagement.Christoph Bieber & Sven Sebastian Grundmann (eds.) - 2014 - Baden-Baden: Nomos.
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    Pathos, Affekt, Emotion: Transformationen der Antike.Martin Harbsmeier & Sebastian Möckel (eds.) - 2009 - Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp.
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  41. Macht und Gewalt in der Philosophie Franz von Baaders.Sebastian Helberger-Frobenius - 1969 - Bonn: H, Bouvier.
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    Raum Wissen Medien: Zur Raumtheoretischen Reformulierung des Medienbegriffs.Dorit Müller & Sebastian Scholz (eds.) - 2012 - Transcript.
    Long description: Trotz ”Spatial Turn“ in den Kulturwissenschaften bildet die Verknüpfung von Raum, Wissen und Medien noch immer ein Forschungsdesiderat. Dem begegnet dieser Band, indem er die Wechselverhältnisse von räumlichen Zusammenhängen, medialen Konstellationen und Wissenskonstitution untersucht. Die medien- und geschichtswissenschaftlichen Beiträge analysieren sowohl räumliche und mediale Bedingungen wissenschaftlicher Praxis als auch Räume und Räumlichkeiten von Medien. Dabei richten sie den Blick vornehmlich auf die Konstruktionsweisen von Wissensräumen durch analoge und digitale Medien und fragen aus einer topologischen Perspektive nach der epistemischen (...)
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  43. Cayetano Betancur, filósofo conservador.Sebastián Pineda & Ana María Granados - 2021 - Ideas Y Valores 70 (Suplemento 7):13-40.
    Este artículo examina de qué forma se refleja el conservatismo de Cayetano Betancur en su filosofía política. El primer capítulo recoge dos acepciones del término conser- vador que abarcan, a grandes rasgos, las dos principales tendencias del conservatismo político. El segundo capítulo está dedicado a examinar cómo cada una de estas dos acepciones (que llamamos negativa y positiva) se reflejan en la obra de Betancur. Como conclusión, se hace referencia a los posibles rumbos hacia los que una investi- gación más (...)
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    Der Wille zur Macht, die ewige Wiederkehr des Gleichen und das Sein des Seienden. Heideggers „Aus-einander-setzung“ mit Nietzsche.Sebastian Kaufmann - 2018 - Nietzsche Studien 47 (1):272-313.
    Will to Power, Eternal Recurrence, and the Being of Entities. Heidegger’s “Aus-einander-setzung” with Nietzsche. The article examines the internal dynamics of Heidegger’s influential interpretation of Nietzsche, focusing on his lectures written between 1936 and 1942, which form the basis for Heidegger’s two-volume book Nietzsche, first published in 1961. Speaking of Heidegger’s interpretation of Nietzsche is potentially misleading, however, since Heidegger gave a series of different interpretations that contradict one another in some essential points. In the first two lectures from 1936/37, (...)
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    Editorische Zeichen.Sebastian Kaufmann & Jochen Schmidt - 2015 - In Sebastian Kaufmann & Jochen Schmidt (eds.), Kommentar Zu Nietzsches "Morgenröthe", "Idyllen Aus Messina". Boston: De Gruyter.
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    Faksimile des handschriftlichen Druckmanuskripts der Idyllen aus Messina.Sebastian Kaufmann - 2015 - In Sebastian Kaufmann & Jochen Schmidt (eds.), Kommentar Zu Nietzsches "Morgenröthe", "Idyllen Aus Messina". Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 461-466.
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    Hinweise zur Benutzung.Sebastian Kaufmann & Jochen Schmidt - 2015 - In Sebastian Kaufmann & Jochen Schmidt (eds.), Kommentar Zu Nietzsches "Morgenröthe", "Idyllen Aus Messina". Boston: De Gruyter.
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    II. Stellenkommentar.Sebastian Kaufmann - 2015 - In Sebastian Kaufmann & Jochen Schmidt (eds.), Kommentar Zu Nietzsches "Morgenröthe", "Idyllen Aus Messina". Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 500-543.
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    Sach- und Begriffsregister.Sebastian Kaufmann & Jochen Schmidt - 2015 - In Sebastian Kaufmann & Jochen Schmidt (eds.), Kommentar Zu Nietzsches "Morgenröthe", "Idyllen Aus Messina". Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 583-602.
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    Vorwort.Sebastian Kaufmann - 2015 - In Sebastian Kaufmann & Jochen Schmidt (eds.), Kommentar Zu Nietzsches "Morgenröthe", "Idyllen Aus Messina". Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 459-460.
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