Results for 'Sean Geobey'

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  1.  16
    Fostering Cultures of Sustainability in a Multi-Unit Office Building: A Theory of Change.Bianca Christel Dreyer, Manuel Riemer, Brittany Spadafore, Joel Marcus, Devon Fernandes, Allan Taylor, Stephanie Whitney, Sean Geobey & Aisling Dennett - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Psychological approaches to fostering sustainability are heavily focused on individual behaviors and often insufficiently address the physical and social contexts individuals are embedded in. This limits the ability to create meaningful, long-lasting change, as many of day-to-day behaviors are social practices embedded in broader cultural norms and systems. This is particularly true in the work context, where organizational cultures heavily condition both the actions of individual employees and the collective actions of organizations. Thus, we argue cultures, not behaviors, must become (...)
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  2. Merleau–ponty on the body.Sean Dorrance Kelly - 2002 - Ratio 15 (4):376–391.
    The French philosopher Maurice Merleau-Ponty claims that there are two distinct ways in which we can understand the place of an object when we are visually apprehending it. The first involves an intentional relation to the object that is essentially cognitive or can serve as the input to cognitive processes; the second irreducibly involves a bodily set or preparation to deal with the object. Because of its essential bodily component, Merleau-Ponty calls this second kind of understanding ‘motor intentional’. In this (...)
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  3. What does holism have to do with moral particularism?Sean McKeever & Michael Ridge - 2005 - Ratio 18 (1):93–103.
    Moral particularists are united in their opposition to the codification of morality, and their work poses an important challenge to traditional ways of thinking about moral philosophy. Defenders of moral particularism have, with near unanimity, sought support from a doctrine they call “holism in the theory of reasons.” We argue that this is all a mistake. There are two ways in which holism in the theory of reasons can be understood, but neither provides any support for moral particularism. Moral particularists (...)
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    The Impoverished Replica: A Restatement of Lonergan Against Mechanism.Christopher Sean Friel - 2018 - Heythrop Journal 59 (5):817-831.
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    Ethical perspectives in sharing digital data for public health surveillance before and shortly after the onset of the Covid-19 pandemic.Romina A. Romero & Sean D. Young - 2022 - Ethics and Behavior 32 (1):22-31.
    ABSTRACT Data from digital technologies are increasingly integrated in public health research. In April of 2020, we interviewed a subset of participants who completed a survey approximately one month earlier. Using the survey, we contacted and interviewed participants who had expressed their willingness or unwillingness to share digital data for use in public health. We followed a directed content analysis approach for the analysis of the interview data. Among participants who had reported being unwilling to share data, concerns about privacy, (...)
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    Ecologizing Education: Philosophy, Place, and Possibility.Clarence W. Joldersma & Sean Blenkinsop - 2017 - Educational Theory 67 (4):371-377.
  7.  13
    Patrick Henry-Onslow Debate: Liberty and Republicanism in American Political Thought.H. Lee Cheek, Sean R. Busick & Carey M. Roberts (eds.) - 2013 - Lanham, Maryland: Lexington Books.
    In 1826 Americans witnessed the spectacle of President John Quincy Adams and Vice-President John C. Calhoun taking to the press to debate the nature of power and liberty under the pseudonyms "Patrick Henry" and "Onslow". In the course of this exchange some of the most salient issues within American politics and liberty are debated, including the nature of political order, democracy, and the diffusion of political power.
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    Rage Against the Dying of the Light: Employees’ Moral Outrage, Anger Expression, and Generalized Well-Being.Robert A. Giacalone, Sean R. Valentine, Bingqing Yin & Mark D. Promislo - forthcoming - Journal of Business Ethics:1-18.
    Past work demonstrates that ethical ideologies and behaviors are associated with the physical and psychological well-being of employees. Drawing from ethical impact theory and related research, this investigation utilizes two studies of working adults to examine the relationships among employees’ moral outrage, anger expression, and generalized well-being, with the latter construct being operationalized with multi-variable measures of ill-being, positive life outlook, and health consciousness. In the first study, two dimensions of moral outrage were identified, with results indicating that these components (...)
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    Civil Society/NGO Leaders Perceptions of the Effectiveness of the IFI and the EU Peace III Fund in Promoting Equality, Equity, Social Justice and the Fulfillment of Basic Human Needs in (L’) Derry and the Border Area.Kawser Ahmed, Sean Byrne, Peter Karari, Olga Skarlato & Julie Hyde - 2012 - Journal for Peace and Justice Studies 22 (2):73-99.
    External economic aid has played an important role in Northern Ireland’s peacebuilding process, particularly by funding community-based intervention projects.As a consequence of the Troubles, Northern Ireland suffered from severe socioeconomic inequality. These locally funded projects have fostered social cohesion by encouraging cross community interaction aimed at reducing violence and sectarianism. The NGO projects also promote social justice, reduce inequality, and provide the means to meet people’s basic human needs. The field research for this article was conducted during the summer of (...)
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  10. Self-Conflict and Self-Healing.John King-Farlow and Sean O’Connell - 1988
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  11. The Kingdom of Matthias.Paul E. Johnson & Sean Wilentz - 1995 - Utopian Studies 6 (2):196-197.
  12. Causation in the phaedo.Sean Kelsey - 2004 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 85 (1):21–43.
    In the _Phaedo Socrates says that as a young man he thought it a great thing to know the causes of things; but finding existing accounts unsatisfying, he fell back on a method of his own, hypothesizing that Forms are causes. I argue that part of what this hypothesis says is that certain phenomena--the ones for which it postulates Forms as causes--are the result of processes whose object was to produce them. I then use this conclusion to explain how Socrates' (...)
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    Book Reviews Section 2.Robert Cowen, Sean D. Healy, Edgar B. Gumbert, Geoffrey M. Ibim, Fannie R. Cooley, Stuart J. Cohen, Maurice F. Freehill, Evan R. Powell, Virginia K. Wiegand, Geraldine Johncich Clifford, Charles E. Mcclelland, George C. Stone, Glenn C. Atkyns, Barbara Finkelstein, Gene P. Agre, Alton Harrison Jr & William G. Williams - 1973 - Educational Studies 4 (4):210-221.
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  14. Q&A 13 Science Sampler 14 Herp Perspectives 15 New Products 17 Book Corner 18.Bill Love, Sean McKeown, Roger Klingenberg & Philippe de Vosjoli - 1998 - Vivarium 9:4.
  15.  21
    Outspeak: Narrating Identities That Matter.Sean P. O'Connell - 2000 - State University of New York Press.
    Examines the pleasures, perils, and promises of professing one's sexual identity.
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    Introduction: Homage to Walter Freeman III.Sean O. Nuallain - 2016 - Cosmos and History 12 (2):1-12.
    Introduction to the third special edition on the Foundations of Mind: Foundations of Mind: Hommage to Walter Freeman III.
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    Hegel’s First Attempt to Re-Philosophize Natural Law: Undistorted Intuition, Dead Laws and Ethical Life in ‘On the Scientific Ways of Treating Natural Law’.Seán Molloy - forthcoming - Hegel Bulletin:1-27.
    Hegel’s ‘Natural Law’ essay is widely discussed but its substance and the implications of its argument are misunderstood. Hegel’s essay is most often read via other philosophers. Interpretations of this kind are useful but only illuminate those parts of Hegel’s text that intersect with other philosophers’ concerns. This article takes a different approach by focusing on the entirety of the essay and exploring the implications of its two primary arguments: firstly, that there has been a breach between philosophy and natural (...)
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  18. Cicero on the emotions and the soul.Sean McConnell - 2021 - In Jed W. Atkins & Thomas Bénatouïl, The Cambridge Companion to Cicero's Philosophy. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press. pp. 150–165.
    This chapter provides a critical account of Cicero’s discussion of the nature of the soul and the emotions in the Tusculan Disputations. The first two sections trace the key steps of Cicero’s argumentation as he critically evaluates the strengths and weaknesses of various competing views in the Greek philosophical tradition. Cicero ultimately purports to favor Plato’s position on the immortality of the soul and the Stoics’ cognitivist account of the emotions. The final section draws attention to the ways in which (...)
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  19. The Space of the Lacerated Subject: Architecture And Abjectiion.Sean Akahane-Bryen & Chris L. Smith - 2019 - Architecture Philosophy 4 (1).
    In Powers of Horror,1 the psychoanalyst Julia Kristeva presented the first explicit, elaborated theory of ‘abjection,’ which she defines as the casting off of that which is not of one’s “clean and proper”2 self. According to Kristeva, abjection is a demarcating impulse which establishes the basis of all object relations, and is operative in the Lacanian narrative of subject formation in early childhood via object differentiation. Abjection continues to operate post-Oedipally to prevent the dissolution of the subject by repressing identification (...)
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  20.  35
    The Evolving Peace and Conflict Studies Discipline.Robert Chrismas & Sean Byrne - 2017 - Journal for Peace and Justice Studies 27 (2):98-118.
    This discussion paper draws on previous literature, and new primary research into human trafficking and sexual exploitation, outlining how the discipline of Peace and Conflict Studies (PACS) has evolved over the past fifty years. The discipline has moved through the following six distinct schools of thought: (1) Peace Studies (disarmament, nonviolence), (2) Conflict Management (ADR), (3) Conflict Resolution (problem solving, human needs), (4) Conflict Transformation (reconciliation, local people’s culture), (5) Peace and Conflict Studies (peacebuilding), and (6) Critical and Emancipatory Peacebuilding (...)
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  21. Social Brain, Distributed Mind.Layton Robert & O'Hara Sean - 2010
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    Platonic Love From Antiquity to the Renaissance.Carl Séan O'Brien & John Dillon (eds.) - 2022 - Cambridge University Press.
    Platonic love is a concept that has profoundly shaped Western literature, philosophy and intellectual history for centuries. First developed in the Symposium and the Phaedrus, it was taken up by subsequent thinkers in antiquity, entered the theological debates of the Middle Ages, and played a key role in the reception of Neoplatonism and the etiquette of romantic relationships during the Italian Renaissance. In this wide-ranging reference work, a leading team of international specialists examines the Platonic distinction between higher and lower (...)
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  23. Particularism and principles.Michael Ridge & Sean McKeever - 2010 - In John Skorupski, The Routledge Companion to Ethics. New York: Routledge.
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    Practices for Reporting and Responding to Test Results during Medical Consultations: Enacting the Roles of Paternalism and Independent Expertise.E. Sean Rintel & Anita Pomerantz - 2004 - Discourse Studies 6 (1):9-26.
    When physicians take readings of health indices such as temperature or blood pressure, the practices that physicians and patients employ in discussing the readings both reflect and propose a set of expectations regarding the level of technical medical information the patients should acquire and understand. In this article we demonstrate how physicians’ reporting practices reflect and propose the roles of paternalism or independent expertise and how patients’ responding practices either ratify or contest the roles cast by the physicians’ practices. In (...)
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  25. The impact of end‐of‐course testing in chemistry on curriculum and instruction.P. Sean Smith, Paul B. Hounshell, Cynthia Copolo & Sheila Wilkerson - 1992 - Science Education 76 (5):523-530.
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  26. ‘Naturalism’ and ‘Skepticism’ in Hume'sTreatise of Human Nature.Sean Greenberg - 2008 - Philosophy Compass 3 (4):721-733.
    Hume begins the Treatise of Human Nature by announcing the goal of developing a science of man; by the end of Book 1 of the Treatise, the science of man seems to founder in doubt. Underlying the tension between Hume's constructive ambition – his 'naturalism'– and his doubts about that ambition – his 'skepticism'– is the question of whether Hume is justified in continuing his philosophical project. In this paper, I explain how this question emerges in the final section of (...)
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    Hegemony, Mass Media and Cultural Studies: Properties of Meaning, Power, and Value in Cultural Production.Sean Johnson Andrews - 2016 - Rowman & Littlefield International.
    Analyzes twentieth-century media and cultural theories as they relate to changes in political economy, communication technology, popular culture and collective consciousness in the United States. It argues that much of contemporary media environment is operating as Western capitalist media have for more than a century, making these theories more relevant than ever.
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    Holographic Visions: A History of New Science.Sean F. Johnston - 2006 - Oxford University Press UK.
    Holography exploded on the scientific world in 1964, but its slow fuse had been burning much longer. Over the next four decades, the echoes of that explosion reached scientists, engineers, artists and popular culture. Emerging from classified military research, holography evolved to represent the power of post-war physics, an aesthetic union of art and science, the countercultural meanderings of holism, a cottage industry for waves of would-be entrepreneurs and a fertile plot device for science fiction. New working cultures sprang up (...)
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    Laboratory sample turnaround times: do they cause delays in the ED?Dipender Gill, Sean Galvin, Mark Ponsford, David Bruce, John Reicher, Laura Preston, Stephani Bernard, Jessica Lafferty, Andrew Robertson, Anna Rose-Morris, Simon Stoneham, Romelie Rieu, Sophie Pooley, Alison Weetch & Lloyd McCann - 2012 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 18 (1):121-127.
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    Constitutive spectral EEG peaks in the gamma range: suppressed by sleep, reduced by mental activity and resistant to sensory stimulation.Tyler S. Grummett, Sean P. Fitzgibbon, Trent W. Lewis, Dylan DeLosAngeles, Emma M. Whitham, Kenneth J. Pope & John O. Willoughby - 2014 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8.
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    Rodophe Gasche, Georges Bataille: Phenomenology and Phantasmatology. Reviewed by.Darin Sean McGinnis - 2015 - Philosophy in Review 35 (5):261-263.
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    Minimizing harm in possum control operations and experiments in new zealand.Michael C. Morris & Sean A. Weaver - 2003 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 16 (4):367-385.
    Pest control operations andexperimentation on sentient animals such as thebrushtail possum can cause unnecessary andavoidable suffering in the animal subjects.Minimizing animal suffering is an animalwelfare goal and can be used as a guide in thedesign and execution of animal experimentationand pest control operations.The public has little sympathy for the possum,which can cause widespread environmentaldamage, but does believe that control should beas painless as possible. Trapping and poisoningprovide only short-term solutions to the possumproblem and often involve methods that causesuffering. Intrusive experiments (...)
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  33. Schleiermacher and romanticism.Eric Sean Nelson - 2008 - In Hermann Patsch, Hans Dierkes, Terrence N. Tice & Wolfgang Virmond, Schleiermacher, romanticism, and the critical arts: a festschrift in honor of Hermann Patsch. Lewiston, NY: Edwin Mellen Press.
  34. Content and constancy: Phenomenology, psychology, and the content of perception. [REVIEW]Sean Dorrance Kelly - 2008 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 76 (3):682–690.
  35. The shipwreck of reason : the surrealist diver and modern maritime salvage.Sean Theodora O'Hanlan - 2019 - In Margaret Cohen & Killian Colm Quigley, The aesthetics of the undersea. New York: Routledge Taylor & Francis Group.
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    Correspondence 1949-1975.Timothy Sean Quinn (ed.) - 2016 - Rowman & Littlefield International.
    A complete English translation of the correspondence between the philosopher Martin Heidegger and the novelist and essayist Ernst Jünger, together with a translation of Jünger’s essay Across the Line.
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    Fish vs. cls: A defense of critical legal theory.Sean Marie O'Brien - 1992 - Journal of Social Philosophy 23 (1):64-73.
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    Nagging: A scalable fault-tolerant paradigm for distributed search.Alberto Maria Segre, Sean Forman, Giovanni Resta & Andrew Wildenberg - 2002 - Artificial Intelligence 140 (1-2):71-106.
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  39. Cicero and Socrates.Sean McConnell - 2019 - In Christopher Moore, Brill's Companion to the Reception of Socrates. Leiden: Brill. pp. 347-366.
    Much has been written on Cicero’s deployment of the Socratic method of in utramque partem argument, his use of Plato’s Socratic dialogues as literary models, and so forth. There has been less attention given to the nature of Cicero’s reception of ‘Socrates the man’. In this chapter I consider Cicero’s reception of ‘Socrates the man’ and argue that essentially he saw Socrates as an important model for ‘philosophy in practical life’.
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  40. Cicero and the Cynics.Sean McConnell - 2023 - In Raphael Woolf, Cicero's De officiis: a critical guide. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. pp. 182–200.
    In his discussion of decorum Cicero supposes that most people would agree to the general principle that in our speech, bodily deportment, and actions we should avoid giving offense to others. This is because we possess a sense of shame or verecundia. The particular details are very culture-specific: customs and conventions largely set the parameters of verecundia, and we do well to follow them. Cicero also admits that philosophical figures often flaunt established customs and conventions: he points to Socrates, who (...)
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  41. Cicero and the golden age tradition.Sean McConnell - 2021 - In Pierre Destrée, Jan Opsomer & Geert Roskam, Utopias in Ancient Thought. de Gruyter. pp. 213–230.
    This paper examines Cicero’s engagement with the golden age tradition of utopian thinking, which is prominent not only in Greek literature but also in Plato and the Peripatetic and Stoic philosophical traditions. It makes the case that in De re publica and later philosophical works such as the Tusculan Disputations Cicero draws on philosophical accounts of the golden age—most significantly that of the Peripatetic Dicaearchus of Messana (c.350–c.285 BC)—in his analysis of the Roman res publica and the nature of Roman (...)
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    The Bavarian Rococo Church. [REVIEW]Timothy Sean Quinn - 1984 - Review of Metaphysics 38 (1):122-124.
    Northrop Frye once remarked that when art reaches a certain level of intensity it begins to speak about itself. Karsten Harries, in his excellent new book, provokes in the reader an image of the Bavarian rococo church having reached this degree of self-consciousness, to the extent that it calls into question not only its own special limits, but those of all sacred art. In Harries's words, the Bavarian rococo church is "no longer able to take seriously the pathos and rhetoric (...)
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  43. Citizenship and American High School Students: A Comparative Look at a 1957 and 2004 Study of Democratic Values and Beliefs. [REVIEW]Jeffrey Byford & Sean Lennon - 2008 - Journal of Social Studies Research 32 (2):40-49.
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    The Deathbed Conversion of a Scientific Saint: Review of "Foundations and Methods from Mathematics to Neuroscience: Essays Inspired by Patrick Suppes". [REVIEW]Sean O. Nuallain - 2015 - Cosmos and History 11 (1):362-372.
    Review Artcile of an anthology of writings inspired by Patrick Suppes, "Foundations and Methods from Mathematics to Neuroscience" examined in the context of Suppes' life and philosophical development.
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  45. On the Revival of Marxism: an interview with Sean Sayers.Sean Sayers & Chen Haijuan - 2008 - Social Sciences Weekly (Shanghai).
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  46. Nonsense Lab.Sean Smith - 2016 - Continent 5 (3).
    "Nonsense Lab" is the unofficial name of a studio space that hosted Sean Smith and the Department of Biological Flow at University of Western Ontario. Here, in an offhand reflexive tumblr post, the infrastructural thematics of acoustic ecology, perceptual programming and media environments are cut across and sewn together.
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  47. Principled ethics: generalism as a regulative ideal.Sean McKeever & Michael Ridge - 2006 - New York: Oxford University Press. Edited by Michael R. Ridge.
    Moral philosophy has long been dominated by the aim of understanding morality and the virtues in terms of principles. However, the underlying assumption that this is the best approach has received almost no defence, and has been attacked by particularists, who argue that the traditional link between morality and principles is little more than an unwarranted prejudice. In Principled Ethics, Michael Ridge and Sean McKeever meet the particularist challenge head-on, and defend a distinctive view they call "generalism as a (...)
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  48.  18
    Dissonance: auditory aesthetics in ancient Greece.Sean Alexander Gurd - 2016 - New York: Fordham University Press.
    An overview and descriptions of the auditory commitments of ancient Greek song, drama, and acoustic theory from the time of Homer to the death of Euripides, this is the first complete study of the cultural system of sound in Greece.
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  49.  12
    The Neutron's Children: Nuclear Engineers and the Shaping of Identity.Sean Johnston - 2012 - Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.
    The first nuclear engineers emerged from the Manhattan Project in the USA, UK and Canada, but remained hidden behind security for a further decade. Cosseted and cloistered by their governments, they worked to explore applications of atomic energy at a handful of national labs. This unique bottom-up history traces how the identities of these unusually voiceless experts - forming a uniquely state-managed discipline - were shaped in the context of pre-war nuclear physics, wartime industrial management, post-war politics and utopian energy (...)
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  50.  13
    One bird, one stone: 108 contemporary Zen stories.Sean Murphy - 2013 - [San Francisco, CA]: Red Wheel/Weiser, LLC.
    Drawn from the archives of major Zen centers in America and interviews with some of the most seminal figures of American Zen, including Philip Kapleau, Bernie Glassman, Robert Aitken, Gary Snyder, Alan Watts, and Walter Nowick, Murphy presents moments of insight and wisdom, quotable quotes, and the humor of Zen as it has flowered in America over the last hundred years.
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