Results for 'Screen Studies'

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  1.  19
    Provoking Animal Realities on TV: Exploring the Affinities between STS and Screen Studies.Ben Dibley & Gay Hawkins - 2021 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 46 (4):695-718.
    This paper investigates the logistics of crafting and accounting for animal realities on television. Using the case of The Making of David Attenborough’s Conquest of the Skies, a behind-the-scenes documentary about how the Sky TV series David Attenborough’s Conquest of the Skies was created, it explores how the material reality of animals becomes a televisual reality. In seeking to challenge the lingering concern within many media studies critiques of wildlife TV about the constructed and manipulated nature of televisual animals, (...)
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    The risk of normative bias in reporting empirical research: lessons learned from prenatal screening studies about the prominence of acknowledged limitations.Panagiota Nakou & Rebecca Bennett - 2023 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 44 (6):589-606.
    Empirical data can be an extremely powerful and influential tool in bioethical research. However, when researchers or policy makers look for answers to ethical questions by engaging with empirical research, there can be a tendency (conscious or unconscious) to shape, report, and use empirical research in a way that confirms their own preferred ethical conclusions. This skewing effect - what we call ‘normative bias’ - is often so subtle it falls short of clear misconduct and thus can be difficult to (...)
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    Structuring the Review of Human Genetics Protocols Part II: Diagnostic and Screening Studies.Kathleen Cranley Glass, Charles Weijer, Trudo Lemmens, Roberta M. Palmour & Stanley H. Shapiro - 1997 - IRB: Ethics & Human Research 19 (3/4):1.
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    Effort-Reward Imbalance Is Associated With Alcohol-Related Problems. WIRUS-Screening Study.Jens Christoffer Skogen, Mikkel Magnus Thørrisen, Tore Bonsaksen, Jussi Vahtera, Børge Sivertsen & Randi Wågø Aas - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Screen Time and Executive Function in Toddlerhood: A Longitudinal Study.Gabrielle McHarg, Andrew D. Ribner, Rory T. Devine & Claire Hughes - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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  6. Screening the church: A study of clergy representation in contemporary Afrikaans cinema.Shaun Joynt & Chris Broodryk - 2018 - HTS Theological Studies 74 (2):1-8.
    The church-funded CARFO or KARFO (Afrikaans Christian Filmmaking Organisation) was established in 1947, and aimed to ‘[socialise] the newly urbanized Afrikaner into a Christian urban society’ (Tomaselli 1985:25; Paleker 2009:45). This initiative was supported and sustained by the Dutch Reformed Church (DRC), which had itself been part of the sociopolitical and ideological fabric of Afrikaans religious life for a while and would guide Afrikaners through tensions between religious conservatism and liberalism and into apartheid. Given Afrikaans cinema’s ties with Christian religious (...)
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    Price Reaction of Ethically Screened Stocks: A Study of the Dow Jones Islamic Market World Index.Khelifa Mazouz, Abdulkadir Mohamed & Brahim Saadouni - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 154 (3):683-699.
    This paper investigates the short-term effects on the price of the ethically screened stocks of the Dow Jones Islamic Market World Index quarterly revisions. Using a sample of 8250 stocks from May 1999 through June 2012, we find a significant price reaction of the ethically screened stocks following additions and deletions. The results show that additions from emerging stock markets tend to experience a greater and significantly positive price response than additions from the developed markets. Further tests reveal that the (...)
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  8.  40
    An empirical study of the ‘underscreened’ in organised cervical screening: experts focus on increasing opportunity as a way of reducing differences in screening rates.Jane H. Williams & Stacy M. Carter - 2016 - BMC Medical Ethics 17 (1):56.
    BackgroundCervical cancer disproportionately burdens disadvantaged women. Organised cervical screening aims to make cancer prevention available to all women in a population, yet screening uptake and cancer incidence and mortality are strongly correlated with socioeconomic status. Reaching underscreened populations is a stated priority in many screening programs, usually with an emphasis on something like ‘equity’. Equity is a poorly defined and understood concept. We aimed to explain experts’ perspectives on how cervical screening programs might justifiably respond to ‘the underscreened’.MethodsThis paper reports (...)
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  9.  29
    Prenatal screening and women's perception of infant disability: A Sophie's Choice for every mother.Michele Chandler & Angie Smith - 1998 - Nursing Inquiry 5 (2):71-76.
    Prenatal screening can significantly benefit parents and the community. However, it has created a dilemma for women as it requires them to quickly decide whether to continue a pregnancy or terminate it should the test indicate a foetal abnormality. This can be psychologically traumatic for women torn between their connection to an unborn child with all its possible imperfections, and a desire to prevent its suffering as a disabled child in later life. A woman must also consider her own and (...)
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  10.  54
    The Moral Life of Professionals in Newborn Screening in the Netherlands: A Qualitative Study.Anke J. M. Oerlemans, Leo A. J. Kluijtmans & Simone van der Burg - 2017 - Public Health Ethics 10 (1).
    Newborn screening involves a complex logistical process, which depends on the close cooperation of many professionals, such as midwives, laboratory technicians, general practitioners and pediatricians. These professionals may encounter moral problems in the process, which have not been systematically studied before. This study fills this gap. We conducted interviews with 36 professionals involved in NBS in the Netherlands and made an inventory of the moral problems they encounter, as well as of the ways in which they tend to respond to (...)
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  11.  18
    Elina Screen and Charles West, eds., Writing the Early Medieval West: Studies in Honour of Rosamond McKitterick. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2018. Pp. xvi, 315; black-and-white figures. £75. ISBN: 978-1-1071-9839-5. Table of contents available online at 9. [REVIEW]Meg Leja - 2022 - Speculum 97 (3):886-888.
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    A Diagnostic-Oriented Screening Scale for Anxiety Disorders: The Center for Epidemiologic Studies Anxiety Scale.André Faro & William W. Eaton - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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  13.  7
    Enculturation-Acculturation Screening Tools for Empirical Aesthetics Research: a Proof of Principle Study.Julia F. Christensen, Meghedi Vartanian, Bilquis Castaño Manias, Raha Golestani, Shahrzad Khorsandi & Klaus Frieler - 2024 - Journal of Cognition and Culture 24 (3-4):325-372.
    Grouping research participants by culture or language proficiency may no longer suffice to investigate cognitive universals and differences cross-culturally, due to the interconnectedness of our multicultural world. Based on immigration psychology research, we provide a ‘proof of principle’ for three culture screening tools. Across five online experiments (total N = 440), we developed (1) The Cultural Traditions Questionnaire (CTQ), (2) the Arts Engagement in Childhood Questionnaire (AECQ), and (3) the Enculturation and Acculturation Quiz (EAQ). While these screening tools are tailored (...)
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  14.  36
    Mega Screens for Mega Cities.Nikos Papastergiadis, Scott McQuire, Xin Gu, Amelia Barikin, Ross Gibson, Audrey Yue, Sun Jung, Cecelia Cmielewski, Soh Yeong Roh & Matt Jones - 2013 - Theory, Culture and Society 30 (7-8):325-341.
    This article considers how networked large urban screens can act as a platform for the creation of an experimental transnational public sphere. It takes as a case study a specific Australia-Korea cultural event that linked large screens in Federation Square, Melbourne, and Tomorrow City, Incheon, 1 through the presentation of SMS-based interactive media art works. The article combines theoretical analyses of global citizenship, mobility, digital technologies, and networked public space with empirical analyses of audience response research data collected during the (...)
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  15.  18
    Screened Intercorporeality. Reflections on Gestures in Videoconferences.Christian Ferencz-Flatz - 2023 - Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology 54 (1):56-70.
    This article brings a phenomenological perspective to the question of how bodily and inter-bodily experience is involved in interacting via audio-visual media like videoconferencing platforms. Contemporary discussions in interaction studies point to a certain suspension of bodily involvement in these mediated interactions, which leads to a visible loss of function in the case of gestures. Such observations have led phenomenologists to voice concern as to whether phenomenology is indeed still suited to account for the “digital world” in general. The (...)
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  16.  21
    Screening: Value enhancing or diminishing?Yann Ferrat, Frédéric Daty & Radu Burlacu - 2022 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 32 (1):358-370.
    Using an international sample of environmental and social firm-level ratings between 2007 and 2019, we form synthetic overlapping region-based equity portfolios to examine the impact of screening stringency on abnormal returns and specific risk. While previous literature analyzes this relationship in a bidimensional setting, inferences made in this study are additionally robust to regional levels of market efficiency. Our results suggest that (1) screening stringency displays an inverted curvilinear relationship with risk-adjusted returns and (2) the impact on specific risk is (...)
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  17.  44
    Values and value conflicts in implementation and use of preconception expanded carrier screening - an expert interview study.Amal Matar, Mats G. Hansson & Anna T. Höglund - 2019 - BMC Medical Ethics 20 (1):25.
    Endeavors have been made to found and incorporate ethical values in most aspects of healthcare, including health technology assessment. Health technologies and their assessment are value-laden and could trigger problems with dissemination if they contradict societal norms. Per WHO definition, preconception expanded carrier screening is a new health technology that warrants assessment. It is a genetic test offered to couples who have no known risk of recessive genetic diseases and are interested pregnancy. A test may screen for carrier status (...)
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  18.  23
    Screen Stories and Moral Understanding: Interdisciplinary Perspectives.Carl Plantinga (ed.) - 2023 - New York, New York: Oxford University Press. Translated by None None.
    The stories we tell and show, in whatever medium, play varied roles in human cultures. One such role is to contribute to moral understanding. Moral understanding goes beyond moral knowledge; it is a complex cognitive achievement that may consist of one or more of the following: the ability to understand why, to ask the right questions, categorization, the application of models to specific incidents, or the capacity to make connections between morally charged situations that have a common underlying meaning. -/- (...)
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  19.  14
    Screen stories: emotion and the ethics of engagement.Carl R. Plantinga - 2018 - New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
    The way we communicate with each other is vital to preserving the cultural ecology, or wellbeing, of a place and time. Do we listen to each other? Do we ask the right questions? Do we speak about each other with respect or disdain? The stories that we convey on screens, or what author Carl Plantinga calls 'screen stories,' are one powerful and pervasive means by which we communicate with each other. Screen Stories: Emotion and the Ethics of Engagement (...)
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  20.  12
    Extralinguistic Consultation in English–Chinese Translation: A Study Drawing on Eye-Tracking and Screen-Recording Data.Yixiao Cui & Binghan Zheng - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Both linguistic and extralinguistic consultations are essential in translation practice and have been commonly investigated as an integral topic in previous studies. However, since extralinguistic information is usually longer in extent and not specifically designed for a linguistic purpose, extralinguistic consultations involve different search strategies compared with linguistic consultations. Drawing on eye-tracking and screen-recording data, this study compares linguistic and extralinguistic consultations in terms of cognitive resources allocation and information processing patterns in English–Chinese translation. It also explores the (...)
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  21. Patient Understanding of Benefits, Risks, and Alternatives to Screening Colonoscopy.Peter H. Schwartz, Elizabeth Edenberg, Patrick R. Barrett, Susan M. Perkins, Eric M. Meslin & Thomas F. Imperiale - 2013 - Family Medicine 45 (2):83-89.
    While several tests and strategies are recommended for colorectal cancer (CRC) screening, studies suggest that primary care providers often recommend colonoscopy without providing information about its risks or alternatives. These observations raise concerns about the quality of informed consent for screening colonoscopy.
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  22.  28
    Cervical cancer screening: a prospective cohort study of the effects of historical patient compliance and a population‐based informatics prompted reminder on screening rates.Kathy L. MacLaughlin, Kristi M. Swanson, James M. Naessens, Kurt B. Angstman & Rajeev Chaudhry - 2014 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 20 (2):136-143.
  23.  6
    Ethical Dimensions of Population-Based Lung Cancer Screening in Canada: Key Informant Qualitative Description Study.Manisha Pahwa, Julia Abelson, Paul A. Demers, Lisa Schwartz, Katrina Shen & Meredith Vanstone - 2024 - Public Health Ethics 17 (3):139-153.
    Normative issues associated with the design and implementation of population-based lung cancer screening policies are underexamined. This study was an exposition of the ethical justification for screening and potential ethical issues and their solutions in Canadian jurisdictions. A qualitative description study was conducted. Key informants, defined as policymakers, scientists and clinicians who develop and implement lung cancer screening policies in Canada, were purposively sampled and interviewed using a semi-structured guide informed by population-based disease screening principles and ethical issues in cancer (...)
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  24.  7
    Screening fears: on protective media.Francesco Casetti - 2023 - New York: Zone Books.
    A historical and theoretical investigation of the unexpected ways screen-based media protect and excite viewers' fears and anxieties of the worldIn this brilliant contribution to contemporary media studies, acclaimed theorist Francesco Casetti advances a provocative hypothesis: instead of being prostheses that expand or extend our perceptions, modern screen-based media are in fact apparatuses that shelter and protect us from exposure to the world. Rather than bringing us closer to external reality, dominant forms of visual media function as (...)
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  25.  91
    Consenting to uncertainty: Challenges for informed consent to disease screening—a case study.Mark Greene & Suzanne M. Smith - 2008 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 29 (6):371-386.
    This paper uses chronic beryllium disease as a case study to explore some of the challenges for decision-making and some of the problems for obtaining meaningful informed consent when the interpretation of screening results is complicated by their probabilistic nature and is clouded by empirical uncertainty. Although avoidance of further beryllium exposure might seem prudent for any individual whose test results suggest heightened disease risk, we will argue that such a clinical precautionary approach is likely to be a mistake. Instead, (...)
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  26.  83
    Screening the Psychological Laboratory: Hugo Münsterberg, Psychotechnics, and the Cinema, 1892–1916.Jeremy Blatter - 2015 - Science in Context 28 (1):53-76.
    According to Hugo Münsterberg, the direct application of experimental psychology to the practical problems of education, law, industry, and art belonged by definition to the domain of psychotechnics. Whether in the form of pedagogical prescription, interrogation technique, hiring practice, or aesthetic principle, the psychotechnical method implied bringing the psychological laboratory to bear on everyday life. There were, however, significant pitfalls to leaving behind the putative purity of the early psychological laboratory in pursuit of technological utility. In the Vocation Bureau, for (...)
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  27.  46
    The Role of Socially Embedded Concepts in Breast Cancer Screening: An Empirical Study with Australian Experts.Lisa M. Parker & Stacy M. Carter - 2016 - Public Health Ethics 9 (3):276-289.
    It is not clear whether breast cancer screening is a public health intervention or an individual clinical service. The question is important because the concepts best suited for ethical reasoning in public health might be different to the concepts commonly employed in biomedical ethics. We consider it likely that breast screening has elements of a public health intervention and used an empirical ethics approach to explore this further. If breast screening has public health characteristics, it is probable that policy and (...)
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  28.  99
    Safe, or Sorry? Cancer Screening and Inductive Risk.Anya Plutynski - 2017 - In Kevin Christopher Elliott & Ted Richards, Exploring Inductive Risk: Case Studies of Values in Science. New York: Oup Usa. pp. 149-169.
    The focus of this chapter will be on the epistemic and normative questions at issue in debates about cancer screening, with a special focus on mammography as a case study. Such questions include: How do we know who needs to be screened? What are the benefits and harms of cancer screening, and what is the quality of evidence for each? How ought we to measure and compare these benefits and harms? What are the sources of uncertainty about our estimates of (...)
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  29.  66
    ‘Screening audit’ as a quality assurance tool in good clinical practice compliant research environments.Sinyoung Park, Chung Mo Nam, Sejung Park, Yang Hee Noh, Cho Rong Ahn, Wan Sun Yu, Bo Kyung Kim, Seung Min Kim, Jin Seok Kim & Sun Young Rha - 2018 - BMC Medical Ethics 19 (1):30.
    With the growing amount of clinical research, regulations and research ethics are becoming more stringent. This trend introduces a need for quality assurance measures for ensuring adherence to research ethics and human research protection beyond Institutional Review Board approval. Audits, one of the most effective tools for assessing quality assurance, are measures used to evaluate Good Clinical Practice and protocol compliance in clinical research. However, they are laborious, time consuming, and require expertise. Therefore, we developed a simple auditing process and (...)
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  30.  27
    Are Emotional and Behavioral Problems of Infants and Children Aged Younger Than 7 Years Related to Screen Time Exposure During the Coronavirus Disease 2019 Confinement? An Exploratory Study in Portugal. [REVIEW]Rita Monteiro, Nuno Barbosa Rocha & Sandra Fernandes - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    The coronavirus disease 2019 outbreak forced most of the world’s population to be confined at home to prevent contagion. Research reveals that one of the consequences of this confinement for children is an increased amount of time spent using screens (television, computers, and mobile devices, etc.) at home. This exploratory study aims to analyze the association between screen time exposure and emotional/behavioral problems of infants and children aged under 7 years, as manifested during the lockdown period in Portugal due (...)
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  31.  24
    Using iron deficiency tests for colorectal cancer screening: a feasibility study in one UK general practice.Adrian Edwards, Michael Penney & Miles Allison - 2004 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 10 (3):475-479.
  32.  20
    Screens: from materiality to spectatorship: a historical and theoretical reassessment.Dominique Chateau & José Moure (eds.) - 2016 - Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press.
    This Sixth volume in the series The Key Debates. Mutations and Appropriations in European Film Studies investigates the question of screens in the context both of the dematerialization due to digitalization and the multiplication of media screens. Scholars offer various infomations and theories of topics such as the archeology of screen, film and media theories, contemporary art, pragmatics of new ways of screening (from home video to street screening).
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  33.  49
    Ethical Issues Related to Screening for Preeclampsia.Jennifer M. Jørgensen, Paula L. Hedley, Mickey Gjerris & Michael Christiansen - 2012 - Bioethics 28 (7):360-367.
    The implementation of new methods of treating and preventing disease raises many question of both technical and moral character. Currently, many studies focus on developing a screening test for preeclampsia (PE), a disease complicating 2–8% of pregnancies, potentially causing severe consequences for pregnant women and their fetuses. The purpose is to develop a test that can identify pregnancies at high risk for developing PE sufficiently early in pregnancy to allow for prophylaxis. However, the question of implementing a screening test (...)
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  34.  28
    Marginal public health gain of screening for colorectal cancer: modelling study, based on WHO and national databases in the Nordic countries.Johann A. Sigurdsson, Linn Getz, Göran Sjönell, Paula Vainiomäki & John Brodersen - 2013 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 19 (2):400-407.
  35. Is the Association Between Early Childhood Screen Media Use and Effortful Control Bidirectional? A Prospective Study During the COVID-19 Pandemic.Caroline Fitzpatrick, Elizabeth Harvey, Emma Cristini, Angélique Laurent, Jean-Pascal Lemelin & Gabrielle Garon-Carrier - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Individual differences in effortful control, a component of temperament, reflecting the ability to use attention and other cognitive processes to self-regulate emotion and behavior, contribute to child academic adjustment, social competence, and wellbeing. Research has linked excessive screen time in early childhood to reduced self-regulation ability. Furthermore, research suggests that parents are more likely to use screens with children who have more challenging temperaments, such as low levels of effortful control. Since screen time by children between the ages (...)
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  36.  41
    (1 other version)Political screenings as trials of strength: Making the communist power/lessness real. [REVIEW]Zdeněk Konopásek & Zuzana Kusá - 2006 - Human Studies 29 (3):341 - 362.
    In this paper, we discuss the problem of communist power in so called totalitarian regimes. Inspired by strategies of explanation in contemporary science studies and by the ethnomethodological conception of social order, we suggest that the power of communists is not to be taken as an unproblematic source of explanation; rather, we take this power as something that is itself in need of being explained. We study personal narratives on political screenings that took place in Czechoslovakia in 1970 and (...)
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  37.  5
    Parental awareness and perspectives on newborn screening in China: a questionnaire-based study.Xiaoshan Yin, Peiyao Wang, Ziyan Cen, Zinan Yu, Qimin He, Benqing Wu & Xinwen Huang - 2024 - BMC Medical Ethics 25 (1):1-8.
    Low parental awareness and knowledge about newborn screening have been identified as a public issue. This study explored Chinese parents’ self-evaluation of awareness, knowledge, and methods of receiving information about newborn screening. Using convenience sampling, we included 614 respondents who were expectant parents or parents of children aged 0-3 years. Our self-made questionnaire comprised four sections: sociodemographic characteristics, self-evaluation of awareness, detailed knowledge about newborn screening, and practical and expected methods of receiving newborn screening information. We found that 72.9% of (...)
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  38.  47
    Screen Trauma: Visual Media and Post-traumatic Stress Disorder.Amit Pinchevski - 2016 - Theory, Culture and Society 33 (4):51-75.
    Recent studies in psychiatry reveal an acceptance of trauma through the media. Traditionally restricted to immediate experience, Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is now expanding to include mediated experience. How did this development come about? How does mediated trauma manifest itself? What are its consequences? This essay addresses these questions through three cases: (1) ‘trauma film paradigm’, an early 1960s research program that employed films to simulate traumatic effects; (2) the psychiatric study into the clinical effects of watching catastrophic events (...)
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    Bioethical concepts in theory and practice: an exploratory study of prenatal screening in Iceland. [REVIEW]Helga Gottfreðsdóttir & Vilhjálmur Árnason - 2011 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 14 (1):53-61.
    A hallmark of good antenatal care is to respect prospective parent’s choices and provide information in a way that encourages their autonomy and informed decision making. In this paper, we analyse the meaning of autonomous and informed decision making from the theoretical perspective and attempt to show how those concepts are described among prospective parents in early pregnancy and in the public media in a society where NT screening is almost a norm. We use interviews with Icelandic prospective parents in (...)
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  40. Split-Screen : Videogame History through Local Multiplayer Design.Veli-Matti Karhulahti & Pawel Grabarczyk - forthcoming - Design Issues.
    By looking at videogame production through a two-vector model of design – a practice determined by the interplay between economic and technological evolution – we argue that shared screen play, as both collaboration and competition, originally functioned as a desirable pattern in videogame design, but has since become problematic due to industry transformations. This is introduced as an example of what we call design vestigiality: momentary loss of a design pattern’s contextual function due to techno-economical evolution.
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    Prevention in the age of personal responsibility: epigenetic risk-predictive screening for female cancers as a case study.Ineke Bolt, Eline M. Bunnik, Krista Tromp, Nora Pashayan, Martin Widschwendter & Inez de Beaufort - 2021 - Journal of Medical Ethics 47 (12):e46-e46.
    Epigenetic markers could potentially be used for risk assessment in risk-stratified population-based cancer screening programmes. Whereas current screening programmes generally aim to detect existing cancer, epigenetic markers could be used to provide risk estimates for not-yet-existing cancers. Epigenetic risk-predictive tests may thus allow for new opportunities for risk assessment for developing cancer in the future. Since epigenetic changes are presumed to be modifiable, preventive measures, such as lifestyle modification, could be used to reduce the risk of cancer. Moreover, epigenetic markers (...)
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  42.  40
    Development and Validation of an Item Bank for Depression Screening in the Chinese Population Using Computer Adaptive Testing: A Simulation Study.Qingrong Tan, Yan Cai, Qiuyun Li, Yong Zhang & Dongbo Tu - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Literary Film Adaptation for Screen Production: the Analysis of Style Adaptation in the Film Naked Lunch from a Quantitative and Descriptive Perspective.Alejandro Torres Vergara - 2015 - Logos: Revista de Lingüística, Filosofía y Literatura 25 (2):154-164.
    The study of film adaptations, particularly those coming from literature, has been growing at a rapid rate during the last years due to the amount of adaptations coming from both mainstream and independent film industries. The focus of these studies though is generally addressed to best sellers where the literary style is clearly adaptable to the screen; however, there are cases where the adaptive process has resulted in an entirely different outcome. Naked Lunch, written by William Burroughs and (...)
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  44. Cellular Health Screening Market Revenue Growth Forecast by Applications, Regional Analysis & Industry Players till 2032.Ankit Dwivedi - 2025 - Adw.
    Global Cellular Health Screening Market Size research report offers in-depth assessment of revenue growth, market definition, segmentation, industry potential, influential trends for understanding the future outlook and current prospects for the market. -/- Get a Sample Copy of the Report at – -/- Also, the growing importance of healthy life expectancy (HALE) and the use of home diagnostic tests are remarkably increasing globally. As a result, there is increasing demand for cellular health screening kits and services due to greater patient (...)
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    Plagiarism in submitted manuscripts: incidence, characteristics and optimization of screening—case study in a major specialty medical journal.James P. Evans, Feng-Chang Lin & Janet R. Higgins - 2016 - Research Integrity and Peer Review 1 (1).
    BackgroundPlagiarism is common and threatens the integrity of the scientific literature. However, its detection is time consuming and difficult, presenting challenges to editors and publishers who are entrusted with ensuring the integrity of published literature.MethodsIn this study, the extent of plagiarism in manuscripts submitted to a major specialty medical journal was documented. We manually curated submitted manuscripts and deemed an article contained plagiarism if one sentence had 80 % of the words copied from another published paper. Commercial plagiarism detection software (...)
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  46.  21
    Preconception Expanded Carrier Screening : A Discourse Analysis of Dutch Webpages.Sofia Morberg Jämterud & Anke Snoek - unknown
    Preconception expanded carrier screening (PECS) informs prospective parents about the risk of conceiving a child with a heritable genetic condition. PECS will also, for many, become an important screening test, and websites will likely play a vital role in providing information on this practice. The aim of this article is to examine rationalities in the information on PECS on Dutch websites. The method used is multimodal critical discourse analysis. This method allows an examination of norms and assumptions in the descriptions, (...)
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    Saving Deaf Children? Screening for Hearing loss as a Public-interest Case.Geert Hove, Michel Vandenbroeck & Sigrid Bosteels - 2017 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 14 (1):109-121.
    New-born screening programs for congenital disorders and chronic disease are expanding worldwide and children “at risk” are identified by nationwide tracking systems at the earliest possible stage. These practices are never neutral and raise important social and ethical questions. An emergent concern is that a reflexive professionalism should interrogate the ever earlier interference in children’s lives. The Flemish community of Belgium was among the first to generalize the screening for hearing loss in young children and is an interesting case to (...)
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    Molecular medicine: basic knowledge Gene therapy studies: ethical and social issues Ethical issues in genetic screening, testing and profiling.Jasminka Pavelić - forthcoming - Integrative Bioethics.
  49.  57
    Genetic Testing and Genetic Screening.Pat Milmoe McCarrick - 1993 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 3 (3):333-354.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Genetic Testing and Genetic ScreeningPat Milmoe McCarrick (bio)In recent years there has been an enormous expansion in the knowledge that may be gleaned from the testing of an individual's genetic material to predict present or future disability or disease either for oneself or one's offspring. The Human Genome Project, which is currently mapping the entire human gene system, is identifying progressively more genetic sequencing information (see Scope Note 17, (...)
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  50.  29
    Changing our perspective: Is there a government obligation to promote autonomy through the provision of public prenatal screening?Aya Enzo, Taketoshi Okita & Atsushi Asai - 2021 - Bioethics 35 (1):40-46.
    In many countries, prenatal testing for certain fetal abnormalities is offered via publicly funded screening programs. The concept of reproductive autonomy is regarded as providing a justificatory basis for many such programs. The purpose of this study is to re‐examine the normative basis of public prenatal screening for fetal abnormalities by changing our perspective from that of autonomy to obligation. After clarifying the understanding of autonomy adopted in the justification for public prenatal screening programs, we identify two problems concerning this (...)
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