Results for 'Qingrong Tan'

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  1.  40
    Development and Validation of an Item Bank for Depression Screening in the Chinese Population Using Computer Adaptive Testing: A Simulation Study.Qingrong Tan, Yan Cai, Qiuyun Li, Yong Zhang & Dongbo Tu - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Structure of Arabic Scale of Death Anxiety With Chinese College Students: A Bifactor Approach.Qiuyun Li, Yan Cai, Qingrong Tan & Dongbo Tu - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Prosodic expectations in silent reading: ERP evidence from rhyme scheme and semantic congruence in classic Chinese poems.Qingrong Chen, Jingjing Zhang, Xiaodong Xu, Christoph Scheepers, Yiming Yang & Michael K. Tanenhaus - 2016 - Cognition 154 (C):11-21.
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  4. Jing ji quan qiu hua xia de ru jia lun li =.Qingrong Yang - 2004 - Beijing: Zhongguo she hui ke xue chu ban she.
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    Huan Tan "Xin lun".Tan Huan - 2014 - Beijing: She hui ke xue wen xian chu ban she. Edited by Zeyu Wu & Shouju Wu.
    是東漢哲學家、思想家桓譚的主要論着,但早己亡佚。今存之輯本有《指海》內佚名氏輯本、清孫馮翼輯本、清嚴可均輯本、黃以周輯本,及近人朱謙之輯本,但均有不足。有鑒於此,吳則虞先生於1962年着有新輯本,收錄 二百餘條,以類相從,分為八卷,並添加附編,匯涵桓譚佚文、存疑、訂訛之文;記載桓譚事跡、著述、評論之文。 桓譚,后漢時人,官至給事中。博學多識,破讖緯迷妄,去虛妄偽飾,先於王充、張衡,具有唯物啟蒙學者之學識,是漢時哲學思想家。《新諭》是桓譚主要論着,但早已亡佚。據歷史記載,明有二卷本,清有孫之騌輯本,皆不 傳。另有《指海》內佚名氏輯本、清孫馮翼輯本、清嚴可均輯本、黃以周輯本及近人朱謙之輯本。從今日的學術、校勘、編排諸方面來看,諸本均有不足:或短椾零篇,漫無倫紀;或望文歸屬,強系篇名;或條目重復,內容雜陳 迭見;或引用刻本,多有遺漏;或雖沿用十七卷篇目之名稱,但其條目已不能再顯現原書各篇的思想內容。有鑒於此,吳則虞先生於一九六二年着有新輯本,收錄二百余條,以類相從,分為八卷,並添加附編,匯涵桓譚佚文、存 疑、訂訛之文;記載桓譚事跡、著述、評論之文;最后殿以輯校引用書目及版本之詳目,以便於讀者查閱與研究。此書成為目前桓譚《新論》集大成之著作。.
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    Studying Penguins to Understand Birds.Jacinta Tan, Anne Stewart, Ray Fitzpatrick & R. A. Hope - 2006 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 13 (4):299-301.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Studying Penguins to Understand BirdsJacinta O. A. Tan (bio), Anne Stewart (bio), Ray Fitzpatrick (bio), and Tony Hope (bio)Keywordsanorexia nervosa, treatment decision-making, competence, valuesWe are grateful to Grisso, Appelbaum, Charland, and Vollmann for their thoughtful commentaries on our paper. We would like to respond by picking up on some of the points they make, although we do not address all the issues raised.Our general aims in the paper are (...)
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  7. Tan Sitong zhen ji.Sitong Tan - 1955 - Edited by Cao Wen.
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  8. Justice and Personal Pursuits.Kok-Chor Tan - 2004 - Journal of Philosophy 101 (7):331-362.
  9.  24
    Age-Related Differences in the Effects of Masker Cuing on Releasing Chinese Speech From Informational Masking.Tianquan Feng, Qingrong Chen & Zhongdang Xiao - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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  10. Competence to Make Treatment Decisions in Anorexia Nervosa: Thinking Processes and Values.Jacinta Tan, Anne Stewart, Ray Fitzpatrick & R. A. Hope - 2006 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 13 (4):267-282.
    This paper explores the ethical and conceptual implications of the findings from an empirical study (reported elsewhere) of decision-making capacity in anorexia nervosa. In the study, ten female patients aged thirteen to twenty-one years with a diagnosis of anorexia nervosa, and eight sets of parents, took part in semistructured interviews. The purpose of the interviews was to identify aspects of thinking that might be relevant to the issue of competence to refuse treatment. All the patient-participants were also tested using the (...)
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    History-writing in Turkey through securitization discourses and gendered narratives.Bengi Bezirgan-Tanış - 2019 - European Journal of Women's Studies 26 (3):329-344.
    Since the official history-writing is a defining aspect for the formation and consolidation of nation-states, it is crucial to explore the attempts to legitimize particular discourses regarding historical atrocities. The selective representations of the past, in this regard, contradict counter-memories and propagate hegemonic patterns of remembrance and/or forgetting of past crimes. This article accordingly addresses how the representations of counter-memories as threats to national security and the silencing of gender-specific experiences and remembrances by sanctioned historical narratives become manifest in the (...)
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  12.  67
    China's Pragmatist Experiment in Democracy: Hu Shih's pragmatism and Dewey's Influence in China.Sor-Hoon Tan - 2004 - Metaphilosophy 35 (1‐2):44-64.
    In the 1920s, John Dewey's followers in China, led by his student Hu Shih, attempted to put his pragmatism into practice in their quest for democracy. This essay compares Hu Shih's thought, especially his emphasis on pragmatism as method, with Dewey's philosophical positions and evaluates Hu's achievement as a pragmatist in the context of the tumultuous times he lived in. It assesses Hu's claim that the means to democracy lies in education rather than politics, since democracy as a way of (...)
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    Decision-Making as a Broader Concept.Jacinta O. A. Tan, Anne Stewart & Tony Hope - 2009 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 16 (4):345-349.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Decision-Making as a Broader ConceptJacinta O. A. Tan (bio), Anne Stewart (bio), and Tony Hope (bio)KeywordsCompetence, decision-making, capacity, anorexia nervosa, autonomy, values, identityWe thank Demian Whiting for the thoughtful critique of aspects of our paper (Tan et al. 2006a). A primary aim of our research was to provide empirical grounds on which to stimulate discussion about the nature of decision-making capacity (DMC). Whiting criticizes in particular the concept of (...)
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  14. National responsibility, reparations and distributive justice.Kok-Chor Tan - 2008 - Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 11 (4):449-464.
    I argue that an account of national responsibility, as both collective and inheritable, that allows for making sense of holding nations responsible as an entity for past international injustices and to make reparations for these injustices is not at odds with the demands of global egalitarianism. A global distributive commitment does not deny this account of national responsibility; to the contrary, we can properly appreciate the scope of national responsibility only in light of what global justice truly demands. Thus while (...)
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    Boundary making and equal concern.Kok-Chor Tan - 2005 - Metaphilosophy 36 (1‐2):50-67.
    Liberal nationalism is a boundary‐making project, and a feature of this boundary‐making enterprise is the belief that the compatriots have a certain priority over strangers. For this reason it is often thought that liberal nationalism cannot be compatible with the demands of global egalitarianism. In this essay, I examine the sense in which liberal nationalism privileges compatriots, and I argue that, properly understood, the idea of partiality for compatriots in the context of liberal nationalism is not at odds with global (...)
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    MNC Strategic Responses to Ethical Pressure: An Institutional Logic Perspective.Justin Tan & Liang Wang - 2011 - Journal of Business Ethics 98 (3):373-390.
    In this study, we aim to investigate how multinational corporations (MNCs) balance ethical pressures from both the home and host countries. Drawing on theories from institutional theory, international business, and business ethics, we build a theoretical framework to explain the ethical behavior of MNCs. We apply the institutional logic concept to examine how MNCs with established logics and principles that have grown in the home country respond to local ethical expectations in the host country. We differentiate the core values from (...)
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  17. The importance of knowledge for organisations.Tan Sri Dato' Seri Ahmad Sarji bin Abdul Hamid - 1998 - In Othman Alhabshi & Mustapha bin Hj Nik Hassan, Islam, knowledge, and ethics: a pertinent culture for managing organisations. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia: Institute of Islamic Understanding Malaysia.
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  18. Chʻŏrhak sinʼgang.Tan-sŏk Han - 1976
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    Hegel chʻŏrhak sasang ŭi ihae.Tan-sŏk Han - 1981 - Sŏul Tʻŭkpyŏlsi: Hanʼgilsa.
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  20. Kʻantʻŭ chʻŏrhak sasang ŭi ihae.Tan-sŏk Han - 1983 - Sŏul Tʻŭkpyŏlsi: Yangyŏnggak.
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  21. Kʻantʻŭ ŭi saengae wa sasang: sunsu isŏng pipʻan ŭl chungsim ŭro.Tan-sŏk Han - 1980 - Sŏul Tʻŭkpyŏlsi: Hyŏngsŏl Chʻulpʻansa.
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  22. Sŏyang chʻŏrhaksa.Tan-sŏk Han - 1981 - Sŏul Tʻŭkpyŏlsi: Pagyŏngsa.
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  23. Emptiness, Being and Non-being: Sengzhao’s Reinterpretation of the Laozi and Zhuangzi in a Buddhist Context.Tan Mingran - 2008 - Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy 7 (2):195-209.
    This essay argues two main points by analyzing Sengzhao’s contentions regarding several basic Buddhist concepts such as emptiness, being, and nonbeing. First, Sengzhao synthesizes Daoist methods of argumentation into his description of the middle path and other Buddhist concepts. Second, he revives Daoist concepts, giving them Buddhist meaning and expressing them in Buddhist terms. In the process, he consciously differentiates Madhyamika Buddhism from earlier Buddhism as understood from a Daoist perspective, such as the teachings of the School of Original Non-Being (...)
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  24. Ren xue: Tan Sitong ji.Sitong Tan - 1994 - Shenyang Shi: Liaoning sheng xin hua shu dian fa xing. Edited by Run'guo Jia.
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  25. The demands of justice and national allegiances.Kok-Chor Tan - 2005 - In Gillian Brock & Harry Brighouse, The Political Philosophy of Cosmopolitanism. New York: Cambridge University Press.
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  26. Understanding the Positive Associations of Sleep, Physical Activity, Fruit and Vegetable Intake as Predictors of Quality of Life and Subjective Health Across Age Groups: A Theory Based, Cross-Sectional Web-Based Study.Shu Ling Tan, Vera Storm, Dominique A. Reinwand, Julian Wienert, Hein de Vries & Sonia Lippke - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Hsin-lun (New treatise), and other writings by Huan Tʻan (43 B.C.-28 A.D.): an annotated translation with index.Tan Huan - 1975 - Ann Arbor: Center for Chinese Studies, University of Michigan. Edited by Timoteus Pokora.
    Better known in his own times than later, Huan T'an (43 BCE-25 CE) was a scholar-official, independent in his thought and unafraid to criticize orthodox currents of his time. A practitioner of the Old Text exegesis of the Classics, he maintained a position on the court during a turbulent time of political crises, uprisings, and civil war, spanning the reigns of four emperors. His principal work, Hsin-lun, differs from other books on political criticism in that it does not deal primarily (...)
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  28. Justice Without Borders: Cosmopolitanism, Nationalism, and Patriotism.Kok-Chor Tan - 2004 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    The cosmopolitan idea of justice is commonly accused of not taking seriously the special ties and commitments of nationality and patriotism. This is because the ideal of impartial egalitarianism, which is central to the cosmopolitan view, seems to be directly opposed to the moral partiality inherent to nationalism and patriotism. In this book, Kok-Chor Tan argues that cosmopolitan justice, properly understood, can accommodate and appreciate nationalist and patriotic commitments, setting limits for these commitments without denying their moral significance. This book (...)
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  29.  83
    A Reevaluation of Xunzi’s Moral Theory from the Aspect of Mind.Tan Mingran - 2008 - Journal of Chinese Philosophy 35 (1):121–138.
  30.  47
    The Chinese Tree of Life.Tan Tek Soon - 1900 - The Monist 10 (4):625-625.
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    Edith Stein: à la recherche d'un visage perdu.Philibert Secrétan - 2014 - Paris: Ad Solem.
    Le visage d'Edith Stein a disparu dans le martyre qu'elle subit à Auschwitz le 9 août 1942. Depuis lors, ses différents biographes ont tenté de recomposer les éléments de sa vie et de sa personnalité à partir d'une facette de sa personnalité. Edith Stein philosophe, Edith Stein carmélite, Edith Stein féministe: les approches se succèdent et esquissent les différents traits d'un visage dont l'unité demeure cachée dans le secret d'une destinée. Dans ce livre, Philibert Secretan propose une approche synchronique d'Edith (...)
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  32. Can there be a confucian civil society?Sor-Hoon Tan - 2003 - In Kim Chong Chong, Sor-Hoon Tan & C. L. Ten, The moral circle and the self: Chinese and Western approaches. Chicago, Ill.: Open Court.
  33.  26
    Reimer through Confucian Lenses: Resonances with Classical Chinese Aesthetics.Leonard Tan - 2015 - Philosophy of Music Education Review 23 (2):183.
    In this paper, I compare all three editions of Bennett Reimer’s A Philosophy of Music Education with early Chinese philosophy, in particular, classical Chinese aesthetics. I structure my analysis around a quartet of interrelated themes: aesthetic education, education of feeling, aesthetic experience, and ethics and aesthetics. This paper suggests that Reimer’s philosophical writings have some degree of transcultural applicability beyond Western thought, counterpointing criticisms that his philosophy is narrow, ethnocentric, and culturally limited. It also serves as a plausible point of (...)
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  34. A Reply to Halliday.Kok-Chor Tan - 2013 - Utilitas 25 (1):133-135.
    ExtractI must first thank Daniel Halliday for his incisive but fair review essay of my book. Regretfully, I can only consider, and only in outline at that, some of his well-taken questions.Send article to KindleTo send this article to your Kindle, first ensure is added to your Approved Personal Document E-mail List under your Personal Document Settings on the Manage Your Content and Devices page of your Amazon account. Then enter the ‘name’ part of your Kindle email address below. (...)
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  35. Justice, Institutions, and Luck: The Site, Ground, and Scope of Equality.Kok-Chor Tan - 2012 - Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press.
    Kok-Chor Tan addresses three key questions in political philosophy: Where does distributive equality matter? Why does it matter? And among whom does it matter? He argues for an institutional site for egalitarian justice, a luck-egalitarian ideal of why equality matters, and a global scope for distributive justice.
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    Drivers behind the public perception of artificial intelligence: insights from major Australian cities.Tan Yigitcanlar, Kenan Degirmenci & Tommi Inkinen - forthcoming - AI and Society:1-21.
    Artificial intelligence is not only disrupting industries and businesses, particularly the ones have fallen behind the adoption, but also significantly impacting public life as well. This calls for government authorities pay attention to public opinions and sentiments towards AI. Nonetheless, there is limited knowledge on what the drivers behind the public perception of AI are. Bridging this gap is the rationale of this paper. As the methodological approach, the study conducts an online public perception survey with the residents of Sydney, (...)
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  37. Dindarlığı Besleyen Klasik Bir Kaynak: Gazali'nin Bidayetü'l Hidaye Kitabı.Aysel Tan - 2020 - Diyarbakır, Türkiye: Ispec.
    Ghazali’s The Beginning of Guidance (Bidayetü'l Hidaye) is a book that represents the beginning for people's salvation. According to Ghazali, in order for the human to be guided, he must first follow the orders of this book and then read the book The Revival of Religious Sciences, which he says contains useful science. According to him, the book of Beginning of Guidance can offer the key to salvation. In this book he made major changes in the understanding of worship of (...)
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  38. Andrew Vincent, Nationalism and Particularity (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2002), pp. vii + 292.Kok-Chor Tan - 2004 - Utilitas 16 (3):336-338.
  39.  95
    Priority for compatriots: Commentary on globalization and justice.Kok-Chor Tan - 2006 - Economics and Philosophy 22 (1):115-123.
    In his stimulating and provocative collection of essays, Globalization and Justice, Kai Nielsen defends a cosmopolitan account of global justice. On the cosmopolitan view, as Nielsen understands it, individuals are entitled to equal consideration regardless of citizenship or nationality and global institutions should be arranged in such a way that each person's interest is given equal consideration. Nielsen's defense of cosmopolitan justice in this collection will be of no surprise to readers familiar with his socialist egalitarian commitments. Indeed, the internationalism (...)
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  40. Nīti nūl =.Ki Kōtaṇṭapāṇi (ed.) - 1985 - Tañcāvūr: Tañcāvūr Makarājā Carapōjiyin̲ Caracuvati Makāl Nūl Nilaiyam.
    Anonymous didactic verse work, with paraphrase in Tamil and English; transcribed from a palm-leaf manuscript preserved in the Tanjore Maharaja Serfoji's Sarasvati Mahal Library.
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  41. (2 other versions)Bushō kanjō ki.Tanʼan Kumazawa - 1935
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  42. (2 other versions)Madilog, materialisme, dialektika, logika.Tan Malaka - 1951 - Djakarta,: Widjaya.
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    Pandangan hidup =.Tan Malaka - 1952 - Djakarta: Widjaya.
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    The Spirit of Contemporary Democracy (1919).Tan Mingqian - 2001 - In Stephen C. Angle & Marina Svensson, Chinese Human Rights Reader. M. E. Sharpe. pp. 92.
  45.  36
    Based On The Narration Of Wahb Bın Munabbih, A Mathnawi: Dasıtan-ı Erve Hatun.Bünyamin Tan - 2013 - Journal of Turkish Studies 8.
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  46. Vaṇṇaccarapam Śrī Taṇṭapāṇicuvāmikaḷ iyar̲r̲iyaruḷiya varukkak kur̲aḷ. Taṇṭapāṇi - 1988 - Tiruvāmāttūr, Val̲i Vil̲uppuram: Kaumāra Maṭālayam. Edited by Kantacāmi.
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  47. Upade sippaṃ paññā.Taṅʻ ʼUṃʺ - 1977 - Ranʻ kunʻ: Maṅʻʺ sī mvanʻ cā pe.
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  48. Nurettin Topçu'da Bir Dini Tecrübe Türü Olarak Sanat ve Estetik.Aysel Tan - 2019 - Kırşehir, Kırşehir Merkez/Kırşehir, Türkiye: Ahi Evren University.
    Nurettin Topçu (1909-1975) built religious philosophy on the philosophy of willpower and motion. For him, willpower is the existence of a conscious balance between driving and braking forces that are innate and flowing from the inside out of us. Willpower is constantly rising towards God and infinity with a historical motion. The aim of willpower is to help human reach eternity. This historical motion occurs in accordance with certain steps. Willpower is affected not only by individual habits and passions but (...)
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  49. Of Diversities and Comparisons..Sor-Hoon Tan - 2005 - Philosophy East and West 55 (1):111-124.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Of Diversities and Comparisons...Sor-hoon TanEncyclopedia of Chinese Philosophy. Edited by Antonio S. Cua. New York and London: Routledge, 2003. Pp. 1,020.Encyclopedias can be useful in teaching philosophy when students need some reading that sets out the basics on a key topic in a few pages without their getting lost in too many complex details or being misled by oversimplifications. They can also be edifying for the philosophy teacher and (...)
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    The discrepancy between the legal definition of capacity and the British Medical Association's guidelines.J. O. A. Tan - 2004 - Journal of Medical Ethics 30 (5):427-429.
    Differences in guidance from various organisations is preventing uniform standards of practiceThe emphasis in medical law and ethics on protecting the patient’s right to choose is at an all time high. Apart from circumscribed situations, for instance where the Mental Health Act 19831 is applicable, the only justification for medically treating an adult patient against his or her wishes is on the basis of common law, using the principle of best interests, and only when he or she lacks capacity to (...)
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