Results for 'Sartre, Ricoeur, Autonomy, Subjectivity'

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  1.  44
    Aesthetics of Autonomy: Ricoeur and Sartre on Emancipation, Authenticity, and Selfhood.Nathan Widder - 2011 - Études Ricoeuriennes / Ricoeur Studies 2 (2):171-175.
    A book review of Farhang Erfani, Aesthetics of Autonomy: Ricoeur and Sartre on Emancipation, Authenticity, and Selfhood (Lanham, MD: Lexington Books, 2011).
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    The Aesthetics of Autonomy: Ricoeur and Sartre on Emancipation, Authenticity, and Selfhood.Farhang Erfani - 2011 - Lexington Books.
    Sartre and Ricœur have never been compared in detail before, as hermeneutics and existentialism have been wrongly pitted against each other. The Aesthetics of Autonomy demonstrates that an existential hermeneutics overcomes the respective limitations of each philosopher and gives us the necessary tools of seeking autonomy in an age of uncertainty, which is the globalized world.
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    Sartre and Sertillanges on Creation.Paul Clavier - 2015 - Review of Metaphysics 69 (1):73-92.
    Before setting up the notion of “creation of the self,” Sartre intends to defeat the very concept of creation on the ontological level. He makes the statement that the created entity would not enjoy the least autonomy because it would depend wholly upon its creator. Sartre maintains that a created being cannot escape divine subjectivity, unless it is self-supported and self-sustained, that is, uncreated. Catholic scholar Sertillanges completely changes the deal: in his view, it is because of its existential (...)
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    Ricoeur and the negation of happiness.Alison Scott-Baumann - 2013 - New York: Bloomsbury Academic.
    Ricœur lectured and wrote for over twenty years on negation (‘Do I understand something better if I know what it is not, and what is not-ness?') and never published his extensive writings on this subject. Ricœur concluded that there are multiple forms of negation; it can, for example, be the other person (Plato), the not knowable nature of our world (Kant), the included opposite (Hegel), apophatic spirituality (Plotinus on not being able to know God) and existential nothingness (Sartre). Ricœur, working (...)
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    Die Kritik am transzendentalen Ich: Zu Sartres und Ricœurs Heidegger-Lektüren.Yvanka B. Raynova - 2015 - Labyrinth: An International Journal for Philosophy, Value Theory and Sociocultural Hermeneutics 17 (1):33-50.
    The Critique of the Transcendental Ego: On Sartre's and Ricoeur's Heidegger InterpretationsAccording Otto Pöggeler Heidegger's main brake with Husserl consists in his rejection of the tran-scendental constitution conceived as the life of an "absolute Cogito," replaced by Heidegger by the "factual life" from which phenomenology should always begin. The author of this paper argues that the problem about the starting point of phenomenology also appears later in the debates between Heidegger and Sartre, as well as in Ricoeur's Heidegger interpretation. Thus, (...)
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  6.  87
    Instaurer la "juste distance." Autonomie, justice et vulnérabilité dans l'oeuvre de Paul Ricœur.Elodie Boublil - 2015 - Études Ricoeuriennes / Ricoeur Studies 6 (2).
    How can one overcome self-centeredness in order to care for and do justice to significant others as well as foreigners? “Establish the right distance,” is the imperative that Ricœur formulates in order to address the paradox of autonomy and vulnerability, and to reintroduce an ethical conception of justice at the heart of political power. This article shows how understanding justice in light of vulnerability leads us to take into account both the violence coextensive with social relations and political conflicts and (...)
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    The illusion of autonomy.Sam Han - 2015 - History of the Human Sciences 28 (1):66-83.
    This article assesses a realm of psychoanalytic social theory that is relatively under-discussed – existential psychoanalysis – in order to gain further insight into the relationship of psychoanalytic ideas to humanism. I offer a reading of certain influential thinkers in this tradition, namely Jean-Paul Sartre, Ludwig Binswanger and Medard Boss, presenting conceptual clarifications while highlighting a cluster of important aspects of their respective repertoires relevant to humanism. I do so with the intention of teasing out how contributing voices to existential (...)
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    Judging Appearances: A Phenomenological Study of the Kantian sensus communis.Edward Eugene Kleist - 2000 - Springer.
    Kant's Critique of Judgment accounts for the sharing of a common world, experienced affectively, by a diverse human plurality. In order to appreciate Kant's project, Judging Appearances retrieves the connection between appearance and judgment in the Critique of Judgment. Kleist emphasizes the important but neglected idea of a sensus communis, which provides the indeterminate criterion for judgments regarding appearance. Judging Appearances examines the themes of appearance and judgment against the background of Kant's debt to Leibniz and Shaftesbury. Drawing upon treatments (...)
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  9.  9
    What is subjectivity?Jean-Paul Sartre - 2016 - New York: Verso. Edited by Michel Kail, Raoul Kirchmayr, Fredric Jameson, David Broder & Trista Selous.
    Jean-Paul Sartre, at the height of his powers, debates with Italy’s leading intellectuals In 1961, the prolific French intellectual Jean-Paul Sartre was invited to give a talk at the Gramsci Institute in Rome. In attendance were some of Italy’s leading Marxist thinkers, such as Enzo Paci, Cesare Luporini, and Galvano Della Volpe, whose contributions to the long and remarkable discussion that followed are collected in this volume, along with the lecture itself. Sartre posed the question “What is subjectivity?”—a question (...)
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    Commentary on Ricoeur.Paul Ricoeur - 2005 - In Kim Atkins, Self and Subjectivity. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 220–234.
    This chapter contains section titled: “Personal Identity and Narrative Identity”.
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  11.  11
    Recognition and Freedom.David Espinet & Matthias Flatscher - 2015 - In Niall Keane & Chris Lawn, A Companion to Hermeneutics. Chichester, West Sussex, UK: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 144–154.
    Recognition and freedom function not only most prominently as a key concept in current social and political theory, notably in critical theory and in (post‐)structuralist debates as well as in pragmatic‐skeptical conceptions, but the concept also receives considerable treatment within the phenomenological and hermeneutical tradition. Charles Taylor, Paul Ricoeur, and Jean‐Paul Sartre have elaborated the concept of recognition in a significant way. However, there are seminal indications for a nuanced understanding of the intrinsic relation of recognition and (un)freedom in the (...)
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  12.  17
    Freedom and Nature: The Voluntary and the Involuntary.Paul Ricoeur & Don Ihde - 1966 - Northwestern University Press.
    This volume, the first part of Paul Ricoeur's Philosophy of the Will, is an eidetics, carried out within carefully imposed phenomenological brackets. It seeks to deal with the essential structure of man's being in the world, and so it suspends the distorting dimensions of existence, the bondage of passion, and the vision of innocence, to which Ricoeur returns in his later writings. The result is a conception of man as an incarnate Cogito, which can make the polar unity of subject (...)
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  13. John Rawls: od morální autonomie k fikci společenské smlouvy.Paul Ricoeur - 1995 - Reflexe: Filosoficky Casopis 14:1-16.
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  14.  12
    Commentary on Sartre.Jean-Paul Sartre - 2005 - In Kim Atkins, Self and Subjectivity. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 87–100.
    This chapter contains section titled: “The Look”.
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  15. Autonomy, subject-relativity, and subjective and objective theories of well-being in bioethics.Jukka Varelius - 2003 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 24 (5):363-379.
    Among the different approaches to questions of biomedical ethics, there is a view that stresses the importance of a patient’s right to make her own decisions in evaluative questions concerning her own well-being. This approach, the autonomy-based approach to biomedical ethics, has usually led to the adoption of a subjective theory of well-being on the basis of its commitment to the value of autonomy and to the view that well-being is always relative to a subject. In this article, it is (...)
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  16.  45
    Lectures on Imagination.Paul Ricoeur - 2024 - University of Chicago Press.
    Ricoeur’s theory of productive imagination in previously unpublished lectures. The eminent philosopher Paul Ricoeur was devoted to the imagination. These previously unpublished lectures offer Ricoeur’s most significant and sustained reflections on creativity as he builds a new theory of imagination through close examination, moving from Aristotle, Pascal, Spinoza, Hume, and Kant to Ryle, Price, Wittgenstein, Husserl, and Sartre. These thinkers, he contends, underestimate humanity’s creative capacity. While the Western tradition generally views imagination as derived from the reproductive example of the (...)
  17. The Metaphorical Process as Cognition, Imagination, and Feeling.Paul Ricoeur - 1978 - Critical Inquiry 5 (1):143-159.
    But is not the word "metaphor" itself a metaphor, the metaphor of a displacement and therefore of a transfer in a kind of space? What is at stake is precisely the necessity of these spatial metaphors about metaphor included in our talk about "figures" of speech. . . . But in order to understand correctly the work of resemblance in metaphor and to introduce the pictorial or ironic moment at the right place, it is necessary briefly to recall the mutation (...)
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  18.  19
    Living Up to Death.Paul Ricoeur - 2009 - Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
    When French philosopher Paul Ricoeur died in 2005, he bequeathed to the world a highly regarded, widely influential body of work which established him as one of the greatest thinkers of our time. He also left behind a number of unfinished projects that are gathered here and translated into English for the first time. Living Up to Death consists of one major essay and nine fragments. Composed in 1996, the essay is the kernel of an unrealized book on the subject (...)
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  19. The human being as the subject matter of philosophy.Paul Ricoeur - 1988 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 14 (2):203-215.
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  20. The critique of subjectivity and cogito in the philosophy of Heidegger.Paul Ricoeur - 1968 - In Manfred S. Frings, Heidegger and the quest for truth. Chicago,: Quadrangle Books. pp. 63.
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  21.  25
    Critique and Conviction: Conversations with Francois Azouvi and Marc de Launay.Paul Ricoeur - 1998 - Polity.
    _Criticism and Conviction_ offers a rare opportunity to share personally in the intellectual life and journey of the eminent philosopher Paul Ricoeur. Internationally known for his influential works in hermeneutics, theology, psychoanalysis, and aesthetics, until now, Ricoeur has been conspicuously silent on the subject of himself. In this book--a conversation about his life and work with François Azouvi and Marc de Launay--Ricoeur reflects on a variety of philosophical, social, religious, and cultural topics, from the paradoxes of political power to the (...)
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  22. Approaching the Human Person.Paul Ricoeur - 1999 - Ethical Perspectives 6 (1):45-54.
    In an intentionally provocative essay published in the journal Esprit (January, 1983) on the occasion of its fiftieth anniversary, I ventured the following slogan: “Death to personalism; long live the person!” I was attempting to suggest that Mounier's formulation of personalism was, as he himself readily admitted, connected with a certain cultural and philosophical constellation which is no longer ours today: existentialism and Marxism are no longer the only opponents. They are no longer even opponents at all, against which personalism (...)
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  23. Notebooks for an ethics.Jean-Paul Sartre - 1992 - Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
    A major event in the history of twentieth-century thought, Notebooks for a Ethics is Jean-Paul Sartre's attempt to develop an ethics consistent with the profound individualism of his existential philosophy. In the famous conclusion to Being and Nothingness , Sartre announced that he would devote his next philosophical work to moral problems. Although he worked on this project in the late 1940s, Sartre never completed it to his satisfaction, and it remained unpublished until after his death in 1980. Presented here (...)
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  24.  26
    Time and Narrative, Volume 1.Paul Ricoeur - 1990 - University of Chicago Press.
    Discusses the conflict between subjective time and historical time, looks at how fiction and historical writings create a model of temporal experience, and considers the question of sense and reference.
  25. The crisis of the cogito.Paul Ricoeur - 1996 - Synthese 106 (1):57 - 66.
    If Descartes's Cogito can be held as the opening of the era of modern subjectivity, it is to the extent that the I is taken for the first time in the position of foundation, i.e., as the ultimate condition for the possibility of all philosophical discourse. The question raised in this paper is whether the crisis of the Cogito, opened later by Hume, Nietzsche and Heidegger on different philosophical grounds, is not already contemporaneous to the very positing of the (...)
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  26.  29
    Andersen, Kierkegaard – and the Deconstructed Bildungsroman.Joakim Garff & K. Brian Söderquist - 2006 - Kierkegaard Studies Yearbook 2006 (1):83-99.
    This study asks how Sartre’s version of the dialectic of recognition is present in Kierkegaard’s works. For Sartre, the dialectic begins with an awareness that the other sees me and judges me. I experience this as a threat to my autonomy, and I fight back with a variety of strategies designed to mitigate the effects. Inter-subjective relationships are grounded in conflict from which there is no exit. Similarly, Kierkegaard characterizes the natural, self-centered way of seeing the other as inherently self-centered (...)
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  27.  11
    Time and Narrative, Volume 2.Paul Ricoeur - 1984 - University of Chicago Press.
    Discusses the conflict between subjective time and historical time, looks at how fiction and historical writings create a model of temporal experience, and considers the question of sense and reference.
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  28.  27
    Philosophical Anthropology.Paul Ricoeur - 2015 - Malden MA: Polity.
    How do human beings become human? This question lies behind the so-called human sciences. But these disciplines are scattered among many different departments and hold up a cracked mirror to humankind. This is why, in the view of Paul Ricoeur, we need to develop a philosophical anthropology, one that has a much older history but still offers many untapped resources. This appeal to a specifically philosophical approach to questions regarding what it was to be human did not stop Ricoeur from (...)
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  29.  7
    Continental philosophy and the Palestinian question: beyond the Jew and the Greek.Zahi Zalloua - 2017 - New York: Bloomsbury Academic, an imprint of Bloomsbury Publishing PIc.
    From Sartre to Levinas, continental philosophers have looked to the example of the Jew as the paradigmatic object of and model for ethical inquiry. Levinas, for example, powerfully dedicates his 1974 book Otherwise than Being to the victims of the Holocaust, and turns attention to the state of philosophy after Auschwitz. Such an ethics radically challenges prior notions of autonomy and comprehension-two key ideas for traditional ethical theory and, more generally, the Greek tradition. It seeks to respect the opacity of (...)
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  30.  21
    Contemplative History vs. Speculative History: Kierkegaard and Hegel on History in On the Concept of Irony.K. Brian Söderquist - 2012 - Kierkegaard Studies Yearbook 2012 (1):501-522.
    This study asks how Sartre’s version of the dialectic of recognition is present in Kierkegaard’s works. For Sartre, the dialectic begins with an awareness that the other sees me and judges me. I experience this as a threat to my autonomy, and I fight back with a variety of strategies designed to mitigate the effects. Inter-subjective relationships are grounded in conflict from which there is no exit. Similarly, Kierkegaard characterizes the natural, self-centered way of seeing the other as inherently self-centered (...)
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  31.  19
    La figura del testigo en la Fenomenología actual.Patricio Andrés Mena Malet - 2009 - Estudios de Filosofía (Universidad de Antioquia) 39:97-120.
    El siguiente ensayo busca tematizar los alcances y posibilidades de una fenomenología hermenéutica del testigo en la obra de Paul Ricoeur. Dos objetivos dan cuerpo a este intento: 1) situar el lugar del testigo en el marco de la fenomenología contemporánea, particularmente, de Husserl, Sartre y Lévinas; 2) preguntarse por la condición pasible del testigo, condición que a mí juicio hace de éste un respondiente, inscribiendo la obra ricoeuriana, con todas las cautelas correspondientes, que deben ser muchas, al inicio de (...)
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  32.  51
    Foucault, philosopher of dialogue.Christopher Falzon - 2010 - In Foucault and Philosophy. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 222--245.
    One fundamental point of agreement that emerged between Foucault and Habermas is that both rejected the Kantian paradigm of critique grounded in the notion of a transcendental subject. For Foucault, genealogy is a form of history that can account for the constitution of knowledge, discourses, etc. without reference to a constitutive subject; while central to Habermas's approach is his rejection of the "philosophy of the subject" in favor of the "intersubjectivist paradigm of communicative action". For Foucault, the end of "man;' (...)
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  33.  71
    The problem of Genesis in Husserl's philosophy.Jacques Derrida - 2003 - Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
    Derrida's first book-length work, The Problem of Genesis in Husserl's Philosophy , was originally written as a dissertation for his diplôme d'etudes superieures in 1953 and 1954. Surveying Husserl's major works on phenomenology, Derrida reveals what he sees as an internal tension in Husserl's central notion of genesis, and gives us our first glimpse into the concerns and frustrations that would later lead Derrida to abandon phenomenology and develop his now famous method of deconstruction. For Derrida, the problem of genesis (...)
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  34.  81
    Sartre and Ricoeur on Productive Imagination.Lior Levy - 2014 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 52 (1):43-60.
    Commenting on Jean-Paul Sartre's theory of imagination, Paul Ricoeur argues that Sartre fails to address the productive nature of imaginative acts. According to Ricoeur, Sartre's examples show that he thinks of imagination in mimetic terms, neglecting its innovative and creative dimensions. Imagination, Ricoeur continues, manifests itself most clearly in fiction, wherein new meaning is created. By using fiction as the paradigm of imaginative activity, Ricoeur is able to argue against Sartre that the essence of imagination lies not in its ability (...)
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  35.  9
    The Problem of Genesis in Husserl's Philosophy.Marian Hobson (ed.) - 2003 - Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
    Derrida's first book-length work, _The Problem of Genesis in Husserl's Philosophy_, was originally written as a dissertation for his _diplôme d'études supérieures_ in 1953 and 1954. Surveying Husserl's major works on phenomenology, Derrida reveals what he sees as an internal tension in Husserl's central notion of genesis, and gives us our first glimpse into the concerns and frustrations that would later lead Derrida to abandon phenomenology and develop his now famous method of deconstruction. For Derrida, the problem of genesis in (...)
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  36.  77
    Emotions in continental philosophy. Adapted from Dreyfus and Wrathall, eds., Blackwell companion to phenomenology and existentialism, Blackwell, 2006.Robert C. Solomon - 2006 - Philosophy Compass 1 (5):413–431.
    Although the topic of emotions was long ignored in British and American analytic philosophy and psychology, it remained a rich and exciting subject in Continental Philosophy. Kierkegaard and Nietzsche celebrated the passionate life. In phenomenology Martin Heidegger, Max Scheler, Emmanuel Levinas, Jean‐Paul Sartre, Maurice Merleau‐Ponty, Gabriel Marcel, and Paul Ricoeur all made major contributions. Heidegger pursued a highly original thesis concerning the vital role of moods in human life, notably angst and boredom. Jean‐Paul Sartre added the tantalizing thesis that our (...)
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  37.  28
    Autonomy and its vulnerability: Ricoeur’s view on justice as a contribution to care ethics.Theo L. Hettema - 2014 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 17 (4):493-498.
    We examine an article of Paul Ricoeur on autonomy and vulnerability. Ricoeur presents the two notions in the field of justice as intricately woven into each other. He analyzes their interdependence on three levels of human agency. Ricoeur’s exposition has a focus on judicial judgment. After presenting Ricoeur’s argument and an analysis of his main points, the author argues that Ricoeur’s reflection lines up with some essential intentions of care ethics. Ricoeur’s contribution to care ethics is given in a delicate (...)
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  38.  8
    The Education of Autonomous Man.R. T. Allen - 1992
    This new study of modern educational thought relates the selected thinkers and theories to a profound change in the way in which men have come to understand themselves and the world. The theories of Rousseau, Kant, Froebel, Hegel, Marx, Nietzsche contemporary English-speaking philosophers and schemes of education, Sartre, Helvetius and B.F. Skinner, are shown, in separate studies, to be variations upon the theme of man as a self-defining and self-legislating subject in a world that does nothing to present him with (...)
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  39.  39
    The Palgrave Handbook of German Idealism and Phenomenology.Cynthia D. Coe (ed.) - 2021 - Palgrave-Macmillan.
    This volume examines the complex dialogue between German Idealism and phenomenology, two of the most important movements in Western philosophy. Twenty-four newly authored chapters by an international group of well-known scholars examine the shared concerns of these two movements; explore how phenomenologists engage with, challenge, and critique central concepts in German Idealism; and argue for the continuing significance of these ideas in contemporary philosophy and other disciplines. Chapters cover not only the work of major figures such as Husserl, Heidegger, and (...)
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    Failure.Colin Feltham - 2012 - Routledge.
    Failure, success's ugly sister, is inevitable - cognitively, biologically and morally. We all make mistakes, we all die, and we all get it wrong. A chain of flaws can be traced through all phenomena, natural and human. We see impending and actual failures in individual lives, in marriages, careers, in religion, education, psychotherapy, business, nations, and in entire civilizations. And there are chronic and imperceptible failures in everyday domains that most of the time we barely notice, often until it is (...)
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  41.  15
    Ricoeur, Culture, and Recognition: A Hermeneutic of Cultural Subjectivity.Timo Helenius - 2016 - Lanham: Lexington Books.
    Ricoeur, Culture, and Recognition: A Hermeneutic of Cultural Subjectivity presents Ricoeur’s work from the beginning to its end in form of a cultural theory and proposes a cultural hermeneutic that clarifies the cultural facilitation in a person’s process of attaining a sense of being a human. This exploration of human being as profoundly formed and influenced by the cultural condition also enables a new understanding of intercultural questions by revealing the common human condition that the various cultures manifest.
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    The Subject in Question: Sartre's Critique of Husserl in the Transcendence of the Ego.Stephen Priest - 2000 - New York: Routledge.
    _The Subject in Question_ provides a fascinating insight into a debate between two of the twentieth century's most famous philosophers - Jean-Paul Sartre and Edmund Husserl - over the key notions of conscious experience and the self. Sartre's _The Transcendence of the Ego_, published in 1937, is a major text in the phenomenological tradition and sets the course for much of his later work. _The Subject in Question_ is the first full-length study of this famous work and its influence on (...)
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  43. Castoriadis against Heidegger: Time and existence.Alexandros Schismenos - 2024 - Montreal: Black Rose Books.
    The political actions of Martin Heidegger raise a compelling question to those concerned with philosophy: How was one of the most important philosophers of the 20th century willing to ally himself with Nazism and what does this mean for philosophy? This question has been raised and brushed aside from the end of the Second World War, when Heidegger was formally accused for his involvement with Hitler's regime and forbidden to attain any official teaching position henceforth. Important thinkers, like his colleague (...)
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  44. J N MOHANTY (Jiten/Jitendranath) In Memoriam.David Woodruff- Smith & Purushottama Bilimoria - 2023 - Https://Www.Apaonline.Org/Page/Memorial_Minutes2023.
    J. N. (Jitendra Nath) Mohanty (1928–2023). -/- Professor J. N. Mohanty has characterized his life and philosophy as being both “inside” and “outside” East and West, i.e., inside and outside traditions of India and those of the West, living in both India and United States: geographically, culturally, and philosophically; while also traveling the world: Melbourne to Moscow. Most of his academic time was spent teaching at the University of Oklahoma, The New School Graduate Faculty, and finally Temple University. Yet his (...)
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  45. Ricœur lecteur de Patočka.Jan Patocka, Erika Abrams, Eric Manton, Ivan Chvatfk, Paul Ricoeur, Domenico Jervolino, Francoise Dastur, Renaud Barbaras, James Mensch & Lorenzo Altieri - 2007 - Studia Phaenomenologica 7:201-217.
    In this essay, Domenico Jervolino summarizes twenty years of Ricoeur’s reading of Patočka’s work, up to the Neapolitan conference of 1997. Nowhere is Ricoeur closer to Patočka’s a-subjective phenomenology. Both thinkers belong, together with authors like Merleau-Ponty and Levinas, to a third phase of the phenomenological movement, marked by the search for a new approach to the relation between human beings and world, beyond Husserl and Heidegger. In the search for this approach, Patočka strongly underlines the relation between body, temporality (...)
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    Emotions in Continental Philosophy.Robert C. Solomon - 2006 - Philosophy Compass 1 (5):413-431.
    Although the topic of emotions was long ignored in British and American analytic philosophy and psychology, it remained a rich and exciting subject in Continental Philosophy. Kierkegaard and Nietzsche celebrated the passionate life. In phenomenology Martin Heidegger, Max Scheler, Emmanuel Levinas, Jean‐Paul Sartre, Maurice Merleau‐Ponty, Gabriel Marcel, and Paul Ricoeur all made major contributions. Heidegger pursued a highly original thesis concerning the vital role of moods in human life, notably angst and boredom. Jean‐Paul Sartre added the tantalizing thesis that our (...)
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  47.  38
    Rational autonomy and autonomous rationality: Dooyeweerd, Kant and Fichte on subjectivity, objectivity and normativity.Michael J. DeMoor - 2007 - Philosophia Reformata 72 (2):105-129.
    This article is an attempt to discuss Dooyeweerd’s epistemology in the light of German Idealism. First, a characterization of the thought of Kant and Fichte is offered, focusing in particular on three themes: normativity, autonomy and reflexivity. Second, Dooyeweerd’s criticisms of Kant and Fichte are reviewed, and it is argued that, in both cases, Dooyeweerd focuses in on a central paradox that he seeks in his own thought to avoid. Third, Dooyeweerd’s epistemology is examined and it is argued that, not (...)
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  48. Criticism, imagination, and the subjectivation of aesthetics.Roger W. H. Savage - 2005 - Philosophy and Literature 29 (1):164-179.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Criticism, Imagination, and the Subjectivization of AestheticsRoger W. H. SavageThe growing discontent with reductivist practices signals a new current in contemporary criticism's understanding of music, literature and art. George Levine's unease with critics who are unable or unwilling to account for their continuing preoccupation with literary texts they expose as "imperialist, sexist, homophobic and racist" illumines the contradiction fueling the reduction of aesthetics to ideology.1 Cultural studies that deploy (...)
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    The Universal (In the Realm of the Sensible): Beyond Continental Philosophy.Dorothea Olkowski - 2007 - Columbia University Press.
    _The Universal_ proposes a radically new philosophical system that moves from ontology to ethics. Drawing on the work of De Beauvoir, Sartre, and Le Doeuff, among others, and addressing a range of topics from the Asian sex trade to late capitalism, quantum gravity, and Merleau-Ponty's views on cinema, Dorothea Olkowski stretches the mathematical, political, epistemological, and aesthetic limits of continental philosophy and introduces a new perspective on political structures. Straddling a course between formalism and conventionalism, Olkowski develops the concept of (...)
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  50. Sartre’s radical Reduction to the incarnated Subjectivity. The Metaphysics of Contingency.Bence Marosan - 2010 - Phainomena 74:139-167.
    The main theme of the essay is the bodily nature of human existence according to Sartre. I will try to place Sartre’s account of bodily existence into the special context of phenomenological reduction. Though Sartre was rather skeptical toward this methodological operation as it was presented by Edmund Husserl, I have in mind the wider interpretation of reductions that was given by Jean-Luc Marion. According to Marion the phenomenological reduction means the focusing of the philosophical regard onto a special field (...)
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