Results for 'Saritaş Kamil'

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    Muhammed Hamdi Yazır'ın Ruh Anlayışı.Kamil Saritaş - 2016 - Journal of Turkish Studies 11 (Volume 11 Issue 12):199-199.
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    İbn Haldun'da Bilgi Felsefesi.Kamil Saritaş - 2014 - Journal of Turkish Studies 9 (Volume 9 Issue 8):733-733.
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    Osmanlı'nın İlk Daimi Büyükelçisi Giritli Aziz Ali Efendi'de Psikoloji: Nefs Ve.Kamil Saritaş - 2016 - Journal of Turkish Studies 11 (Volume 11 Issue 13):243-243.
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    Gümüşh'nevî'de İnsan Felsefesi.Saritaş Kamil - 2013 - Journal of Turkish Studies 8 (Volume 8 Issue 12):1117-1117.
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    A Categorical Equivalence between Generalized Holonomy Maps on a Connected Manifold and Principal Connections on Bundles over that Manifold.Sarita Rosenstock & James Owen Weatherall - 2016 - Journal of Mathematical Physics 57:102902.
    A classic result in the foundations of Yang-Mills theory, due to J. W. Barrett ["Holonomy and Path Structures in General Relativity and Yang-Mills Theory." Int. J. Th. Phys. 30, ], establishes that given a "generalized" holonomy map from the space of piece-wise smooth, closed curves based at some point of a manifold to a Lie group, there exists a principal bundle with that group as structure group and a principal connection on that bundle such that the holonomy map corresponds to (...)
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  6. In Epistemic Networks, is Less Really More?Sarita Rosenstock, Cailin O'Connor & Justin Bruner - 2017 - Philosophy of Science 84 (2):234-252.
    We show that previous results from epistemic network models showing the benefits of decreased connectivity in epistemic networks are not robust across changes in parameter values. Our findings motivate discussion about whether and how such models can inform real-world epistemic communities. As we argue, only robust results from epistemic network models should be used to generate advice for the real-world, and, in particular, decreasing connectivity is a robustly poor recommendation.
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  7. On Einstein Algebras and Relativistic Spacetimes.Sarita Rosenstock, Thomas William Barrett & James Owen Weatherall - 2015 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 52 (Part B):309-316.
    In this paper, we examine the relationship between general relativity and the theory of Einstein algebras. We show that according to a formal criterion for theoretical equivalence recently proposed by Halvorson and Weatherall, the two are equivalent theories.
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    Learning from the Shape of Data.Sarita Rosenstock - 2021 - Philosophy of Science 88 (5):1033-1044.
    To make sense of large data sets, we often look for patterns in how data points are “shaped” in the space of possible measurement outcomes. The emerging field of topological data analysis offers a toolkit for formalizing the process of identifying such shapes. This article aims to discover why and how the resulting analysis should be understood as reflecting significant features of the systems that generated the data. I argue that a particular feature of TDA—its functoriality—is what enables TDA to (...)
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    Should criminal law protect love relation with robots?Kamil Mamak - 2024 - AI and Society 39 (2):573-582.
    Whether or not we call a love-like relationship with robots true love, some people may feel and claim that, for them, it is a sufficient substitute for love relationship. The love relationship between humans has a special place in our social life. On the grounds of both morality and law, our significant other can expect special treatment. It is understandable that, precisely because of this kind of relationship, we save our significant other instead of others or will not testify against (...)
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    Is it the picture or is it the frame? An fMRI study on the neurobiology of framing effects.Sarita Silveira, Kai Fehse, Aline Vedder, Katrin Elvers & Kristina Hennig-Fast - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
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    On High.Sarita Cornell - 2023 - Philosophy and Global Affairs 3 (2):170-170.
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    Szczęście i wolność: utylitarystyczny liberalizm Johna Stuarta Milla = Happiness and liberty: the utilitarian liberalism of John Stuart Mill.Kamil Aksiuto - 2016 - Warszawa: Instytut Studiów Politycznych Polskiej Akademii Nauk. Edited by Irena Pańków.
    Praca zawiera pogłębioną analizę dwóch ważnych, powiązanych ze sobą doktryn – utylitaryzmu i liberalizmu. Ich powstanie i rozwój zbiega się z historią uprzemysłowionego świata Zachodu. XIX wiek to bez wątpienia okres pełnego rozkwitu liberalizmu w jego klasycznej postaci. John Stuart Mill (1806–1873) jest kluczową postacią w historii obydwu doktryn. Jego dialog z utylitaryzmem ma w tle współczesne dylematy i takież interpretacje.
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  13. Gastona Bachelarda i Gilberta Duranda filozofia wyobraźni.Kamil Dolata - 2008 - Estetyka I Krytyka 1 (1):93-102.
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    Problem of relations in Indian philosophy.Sarita Gupta - 1984 - Delhi, India: Eastern Book Linkers.
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    Reactive oxygen species (ROS) constitute an additional player in regulating epithelial development.Sarita Hebbar & Elisabeth Knust - 2021 - Bioessays 43 (8):2100096.
    Reactive oxygen species (ROS) are highly reactive molecules produced in cells. So far, they have mostly been connected to diseases and pathological conditions. More recent results revealed a somewhat unexpected role of ROS in control of developmental processes. In this review, we elaborate on ROS in development, focussing on their connection to epithelial tissue morphogenesis. After briefly summarising unique characteristics of epithelial cells, we present some characteristic features of ROS species, their production and targets, with a focus on proteins important (...)
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    Urmevî’nin Meṭ'li‘u’l-env'r ve Kit'bü’l-Meb'hic İsimli Eserlerinin Bazı Mantık Konuları Bakımından Karşılaştırılması.Kamil Kömürcü - 2017 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 21 (1):465-465.
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  17. A Comparative Study of Samadhi and Dhyan Yoga in Early Buddhism and Bhagvad-GTta.Sarita Kumari - 2002 - In R. Panth (ed.), Nalanda and Buddhism. Nalanda: Nava Nalanda Mahavihara. pp. 8--173.
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  18. Wpływ Rousseau na pierwszą teorię ewolucji Jeana-Baptiste'a Lamarcka.Kamil Popowicz - 2012 - Przeglad Filozoficzny - Nowa Seria 84 (4):327-333.
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    Guilt and costly apology: calculations of expected return.Sarita Rosenstock - unknown
    This manuscript is intended as a technical supplement to Rosenstock and O'Connor. Calculations are presented for the expected return for strategic players of an iterated prisoner's dilemma which includes guilt-prone grim trigger players, who apologize when they accidentally defect, as well as fake apologizers who in fact act as defectors. See Rosenstock and O'Connor for a discussion of how the results presented here can be interpreted, using ESS analysis and exploring basins of attraction under the replicator dynamics, to help understand (...)
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    The Khmer Language.Kamil Sedláček, Y. A. Gorgoniyev, V. Korotky & Kamil Sedlacek - 1969 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 89 (1):273.
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  21. Wind speed forecasting using time series methods : a case study.Sarita Sheoran, Ritik Bavdekar, Sumanta Pasar & Rakhee Kulshrestha - 2022 - In Bhagwati Prasad Chamola, Pato Kumari & Lakhveer Kaur (eds.), Emerging advancements in mathematical sciences. New York: Nova Science Publishers.
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  22. Wind speed forecasting using time series methods : a case study.Sarita Sheoran, Ritik Bavdekar, Sumanta Pasar & Rakhee Kulshrestha - 2022 - In Bhagwati Prasad Chamola, Pato Kumari & Lakhveer Kaur (eds.), Emerging advancements in mathematical sciences. New York: Nova Science Publishers.
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    P.B. Shelley's Philosophy of Love.Sarita Singh - 1988 - Mittal Publications.
    Poets are "the institutors of laws, and the founders of civil society, and the inventors of the arts of life, and the teachers who draw into a certain ...
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    A Note to Protagoras 353de.Kamil Sokołowski & Michał Bizoń - 2012 - Phronesis 57 (4):319-331.
    At Protagoras 353de, Socrates gives three possible reasons for calling some pleasures `wrong'. Scholarly attention has focused on the second of these, according to which pleasures are `wrong' when they have negative consequences. This paper argues that the first reason (the pleasures are fleeting) corresponds to beliefs held by Democritus, among others; and that the third reason (the pleasant things “give pleasure in whatever way and for whatever reason“) is the view adopted by Socrates in the dialogue.
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    Czy można nie być naturalistą?Kamil Piotr Trombik - 2017 - Philosophical Problems in Science 63:223-229.
    A review of: J. Woleński, Wykłady o naturalizmie, Wydawnictwo Naukowe UMK, Toruń 2016, ss. 226.
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    Streets of Crocodiles: Photography, Media, and Postsocialist Landscapes in Poland.Kamil Turowski & Katarzyna Marciniak - 2010 - Intellect.
    Streets of Crocodiles is a walk on the wild side, an expedition down a melancholy boulevard of dreams.---J. Hoberman, film critic, Village Voice, author of The Red Atlantis: Communist Culture in the Absence of Communism --Book Jacket.
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    Selective Advantages of Guilt.Sarita Rosenstock & Cailin O'Connor - unknown
    Using results from evolutionary game theory, we analyze the conditions under which guilt can provide individual fitness benefits to actors, and so evolve. In particular, we focus on the individual benefits of guilty apology. We find that guilty apology is more likely to evolve in cases where actors interact repeatedly over long periods of time, where the costs of apology are low or moderate, and where guilt is hard to fake.
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    A New Opening for the Alternative Punishments Debate: Applying the Extended Mind Thesis.Kamil Mamak - 2024 - Ratio Juris 37 (3):248-268.
    The debate on alternative punishments appears to be stagnating. The impasse may be overcome if we consider humans from a different philosophical perspective. If we answer differently the question of who we are punishing, we open new possibilities regarding the question of how we punish. In particular, by applying the extended mind thesis we can arrive at interesting outcomes and reopen the debate on alternative punishments. According to this theory, external artifacts—such as smartphones—can be considered part of our minds. In (...)
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    Humans, Neanderthals, robots and rights.Kamil Mamak - 2022 - Ethics and Information Technology 24 (3):1-9.
    Robots are becoming more visible parts of our life, a situation which prompts questions about their place in our society. One group of issues that is widely discussed is connected with robots’ moral and legal status as well as their potential rights. The question of granting robots rights is polarizing. Some positions accept the possibility of granting them human rights whereas others reject the notion that robots can be considered potential rights holders. In this paper, I claim that robots will (...)
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    Jedno i czas. Platon, "Parmenides" 151e-157b.Kamil Słaby - forthcoming - Archiwum Historii Filozofii I Myśli Społecznej.
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    Jałowymi ideami intelektualista się nie pożywi… Profesor Ryszard Panasiuk o swojej drodze naukowej, warszawskiej szkole historii idei i marksistowskiej utopii.Kamil Piskała - 2023 - Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Philosophica. Ethica-Aesthetica-Practica 42:11-46.
    Profesor Ryszard Panasiuk przez ostatnich kilka dekad należał do grona wiodących polskich filozofów. Jego książki na temat Hegla, ruchu młodoheglowskiego czy Marksa należą do kanonu historiografii idei. Publikowany tutaj obszerny wywiad z Profesorem może stanowić wartościowe i oryginalne źródło do historii inteligencji i humanistyki w tzw. Polsce Ludowej. Profesor Panasiuk opowiada w nim o swojej karierze naukowej, jednocześnie kreśląc obraz przemian akademickiego środowiska filozoficznego w powojennej Polsce. Wiele uwagi poświęca również swojej relacji z Bronisławem Baczką i innymi wybitnym reprezentantami Warszawskiej (...)
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    Quality Assessment and Passenger Satisfaction from Public Transport Services in Radom.Kamil Roman & Grzegorz Czapski - 2020 - Postmodern Openings 11 (1):71-92.
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    Issues with molecules in Natural Semantic Metalanguage.Kamil Lemanek - 2020 - Language Sciences 77.
    The paper examines the theoretical merit of “semantic molecules” in Natural Semantic Metalanguage (NSM). Although semantic molecules are said to trace semantic dependence and necessity, compress complexity, and to account for what I call its productivity, that doesn't appear to be the case. This can be illustrated on the basis of a comparison of two explications for the same complex meaning—one containing a molecule and the other its decomposed elements. Counterfactual considerations suggest that the latter is not semantically dependent on (...)
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    Dreams And Dreams’ Language On Ta‘bir'tü’l-V'kı‘at i Niyazî-i Mısrî.Kamile ÇETİN - 2007 - Journal of Turkish Studies 2:1066-1076.
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    The meanings of sharing: On Facebook sharing strategies among Polish migrants in Germany and the UK.Kamil Filipek - 2020 - Communications 45 (2):176-197.
    Sharing on social media has become a daily routine for millions of users worldwide. Sharing transforms the experience of international migration as it enables migrants to maintain social relations and adapt to a new socioeconomic environment. But what does the term “sharing” mean for migrants active on Facebook? What are the contemporary meanings of sharing encouraged by Facebook’s affordances? This paper explores individual sharing strategies on Facebook among Polish migrants in Germany and the UK. On the basis of the material (...)
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    Event-Related Potential Correlates of Valence, Arousal, and Subjective Significance in Processing of an Emotional Stroop Task.Kamil K. Imbir, Joanna Duda-Goławska, Maciej Pastwa, Marta Jankowska & Jarosław Żygierewicz - 2021 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 15:617861.
    The present study is the first to measure event-related potentials associated with the processing of the emotional Stroop task (EST) with the use of an orthogonal factorial manipulation for emotional valence, arousal, and subjective significance (the importance of the current experience for goals and plans for the future). The current study aimed to investigate concurrently the role of the three dimensions describing the emotion-laden words for interference control measured in the classical version of the EST paradigm. The results showed that (...)
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  37. Collegium Anatomicum Konrada Kuzyszyna.Kamil Kopania - 2004 - Archeus. Studia Z Bioetyki I Antropologii Filozoficznej 5:59-75.
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    Alternative images in the context of the May 1968 events in France.Kamil Lipiński - 2018 - Nowa Krytyka 41:143-157.
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    Koncepcja szczęścia w pismach Św. Augustyna.Kamil Majcherek - 2018 - Studia Philosophiae Christianae 52 (1):53.
    Artykuł ten stanowi omówienie koncepcji szczęścia, którą można wywieść z pism św. Augustyna z Hippony. Autor podejmuje się systematycznej rekonstrukcji poglądów tego myśliciela, argumentując na rzecz tego, iż dokonanie jej jest możliwe, i twierdząc, iż pewne podstawowe wątki w jego myśli pozostały takie same w ciągu całej jego działalności intelektualnej. Są nimi przede wszystkim: twierdzenie, iż dążenie człowieka do osiągnięcia szczęścia jest dla niego naturalne; twierdzenie, że istotą szczęścia jest osiągnięcie Boga; oraz twierdzenie, że droga do owego szczęścia wiedzie przez (...)
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    O zasadach natury.Kamil Majcherek - 2016 - Roczniki Filozoficzne 64 (1):131-151.
    Tekst stanowi tłumaczenie traktatu Tomasza z Akwinu pt. De principiis naturae (O zasadach natury), stanowiącego opis podstawowych zagadnień filozofii przyrody i metafizyki w ujęciu Akwinaty. Są to przede wszystkim zagadnienia związane z powstawaniem, które stanowi dla Tomasza podstawowy przedmiot badań filozofa natury. Zajmuje się on odróżnieniem substancji od przypadłości, złożeniem materii i formy, czterema rodzajami przyczyn i ich wzajemnymi relacjami, a także rodzajami konieczności i identyczności.
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  41. Revolution from below : Edward Abramowski's stateless socialism and possibility of prefigurative politics.Kamil Piskała - 2023 - In Bartłomiej Błesznowski, Cezary Rudnicki, Michelle Granas & Edward Abramowski (eds.), Metaphysics of cooperation: Edward Abramowski's social philosophy, with a selection of his writings. Boston: Brill.
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    The Role of Influencers in Shaping Consumer Purchasing Decisions in the Dietary Supplement Industry in Poland.Kamil Roman - 2020 - Postmodern Openings 11 (1):93-110.
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    Material Culture Objects In The Epics Of Dede Korkut And Âşık Garip Folk Romance.Süheyla Saritaş - 2008 - Journal of Turkish Studies 3:89-95.
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    Tibetische Übersetzungsweise von Zeitwörtern des Ergebnisses und der Richtung aus dem ChinesischenTibetische Ubersetzungsweise von Zeitwortern des Ergebnisses und der Richtung aus dem Chinesischen.Kamil Sedláček & Kamil Sedlacek - 1962 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 82 (2):170.
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    Transhumanizm: utopia czy ekstropia?Kamil Szymański - 2015 - Idea. Studia Nad Strukturą I Rozwojem Pojęć Filozoficznych 27:159-175.
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    Czy można dwóm panom służyć?Kamil Piotr Trombik - 2019 - Philosophical Problems in Science 66:317-322.
    Book review: Dominique Lambert, Ryzykowne spotkanie teologii z nauką, przeł. P. Korycińska, Copernicus Center Press, Kraków 2018, ss. 268.
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    Koncepcja uprawiania filozofii przyrody w ujęciu Tadeusza Wojciechowskiego.Kamil Trombik - 2018 - Roczniki Filozoficzne 66 (1):133-152.
    W artykule podjęto próbę analizy sposobu uprawiania filozofii przyrody przez Tadeusza Stanisława Wojciechowskiego (1917-2000), profesora filozofii na Papieskiej Akademii Teologicznej w Krakowie. Artykuł składa się ze wstępu, części biograficznej, rozdziału poświęconego analizie sposobu uprawiania filozofii przyrody przez T. Wojciechowskiego, a także próby podsumowania i oceny stanowiska krakowskiego uczonego.Wstępne analizy wskazują, że sposób uprawiania filozofii przyrody przez T. Wojciechowskiego był oryginalny, szczególnie gdy weźmie się pod uwagę kontekst historyczny. Koncepcja krakowskiego filozofa sytuuje się między tradycyjnymi rozwiązaniami neoscholastycznymi a próbą wyjścia poza (...)
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    Myślenie na długi dystans.Kamil Piotr Trombik - 2018 - Philosophical Problems in Science 64:201-207.
    Book review: Oblicza filozofii w nauce, P. Polak, J. Mączka, W.P. Grygiel, Copernicus Center Press, Kraków 2017, pp. 386.
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    Wokół myśli Józefa Życińskiego.Kamil Piotr Trombik - 2020 - Philosophical Problems in Science 68:300-305.
    Recenzja książki: _Media – kultura – dialog. W piątą rocznicę śmierci arcybiskupa Józefa Życińskiego_, red. R. Nęcek, W. Misztal, Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Papieskiego Jana Pawła II w Krakowie, Kraków 2017, ss. 343.
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    Wyjątkowy status człowieka w przyrodzie? Nauki ewolucyjne a chrześcijańska antropologia.Kamil Trombik - 2019 - Semina Scientiarum 17:107-144.
    The article discusses the problem of the christian concept of the human person in theological and philosophical context, and with reference to evolutionary sciences. It was pointed out that the naturalistic evolutionism undermines the most important assumptions (especially thesis proclaiming the unique status of human in nature), which is based on christian anthropology. In this paper it was also an attempt to justify that philosophical reflection can be important in the analysis of problems located between science and religion (among others (...)
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