The article discusses the problem of the christian concept of the human person in theological and philosophical context, and with reference to evolutionary sciences. It was pointed out that the naturalistic evolutionism undermines the most important assumptions (especially thesis proclaiming the unique status of human in nature), which is based on christian anthropology. In this paper it was also an attempt to justify that philosophical reflection can be important in the analysis of problems located between science and religion (among others the issue of the origin, nature and destiny of man). The question about new type of christian philosophy is a challenge in theology, which will be obliged – because of the changing image of the world and man – to modify its foundations, rooted mainly in the Thomistic metaphysics so far. Besides, in the context of issues relating to the meaning of human life it indicates that there is a need to develop such a philosophy, which is based on the achievements of natural science, and would be in dialogue with the contemporary humanities.