Results for 'Sandra Delgado'

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  1. Students.Sandra Delgado - 2019 - In Derek Ford (ed.), Keywords in Radical Philosophy and Education: Common Concepts for Contemporary Movements. Boston: Brill.
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    Returning To Marx: A communist critical pedagogy for the 21st century.Michelle Gautreaux & Sandra Delgado - 2016 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 48 (11).
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    A concept analysis of professional commitment in nursing.Loreto García-Moyano, Rogelio Altisent, Begoña Pellicer-García, Sandra Guerrero-Portillo, Oihana Arrazola-Alberdi & María Teresa Delgado-Marroquín - 2019 - Nursing Ethics 26 (3):778-797.
    Background: The concept of professional commitment is being widely studied at present. However, although it is considered an indicator for the most human part of nursing care, there is no clear definition for it, and different descriptors are being used indiscriminately to reference it. Objective: The aim of this study is to clarify the concept of professional commitment in nursing through the Rodgers’ evolutionary concept analysis process. Design: Systematic search using English and Spanish descriptors and concept analysis. Studies published between (...)
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    Politisches Handeln in der Bürgergesellschaft.Sandra Seubert - 2012 - In Georg Weisseno & Hubertus Buchstein (eds.), Politisch Handeln: Modelle, Möglichkeiten, Kompetenzen. Bonn: Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung. pp. 105--118.
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  5. What Is the Monumental?Sandra Shapshay - 2021 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 79 (2):145-160.
    The aesthetic category of the sublime has been theorized (especially in the Kantian tradition) as integrally intertwined with the moral. Paradigmatic experiences of the sublime, such as gazing up at the starry night sky, or out at a storm-whipped sea, lead in a moral or religious direction depending on the cognitive stock brought to the experience, since they typically involve a feeling of awe and reflection on the peculiar situation of the human being in nature. The monumental is a similar (...)
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    Racial Equity, Diversity and Inclusion in Bioethics: Recommendations from the Association of Bioethics Program Directors Presidential Task Force.Sandra Soo-Jin Lee, Alexis Walker, Shawneequa L. Callier, Faith E. Fletcher, Charlene Galarneau, Nanibaa’ Garrison, Jennifer E. James, Renee McLeod-Sordjan, Ubaka Ogbogu, Nneka Sederstrom, Patrick T. Smith, Clarence H. Braddock & Christine Mitchell - 2024 - American Journal of Bioethics 24 (10):3-14.
    Recent calls to address racism in bioethics reflect a sense of urgency to mitigate the lethal effects of a lack of action. While the field was catalyzed largely in response to pivotal events deeply rooted in racism and other structures of oppression embedded in research and health care, it has failed to center racial justice in its scholarship, pedagogy, advocacy, and practice, and neglected to integrate anti-racism as a central consideration. Academic bioethics programs play a key role in determining the (...)
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  7. Medicalização da vida: ética, saúde pública e indústria farmacêutica.Sandra Caponi (ed.) - 2010 - Palhoça, SC: Editora Unisul.
    O cerne desta obra se ancora em reflexões acerca da proliferação de novas doenças vinculadas a condutas cotidianas. Tal situação está diretamente relacionada à participação da indústria farmacêutica na produção de novos fármacos para doenças antes impensadas, revelando problemas éticos e políticos relevantes para a Saúde Coletiva. O tema central, Medicalização da Vida, é ainda desdobrado em discussões éticas sobre a relação pesquisa e indústria farmacêutica; políticas públicas de saúde e educação; desafios dos Comitês de Ética em Pesquisa e, por (...)
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    Urteil und Fehlurteil.Sandra Lehmann & Sophie Loidolt (eds.) - 2011 - Wien: Turia + Kant.
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    Socrates and Philosophy in the Dialogues of Plato.Sandra Peterson - 2011 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    In Plato's Apology, Socrates says he spent his life examining and questioning people on how best to live, while avowing that he himself knows nothing important. Elsewhere, however, for example in Plato's Republic, Plato's Socrates presents radical and grandiose theses. In this book Sandra Peterson offers a hypothesis which explains the puzzle of Socrates' two contrasting manners. She argues that the apparently confident doctrinal Socrates is in fact conducting the first step of an examination: by eliciting his interlocutors' reactions, (...)
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  10. Marx, Spinoza, and 'True Democracy'.Sandra Leonie Field - 2024 - In Jason Maurice Yonover & Kristin Gjesdal (eds.), Spinoza in Germany: Political and Religious Thought across the Long Nineteenth Century. Oxford University Press. pp. 212-237.
    It is common to assimilate Marx’s and Spinoza’s conceptions of democracy. In this chapter, I assess the relation between Marx’s early idea of “true democracy” and Spinozist democracy, both the historical influence and the theoretical affinity. Drawing on Marx’s student notebooks on Spinoza’s Theological-Political Treatise, I show there was a historical influence. However, at the theoretical level, I argue that a sharp distinction must be drawn. Philosophically, Spinoza’s commitment to understanding politics through real concrete powers does not support with Marx’s (...)
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    Charles Peirce's Pragmatic Pluralism.Sandra B. Rosenthal - 1994 - State University of New York Press.
    This work runs counter to the traditional interpretations of Peirce's philosophy by eliciting an inherent strand of pragmatic pluralism that is embedded in the very core of his thought and that weaves his various doctrines into a systematic ...
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    The Animals Issue: Moral Theory in Practice.Sandra Marshall - 1995 - Philosophical Quarterly 45 (179):254-256.
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  13. Classical American Pragmatism, from a Contemporary Point of View.Sandra B. Rosenthal - 1993 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 29 (3):462-467.
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    La nascita infame: identità e genere nel pensiero di Hannah Arendt.Sandra Rossetti - 2012 - Roma: Aracne.
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    Darwin, Malthus, and selection.Sandra Herbert - 1971 - Journal of the History of Biology 4 (1):209-217.
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    Sin exclusiones: catolicismo, mujeres y liderazgo distribuido.Sandra Arenas - 2020 - Teología y Vida 61 (4):537-553.
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    Consumer Experience and Omnichannel Behavior in Various Sales Atmospheres.María Dolores Reina Paz & Fernando Jiménez Delgado - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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  18. Cerebro y espiritualidad: bases neurofisiológicas de la experiencia mística.Joaquín García Alandete, Esteban Pérez Delgado & José Francisco Gallego Pérez - 2010 - Estudios Filosóficos 59 (170):99-128.
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  19. Deriva inmoral de la razón.José Delgado Ruiz - 2005 - A Parte Rei 38:8.
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  20. Entrevista a Víctor Manuel Ramos. “Hay palabras usadas en nuestra lengua española que provienen de las lenguas precolombinas y de las que actualmente se hablan en el país”.Jesús Miguel Delgado Del Aguila - 2023 - Aularia. Revista Digital de Educomunicación 12 (22):47-50.
    Esta entrevista se hizo a uno de los miembros de la Academia Hondureña de la Lengua, Víctor Manuel Ramos. Entre los aportes que el académico expresó, fue su contribución a la comunidad intelectual a través de estudios lingüísticos y literarios. En concreto, estos se apreciaron en el Diccionario de las Lenguas de Honduras; Literatura y su producción literaria de índole infantil. Para que ello fuera posible, el entrevistado comentó cómo fue su proceso de formación, el cual fue un tanto complejo, (...)
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  21. Entrevista a Jesús Ruiz Nestosa, miembro de la Academia Paraguaya de la Lengua Española. Requerimientos interdisciplinarios para la producción literaria.Jesús Miguel Delgado Del Aguila - 2022 - Ñeatá 3 (1):116-123.
    Esta entrevista se realizó a través de Zoom el 13 de julio de 2021.
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  22. La democracia y la multitud: Spinoza contra Negri.Sandra Leonie Field - 2021 - Revista Argentina de Ciencia Política 1 (26):1-25.
    Spanish translation of Field, S. L. (2012). 'Democracy and the multitude: Spinoza against Negri'. Theoria: A Journal of Social and Political Theory, 59(131), 21-40. Translated by María Cecilia Padilla and Gonzalo Ricci Cernadas. Negri celebra una concepción de la democracia en la que los poderes concretos de los individuos humanos no se alienan sino que se agregan: una democracia de la multitud. Pero ¿cómo puede actuar la multitud sin alienar el poder de nadie? Para contestar esta dificultad, Negri explícitamente apela (...)
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  23. The Empirical-Normative Split in Business Ethics.Sandra B. Rosenthal & Rogene A. Buchholz - 2000 - Business Ethics Quarterly 10 (2):399-408.
    The empirical-normative split in business ethics is another manifestation of the fact-value problem that has existed betweenscience and philosophy for several centuries. This paper explores classical American pragmatism’s understanding of the fact-valuedistinction, showing how it offers a different way of understanding the empirical business ethics–normative business ethics issue.Unfolding the pragmatic perspective on this issue involves a focus on its understanding of both the nature of empirical inquiry and thenature of normative inquiry.
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  24. Précis of Potentia: Hobbes and Spinoza on Power and Popular Politics.Sandra Leonie Field - 2021 - European Hobbes Society Online Colloquium.
    The European Hobbes Society Online Colloquium featured my book, Potentia: Hobbes and Spinoza on Power and Popular Politics. This is a précis of the book.
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  25. Schopenhauer’s Aesthetics and Philosophy of Art.Sandra Shapshay - 2012 - Philosophy Compass 7 (1):11-22.
    This essay focuses on Schopenhauer’s aesthetics and philosophy of art, areas of his philosophy which have attracted the most philosophical attention in recent years. After discussing the subjective and objective aspects of aesthetic experience on his account, I shall offer interpretations of Schopenhauer’s theory of the sublime and solution to the problem of tragedy. In addition, I shall touch upon the liveliest interpretive debates concerning his aesthetic theory: the intelligibility of the “Platonic Ideas” as the objects of aesthetic experience and (...)
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    What Matters: The Ethics and Aesthetics of Importance.Sandra Laugier - unknown
    This chapter explores mutations in conceptions of popular culture brought by attention to one’s experience of its objects. According to Stanley Cavell, the value of a culture lies not in its “great art” but in its transformative capacity, the same capacity found in the “moral perfectionism” of Emerson and Thoreau. Cavell was the first to account for the necessity of theory and criticism brought about by reflection on Hollywood film. However, he is less concerned with reversing artistic hierarchies or inverting (...)
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    The time course of reading processes in children with and without dyslexia: an ERP study.Sandra Hasko, Katarina Groth, Jennifer Bruder, Jürgen Bartling & Gerd Schulte-Körne - 2013 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 7.
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    The place of man in the development of Darwin's theory of transmutation.Sandra Herbert - 1974 - Journal of the History of Biology 7 (2):217-258.
  29. The Greatest Difficulty for Plato’s Theory of Forms: the Unknowability Argument of Parmenides 133c—134c.Sandra Peterson - 1981 - Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie 63 (1):1-16.
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    Corrigendum: The Discomfort of Riding Shotgun – Why Many People Don't Like to Be Co-driver.Sandra Ittner, Dominik Mühlbacher & Thomas H. Weisswange - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
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    Procedural and Distributive Justice: Examining Equity in a University Setting.Sandra J. Hartman, Augusta C. Yrle & William P. Galle - 1999 - Journal of Business Ethics 20 (4):337-352.
    The concept of organizational justice is important to understanding and predicting organizational behavior. A significant development in the research literature has been the separation of distributive and procedural justice. While much of the research has focused on negative outcomes, this research attempted to verify the presence of both forms of justice in the context of positive outcomes. Subjects completed an instrument designed to measure their perceptions of distributive and procedural justice. The subjects also reported their satisfaction and sense of fairness (...)
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  32. Responsabilidad medioambiental: estimación a través de los métodos de valoración ambiental.María Gloria López-Gordo & J. Delgado-Ruiz - 2006 - A Parte Rei 48:1 - 11.
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  33. Particularismo y nacionalismo fraccionario.Francisco Javier Delgado Palomar - 2001 - El Basilisco 31:77-82.
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    Peirce's Ultimate Logical Interpretant and Dynamical Object: A Pragmatic Perspective.Sandra B. Rosenthal - 1990 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 26 (2):195 - 210.
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    What is required to institutionalize Kant’s cosmopolitan ideal?Sandra Raponi - 2014 - Journal of International Political Theory 10 (3):302-324.
    Although Kant argues that a world republic with coercive public law is the only rational way to secure a lawful cosmopolitan condition, he states that it is an unachievable ideal, and he proposes a voluntary, non-coercive federation of states as a substitute. While some scholars have criticized Kant for moving away from this ideal due merely to pragmatic considerations, I argue that his rejection of a coercive world republic is based on his conception of state sovereignty and what is required (...)
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  36. O bioetičkoj edukaciji.Sandra Radenović - 2008 - Filozofija I Društvo 19 (3):315-317.
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    Bolzano’s Semantics and his Criticism of the Decompositional Conception of Analysis.Sandra Lapointe - 2007 - In Micahel Beaney (ed.), The Analytic Turn. Routledge. pp. 219.
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    The Economics of W.S. Jevons.Sandra Peart - 1996 - London: Routledge.
    William Stanley Jevons occupies a pivotal position in the history of economic thought, spanning the transition from classical to neo-classical economics and playing a key role in the Marginal Revolution. The breadth of Jevons's work is examined here which: * includes a detailed consideration of a wide range of his work-policy, theoretical, methodological, applied and empirical * relies on textual exegis * takes account of a wide range of secondary sources A new approach to the 'Jevonian revolution' is adopted, which (...)
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  39. Crônica: fronteira da narrativa histórica.Sandra Jatahy Pesavento - forthcoming - História.
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    Visibilidad, invisibilidad y expresión: reflexiones en torno a la «ontología del sentir» propuesta por Merleau-Ponty.Sandra Pinardi - 2012 - Azafea: Revista de Filosofia 14:49-65.
    Este artículo indaga y reflexiona en torno a la «ontología del sentir» elaborada por Maurice Merleau-Ponty, especialmente sobre su noción de carne. Se procurará hacer evidente que la noción de carne es un intento radical de Merleau-Ponty para desarmar las nociones autónomas de sujeto elaboradas tanto por la modernidad filosófica como por la fenomenología, proponiendo en su lugar una noción «pasiva» de sujeto que está fundada en una primacía ontológica de la sensibilidad: en un Sensible en sí al que entiende (...)
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  41. Comisión Provincial por la Memoria, presentación de Actividades.Sandra María Raggio & Laura Lenci - 2011 - Aletheia: Anuario de Filosofía 2 (3):10 - 20.
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    Identity, Morality, and Threat: Studies in Violent Conflict.David G. Alpher, Sandra I. Cheldelin, Rom Harre, S. Ayse Kadayifici-Orellana, Joseph V. Montville, Marc H. Ross, Dennis J. D. Sandole, Peter N. Stearns, Lena Tan & Edward A. Tiryakian (eds.) - 2006 - Lexington Books.
    Identity, Morality, and Threat offers a critical examination of the social psychological processes that generate outgroup devaluation and ingroup glorification as the source of conflict. Daniel Rothbart and Karyna Korostelina bring together essays analyzing the causal relationship between escalating violence and opposing images of the Self and Other.
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  43. La lucha de Jacob. Claves de la agonia de Unamuno.Luis Delgado Frayle - 2008 - Pensamiento 64 (239):169.
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  44. Visión sistémica del problema del agua en el mundo.José Alfonso Delgado Gutiérrez - 2003 - Critica 53 (910):18-21.
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  45. Dialéctica de clases y dialéctica de Estados en la Europa de los siglos VIII y IX.Francisco Javier Delgado Palomar - 2005 - El Basilisco 37:53-60.
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    Some Medieval Views on Identity.Sandra Edwards - 1977 - New Scholasticism 51 (1):62-74.
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    Thomas Sidney Vernon, 1914-2000.Sandra S. Edwards - 2001 - Proceedings and Addresses of the American Philosophical Association 74 (5):249 - 250.
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    A Comparison of Reader Response with Informed Author/Viewer Analysis.Sandra E. Moriarty - 1991 - Semiotics:179-194.
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    Giving Ourselves a Little Time for Mead and for Derrida—And Why Bother.Sandra B. Rosenthal - 1993 - Journal of Speculative Philosophy 7 (4):249 - 265.
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    Introduction.B. Rosenthal Sandra & A. Buchholz Rogene - 1995 - Studies in East European Thought 47 (3-4):151-154.
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