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Sandra J. Peart [10]Sandra Peart [3]Sandra I. Peart [1]
  1. Escape from Democracy: The Role Of Experts And The Public In Economic Policy.David M. Levy & Sandra J. Peart - 2017
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  2. Sympathy and approbation in Hume and Smith: A solution to the other rational species problem.David M. Levy & Sandra J. Peart - 2004 - Economics and Philosophy 20 (2):331-349.
    David Hume's sympathetic principle applies to physical equals. In his account, we sympathize with those like us. By contrast, Adam Smith's sympathetic principle induces equality. We consider Hume's “other rational species” problem to see whether Smith's wider sympathetic principle would alter Hume's conclusion that “superior” beings will enslave “inferior” beings. We show that Smith introduces the notion of “generosity,” which functions as if it were Hume's justice even when there is no possibility of contract.
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    Adam Smith and the State: Language and Reform.Sandra J. Peart & David M. Levy - 2013 - In Christopher J. Berry, Maria Pia Paganelli & Craig Smith (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Adam Smith. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    This chapter focuses on the role of temporal scarcity and language in reform. These are linked because language lies at the foundation of Smith’s account of a society in which the scarcity of time prevents us from being friends with more than a small number of people. When friendship-linked benevolence fails, we persuade and exchange. The scarcity of one’s life is, we argue, foundational for Smith. He brings this consideration to bear at the centre of his thoughts on reforming the (...)
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  4. Jevons's Applications of Utilitarian Theory to Economic Policy*: Sandra J. Peart.Sandra J. Peart - 1990 - Utilitas 2 (2):281-306.
    The precise nature of W. S. Jevons's utilitarianism as a guiding rule for economic policy has yet to be investigated, and that will be the first issue treated in this paper. While J. A. Schumpeter, for instance, asserted that ‘some of the most prominent exponents of marginal utility’, were ‘convinced utilitarians’, he did not investigate the further implications for Jevons's policy analysis.
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    Adam Smith and the state! Language and reform.David M. Levy & Sandra I. Peart - 2013 - In Christopher J. Berry, Maria Pia Paganelli & Craig Smith (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Adam Smith. Oxford: Oxford University Press. pp. 372.
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    James Buchanan and the Return to an Economics of Natural Equals.David M. Levy & Sandra J. Peart - 2018 - In Richard E. Wagner (ed.), James M. Buchanan: A Theorist of Political Economy and Social Philosophy. Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 693-712.
    James Buchanan often argued that fairness is an obligation toward our equals. If Adam Smith is our equal, then we are under obligation to try to understand him. We see this in Buchanan’s attempts to reformat political economy on the basis of natural equals, a world in which Smith’s street porter does indeed have the same capacity as the philosopher. This shows in Buchanan’s excitement over increasing returns models as well as John Rawls’ Theory of Justice both of which he (...)
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    Towards an Economics of Natural Equals: A Documentary History of the Early Virginia School.David M. Levy & Sandra J. Peart - 2020 - Cambridge University Press.
    The Virginia School's economics of natural equals makes consent critical for policy. Democracy is understood as government by discussion, not majority rule. The claim of efficiency unsupported by consent, as common in orthodox economics, appeals to social hierarchy. Politics becomes an act of exchange among equals where the economist is only entitled to offer advice to citizens, not to dictators. The foundation of natural equality and consent explains the common themes of James Buchanan and John Rawls as well as Ronald (...)
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    Economists on private incentives, economic models, and the administrative state: The clash between happiness and the so-called public good.Sandra J. Peart - 2021 - Social Philosophy and Policy 38 (1):152-169.
    This essay examines the administrative state as a ubiquitous phenomenon that results in part from the mismatch of incentives. Using two dramatic episodes in the history of economics, the essay considers two types of mismatch. It then examines how economists increasingly endorsed the “general good” as a unitary goal for society, even at the expense of private hopes and desires. More than this, their procedures and models gave them warrant to design mechanisms and advocate for legislation and regulations to “fix” (...)
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    Hayek on Mill: The Mill-Taylor Friendship and Related Writings.Sandra J. Peart (ed.) - 2014 - Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
    Best known for reviving the tradition of classical liberalism, F. A. Hayek was also a prominent scholar of the philosopher John Stuart Mill. One of his greatest undertakings was a collection of Mill’s extensive correspondence with his longstanding friend and later companion and wife, Harriet Taylor-Mill. Hayek first published the Mill-Taylor correspondence in 1951, and his edition soon became required reading for any study of the nineteenth-century foundations of liberalism. This latest addition to the University of Chicago Press’s Collected Works (...)
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    Jevons: Critical Responses.Sandra Peart (ed.) - 2002 - Routledge.
    William Stanley Jevons was a self-proclaimed revolutionary, whose struggle under what he called the 'Noxious authority' of John Stuart Mill in economic circles is well-known. He was highly critical of the labour theory of value and the wages fund theory attributed to David Ricardo, and offered his own theory of exchange value which he contrasted to the 'mazy and preposterous' notions of English Classical economists.
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    The Economics of W.S. Jevons.Sandra Peart - 1996 - London: Routledge.
    William Stanley Jevons occupies a pivotal position in the history of economic thought, spanning the transition from classical to neo-classical economics and playing a key role in the Marginal Revolution. The breadth of Jevons's work is examined here which: * includes a detailed consideration of a wide range of his work-policy, theoretical, methodological, applied and empirical * relies on textual exegis * takes account of a wide range of secondary sources A new approach to the 'Jevonian revolution' is adopted, which (...)
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    Valuing (and teaching) the past.Sandra J. Peart & David M. Levy - manuscript
    There is a difference between the private and social cost of preserving the past. While it may be privately rational to forget the past, the social cost is significant: we fail to see that Classical political economy is a polemic against racism. The past is a rich source of surprises and debates, and resources on the Web are uniquely suited to teaching such wide-ranging debates. Our ASecret History of the Dismal Science on the web, provides a rich series of windows (...)
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    W.S. Jevons: Critical Responses.Sandra Peart - 2003 - Taylor & Francis.
  14.  47
    A World Ruled by Number: William Stanley Jevons and the Rise of Mathematical Economics, Margaret Schabas. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1990, xii + 192 pages. [REVIEW]Sandra J. Peart - 1993 - Economics and Philosophy 9 (1):183.