Results for 'Sandra Acosta'

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  1.  43
    Negotiating diversity: an empirical investigation into family, school and student factors influencing New Zealand adolescents' science literacy.Sandra T. Acosta & Hsien-Yuan Hsu - 2014 - Educational Studies 40 (1):1-18.
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    Theory in Health Promotion Research and Practice: Thinking outside the Box. Patricia Goodson. Boston, MA: Jones and Bartlett. 2010. 245, pp. $78.95. [REVIEW]Sandra Acosta & Heather Honoré Goltz - 2011 - Educational Studies: A Jrnl of the American Educ. Studies Assoc 47 (6):583-588.
    (2011). Theory in Health Promotion Research and Practice: Thinking outside the Box. Patricia Goodson. Boston, MA: Jones and Bartlett. 2010. 245, pp. $78.95. Educational Studies: Vol. 47, No. 6, pp. 583-588.
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    Book Reviews Section 2.Martin Levit, David Neil Silk, Francesco Cordasco, George Bernstein, Paul F. Black, Hyman Kuritz, David Gottlieb, Mary Dunn, James L. Jarrett, Sandra Gadell, John Gadell, Glen Hass, Ronald H. Mueller, Robert Acosta, Sylvester Kohut Jr, Ralph H. Hunkins, Robert B. Girvan, Frederick S. Buchanan, Albert Nissman & H. J. Prince - 1973 - Educational Studies 4 (1):21-35.
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    Impact of participation in extra-curricular activities during college on graduate employability: an empirical study of graduates of Taiwanese business schools.Hsien-Hsien Lau, Hsien-Yuan Hsu, Sandra Acosta & Tze-Li Hsu - 2014 - Educational Studies 40 (1):1-22.
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    Distinctive environments depend on genotypes.Sandra Scarr - 1987 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 10 (1):38-39.
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    What Matters: The Ethics and Aesthetics of Importance.Sandra Laugier - unknown
    This chapter explores mutations in conceptions of popular culture brought by attention to one’s experience of its objects. According to Stanley Cavell, the value of a culture lies not in its “great art” but in its transformative capacity, the same capacity found in the “moral perfectionism” of Emerson and Thoreau. Cavell was the first to account for the necessity of theory and criticism brought about by reflection on Hollywood film. However, he is less concerned with reversing artistic hierarchies or inverting (...)
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    Philosophy and Friendship.Sandra Lynch - 2005 - Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
    A philosophical exploration of the meaning and significance of friendship.This book explains the persistence of friendship today in the light of the history of philosophical approaches to the subject. It considers ideals of intimacy and fusion in the context of claims that such ideals are unrealistic and even dangerous. Cicero's scepticism about friendship in the public realm is compared with the Aristotelian view of friendship as a genuine political bond, and with Derrida's development of that view via an exploration of (...)
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    Synoptic Comparisons: An Inventory of Aspects. Visual Case Reports of Typographic Synaesthesia.Sandra E. Hoffmann Robbiani - 2010 - Technoetic Arts 8 (2):215-219.
    The objective of this investigation is to initiate the development of a design-specific methodology for synaesthetic research, which will provide insight into synaesthesia from a designer's point of view. In addition, it aims to explore the possible advantages that the awareness of the phenomenon may have, specifically in the field of design education. The following question will be addressed: Can transdisciplinary studies of visual communication and neuropsychology help designers explore different practical approaches and theoretical views about synaesthesia?
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    A Comment on some Comments.Sandra B. Rosenthal - 1968 - Dialectica 22 (3‐4):318-320.
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    Culture as Experience from Dewey to Cavell.Sandra Laugier - 2024 - The Journal of Aesthetic Education 58 (4):99-116.
    The expansion of art audiences and the creation of new forms, agents, and models of artistic practice have transformed the very definition of art, challenging elitist notions of "great art." Dewey's _Art as Experience_ was essential to this transformation. This understanding and defense of an art that has not lost contact with ordinary audiences, which was film at first, extends to widespread cultural practices (internet videos, video games, TV series, popular music, etc.). They are places where artistic and hermeneutic authority (...)
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    Public Bodies, Private Selves.Sandra E. Marshall - 1988 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 5 (2):147-158.
    ABSTRACT A patient whose case notes had been used, without her permission, during a disciplinary inquiry on the conduct of Wendy Savage (her obstetrician) complained that this was a breach of confidentiality. Her complaint cannot be understood as based on a concern about the possible adverse consequences of this use of the notes: rather, her concern was just with the fact that medical information about her had been made known to others. My concern is with the meaning and status of (...)
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  12.  14
    SALT: A knowledge acquisition language for propose-and-revise systems.Sandra Marcus & John McDermott - 1989 - Artificial Intelligence 39 (1):1-37.
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    Classical american pragmatism: The other naturalism.Sandra B. Rosenthal - 1996 - Metaphilosophy 27 (4):399-407.
    This essay compares and contrasts pragmatic naturalism with the more well known position of epistemological naturalism on several pivotal issues, in the process offering a pragmatic critique of the latter. It highlights their common rejection of both foundationalism and a priori methods and their positive claims that: what needs examination is not our concept of knowledge but knowledge itself; knowledge must be understood as tied to the world and as a natural phenomenon to be examined in its natural setting; the (...)
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    The paradigm shift: Business associations shaping the discourse on system change.Sandra Waddock, Irene Henriques, Martina Linnenluecke, Nicholas Poggioli & Steffen Böhm - 2024 - Business and Society Review 129 (2):155-167.
    This Agenda 2050 piece is a call to action for management scholars to follow the lead of business associations, foundations, and businesses in studying and understanding the transformative change needed to bring about a more equitable and flourishing world for all living beings—including humans and other‐than‐humans. These entities advocate for a significant paradigm shift in how business is practiced as a way of responding to ‘polycrisis’—the interrelated set of civilization‐threatening crises that includes climate change, social inequality, and biodiversity loss. Yet (...)
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    Contribuições da Semiótica da Cultura como abordagem de leitura de O Reino encantado dos pôneis 4D.Sandra Mina Takakura - 2024 - Bakhtiniana 19 (3):e63980p.
    ABSTRACT Recently, children’s books have used augmented reality as a resource, being called 4D books. Augmented reality allows the user to see through the world while interacting in real-time with images produced digitally, resulting in interactivity. The present study aims to introduce the results of a brief reflection on the illustrated book O reino encantado do pôneis 4D under the approach of the semiotics of culture, departing from the notion of semiosis and semiosphere. The semiosphere, drawn by Lotman (1990), in (...)
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  16.  28
    Ordinary Aesthetics.Sandra Laugier & Andrew Brandel - unknown
    The impetus for this special issue comes less from conventional debates in philosophical aesthetics itself and instead from one area of recent work on ethics. More specifically, our turn to aesthetics has been inspired by a rich conversation that has emerged in recent years between anthropology and philosophy on the idea and importance of the ordinary. Oftentimes, the ordinary continues “to be treated as a residual category of routine and repetition punctuated by the disruptions of the event.” Many similarly continue (...)
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    Confucian philosophy and contemporary Chinese societal attitudes toward people with disabilities and inclusive education.Yuexin Zhang & Sandra Rosen - 2018 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 50 (12):1113-1123.
    This article focuses on the Chinese traditional culture, specifically Confucian philosophy, and analyses four core concepts of Confucianism which include ‘ren’, ‘Jun zi’, ‘Tian ming’, and ‘Xiao ti’. Based on these core concepts, this study explores how social attitudes in China toward people with disabilities are formed and influenced by Confucian philosophy, and how they impact the education of people with disabilities. It suggests that the related social attitudes of sympathy, rights awareness, and criteria of success, especially school performance in (...)
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  18.  36
    Aesthetic Reason and Imaginative Freedom: Friedrich Schiller and Philosophy.María del Rosario Acosta López & Jeffrey L. Powell (eds.) - 2018 - SUNY Press.
    Shows the relevance of Schiller’s thought for contemporary philosophy, particularly aesthetics, ethics, and politics. This book seeks to draw attention to Friedrich Schiller (1759–1805) as a philosophical thinker in his own right. For too long, his philosophical contribution has been neglected in favor of his much-deserved reputation as a political playwright. The essays in this collection make two arguments. First, Schiller presents a robust philosophical program that can be favorably compared to those of his age, including Rousseau, Kant, Schelling, and (...)
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    A genetic interpretation of divine providence in Vico's new science.Sandra Rudnick Luft - 1982 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 20 (2):151-169.
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    New Vico Studies, Volume 1.Sandra Rudnick Luft - 1985 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 23 (3):429-431.
  21. EU citizenship as catalyst for new sovereignty practices.Sandra Mantu - 2023 - In Hannes Černy & Janis Grzybowski (eds.), Variations on sovereignty: contestations and transformations from around the world. New York, NY: Routledge.
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  22. Umwege der Grammatik : über Blumenberg und Wittgenstein.Sandra Markewitz - 2015 - In Michael Heidgen, Matthias Koch & Christian Köhler (eds.), Permanentes provisorium: Hans Blumenbergs Umwege. Paderborn: Wilhelm Fink.
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    VI -'It's Good To Talk'?Sandra E. Marshall - 2001 - Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 101 (2):129-144.
    The idea that there are some things which we should not talk about is most commonly dealt with in the context of debates about rights to free speech, and other contexts in which the value of talking is typically understood in instrumental terms. This paper explores ways of grounding that idea which do not depend upon instrumental values, in particular in the context of self-revelatory and confessional talk.
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    Schopenhauer's ethics: hope, compassion and animal welfare.Sandra Shapshay - 2019 - New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
    This book articulates and defends an interpretation of Schopenhauer's ethics as an original and credible contribution to the history of ethics. It presents Schopenhauer's ethics of compassion as in direct tension with his resignationism and aims to show surprising continuities with Kant's ethics.
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    Charité, traduction radicale et prélogicité.Sandra Laugier - 2001 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 1 (1):63-83.
    L’A. présente la pertinence anthropologique de la thèse d’indétermination de la traduction de Quine, en suggérant qu’elle joue contre le relativisme, mais aussi contre une certaine forme d’universalisme : c’est ce que montre une analyse de la notion de prélogicité, critiquée par Quine qui invente à cette occasion le « principe de charité ». L’examen des usages et de la portée d’un tel principe, et sa confrontation aux thèses de Lévy-Bruhl, permet, au-delà de Quine, de repenser l’invocation devenue trop courante (...)
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    Proofs of realism and experiential flow.Sandra Rosenthal - 2004 - The Commens Encyclopedia: The Digital Encyclopedia of Peirce Studies.
    Peirce stresses that the pragmatist qua pragmatist must embrace realism as opposed to nominalism. He offers as well “proofs” of realism which are open to various criticisms. Within the framework of his pragmatic vision, the experiential sense of realism is inseparable from the functioning of habit in the flow of time. What is being verified by experimental testing is, ultimately, not a particular scientific law, nor scientific laws in general, but rather the common sense expectation of predictive reliability rooted in (...)
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  27.  45
    Peirce's theory of the perceptual judgment: An ambiguity.Sandra B. Rosenthal - 1969 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 7 (3):303-314.
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    How They Fought.Sandra Laugier - unknown
    In his "Pursuits of Happiness: The Hollywood Comedy of Remarriage" (1981) as well as in "Contesting Tears" (1997), Stanley Cavell has convincingly argued that the question of marriage—“is it better to be alone than in pair?”—has the philosophical legitimacy of classic questions such as “What can I know?” and “Why is there something instead of nothing?” In this regard, the structure of the “comedy of remarriage” is significant. It does not consist in illustrating how two people get together, but rather (...)
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    Le care. Un concept pour le COVID.Sandra Laugier - 2022 - In Marie-Hélène Parizeau & Vanessa Nurock (eds.), Le care au coeur de la pandémie. Les Presses de l’Université de Laval. pp. 11-39.
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    Eco-Social Narratives for Awakening an Era of Transformative Change.Sandra Waddock - forthcoming - Humanistic Management Journal:1-19.
    The central question that this special issue poses is ‘What will allow new systemic approaches to emerge that include all humans and all living beings in the benefits of life, rather than expecting some to suffer for the benefit of others?’ This paper argues that a key starting point for systems change, and the changed awareness or awakening that it brings, is developing new narratives or stories that form the basis for new core cultural mythologies, replacing currently dominant social imaginaries, (...)
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    Acerca de la disposición favorable para con Los inmigrantes según las leyes de platón. La igualdad económica como contraargumento.Sandra Maceri - 2009 - Signos Filosóficos 11 (22):123-145.
    La ciudad de amigos que Platón pretende fundar en Las Leyes tiene como pilares la eliminación de los extremos de la riqueza y de la pobreza, por una parte, y la educación de todos los sectores sociales, por otra. Si bien este basamento suele ser reconocido por los especialistas, la legislación sobre..
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    La antropología criminal de lombroso como puente entre el reduccionismo biológico y el derecho penal.(Primera Parte).Sandra Maceri & Verónica Da Re - 2008 - Límite 3 (17):99-115.
    El objetivo de este trabajo es analizar uno de los ejemplos más notorios de reduccionismo biológico del siglo XIX: la Antropología Criminal, una teoría cuya influencia se hizo notar en ámbitos muy diversos. Sin embargo, fue en el derecho penal donde la influencia de Lombroso resultó más duradera, ya que sus propuestas se materializaron en los códigos penales de varios países. Se tratará de entender la influencia de Darwin y de la idea Haeckeliana de recapitulación sobre Lombroso, y también que (...)
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    Image and Imagination: Picturing the Old French Epic.Sandra Malicote - 2009 - Upa.
    This interdisciplinary study of word and image in the Old French chanson de geste examines the relationship between illumination and epic narrative constructed by the medieval understanding of the imagination. The study focuses on the epic cycle "the geste of Saint Gille," including Aiol and Elie de Saint Gille.
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    Aesthetics: An introduction.Sandra E. Marshall - 1971 - Philosophical Books 12 (2):3-4.
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    A practical guide to knowledge acquisition.Sandra Marcus - 1993 - Artificial Intelligence 60 (1):167-170.
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    Down the Slippery Slope: Arguing in Applied Ethics.Sandra Marshall - 1989 - Philosophical Books 30 (4):238-240.
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    Il sapiens in pericolo. Psicologia del rapporto con gli altri, da Cicerone a Marco Aurelio.Sandra Citroni Marchetti - 1987 - In Wolfgang Haase (ed.), Philosophie, Wissenschaften, Technik. Philosophie. De Gruyter. pp. 4546-4598.
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    Política de identificação de estudantes em situação de deficiência em uma universidade pública brasileira.Sandra Eli Sartoreto de Oliveira Martins & Juliana Cavalcante De Andrade Louzada - 2022 - Educação E Filosofia 36 (76):65-96.
    Resumo: A partir da disseminação das políticas educacionais inclusivas observa-se um aumento de matrículas de estudantes em situação de deficiência no Ensino Superior, elegíveis aos serviços de Educação Especial, no Brasil. Este artigo objetiva analisar os critérios institucionais utilizados para delinear o perfil desses universitários nos dados Censitários da Universidade e, de que modo tais dados comungam com as políticas educacionais inclusivas vigentes. Por conseguinte, buscará compreender como as políticas institucionais da universidade se correlacionam com as do Censo do Ensino (...)
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    11. A Pragmatic Theory of the Corporation.Sandra B. Rosenthal & Rogene A. Buchholz - 2000 - The Ruffin Series in Business Ethics:171-186.
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    12. Corporate Leadership.Sandra B. Rosenthal & Rogene A. Buchholz - 2000 - The Ruffin Series in Business Ethics:187-198.
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    Contemporary Metaphysics and the Issue of Time.Sandra B. Rosenthal - 1999 - International Philosophical Quarterly 39 (2):157-171.
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    Categories, Pragmatism, and Experimental Method.Sandra Rosenthal - 2001 - The Commens Encyclopedia: The Digital Encyclopedia of Peirce Studies.
    Peirce’s method of categorial development reveals the experimental nature of phenomenology, of metaphysics, and of the relation between their respective claims. The phenomenological categories of Firstness, Secondness, and Thirdness come to light as an interrelated set of meanings, abductively generated as a tool for focusing on the richness of experience in order to elicit its illusive, “intangible” but pervasive textures, “traits” “tones or tints”. The move from experiential claims to metaphysical claims is an imaginative extension via analogy. In the development (...)
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    Peirce’s Pragmatic Community of Interpreters.Sandra B. Rosenthal - 1988 - Philosophie Et Culture: Actes du XVIIe Congrès Mondial de Philosophie 4:809-819.
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    Peirce’s Pragmatic Kantianism.Sandra B. Rosenthal - 1988 - Philosophie Et Culture: Actes du XVIIe Congrès Mondial de Philosophie 2:948-952.
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    Third alternative: "Speculative pragmatism".Sandra B. Rosenthal - 1988 - Journal of Speculative Philosophy 2 (4):312 - 317.
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    (1 other version)The Democratic Self and Moral Community.Sandra B. Rosenthal - 2000 - Professional Ethics 8 (3/4):79-99.
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    2. The Emergence of Value and the Nature of Moral Reasoning.Sandra B. Rosenthal & Rogene A. Buchholz - 2000 - The Ruffin Series in Business Ethics:19-34.
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    The "world" of C. I. Lewis.Sandra B. Rosenthal - 1969 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 29 (4):589-597.
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    Gracia, J. (2014). José Ortega y Gasset. Barcelona: Taurus, 687 páginas. ISBN: 978-84-306-0950-5.Sandra Ruiz - 2014 - SCIO Revista de Filosofía 10:181-186.
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    Capacitación Inicial Del Profesorado de Secundaria: Percepciones Del Alumnado En Prácticas.Sandra Arroyo Salgueira, Marcos Jesús Iglesias Martínez & Inés Lozano Cabezas - 2022 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 11 (2):1-10.
    La capacitación inicial del docente requiere observar y reflexionar sobre la realidad educativa, fundamentando la teoría en la práctica de aula, y desarrollar competencias que posibiliten el desempeño profesional. En este estudio las percepciones de los futuros docentes, del Máster de Educación Secundaria, Bachillerato y Formación Profesional, sobre la calidad de la formación recibida en durante su formación. Los resultados evidencian dificultades en su relación con el alumnado de los centros de prácticas y falta de recursos para elaborar programaciones didácticas. (...)
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