Results for 'Sameer Alam'

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  1.  31
    An Air Traffic Controller Action Extraction-Prediction Model Using Machine Learning Approach.Duc-Thinh Pham, Sameer Alam & Vu Duong - 2020 - Complexity 2020:1-19.
    In air traffic control, the airspace is divided into several smaller sectors for better management of air traffic and air traffic controller workload. Such sectors are usually managed by a team of two air traffic controllers: planning controller and executive controller. D-side controller is responsible for processing flight-plan information to plan and organize the flow of traffic entering the sector. R-side controller deals with ensuring safety of flights in their sector. A better understanding and predictability of D-side controller actions, for (...)
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    Impact of Spatial Orientation Ability on Air Traffic Conflict Detection in a Simulated Free Route Airspace Environment.Jimmy Y. Zhong, Sim Kuan Goh, Chuan Jie Woo & Sameer Alam - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16:739866.
    In the selection of job candidates who have the mental ability to become professional ATCOs, psychometric testing has been a ubiquitous activity in the ATM domain. To contribute to psychometric research in the ATM domain, we investigated the extent to which spatial orientation ability (SOA), as conceptualized in the spatial cognition and navigation literature, predicted air traffic conflict detection performance in a simulated free route airspace (FRA) environment. The implementation of free route airspace (FRA) over the past few years, notably (...)
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  3. Self-defeat and the foundations of public reason.Sameer Bajaj - 2017 - Philosophical Studies 174 (12):3133-3151.
    At the core of public reason liberalism is the idea that the exercise of political power is legitimate only if based on laws or political rules that are justifiable to all reasonable citizens. Call this the Public Justification Principle. Public reason liberals face the persistent objection that the Public Justification Principle is self-defeating. The idea that a society’s political rules must be justifiable to all reasonable citizens is intensely controversial among seemingly reasonable citizens of every liberal society. So, the objection (...)
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  4. Trends and patterns among online software pirates.Sameer Hinduja - 2003 - Ethics and Information Technology 5 (1):49-61.
    Computer crime on the Internet poses asignificant threat to the well-being ofbusinesses and individuals, and none are immunefrom the repercussions that can result. Onetype of this unethical and unlawful activity isonline software piracy. In this work, thesignificance of piracy as a topic for academicinquiry is first presented, followed by asummary of the conflicting stances on thisissue. Then, a review of scholarly literaturepreviously conducted in this area is given toprovide a backdrop for the current research. Univariate and bivariate findings from aquantitative (...)
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  5. Noumenal Power, Reasons, and Justification: A Critique of Forst.Sameer Bajaj & Enzo Rossi - 2019 - In Ester Herlin-Karnell & Matthias Klatt, Constitutionalism Justified: Rainer Forst in Discourse. New York: Oxford University Press, Usa.
    In this essay we criticise Rainer Forst's attempt to draw a connection between power and justification, and thus ground his normative theory of a right to justification. Forst draws this connection primarily conceptually, though we will also consider whether a normative connection may be drawn within his framework. Forst's key insight is that if we understand power as operating by furnishing those subjected to it with reasons, then we create a space for the normative contestation of any exercise of power. (...)
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    The cultural background of the sustainability of the traditional farming system in the Ghouta the oasis of Damascus, Syria.Sameer K. Alhamidi, Mats Gustafsson, Hans Larsson & Per Hillbur - 2003 - Agriculture and Human Values 20 (3):231-240.
    This paper discusses thepractical impact of a non-materialistic cultureon sustainable farm management.Two elements are discussed: first, how deeplyrooted religion is in this culture; second,the feasibility of using both human knowledgeand experience, so-called tradition and divineguidance in management. Finally, theimplications of the fusion of these twoelements are drawn. The outcome is thecapability of man to integrate ethical valuesinto decisions and actions. This integration,when applied by skilled farmers, leads to amanagement of natural resources in analtruistic fashion and not merely to economicends. Moreover, (...)
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  7. Working towards a new psychiatry - neuroscience, technology and the DSM-5.Sabina Alam, Jigisha Patel & James Giordano - 2012 - Philosophy, Ethics, and Humanities in Medicine 7:1-.
    This Editorial introduces the thematic series on 'Toward a New Psychiatry: Philosophical and Ethical Issues in Classification, Diagnosis and Care'
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    Mystical Experience and the Apophatic Attitude.Sameer Yadav - 2016 - Journal of Analytic Theology 4:17-43.
    Apophaticism in mainstream analytic theology and philosophy of religion has come to denote a metaphysical and semantic thesis: that, due to divine transcendence, God is ineffable, inconceivable, or incomprehensible. But this conception fails to properly take account of the central claim of apophaticism as a special type of _mystical _theology. As such, the apophatic commitments to divine ineffability are instrumental. More fundamental is the function of theological ignorance to uniquely inform the task of theology and transform the theologian in union (...)
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    On Hillel Steiner’s “A Liberal Theory of Exploitation”.Sameer Bajaj - 2015 - Ethics 125 (4):1157-1159.
  10.  13
    Legal models and treatment approaches for the MDO: United States of America.Sameer P. Sarkar - 2009 - In Annie Bartlett & Gillian McGauley, Forensic Mental Health: Concepts, systems, and practice. Oxford University Press. pp. 403.
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    Secularism, Islam and modernity: selected essays of Alam Khundmiri.ʻĀlam K̲h̲vundmīrī - 2001 - Thousand Oaks, Calif.: Sage Publications. Edited by M. T. Ansari.
    This book uses the writings of Syed Alam Khundmiri to look at issues such as: Islamic traditionalism in the context of meodernization; Islamic theology and politics; and Western and Indian notions of secularism.
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  12.  32
    The Problem of Perception and the Experience of God Toward a Theological Empiricism.Sameer Yadav - 2015 - Philadelphia: Fortress Press.
    A fundamental problem in Christian theology has been that of determining whether God can be an object of experience and how we should account for God's empirical availability to us. Can experiences of God serve to inform and justify our theological beliefs and practices? The central claim in this work is that there is a radical mistake in many contemporary accounts that require grounding a theological story of Gods availability to us in experience in a prior general philosophical theory of (...)
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  13. Toward an Analytic Theology of Liberation.Sameer Yadav - 2020 - In Michael C. Rea & Michelle Panchuk, Voices from the Edge: Centering Marginalized Voices in Analytic Theology. Oxford University Press. pp. 47-74.
    The open secret of analytic philosophy of religion since its 20th century revival has been that it is for the most part a revival of philosophical theology, and particularly Christian philosophical theology. More recently, Christian analytic philosophers and theologians sympathetic to them have transformed this open secret into a research program by explicitly thematizing the use of analytic philosophical tools for the particular work of Christian theology. Dubbing this work as “analytic theology” (AT) Oliver Crisp and Michael Rea have succeeded (...)
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  14.  28
    A National Governance Approach to the Political Nature and Role of Business: Case Study of the Mobile Telecommunications Industry in Afghanistan.Sameer Azizi - 2022 - Journal of Business Ethics 177 (4):843-860.
    The study focuses on the mobile telecommunications industry in Afghanistan prior to the Taliban takeover of the country in 2021 and seeks to study how the mobile telecommunications corporations engage with the different area-specific governance systems in order to gain legitimacy to operate across Afghanistan. The study capitalises on mixed qualitative data to conduct an embedded case study of the Afghan mobile telecommunications industry as an extreme context for understanding business-society relations in South Asia. Theoretically, the article integrates insights from (...)
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  15.  34
    Theory and policy in online privacy.Sameer Hinduja - 2004 - Knowledge, Technology & Policy 17 (1):38-58.
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  16. Attitudes towards business ethics of business students in malaysia.Kazi Firoz Alam - 1995 - Journal of Business Ethics 14 (4):309 - 313.
    The main objective of this paper is to assess the attitude of a group of Malaysian business students towards business ethics. The survey results indicate that the respondents in general are of the opinion that the businesses in Malaysia consider ethics as secondary. A greater emphasis on ethical values in the business curricular has been strongly supported by the respondents. Moreover, the majority of the respondents believe that moral/ethical education and top management attitudes are the most important factors influencing ethical (...)
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  17. Religious Racial Formation Theory and its Metaphysics.Sameer Yadav - 2019 - In Blake Hereth & Kevin Timpe, The Lost Sheep in Philosophy of Religion: New Perspectives on Disability, Gender, Race, and Animals. New York: Routledge. pp. 365-390.
    While the intersection between race and religion has been an important site for research for the sociology of religion and religious studies (in its descriptive dimensions) as well as theology (in its religiously normative dimensions), neither of these disciplines has incorporated recent work in the analytic philosophy of race. Analytic philosophy of race, for its part, has largely neglected the race/religion intersection, while analytic theologians by and large ignore the theological significance of race altogether. In this paper I aim to (...)
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  18. Tradition in India Under Interpretive Stress: Interrogating Its Claims.Javeed Alam - 1994 - Thesis Eleven 39 (1):19-38.
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  19. Christian Doctrine as Ontological Commitment to a Narrative.Sameer Yadav - 2017 - In Oliver D. Crisp & Fred Sanders, The Task of Dogmatics: Explorations in Theological Method. Los Angeles Theology Conferenc. pp. 70-86.
  20.  30
    Infant and child mortality in bangladesh: Age-specific effects of previous child's death.Nurul Alam & Patricia H. David - 1998 - Journal of Biosocial Science 30 (3):333-348.
    This study examines whether mortality of two adjacent siblings in families is age-specific and is modified by the MCH78, 198590 in the treatment (MCH–FP) and comparison areas. Logistic regression was used to estimate the net effects of survival status of elder siblings on mortality of younger siblings in the neonatal, postneonatal and toddler periods, controlling for birth order, previous birth interval, maternal age, education and religion, household possession of valuable items and sex of the child.
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  21. Legal models and treatment approaches for the mentally disordered offender: United States of America.Sameer Sarkar - 2009 - In Annie Bartlett & Gillian McGauley, Forensic Mental Health: Concepts, systems, and practice. Oxford University Press.
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  22. Mental health law and mentally disorder offender.Sameer Sarkar - 2009 - In Annie Bartlett & Gillian McGauley, Forensic Mental Health: Concepts, systems, and practice. Oxford University Press.
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    Therapy for the Therapist: A McDowellian Critique of Semantic Externalism in Kevin Hector’s Theology without Metaphysics.Sameer Yadav - 2013 - Journal of Analytic Theology 1:120-132.
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    Designing Policy Solutions to Build a Healthier Rural America.Sameer Vohra, Carolyn Pointer, Amanda Fogleman, Thomas Albers, Anish Patel & Elizabeth Weeks - 2020 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 48 (3):491-505.
    Disparities exist in the health, livelihood, and opportunities for the 46-60 million people living in America’s rural communities. Rural communities across the United States need a new energy and focus concentrated around health and health care that allows for the designing capturing, and spreading of existing and new innovations. This paper aims to provide a framework for policy solutions to build a healthier rural America describing both the current state of rural health policy and the policies and practices in states (...)
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  25.  85
    Consenting Under Coercion: The Partial Validity Account.Sameer Bajaj & Patrick Tomlin - 2023 - Philosophical Quarterly 74 (3):709-731.
    How is the validity of our consent, and others’ moral permission to act on our consent affected by coercion? Everyone agrees that in cases of two-party coercion—when X coerces Y to do something with or for X—the consent of the coerced is invalid, and the coercer is not permitted to act upon the consent they receive. But coercers and the recipients of consent are not always identical. Sometimes a victim, Y, agrees to do something to, with, or for Z because (...)
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    Articulating group differences: A variety of autocentrisms.Alam M. Shahid - 2003 - Science and Society 67 (2):205 - 217.
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    Free vs hate speech on social media: the Indian perspective.Iftikhar Alam, Roshan Lal Raina & Faizia Siddiqui - 2016 - Journal of Information, Communication and Ethics in Society 14 (4):350-363.
    The Hon’ble Supreme Court of India, in a landmark judgment, scrapped a draconian law [Section 66 (A)] that gave the police absolute power to put behind bars anybody who was found posting offensive or annoying comments online. This paper aims to examine the take of people on the “Free Speech via Social Media” issue and their attitude towards the way sensitive messages/information are posted, shared and forwarded on social media, especially, Facebook.,The research was carried out on a sample of 200 (...)
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    All Shall Love Me and Despair!Sameer Yadav - 2023 - Journal of Analytic Theology 11:457-469.
    In _Divine Holiness and Divine Action _Mark Murphy seeks to establish four key claims: first, that divine holiness consists in a supreme desirability of creaturely union with God and a commensurately supreme creaturely unfittingness for that union; second, that this holiness-concept is grounded in a value-gap between God and creatures which by default motivates God to withdraw from creatures rather than love us or seek our welfare; third, that the love and concern for creaturely welfare exhibited in God’s creating and (...)
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    Terrorists’ Violence Threats and Coping Strategies: A Phenomenological Approach of Former FATA, Pakistan.Jan Alam, Nazir Ullah & Hidayat Rasool - 2023 - Human Affairs 33 (1):82-100.
    Terrorism is a global phenomenon that constantly challenges human survival. Based on the social structure, human beings adopt different strategies to overcome its negative consequences on their mind and behavior. Coping strategies and those processes essential for adjustment and survival illustrate how individuals perceive, consider, deal with, and realize a stressful situation in the era of terrorism. The study focuses on exploring coping strategies and avoidance of terrorism impacts. This research study was qualitatively designed to explore the coping strategies adaptation (...)
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  30.  12
    Connecting Formal Science Classroom Learning to Community, Culture and Context in India.Sameer Honwad, Erica Jablonski, Eleanor Abrams, Michael Middleton, Ian Hanley, Elaine Marhefka, Claes Thelemarck, Robert Eckert & Ruth Varner - 2019 - In Rekha Koul, Geeta Verma & Vanashri Nargund-Joshi, Science Education in India: Philosophical, Historical, and Contemporary Conversations. Springer Singapore. pp. 143-162.
    The perception of separation between school and home/community is related to diminished achievement in school and lack of motivation to learn STEM subjects. The National Council of Educational Research and Training is among many research organisations that have strongly recommended that schools bridge the disconnect between school-based knowledge and learners’ everyday knowledge. We designed the SPIRALS curriculum to bridge this gap between formal science and students’ everyday lives. SPIRALS helps students explore community-based practices to learn about science, environmental sustainability and (...)
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    Comparing the Approach of Ibn Hajar al-Asqalānī and Badr ad-Din al-Aynī in the Interpretation of Mukhtalaf al-Hadīth: An Applied Study Through Fath al-Bārī and Umda al-Qārī.Alam Khan - 2022 - Ilahiyat Tetkikleri Dergisi 1 (57):11-17.
    يتناول هذا المقال دراسة موجزة لتأريخ ظهور علم مختلف الحديث والمؤلفات فيه بحيث أنه من أهم أنواع علم الحديث الذي يحتاجه الفقهاء والمحدِّثون في استنباط الأحكام الأصليَّة والفرعيَّة وشرح الأحاديث النَّبويَّة. ويتضمن دراسةً تفصيليَّةً مقارنةً بين منهج الحافظ ابن حجر العسقلاني الشَّافعي (ت 852/1449)، وبدر الدِّين العيني الحنفي (ت 855/1451) في تأويل مختلف الحديث من خلال فتح الباري وعمدة القاري، وقد وضح فيه أن كل منهما تعرض إلى دراسة النُّصوص المتعارضة ظاهرًا في ثنايا شرح أحاديث البخاري وتوسع فيه وأجاد. وبالإضافة (...)
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  32. The Hidden Love of God and the Imaging Defense.Sameer Yadav - 2019 - In James M. Arcadi, Oliver D. Crisp & Jordan Wessling, Love, Divine and Human: Contemporary Essays in Systematic and Philosophical Theology. T&T Clark.
    J. L. Schellenberg has recently argued that there is a logical incompatibility between God’s being perfectly loving and there being non-resistant nonbelievers in the proposition that God exists. In this paper I highlight the parallel between this claim and the claim made by the logical problem of evil. Following Plantinga’s strategy in undermining the logical problem of evil, I argue that all that is needed to undermine the alleged incompatibility of divine love with non-resistant non-belief is a counterexample showing how (...)
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  33. Neutralization theory and online software piracy: An empirical analysis. [REVIEW]Sameer Hinduja - 2007 - Ethics and Information Technology 9 (3):187-204.
    Accompanying the explosive growth of information technology is the increasing frequency of antisocial and criminal behavior on the Internet. Online software piracy is one such behavior, and this study approaches the phenomenon through the theoretical framework of neutralization theory. The suitability and applicability of nine techniques of neutralization in determining the act is tested via logistic regression analyses on cross-sectional data collected from a sample of university students in the United States. Generally speaking, neutralization was found to be weakly related (...)
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    CSR Communication: An Impression Management Perspective.Jasmine Tata & Sameer Prasad - 2015 - Journal of Business Ethics 132 (4):765-778.
    Organizations today recognize that it is not only important to engage in corporate social responsibility, but that it is also equally important to ensure that information about CSR is communicated to audiences. At times, however, the CSR image perceived by audiences is not an accurate portrayal of the organization’s CSR identity and is, therefore, incongruent with the desired CSR image. In this paper, we build upon the nascent work on organizational impression management by examining CSR communication from an impression management (...)
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    Ethics and accounting education.Kazi Firoz Alam - 1998 - Teaching Business Ethics 2 (3):261-272.
  36.  55
    Ethics in New Zealand organisations.Kazi Firoz Alam - 1993 - Journal of Business Ethics 12 (6):433-440.
    The main objective of this study is to assess the state of business ethics in New Zealand organisations. The survey results suggest that top New Zealand companies give low priorities to ethical values. A number of suggestions have been put forward by the respondents to improve the corporate ethical environment. These include commitment of top management, written and published codes of ethics, comprehensive accounting standards and annual reporting and monitoring and an efficient legal and education system.
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  37. The weight of fairness.Sameer Bajaj - 2019 - Politics, Philosophy and Economics 18 (4):386-402.
    Many philosophers argue that individuals have duties to do their fair shares of the demands of achieving important common ends. But what happens when some individuals fail to do their fair shares?...
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    Noncompliance and the Demands of Public Reason.Sameer Bajaj - forthcoming - Journal of Political Philosophy.
    Journal of Political Philosophy, EarlyView.
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    A Joban Theology of Consolation.Sameer Yadav - 2024 - Harvard Theological Review 117 (2):181-203.
    Contrary to much of the commentary tradition, the book of Job is not primarily a discourse on how to properly speak (or withhold speech) about God in the midst of innocent suffering, nor is it aimed primarily at offering up the character of Job as an exemplar of how to suffer correctly (or incorrectly). Neither is it a treatise about human submission to (or rebellion from) God’s mysterious sovereign prerogative in permitting evil. It is instead a theological exploration of the (...)
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    Ethical Relation between Physicians and Pharmaceutical Industries in the Perspectives of Bangladesh.Shahinul Alam, Nahiduz Saman, Monsur Hallaj Hallaj, Jahangir Ul Alam & Shoaib Momen Majumder - 2015 - Bangladesh Journal of Bioethics 6 (1):1-5.
    Relation between physicians and pharmaceutical industry is required for the benefit of the patient. But it may turn into business and overthrow the patients’ benefit. The relation might be in question at present and in future. Several questions are flowing in Bangladesh. To solve these queries we have explored the situation in developed and developing countries. The physicians and associations of pharmaceutical industries developed several ethical guidelines in those countries. They have addressed the long lasting issues on gift provided to (...)
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    Optical properties of GaAs1−xNxalloys grown by molecular beam epitaxy.J. Alam, A. E. Botchkarev, J. A. Griffin, N. B. Smirnov, A. V. Govorkov, A. Y. Polyakov, J. M. Zavada, A. Christou & S. Noor Mohammad - 2006 - Philosophical Magazine 86 (23):3477-3486.
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    An Exploration of Women’s Social Position in Primary and Middle School Textbooks in Pakistan.Ikram Badshah & Jan Alam - 2022 - Human Affairs 32 (1):63-72.
    Textbooks play a strong part in constructing gender roles and status in society. Thus, the images, lessons, and stories of gender portrayed in textbooks affect the perception of prevalent masculine behavior. To develop an insight into the phenomena, this article analyzes the institutionalized patriarchy and patriarchal values embedded in the Urdu and English National Book Foundation textbooks for grades 5, 6, and 7. The study used content analysis techniques to decode the tone, juggling of meanings, pictorial representation, topic selection, word (...)
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    Contributions of Muslim medieval scholars to psychology.Sameer Ansari & Naved Iqbal - 2023 - Archive for the Psychology of Religion 45 (3):308-333.
    Psychology has been the significant discipline since the time of antiquity which becomes more consolidated during the medieval age of Islam. It had a strong foundation in the professional writings of polymaths from the Islamic Middle Ages that were eventually transmitted to the West. However, the unique psychological contributions of these medieval polymaths remained largely unexplored. Despite the growing interest in their work, which is partly due to Islamic psychology, only a handful of them have been investigated for their unique (...)
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    Religious Language.Sameer Yadav - 2022 - In Mark A. Lamport, The Rowman & Littlefield Handbook of Philosophy and Religion. Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers. pp. 155-166.
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    Virtually Being Einstein Results in an Improvement in Cognitive Task Performance and a Decrease in Age Bias.Domna Banakou, Sameer Kishore & Mel Slater - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    The Acting Person and Christian Moral Life by Darlene Fozard Weaver. [REVIEW]Sameer Yadav - 2015 - Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics 35 (1):210-211.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:The Acting Person and Christian Moral Life by Darlene Fozard WeaverSameer YadavThe Acting Person and Christian Moral Life By Darlene Fozard Weaver WASHINGTON, DC: GEORGETOWN UNIVERSITY PRESS, 2011. 215 PP. $32.95In this carefully argued and theologically subtle study of human moral agency, Darlene Fozard Weaver describes a large-scale shift in theological ethics away from an “act-centered” approach and toward a more “person-centered” approach. She catalogues the shift via (...)
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    Towards Understanding Stakeholder Salience Transition and Relational Approach to ‘Better’ Corporate Social Responsibility: A Case for a Proposed Model in Practice.Michael O. Erdiaw-Kwasie, Khorshed Alam & Md Shahiduzzaman - 2017 - Journal of Business Ethics 144 (1):85-101.
    Management and business literature affirm the role played by stakeholders in corporate social responsibility practices as crucial, but what constitutes a true business–society partnership remains relatively unexplored. This paper aims to improve scholarly and management understanding beyond the usual managers’ perceptions on salience attributes, to include how stakeholders can acquire missing attributes to inform a meaningful partnership. In doing this, a model is proposed which conceptualises CSR practices and outcomes within the frameworks of stakeholder salience via empowerment, sustainable corporate social (...)
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    Models of Bounded Arithmetic Theories and Some Related Complexity Questions.Abolfazl Alam & Morteza Moniri - 2022 - Bulletin of the Section of Logic 51 (2):163-176.
    In this paper, we study bounded versions of some model-theoretic notions and results. We apply these results to the context of models of bounded arithmetic theories as well as some related complexity questions. As an example, we show that if the theory S21(PV)\rm S_2 ^1(PV) has bounded model companion then NP=coNP\rm NP=coNP. We also study bounded versions of some other related notions such as Stone topology.
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    Hinduism, Catholicism, and the Trinity.Edward Alam - 2002 - Philosophy, Culture, and Traditions 1:87-102.
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    Noumenal Power, Reasons, and Justification : A Critique of Forst.Enzo Rossi & Sameer Bajaj - 2019 - In Ester Herlin-Karnell & Matthias Klatt, Constitutionalism Justified: Rainer Forst in Discourse. New York: Oxford University Press, Usa.
    In this essay we criticise Rainer Forst's attempt to draw a connection between power and justification, and thus ground his normative theory of a right to justification. Forst draws this connection primarily conceptually, though we will also consider whether a normative connection may be drawn within his framework. Forst's key insight is that if we understand power as operating by furnishing those subjected to it with reasons, then we create a space for the normative contestation of any exercise of power. (...)
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