Results for 'Sagit Mor'

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  1. Nothing about us without us : a disability challenge to bioethics.Sagit Mor - 2018 - In Hagai Boas, Shai Joshua Lavi, Yael Hashiloni-Dolev, Dani Filc & Nadav Davidovitch, Bioethics and biopolitics in Israel: socio-legal, political and empirical analysis. Cambridge, United Kingdom: Cambridge University Press.
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    Aristotle on Religion.Mor Segev - 2017 - Cambridge University Press.
    Aristotle is a severe critic of traditional religion, believing it to be false, yet he also holds that traditional religion and its institutions are necessary if any city, including the ideal city he describes in the Politics, is to exist and flourish. This book provides, for the first time, a coherent account of the socio-political role which Aristotle attributes to traditional religion despite his rejection of its content. Mor Segev argues that Aristotle thinks traditional religion is politically necessary because it (...)
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    Aristotle on Plato’s Republic VIII-IX: Politics v. 12, 1316a1-b27.Mor Segev - 2018 - Polis 35 (2):374-400.
    Toward the end of Politics V. 12, Aristotle criticizes Plato’s discussion of political change in Republic VIII-IX. Scholars often reject Aristotle’s criticism, especially because it portrays Plato’s discussion, allegedly unfairly, as developing a historically testable theory. I argue that Aristotle’s criticism is adequate, and that the seriousness with which he considers Plato’s account of political change as an alternative to his own is both warranted and instructive. First, apart from criticizing Plato’s account for its historical inaccuracies, Aristotle also exposes theoretical (...)
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    Rabbi Joseph karo and sixteenth-century messianic maimonideanism1.Mor Altshuler - 2009 - In James T. Robinson, The cultures of Maimonideanism: new approaches to the history of Jewish thought. Boston: Brill. pp. 9--191.
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  5. Ben śafah le-filosofyah: Noʻam Ḥomsḳi be-or ḥadash.Nurit Basman Mor - 2011 - Ramat-Gan: Hotsaʼat Universiṭat Bar-Ilan.
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    Students’ Meaning of Power.Mor Yorshansky - 2014 - Thinking: The Journal of Philosophy for Children 20 (3-4):12-19.
    A classroom Community of Inquiry depends on the deliberation skills of its members and their willingness to share ideas, time and power, despite conflicting interests, in the process of social inquiry. This vision of sharing power is not without challenges to both P4C and other theoretical movements within the discourse of democratic education. The kind of theorizing that is missing should explore students’ perceptions, judgment, decision making, agency and the like, through meaning making in particular contexts of democratic education. To (...)
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    Traditional Religion and Its Natural Function in Aristotle.Mor Segev - 2018 - Classical World: A Quarterly Journal on Antiquity 111 (3):295-320.
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    The Value of the World and of Oneself: Philosophical Optimism and Pessimism From Aristotle to Modernity.Mor Segev - 2022 - New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
    "This book examines the longstanding debate between philosophical optimism and pessimism in the history of philosophy, focusing on Aristotle, Maimonides, Spinoza, Schopenhauer, Nietzsche and Camus. Philosophical optimists maintain that the world is optimally arranged and is accordingly valuable, and that the existence of human beings is preferable over their nonexistence. Philosophical pessimists, by contrast, hold that the world is in a woeful condition and ultimately valueless, and that human nonexistence would have been preferable over our existence. Schopenhauer criticizes the optimism (...)
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  9. Metamorfosi di Faust.Lucia Mor Wuehrer - forthcoming - Humanitas.
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    The effects of explanations on automation bias.Mor Vered, Tali Livni, Piers Douglas Lionel Howe, Tim Miller & Liz Sonenberg - 2023 - Artificial Intelligence 322 (C):103952.
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  11. ‘Obviously all this Agrees with my Will and my Intellect’: Schopenhauer on Active and PassiveNousin Aristotle'sDe Animaiii.5.Mor Segev - 2014 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 22 (3):535-556.
    In one of the unpublished parts of his manuscript titled the Spicilegia, Arthur Schopenhauer presents an uncharacteristically sympathetic reading of an Aristotelian text. The text in question, De anima III. 5, happens to include the only occurrence of arguably the most controversial idea in Aristotle, namely the distinction between active and passive nous. Schopenhauer interprets these two notions as corresponding to his own notions of the ?will? and the ?intellect? or ?subject of knowledge?, respectively. The result is a unique interpretation, (...)
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    Engaging Student Disengagement.Mor Gordon - 2007 - Philosophy of Education 63:346-348.
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  13.  21
    Searching for the Divine in Plato and Aristotle: Philosophical Theoria and Traditional Practice. By Julie K. Ward.Mor Segev - 2023 - Ancient Philosophy 43 (2):547-551.
  14.  59
    Aristotle on Nature, Human Nature and Human Understanding.Mor Segev - 2017 - Rhizomata 5 (2):177-209.
    Name der Zeitschrift: Rhizomata Jahrgang: 5 Heft: 2 Seiten: 177-209.
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    Schopenhauer's Critique of Spinoza's Pantheism, Optimism, and Egoism.Mor Segev - 2021 - In Yitzhak Y. Melamed, A Companion to Spinoza. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley. pp. 557–567.
    Schopenhauer shares with Spinoza the basic idea that “the world exists by its own inner power and through itself”. Spinoza's system, Schopenhauer maintains, elaborately captures the observation, at the core of both pantheism and Schopenhauer's own theory, that all experienced phenomena share a single metaphysical substratum, and that in this sense everything is one. Any view or system of thought upholding optimism must confront the challenge of accounting for those features of the world that appear to be less than optimal. (...)
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  16.  27
    Schopenhauer on the inconsistency between optimism and personal immortality.Mor Segev - 2024 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 62 (4):453-468.
    For Schopenhauer, death, understood as the annihilation of an individual's existence, cannot be successfully accommodated by theories endorsing an optimistic assessment of both human life and the world at large. I argue that Schopenhauer also has reasons to think that optimism cannot adopt personal immortality as a solution to that problem, although he does not present them systematically. Thus, he argues, prolonging one's life would necessarily lead at some point to an unbearable state of exhaustion due to one's unchanging character. (...)
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  17. The Teleological Significance of Dreaming in Aristotle.Mor Segev - 2012 - Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy 43:107-141.
    In his discussions of dreaming in the Parva Naturalia, Aristotle neither claims nor denies that dreams serve a natural purpose. Modern scholarship generally interprets dreaming as useless and teleologically irrelevant for him. I argue that Aristotle's teleology permits certain types of dream to have a natural role in end-directed processes. Dreams are left-overs from waking experience, but they may, like certain bodily residues, be used by nature, which does ‘nothing in vain’ and makes use of available resources, for the benefit (...)
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  18. ha-Neshamah ba-guf: ḥokhmah u-musar: maʼamarim ṿe-divre ḥizuk... maʼamre Ḥazal... tsadiḳim ṿe-Hasidim..Mor Yosef Golan - 2001 - Itamar: Mor Yosef Golan.
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  19. ha-Ṭov ṿeha-raʻ shebe-tokhenu.Abe Mor - 2015 - [Israel]: [Avraham (Eb) Mor].
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  20. La historia a lo largo de la historia.José Luis Pellicer Mor - 2001 - In Valera Muñoz & Luis Enrique, Lo que debes saber sobre la historia. Valencia: Editorial Diálogo.
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  21. Lengua Y gramatica en el nivel secundario.Mariano Mor'tnigo - 1964 - Humanitas 12 (17):69.
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    The Mosul-Kerkuk Turks From The Window In The Poem ‘‘Calling’’ Of Ali Yashar.Gökmen Mor - 2008 - Journal of Turkish Studies 3:480-494.
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    Within-person variations in self-focused attention and negative affect in depression and anxiety: A diary study.Nilly Mor, Leah D. Doane, Emma K. Adam, Susan Mineka, Richard E. Zinbarg, James W. Griffith, Michelle G. Craske, Allison Waters & Maria Nazarian - 2010 - Cognition and Emotion 24 (1):48-62.
    This study examined within-person co-occurrence of self-focus, negative affect, and stress in a community sample of adolescents with or without emotional disorders. As part of a larger study, 278 adolescents were interviewed about emotional disorders. Later, they completed diary measures over three days, six times a day, reporting their current thoughts, affect, and levels of stress. Negative affect was independently related to both concurrent stress and self-focus. Importantly, the association between negative affect and self-focus was stronger among participants with a (...)
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  24.  12
    The Community of Inquiry.Mor Yorshansky - 2009 - Thinking: The Journal of Philosophy for Children 19 (2-3):42-49.
    There may be a possibility that young women find it difficult to express their female ways of knowing and gain equal public representation. This leads us to reflect on a possible gap between a well developed theory of justice in P4C and pedagogical practices of social influence. In this paper I attempt to reflect on these questions provisionally, and suggest an initial theoretical framework for discussing such issues within the P4C movement. First, I report some personal and social narratives that (...)
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    Aristotle on the Proper Attitude Toward True Divinity.Mor Segev - 2020 - American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly 94 (2):187-209.
    Aristotle does not explicitly state how it is that one should ideally relate to the true gods of his metaphysics, like the prime mover. He does, however, speak of an unreciprocated relationship of friendship between humans and such gods. I argue that Aristotle’s conception of the magnanimous person sheds light on that relationship. The magnanimous person, who is a philosopher, devalues humanity and devotes her life and efforts to the divine. Thus, contrary to some scholars, Aristotle’s conception of magnanimity resembles (...)
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    Ethical Issues Related To BRCA Gene Testing in Orthodox Jewish Women.Pnina Mor & Kathleen Oberle - 2008 - Nursing Ethics 15 (4):512-522.
    Persons exhibiting mutations in two tumor suppressor genes, BRCA1 and BRCA2, have a greatly increased risk of developing breast and/or ovarian cancer. The incidence of BRCA gene mutation is very high in Ashkenazi Jewish women of European descent, and many issues can arise, particularly for observant Orthodox women, because of their genetic status. Their obligations under the Jewish code of ethics, referred to as Jewish law, with respect to the acceptability of various risk-reducing strategies, may be poorly understood. In this (...)
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  27. S. Francesco di Sales scrittore-Roma, Editr.«.Antonio Mor - forthcoming - Studium.
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    Species‐specific micro RNA regulation influences phenotypic variability.Eyal Mor & Noam Shomron - 2013 - Bioessays 35 (10):881-888.
    Phenotypic divergence among animal species may be due in part to species‐specific (SS) regulation of gene expression by small, non‐coding regulatory RNAs termed “microRNAs”. This phenomenon can be modulated by several variables. First, microRNA genes vary by their level of conservation, many of them being SS, or unique to a particular evolutionary lineage. Second, microRNA expression levels vary spatially and temporally in different species. Lastly, while microRNAs bind the 3′UTR of target genes in order to silence their expression, the binding (...)
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    A Dichotomy In Classifying Quantifiers For Finite Models.Mor Doron & Saharon Shelah - 2005 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 70 (4):1297-1324.
    We consider a family U of finite universes. The second order existential quantifier QR. means for each U ϵ U quantifying over a set of n(R)-place relations isomorphic to a given relation. We define a natural partial order on such quantifiers called interpretability. We show that for every QR. either QR is interpretable by quantifying over subsets of U and one to one functions on U both of bounded order, or the logic L(QR) (first order logic plus the quantifier QR) (...)
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    Motor control drives visual bodily judgements.Roni O. Maimon-Mor, Hunter R. Schone, Rani Moran, Peter Brugger & Tamar R. Makin - 2020 - Cognition 196:104120.
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    A Study On Proverbs Rebted To Horse In Kyrgyz, Uigur, Macedonia-Kosova Turkish Languages And In Turkish Legadery Stories.Gökmen Mor - 2008 - Journal of Turkish Studies 3:515-544.
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    Aristotle's Ideal City-Planning: Politics 7.12.Mor Segev - 2019 - Classical Quarterly 69 (2):585-596.
    AtPol.7.12, 1331a19–20, Aristotle states it as a matter of fact that the citizenry of the best city should be divided into ‘public messes’ (syssitia). His primary concern in the rest of the chapter is to uncover the optimal way in whichsyssitiashould be organized, and the way in which they should be situated in relation to other facilities, public buildings,agoraiand temples in the city. The proposed plan is roughly as follows.Syssitiawould be divided into three main sections. First, thesyssitiaof soldiers would be (...)
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  33.  26
    What can Maimonides' understanding of the shamefulness of touch teach us about Aristotle's NE III.10, 1118b1–3?Mor Segev - 2023 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 31 (3):405-420.
    In NE III.10, 1118b1–3, Aristotle says that the “most shared of the senses is that according to which intemperance [comes about], and it would seem justifiably to be shameful, because it inheres [in us] not insofar as we are human beings, but insofar as we are animals”. This statement appears to describe the sense of touch as shameful. This may seem like a strange position for Aristotle to hold, since elsewhere he describes human touch as the most accurate among animal (...)
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  34. IM Battafarano, C. Costa, Il carteggio Paul Heyse-Pio Spezi. Un'amicizia intellettuale italo-tedesca tra Otto e Novecento, Biblioteca Nazionale di Roma 2009 (Quaderni della Biblioteca Nazionale di Roma).Lucia Mor Wuehrer - forthcoming - Humanitas.
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    The value of the world and of oneself: philosophical optimism and pessimism from Aristotle, Maimonides, Spinoza, Schopenhauer, Nietzsche, and Camus.Mor Segev - 2022 - New York, NY, United States of America: Oxford University Press.
    This book examines the longstanding debate between philosophical optimism and pessimism in the history of philosophy, focusing on Aristotle, Maimonides, Spinoza, Schopenhauer, Nietzsche and Camus. Philosophical optimists maintain that the world is optimally arranged and is accordingly valuable, and that the existence of human beings is preferable over their nonexistence. Philosophical pessimists, by contrast, hold that the world is in a woeful condition and ultimately valueless, and that human nonexistence would have been preferable over our existence. Schopenhauer criticizes the optimism (...)
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  36. Communities of Inquiry: Politics, power and group dynamics.Gilbert Burgh & Mor Yorshansky - 2011 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 43 (5):436-452.
    The notion of a community of inquiry has been treated by many of its proponents as being an exemplar of democracy in action. We argue that the assumptions underlying this view present some practical and theoretical difficulties, particularly in relation to distribution of power among the members of a community of inquiry. We identify two presuppositions in relation to distribution of power that require attention in developing an educational model that is committed to deliberative democracy: (1) openness to inquiry and (...)
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    How Medicare Is Altering the Hospice Movement.David S. Greer & Vincent Mor - 1985 - Hastings Center Report 15 (5):5-9.
    In 1982, without waiting for the findings of the National Hospice Study, Congress passed legislation enabling certified hospices to receive Medicare reimbursement. What emerged is a reimbursement program that differs substantially from the movement that spawned it. Hospices now face many dilemmas, among them shifting the burden of care to the family, determining who controls the course of patient care, and breaking even financially.
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    Cognitive bias modification for inferential style.Noa Avirbach, Baruch Perlman & Nilly Mor - 2018 - Cognition and Emotion 33 (4):816-824.
    ABSTRACTIn this study, we developed a cognitive bias modification procedure that targets inferential style, and tested its effect on hope, mood, and self-esteem. Participants were randomly assigned to training conditions intended to encourage either a negative or a positive inferential style. Participants’ inferences for their failure on a cognitive challenge were congruent with their training condition. Moreover, compared to participants in the positive training condition, those in the negative condition reported less hope and exhibited lower mood and self-esteem following the (...)
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    Dysfunctional implications of narrow window theory: Variability in the intuitive assessment of correlation.Sorel Cahan & Yaniv Mor - 2007 - Cognition 105 (1):47-64.
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    News repertoires, civic engagement and political participation among young adults in Israel.Hillel Nossek & Sagit Dinnar - 2021 - Communications 46 (2):159-184.
    This study investigates the cross-media repertoires of news consumption of young adults in today’s fragmented multi-media environment, and examines the interactions between those repertoires and the consumers’ civic engagement and political participation. By using a Q-sort method, the respondents were asked to sort a number of elicitation cards on a relational scalar grid, which allowed for subsequent statistical factor analysis of these qualitative data and the generation of a sub-typology of media consumption repertoires as well as the discursive practices of (...)
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    Relational Structures Constructible by Quantifier Free Definable Operations.Saharon Shelah & Mor Doron - 2007 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 72 (4):1283 - 1298.
    We consider the notion of bounded m-ary patch-width defined in [9], and its very close relative m-constructibility defined below. We show that the notions of m-constructibility all coincide for m ≥ 3, while 1-constructibility is a weaker notion. The same holds for bounded m-ary patch-width. The case m = 2 is left open.
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    Brooding and attentional control in processing self-encoded information: Evidence from a modified Garner task.Shimrit Daches, Nilly Mor, Jennifer Winquist & Eva Gilboa-Schechtman - 2010 - Cognition and Emotion 24 (5):876-885.
  43. Adaptation to Laterally Asymmetrical Visuomotor Delay Has an Effect on Action But Not on Perception.Chen Avraham, Mor Dominitz, Hana Khait, Guy Avraham, Ferdinando A. Mussa-Ivaldi & Ilana Nisky - 2019 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 13.
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    Brooding moderates the link between reappraisal and inhibition of negative information.Shimrit Daches & Nilly Mor - 2015 - Cognition and Emotion 29 (5):923-934.
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    Summaries and Comments.Elizabeth C. Shaw & Mor Segev - 2022 - Review of Metaphysics 75 (3):587-588.
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    Aristotle on the Beginning of Animal Life and Soul Activities.Anna Schriefl & Mor Segev - 2023 - Apeiron 56 (3):587-619.
    For Aristotle, animals, by contrast to plants, possess a perceptual soul. However, there is disagreement concerning the point at which the perceptual soul is acquired, for him. On one influential interpretation, Aristotle thinks that the perceptual soul is acquired not during the initial formation of the embryo, but at some later stage of its development. On such interpretations of Aristotle’s view, the newly formed embryo is not yet an actual animal, but a plant-like living being or even inanimate matter. We (...)
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    Sefer Orot ha-Mesilah: mashṿeh ben hashḳafat ha-Ramḥal be-Sefer Mesilat yesharim le-hashḳafat ha-Rav Avraham Yitsḥaḳ ha-Kohen Ḳuḳ: marʼeh maḥloḳot, histaiguyot, hosafot ṿe-havharot, mosif ʻiyunim ṿe-yishuvim be-maḥloḳot uve-sugyot maḥshavtiyot, u-mefaresh milim ḳashot be-Reʼiyah ṿe-heʻrot mavhirot.Mordekhai Mor Bergman - 2020 - [Israel]: [Mordekhai Mor Bergman].
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    Design for collective intelligence: pop-up communities in MOOCs.Muriel Garreta-Domingo, Peter B. Sloep, Davinia Hérnandez-Leo & Yishay Mor - 2018 - AI and Society 33 (1):91-100.
  49.  26
    Cognition and Emotion, Volume 24, 2010, List of Contents.Dirk Hermans, Jan De Houwer, Jenny Yiend, Nilly Mor, Leah D. Doane, Emma K. Adam, Susan Mineka, Richard E. Zinbarg, James W. Griffith & Michelle G. Craske - 2010 - Cognition and Emotion 24 (8).
  50. Examining the Effect of Transcranial Electrical Stimulation and Cognitive Training on Processing Speed in Pediatric Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder: A Pilot Study.Ornella Dakwar-Kawar, Itai Berger, Snir Barzilay, Ephraim S. Grossman, Roi Cohen Kadosh & Mor Nahum - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16.
    ObjectiveProcessing Speed, the ability to perceive and react fast to stimuli in the environment, has been shown to be impaired in children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. However, it is unclear whether PS can be improved following targeted treatments for ADHD. Here we examined potential changes in PS following application of transcranial electric stimulation combined with cognitive training in children with ADHD. Specifically, we examined changes in PS in the presence of different conditions of mental fatigue.MethodsWe used a randomized double-blind (...)
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