Results for 'Sabrina Cardone'

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  1.  22
    Sabrina Hoppe: Demokratische Konsenskultur? Von der Sympathie des bundesdeutschen Protestantismus für eine Ethik des Kompromisses.Sabrina Hoppe - 2016 - Journal for the History of Modern Theology/Zeitschrift für Neuere Theologiegeschichte 23 (2):218-235.
    In her article the author shows the relevance of the concept of compromise for protestant ethics after 1945. Coming from the current discussion about the significance of compromise in the german society today she asks for the role of compromises for community building and as a guarantee for plurality in the civil society nowadays. The author illustrates the relation between compromise, plurality and democracy in protestant ethics after World War II by presenting an article of the German pastor Eberhard Müller, (...)
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    The dark side of niche construction.Sabrina Coninx - 2023 - Philosophical Studies 180 (10):3003-3030.
    Niche construction denotes the alteration, destruction, or creation of environmental features through the activities of an organism, modifying the relation between organism and environment. The concept of niche construction found application in various fields of research: evolutionary biology, enculturation, ontogenetic development, and local organism-environment coordination. This is because it provides a useful tool emphasizing different aspects of the dynamic interplay between organisms and their actively constructed environment. Traditionally, niche construction is considered a positive mechanism in the complementarity of organism and (...)
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    An Inventory of the Extant Correspondence of Elisabeth of Bohemia, Princess Palatine.Sabrina Ebbersmeyer - 2020 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 58 (2):325-398.
    This article provides a first inventory of the extant correspondence of Elisabeth of Bohemia, Princess Palatine and later Abbess of Herford. Elisabeth, one of the most famous women philosophers of the seventeenth century, is best known today for her comprehensive exchange of letters with the French philosopher René Descartes. Additionally, her relation to the Quakers, especially to Robert Barclay and William Penn, has received some scholarly attention.1 Less known is the fact that, throughout her lifetime, Elisabeth corresponded with family members, (...)
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    A Taxonomy of Environmentally Scaffolded Affectivity.Sabrina Coninx & Achim Stephan - 2021 - Danish Yearbook of Philosophy 54 (1):38-64.
    In this paper, we argue that the concept of environmental scaffolding can contribute to a better understanding of our affective life and the complex manners in which it is shaped by environmental entities. In particular, the concept of environmental scaffolding offers a more comprehensive and less controversial framework than the notions of embeddedness and extendedness. We contribute to the literature on situated affectivity by embracing and systematizing the diversity of affective scaffolding. In doing so, we introduce several distinctions that provide (...)
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  5. Pain and the field of affordances: an enactive approach to acute and chronic pain.Sabrina Coninx & Peter Stilwell - 2021 - Synthese 199 (3-4):7835-7863.
    In recent years, the societal and personal impacts of pain, and the fact that we still lack an effective method of treatment, has motivated researchers from diverse disciplines to try to think in new ways about pain and its management. In this paper, we aim to develop an enactive approach to pain and the transition to chronicity. Two aspects are central to this project. First, the paper conceptualizes differences between acute and chronic pain, as well as the dynamic process of (...)
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  6. Strong Representationalism and Bodily Sensations: Reliable Causal Covariance and Biological Function.Coninx Sabrina - 2020 - Philosophical Psychology 34 (2):210-232.
    Bodily sensations, such as pain, hunger, itches, or sexual feelings, are commonly characterized in terms of their phenomenal character. In order to account for this phenomenal character, many philosophers adopt strong representationalism. According to this view, bodily sensations are essentially and entirely determined by an intentional content related to particular conditions of the body. For example, pain would be nothing more than the representation of actual or potential tissue damage. In order to motivate and justify their view, strong representationalists often (...)
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  7.  43
    Scrooge Posing as Mother Teresa: How Hypocritical Social Responsibility Strategies Hurt Employees and Firms.Sabrina Scheidler, Laura Marie Edinger-Schons, Jelena Spanjol & Jan Wieseke - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 157 (2):339-358.
    Extant research provides compelling conceptual and empirical arguments that company-external as well as company-internal CSR efforts positively affect employees, but does so largely in studies assessing effects from the two CSR types independently of each other. In contrast, this paper investigates external–internal CSR jointly, examining the effects of consistent external–internal CSR strategies on employee attitudes, intentions, and behaviors. The research takes a social and moral identification theory view and advances the core hypothesis that inconsistent CSR strategies, defined as favoring external (...)
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  8.  89
    The Impacts of Gender and Subject on Experience of Competence and Autonomy in STEM.Sabrina Sobieraj & Nicole C. Krämer - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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  9. Artificial consciousness, artificial emotions, and autonomous robots.Alain Cardon - 2006 - Cognitive Processing 7 (4):245-267.
  10. (1 other version)Pain Experiences and Their Link to Action: Challenging Imperative Theories.Sabrina Coninx - 2020 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 27 (9-10):104-126.
    According to pure imperativism, pain experiences are experiences of a specific phenomenal type that are entirely constituted by imperative content. As their primary argument, proponents of imperativism rely on the biological role that pain experiences fulfill, namely, the motivation of actions whose execution ensures the normal functioning of the body. In the paper, I investigate which specific types of action are of relevance for an imperative interpretation and how close their link to pain experiences actually is. I argue that, although (...)
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  11.  8
    The Crystallization of the Impossible: Derrida and Merleau‐Ponty at the Threshold of Phenomenology.Sabrina Aggleton - 2014 - In Zeynep Direk & Leonard Lawlor, A Companion to Derrida. Chichester, West Sussex, United Kingdom: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 269–286.
    This chapter shows how Derrida's deconstruction in Voiceand Phenomenon exposes a double necessity that undergirds Husserl's phenomenological inquiry in the “First Logical Investigation,” especially with respect to expression and indication. It turns to Derrida's reflections on the aporia of blindness in Memoirs of the Blind in order to further develop the logic of double necessity and to examine Derrida's divergence from Merleau‐Ponty's thought. The chapter examines Derrida's critique of the auto‐affective movement of temporalization in Voice and Phenomenon that reveals the (...)
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  12. El llanto de la sirena.Sabrina Calandrón Y. Santiago Galar - 2017 - In José Garriga Zucal & Paul Hathazy, Sobre el sacrificio, el heroísmo y la violencia: aportes para comprender las lógicas de acción en las fuerzas de seguridad. Buenos Aires, Argentina: Octubre Editorial.
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  13. Housekeepers and Nannies in the Homework Economy: On the Morality and Politics of Paid Housework.Sabrina Holm - 2008 - In Rebecca Whisnant & Peggy DesAutels, Global Feminist Ethics: Feminist Ethics and Social Theory. Rowman & Littlefield.
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    (1 other version)Post-queer : pour une « approche trans-genre ».Patrick Cardon - 2009 - Diogène 225 (1):172-.
  15. Filosofía con niñxs y educación sexual integral.Sabrina Coscione Seid - 2020 - In Julián Macías & Florencia Sichel, En busca del sentido: cruces entre filosofía, infancia y educación. [Buenos Aires?]: TeseoPress Design.
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  16. Theories of understanding others: the need for a new account and the guiding role of the person model theory.Sabrina Coninx & Albert Newen - 2018 - Belgrade Philosophical Annual 31 (31):127-153.
    What would be an adequate theory of social understanding? In the last decade, the philosophical debate has focused on Theory Theory, Simulation Theory and Interaction Theory as the three possible candidates. In the following, we look carefully at each of these and describe its main advantages and disadvantages. Based on this critical analysis, we formulate the need for a new account of social understanding. We propose the Person Model Theory as an independent new account which has greater explanatory power compared (...)
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  17.  34
    The notorious neurophilosophy of pain: A family resemblance approach to idiosyncrasy and generalizability.Sabrina Coninx - 2021 - Mind and Language 38 (1):178-197.
    Pain continues to be one of the most controversial subjects in neurophilosophy. One focus of current debates is the apparent absence of an ideal brain‐based biomarker that could function as a coherent and distinct indicator for pain. One prominent reaction to this in the philosophical literature is scientific pain eliminativism. In this article, I argue for a non‐eliminative alternative that builds on family resemblances and provides a useful heuristic in the tradeoff between the idiosyncrasy of the neural processes corresponding to (...)
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  18. Effects of the Adult Attachment Projective Picture System on Oxytocin and Cortisol Blood Levels in Mothers.Sabrina Krause, Dan Pokorny, Katharina Schury, Cornelia Doyen-Waldecker, Anna-Lena Hulbert, Alexander Karabatsiakis, Iris-Tatjana Kolassa, Harald Gündel, Christiane Waller & Anna Buchheim - 2016 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 10.
  19.  57
    Individual differences in the perception of similarity and difference.Sabrina Simmons & Zachary Estes - 2008 - Cognition 108 (3):781-795.
  20. A multidimensional phenomenal space for pain: structure, primitiveness, and utility.Sabrina Coninx - 2021 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 21 (1):223-243.
    Pain is often used as the paradigmatic example of a phenomenal kind with a phenomenal quality common and unique to its instantiations. Philosophers have intensely discussed the relation between the subjective feeling, which unites pains and distinguishes them from other experiences, and the phenomenal properties of sensory, affective, and evaluative character along which pains typically vary. At the center of this discussion is the question whether the phenomenal properties prove necessary and/or sufficient for pain. In the empirical literature, sensory, affective, (...)
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  21.  28
    COVID-19 Highlighting Inequalities in Access to Healthcare in England: A Case Study of Ethnic Minority and Migrant Women.Sabrina Germain & Adrienne Yong - 2020 - Feminist Legal Studies 28 (3):301-310.
    Our commentary aims to show that the COVID-19 pandemic has amplified existing barriers to healthcare in England for ethnic minority and migrant women. We expose how the pandemic has affected the allocation of healthcare resources leading to the prioritisation of COVID-19 patients and suspending the equal access to healthcare services approach. We argue that we must look beyond this disruption in provision by examining existing barriers to access that have been amplified by the pandemic in order to understand the poorer (...)
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  22.  42
    Pondering the Ponderous: Are the “Moral Challenges” of Bariatric Surgery Morally Challenged?Sabrina Koperski & Beatrice A. Golomb - 2010 - American Journal of Bioethics 10 (12):24-26.
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  23.  55
    Lambda-calculus and combinators in the 20th century.Felice Cardone & J. Roger Hindley - 2009 - In Dov Gabbay, The Handbook of the History of Logic. Elsevier. pp. 5--723.
  24.  74
    Pain Linguistics: A Case for Pluralism.Sabrina Coninx, Pascale Willemsen & Kevin Https://Orcidorg Reuter - 2023 - Philosophical Quarterly 74 (1):145-168.
    The most common approach to understanding the semantics of the concept of pain is third-person thought experiments. By contrast, the most frequent and most relevant uses of the folk concept of pain are from a first-person perspective in conversational settings. In this paper, we use a set of linguistic tools to systematically explore the semantics of what people communicate when reporting pain from a first-person perspective. Our results suggest that only a pluralistic view can do justice to the way we (...)
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  25.  13
    Fearing the Black Body. The Racial Origins of Fat Phobia.Sabrina Strings - 2019 - New York University Press.
    Winner, 2020 Body and Embodiment Best Publication Award, given by the American Sociological Association Honorable Mention, 2020 Sociology of Sex and Gender Distinguished Book Award, given by the American Sociological Association How the female body has been racialized for over two hundred years There is an obesity epidemic in this country and poor Black women are particularly stigmatized as “diseased” and a burden on the public health care system. This is only the most recent incarnation of the fear of fat (...)
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  26. Experiencing Pain: A Scientific Enigma and its Philosophical Solution.Coninx Sabrina - 2020 - Berlin: De Gruyter.
    Although pain is one of the most fundamental and unique experiences we undergo in everyday life, it also constitutes one of the most enigmatic and frustrating subjects for many scientists. This book provides a detailed analysis of why this issue is grounded in the nature of pain itself. It also offers a philosophically driven solution of how we may still approach pain in a theoretically compelling and practically useful manner. Two main theses are defended: (i) Pain seems inscrutable because there (...)
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    Tailoring responsible research and innovation to the translational context: the case of AI-supported exergaming.Sabrina Blank, Celeste Mason, Frank Steinicke & Christian Herzog - 2024 - Ethics and Information Technology 26 (2):1-16.
    We discuss the implementation of Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) within a project for the development of an AI-supported exergame for assisted movement training, outline outcomes and reflect on methodological opportunities and limitations. We adopted the responsibility-by-design (RbD) standard (CEN CWA 17796:2021) supplemented by methods for collaborative, ethical reflection to foster and support a shift towards a culture of trustworthiness inherent to the entire development process. An embedded ethicist organised the procedure to instantiate a collaborative learning effort and implement RRI (...)
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    A Case for Shame in Character Education.Sabrina B. Little - 2023 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 42 (3):283-302.
    There are many reasons to worry about shame in moral development. Shame can be employed for bad ends, such as manipulation and making others feel powerless. Shame is often associated with denial and hiding behaviors, social phobia, and anxiety. It is also not a motivation suitable for performing virtuous actions. This article argues that, nevertheless, well-ordered shame plays an indispensable and constructive role, as part of a mixed-methods approach in the development of moral character. This article assesses various reasons why (...)
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    From a ‘memorable place’ to ‘drops in the ocean’: on the marginalization of women philosophers in German historiography of philosophy.Sabrina Ebbersmeyer - 2020 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 28 (3):442-462.
    This paper examines the striking absence of women philosophers from German historiography of philosophy during the nineteenth and early twentieth century. While the general topic has been considered before, additional documents and considerations are presented that will help us better understand the omission of women philosophers in the German context. Firstly, material is presented showing that women philosophers were widely discussed in Germany prior to 1800. These discussions stand sharply in contrast with the silence about women in subsequent general histories (...)
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  30.  23
    Literature, ethics, and aesthetics: applied Deleuze and Guattari.Sabrina Achilles - 2012 - New York: Palgrave-Macmillan.
    This book is a conceptualization of the literary aesthetic in relation to ethics, in particular, an ethics for a concern for the Self. Bringing Gilles Deleuze and Felix Guattari's constructivist thinking into a practical domain, Sabrina Achilles rethinks the ways in which literature is understood and taught. Through an interdisciplinary approach, literature is viewed from the position of a problem without any pre-given frame.
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    Philosophy as Passion for Knowledge: What Kind of History of Philosophy for the 21st Century?Sabrina Ebbersmeyer - 2024 - SATS 25 (2):113-131.
    This article is a slighty adapted version of my inaugural lecture as Professor of Philosophy presented on 21 June 2024 at the University of Copenhagen. Given my seniority and as the first woman ever to be appointed professor of philosophy at the University of Copenhagen, I decided to take this opportunity to address a broader and more fundamental topic: namely, what is philosophy, what role does philosophy play in today’s university systems, and what kind of history of philosophy do we (...)
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    Unpacking an affordance-based model of chronic pain: a video game analogy.Sabrina Coninx, B. Michael Ray & Peter Stilwell - forthcoming - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences:1-24.
    Chronic pain is one of the most disabling medical conditions globally, yet, to date, we lack a satisfying theoretical framework for research and clinical practice. Over the prior decades, several frameworks have been presented with biopsychosocial models as the most promising. However, in translation to clinical practice, these models are often applied in an overly reductionist manner, leaving much to be desired. In particular, they often fail to characterize the complexities and dynamics of the lived experience of chronic pain. Recently, (...)
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  33. Toponomastica E geografia. Riflessioni sull'argomento.Sabrina Pisanu - forthcoming - ACME: Annali della Facoltà di lettere e filosofia dell'Università degli studi di Milano.
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    Picture-Induced Semantic Interference Reflects Lexical Competition during Object Naming.Sabrina Aristei, Pienie Zwitserlood & Rasha Abdel Rahman - 2012 - Frontiers in Psychology 3.
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    Jan Berg, Die theoretische Philosophie Kants. Unter Berücksichtigung der Grundbegriffe seiner Ethik (= problemata, Bd. 155).Sabrina Bauer - 2016 - Philosophisches Jahrbuch 123 (2):575-577.
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    The collaborative dimensions of argument maps: A socio-visual approach.Sabrina Bresciani & Martin J. Eppler - 2018 - Semiotica 2018 (220):199-216.
    Name der Zeitschrift: Semiotica Jahrgang: 2018 Heft: 220 Seiten: 199-216.
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  37. Broken Lorentz Invariance and Metric Description of Interactions in a Deformed Minkowski Space.Fabio Cardone & Roberto Mignani - 1999 - Foundations of Physics 29 (11):1735-1783.
    We discuss the possible breakdown of Lorentz invariance—at distances greater than the Planck length—from both the theoretical and the phenomenological point of view. The theoretical tool to deal with such a problem is provided by a “deformation” of the Minkowski metric, with parameters dependent on the energy of the physical system considered. Such a deformed metric realizes, for any interaction, the “solidarity principle” between interactions and spacetime geometry (usually assumed for gravitation), according to which the peculiar features of every interaction (...)
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    Combining type disciplines.Felice Cardone, Mariangiola Dezani-Ciancaglini & Ugo de'Liguoro - 1994 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 66 (3):197-230.
    We present a type inference system for pure λ-calculus which includes, in addition to arrow types, also universal and existential type quantifiers, intersection and union types, and type recursion. The interest of this system lies in the fact that it offers a possibility to study in a unified framework a wide range of type constructors. We investigate the main syntactical properties of the system, including an analysis of the preservation of types under parallel reduction strategies, leading to a form of (...)
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    Le déploiement temporel des inégalités de genre dans le monde du journalisme.Vincent Cardon & Roharik - 2016 - Temporalités 23.
    L’analyse quantitative, à partir des données de la CCIJP, des inégalités de genre dans le journalisme, suppose d’orchestrer un jeu d’échelles temporelles complexe. Nous proposons de coupler la description des évolutions du marché du travail journalistique à une analyse longitudinale des carrières. La focale est ensuite placée sur les cheminements professionnels des membres d’une cohorte, celle des nouveaux entrants sur le marché du travail journalistique en 2000, et sur la manière dont ces derniers traversent les évolutions de la profession. La (...)
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    Sol et homo. Mensch und Natur in der Renaissance.Sabrina Ebbersmeyer (ed.) - 2008 - Fink.
    Sonne und Mensch, die laut Aristoteles den Menschen zeugen (Physica, II, 2, 194b), stehen stellvertretend für das weite Interessenspektrum, das Eckhardt Keßler als Forscher und akademischer Lehrer der Philosophie der Renaissance ebenso kompetent wie umsichtig erforscht und vermittelt. Mit den in diesem Band versammelten Beiträgen versuchen Freunde, Kollegen und Schüler Eckhardt Keßlers, seine wegweisenden Forschungen zu Humanismus, universitärer und außeruniversitärer Philosophie der Renaissance und der Frühen Neuzeit aufzugreifen und die Kenntnis der Geistesgeschichte der Epoche mit der dem Jubilar eigenen Akribie (...)
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    El exilio republicano bajo el prisma de la memoria de Juan Negrín.Sabrina Grillo - 2018 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 6 (2):73-78.
    El último jefe de gobierno republicano durante la guerra civil de España, Juan Negrín, tuvo que gestionar el exilio republicano. Consciente desde el otoño de 1938 de las debilidades de la República para vencer a los franquistas, inició un proceso cuya meta era usar parte de las riquezas de la República para subvenir a las necesidades de los refugiados en México. El exilio republicano a México ocasionó una división multilateral. Se exponen aquí algunos de los orígenes de las divisiones políticas (...)
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  42.  11
    Asimmetrie simmetriche: Leibniz nella Recherche.Sabrina Martina - 2019 - Firenze: Le Cáriti editore.
  43.  18
    Promoting Students’ Well-Being and Inclusion in Schools Through Digital Technologies: Perceptions of Students, Teachers, and School Leaders in Italy Expressed Through SELFIE Piloting Activities.Sabrina Panesi, Stefania Bocconi & Lucia Ferlino - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    Digital technology in its various forms is a significant component of our working environment and lifestyles. However, there is a broad difference between using digital technologies in everyday life and employing them in formal education. Digital technologies have largely untapped potential for improving education and fostering students’ well-being and inclusion at school. To bring this to fruition, systemic and coordinated actions involving the whole school community are called for. To help schools exploit the full range of opportunities digital technologies offer (...)
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  44. European animal protection.Sabrina Tonutti - 2013 - In Andrew Linzey & Desmond Tutu, The global guide to animal protection. Urbana, Illinois: University of Illinois Press.
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    (1 other version)La dimensión territorial en la frontera sur del Virreinato del Río de la Plata: las expediciones hacia las Salinas Grandes en la época tardocolonialThe territorial dimension of the southern frontier of the Viceroyalty of the Río de la Plata: the expeditions to the Salinas Grandes during the late colonial time.Sabrina Lorena Vollweiler - 2018 - Corpus: Archivos virtuales de la alteridad americana.
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    Forschungsthema Sakralarchitektur – zur Einleitung.Sabrina Weiß & Peter J. Bräunlein - 2020 - Zeitschrift für Religionswissenschaft 28 (1):1-38.
    Zusammenfassung Der einleitende Beitrag der Schwerpunktausgabe behandelt die Konjunkturen des Themas Religion und Architektur innerhalb der religionswissenschaftlichen Forschung der vergangenen Jahrzehnte. Ausgangspunkt ist die Beobachtung, dass Architektur in der religionswissenschaftlichen Fachgeschichte zwar immer wieder Gegenstand theoretischer Ansätze und methodischer Überlegungen war, aber bisher keine umfassende religionswissenschaftliche Methodologie zu diesem Gegenstand entwickelt worden ist und Architektur als solche nach wie vor als religionswissenschaftliche Quelle ein Desiderat darstellt. Vielmehr fungierte religiöse Architektur in den jüngsten Debatten zu raum- oder migrationsbezogenen Themen als Blaupause. (...)
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    Handlungsorientierte Didaktik in der Religionswissenschaft – Von den Zielen zu den Methoden.Sabrina Weiß & Martin Radermacher - 2015 - Zeitschrift für Religionswissenschaft 23 (2):371-396.
    Name der Zeitschrift: Zeitschrift für Religionswissenschaft Jahrgang: 23 Heft: 2 Seiten: 371-396.
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    “Whose Science? Whose Fiction?” Uncanny Echoes of Belonging in Samosata.Sabrina M. Weiss & Alexander I. Stingl - 2015 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 35 (3-4):59-66.
    This is the first of two special issues and the articles are grouped according to two themes: This first issue will feature articles that share a theme we call Technologies and the Political, while the second issue will feature the theme Subjectivities. However, we could equally consider them exercises in provincialization in the (counter)factual register in the first issue, and by affective historiography as conceptual-empirical labor(atory) in the second issue. What we have generally asked of all authors is to consider (...)
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    Variations in Virtue Phenomenology.Sabrina Little - 2024 - Journal of Value Inquiry 58 (4):681-700.
    The virtue development literature often draws on the language of goal-directed automaticity and flow states in discussions of virtue. This article examines the attentional features of various virtues and argues that only some virtuous actions can be adequately described in these terms. It proposes a distinction between three kinds of virtuous actions—flow state actions, deliberative actions, and presence actions—which have varying attentional features, bodily reliance, and conscious reasoning in virtue performance. Then the article motivates these distinctions as important, describing how (...)
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    Involuntary Entry Into Consciousness From the Activation of Sets: Object Counting and Color Naming.Sabrina Bhangal, Christina Merrick, Hyein Cho & Ezequiel Morsella - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9:356070.
    High-level cognitions can enter consciousness through the activation of certain action sets and the presentation of external stimuli (“set-based entry,” for short). Set-based entry arises in a manner that is involuntary and systematic. In the Reflexive Imagery Task, for example, subjects are presented with visual objects and instructed to not think of the names of the objects. Involuntary subvocalizations arise on roughly 80% of the trials. We examined whether or not set-based entry can also occur in the case of involuntary (...)
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