Results for 'Sabina Ohri'

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  1.  17
    Price and the Demand for Nongroup Health Insurance.David Auerbach & Sabina Ohri - 2006 - Inquiry: The Journal of Health Care Organization, Provision, and Financing 43 (2):122-134.
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  2. Valuing Freedoms: Sen's Capability Approach and Poverty Reduction.Sabina Alkire - 2002 - Oxford University Press.
    Sabina Alkire shows how Nobel Prize-winning economist Amartya Sen's capability approach can be coherently---and practically---put to work in poverty reduction activities so that the voices and values of the poor matter. This provides economists, philosophers, theologians, and development practitioners with a way forward that addresses both theoretical and practical challenges.
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    How Efficient Are Emotional Intelligence Trainings: A Meta-Analysis.Sabina Hodzic, Jana Scharfen, Pilar Ripoll, Heinz Holling & Franck Zenasni - 2017 - Emotion Review 10 (2):138-148.
    This multilevel meta-analysis examines whether emotional intelligence can be enhanced through training and identifies training effects’ determinants. We identified 24 studies containing 28 samples aiming at increasing individual-level EI among healthy adults. The results revealed a significant moderate standardized mean change between pre- and post-measurement for the main effect of EI training, and a stable pre- to follow-up effect. Additionally, the type of EI model, dimensions of the four branch model, length, and type of publication turned out to be significant (...)
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    Ethical Formation.Sabina Lovibond - 2002 - Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press.
    Sabina Lovibond invites her readers to see how the "practical reason view of ethics" can survive challenges from within philosophy and from the antirationalist postmodern critique of reason. She elaborates and defends a modern practical-reason view of ethics by focusing on virtue or ideal states of character that involve sensitivity to the objective reasons circumstances bring into play. At the heart of her argument is the Aristotelian idea of the formation of character through upbringing; these ancient ideas can be (...)
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    Realism and imagination in ethics.Sabina Lovibond - 1983 - Oxford, England: Blackwell.
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  6. Journeying sovereignties: ritual travelling and networks of power in a West Himalayan kingdom.Lokesh Ohri - 2020 - In Jürgen Schaflechner & Christoph Bergmann, Ritual journeys in South Asia: constellations and contestations of mobility and space. Abingdon, Oxon ; New York, NY: Routledge.
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    Bio-ontologies as tools for integration in biology.Sabina Leonelli - 2008 - Biological Theory 3 (1):7-11.
  8. Re-thinking organisms: The impact of databases on model organism biology.Sabina Leonelli & Rachel A. Ankeny - 2012 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 43 (1):29-36.
    Community databases have become crucial to the collection, ordering and retrieval of data gathered on model organisms, as well as to the ways in which these data are interpreted and used across a range of research contexts. This paper analyses the impact of community databases on research practices in model organism biology by focusing on the history and current use of four community databases: FlyBase, Mouse Genome Informatics, WormBase and The Arabidopsis Information Resource. We discuss the standards used by the (...)
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  9.  56
    Data-Centric Biology: A Philosophical Study.Sabina Leonelli - 2016 - London: University of Chicago Press.
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    Sabina Lovibond on Wittgenstein.Sabina Lovibond - 1997 - Women’s Philosophy Review 17:72-73.
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    What difference does quantity make? On the epistemology of Big Data in biology.Sabina Leonelli - 2014 - Big Data and Society 1 (1):2053951714534395.
    Is Big Data science a whole new way of doing research? And what difference does data quantity make to knowledge production strategies and their outputs? I argue that the novelty of Big Data science does not lie in the sheer quantity of data involved, but rather in the prominence and status acquired by data as commodity and recognised output, both within and outside of the scientific community and the methods, infrastructures, technologies, skills and knowledge developed to handle data. These developments (...)
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  12. Classificatory Theory in Data-intensive Science: The Case of Open Biomedical Ontologies.Sabina Leonelli - 2012 - International Studies in the Philosophy of Science 26 (1):47 - 65.
    Knowledge-making practices in biology are being strongly affected by the availability of data on an unprecedented scale, the insistence on systemic approaches and growing reliance on bioinformatics and digital infrastructures. What role does theory play within data-intensive science, and what does that tell us about scientific theories in general? To answer these questions, I focus on Open Biomedical Ontologies, digital classification tools that have become crucial to sharing results across research contexts in the biological and biomedical sciences, and argue that (...)
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  13. (1 other version)Realism and Imagination in Ethics.Sabina Lovibond - 1983 - Philosophy 59 (230):541-542.
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  14. Relativizing the A Priori By Way of Reflective Judgement.Sabina Vaccarino Bremner - 2023 - Kantian Review 28 (3):355-372.
    An influential strand in philosophy of science claims that scientific paradigms can be understood as relativized a priori frameworks. Here, Kant’s constitutive a priori principles are no longer held to establish conditions of possibility for knowledge which are unchanging and universally true, but are restricted only to a given scientific domain. Yet it is unclear how exactly a relativized a priori can be construed as both stable and dynamical, establishing foundations for current scientific claims while simultaneously making intelligible the transition (...)
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  15. What Counts as Scientific Data? A Relational Framework.Sabina Leonelli - 2015 - Philosophy of Science 82 (5):810-821.
    This paper proposes an account of scientific data that makes sense of recent debates on data-driven and ‘big data’ research, while also building on the history of data production and use particularly within biology. In this view, ‘data’ is a relational category applied to research outputs that are taken, at specific moments of inquiry, to provide evidence for knowledge claims of interest to the researchers involved. They do not have truth-value in and of themselves, nor can they be seen as (...)
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  16. Culture and the Unity of Kant's Critique of Judgment.Sabina Vaccarino Bremner - 2022 - Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie 104 (2):367-402.
    This paper claims that Kant’s conception of culture provides a new means of understanding how the two parts of the Critique of Judgment fit together. Kant claims that culture is both the ‘ultimate purpose’ of nature and to be defined in terms of ‘art in general’ (of which the fine arts are a subtype). In the Critique of Teleological Judgment, culture, as the last empirically cognizable telos of nature, serves as the mediating link between nature and freedom, while in the (...)
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  17. On the locality of data and claims about phenomena.Sabina Leonelli - 2009 - Philosophy of Science 76 (5):737-749.
    Bogen and Woodward characterized data as embedded in the context in which they are produced (‘local’) and claims about phenomena as retaining their significance beyond that context (‘nonlocal’). This view does not fit sciences such as biology, which successfully disseminate data via packaging processes that include appropriate labels, vehicles, and human interventions. These processes enhance the evidential scope of data and ensure that claims about phenomena are understood in the same way across research communities. I conclude that the degree of (...)
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  18.  42
    Documenting the emergence of bio-ontologies: or, why researching bioinformatics requires HPSSB.Sabina Leonelli - 2010 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 32 (1).
  19.  44
    How they made us believe their truths: Monumental art in public spaces before and after the fall of communism (the case of Slovakia).Sabína Jankovičová & Magda Petrjánošová - 2011 - Human Affairs 21 (4):367-381.
    This paper is concerned with monumental art in Slovakia before and after the fall of Communism in 1989. Generally, art in public spaces is important, because it influences the knowledge and feelings the people who use this space have about the past and the present, and thus influences the shared social construction of who we are as a social group. In this article we concentrate on the period of Communism and the formal and iconographic aspects that were essential to art (...)
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    Il "credo" di Simone Weil.Sabina Moser - 2013 - Firenze: Le lettere.
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    Gendering inequalities: the case of Irish women.Sabina Sharkey - 1993 - Paragraph 16 (1):5-22.
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  22. What distinguishes data from models?Sabina Leonelli - 2019 - European Journal for Philosophy of Science 9 (2):22.
    I propose a framework that explicates and distinguishes the epistemic roles of data and models within empirical inquiry through consideration of their use in scientific practice. After arguing that Suppes’ characterization of data models falls short in this respect, I discuss a case of data processing within exploratory research in plant phenotyping and use it to highlight the difference between practices aimed to make data usable as evidence and practices aimed to use data to represent a specific phenomenon. I then (...)
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  23. Re-Thinking Reproducibility as a Criterion for Research Quality.Sabina Leonelli - 2018 - Research in the History of Economic Thought and Methodology 36 (B):129-146.
    A heated debate surrounds the significance of reproducibility as an indicator for research quality and reliability, with many commentators linking a "crisis of reproducibility" to the rise of fraudulent, careless and unreliable practices of knowledge production. Through the analysis of discourse and practices across research fields, I point out that reproducibility is not only interpreted in different ways, but also serves a variety of epistemic functions depending on the research at hand. Given such variation, I argue that the uncritical pursuit (...)
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    There Is More to Mindfulness Than Emotion Regulation: A Study on Brain Structural Networks.Sabina Baltruschat, Antonio Cándido, Antonio Maldonado, Carmen Verdejo-Lucas, Elvira Catena-Verdejo & Andrés Catena - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Dispositional mindfulness and emotion regulation are two psychological constructs closely interrelated, and both appear to improve with the long-term practice of mindfulness meditation. These constructs appear to be related to subcortical, prefrontal, and posterior brain areas involved in emotional processing, cognitive control, self-awareness, and mind wandering. However, no studies have yet discerned the neural basis of dispositional mindfulness that are minimally associated with emotion regulation. In the present study, we use a novel brain structural network analysis approach to study the (...)
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  25. Concepts and Measures of Agency.Sabina Alkire - 2008 - In Kaushik Basu & Ravi Kanbur, Arguments for a Better World: Essays in Honor of Amartya Sen: Volume I: Ethics, Welfare, and Measurement and Volume Ii: Society, Institutions, and Development. Oxford University Press.
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  26. Concepts and Measures of Agency.Sabina Alkire - 2008 - In Kaushik Basu & Ravi Kanbur, Arguments for a Better World: Essays in Honor of Amartya Sen: Volume I: Ethics, Welfare, and Measurement and Volume Ii: Society, Institutions, and Development. Oxford University Press.
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  27.  48
    Data Journeys in the Sciences.Sabina Leonelli & Niccolò Tempini (eds.) - 2020 - Springer.
    This groundbreaking, open access volume analyses and compares data practices across several fields through the analysis of specific cases of data journeys. It brings together leading scholars in the philosophy, history and social studies of science to achieve two goals: tracking the travel of data across different spaces, times and domains of research practice; and documenting how such journeys affect the use of data as evidence and the knowledge being produced. The volume captures the opportunities, challenges and concerns involved in (...)
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  28. Performing abstraction: Two ways of modelling arabidopsis thaliana.Sabina Leonelli - 2008 - Biology and Philosophy 23 (4):509-528.
    What is the best way to analyse abstraction in scientific modelling? I propose to focus on abstracting as an epistemic activity, which is achieved in different ways and for different purposes depending on the actual circumstances of modelling and the features of the models in question. This is in contrast to a more conventional use of the term ‘abstract’ as an attribute of models, which I characterise as black-boxing the ways in which abstraction is performed and to which epistemological advantage. (...)
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  29. Anthropology as critique: Foucault, Kant and the metacritical tradition.Sabina F. Vaccarino Bremner - 2020 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 28 (2):336-358.
    While increasing attention has been paid in recent years to the relation between Foucault’s conception of critique and Kant’s, much controversy remains over whether Foucault’s most sustained early engagement with Kant, his dissertation on Kant’s Anthropology, should be read as a wholesale rejection of Kant’s views or as the source of Foucault’s late return to ethics and critique. In this paper, I propose a new reading of the dissertation, considering it alongside 1950s-era archival materials of which I advance the first (...)
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  30.  42
    How Does One “Open” Science? Questions of Value in Biological Research.Sabina Leonelli & Nadine Levin - 2017 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 42 (2):280-305.
    Open Science policies encourage researchers to disclose a wide range of outputs from their work, thus codifying openness as a specific set of research practices and guidelines that can be interpreted and applied consistently across disciplines and geographical settings. In this paper, we argue that this “one-size-fits-all” view of openness sidesteps key questions about the forms, implications, and goals of openness for research practice. We propose instead to interpret openness as a dynamic and highly situated mode of valuing the research (...)
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  31.  47
    Philosophy of Open Science.Sabina Leonelli - unknown
    In response to broad transformations brought about by the digitalization, globalization, and commodification of research processes, the Open Science [OS] movement aims to foster the wide dissemination, scrutiny and re-use of research components for the good of science and society. This Element examines the role played by OS principles and practices within contemporary research and how this relates to the epistemology of science. After reviewing some of the concerns that have prompted calls for more openness, I highlight how the interpretation (...)
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  32. When Responsibilities Conflict: a Natural Law Analysis of Debt Forgiveness, Poverty Reduction, and Economic Stability.Sabina Alkire - 2001 - Studies in Christian Ethics 14 (1):65-80.
  33.  10
    Kulturkritische Debatten um die neusachliche Moderne.Sabina Becker - 2007 - Zeitschrift für Kulturphilosophie 2007 (2):48-60.
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  34. Decoding Dominant Narratives on Montenegro in the German Press - A Corpus-Driven Analysis (2016-2023).Sabina Vanni Osmanovic - 2025 - Corpus 26 (26).
    Dans le contexte d’une révision de l’élargissement de l’UE aux Balkans, la couverture médiatique du Monténégro, l’un des principaux acteurs de ce processus, dans la presse allemande est devenue plus présente ces dernières années. Cette recherche a pour but d’explorer les représentations du Monténégro dans quatre journaux allemands de premier plan. La contribution propose une approche d’analyse de données textuelles appliquée à un corpus composé d’articles consacrés au Monténégro entre 2016 et 2023. Grâce à des méthodes statistiques de texte telles (...)
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    Classificatory Theory in Biology.Sabina Leonelli - 2013 - Biological Theory 7 (4):338-345.
    Scientific classification has long been recognized as involving a specific style of reasoning and doing research, and as occasionally affecting the development of scientific theories. However, the role played by classificatory activities in generating theories has not been closely investigated within the philosophy of science. I argue that classificatory systems can themselves become a form of theory, which I call classificatory theory, when they come to formalize and express the scientific significance of the elements being classified. This is particularly evident (...)
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    (1 other version)When language bites.Sabina Tabacaru - 2017 - Pragmatics and Cognition 24 (2):186-211.
    This article focuses onsarcasm, for which the definitions have often been loose and confusing, integrating it into the concept ofirony. My approach is based on a large corpus of examples taken from two contemporary television-series, which help identify the wide range of linguistic processes at the core of sarcastic utterances. I present a quantitative and descriptive analysis of the main processes found in two American television-series:House M.D.andThe Big Bang Theory. The results show the intricate meanings created in sarcasm through various (...)
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  37. Integrating data to acquire new knowledge: Three modes of integration in plant science.Sabina Leonelli - 2013 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 44 (4):503-514.
    This paper discusses what it means and what it takes to integrate data in order to acquire new knowledge about biological entities and processes. Maureen O’Malley and Orkun Soyer have pointed to the scientific work involved in data integration as important and distinct from the work required by other forms of integration, such as methodological and explanatory integration, which have been more successful in captivating the attention of philosophers of science. Here I explore what data integration involves in more detail (...)
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  38.  14
    Repeat Traffic Offenders Improve Their Performance in Risky Driving Situations and Have Fewer Accidents Following a Mindfulness-Based Intervention.Sabina Baltruschat, Laura Mas-Cuesta, Antonio Cándido, Antonio Maldonado, Carmen Verdejo-Lucas, Elvira Catena-Verdejo & Andrés Catena - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    Risky decision-making is highly influenced by emotions and can lead to fatal consequences. Attempts to reduce risk-taking include the use of mindfulness-based interventions, which have shown promising results for both emotion regulation and risk-taking. However, it is still unclear whether improved emotion regulation is the mechanism responsible for reduced risk-taking. In the present study, we explore the effect of a 5-week MBI on risky driving in a group of repeat traffic offenders by comparing them with non-repeat offenders and repeat offenders (...)
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  39.  18
    Parole e testi : l’esperienza di un atlante.Sabina Canobbio - 2013 - Corpus 12:39-60.
    Il contributo propone alcune riflessioni maturate nel cantiere di ricerca per l’Atlante linguistico ed etnografico del Piemonte occidentale (ALEPO), lavorando dunque prima alla raccolta, poi all’elaborazione di un corpus di dati complesso e imponente, destinato a un oggetto scientifico peculiare qual è un atlante. Alla luce delle prime pubblicazioni dell’ALEPO è possibile tentare un bilancio delle scelte che hanno guidato la ricerca e iniziare a leggerne i risultati. Per quanto riguarda le prospettive di sviluppo nel trattamento e nella presentazione dei (...)
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  40.  13
    La voce: sonorità e pensiero alle origini della cultura europea.Sabina Crippa - 2015 - Milano: Edizioni Unicopli.
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    Bürgerkriege erzählen: zum Verlauf unziviler Konflikte.Sabina Ferhadbegović & Brigitte Weiffen (eds.) - 2011 - Konstanz: Konstanz University Press.
  42.  65
    Ethical models underpinning responses to threats to public health: A comparison of approaches to communicable disease control in europe.Sabina Gainotti, Nicola Moran, Carlo Petrini & Darren Shickle - 2008 - Bioethics 22 (9):466-476.
    Increases in international travel and migratory flows have enabled infectious diseases to emerge and spread more rapidly than ever before. Hence, it is increasingly easy for local infectious diseases to become global infectious diseases (GIDs). National governments must be able to react quickly and effectively to GIDs, whether naturally occurring or intentionally instigated by bioterrorism. According to the World Health Organisation, global partnerships are necessary to gather the most up-to-date information and to mobilize resources to tackle GIDs when necessary. Communicable (...)
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  43. Eseje.Sabina Lewi - 1998 - Jerozolima: Nakł. własnym.
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    J. Chasin e a determinação ontonegativa da politicidade.Sabina Maura Silva - forthcoming - Verinotio – Revista on-line de Filosofia e Ciências Humanas.
    O presente texto tem por objetivo expor a tematização de J. Chasin acerca da natureza da política em Karl Marx. Segundo Chasin, a crítica marxiana à política tem caráter ontológico, permitindo conhecer o significado maior do ideário marxiano: a distinção necessária entre revolução política e emancipação humana. Tema de fundo que permeia diretamente os propósitos marxianos de revolver e transformar a anatomia da sociedade civil na direção da emancipação humana. Em outras palavras, segundo Chasin, a problemática nodal do pensamento marxiano (...)
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    A Social Interpolation Model of Group Problem‐Solving.Sabina J. Sloman, Robert L. Goldstone & Cleotilde Gonzalez - 2021 - Cognitive Science 45 (12):e13066.
    How do people use information from others to solve complex problems? Prior work has addressed this question by placing people in social learning situations where the problems they were asked to solve required varying degrees of exploration. This past work uncovered important interactions between groups' connectivity and the problem's complexity: the advantage of less connected networks over more connected networks increased as exploration was increasingly required for optimally solving the problem at hand. We propose the Social Interpolation Model (SIM), an (...)
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    Reply to McNaughton and Rawling (paper from the 2003 session, naturalism and normativity by David McNaughton and Piers Rawling, and Sabina lovibond).Sabina Lovibond - 2004 - Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 104 (2):185–201.
  47.  89
    The Time of Data: Timescales of Data Use in the Life Sciences.Sabina Leonelli - 2018 - Philosophy of Science 85 (5):741-754.
    This article considers the temporal dimension of data processing and use and the ways in which it affects the production and interpretation of knowledge claims. I start by distinguishing the time at which data collection, dissemination, and analysis occur from the time in which the phenomena for which data serve as evidence operate. Building on the analysis of two examples of data reuse from modeling and experimental practices in biology, I then argue that Dt affects how researchers select and interpret (...)
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  48.  9
    Introduction: Towards Responsible Plant Data Linkage.Sabina Leonelli & Hugh F. Williamson - 2022 - In Hugh F. Williamson & Sabina Leonelli, Towards Responsible Plant Data Linkage: Data Challenges for Agricultural Research and Development. Springer Verlag. pp. 1-24.
    This chapter provides a framing for this volume by reviewing the significance and the organisational, technical and social opportunities and challenges related to plant data linkage. We review what “responsible practice” means in relation to the plant environments being documented, the infrastructures used to circulate data, the institutions involved in data governance and the communities involved in plant data work. We show how, across these domains, responsible plant data linkage involves consideration of technical, legal, ethical and conceptual dimensions, thereby: (1) (...)
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    Engenderings: Constructions of Knowledge, Authority and Privilege.Sabina Lovibond & Naomi Scheman - 1995 - Philosophical Review 104 (3):460.
  50. Working towards a new psychiatry - neuroscience, technology and the DSM-5.Sabina Alam, Jigisha Patel & James Giordano - 2012 - Philosophy, Ethics, and Humanities in Medicine 7:1-.
    This Editorial introduces the thematic series on 'Toward a New Psychiatry: Philosophical and Ethical Issues in Classification, Diagnosis and Care'
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