Results for 'S. Maggi'

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  1.  17
    ‘I’m Gonna Speak for Me’ I-Poems and the Situated Knowledges of Sex Workers.Maggie Buckridge, Jules Lowman & Chrysanthi S. Leon - 2022 - Ethics and Social Welfare 16 (2):214-218.
    In academic and political spaces, as well as in the dominant culture in the United States, sex workers are granted little authority, and their lived experiences are not privileged as a form of valuable knowledge. As feminist scholars, we seek to counter this pattern by highlighting the situated knowledges and agency of sex workers in the United States. To do so, we share the words of sex workers through I-poems. I-poems are a form of poetic inquiry and a method for (...)
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    Il ruolo della carnitina nel diabete di tipo 2.S. Maggi & G. Crepaldi - 2010 - Fenomenologia. Diálogos Possíveis Campinas: Alínea/Goiânia: Editora da Puc Goiás 3 (2):8-8.
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    Is canceling a sponsor's message censhorship?Maggie Jones Patterson - 2008 - Journal of Mass Media Ethics 23 (4):308 – 312.
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    Gender and the Italian Stage: From the Renaissance to the Present Day.Maggie Günsberg - 1997 - Cambridge University Press.
    Maggie Günsberg explores the intersection between gender portrayal and other social categories of class, age and the family in the Italian theatre from the Renaissance to the present day. She examines the developing relationship between patriarchal strategies and the formal properties of the dramatic genre such as plot, comedy and realism. She also considers conventions specific to drama in performance, including images of both femininity and masculinity. An interdisciplinary approach, drawing on semiotics, psychoanalysis, philosophy, theories of spectatorship and dramatic theory (...)
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    King's College London: A Devolved Research Ethics System.Maggie Newton - 2009 - Research Ethics 5 (3):112-113.
  6. Consistency effects in the generation of past tense morphology.Mark S. Seidenberg & Maggie Bruck - 1990 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 28 (6):522-522.
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  7. 51 Women's Experience Revisited: the Challenge of the Darker Sister* Jacquelyn Grant.Maggie Kim - 1999 - In Eleonore Stump & Michael J. Murray, Philosophy of Religion: The Big Questions. Malden, Mass.: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 6--467.
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    Too Close to the Knives: Children's Rights, Parental Authority, and Best Interests in the Context of Elective Pediatric Surgeries.Maggie Taylor - 2018 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 28 (3):281-308.
    This paper advances a novel conception of the child’s best interest in regard to pediatric surgeries that do not promote the preventive or therapeutic health needs of children, or elective pediatric surgeries (EPS). First, children’s capacity for decision-making is examined, and the best decision-making model for EPS is identified as the Best Interest Standard. What follows is a discussion of the interests of children in the context of EPS, the correlation of fundamental interests to rights, and guidelines for weighing children’s (...)
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    Care and Critique.Maggie Ann Labinski - 2018 - Epoché: A Journal for the History of Philosophy 23 (1):59-84.
    This paper explores the moments of overlap between Augustine’s pedagogical approach in De magistro and feminist theories of care. I argue that Augustine not only offers a useful model for those who wish to reclaim the centrality of students within education. He also encourages us to critique the narrative that women are more ‘naturally’ suited for caring relationships. I conclude by outlining the benefits of such critique. What do we gain when we allow a diversity of gendered experiences to inform (...)
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    Pedagogical Pleasures: Augustine in the Feminist Classroom.Maggie A. Labinski - 2017 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 51 (1):281-297.
    Many feminist philosophers of education have argued that the teacher's pleasure plays an important role in the classroom. However, accessing such pleasure is often easier said than done. Given our current academic climate, how might teachers develop pedagogical practices that cultivate these delights? This article investigates the (rather surprising) response to this question offered in Augustine's De catechizandis rudibus. Despite his reputation as a pleasure-hater, Augustine spends the majority of his text defending the delights of teaching. In particular, Augustine argues (...)
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    Information Technology and the Language of Education.Maggie McBride & Kathryn Ross Wayne - 1998 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 18 (5):365-373.
    In this article, the authors explore the interaction of language and culture through a metaphorical analysis of the ideas written of in Gregory Stock's book, Metaman, as well as explain how education shares the implicit assumptions of Metaman, thus perpetuating and strengthening a modern-day discourse that embeds a technological manifest destiny enveloped in deficiency as a guiding metaphor.
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    Case-marking systems evolve to be easy to learn and process.Maggie Tallerman - 2008 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 31 (5):534-535.
    Christiansen & Chater (C&C) suggest that language is itself an evolutionary system, and that natural languages to be easy to learn and process. The tight economy of the world's case-marking systems lends support to this hypothesis. Only two major case systems occur, cross-linguistically, and noun phrases are seldom overtly case-marked wherever zero-marking would be functionally practical.
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    The harm threshold and Mill’s harm principle.Maggie Taylor - 2024 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 45 (1):5-23.
    The Harm Threshold (HT) holds that the state may interfere in medical decisions parents make on their children’s behalf only when those decisions are likely to cause serious harm to the child. Such a high bar for intervention seems incompatible with both parental obligations and the state’s role in protecting children’s well-being. In this paper, I assess the theoretical underpinnings for the HT, focusing on John Stuart Mill’s Harm Principle as its most plausible conceptual foundation. I offer (i) a novel, (...)
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    Violence and Care: Fanon and the Ethics of Care on Harm, Trauma, and Repair.Maggie FitzGerald - 2022 - Philosophies 7 (3):64.
    According to Frantz Fanon, the psychological and social-political are deeply intertwined in the colonial context. Psychologically, the colonizers perceive the colonized as inferior and the colonized internalize this in an inferiority complex. This psychological reality is co-constitutive of and by material relations of power—the imaginary of inferiority both creates and is created by colonial relations of power. It is also in this context that violence takes on significant political import: violence deployed by the colonized to rebel against these colonial relations (...)
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  15.  36
    SNAP, campus food insecurity, and the politics of deservingness.Maggie Dickinson - 2022 - Agriculture and Human Values 39 (2):605-616.
    Many low-income college students are barred from food assistance for no reason other than the fact that they are pursuing a college education. Based on 22 interviews that capture the experiences of food insecure college students as they attempt to navigate SNAP, this study shows how low enrollment in the program and food insecurity are the predictable outcomes of policy decisions intended to restrict access to both free public higher education and public assistance in the 1980’s and 1990’s and were (...)
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    Space dust: Your tax dollars at work.Koerth-Baker Maggie - unknown
    Basic research is often weird, and it's often boring. It's the years spent mapping the neurons of zebra fish, so that future scientists can have a more detailed biological model to work with. It's the chemical analysis that has to happen, so that two decades from now somebody else can discover a new cancer-fighting drug. Basic research is about curiosity, and knowledge for knowledge's sake. By it's very nature, basic research relies on public funding. But by it's very nature, it's (...)
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  17.  10
    On freedom: four songs of care and constraint.Maggie Nelson - 2021 - Minneapolis, Minnesota: Graywolf Press.
    So often deployed as a jingoistic, even menacing rallying cry, or limited by a focus on passing moments of liberation, the rhetoric of freedom both rouses and repels. Does it remain key to autonomy, justice, and well-being, or is freedom's long star turn coming to a close? Does a continued obsession with it enliven and emancipate, or reflect a deepening nihilism (or both)? On Freedom examines such questions by tracing the concept's complexities in four realms: art, sex, drugs, and climate. (...)
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    Aspetti psicologici e cognitivi del piede diabetico.A. Marseglia, T. De Sanctis, E. Brocco & S. Maggi - 2011 - Fenomenologia. Diálogos Possíveis Campinas: Alínea/Goiânia: Editora da Puc Goiás 4 (1):4-6.
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    Beauty and Woolf.Maggie Humm - 2006 - Feminist Theory 7 (2):237-254.
    This essay argues that feminist theory has focused, in the main and for too long, on theories of the body, in a legitimate reaction to a Western masculine coupling of beauty with a female or idealized maternal body and the sublime with male creativity. In consequence, there are few productive feminist accounts of female or maternal beauty. However, Virginia Woolf’s writings about beauty, mothers and the body, if read through the lens of post-Lacanian theory - particularly the work of Luce (...)
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  20.  53
    Conceptual challenges to the harm threshold.Maggie Taylor - 2019 - Bioethics 34 (5):502-508.
    Children are presumptively regarded as incompetent to make their own medical decisions, and the responsibility for making such decisions typically falls to parents. Parental authority is not unlimited, however, and ethical guidelines identifying appropriate bounds on this authority are needed. One proposal currently gaining support is the Harm Threshold (HT), which asserts that the state may only legitimately intervene in parental decision-making when serious and preventable harm to children is likely. This paper considers two questions: in virtue of what underlying (...)
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  21.  13
    Difficult, Difficult, Lemon, Difficult.Maggie Taylor - 2024 - Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics 14 (1):28-30.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Difficult, Difficult, Lemon, DifficultMaggie TaylorI like to joke that my husband is a lemon—he suffers from manufacturing defects that prevent his body from functioning as intended. Illnesses other 40-somethings recover from quickly are things that land him in the hospital for weeks on end. So, it was no surprise last year that an epileptic seizure led to aspiration pneumonia, admission to the lCU, intubation, multisystem organ failure, and a (...)
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    Book Reviews : Feminist Research: Mary Maynard and June Purvis (eds) Researching Women's Lives from a Feminist Perspective London: Taylor and Francis, 1994, 217 pp., ISBN 0-7484-01539. [REVIEW]Maggie Humm - 1995 - European Journal of Women's Studies 2 (2):282-284.
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    Britton Elliott Brooks, Restoring Creation. The Natural World in the Anglo-Saxon Saints’ Lives of Cuthbert and Guthlac, Nature and Environment in the Middle Ages, Cambridge, D.S. Brewer, 2019, pp. 315., ISBN: 9781843845300. Cloth: £70. [REVIEW]Maggie Heeschen - 2020 - Revista Española de Filosofía Medieval 27 (1):176-179.
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  24. Easy for You to Say.Maggie O’Brien - 2022 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 100 (3):429-442.
    ABSTRACT This paper argues that the retort ‘easy for you to say’ is a complaint about the target’s standing, but that it invokes a standing norm that is unjustified. Moreover, I argue that in many cases the person for whom it is ‘easy to say’ should speak.
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  25.  11
    L'apostasia del molteplice nel trattato Sui numeri di Plotino.Claudia Maggi - 2013 - Elenchos 34 (1):95-126.
    The Treatise On Numbers develops a typical Plotinian inquiry about oneness and intelligible plurality, in which the analysis is based on the problem of the infinite inside the intelligible realm, as it seems to be presented in the socalled generation of numbers in Plato's Parmenides, where numbers are linked to Being, identified by Plotinus with the hypostasis of Intellect, and produce a process of unlimited division. In order to avoid this interpretation, Plotinus finds in other Plato's dialogues the proof that (...)
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  26.  4
    Manières de penser, manières d'agir en éducation et en formation.Bruno Maggi (ed.) - 2000 - Paris: Presses Universitaires de France - PUF.
    Penser aux manières de penser : voici l'enjeu de cet ouvrage. En éducation et en formation, comme dans bien d'autres domaines concernant les sciences humaines et sociales, on admet qu'il existe différentes visions d'ensemble, différentes représentations du sujet d'étude. Le propos de cet ouvrage est d'amorcer un nouvel exercice, afin de s'interroger sur l'utilité de mettre en perspective les manières de penser et les manières d'agir. Des manières de penser sont sous-jacentes à toute forme d'éducation et de formation. Elles influencent (...)
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    The Plotinian Rethinking of Dyad and Numbers in Ennead VI 6.Claudia Maggi - 2013 - Chôra 11:79-89.
    The aim of this paper is to show how some passages in the treatise VI 6 of the Enneads could be considered a Plotinian attempt to achieve a sort of mediation between Plato’s dialogues and the Academic models concerning the generation of numbers and ideas by the two principles of the One and the Indefinite Dyad. Through a complex exegetical contamination, Plotinus gets to identify numbers, ideas and the Dyad with the hypostasis of the Intellect, saving for the One the (...)
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    How Policies and Practices in Medical Settings Impact Communication Access with Deaf Patients and Caregivers.Kelley Cooper, Maggie Russell, Debra Chaiken, Michael W. Mazzaroppi & Gretchen Roman - 2024 - Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics 14 (3):3-6.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:How Policies and Practices in Medical Settings Impact Communication Access with Deaf Patients and CaregiversKelley Cooper, Maggie Russell, Debra Chaiken, Michael W. Mazzaroppi, and Gretchen RomanIntroductionWe are a group of Deaf community members, sign language interpreters, organizational leaders, and academic partners. We have a collective point of view about how policies and practices in medical settings impact communication access with Deaf patients and caregivers. Here, we account multiple stories (...)
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  29.  15
    On Freedom: The Dialogue.Lisa Downing & Maggie Nelson - 2023 - Paragraph 46 (3):372-386.
    This is a transcript of a dialogue between Lisa Downing and Maggie Nelson about Nelson’s recent book, On Freedom: Four Songs of Care and Constraint (2021). The interlocutors discuss the rise of cultural authoritarianism, the role of care in shaping and delimiting freedom, the ways in which freedom and care signify differently according to the sex of the ‘free’ subject, and the vexed question of what freedom will mean in an uncertain future foreshadowed by the spectre of climate change — (...)
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    Adorno, culture, and feminism.Maggie O'Neill (ed.) - 1999 - Thousand Oaks, Calif.: SAGE Publications.
    Adorno, Culture and Feminism brings Adorno's work and feminism together, and explores how feminism can both harness and develop Adorno's ideas. The picture that emerges displays how gendered relations and cultural practices and texts operate today, and the relevance of critical theory for contemporary feminisms. Adorno's work on the scale of inequality and repression in the administered society is presented as matching the feminist understanding of the unequal balance of power between the sexes. This volume shows how Adorno's central concepts (...)
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    Aspectos éticos relacionados con la atención de enfermería en personas en situación de discapacidad: un análisis cualitativo.Maggie Campillay-Campillay, Edith Rivas-Rivero, Pablo Dubó-Araya & Ana Calle-Carrasco - 2020 - Persona y Bioética 24 (1):43-56.
    Ethical Aspects Related to Nursing Care for Persons with Disabilities: A Qualitative Analysis Aspectos éticos relacionados com a atenção de enfermagem em pessoas com deficiência: uma análise qualitativa The purpose of the study is to describe ethical aspects related to nursing care for persons with disabilities; a population considered socially vulnerable and in conditions of inequality. It corresponds to the first phase of a primary study conducted in Atacama, Chile using a qualitative methodology and content analysis. Nursing graduates are interviewed (...)
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    Murder in our midst: Expanding coverage to include care and responsibility.Romayne Smith Fullerton & Maggie Jones Patterson - 2006 - Journal of Mass Media Ethics 21 (4):304 – 321.
    Using a U.S. and a Canadian example, in this article we argue that news reports of murder, especially of the heavily covered signal crimes that become part of community storytelling, often employ predetermined formulas that probe intrusively into the lives of those involved in the murder but ultimately come away with only cheaply sketched, stick-figure portraits. The thesis is that crime coverage that is formulaic tends to produce cynicism and a distance between the reader and those involved in the crime. (...)
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  33. Exploring the determinants of dual goal facilitation in a rule discovery task.Linden J. Ball & Maggie Gale - 2009 - Thinking and Reasoning 15 (3):294-315.
    Wason's standard 2-4-6 task requires discovery of a single rule and leads to around 20% solutions, whereas the dual goal (DG) version requires discovery of two rules and elevates solutions to over 60%. We report an experiment that aimed to discriminate between competing accounts of DG facilitation by manipulating the degree of complementarity between the to-be-discovered rules. Results indicated that perfect rule complementarity is not essential for task success, thereby undermining a key tenet of the goal complementarity account of DG (...)
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  34. Standing to Blame and Standing to Praise?Maggie O’Brien - forthcoming - Thought: A Journal of Philosophy.
    Praise and blame are both forms of moral assessment. Yet, the literature on standing has focussed on blame – to blame appropriately one needs standing to do so. Praise has been mostly ignored. This paper argues that the asymmetrical treatment of praise and blame is unwarranted: there’s no good reason to think that we need standing to blame, but don’t need standing to praise. This conclusion is important because it provides a new line of argument for scepticism about standing to (...)
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    Evaluating a Modular Approach to Therapy for Children With Anxiety, Depression, Trauma, or Conduct Problems (MATCH) in School-Based Mental Health Care: Study Protocol for a Randomized Controlled Trial.Sherelle L. Harmon, Maggi A. Price, Katherine A. Corteselli, Erica H. Lee, Kristina Metz, F. Tony Bonadio, Jacqueline Hersh, Lauren K. Marchette, Gabriela M. Rodríguez, Jacquelyn Raftery-Helmer, Kristel Thomassin, Sarah Kate Bearman, Amanda Jensen-Doss, Spencer C. Evans & John R. Weisz - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Introduction: Schools have become a primary setting for providing mental health care to youths in the U.S. School-based interventions have proliferated, but their effects on mental health and academic outcomes remain understudied. In this study we will implement and evaluate the effects of a flexible multidiagnostic treatment called Modular Approach to Therapy for Children with Anxiety, Depression, Trauma, or Conduct Problems on students' mental health and academic outcomes.Methods and Analysis: This is an assessor-blind randomized controlled effectiveness trial conducted across five (...)
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    ‘Killing’ the True Story of First Nations: The Ethics of Constructing a Culture Apart.Romayne Smith Fullerton & Maggie Jones Patterson - 2008 - Journal of Mass Media Ethics 23 (3):201 – 218.
    Cases taken from the coverage of Canadian/Ipperwash and American/Makah disputes over tribal land and sea claims point up that subtle but entrenched racist assumptions, conclusions, and myths of native culture persist despite attempts by newsrooms to be more culturally sensitive. Traditional journalism standards of practice and ethical approaches must be expanded to consider more of the subtleties of media's problematic representations of aboriginal peoples—as a culture, a culture apart, and a cultural construct. The ethics of continental philosopher Emmanuel Levinas, the (...)
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    The development of counterfactual reasoning about doubly-determined events.Teresa McCormack, Maggie Ho, Charlene Gribben, Eimear O'Connor & Christoph Hoerl - 2018 - Cognitive Development 45:1-9.
    Previous studies of children’s counterfactual reasoning have focused on scenarios in which a single causal event yielded an outcome. However, there are also cases in which an outcome would have occurred even in the absence of its actual cause, because of the presence of a further potential cause. In this study, 152 children aged 4-9 years reasoned counterfactually about such scenarios, in which there were ‘doubly-determined’ outcomes. The task involved dropping two metal discs down separate runways, each of which was (...)
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    Have hope: 365 encouraging poems, prayers, and meditations for daily inspiration.Maggie Oman Shannon - 2021 - Coral Gables: Conari Press.
    Hope. The very word became world-changing in 2008, as we saw a man who many considered to be an unlikely presidential candidate ride to victory on his message of hope. Indeed, hope--which, perhaps to some, once seemed a soft, somewhat wishy-washy quality--is being redefined by millions as a powerful, dynamic force in a world that demands the heart-felt commitment of its inhabitants in order to even survive. In the twenty-first century, the need for hope--for the intention, commitment, and action that (...)
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    Moral Distress Among Healthcare Professionals at a Health System.Rose Allen, Tanya Judkins-Cohn, Raul deVelasco, Edwina Forges, Rosemary Lee, Laurel Clark & Maggie Procunier - 2013 - Jona's Healthcare Law, Ethics, and Regulation 15 (3):111-118.
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    Plato’s Parmenides. [REVIEW]Francesco Fronterotta & Claudia Maggi - 2011 - International Journal of the Platonic Tradition 5 (2):317-320.
    This article is currently available as a free download on ingentaconnect.
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    Decentering epistemologies and challenging privilege: critical care ethics perspectives.Sophie Bourgault, Maggie Fitzgerald & Fiona Robinson (eds.) - 2024 - New Brunswick: Rutgers University Press.
    Care ethics first emerged as an attempt to decenter ethics; feminist scholars like Carol Gilligan argued that women's moral experiences were not reflected in the dominant, masculinist approaches to ethics, which were centered on a rational, disembodied, atomistic moral subject. Care ethics challenged this model by positing ethics as relational, contextualized, embodied, and realized through practices rather than principles. Over the past decades, many care ethics scholars have sought to further this project by considering care politically and epistemologically, in relation (...)
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    Wittgenstein, Consciousness, and The Golden Bowl: James’s Maggie Verver and the Linguistic Mind.Garry L. Hagberg - 2019 - In Narrative and Self-Understanding. Palgrave. pp. 225-266.
    This chapter explores the significance that Wittgenstein’s work in the philosophy of mind holds for self-understanding, looking into issues of the dualist-introspectionist model of the mind, its antithesis in behaviorism, and the role of language as what Wittgenstein called “the vehicle of thought”, where these considerations are all brought together as a way of investigating how we think of the contents of consciousness. It then takes these Wittgensteinian reflections into a discussion of the way in which Henry James illuminates both (...)
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    The Complex Mind: An Interdisciplinary Approach.David McFarland, Keith Stenning & Maggie McGonigle (eds.) - 2012 - Palgrave-Macmillan.
    Machine generated contents note: -- Preface -- Acknowledgements -- Notes on Contributors -- PART I: COMPLEXITY IN ANIMAL MINDS -- Introduction: M.McGonigle-Chalmers -- Relational and Absolute Discrimination Learning by Squirrel Monkeys: Establishing a Common Ground with Human Cognition; B.T.Jones -- Serial List Retention by Non-Human Primates: Complexity and Cognitive Continuity; F.R.Treichler -- The Use of Spatial Structure in Working Memory: A Comparative Standpoint; C.De Lillo -- The Emergence of Linear Sequencing in Children: A Continuity Account and a Formal Model; M.McGonigle-Chalmers&I.Kusel (...)
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    ¿Vulnerabilidad vs. Subordiscriminación? Una mirada crítica a la expansión de la vulnerabilidad en detrimento de la perspectiva sistémica | Martha A. Fineman and legal equality: Vulnerability vs. Subordiscrimination? [REVIEW]Mª Ángeles Maggy Barrère Unzueta - 2016 - Cuadernos Electrónicos de Filosofía Del Derecho 34 (34):17-34.
    RESUMEN. En este artículo se analiza (y cuestiona) la tesis de la vulnerabilidad de la jurista estadounidense Martha A. Fineman. El trabajo se estructura en cinco apartados en los que el paradigma de Fineman es sucesivamente contextualizado, proyectado sobre la jurisprudencia del TEDH y comparado con otras contribuciones críticas al Derecho antidiscriminatorio. El trabajo finaliza con una breve conclusión en la que, aun reconociendo la validez del diagnóstico y la loable finalidad que mueve la teoría de Fineman, pone en duda (...)
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    Remote Doctors and Absent Patients: Acting at a Distance in Telemedicine?Tracy Williams, Carl R. May & Maggie Mort - 2003 - Science, Technology and Human Values 28 (2):274-295.
    According to policy makers, telemedicine offers “huge opportunities to improve the quality and accessibility of health services.” It is defined as diagnosis, treatment, and monitoring, with doctors and patients separated by space but mediated through information and communication technologies. This mediation is explored through an ethnography of a U.K. teledermatology clinic. Diagnostic image transfer enables medicine at a distance, as patients are removed from knowledge generation by concentrating their identities into images. Yet that form of identity allows images and the (...)
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  46. The Underrepresentation of Women in Prestigious Ethics Journals.Meena Krishnamurthy, Shen-yi Liao, Monique Deveaux & Maggie Dalecki - 2017 - Hypatia 32 (4):928-939.
    It has been widely reported that women are underrepresented in academic philosophy as faculty and students. This article investigates whether this representation may also occur in the domain of journal article publishing. Our study looked at whether women authors were underrepresented as authors in elite ethics journals — Ethics, Philosophy & Public Affairs, the Journal of Political Philosophy, and the Journal of Moral Philosophy — between 2004-2014, relative to the proportion of women employed in academic ethics (broadly construed). We found (...)
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    Perception, as you make it.David W. Vinson, Drew H. Abney, Dima Amso, Anthony Chemero, James E. Cutting, Rick Dale, Jonathan B. Freeman, Laurie B. Feldman, Karl J. Friston, Shaun Gallagher, J. Scott Jordan, Liad Mudrik, Sasha Ondobaka, Daniel C. Richardson, Ladan Shams, Maggie Shiffrar & Michael J. Spivey - 2016 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 39:e260.
    The main question that Firestone & Scholl (F&S) pose is whether “what and how we see is functionally independent from what and how we think, know, desire, act, and so forth” (sect. 2, para. 1). We synthesize a collection of concerns from an interdisciplinary set of coauthors regarding F&S's assumptions and appeals to intuition, resulting in their treatment of visual perception as context-free.
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    Communicating genetic information in the family: enriching the debate through the notion of integrity. [REVIEW]Paula Boddington & Maggie Gregory - 2008 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 11 (4):445-454.
    Genetic information about one individual often has medical and reproductive implications for that individual’s relatives. There is a debate about whether policy on transmitting genetic information within the family should change to reflect this shared aspect of genetic information. Even if laws on medical confidentiality remain unchanged, there still remains the question of professional practice and whether, to what extent and by what means professionals should encourage disclosure within a family. The debate so far has tended to focus on who (...)
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    Full Collection of Personal Narratives.Austin Morris, P. Lisa, Jeanne Kerwin, Jean Watson, Eve Makoff, Brent R. Carr, Anonymous One, Michelle Prong, Laura J. Hoeksema, Tracy R. Wilson, Frances Rieth Maynard, Laura A. Katers & Maggie Taylor - 2024 - Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics 14 (1).
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Full Collection of Personal NarrativesAustin Morris, Lisa P., Jeanne Kerwin, Jean Watson, Eve Makoff, Brent R. Carr, Anonymous One, Michelle Prong, Laura J. Hoeksema, Tracy R. Wilson, Frances Rieth Maynard, Laura A. Katers, and Maggie Taylor• Against Their Wishes: The Gift of a Goodbye• Lisa’s Story• Unbefriended• The Clinical Ethics Consult: Transforming Ambivalence to Action• Side Stepping The Issues: Disappointment With An Ethics Consult For A Medically High Risk (...)
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    Operar e Exibir: Aspectos do Conhecimento Simbólico na Filosofia Tractariana da Matemática.Gisele Dalva Secco & Pedro Maggi Rech Noguez - 2017 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 73 (3-4):1463-1492.
    We offer a reading of some passages from Wittgenstein’s Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus in which, dealing with the symbolic constructions of arithmetic, Wittgenstein puts in motion the most outstanding features of Leibniz’s concept of Symbolic Knowledge: the computational and the “ecthetic” functions of the notion of Symbolic Blind Though. We begin with a brief presentation of some conceptual distinctions proposed by Oscar Miguel Esquisabel in his investigation about the Leibnizian origin of the tradition of Symbolic Knowledge. We then contrast these topics with (...)
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