Results for 'S. M. Sherwin-White'

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  1.  36
    S. Hornblower: Mausolus. Pp. xxi + 398; 36 plates; 4 figs., including maps. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1982. £35.S. M. Sherwin-White - 1984 - The Classical Review 34 (02):254-259.
  2.  54
    Preventive detention must be resisted by the medical profession.S. M. White - 2002 - Journal of Medical Ethics 28 (2):95-98.
    A policy of “preventive detention” has recently been debated in the British Parliament. Alarmed by the high-profile criminal activities of people suspected of having dangerous severe personality disorder , the government have made clear their intention to “indeterminately but reviewably detain” people with DSPD, after diagnosis by forensic psychiatrists, even if the individuals are yet to commit an offence. Such a policy may improve the safety of the public, but has obvious implications for civil liberties. This essay criticises the morality (...)
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    Consent for anaesthesia.S. M. White - 2004 - Journal of Medical Ethics 30 (3):286-290.
    “Informed consent” is a legal instrument that allows individuals to define their own interests and to protect their bodily privacy. In current medical practice, patients who have consented to surgery are considered to have implied consent to anaesthesia, even though anaesthesia is associated with its own particular set of risks and consequences that are quite separate from those associated with surgery. In addition, anaesthetists often perform interventions that are the only medical treatment received by a patient. Anaesthetists, therefore, should always (...)
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  4. Rotten to our moral cores?M. Y. Herring & H. S. White - 1995 - Journal of Information Ethics 4 (2):12-17.
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    Laudatio Turiae M. Durry: Éloge Funèbre d'une Matrone Romaine (Laudatio Turiae). Texte établi, traduit et commenté. Pp. xcviii + 82. Paris: Les Belles Lettres, 1950. Paper. [REVIEW]A. N. Sherwin-White - 1952 - The Classical Review 2 (3-4):177-.
  6.  26
    White coat ceremonies--another commentary.S. M. Glick - 2003 - Journal of Medical Ethics 29 (6):367-368.
    I shared Raanan Gillon’s1 surprise at Robert Veatch’s criticism of the white coat ceremonies,2 and I think that the points raised by Veatch were quite adequately countered by Gillon’s response. The provocative points raised by Veatch do stimulate some valuable critical thinking about the process, although I think Veatch was carried away a bit by hyperbole. To label the drama of the ceremony as “ominous” goes a bit far by any criterion.I should like to describe an oath taking initiation (...)
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    Binary Labels Reinforce Systemic Discrimination.S. M. Amadae - 2020 - Noema Magazine.
    Black-white, male-female — these and other markers, applied maliciously or not, enable the social dominance of one group.
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    An experimental study of retention in the white rat.S. M. Corey - 1931 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 14 (3):252.
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  9. Darwin's Argument by Analogy: From Artificial to Natural Selection.Roger M. White, M. J. S. Hodge & Gregory Radick - 2021 - Cambridge University Press.
    In On the Origin of Species, Charles Darwin put forward his theory of natural selection. Conventionally, Darwin's argument for this theory has been understood as based on an analogy with artificial selection. But there has been no consensus on how, exactly, this analogical argument is supposed to work – and some suspicion too that analogical arguments on the whole are embarrassingly weak. Drawing on new insights into the history of analogical argumentation from the ancient Greeks onward, as well as on (...)
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    Magnifying Grains of Sand, Seeds, and Blades of Grass: Optical Effects in Robert Grosseteste’s De iride (On the Rainbow).Rebekah C. White, Giles E. M. Gasper, Tom C. B. McLeish, Brian K. Tanner, Joshua S. Harvey, Sigbjørn O. Sønnesyn, Laura K. Young & Hannah E. Smithson - 2021 - Isis 112 (1):93-107.
  11.  23
    Comparing Thinking Style and Ethical Decision-Making Between Chinese and U.S. Students.Charles M. Vance, Judith A. White, Kevin S. Groves, Yongsun Paik & Lin Guo - 2016 - Journal of Business Ethics Education 13:117-146.
    This study provides a comparison of thinking style and ethical decision-making patterns between 386 U.S. students and 506 students from the People’s Republic of China enrolled in undergraduate business education in their respective countries. Contrary to our expectations, the Chinese students demonstrated a significantly greater linear thinking style compared to American students. As hypothesized, both Chinese and U.S. students possessing a balanced linear and nonlinear thinking style profile demonstrated greater ethical intent across a series of ethics vignettes. Chinese students also (...)
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    Ethical Challenges in Clinical Research During the COVID-19 Pandemic.B. E. Bierer, S. A. White, J. M. Barnes & L. Gelinas - 2020 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 17 (4):717-722.
    The sudden emergence of the COVID-19 pandemic brought global disruption to every aspect of society including healthcare, supply chain, the economy, and social interaction. Among the many emergent considerations were the safety and public health of the public, patients, essential workers, and healthcare professionals. In certain locations, clinical research was halted—or terminated—in deference to the immediate needs of patient care, and clinical trials focusing on the treatment and prevention of coronavirus infection were prioritized over studies focusing on other diseases. Difficult (...)
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  13.  17
    The lattice thermal conductivity of dilute alloys of silver and gold.G. K. White, S. B. Woods & M. T. Elford - 1959 - Philosophical Magazine 4 (42):688-692.
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  14. Predicting visual search accuracy in symbolic displays and medical images.M. P. Eckstein, J. P. Thomas & J. S. Whiting - 1996 - In Enrique Villanueva (ed.), Perception. Ridgeview Pub. Co. pp. 5-5.
  15. Residential assimilation and residential attainment: examining the effects of ethnicity and immigration.Michael J. White, Sharon Sassler, S. Kirchengast, E. M. Winkler, D. L. Blackwell, Y. Weiss, R. J. Willis, B. J. Oddens, P. Lehert & F. Kalter - 1996 - Journal of Biosocial Science 28 (2):193-210.
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  16.  46
    Factors Associated With Having a Physician, Nurse Practitioner, or Physician Assistant as Primary Care Provider for Veterans With Diabetes Mellitus.Morgan Perri, M. Everett Christine, A. Smith Valerie, Woolson Sandra, Edelman David, C. Hendrix Cristina, S. Z. Berkowitz Theodore, White Brandolyn & L. Jackson George - 2017 - Inquiry: The Journal of Health Care Organization, Provision, and Financing 54:004695801771276.
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    BioEngagement: making a Christian difference through bioethics today.Nigel M. S. Cameroden, Scott E. Daniels & Barbara White (eds.) - 2000 - Grand Rapids, Mich.: W.B. Eerdmans Pub. Co..
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  18. Sharon Anderson-Gold, Unnecessary Evil. Albany, NY: State University of New York Press, 2000, 138 pp.(Index). ISBN 0-7914-4820-7, $16.95 (Pb). Filippo Aureli and Frans BM De Waal, eds., Natural Conflict Resolution. Berkeley, Calif.: University of California Press, 2000, 409 pp.(Index). ISBN 0-520-22346-2, $24.95 (Pb). [REVIEW]Nigel M. De S. Cameron, Scott E. Daniels, Barbara J. White & Edward S. Casey - 2001 - Journal of Value Inquiry 35:587-590.
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    Emergence of higher order rotational symmetry in the hidden order phase of URuSi.N. Kanchanavatee, M. Janoschek, K. Huang, B. D. White, P. S. Riseborough, A. V. Balatsky & M. B. Maple - forthcoming - Philosophical Magazine:1-11.
  20.  59
    The Harry Potter Symposium.Sheridan Gilley, Steven S. Tigner, Inez Fitzgerald Storck, Gertrude M. White, Daniel H. Strait & Owen Dudley Edwards - 2001 - The Chesterton Review 27 (1/2):99-123.
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  21.  22
    Financial Incentives Differentially Regulate Neural Processing of Positive and Negative Emotions during Value-Based Decision-Making.Anne M. Farrell, Joshua O. S. Goh & Brian J. White - 2018 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 12.
  22. DFL 65.00. Dolan, B.(ed.): 2000, Malthus, Medicine, & Morality:'Malthusianism'after 1798. Clio Medica 59. Amsterdam/Atlanta: Rodopi. 232 pages. ISBN: 90-420-0841-5. Price: DFL 40.00. [REVIEW]N. M. De S. Cameron, S. E. Daniels & B. J. White - 2001 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 4 (115).
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    The Role of Attachment in Spiritual Formation at Richmont Graduate University.Jama L. White, Mary K. Plisco, Amanda M. Blackburn, Cara Cochran & Daniel C. Sartor - 2018 - Journal of Spiritual Formation and Soul Care 11 (2):253-270.
    This article describes the spiritual formation training program for counseling students at Richmont Graduate University, an evangelical institution providing Master’s-level instruction for counselors and ministers. This model of spiritual formation has a dual foundation which includes the centrality of love to the Christian life and the importance of attachment to the development of persons. The training is intentionally designed to invite students to pursue a more secure attachment to God, healthier relationships with others, and a more grace-based self-awareness. Integrative and (...)
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  24.  11
    BioEngagement: making a Christian difference through bioethics today.Nigel M. De S. Cameron, Scott E. Daniels, Barbara White & Center for Bioethics and Human Dignity (eds.) - 2000 - Grand Rapids, Mich.: W.B. Eerdmans Pub. Co..
  25.  13
    The categories of substance, cause and function in Freud's psychology.C. M. White - 1932 - Psychological Review 39 (3):203-224.
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    New Knowledge in the Biomedical Sciences: Some Moral Implications of Its Acquisition, Possession, and Use.W. B. Bondeson, H. Tristram Engelhardt Jr, S. F. Spicker & J. M. White - 2011 - Springer.
    The spectacular development of medical knowledge over the last two centuries has brought intrusive advances in the capabilities of medical technology. These advances have been remarkable over the last century, but especially over the last few decades, culminating in such high technology interventions as heart transplants and renal dialysis. These increases in medical powers have attracted societal interest in acquiring more such knowledge. They have also spawned concerns regarding the use of human subjects in research and regarding the byproducts of (...)
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  27.  12
    Acts, intentions, and moral evaluation: a dialogue.Craig M. White - 2023 - New York, NY: Routledge.
    This book argues that the moral quality of an act comes from the agent's inner states. By arguing for the indispensable relevance of intention in the moral evaluation of acts, the book moves against a mainstream, 'objective' approach in normative ethics. It is commonly held that the intentions, knowledge, and volition of agents are irrelevant to the moral permissibility of their acts. This book stresses that the capacities of agency, rather than simply the label 'agent', must be engaged during an (...)
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  28.  17
    The Story of Mr. and Mrs. Doe: “You can’t tell my husband he’s dying; it will kill him.”.M. L. White & J. C. Fletcher - 1990 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 1 (1):59-62.
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    A topographical interpretation of literature: Structural balance in Neil Simon’s ’Visitor from Mamaroneck’.James M. White - 1984 - Semiotica 49 (3-4).
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  30.  21
    Darwin and the Argument by Analogy: From Artificial to Natural Selection in the ‘Origin of Species'.Jonathan Hodge, Gregory Radick & Roger M. White - 2020 - New York, NY: Cambridge University Press. Edited by Gregory Radick.
    In On the Origin of Species, Charles Darwin put forward his theory of natural selection. Conventionally, Darwin's argument for this theory has been understood as based on an analogy with artificial selection. But there has been no consensus on how, exactly, this analogical argument is supposed to work – and some suspicion too that analogical arguments on the whole are embarrassingly weak. Drawing on new insights into the history of analogical argumentation from the ancient Greeks onward, as well as on (...)
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  31.  57
    (1 other version)Can whether one proposition makes sense depend on the truth of another? ( Tractatus 2.0211—2).R. M. White - 1973 - Royal Institute of Philosophy Lectures 7:14-29.
    Wittgenstein's Tractatus contains a wide range of profound insights into the nature of logic and language – insights which will survive the particular theories of the Tractatus and seem to me to mark definitive and unassailable landmarks in our understanding of some of the deepest questions of philosophy. And yet alongside these insights there is a theory of the nature of the relation between language and reality which appears both to be impossible to work out in detail in a way (...)
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  32.  35
    Publishing Chesterton's Poetry.Gertrude M. White - 1992 - The Chesterton Review 18 (1):147-148.
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  33.  7
    Reproductive technologies and the U.s. Courts.Renée White, Suzanne A. Onorato, Beth Rushing & Kim M. Blankenship - 1993 - Gender and Society 7 (1):8-31.
    This article analyzes U.S. court cases involving reproductive technologies in terms of their implications for reproductive choice, mothers' versus fathers' rights, definitions and evaluations of parenting, and the nuclear family structure. The analysis reveals that the courts have tended not to recognize how social conditions shape women's reproductive choices, to promote fathers' rights more than mothers' rights, to ignore the social relationships that constitute childbearing and child rearing and value men's over women's biological contribution to these processes, to reflect certain (...)
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  34.  77
    Remembering Past Lives.Claire White, Robert M. Kelly & Shaun Nichols - 2016 - In Helen De Cruz & Ryan Nichols (eds.), Advances in Religion, Cognitive Science, and Experimental Philosophy. New York: Bloomsbury Academic. pp. 169-196.
    The aim of this chapter is to address the role of memory in past-life convictions. Although it is commonly accepted in the modern media - and popular western culture more generally - that people believe they have lived before because the memory contains detailed verifiable facts, little is known about how people actually reason about the veracity of their previous existence. To our knowledge, the current project is the most extensive research that probes the role of memory in past life (...)
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  35.  33
    Against the Permissibility of Attempted Wife-Poisoning.Craig M. White - 2019 - American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly 93 (1):53-74.
    The Aristotelian-Thomist claim is that external actions can be morally evaluated when they are voluntary (which includes being based on reasonably accurate knowledge of what an agent is doing), absent which, in effect, we evaluate outcomes, not acts. Also, in the Aristotelian-Thomist tradition the internal act of the will is paramount. These claims contrast with some current theorizing, e.g., by Judith Jarvis Thomson, that morally evaluates actions separately from agents, downplaying the internal act. Taking cases from current authors that revolve (...)
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  36.  83
    Book reviews. [REVIEW]Jack S. Boozer, Gerhard Böwering, Stephen N. Dunning, Richard E. Palmer, Haim Gordon, J. Kellenberger, Jerald Wallulis, G. Graham White, Thomas O. Buford, C. Stephan Evans & M. Jamie Ferreira - 1988 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 23 (1):43-63.
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  37. (1 other version)Replies to the Critics.Roger M. White, Jonathan Hodge & Gregory Radick - 2022 - Metascience 31 (2):163-169.
    As part of a review symposium on DARWIN'S ARGUMENT BY ANALOGY: FROM ARTIFICIAL TO NATURAL SELECTION (2021), the journal METASCIENCE invited Roger White, Jon Hodge and me to submit a response to the thoughtful commentaries on our book by Andrea Sullivan-Clarke, David Depew and Andrew Inkpen.
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    It's all about relationships: Developing nurse‐led primary health care in rural communities.Sue Randall, Debra M. Jones, Giti Hadaddan, Danielle White & Rochelle Einboden - 2024 - Nursing Inquiry 31 (4):e12674.
    The role of nurses in leading the design and delivery of primary health care services to address health inequities is growing in prominence, specifically in rural Australia. However, limited evidence exists to inform nurse‐led primary health care in this context. Based on a focus group with nursing executives and semi‐structured interviews with registered nurses we describe nurse experiences of leading the design of a primary health care service in rural Australia and nurse transition to and practice in this service. Nurse (...)
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  39. Book reviews. [REVIEW]John Bacon, Alan R. White, M. Glouberman, Lawrence H. Davis, Gershon Weiler, Jeffrey Bub, Ilkka Niiniluoto, Yehuda Melzer, Zeev Levy, S. Biderman, Joseph Raz, Irwin C. Lieb & Michael Ruse - 1975 - Philosophia 5 (3):319-384.
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    Tactile expectations and the perception of self-touch: An investigation using the rubber hand paradigm.Rebekah C. White, Anne M. Aimola Davies, Terri J. Halleen & Martin Davies - 2010 - Consciousness and Cognition 19 (2):505-519.
    The rubber hand paradigm is used to create the illusion of self-touch, by having the participant administer stimulation to a prosthetic hand while the Examiner, with an identical stimulus , administers stimulation to the participant’s hand. With synchronous stimulation, participants experience the compelling illusion that they are touching their own hand. In the current study, the robustness of this illusion was assessed using incongruent stimuli. The participant used the index finger of the right hand to administer stimulation to a prosthetic (...)
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  41.  50
    David Pears, Paradox and Platitude in Wittgenstein's Philosophy.Roger M. White - 2010 - Philosophical Review 119 (3):381-384.
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  42. A Multicenter Weighted Lottery to Equitably Allocate Scarce COVID-19 Therapeutics.D. B. White, E. K. McCreary, C. H. Chang, M. Schmidhofer, J. R. Bariola, N. N. Jonassaint, Parag A. Pathak, G. Persad, R. D. Truog, T. Sonmez & M. Utku Unver - 2022 - American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine 206 (4):503–506.
    Shortages of new therapeutics to treat coronavirus disease (COVID-19) have forced clinicians, public health officials, and health systems to grapple with difficult questions about how to fairly allocate potentially life-saving treatments when there are not enough for all patients in need (1). Shortages have occurred with remdesivir, tocilizumab, monoclonal antibodies, and the oral antiviral Paxlovid (2) -/- Ensuring equitable allocation is especially important in light of the disproportionate burden experienced during the COVID-19 pandemic by disadvantaged groups, including Black, Hispanic/Latino and (...)
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    Two hands are better than one: A new assessment method and a new interpretation of the non-visual illusion of self-touch.Rebekah C. White, Anne M. Aimola Davies & Martin Davies - 2011 - Consciousness and Cognition 20 (3):956-964.
    A simple experimental paradigm creates the powerful illusion that one is touching one’s own hand even when the two hands are separated by 15 cm. The participant uses her right hand to administer stimulation to a prosthetic hand while the Examiner provides identical stimulation to the participant’s receptive left hand. Change in felt position of the receptive hand toward the prosthetic hand has previously led to the interpretation that the participant experiences self-touch at the location of the prosthetic hand, and (...)
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  44. Latin editon and English translation of On the liberal arts.John Coleman, Jack Cunningham, Nader El-Bizri, Giles E. M. Gasper, Joshua S. Harvey, Margaret Healy-Varley, David M. Howard, Neil Timothy Lewis, Anne Lawrence-Mathers, Tom McLeish, Cecilia Panti, Nicola Polloni, Clive R. Siviour, Hannah E. Smithson, Sigbjørn Olsen Sønnesyn, David Thomson, Rebekah C. White & Robert Grosseteste - 2019 - In John Coleman, Jack Cunningham, Nader El-Bizri, Giles E. M. Gasper, Joshua S. Harvey, Margaret Healy-Varley, David M. Howard, Neil Timothy Lewis, Anne Lawrence-Mathers, Tom McLeish, Cecilia Panti, Nicola Polloni, Clive R. Siviour, Hannah E. Smithson, Sigbjørn Olsen Sønnesyn, David Thomson, Rebekah C. White & Robert Grosseteste (eds.), The scientific works of Robert Grosseteste. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
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    Economists' statement on network neutrality policy.William J. Baumol, Robert E. Litan, Martin E. Cave, Peter Cramton, Robert W. Hahn, Thomas W. Hazlett, Paul L. Joskow, Alfred E. Kahn, John W. Mayo, Patrick A. Messerlin, Bruce M. Owen, Robert S. Pindyck, Vernon L. Smith, Scott Wallsten, Leonard Waverman, Lawrence J. White & Scott Savage - manuscript
  46.  30
    The scientific works of Robert Grosseteste.John Coleman, Jack Cunningham, Nader El-Bizri, Giles E. M. Gasper, Joshua S. Harvey, Margaret Healy-Varley, David M. Howard, Neil Timothy Lewis, Anne Lawrence-Mathers, Tom McLeish, Cecilia Panti, Nicola Polloni, Clive R. Siviour, Hannah E. Smithson, Sigbjørn Olsen Sønnesyn, David Thomson, Rebekah C. White & Robert Grosseteste (eds.) - 2019 - Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    Few figures of the Middle Ages command the attention of so many modern disciplines as Robert Grosseteste (c. 1170-1253). Theology, Philosophy, History, and Science are all areas which his life and thought continue to have significance and to inspire re-interpretation. Accompanied by a series of original commentaries, this new edition of Grosseteste's work, with English translation, draws together the perspectives of modern scientists and medieval specialists. Volume I of a six volume series, Knowing and Speaking presents two of the earliest (...)
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  47.  92
    Peter Geach and “The Frege Point”.Roger M. White - 2015 - Philosophical Investigations 38 (1-2):133-149.
    Peter Geach frequently showed the relevance of some of Frege's insights to contemporary philosophical debates, such as that which Geach called “the Frege Point” – “a proposition may occur in discourse now asserted, now unasserted, and yet be recognizably the same proposition”. Geach argued against a variety of “expressivist” accounts of certain propositions that their proponents could not explain the significance of such propositions in subordinate clauses. The paper extends Geach's argument to show that “the Frege Point” presents a powerful (...)
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    Ethical Considerations in Deep Brain Stimulation for the Treatment of Addiction and Overeating Associated With Obesity.Jared M. Pisapia, Casey H. Halpern, Ulf J. Muller, Piergiuseppe Vinai, John A. Wolf, Donald M. Whiting, Thomas A. Wadden, Gordon H. Baltuch & Arthur L. Caplan - 2013 - American Journal of Bioethics Neuroscience 4 (2):35-46.
    The success of deep brain stimulation (DBS) for movement disorders and the improved understanding of the neurobiologic and neuroanatomic bases of psychiatric diseases have led to proposals to expand current DBS applications. Recent preclinical and clinical work with Alzheimer's disease and obsessive-compulsive disorder, for example, supports the safety of stimulating regions in the hypothalamus and nucleus accumbens in humans. These regions are known to be involved in addiction and overeating associated with obesity. However, the use of DBS targeting these areas (...)
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    White lie during patient care: a qualitative study of nurses’ perspectives.A. Nikbakht Nasrabadi, S. Joolaee, E. Navab, M. Esmaeili & M. Shali - 2020 - BMC Medical Ethics 21 (1):1-7.
    BackgroundKeeping the patients well and fully informed about diagnosis, prognosis, and treatments is one of the patient’s rights in any healthcare system. Although all healthcare providers have the same viewpoint about rendering the truth in treatment process, sometimes the truth is not told to the patients; that is why the healthcare staff tell “white lie” instead. This study aimed to explore the nurses’ experience of white lies during patient care.MethodsThis qualitative study was conducted from June to December 2018. (...)
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  50.  18
    Logic and the Tractatus.Roger M. White - 2017 - In Hans-Johann Glock & John Hyman (eds.), A Companion to Wittgenstein. Chichester, West Sussex, UK: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 291–304.
    This chapter provides us with an appropriate way in to the logic of the Tractatus. Whitehead and Russell's Principia Mathematica was an attempt to vindicate “logicism”, the claim that truths of mathematics were disguised truths of logic. To overcome Russell's paradox, Russell had introduced the “theory of types”, stratifying sets, and with that the properties of sets. The resulting system was too weak to generate number theory without the addition of further axioms, including the “Axiom of Reducibility”. This chapter examines (...)
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