Results for 'Sue Randall'

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  1.  3
    It's all about relationships: Developing nurse‐led primary health care in rural communities.Sue Randall, Debra M. Jones, Giti Hadaddan, Danielle White & Rochelle Einboden - 2024 - Nursing Inquiry 31 (4):e12674.
    The role of nurses in leading the design and delivery of primary health care services to address health inequities is growing in prominence, specifically in rural Australia. However, limited evidence exists to inform nurse‐led primary health care in this context. Based on a focus group with nursing executives and semi‐structured interviews with registered nurses we describe nurse experiences of leading the design of a primary health care service in rural Australia and nurse transition to and practice in this service. Nurse (...)
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    Lonergan on the Transcendent Orientation of Art.Randall S. Rosenberg - 2009 - Renascence 61 (3):141-151.
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    Meaning and Authenticity: Bernard Lonergan and Charles Taylor on the Drama of Authentic Human Existence. By Brian J. Braman.Randall S. Rosenberg - 2010 - Heythrop Journal 51 (2):359-361.
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    The catholic imagination and modernity: William Cavanaugh's theopolitical imagination and Charles Taylor's modern social imagination.Randall S. Rosenberg - 2007 - Heythrop Journal 48 (6):911–931.
    This essay argues that William Cavanaugh's ‘Theopolitical Imagination’ uncovers some of the possibilities latent within the Catholic imagination. While his critique of modernity is often persuasive, this essay questions whether Cavanaugh's assessment of modernity can be complemented by a more differentiated approach. What Charles Taylor provides is both a bolstering of Cavanaugh's thesis about the power of the imagination and an alternative: that there is a way of thinking about the relationship between the Church and modernity other than in dialectical (...)
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    Editorial: In the Guise of a Miracle.Pamela Sue Anderson - 2014 - Sophia 53 (2):171-181.
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    Aristotle on the Necessity of Public Education.Randall R. Curren - 2000 - Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    Aristotle regarded law and education as the two fundamental and deeply interdependent tools of political art, making the use of education by the statesman a topic of the first importance in his practical philosophy. The present work develops the first comprehensive treatment of this neglected topic, and assesses the importance of Aristotle's defense of public education for current debates about school choice and privatization, and educational equality.
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    Agostino nifo's early views on immortality.Edward P. Mahoney - 1970 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 8 (4):451.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Notes and Discussions AGOSTINO NIFO'S EARLY VIEWS ON IMMORTALITY Various historians of Renaissance philosophy have taken some notice of the prolific author and important philosopher of the late 15th and early 16th centuries, Agostino Nifo (1470-1538), x but no one has yet studied his writings in a methodical and exhaustive fashion. 2 He not only published philosophical works in logic, physics, psychology and metaphysics, but he also authored treatises (...)
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    The career of philosophy.John Herman Randall - 1962 - New York,: Columbia University Press.
    [v. 1] From the Middle Ages to the Enlightenment.--v. 2. From the German Enlightenment to the age of Darwin.
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    Development of Scientific Method in the School of Padua.John Herman Randall - 1940 - Journal of the History of Ideas 1 (1/4):177.
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  10. Aristotle.John Herman Randall - 1960 - Science and Society 26 (2):218-219.
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    An Exploration of Opportunities for the Growth of the Fair Trade Market: Three Cases of Craft Organisations.Debora C. Randall - 2005 - Journal of Business Ethics 56 (1):55-67.
    Businesses that maintain ethical standards have an advantage in the marketplace based on the increasing interest of consumers in products that have a social and ethical component. Fair trade organisations that adopt environmental, social and ethical principles in trading are in a good position to make the most of this growing interest in the market. However, it is unclear whether fair trade organisations are taking full advantage of emerging market opportunities for ethically traded products. This research explores this issue by (...)
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    Properties and operational propositions in quantum mechanics.C. H. Randall & D. J. Foulis - 1983 - Foundations of Physics 13 (8):843-857.
    In orthodox quantum mechanics, it has virtually become the custom to identify properties of a physical system with operationally testable propositions about the system. The causes and consequences of this practice are explored mathematically in this paper. Among other things, it is found that such an identification imposes severe constraints on the admissible states of the physical system.
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    Preventive War and the Epistemological Dimension of the Morality of War.Randall R. Dipert - 2006 - Journal of Military Ethics 5 (1):32-54.
    This essay makes three claims about preventive war, which is demarcated from preemptive war and is part of a broader class of ?anticipatory? wars. Anticipatory wars, but especially preventive war, are ?hard cases? for traditional Just War theory; other puzzles for this tradition include nuclear deterrence, humanitarian intervention, and provability a priori of the success of Tit-for-Tat. First, and despite strong assertions to the contrary, it is far from clear that preventive war is absolutely prohibited in traditional Just War Theory, (...)
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    Gender, Politics and the State.Vicky Randall & Georgina Waylen - 2012 - Routledge.
    Over the last two decades our understanding of the relationship of gender, politics and the state has been transformed almost beyond recognition by the mutual interrogation of feminism and political science. This volume provides an overview of this dynamic and growing field, which reflects both its expanding empirical scope and the accompanying theoretical development and debate. The first three essays focus primarily on conceptual and theoretical issues: the meaning of 'gender'; the state's role in the construction of gender within the (...)
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  15. Cultivating the intellectual and moral virtues.Randall Curren - 1999 - In David Carr & Jan Willem Steutel, Virtue ethics and moral education. New York: Routledge. pp. 67--81.
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    The Metaphysics of Naturalism.John Herman Randall & Sterling P. Lamprecht - 1970 - Journal of Philosophy 67 (1):17.
  17. The Problems of Band: An Inquiry into the Future of Instrumental Music Education.Randall Everett Allsup & Cathy Benedict - 2008 - Philosophy of Music Education Review 16 (2):156-173.
    This article examines the educational function of the North American wind band program. Issues such as band education's methodological control, perceived lack of self-reflection or inquiry, its insecurity concerning program legitimacy, and the systemic fear that seems to permeate its history provide the framework for this exploration. With a philosophical eye toward the future of school-based instrumental music education each author brings perspective to the task of critiquing an institution that has taken on the seemingly sacrosanct and inviolable trappings of (...)
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    Metaphysical Grafitti: Deep Cuts in the Philosophy of Rock.Randall E. Auxier - 2017 - Chicsgo: Open Court.
    A long essay, in a collection of essays, about the relationship between rock music and philosophy. Philosophers include Plato, Kant, Vico, Whitehead, Sartre, Cassirer, Langer, Machiavelli, and so forth. Musicians include the Rollings Stones, David Bowie, The Who, Bruce Springsteen, The Grateful Dead, Neil Young, Paul Simon, Jackson Browne, Jimmy Buffett, Led Zeppelin and Rush.
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    The Stories We Are: An Essay on Self-Creation.William Randall - 1995 - University of Toronto Press.
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    Reflections on Embodiment.Pamela Sue Anderson - 2002 - Women’s Philosophy Review 29:4-10.
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    התהלך and Its Congeners.W. Randall Garr - 2022 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 142 (2).
    In 1955, E. A. Speiser argued that nonreflexive, nonmiddle, and nonreciprocal verbs such as התהלך “walk about” are not derived from the hithpael stem but originate in a durative stem comparable to the Akkadian Gtn. This article challenges Speiser’s argument and intends to show that these “atypical” hithpael verbs indeed reflect semantic features of a reflexive stem.
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    Mind-body identity and psycho-physical correlation.David Randall Luce - 1966 - Philosophical Studies 17 (1):1-7.
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  23. Due process and property : what process due?Amanda M. Olejarski & Sue M. Neal - 2020 - In Nicole M. Elias & Amanda M. Olejarski, Ethics for contemporary bureaucrats: navigating constitutional crossroads. New York, NY: Routledge.
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  24. Buddhist Egoism and Other Infelicities.Randall Studstill - 2008 - Ars Disputandi 8:1566-5399.
    This article is an evaluation of Christian views about Buddhism based on Paul Williams’ The Unexpected Way: On Converting from Buddhism to Catholicism . Studstill focuses specifically on five Christian claims about Buddhism: Buddhism prevents the recognition of objective reality and objective truth, Buddhism promotes egoism, Buddhism encourages immorality, Buddhism is quite possibly irrational, and Buddhism is excessively pessimistic. Studstill critically examines Williams’ defense of these claims and concludes that each is either false or highly problematic. As a corrective to (...)
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  25. Christine Korsgaard’s Self-Constitution.Randall Harp & Terence Cuneo - 2014 - Journal of Moral Philosophy 11 (1):97-110.
    Christine Korsgaard’s 1996 book, The Sources of Normativity, attracted a great deal of attention. And rightly so. It is a highly engaging attempt to answer what she calls the normative question, which is the question of what could justify morality’s demands. Korsgaard’s latest book, Self-Constitution, develops and defends the broadly Kantian account of action and agency that hovers in the background of Sources, drawing out its implications for the normative question. In this review, we present the main lines of argument (...)
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  26.  15
    Plato: dramatist of the life of reason.John Herman Randall - 1970 - New York,: Columbia University Press.
  27.  16
    Women and Politics: An International Perspective.Vicky Randall - 1987
    ' an introductory text, the book is admirable: it sets out the questions clearly and specifies the terms of the debate at every juncture.' - Ann Oakley, British Book News.
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    : Bikes and Bloomers: Victorian Women Inventors and Their Extraordinary Cycle Wear.Amy Sue Bix - 2023 - Isis 114 (1):209-210.
  29.  22
    Insurance Coverage, and Having a Regular Provider, and Utilization of Cancer Follow-up and Noncancer Health Care Among Childhood Cancer Survivors.Michael R. Cousineau, Sue E. Kim, Ann S. Hamilton, Kimberly A. Miller & Joel Milam - 2019 - Inquiry: The Journal of Health Care Organization, Provision, and Financing 56:004695801881799.
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    Autistic People's Access to Bilingualism and Additional Language Learning: Identifying the Barriers and Facilitators for Equal Opportunities.Rachael Davis, Sue Fletcher-Watson & Bérengère G. Digard - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Bilingualism is a valuable tool that enriches and facilitates cultural, social and lived experiences for autistic and non-autistic people alike. Research consistently finds no negative effects of bilingualism and highlights the potential for positive effects across cognitive and socio-cultural domains for autistic and non-autistic children. Yet parents of autistic children remain concerned that bilingualism will cause delays in both cognitive and language development and are still frequently advised by practitioners to raise their child monolingually. Evidently, findings from research are not (...)
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  31. The idea(l) of global civil society.Michael Kenny & Randall Germain - 2005 - In Randall D. Germain & Michael Kenny, The idea of global civil society: politics and ethics in a globalizing era. New York: Routledge.
    This book evaluates the claim that in order to explore the changing social foundations of global power relations today, we need to include in our analysis an understanding of global civil society, particularly if we also wish to raise ethical questions about the changing political and institutional practices of transnational governance. The authors engage directly with the notion of global civil society in order to examines the ethical, social, and political conditions that make certain kinds of globalizing practices a reality (...)
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    L'évolution et le développement du langage humain chez Homo Symbolicus et Pan Symbolicus.E. Sue Savage-Rumbaugh & Fields - 2012 - Labyrinthe 38 (38):39-79.
    Bien que la dichotomie classique homme/animal continue de sous-tendre la pensée scientifique occidentale, la génétique moléculaire prouve que les humains sont bien plus proches des chimpanzés et des bonobos que ne pouvaient le supposer les chercheurs en se fondant seulement sur l’évidence anatomique, il y a quelques décennies. Le degré de similitude de l’ADN entre humains, bonobos et chimpanzés autorise à nous classer tous trois comme espèces-sœurs. Ce qui signifie, aussi étrange que cela pui..
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  33. How Philosophy Uses Its Past.John Herman Randall - 1963 - Philosophy 40 (151):73-74.
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  34. The Religion of Shared Experience.John Herman Randall Jr - 1940 - In John Dewey, The Philosopher of the common man. New York,: Greenwood Press.
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    The Other.Pamela Sue Anderson - 2013 - In Nicholas Adams, George Pattison & Graham Ward, The Oxford handbook of theology and modern European thought. Oxford, England: Oxford University Press.
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    Recovery from depression: a discourse analysis of interpersonal psychotherapy.Marie Crowe & Sue Luty - 2005 - Nursing Inquiry 12 (1):43-50.
    This paper describes a discourse analysis of the process of interpersonal psychotherapy (IPT) in the recovery from depression. It demonstrates how IPT is an effective treatment strategy for mental health nurses to utilise in the treatment of depression. The discourse analysis highlights how the development of more meaningful subject positions enables one woman to recover from her depression. The process of recovery is underpinned by an understanding of women's depression as promoted by contemporary social and cultural expectations for detachment and (...)
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    Law and the Christian Tradition in Modern Russia.Paul Valliere & Randall Allen Poole - 2021 - Routledge.
    "This book focuses on a vibrant central current within the history of Russian legal thought: how Christianity, and theistic belief generally, has inspired the aspiration to the rule of law in Russia, informed Russian philosophies of law, and shaped legal practices. In this volume, a team of Western and Russian scholars presents fourteen concise, non-technical portraits of modern Russian jurists and philosophers of law whose thought was shaped significantly by Orthodox Christian faith or theistic belief. Each portrait provides essential biographical (...)
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    Die Eerziehung der Philosophie im Zeitalter der Law school.Sue Young-Sik - 2011 - 동서철학연구(Dong Seo Cheol Hak Yeon Gu; Studies in Philosophy East-West) 61:43-62.
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  39. Hard Times: Philosophy and the Fundamentalist Imagination.Randall Everett Allsup - 2005 - Philosophy of Music Education Review 13 (2):139-142.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Hard Times:Philosophy and the Fundamentalist ImaginationRandall Everett Allsup"Now, what I want is, Facts. Teach these boys and girls nothing but Facts. Facts alone are wanted in life. Plant nothing else, and root out everything else. You can only form the minds of reasoning animals upon Facts: nothing else will ever be of service to them. This is the principle on which I bring up my own children, and this (...)
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    Symposium on Augustine and Teaching.Randall Curren - 1998 - Metaphilosophy 29 (3):178-178.
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    Jeffrey Alexander and the search for multi-dimensional theory.Randall Collins - 1985 - Theory and Society 14 (6):877-892.
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    Isaiah Berlin and Andrzej Walicki as Intellectual Historians and Liberal Philosophers: A Comment on G. M. Hamburg’s “Closed Societies, Open Minds”.Randall A. Poole - 2006 - Dialogue and Universalism 16 (1-2):81-104.
    This essay is an explication and analysis of the work of Sergei Kotliarevskii, a major Russian liberal theorist, focusing on his 1915 treatise Vlast’ i pravo. Problema pravovogo gosudarstva (Power and Law: The Problem of the Lawful State). Although the “lawful state” has long been a subject of interest and controversy (even at the definitional level) among historians and political scientists, curiously Kotliarevskii has not received the attention he deserves. His study of the concept of the lawful state, which for (...)
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    Neo-idealist Philosophy in the Russian Liberation Movement: The Moscow Psychological Society and Its Symposium, "Problems of Idealism".Randall Allen Poole - 1997 - Kennan Institute for Advanced Russian Studies.
  44. The Moscow Psychological Society and the Neo-Idealist Development of Russian Liberalism.Randall Allen Poole - 1996 - Dissertation, University of Notre Dame
    The Moscow Psychological Society, a learned society founded in 1885 at Moscow University, was the philosophic center of the revolt against positivism in the Russian Silver Age. In 1889 it began publication of Russia's first regular, specialized journal in philosophy, Questions of Philosophy and Psychology. By the end of its activity in 1922, the Psychological Society had included most of the country's outstanding philosophers and had played the major role in the growth of professional philosophy in Russia. ;While the Silver (...)
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  45. A Businessman Looks at the Liberal Arts.C. B. RANDALL - 1956
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    A note on mr Sheldon's mind.J. H. Randall - 1946 - Journal of Philosophy 43 (8):209-213.
  47.  18
    Childhood and Sexuality: A Radical Christian Approach.John L. Randall - 1992 - Dorrance Publishing Company.
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    Contrapuntal Irony and Theme in Thomas Merton's The Geography of Lograire.Virginia F. Randall - 1976 - Renascence 28 (4):191-202.
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    Epicurus and His Philosophy.J. H. Randall - 1956 - Journal of Philosophy 53 (5):201.
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    Extraordinary Rendition: On Politics, Music, and Circular Meanings.Randall Everett Allsup - 2007 - Philosophy of Music Education Review 15 (2):144-149.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Extraordinary Rendition:On Politics, Music, and Circular MeaningsRandall Everett AllsupThe purpose of this symposium is to look at music, education, and politics. I will begin with an examination of how musical meanings are politically rendered, and how these understandings are attached to moral consequences. Highly resistant to classification, musical meanings are those things we come to understand about ourselves through music, as opposed to musical knowledge which is demonstrable know-how. (...)
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