  1.  9
    Baruch Spinoza: seine Aufnahme durch die jüdischen Denker in Deutschland.Zeev Levy - 2001 - Stuttgart: Kohlhammer.
  2. Filosofyat-ha-ahavah shel Yehudah Abravanʼel: arbaʻ hartsaʼot be-yom-ʻiyun shel Universiṭat Ḥefah.Menaḥem Dorman & Zeev Levy (eds.) - 1984 - Ḥefah: ha-Ḳatedrah le-moreshet he-hagut ha-Yehudit be-Universiṭat Ḥefah.
  3.  17
    Baruch or Benedict: on some Jewish aspects of Spinoza's philosophy.Zeev Levy - 1989 - New York: P. Lang.
    This book investigates various aspects of the controversial relations between Spinoza's philosophy and his Jewish background. It examines some important trends of medieval Jewish philosophy on the shaping of Spinoza's thought - particularly the impact of Maimonides. The book elucidates the differences between Spinoza and his predecessors in regard to Bible criticism, and dwells extensively on the concepts of Substance and Pantheism. It also discusses Spinoza's views of Judaism and the Jewish people, the relationship between state and religion, and some (...)
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  4.  8
    Bioethics: Philosophical and Jewish Aspects.Zeev Levy - 2001
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  5.  10
    Between Yafeth and Shem: On the Relationship Between Jewish and General Philosophy.Zeev Levy - 1987 - Peter Lang Incorporated, International Academic Publishers.
    The book elucidates the complex relationship between Jewish philosophy and general philosophy. At the same time it examines Jewish philosophy as an independent discipline of thought. The issue of particular and characteristic problems of Jewish thought is taken up in the third part of the book. Other philosophical topics - from the general as well as the Jewish angle - are the quiddity of philosophy, its aims and tasks, its value and purpose, and the relations between philosophy, religion and theology, (...)
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  6. Ben Yefet le-Shem Ma Amadah Shel Ha-Pilosofyah Ha-Yehudit Ba-Pilosofyah Ha-Kelalit.Zeev Levy & Me ir Ayali - 1982 - Ha-Kibuts Ha-Me Uhad.
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  7. Ben Yefet le-Shem.Zeev Levy - 1981
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  8.  10
    David Baumgardt and ethical hedonism.Zeev Levy - 1989 - Hoboken, NJ: Ktav Pub. House.
  9. Hermenoiṭiḳah ba-maḥshavah ha-Yehudit ba-ʻet ha-ḥadashah.Zeev Levy - 2006 - Yerushalayim: Hotsaʼat sefarim ʻa. sh. Y.L. Magnes, ha-Universiṭah ha-ʻIvrit.
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  10. Hermenoiṭiḳah.Zeev Levy - 1986 - Tel-Aviv: ha-Ḳibuts ha-meʼuḥad.
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  11. ha-Strukturalizm u-maʻamad ha-ʻarakhim.Zeev Levy - 1972
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  12.  42
    On the concept of reason according to Sartre and Levi-Strauss.Zeev Levy - 1974 - Philosophia 4 (4):567-568.
  13.  5
    Probleme moderner jüdischer Hermeneutik und Ethik.Zeev Levy - 1997
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  14. Shpinozah u-muśag ha-Yahadut: tefiśah ṿe-gilguleha.Zeev Levy - 1972 - Merḥavyah: Sifriyat poʻalim.
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  15. Barukh Shpinozah: 300 shanah le-moto: ḳovets maʼamarim.Avraham Yassour, Zeev Levy, Michael Strauss & Sarah Fuks (eds.) - 1978 - Ḥefah: Universiṭat Ḥefah.
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  16. Book reviews. [REVIEW]John Bacon, Alan R. White, M. Glouberman, Lawrence H. Davis, Gershon Weiler, Jeffrey Bub, Ilkka Niiniluoto, Yehuda Melzer, Zeev Levy, S. Biderman, Joseph Raz, Irwin C. Lieb & Michael Ruse - 1975 - Philosophia 5 (3):319-384.
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  17.  50
    Book reviews and critical studies. [REVIEW]Zeev Levy - 1981 - Philosophia 9 (3-4):375-377.
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    Book reviews. [REVIEW]H. Smokler, D. A. Rohatyn, Alex C. Michalos, David Zeilicovici, William Demopoulos, Aharon Kantorovich, Ilai Alon, Baruch A. Brody, Zeev Levy & Gershon Weiler - 1978 - Philosophia 7 (2):279-281.
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