Results for 'Ryo Okazawa'

198 found
  1.  41
    The Visual and Conversational Order of Membership Categories in Fictional Films.Ryo Okazawa & Ken Kawamura - 2022 - Human Studies 45 (3):551-576.
    This paper demonstrates an empirical analysis of the visual order of membership categories in a way consistent with both an early ethnomethodological research interest and recent arguments in membership categorization analysis. Early ethnomethodological studies have highlighted that we can infer and understand the membership categories of observed people about whom we have no information in advance, even without talking to them. Recent membership categorization analysts have argued the methodological importance of using video data. Given this, fictional films serve as video (...)
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  2.  28
    Reading What is Not There: Ethnomethodological Analysis of the Membership Category, Action, and Reason in Novels and Short Stories.Ken Kawamura & Ryo Okazawa - 2023 - Human Studies 46 (1):117-135.
    This paper investigates how the reader of prose fiction fills in the blanks regarding a fictional character’s membership category, action, and reason for the action. Aligning with an ethnomethodological approach to texts and appropriating membership categorization analysis (MCA), we analyze how the readers of J. D. Salinger, an author whose works are well known for their ambiguity and ambivalence, would grasp the unwritten identities of characters and the meanings of their actions. Our analysis specifies two types of methods deployed for (...)
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  3. Shinran no Bukkyō shikan: Soga Ryōjin Sensei kanreki kinen kōen.Ryōjin Soga - 1983 - Kyōto-shi: Shinshū Ōtaniha Shūmusho Shuppanbu.
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  4. Ryōsen bunshū.Ryōsen Tsunashima - 1905 - Tōkyō: Hidaka Yūrindō.
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    Hume on Nonhuman Animals, Causal Reasoning, and General Thoughts.Ryo Tanaka - 2021 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 59 (2):205-229.
    The Southern Journal of Philosophy, EarlyView.
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    Russell’s theories of judgement.Ryo Ito - 2019 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 28 (1):112-133.
    This paper is an attempt to explain why Russell abandoned the ontology of propositions, mind-independent complex entities that are possible objects of judgements. I argue that he did so not because of any decisive argument but because he found it better to endorse the existential account of truth, according to which a judgement is true if and only if there exists (or in his view subsists) a corresponding fact. In order to endorse this account, he had examined various theories of (...)
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    Cut-free sequent calculi for the provability logic D.Ryo Kashima, Taishi Kurahashi, Sohei Iwata & So Morioka - forthcoming - Review of Symbolic Logic:1-16.
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  8.  9
    Dentō kōgei to kansei hyōka.Mina Ryōke - 2009 - Nomi-shi: JAIST Press. Edited by Yoshiteru Nakamori.
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  9.  82
    A localist turn for defending moral explanations.Ryo Chonabayashi - 2022 - Asian Journal of Philosophy 1 (2):1-23.
    One influential positive argument for moral realism is the Explanatory Indispensability Argument. A crucial premise of this argument is the explanatory relevance of moral properties. On this premise, moral properties, such as wrongness, rightness, courage, and cowardice, are explanatorily indispensable to some empirical phenomena. Although there has been a lively debate on this premise, one crucial challenge to this thesis, what I call the Scientific Standard Challenge, has not been properly discussed. After explaining this challenge and a related concern, I (...)
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  10.  13
    Semantic Externalism, Self-Knowledge, and Inter-personal Mental Ascription: A Neglected Puzzle.Ryo Tanaka - 2024 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 80 (3):819-840.
    In this article, to revitalize the discussion on semantic externalism’s implications on the issue of content self-knowledge, I will argue that semantic externalism generates in fact two related but distinct skeptical puzzles concerning the presumption of truth attached to our mental self-ascriptions. The first is to explain how I can correctly ascribe mental states to myself, and the second is to explain how others can ascribe thoughts to me by taking my expressions of such self-ascriptions at face value. In my (...)
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  11.  33
    Shaking grounds, unearthing palimpsests: Semiotic anthropology of disaster.Ryo Morimoto - 2012 - Semiotica 2012 (192):263-274.
    This article will engage with the current disasters in Japan from the perspective of semiotic anthropology. Disaster seems to produce two moments of the sign: signa naturalia and signa data. The translation of the sign mirrors the architectonic of the signified of disaster, which is mediated by a token-level instantiation of signifiers that initially appears either absent or in excess. The conceptualization of disaster as a zero sign, that is, unlimited possibility, allows an investigation of “a struggle of interpretants” in (...)
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  12.  64
    On semilattice relevant logics.Ryo Kashima - 2003 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 49 (4):401.
    The semilattice relevant logics ∪R, ∪T, ∪RW, and ∪TW are defined by semilattice models in which conjunction and disjunction are interpreted in a natural way. For each of them, there is a cut-free labelled sequent calculus with plural succedents . We prove that these systems are equivalent, with respect to provable formulas, to the restricted systems with single succedents . Moreover, using this equivalence, we give a new Hilbert-style axiomatizations for ∪R and ∪T and prove equivalence between two semantics for (...)
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  13.  10
    Zettaimu to basho: Suzuki zengaku to Nishida tetsugaku.Ryōmin Akizuki - 1996 - Tōkyō: Seidosha.
  14.  7
    Ikani jinbutsutariuru ka: Satō Issai "Genshi shiroku" o dō yomu ka.Ryōhei Kamiwatari - 1993 - Tōkyō: Mikasa Shobō. Edited by Issai Satō.
  15.  8
    Yasuoka Masahiro ningengaku.Ryōhei Kamiwatari - 1992 - Tōkyō: Dōbunkan hatsubai.
  16.  35
    Claudia Bieling and Tobias Plieninger : The science and practice of landscape stewardship: Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, United Kingdom, 2017, 402 pp, ISBN 978-1-107-14226-8.Ryo Kohsaka - 2018 - Agriculture and Human Values 35 (3):741-742.
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  17. Giri to ninjō.Ryōen Minamoto - 1969
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  18. Kokka to shūkyō: Nihon shisōshi ronshū.Ryōen Minamoto & Hiroyuki Tamakake (eds.) - 1992 - Kyōto-shi: Shibunkaku Shuppan.
  19. Tokugawa gōri shisō no keifu.Ryōen Minamoto - 1972 - Chuo Koron Sha.
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  20. Tokugawa shisō shōshi.Ryōen Minamoto - 1973 - Chuo Koron Sha.
  21. Bungeigaku genri.Hidetora Okazawa - 1959
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  22.  28
    Militarism, Conflict and Women's Activism in the Global Era: Challenges and Prospects for Women in Three West African Contexts.Margo Okazawa-Rey & Amina Mama - 2012 - Feminist Review 101 (1):97-123.
    This article develops a feminist perspective on militarism in Africa, drawing examples from the Nigerian, Sierra Leonean and Liberian civil wars spanning several decades to examine women's participation in the conflict, their survival and livelihood strategies, and their activism. We argue that postcolonial conflicts epitomise some of the worst excesses of militarism in the era of neoliberal globalisation, and that the economic, organisational and ideological features of militarism undermine the prospects for democratisation, social justice and genuine security, especially for women, (...)
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  23.  5
    Bikō no naka no uchū: watakushi no bijutsukan.Ryōtarō Shiba - 1988 - Tōkyō: Chūō Kōronsha.
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  24.  6
    Shushigaku kara kangaeru kenri no shisō.Ryōko Shimokawa - 2017 - Tōkyō: Perikansha.
    朱子学は現代に生きる私たちにとって価値なきものなのだろうか? 儒教思想と近代的権利概念の親和性に着目、再検証を試みる。.
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  25.  12
    Is the wellbeing of individuals only what matters? (Proceedings of the CAPE International Workshops, 2013. Part I: The CAPE International Conference “Ethics and Well-being”).Ryo Chonabayashi - 2014 - CAPE Studies in Applied Philosophy and Ethics Series 2:27-35.
    9th and 10th Nov. 2013 at Kyoto University. Organizers: Takeshi Sato and Shunsuke Sugimoto.
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  26. Chūgoku shoki zenshisō no keisei =.Ryō Kogachi - 2023 - Kyōto-shi: Hōzōkan.
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  27.  5
    Edo no jugaku: "Daigaku" juyō no rekishi.Ryōen Minamoto (ed.) - 1988 - Tōkyō: Shibunkaku Shuppan.
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  28.  22
    Sequent Calculi for Multi-Agent Epistemic Logics for Distributed Knowledge.Ryo Murai & Katsuhiko Sano - unknown
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  29. Rusō.Ryōji Nakazato - 1969
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  30. Puraton to Roshia =.Ryō Nemura & Shūichi Sugiura (eds.) - 2006 - Sapporo-shi: Hokkaidō Daigaku Surabu Kenkyū Sentā.
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  31.  5
    Shoki Rukāchi seiji shisō no keisei: bunka keishiki seiji.Ryō Nishinaga - 2014 - [Otaru-shi]: Otaru Shōka Daigaku Shuppankai.
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  32.  33
    Cognitive Enhancement and Destruction of the Self.Ryo Uehara - 2008 - Journal of the Japan Association for Philosophy of Science 35 (2):77-86.
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  33.  22
    Japanese Immigrants and their Christian Communities in North America.Ryo Yoshida - 2007 - Japanese Journal of Religious Studies 34 (1).
  34.  75
    Cut-free sequent calculi for some tense logics.Ryo Kashima - 1994 - Studia Logica 53 (1):119 - 135.
  35.  15
    Oxford Studies in Metaethics, edited by R. Shafer-Landau.Ryo Chonabayashi - 2017 - Journal of Moral Philosophy 14 (1):109-112.
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  36. Mitogaku no shidō genri.Ryōtarō Matsuoka - 1934 - Tōkyō: Keibunsha.
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  37. Sekai no shimin.Ryōzō Matsumoto - 1951
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  38.  21
    Japanese Immigrants and their Christian Communities in North America: A Case Study of the Fukuinkai, 1877–1896.Yoshida Ryo - 2007 - Japanese Journal of Religious Studies 34 (1):229-244.
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  39.  8
    Seigi: gendai shakai no kōkyō tetsugaku o motomete.Hirai Ryōsuke & Yoshiki Wakamatsu (eds.) - 2004 - Kyōto-shi: Sagano Shoin.
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  40. Immyō sahō hensen to chojutsu.Ryōken Saeki - 1969
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  41.  78
    Proof Theory for Reasoning with Euler Diagrams: A Logic Translation and Normalization.Ryo Takemura - 2013 - Studia Logica 101 (1):157-191.
    Proof-theoretical notions and techniques, developed on the basis of sentential/symbolic representations of formal proofs, are applied to Euler diagrams. A translation of an Euler diagrammatic system into a natural deduction system is given, and the soundness and faithfulness of the translation are proved. Some consequences of the translation are discussed in view of the notion of free ride, which is mainly discussed in the literature of cognitive science as an account of inferential efficacy of diagrams. The translation enables us to (...)
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  42.  91
    The Logical Possibility of Moral Dilemmas in Expressivist Semantics.Ryo Tanaka - 2024 - European Journal of Analytic Philosophy 20 (1):55-85.
    In this paper, using Mark Schroeder’s (2008a) expressivist semantic framework for normative language as a case study, I will identify difficulties that even an expressivist semantic theory capable of addressing the Frege-Geach problem will encounter in handling the logical possibility of moral dilemmas. To this end, I will draw on a classical puzzle formulated by McConnell (1978) that the logical possibility of moral dilemmas conflicts with some of the prima facie plausible axioms of the standard deontic logic, which include obligation (...)
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  43.  36
    A unified scheme of measurement and amplification processes based on Micro-Macro duality—Stern-Gerlach experiment as a typical example.Ryo Harada & Izumi Ojima - 2009 - In Krzysztof Stefanski, Open Systems and Information Dynamics. World scientific publishing company. pp. 16--01.
  44.  38
    Recapturing Dynamic Logic of Relation Changers via Bounded Morphisms.Ryo Hatano & Katsuhiko Sano - 2020 - Studia Logica 109 (1):95-124.
    The present contribution shows that a Hilbert-style axiomatization for dynamic logic of relation changers is complete for the standard Kripke semantics not by a well-known rewriting technique but by the idea of an auxiliary semantics studied by van Benthem and Wang et al. A key insight of our auxiliary semantics for dynamic logic of relation changers can be described as: “relation changers are bounded morphisms.” Moreover, we demonstrate that this semantic insight can be used to provide a modular cut-free labelled (...)
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  45.  12
    哲学の一般的方法としての「最良の説明への推論」.Ryo Ogawa - 2022 - Kagaku Tetsugaku 55 (1):1-1.
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  46.  6
    Shisō e no shiza.Ryōyū Sogabe - 1986 - Tōkyō: Keibunsha. Edited by Gōtarō Okuno.
  47. Ōshū rinri shisō shi.Ryōsen Tsunashima - 1909
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  48. Seiyō rinrigakushi.Ryōsen Tsunashima - 1902 - [Tokyo]: Tōkyō Senmon Gakkō Shuppanbu.
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  49.  30
    日本発の概念工学は実行に移せるか?.Ryo Uehara - 2021 - Kagaku Tetsugaku 53 (2):259-273.
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  50.  27
    Placing Knowledge in the World.Ryo Uehara - 2007 - Journal of the Japan Association for Philosophy of Science 35 (1):11-20.
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