Results for 'Ruth Stock-Homburg'

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  1.  56
    Motivation and Attribution at Secondary School: the role of gender.Pauline Lightbody, Gerda Siann, Ruth Stocks & David Walsh - 1996 - Educational Studies 22 (1):13-25.
    Summary A total of 1068 secondary school pupils completed a questionnaire concerned with enjoyment of school, enjoyment of subjects and what they attributed academic success to. Gender differences were shown in the overall enjoyment of school (girls expressing greater enjoyment). Girls also reported liking friends, teachers, outings and lessons more than boys, while boys reported liking sports and school clubs more. Enjoyment of school subjects reflected traditional sex stereotyping: girls reported more liking than did boys for English, French, German, history, (...)
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    FLaK: Mixing Feminism, Legality and Knowledge.Ruth Fletcher - 2015 - Feminist Legal Studies 23 (3):241-252.
    This editorial explains the themes of the forthcoming FLaK seminar and how those themes draw on the collective and individual contributions of the articles, interviews and commentaries presented in this issue. At FLaK, we propose to think with others about the kind of ‘kitchen table’ that FLS might provide into the future. How might feminist legal studies—the approach and the journal—best use its food, equipment, techniques, time, space, mood, energy and commitment? How shall FLS scholars and associates make the most (...)
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  3. Argumentation in Discourse: A Socio-discursive Approach to Arguments.Ruth Amossy - 2009 - Informal Logic 29 (3):252-267.
    Rather than the art of putting forward logically valid arguments leading to Truth, argumentation is here viewed as the use of verbal means ensuring an agreement on what can be considered reasonable by a given group, on a more or less controversial matter. What is acceptable and plausible is always coconstructed by subjects engaging in verbal interaction. It is the dynamism of this exchange, realized not only in natural language, but also in a specific cultural framework, that has to be (...)
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    Funding Utopia: Utopian Studies and the Discourse of Academic Excellence.Adam Stock - 2024 - Utopian Studies 34 (3):517-527.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Funding Utopia: Utopian Studies and the Discourse of Academic ExcellenceAdam Stock (bio)As an academic field, there is in some important ways nothing special about utopian studies. Granted, our object of inquiry may look beyond the present toward what Ruth Levitas terms the Imaginary Reconstruction of Society, but we are still workers in what Darren Webb calls the “corporate-imperial” university.1 Webb argues that within the university we can (...)
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    Only Imagine? Not Necessarily.Ruth Lorand - 2019 - British Journal of Aesthetics 59 (2):211-214.
    In her recent book, Only Imagine, Kathleen Stock promotes extreme intentionalism with respect to fictional content. She writes, ‘the fictional content of a particular text is equivalent to exactly what the author of the text intended the reader to imagine’. There are at least three separate points here: the author’s intentions determine the fictional content; the fictional content is identical with the content of what the reader imagines; reading fiction necessarily entails imagining. The first two points are normative; they (...)
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    Back at the kitchen table: Reflections on decolonising and internationalising with the Global South socio-legal writing workshops.Zainab Batul Naqvi, Ruth Fletcher, Diamond Ashiagbor, Katie Cruz & Yvette Russell - 2019 - Feminist Legal Studies 27 (2):123-137.
    It has been three years since we held the Feminism, Legality and Knowledge seminar to respond to our developing frustrations and excitement around feminist legal studies and academic publishing. In the wake of our 25th anniversary in 2018, we critically reflect further on our original intention to stock up on decolonising techniques to mix feminism, legality and knowledge whilst building on previous consideration of our self-proclaimed ‘international’ status. These reflections are prompted by editorial board members’ experiences as participants in (...)
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    Randal L. Hall. William Louis Poteat: A Leader of the Progressive‐Era South. x + 262 pp., illus., bibl., index.Lexington: University Press of Kentucky, 2000. $34.95. [REVIEW]Ruth Haug - 2002 - Isis 93 (1):99-100.
    William Louis Poteat , a North Carolina intellectual of the Progressive Era, gained a reputation as a leading liberal in southern higher education. This book, which was recognized by a prestigious National Endowment for the Humanities publication grant, is useful for historians of science because it illustrates how scientific ideas, particularly Darwinism, were diffused into a rural and isolated society.From his student years to the end of his life, Poteat was intimately connected with a Southern Baptist college, Wake Forest. He (...)
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    Keeping Public Institutions Invested in Tobacco.Nathaniel Wander & Ruth E. Malone - 2006 - Journal of Business Ethics 73 (2):161-176.
    Increasingly through the 1990s, tobacco control advocates questioned the practice of public institutions investing in tobacco company stocks. The questioning was framed in at least three ways. First, is it ethical to fund public expenditures with profits from a product that causes addiction and disease? Second, is it sound social policy to derive public income from a product that increases healthcare costs and reduces worker productivity? Finally, is it sound fiscal policy to invest in an historically profitable industry facing multiplying (...)
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    Gender, assets, and market-oriented agriculture: learning from high-value crop and livestock projects in Africa and Asia.Agnes R. Quisumbing, Deborah Rubin, Cristina Manfre, Elizabeth Waithanji, Mara van den Bold, Deanna Olney, Nancy Johnson & Ruth Meinzen-Dick - 2015 - Agriculture and Human Values 32 (4):705-725.
    Strengthening the abilities of smallholder farmers in developing countries, particularly women farmers, to produce for both home and the market is currently a development priority. In many contexts, ownership of assets is strongly gendered, reflecting existing gender norms and limiting women’s ability to invest in more profitable livelihood strategies such as market-oriented agriculture. Yet the intersection between women’s asset endowments and their ability to participate in and benefit from agricultural interventions receives minimal attention. This paper explores changes in gender relations (...)
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    Symposium: A roundtable on feminism and philosophy in the mid-1990s: Taking stock: Introduction.Joan Callahan - 1996 - Metaphilosophy 27 (1-2):184-188.
    Feminist philosophy emerged in earnest in the 1970s. With that emergence and the latest surge of the Women's Movement now a quarter of a century old and with the turn of the century approaching quickly, the Society for Philosophy and Public Affairs and the Pacific Society for Women in Philosophy invited a group of feminist philosophers to reflect on feminism and philosophy as we approach the millennium. A roundtable was held at the 1995 meeting of the Pacific Division of the (...)
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  11. Desires as additional reasons? The case of tie-breaking.Attila Tanyi - 2011 - Philosophical Studies 152 (2):209-227.
    According to the Desire-Based Reasons Model reasons for action are provided by desires. Many, however, are critical about the Model holding an alternative view of practical reason, which is often called valued-based. In this paper I consider one particular attempt to refute the Model, which advocates of the valued-based view often appeal to: the idea of reason-based desires. The argument is built up from two premises. The first claims that desires are states that we have reason to have. The second (...)
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  12.  31
    Zur Aktualität von Jacob Burckhardts "Griechischer Kulturgeschichte".Ruth Stepper - 1997 - Zeitschrift für Religions- Und Geistesgeschichte 49 (3):270-278.
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  13. Exploitation: What It is and Why It's Wrong.Ruth J. Sample - 2003 - Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    Exploitation locates what it is we recognize as bad when we judge a situation to be exploitative. Ideal for courses in social and political philosophy, public policy, or political science.
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  14. Wayfinding as a Social Activity.Ruth C. Dalton, Christoph Hölscher & Daniel R. Montello - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10:433127.
    We discuss the important, but greatly under-researched, topic of the social aspects of human wayfinding during navigation. Wayfinding represents the planning and decision-making component of navigation and is arguably among the most common, real-world domains of both individual and group-level decision making. We highlight the myriad ways that wayfinding by people is not a solitary psychological process but is influenced by the actions of other people, even by their mere presence. We also present a novel and comprehensive framework for classifying (...)
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  15.  32
    Can one do good medical ethics without principles?Ruth Macklin - 2015 - Journal of Medical Ethics 41 (1):75-78.
    The criteria for determining what it is to do good medical ethics are the quality of ethical analysis and ethical justifications for decisions and actions. Justifications for decisions and actions rely on ethical principles, be they the ‘famous four’ or subsidiary ethical principles relevant to specific contexts. Examples from clinical ethics, research ethics and public health ethics reveal that even when not stated explicitly, principles are involved in ethical justifications. Principles may come into conflict, however, and the resolution of an (...)
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  16. Awareness of Rhythm Patterns in Speech and Music in Children with Specific Language Impairments.Ruth Cumming, Angela Wilson, Victoria Leong, Lincoln J. Colling & Usha Goswami - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
  17.  78
    Sense and nonsense in aesthetics.Ruth Saw - 1961 - British Journal of Aesthetics 1 (2):100-112.
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    Odysseus’ Dog and the Productive Household.Ruth Scodel - 2005 - Hermes 133 (4):401-408.
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    Demystifying Weak Measurements.Ruth Kastner - 2017 - Foundations of Physics 47 (5):697-707.
    A large literature has grown up around the proposed use of 'weak measurements' to allegedly provide information about hidden ontological features of quantum systems. This paper attempts to clarify the fact that 'weak measurements' are simply strong measurements on one member of an entangled pair, and that all such measurements thus effect complete disentanglement of the pair. The only thing 'weak' about them is that the correlation established via the entanglement does not correspond to eigenstates of the 'weakly measured observable' (...)
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  20.  29
    The origins of feminism and the limits of enlightenment.Ruth H. Bloch - 2006 - Modern Intellectual History 3 (3):473-494.
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    Enhancement: A Short Comment.Ruth Chadwick - 2012 - Asian Bioethics Review 4 (4):393-398.
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    Expertise Revisited.Ruth Chadwick - 2016 - Bioethics 30 (8):549-549.
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    AIDS Research: The Ethics of Clinical Trials.Ruth Macklin & Gerald Friedland - 1986 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 14 (5-6):273-280.
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    Commercial Video Games in School Teaching: Two Mixed Methods Case Studies on Students’ Reflection Processes.Marco Rüth & Kai Kaspar - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    Commercial video games are popular entertainment media and part of students’ media reality. While commercial video games’ main purpose is not learning, they nonetheless could and should serve as objects of reflection in formal educational settings. Teachers could guide student learning and reflection as well as motivate students with commercial video games, but more evidence from formal educational settings is required. We conducted two mixed methods case studies to investigate students’ reflection processes using commercial video games in regular formal high (...)
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  25.  12
    The Effects of Different Feedback Types on Learning With Mobile Quiz Apps.Marco Rüth, Johannes Breuer, Daniel Zimmermann & Kai Kaspar - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Testing is an effective learning method, and it is the basis of mobile quiz apps. Quiz apps have the potential to facilitate remote and self-regulated learning. In this context, automatized feedback plays a crucial role. In two experimental studies, we examined the effects of two feedback types of quiz apps on performance, namely, the standard corrective feedback of quiz apps and a feedback that incorporates additional information related to the correct response option. We realized a controlled lab setting (n= 68, (...)
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    Modeling the Evolution of Legal Discretion. An Artificial Intelligence Approach.Ruth Kannai, Uri Schild & John Zeleznikow - 2007 - Ratio Juris 20 (4):530-558.
    Much legal research focuses on understanding how judicial decision-makers exercise their discretion. In this paper we examine the notion of legal or judicial discretion, and weaker and stronger forms of discretion. At all times our goal is to build cognitive models of the exercise of discretion, with a view to building computer software to model and primarily support decision-making. We observe that discretionary decision-making can best be modeled using three independent axes: bounded and unbounded, defined and undefined, and binary and (...)
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    Collective "Problem-Solving" in the History of Music: the Case of the Camerata.Ruth Katz - 1984 - Journal of the History of Ideas 45 (3):361.
  28.  11
    Maternal–fetal conflicts: Cesarean delivery on maternal request.Ruth Landau & Steve Yentis - 2010 - In Gail A. Van Norman, Stephen Jackson, Stanley H. Rosenbaum & Susan K. Palmer, Clinical Ethics in Anesthesiology: A Case-Based Textbook. Cambridge University Press. pp. 49.
  29.  14
    The Third Knowledge Dimension: From a Binary System to a Three-limbed Epistemology.Ruth Edith Hagengruber - 2023 - In Women Philosophers on Economics, Technology, Environment, and Gender History: Shaping the Future, Rethinking the Past. De Gruyter. pp. 119-128.
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  30. Why the Afshar experiment does not refute complementarity.Ruth Kastner - 2005 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 36 (4):649-658.
    A modified version of Young's experiment by Shahriar Afshar demonstrates that, prior to what appears to be a ``which-way'' measurement, an interference pattern exists. Afshar has claimed that this result constitutes a violation of the Principle of Complementarity. This paper discusses the implications of this experiment and considers how Cramer's Transactional Interpretation easily accomodates the result. It is also shown that the Afshar experiment is isomorphic in key respects to a spin one-half particle prepared as ``spin up along x'' and (...)
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    What is Fair? Choice, Fairness, and Transparency in Access to Prescription Medicines in the United States and Australia.Ruth Lopert & Sara Rosenbaum - 2007 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 35 (4):643-656.
    The role of government in assuring population access to affordable and appropriate health care represents a central question for any nation. Of particular concern is access to prescription drug coverage, not only because of the vital role played by drugs in modern medicine, but also because of their high costs. This article examines the sharply contrasting prescription drug coverage and payment policies found in Australia and the U.S. – strong political allies and international trading partners – and describes how key (...)
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    Wilfrid Sellars and His Legacy.James R. O'Shea - 2016 - Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press UK.
    This collection of new essays on the systematic thought and intellectual legacy of the American philosopher Wilfrid Sellars (1912–1989) comes at a time when Sellars’s influence on contemporary debates about mind, meaning, knowledge, and metaphysics has never been greater. Sellars was among the most important philosophers of the twentieth century, and many of his central ideas have become philosophical stock-in-trade: for example, his conceptions of the ‘myth of the given’, the ‘logical space of reasons’, and the ‘clash’ between the (...)
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  33.  14
    Educational and Social Exergaming: A Perspective on Physical, Social, and Educational Benefits and Pitfalls of Exergaming at Home During the COVID-19 Pandemic and Afterwards.Marco Rüth & Kai Kaspar - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Physical inactivity and coronavirus disease 2019 signify two pandemics with negative physical, mental, and economic consequences. Younger and older people have not reached the recommended physical activity level for years. Societal restrictions due to COVID-19 additionally reduce opportunities for physical activity, and they increase social isolation. Here, we outline how playing exergames with others at home could foster physical and mental health and promote communication and discussions on exergaming. Accordingly, we highlight the educational and social benefits of exergaming at home (...)
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    Am Ende der Literaturtheorie?: neun Beiträge zur Einführung und Diskussion.Torsten Hitz & Angela Stock (eds.) - 1995 - Münster: LIT Verlag Münster.
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    Fell in her hands.Ruth Lauer Manenti - 2016 - New York: Lantern Books. Edited by Patañjali.
    Affectionately known as "Lady Ruth" at the Jivamukti Yoga School in New York City where she teaches, Ruth Lauer-Manenti has presented dharma talks on daily life from a yogic perspective for many years (collected in An Offering of Leaves and Sweeping the Dust, both published by Lantern Books). Fell in Her Hands is an altogether more ambitious work: a commentary and reflection on the venerable yogic text, the Yoga Sutra of Patanjali--written in the form of a series of (...)
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    On Delayed Choice and Contingent Absorber Experiments.Ruth E. Kastner - unknown
    It is pointed out that a slight variation on the Wheeler Delayed Choice Experiment presents the same challenge to orthodox quantum mechanics as Maudlin-type contingent absorber experiments present to the Transactional Interpretation. Therefore, the latter cannot be used as a basis for refutation of TI.
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    Teaching Bioethics to Future Health Professionals: A Case‐Based Clinical Model.Ruth Macklin - 1993 - Bioethics 7 (2-3):200-206.
  38. Which Way Down the Slippery Slope? Nazi Medical Killing and Euthanaisa Today.Ruth Macklin - 2001 - In John Harris, Bioethics. Oxford University Press.
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    Darkness and light. The archetypal metaphor for education.Nicholas Stock - 2021 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 53 (2):151-159.
    This article seeks to explore the metaphor ‘darkness and light’ and its relevance to education through hauntological study. It draws on the ideas of Derrida and Fisher to reveal that the metaphor functions in binary form and holds significations of truth, goodness and knowledge to subordinate oppositional ideas of darkness. Despite the everyday usage of this metaphor, the subordination of darkness is shown to be less positive than it would appear. Darkness and light also shows itself to be an archetypal (...)
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  40.  8
    Abbreviations.Brian Stock - 1972 - In Myth and Science in the Twelfth Century: A Study of Bernard Silvester. Princeton, N.J.,: Princeton University Press.
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    Chapter II. Nature's Complaint.Brian Stock - 1972 - In Myth and Science in the Twelfth Century: A Study of Bernard Silvester. Princeton, N.J.,: Princeton University Press. pp. 63-118.
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    Chapter III. The Creation of the World.Brian Stock - 1972 - In Myth and Science in the Twelfth Century: A Study of Bernard Silvester. Princeton, N.J.,: Princeton University Press. pp. 119-162.
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    Daniel Stern, historian.Phyllis Stock-Morton - 1987 - History of European Ideas 8 (4-5):489-501.
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    Index.Brian Stock - 1972 - In Myth and Science in the Twelfth Century: A Study of Bernard Silvester. Princeton, N.J.,: Princeton University Press. pp. 301-339.
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    Index of Manuscripts.Brian Stock - 1972 - In Myth and Science in the Twelfth Century: A Study of Bernard Silvester. Princeton, N.J.,: Princeton University Press. pp. 299-300.
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    Ich schwöre. Teil li: Studien zum Zeugen- und Soldateneid.K. Stock - 1970 - Zeitschrift Für Evangelische Ethik 14 (1):186-187.
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    If the Goal Is Relief, What's Wrong with a Placebo?Gregory Stock - 2003 - American Journal of Bioethics 3 (4):53-54.
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    Objectification, images and ‘mind-insensitive seeing-as’.Kathleen Stock - unknown
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    Pneumatologie und ethische Theorie.Konrad Stock - 1988 - Neue Zeitschrift für Systematicsche Theologie Und Religionsphilosophie 30 (1):163-178.
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    Scientific vs. Phenomenological Evolution.Michael Stock - 1962 - New Scholasticism 36 (3):368-380.
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