Results for 'Ruth Cain'

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  1.  25
    “A View You Won’t Get Anywhere Else”? Depressed Mothers, Public Regulation and ‘Private’ Narrative.Ruth Cain - 2009 - Feminist Legal Studies 17 (2):123-143.
    The existence of ‘postnatal’ or maternal depression (PND) is contested, and subject to various medico-legal and cultural definitions. Mothers remain subject to complex systems of scrutiny and regulation. In medico-legal discourse, postnatal distress is portrayed as a tragic pathology of mysterious (but probably hormonal) origin. A PND diagnosis denotes ‘imbalance’ in the immediate postnatal period, although women experience increased incidence of depression throughout maternity. Current treatment patterns emphasise medication and tend to elide the perspective of the individual sufferer in favour (...)
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    Fatemen Ebtehaj, Jonathan Herring, Martin H Johnson and Martin Richards : Birth Rites and Rights: Oxford, Hart, 2011, ISBN: 978-1-84946-188-7. [REVIEW]Ruth Cain - 2014 - Feminist Legal Studies 22 (1):101-104.
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    Repertorio bibliográfico sobre Friedrich Nietzsche.Cristina Alayza, David Arévalo, Renzo Copello, Juan Carlos Díaz, José Carlos Gutiérrez, Lillian Huggard-Caine, Pamela Lastres, Javier Ormeño, Ruth Zea & Kathia Hanza - 2003 - Estudios de Filosofía (Universidad de Antioquia) 5:129-144.
    Este repertorio registra los artículos sobre Nietzsche que se encuentran en la Hemeroteca de la Biblioteca Central de la Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. El listado abarca las publicaciones existentes hasta el primer semestre del 2003.
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    Ruth Mellinkoff, The Mark of Cain. Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press, 1981. Pp. xiii, 151, plus 22 plates. $12.95. [REVIEW]Jerry H. Bentley - 1982 - Speculum 57 (3):686.
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    Edwin Stein, Joseph Gibaldi, Fernand Hallyn, Timothy Hampton, Allan H. Pasco, John F. Desmond, Walter Adamson, Robert T. Corum, Mary Anne O'Neil, David Gorman, Richard Kaplan, Michael Weber, Willard Bohn, William E. Cain, Ronald Bogue, English Showalter, Michael Winkler, Richard Eldridge, Michael McClintick, Leslie D. Harris, Paul Taylor, John J. Stuhr, David Novitz, Paul Trembath, Mark Stocker, Michael McGaha, Patricia A. Ward, Michael Fischer, Michael Lopez, Ruth ap Roberts, Gerald Prince. [REVIEW]Wendell V. Harris - 1993 - Philosophy and Literature 17 (2):343.
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  6. Introduction.Ruth Chang - 1997 - In Incommensurability, Incomparability, and Practical Reason. Cambridge, MA, USA: Harvard. pp. 1-34.
    This paper is the introduction to the volume. It gives an argumentative view of the philosophical landscape concerning incommensurability and incomparability. It argues that incomparability, not incommensurability, is the important phenomenon on which philosophers should be focusing and that the arguments for the existence of incomparability are so far not compelling.
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  7. Modalities and intensional languages.Ruth Barcan Marcus - 1961 - Synthese 13 (4):303-322.
  8.  86
    Presupposition and the delimitation of semantics.Ruth M. Kempson - 1975 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    In this book, first published in 1975, Dr Kempson argues that previous work on presupposition - whether in philosophy or linguistics - has been mistakenly based on a conflation of two different disciplines: semantics, the study of the meanings assigned to the formal system which constitutes a language, and pragmatics, the study of the use of that system in communication. The first part of the book deals generally with the nature of semantics in linguistic theory and its formal representation within (...)
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  9. Voluntarist reasons and the sources of normativity.Ruth Chang - 2009 - In David Sobel & Steven Wall, Reasons for Action. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 243-71.
    This paper investigates two puzzles in practical reason and proposes a solution to them. First, sometimes, when we are practically certain that neither of two alternatives is better than or as good as the other with respect to what matters in the choice between them, it nevertheless seems perfectly rational to continue to deliberate, and sometimes the result of that deliberation is a conclusion that one alternative is better, where there is no error in one’s previous judgment. Second, there are (...)
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  10.  39
    Studies in Cognitive Development: Essays in Honour of Jean Piaget.Ruth M. Beard, David Elkind & John H. Flavell - 1970 - British Journal of Educational Studies 18 (1):93.
  11. Semantic theory.Ruth M. Kempson - 1977 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    Semantics is a bridge discipline between linguistics and philosophy; but linguistics student are rarely able to reach that bridge, let alone cross it to inspect and assess the activity on the other side. Professor Kempson's textbook seeks particularly to encourage such exchanges. She deals with the standard linguistic topics like componential analysis, semantic universals and the syntax-semantics controversy. But she also provides for students with no training in philosophy or logic an introduction to such central topics in the philosophy of (...)
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  12.  47
    ‘Men of Science’: Language, Identity and Professionalization in the Mid-Victorian Scientific Community.Ruth Barton - 2003 - History of Science 41 (1):73-119.
  13.  41
    Basic auditory processing and sensitivity to prosodic structure in children with specific language impairments: a new look at a perceptual hypothesis.Ruth Cumming, Angela Wilson & Usha Goswami - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
  14.  9
    Habermas, lifelong learning and citizenship education.Ruth Deakin Crick & Clarence Joldersma - 2007 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 26 (2):77-95.
    Citizenship and its education is again gaining importance in many countries. This paper uses England as its primary example to develop a Habermasian perspective on this issue. The statutory requirements for citizenship education in England imply that significant attention be given to the moral and social development of the learner over time, to the active engagement of the learner in community and to the knowledge skills and understanding necessary for political action. This paper sets out a theoretical framework that offers (...)
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  15. An Input Condition for Teleosemantics? Reply to Shea (and Godfrey-Smith).Ruth Garrett Millikan - 2007 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 75 (2):436-455.
    In his essay "Consumers Need Information: Supplementing Teleosemantics with an Input Condition" (this issue) Nicholas Shea argues, with support from the work of Peter Godfrey-Smith (1996), that teleosemantics, as David Papinau and I have articulated it, cannot explain why "content attribution can be used to explain successful behavior." This failure is said to result from defining the intentional contents of representations by reference merely to historically normal conditions for success of their "outputs," that is, of their uses by interpreting or (...)
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  16.  49
    Just before Nature: The purposes of science and the purposes of popularization in some English popular science journals of the 1860s.Ruth Barton - 1998 - Annals of Science 55 (1):1-33.
    Summary Popular science journalism flourished in the 1860s in England, with many new journals being projected. The time was ripe, Victorian men of science believed, for an ?organ of science? to provide a means of communication between specialties, and between men of science and the public. New formats were tried as new purposes emerged. Popular science journalism became less recreational and educational. Editorial commentary and reviewing the progress of science became more important. The analysis here emphasizes those aspects of popular (...)
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  17.  33
    Now you feel it--now you don't: ERP correlates of somatosensory awareness.Ruth Schubert, Felix Blankenburg, Steven Lemm, Arno Villringer & Gabriel Curio - 2006 - Psychophysiology 43 (1):31-40.
  18.  32
    (1 other version)Ethical dimensions in the health professions.Ruth B. Purtilo - 1981 - Philadelphia: Saunders. Edited by Christine K. Cassel.
    The fourth edition of this bestselling title is designed to help you think critically and thoughtfully about ethical decisions you'll face in practice-in any health care discipline. Utilizing a unique 6-step decision making process designed by the author, this multi-disciplinary text provides an expert framework for making effective choices that lead to a professional and caring response to patients and clients.
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  19. A Difference of Some Consequence Between Conventions and Rules.Ruth Garrett Millikan - 2008 - Topoi 27 (1-2):87-99.
    Lewis’s view of the way conventions are passed on may have some especially interesting consequences for the study of language. I’ll start by briefly discussing agreements and disagreements that I have with Lewis’s general views on conventions and then turn to how linguistic conventions spread. I’ll compare views of main stream generative linguistics, in particular, Chomsky’s views on how syntactic forms are passed on, with the sort of view of language acquisition and language change advocated by usage-based or construction grammars, (...)
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  20.  71
    Closer kinships: Rortyan resources for animal rights.Ruth Abbey - 2017 - Contemporary Political Theory 16 (1):1-18.
    This article considers the extent to which the debate about animal rights can be enriched by Richard Rorty’s theory of rights. Although Rorty’s work has enjoyed a lot of scholarly attention, commentators have not considered the implications of his arguments for animals. Nor have theorists of animal rights engaged his approach to rights. This paper argues that Rorty’s thinking holds a number of attractions for proponents of animal rights. It also considers some of its drawbacks. It is further argued that (...)
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  21. The quantum liar experiment in Cramer's transactional interpretation.Ruth E. Kastner - 2010 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 41 (2):86-92.
    Cramer's Transactional Interpretation (TI) is applied to the ``Quantum Liar Experiment'' (QLE). It is shown how some apparently paradoxical features can be explained naturally, albeit nonlocally (since TI is an explicitly nonlocal interpretation). At the same time, it is proposed that in order to preserve the elegance and economy of the interpretation, it may be necessary to consider offer and confirmation waves as propagating in a ``higher space'' of possibilities.
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  22.  90
    Computational Modelling of Culture and Affect.Ruth Aylett & Ana Paiva - 2012 - Emotion Review 4 (3):253-263.
    This article discusses work on implementing emotional and cultural models into synthetic graphical characters. An architecture, FAtiMA, implemented first in the antibullying application FearNot! and then extended as FAtiMA-PSI in the cultural-sensitivity application ORIENT, is discussed. We discuss the modelling relationships between culture, social interaction, and cognitive appraisal. Integrating a lower level homeostatically based model is also considered as a means of handling some of the limitations of a purely symbolic approach. Evaluation to date is summarised and future directions discussed.
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  23. Biomedical research policy : back to the future?Bartha Maria Knoppers, Ruth Chadwick & Michael Beauvais - 2022 - In G. T. Laurie, E. S. Dove & Niamh Nic Shuibhne, Law and legacy in medical jurisprudence: essays in honour of Graeme Laurie. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.
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  24.  78
    Odd bedfellows: Nietzsche and Mill on marriage.Ruth Abbey - 1997 - History of European Ideas 23 (2-4):81-104.
    This paper examines Nietzsche's views on love and marriage in the works of his middle period. Contrary to the general consensus in the secondary literature regarding Nietzsche's ideas on these matters, it shows that he offers several positive reflections on love and marriage. Indeed, at times he accepts that friendship is possible between the genders and even models marriage on friendship. Modelling marriage on friendship creates an overlap between Nietzsche's thought and that of John Stuart Mill and Harriet Taylor. However, (...)
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  25.  76
    Swanton and Nietzsche on Self-Love.Ruth Abbey - 2015 - Journal of Value Inquiry 49 (3):387-403.
    Most of Christine Swanton’s quotations from and references to Nietzsche are drawn The Genealogy of Morals, Thus Spoke Zarathustra, and Beyond Good and Evil. I suggest that Human, All too Human and Daybreak, two of Nietzsche’s most neglected works, provide rich resources for Swanton’s interpretation of Nietzsche’s view of self-love and its defining role in genuinely ethical action. Self-love assumes a central place in these writings, as do its cognate concepts of egoism and vanity. I outline some of the reasons (...)
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  26. What was Hume's contribution to the problem of induction?Ruth Weintraub - 1995 - Philosophical Quarterly 45 (181):460-470.
    There are very few philosophical issues which are so intimately associated with one single philosopher as is the problem of induction with Hume. This paper argues against this received opinion. It shows that Hume was neither the first to think induction problematic, nor the originator of the argument he adduced in support of the (sceptical) position. It then explains his (more modest) contribution. Its primary concern, however, is not historical. By considering Hume’s contribution to the problem of induction, it is (...)
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    Work-related Attitudes, Values and Radical Change in Post-Socialist Contexts: A Comparative Study.Ruth Alas & Christopher J. Rees - 2006 - Journal of Business Ethics 68 (2):181-189.
    The study draws attention to the transfer of management theories and practices from traditional capitalist countries such as the USA and UK to post-socialist countries that are currently experiencing radical change as they seek to introduce market reforms. It is highlighted that the efficacy of this transfer of management theories and practices is, in part, dependent upon the extent to which work-related attitudes and values vary between traditional capitalist and former socialist contexts. We highlight that practices such as Human Resource (...)
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  28.  19
    Wollen wir unsere Hande in Unschuld waschen? Gertrud Woker , Chemikerin und Internationale Frauenliga . Gerit von Leitner.Ruth Sime - 1999 - Isis 90 (4):839-840.
  29. Types of prayer, heart rate variability, and innate healing.Ruth Stanley - 2009 - Zygon 44 (4):825-846.
    Spiritual practices such as prayer have been shown to improve health and quality of life for those facing chronic or terminal illness. The early Christian healing tradition distinguished between types of prayer and their role in healing, placing great emphasis on the healing power of more integrated relational forms of prayer such as prayers of gratitude and contemplative prayer. Because autonomic tone is impaired in most disease states, autonomic homeostasis may provide insight into the healing effects of prayer. I report (...)
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  30.  88
    The credibility of miracles.Ruth Weintraub - 1996 - Philosophical Studies 82 (3):359 - 375.
    Hume’s famous argument against the credibility of testimony about miracles invokes two premises: 1) The reliability of the witness (the extent to which he is informed and truthful) must be compared with the intrinsic probability of the miracle. 2) The initial probability of a miracle is always small enough to outweigh the improbability that the testimony is false (even when the witness is assumed to be reliable). I defend the first premise of the argument, showing that Hume’s argument can be (...)
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  31.  62
    Being a learner: A virtue for the 21st century.Ruth Deakin Crick & Kenneth Wilson - 2005 - British Journal of Educational Studies 53 (3):359-374.
    Lifelong learning is something which one does for oneself that no one else can do for one: it is a public and personal human activity, rather than private or individualistic. One of the features of the education system is the paucity of a language for learning as process and participative experience. Personalised learning requires a sense of the worth-whileness of 'being a learner' - a virtue in the 21st century. A sense of one's own worth as a person is essential (...)
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  32.  16
    Biology, Medicine, and Society, 1840-1940Charles Webster.Ruth Cowan - 1983 - Isis 74 (2):266-267.
  33.  28
    Francis Galton: The Life and Work of a Victorian Genius. D. W. Forrest.Ruth Cowan - 1976 - Isis 67 (3):496-497.
  34.  13
    HermaphroditicallyReflections on Gender and ScienceEvelyn Fox Keller.Ruth Schwartz Cowan - 1986 - Isis 77 (4):674-676.
  35.  33
    The Whale and the Reactor: A Search for Limits in an Age of High Technology. Langdon Winner.Ruth Schwartz Cowan - 1987 - Isis 78 (2):296-297.
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    Do utility comparisons pose a problem?Ruth Weintraub - 1998 - Philosophical Studies 92 (3):307-319.
    Comparisons between utilities pose a pressing problem if, while incapable of being grounded, they are required in ethical deliberation. My aim is to consider whether there are epistemological impediments to implementing such ethical choices. Can we find ourselves being persuaded of the ethical need to compare utilities of different individuals, yet unable to do so because the comparisons cannot be warranted? I argue that the problem cannot arise; no plausible moral principle will invoke magnitudes which are inscrutable.
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  37. John Stuart Mill, the man.Ruth Borchard - 1957 - London,: Watts.
  38.  25
    Society's choices: social and ethical decision making in biomedicine.Ruth Ellen Bulger, Elizabeth Meyer Bobby & Harvey V. Fineberg (eds.) - 1995 - Washington, D.C.: National Academy Press.
    This book discusses ways for people to handle today's bioethical issues in the context of America's history and culture--and from the perspective of various ...
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  39.  43
    Depression reduces perceptual sensitivity for positive words and pictures.Ruth Ann Atchley, Stephen S. Ilardi, Keith M. Young, Natalie N. Stroupe, Aminda J. O'Hare, Steven L. Bistricky, Elizabeth Collison, Linzi Gibson, Jonathan Schuster & Rebecca J. Lepping - 2012 - Cognition and Emotion 26 (8):1359-1370.
  40.  55
    New Reproductive Techniques: A Legal Perspective.Ruth Curson - 1989 - Journal of Medical Ethics 15 (4):221-221.
  41. The Stolen History—Retrieving the History of Women Philosophers and its Methodical Implications.Ruth Edith Hagengruber - 2020 - In Sigrid Thorgeirsdottir & Ruth Hagengruber, Methodological Reflections on Women’s Contribution and Influence in the History of Philosophy. pp. 43-64.
    Women who are deprived of their histories can be compared to people who have lost their memories. They are unable to build a personal identity. This analogy may be the leading paradigm for my paper, which is primarily dedicated to epistemological questions. Throughout the last 40 years, many scholars have dedicated their endeavors to conserving the writings of women philosophers. Now we have access to valuable sources that show that the history of women philosophers stretches back as far as the (...)
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  42.  26
    Linguistics and Aphasia: Psycholinguistic and Pragmatic Aspects of Intervention.Ruth Lesser & Lesley Milroy - 1993 - Routledge.
    _Linguistics and Aphasia_ is a major study of recent developments in applying psycholinguistics and pragmatics to the study of acquired language disorders and their remediation. Psycholinguistic analyses of aphasia interpret disorders in terms of damaged modules and processes within what was once a normal language system. These analyses have progressed to the point that they now routinely provide a model-based rationalefor planning patient therapy. Through a series of case studies, the authors show how the psycholinguistic analysis of aphasia can be (...)
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  43.  69
    No country for older people? Age and the digital divide.Ruth Abbey & Sarah Hyde - 2009 - Journal of Information, Communication and Ethics in Society 7 (4):225-242.
    PurposeThe purpose of this paper is to contribute to the literature on age and the digital divide by examining the uses of and attitudes toward information and communication technologies by 26 politically senior citizens.Design/methodology/approachThe approach taken involved in‐depth face‐to‐face interviews.FindingsThe majority of the respondents are informed and balanced cyber‐enthusiasts who have embraced the opportunities afforded by ICTs to enhance their lives in general, including their political activities.Originality/valueThese findings destabilize the dominant image of older people and their attitudes to and experiences (...)
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  44.  22
    The Joy of Science: Disciplinary Diversity in Emotional Accounts.Erin Leahey, Cindy L. Cain & Sharon Koppman - 2015 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 40 (1):30-70.
    Science and emotions are typically juxtaposed: science is considered rational and unattached to outcomes, whereas emotions are considered irrational and harmful to science. Ethnographic studies of the daily lives of scientists have problematized this opposition, focusing on the emotional experiences of scientists as they go about their work, but they reveal little about disciplinary differences. We build on these studies by analyzing Citation Classics: accounts about the making of influential science. We document how highly cited scientists retrospectively describe emotional aspects (...)
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  45. Verificationism revisited.Ruth Weintraub - 2003 - Ratio 16 (1):83–98.
    I aim to stand the received view about verificationism on its head. It is commonly thought that verificationism is a powerful philosophical tool, which we could deploy very effectively if only it weren’t so hopelessly implausible. On the contrary, I argue. Verificationism - if properly construed - may well be true. But its philosophical applications are chimerical.
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  46. Pragmatism, utopia and anti-utopia.Ruth Levitas - 2008 - Critical Horizons 9 (1):42-59.
    This paper explores the tension between pragmatism and utopia, especially in the concept of "realistic utopianism". It argues that historically, the pragmatic and gradualist rejection of utopia has been anti-utopian in effect, notably in the case of Popper. More recent attempts to argue in favour of "realistic utopianism" or its equivalent, by writers such as Wallerstein and Rorty are also profoundly anti-utopian, despite Rorty's commitment to "social hope". They co-opt the terminology of utopia to positions that are antagonistic to radical (...)
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  47.  78
    Turning or Spinning? Charles Taylor's Catholicism: A Reply to Ian Fraser.Ruth Abbey - 2006 - Contemporary Political Theory 5 (2):163-175.
    Charles Taylor's work has recently taken a religious turn, with Taylor becoming more explicit about his own religious faith and its influence on his thinking. Ian Fraser offers a systematic, critical exploration of the nature of Taylor's Catholicism as it appears in his writings. This reply to Fraser endorses his belief in the importance of looking carefully at Taylor's religious views. However, it raises doubts about some of Fraser's particular arguments and conclusions, and aims to foster a clearer understanding of (...)
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  48.  35
    Missing in action: Exposing the moral failures of universities that desert researchers facing court-ordered disclosure of confidential information.Joseph Ulatowski & Ruth Walker - 2020 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 53 (5):536-547.
    A cardinal rule of academic research with human participants is to protect their confidentiality. While there are limits to confidentiality, universities and researchers will make strenuous efforts...
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  49. Beyond misogyny and metaphor: Women in Nietzsche's middle period.Ruth Abbey - 1996 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 34 (2):233-256.
    This article proposes a third way of reading Nietzsche's remarks on women, one that goes beyond misogyny and metaphor. Taking the depiction of women in the works of the middle period at face value shows that these works neither entirely demean women nor exclude them from the higher life. Nietzsche's middle period comprises HAH (1879-80, which includes "Assorted Opinions and Maxims" and "The Wanderer and His Shadow"), D (1881) and GS (1882). The works of this period do not disqualify women (...)
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  50.  21
    Culturally Relevant Pedagogy: Clashes and Confrontations.Dawn Abt-Perkins, Ruth Balf, Matthew Brown, Jacqueline Deal, Elizabeth Dutro, Kimberly Adilia Helmer, Stephanie Jones, Elham Kazemi, Aaron Kuntz, Kysa Nygreen, Eileen Carlton Parsons, Melanie Shoffner, Steven Wall & Victoria Whitefield (eds.) - 2010 - R&L Education.
    The authors in this edited volume reflect on their experiences with culturally relevant pedagogy-as students, as teachers, as researchers-and how these experiences were often at odds with their backgrounds and/or expectations.
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