Results for 'Ross Overbeek'

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  1.  44
    Larry Wos, Ross Overbeek, Ewing Lusk, and Jim Boyle. Automated reasoning. Introduction and applications. Second edition of LI 464. McGraw-Hill, New York etc. 1992, xvi + 656 pp. + disk. [REVIEW]Natarajan Shankar - 1994 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 59 (4):1437-1439.
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    Larry Wos, Ross Overbeek, Ewing Lusk, and Jim Boyle. Automated reasoning. Introduction and applications. Prentice-Hall, Inc., Englewood Cliffs, N.J., 1984, xiv + 482 pp. [REVIEW]Michael J. Beeson - 1986 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 51 (2):464-465.
  3.  14
    Computational Logic: Essays in Honor of Alan Robinson.Jean-Louis Lassez, G. Plotkin & J. A. Robinson - 1991 - MIT Press (MA).
    Reflecting Alan Robinson's fundamental contribution to computational logic, this book brings together seminal papers in inference, equality theories, and logic programming. It is an exceptional collection that ranges from surveys of major areas to new results in more specialized topics. Alan Robinson is currently the University Professor at Syracuse University. Jean-Louis Lassez is a Research Scientist at the IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center. Gordon Plotkin is Professor of Computer Science at the University of Edinburgh. Contents: Inference. Subsumption, A Sometimes (...)
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    Engaging Diverse Social and Cultural Worlds: Perspectives on Benefits in International Clinical Research From South African Communities.Olga Zvonareva, Nora Engel, Eleanor Ross, Ron Berghmans, Ames Dhai & Anja Krumeich - 2013 - Developing World Bioethics 15 (1):8-17.
    The issue of benefits in international clinical research is highly controversial. Against the background of wide recognition of the need to share benefits of research, the nature of benefits remains strongly contested. Little is known about the perspectives of research populations on this issue and the extent to which research ethics discourses and guidelines are salient to the expectations and aspirations existing on the ground. This exploratory study contributes to filling this void by examining perspectives of people in low-income South (...)
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    Opportunities Missed and Created by the New Common Rule.Ross E. McKinney & Heather H. Pierce - 2017 - American Journal of Bioethics 17 (7):36-38.
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  6. Metaphysica.W. D. Aristotle & Ross - 1908 - Clarendon Press.
  7. Memory, Responsibility, and Identity.Ross Poole - 2008 - Social Research: An International Quarterly 75 (1):263-286.
    An important role of memory, both individual and collective, is to remind us of what we owe to the past. To understand this role, we need to conceive memory not merely in cognitive terms, but also as what Nietzsche called "memory of the will." It is this "conative" aspect of memory which explains the link between memory and identity. There still remain problems of how to explain how a collective memory "of the will" is transmitted over long periods of time, (...)
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  8.  39
    A critical review of knowledge on nurses with problematic substance use: The need to move from individual blame to awareness of structural factors.Charlotte A. Ross, Nicole S. Berry, Victoria Smye & Elliot M. Goldner - 2018 - Nursing Inquiry 25 (2):e12215.
    Problematic substance use (PSU) among nurses has wide‐ranging adverse implications. A critical integrative literature review was conducted with an emphasis on building knowledge regarding the influence of structural factors within nurses' professional environments on nurses with PSU. Five thematic categories emerged: (i) access, (ii) stress, and (iii) attitudes as contributory factors, (iv) treatment policies for nurses with PSU, and (v) the culture of the nursing profession. Conclusions were that an overemphasis on individual culpability and failing predominates in the literature and (...)
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  9. Organ transplantation.L. Wright, K. Ross & A. S. Daar - 2008 - In Peter A. Singer & A. M. Viens (eds.), The Cambridge textbook of bioethics. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 145--152.
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  10.  64
    How It Feels to Be a Problem: Du Bois, Fanon, and the "Impossible Life" of the Black Intellectual.Ross Posnock - 1997 - Critical Inquiry 23 (2):323-349.
  11. Existential running.Ross C. Reed - 2007 - In Michael W. Austin (ed.), Running and Philosophy: A Marathon for the Mind. Wiley-Blackwell.
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  12.  20
    On Heidegger's nazism and philosophy.Kelley Ross - manuscript
    Among these prophets, Heidegger was perhaps the most unlikely candidate to influence. But his influence was far-reaching, far wider than his philosophical seminar at the University of Marburg, far wider than might seem possible in light of his inordinately obscure book, Sein und Zeit of 1927, far wider than Heidegger himself, with his carefully cultivated solitude and unconcealed contempt for other philosophers, appeared to wish. Yet, as one of Heidegger's most perceptive critics, Paul Hühnerfeld, has said: "These books, whose meaning (...)
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  13.  70
    Midbrain mutiny: the picoeconomics and neuroeconomics of disordered gambling.Don Ross - 2008 - MIT Press.
    Murphy (2006) criticizes psychiatric nosology from the perspective of the philosophy of science, arguing that the model of pathology as encapsulated in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders reflects a folk conception of the mental, and of malfunctioning, that is inadequately integrated with cognitive and behavioral neuroscience. The present paper supports this view through a case study of research on pathological gambling. It argues that recent modeling based on fMRI studies and behavioral genetics suggests a stipulative, non-seamless reduction (...)
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  14. .Mary Jo Nissen, James L. Ross, Daniel B. Willingham, Thomas B. Mackenzie & Daniel L. Schacter - unknown
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  15. Aquinas on Belief and Knowledge.James Ross - 1985 - In Allan Bernard Wolter, William A. Frank & Girard J. Etzkorn (eds.), Essays honoring Allan B. Wolter. St. Bonaventure, N.Y.: Franciscan Institute. pp. 245--269.
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  16.  29
    Anthropologia: An (Almost) Forgotten Early Modern History.Tricia M. Ross - 2018 - Journal of the History of Ideas 79 (1):1-22.
    Approximately thirty almost entirely overlooked books appeared in Europe between 1500 and 1700 that include the word anthropologia in their titles. At first glance, the content of these works bears no resemblance to anthropology as we think of it. They present a combination of medieval traditions, cutting-edge medical practices, and evolving natural philosophical and theological systems found in universities of all confessions across Europe. But these largely overlooked sources reveal that the disciplines we use to study ourselves may have developed (...)
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  17. Disclosing misattributed paternity.Lainie Friedman Ross - 1996 - Bioethics 10 (2):114–130.
    ABSTRACTIn 1994, the Committee on Assessing Genetic Risks of the Institute of Medicine published their recommendations regarding the ethical issues raised by advances in genetics. One of the Committee's recommendation was to inform women when test results revealed misattributed paternity, but not to disclose this information to the women's partners. The Committee's reason for withholding such information was that “'genetic testing should not be used in ways that disrupt families”. In this paper, I argue that the Committee's conclusion in favour (...)
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  18.  40
    Health Care Decisionmaking by Children Is It in Their Best Interest?Lainie Friedman Ross - 1997 - Hastings Center Report 27 (6):41-46.
    The argument for children's rights in health care has been long in the making. The success of this position is reflected in the 1995 American Academy of Pediatrics recommendations for the role of children in health care decisionmaking, which suggest that children be given greater voice as they mature. But there are good moral and practical reasons for exercising caution in these health care situations, especially when the child and parents disagree. Parents need the moral and legal space within which (...)
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  19. Evolution and Devolution of Knowledge: A Tale of Two Biologies.Scott Atran, Douglas Medin & Norbert Ross - unknown
    Anthropological inquiry suggests that all societies classify animals and plants in similar ways. Paradoxically, in the same cultures that have seen large advances in biological science, citizenry's practical knowledge of nature has dramatically diminished. Here we describe historical, cross-cultural and developmental research on how people ordinarily conceptualize organic nature, concentrating on cognitive consequences associated with knowledge devolution. We show that results on psychological studies of categorization and reasoning from “standard populations” fail to generalize to humanity at large. Usual populations have (...)
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  20.  93
    Aristotle Ars Rhetorica.David Ross (ed.) - 1959 - Clarendon Press.
  21.  25
    The Extraneous Factor in Western Medicine.Lola Romanucci-Ross & Daniel E. Moerman - 1988 - Ethos: Journal of the Society for Psychological Anthropology 16 (2):146-166.
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  22.  67
    An impasse on competing descriptions of God.James F. Ross - 1977 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 8 (4):233 - 249.
  23.  90
    On Killing Threats as a Means.Andrew P. Ross - 2015 - Philosophia 43 (3):869-876.
    Jonathan Quong Ethics, 119, 507–537 has recently argued that the permissibility of killing innocent threats turns on a distinction between eliminative and opportunistic agency. When we kill bystanders we view them under the guise of opportunism by using them as mere survival tools, but when we kill threats we simply eliminate them. According to Quong, the distinction between opportunistic and eliminative agency reveals that there are two different ways of killing someone as a means to save your own life. Call (...)
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  24. (2 other versions)Philosophical Theology.James F. Ross - 1970 - Philosophical Quarterly 20 (80):315-315.
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  25.  10
    Abusive Head Trauma and Parental Participation in Pediatric Decision Making.Lainie Friedman Ross & Erin Talati Paquette - 2020 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 31 (2):121-125.
    Decision making for children who suffer abusive head trauma invokes multiple ethical considerations. The degree to which parents are permitted to participate in decision making after the injury has occurred is controversial. In particular, in this issue of The Journal of Clinical Ethics, Grigorian and colleagues raise concerns about the potential for conflict of interest in end-of-life decision making if the parents are facing criminal charges that could be escalated if the child dies. There are additional concerns about the parents’ (...)
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    Achieving Live Birth is Not an Endpoint but a Steppingstone.Lainie Friedman Ross, Amy Gallo & D. Micah Hester - 2024 - American Journal of Bioethics 24 (10):115-117.
    Volume 24, Issue 10, October 2024, Page 115-117.
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  27. .W. D. Ross (ed.) - 1924 - Oxford University Press.
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  28. Analogy.James F. Ross - manuscript
    analogy, the similarity along with difference, among meanings, among sorts of thinking, and among realities. Analogy theory ori­ginated with *Aristotle in its three main parts: analogy of meaning, analogous thinking, and analogy of being. There were some ante­cedents in *Plato, where the names of Forms and of participating things are the same but differ in meaning, and the notion of ‘being’ is said to differ with what we are talking about, for example Forms versus physical things (Sophist). Systematic use of (...)
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  29.  22
    Aesthetics and Ethics: Women Religious as Aesthetic and Moral Educators.Susan A. Ross - 2018 - Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics 38 (2):131-148.
    This essay examines the particular contributions of three communities of women religious for the ways in which they incorporated concerns for the moral formation of their students together with a focus on beauty. These communities not only provided a basic “Catholic moral education” but also aimed to develop persons who saw their responsibility as building a better world that was not only good but also beautiful. Given recent attention to the relationship between ethics and aesthetics, this essay shows how the (...)
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  30.  5
    An Apology for Abstraction in an Age of High Definition and Photo Realism in the Work of Kandinsky and the White Shaman Rock Art Panel and Related Rock Art Sites.Bruce Ross - 2022 - In Calley A. Hornbuckle, Jadwiga S. Smith & William S. Smith (eds.), Posthumanism and Phenomenology: The Focus on the Modern Condition of Boredom, Solitude, Loneliness and Isolation. Springer Verlag. pp. 181-189.
    In a period of high definition, photorealism, and postmodern deconstruction the experience of art making, its theory, and its art itself have drifted away from some understandable connection to the process of art creation as a connection to some psychologically deep inspiration. Abstract art as conceived and practiced by Wassily Kandinsky, which included in his later stage beyond representation or abstractions of representation jumbled gatherings of biomorphs with no connection to representation may be compared to the White Shaman rock art (...)
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  31.  13
    (2 other versions)Art and its Significance: An Anthology of Aesthetic Theory, First Edition.Stephen David Ross (ed.) - 1984 - State University of New York Press.
    This anthology has been significantly expanded for this edition to include a wider range of contemporary issues.
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  32.  12
    Abstraction and Presence: Observations on the Origins of Philosophy in Leonardo Polo.Alberto Ross - 2016 - Studia Poliana 18:123-137.
  33.  22
    Active and passive head and body movements.Helen E. Ross - 1994 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 17 (2):329-330.
  34.  48
    Analogy and the resolution of some cognitivity problems.James F. Ross - 1970 - Journal of Philosophy 67 (20):725-746.
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  35. Aesthetics (Continental).Alison Ross - unknown
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  36.  9
    Algunos caracteres de la filosofía latinoamericana.Waldo Ross - 1961 - Atti Del XII Congresso Internazionale di Filosofia 12:401-408.
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    A commentary on research on American farmwomen.Peggy J. Ross - 1985 - Agriculture and Human Values 2 (1):19-30.
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  38.  31
    A Calendar of the Correspondence of Sir John Herschel. Michael J. Crowe, David R. Dyck, James J. Kevin.Sydney Ross - 1999 - Isis 90 (4):817-818.
  39.  19
    An expectancy-attribution model of the effects of placebos.Michael Ross & James M. Olson - 1981 - Psychological Review 88 (5):408-437.
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  40. Alfred Edward Taylor, 1869-1945.W. D. Ross - 1948 - Philosophy 23 (87):374-375.
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    Aristotle Fragmenta Selecta.David Ross (ed.) - 1955 - Clarendon Press.
  42.  13
    A History of the Chinese Cultural Revolution.G. Ross - 1974 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 1974 (20):138-153.
  43.  17
    Ammianus marcellinus 15.5.22 and eutropius 10.16.1: An allusion.Alan J. Ross - 2015 - Classical Quarterly 65 (1):424-427.
    In Authority and Tradition in Ancient Historiography, John Marincola downplays the importance of an historian's choice to use first-, rather than third-, person verbs to represent his actions as an historical protagonist within his narrative. Marincola's justification for this rests on the incongruous groupings that arise if one divides first-person narrators from third: among the former we find Velleius, Eutropius and Ammianus representing Latin historians of the Empire. However, as part of a wider study which examines Ammianus' nuanced use of (...)
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  44.  10
    A needed emphasis in psychological research.C. C. Ross - 1936 - Psychological Review 43 (3):197-206.
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  45.  92
    A new look at nineteenth-century historical consciousness from the modern/postmodern divide.Dorothy Ross - 2012 - Modern Intellectual History 9 (2):451-462.
  46.  16
    Professional values in student nurse education: An integrative literature review.Carolyn Antoniou, Ross Clifton & Valerie Wilson - 2022 - Nursing Ethics 29 (6):1323-1340.
    Aim The aim is to understand current research into the impact of undergraduate nursing education on the development of professional values. Background Values are evident in the professional standards for nurses and the guidelines and healthcare policies of many countries. These professional values guide decisions and behaviour and are recognised as an essential component in the professions ability to provide safe and professional care. This literature review presents the current research on the impact of education on professional values in undergraduate (...)
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  47.  17
    Voluntary Registries to Support Improved Interaction Between Police and People Living with Dementia.Heather M. Ross, Diana M. Bowman & Jessica M. Wani - 2022 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 50 (2):348-363.
    This paper provides an overview of the societal impact of a rising dementia population and examines the legal and ethical implications posed by voluntary registries as a community-oriented solution to improve interactions between law enforcement and individuals with dementia. It provides a survey of active voluntary registries across the United States, with a focus on Arizona, which has the highest projected growth for individuals living with dementia in the country.
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  48.  3
    Aristotle's Physics: a revised text.W. D. Aristotle, Ross & Aristotle - 1936 - Clarendon Press.
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  49.  37
    Image-politics: Jean-Luc Nancy's ontological rehabilitation of the image.Alison Ross - 2015 - In Sanja Dejanovic (ed.), Nancy and the Political. Edinburgh, Scotland: Edinburgh University Press. pp. 139-163.
    Nancy's writing on the image may be understood as a critical engagement with the traditions of modern aesthetics and classical theories of art. However, the starting point for his approach to the image indicates that his writing on this topic has much wider ambitions than the treatment of a regional aesthetic topic. Nancy defines the image as a mode of access to sense. Nancy attempts an ontological rehabilitation of the image, which reiterates the precepts of his conception of being as (...)
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  50.  32
    Leibniz: Critical and Interpretive Essays.George Macdonald Ross - 1984 - Philosophical Books 25 (1):19-21.
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