Results for 'Ross Hutchison'

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  1.  14
    Locke in France: 1688-1734.Ross Hutchison - 1991 - Oxford: Voltaire Foundation.
    Available from UMI in association with The British Library. Requires signed TDF. ;This thesis examines the influence and reception of John Locke in France and French-speaking communities in the period 1688 to 1734. We begin with the circumstances of the translation of Locke's works into French, a study of Locke's personal relationships and correspondence with French Protestants chiefly in the Low Countries, and a survey of early references to Locke in literary journals; these establish the initial patterns of dissemination of (...)
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    Introduction to Symposium on Terence Hutchison and Economic Methodology.D. Wade Hands - 2009 - Journal of Economic Methodology 16 (3):277-281.
    The article presents the author's perspectives regarding the book "The Significance and Basic Postulates of Economic Theory," by Terence Wilmot Hutchison. He emphasizes two important general themes that emerge from the symposium in total, the great breadth of Hutchison's contribution to economic methodology and a brief introduction on the four individual papers. He mentions some people including Roger Backhouse, John Hart and Ross Emmett as well as the comments of each about Hutchison's works.
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  3. Neo-Aristotelian Plenitude.Ross Inman - 2014 - Philosophical Studies 168 (3):583-597.
    Plenitude, roughly, the thesis that for any non-empty region of spacetime there is a material object that is exactly located at that region, is often thought to be part and parcel of the standard Lewisian package in the metaphysics of persistence. While the wedding of plentitude and Lewisian four-dimensionalism is a natural one indeed, there are a hand-full of dissenters who argue against the notion that Lewisian four-dimensionalism has exclusive rights to plentitude. These ‘promiscuous’ three-dimensionalists argue that a temporalized version (...)
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  4. Understanding Propaganda: The Epistemic Merit Model and Its Application to Art.Sheryl Tuttle Ross - 2002 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 36 (1):16-30.
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    Market feedback replaces regulation: Adaptation in the electric power industry.Ross Little & Bruce Sawhill - 1998 - Complexity 3 (4):46-50.
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    Morality and Modernity.Ross Poole - 1991 - New York: Routledge.
    Ross Poole displays the social content of the various conceptions of morality at work in contemporary society, and casts a strikingly fresh light on such fundamental problems as the place of reason in ethics, moral objectivity and the distinction between duty and virtue. The book provides a critical account of the moral theories of a number of major philosophers, including Kant, Marx, Nietzsche, Habermas, Rawls, Gewirth and MacIntyre. It also presents a systematic critique of three of the most significant (...)
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  7. The Simple Consistency of Naive Set Theory using Metavaluations.Ross T. Brady - 2014 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 43 (2-3):261-281.
    The main aim is to extend the range of logics which solve the set-theoretic paradoxes, over and above what was achieved by earlier work in the area. In doing this, the paper also provides a link between metacomplete logics and those that solve the paradoxes, by finally establishing that all M1-metacomplete logics can be used as a basis for naive set theory. In doing so, we manage to reach logics that are very close in their axiomatization to that of the (...)
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    Towards the Integration of Individual and Moral Agencies.Ross A. McDonald & Bart Victor - 1988 - Business and Professional Ethics Journal 7 (3):103-118.
  9. Agamben's Political Paradigm of the Camp: Its Features and Reasons.Alison Ross - 2012 - Constellations 19 (3):421-434.
    This article gives a critical account of Agamben's contention that the camp is the paradigm of 'bio-politics' in the west. It analyses the deficiencies of this paradigm by means of comparison with other approaches to juridical topics and political theory (e.g., the treatments of the topics of force and state power in liberalism and Foucault). First, I ask about the features Agamben ascribes to the camp space and in what respects they support his contention that the camp has general significance. (...)
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  10.  22
    Nation and Identity.Ross Poole - 1999 - Routledge.
    Nation and Identity provides a concise and comprehensive account of the place of national identity in modern life. Ross Poole argues that the nation became a fundamental organising principle of social, political and moral life during the period of early modernity and that is has provided the organising principle of much liberal, republican and democratic thought. Ross Poole offers us a new and urgently needed analysis of the concept of identity, arguing that we are now in a position (...)
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  11.  16
    History and Philosophy of Science and the Teaching of Macroevolution.Ross H. Nehm & Kostas Kampourakis - 2014 - In Michael R. Matthews, International Handbook of Research in History, Philosophy and Science Teaching. Springer. pp. 401-421.
    Although macroevolution has been the subject of sustained attention in the history and philosophy of science (HPS) community, only in recent years have science educators begun to more fully engage with the topic. This chapter first explores how science educators have conceptualized macroevolution and how their perspectives align with the views from HPS. Second, it illustrates how science educators’ limited engagement with HPS scholarship on macroevolution has influenced construct delineation, measurement instrument development, and educational arguments about which aspects of macroevolution (...)
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  12. (1 other version)Primary and secondary qualities.Peter Ross - 2015 - In Mohan Matthen, The Oxford Handbook of the Philosophy of Perception. New York, NY: Oxford University Press UK. pp. 405-421.
    The understanding of the primary-secondary quality distinction has shifted focus from the mechanical philosophers’ proposal of primary qualities as explanatorily fundamental to current theorists’ proposal of secondary qualities as metaphysically perceiver dependent. The chapter critically examines this shift and current arguments to uphold the primary-secondary quality distinction on the basis of the perceiver dependence of color; one focus of the discussion is the role of qualia in these arguments. It then describes and criticizes reasons for characterizing color, smell, taste, sound, (...)
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  13. Existence problems in philosophy and science.Peter W. Ross & Dale Turner - 2013 - Synthese 190 (18):4239-4259.
    We initially characterize what we’ll call existence problems as problems where there is evidence that a putative entity exists and this evidence is not easily dismissed; however, the evidence is not adequate to justify the claim that the entity exists, and in particular the entity hasn’t been detected. The putative entity is elusive. We then offer a strategy for determining whether an existence problem is philosophical or scientific. According to this strategy (1) existence problems are characterized in terms of causal (...)
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  14.  27
    Aristotle's Prior and posterior analytics. Aristotle & William David Ross - 1980 - New York: Garland. Edited by W. D. Ross.
  15. Nation and Identity.Ross Poole - 2001 - Philosophical Quarterly 51 (202):133-136.
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  16.  44
    Aristotelis De anima.David Ross (ed.) - 1956 - Clarendon Press.
    The Oxford Classical texts, of Scriptorum Classicorum Bibliotheca Oxeniensis, are renowned for their reliability and presentation. The series consists of a text without commentary but with a brief apparatus critics at the foot of each page. There are now over 100 volumes, representing the greater part of classical Greek and Latin literature.
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    The Works of Aristotle.W. D. Ross (ed.) - 1908 - Encyclopæia Britannica.
  18. Newborn Screening for Krabbe Disease: What Illinois Can Learn from New York.Lainie Friedman Ross - 2013 - Public Health Ethics 6 (1):119-123.
  19.  43
    Getting Economics Exactly Backwards.Don Ross - 2012 - Dialogue 51 (3):495-502.
  20.  16
    Parfit.Jacob Ross - 2009 - In Christopher Belshaw & Gary Kemp, 12 Modern Philosophers. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 192–215.
    This chapter contains sections titled: The Fact of Reasons Prudential Reasons and Personal Identity Reasons of Beneficence Impartial Reasons and Morality Conclusion References.
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    The Montessori Method: The Development of a Healthy Pattern of Desire in Early Childhood.Suzanne Ross - 2012 - Contagion: Journal of Violence, Mimesis, and Culture 19:87-122.
    Perhaps we fail to understand the mimetic nature of desire because we rarely refer to the first stages of human development. Every child has appetites, instincts and a given cultural milieu in which he learns by imitating adults or peers. Imitation and learning are inseparable. It may be said that we acquire knowledge by using our minds; but the child absorbs knowledge directly into his psychic life. . . . Impressions do not merely enter his mind; they form it. They (...)
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    Soloveitchik's children: Irving Greenberg, David Hartman, Jonathan Sacks, and the future of Jewish theology in America.Daniel Ross Goodman - 2023 - Tuscaloosa: The University of Alabama Press.
    Orthodox Judaism is one of the fastest-growing religious communities in contemporary American life. According to the 2013 Pew Center Survey on American religious life, Orthodox Judaism is poised to surpass all other denominations of Judaism in the United States by 2050. Anyone who wishes to understand more about Judaism in America will need to consider the tenets and practices of Orthodox Judaism: who its adherents are, what they believe in, what motivates them, and to whom they turn for moral, intellectual, (...)
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    The Politics of Spirit in Stiegler’s Techno-Pharmacology.Ross Abbinnett - 2015 - Theory, Culture and Society 32 (4):65-80.
    This article begins by examining the concept of the pharmakon that is developed in Derrida’s essay ‘Plato’s Pharmacy’, as it is here that the idea of a medium that is simultaneously poisonous and therapeutic is developed in relation to the discursive effects of writing. The author then goes on to look at Stiegler’s attempt to reconfigure the ‘orthographic economy’ of deconstruction, particularly his account of how the ‘tertiary supports’ of virtual and information technologies have transformed the experience of the real (...)
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  24. Memorial Minutes.Alan Ross Anderson - 1973 - Proceedings and Addresses of the American Philosophical Association 47:210.
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  25. Faith or forgery? : Walter Benjamin and Nikolai Leskov's The sealed angel.Philip Ross Bullock - 2012 - In Carolin Duttlinger, Ben Morgan & Tony Phelan, Walter Benjamins anthropologisches Denken. Freiburg: Rombach.
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  26. Percezioni di esilio in Cicerone: l'interpretazione filosofica di una esperienza reale.John William Ross Lundon - unknown
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  27. The influence of William James on American culture.Ross Posnock - 1997 - In Ruth Anna Putnam, The Cambridge companion to William James. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 322--346.
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    Metaphor, Meaning, and Cognition.Don Ross - 1993 - New York: Peter Lang.
    This book explores and offers solutions to a range of conceptual and philosophical problems that underlie attempts to understand metaphor processing in the context of cognitive science. The author vigorously criticizes the prevailing philosophical prejudice against traditional «comparison» theories of metaphor, arguing that the problems with the comparison theory are exciting problems that demand solutions, rather than grounds for rejecting the theory itself. Furthermore, it is through these problems that the study of metaphor processing is linked to wider issues in (...)
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  29. Morality, Masculinity and the Market.Ross Poole - 1985 - Radical Philosophy 39:16.
  30.  26
    Sign and subject: Antinomianism in Massachusetts Bay.Ross J. Pudaloff - 1985 - Semiotica 54 (1-2):147-164.
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    History of Art Education: A Bibliography.Gene A. Mittler & Ross A. Norris - 1982 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 16 (1):123.
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    Jim Jarmusch's Dead Man : the cinematic telling of a modern myth.Amir Ahmadi & Alison Ross - 2012 - Angelaki 17 (4):179 - 192.
    Jim Jarmusch's Dead Man is a modern myth. Like many ancient myths it seems to have the structure of a rite of passage analysed by van Gennep into three stages: separation, marginal existence and reintegration. Separation is precipitated by a traumatic event and the marginal state is characterized by extraordinary experiences and feats. However, Jarmusch's tale does not quite fit the ancient initiation pattern since the last stage, reintegration, is at least prima facie missing. This already undermines the social function (...)
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  33.  26
    Meaning and Meaningfulness, Studies in the Analysis and Interpretation of Texts.Jacques Geninasca & Ross Chambers - 1980 - Substance 9 (3):91.
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    A study of the educational philosophy of William Torrey Harris with reference to the education of teachers.John Ross Kinzer - 1940 - Nashville, Tenn.: George Peabody College for Teachers.
  35.  40
    The Kantian Sublime and the Problem of the Political.Alison Ross - 2001 - Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology 32 (2):174-87.
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    “Neoliberalism, Technocracy and Higher Education” Editors’ Introduction.Justin Cruickshank & Ross Abbinnett - 2019 - Social Epistemology 33 (4):273-279.
    ABSTRACTThis special issue of Social Epistemology has its origin in two symposia organised by the Contemporary Philosophy of Technology Research Group at the University of Birmingham. These we...
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  37.  46
    Of spirit: Heidegger and Derrida on metaphysics, ethics, and national socialism.David Ross Fryer - 1996 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 39 (1):21 – 44.
    Derrida's reading of Heidegger in Of Spirit provides an excellent opportunity to assess the ethical and political value of each of their works. Derrida uncovers a slippage in Heidegger during the 1930s in which Heidegger ?forgot to forget? the dangers of the ?spirit? he had disavowed in Being and Time. This reveals a substantial early investment in the National Socialist project from which Heidegger never adequately recovered. Even in his attempts to distance himself from his Nazi past, Heidegger was still (...)
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    Hemispheric differences in auditory temporal integration as indexed by the T-complex of the auditory event-related potential.Clunies-Ross Karen, Fox Allison, Nguyen An, Brydges Christopher & Connaughton Veronica - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
  39.  17
    A modern guide to philosophy of economics.Harold Kincaid & Don Ross (eds.) - 2021 - Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar Publishing.
    This insightful Modern Guide offers a broad coverage of questions and controversies encountered by contemporary economists. A refreshing approach to philosophy of economics, chapters comprise a range of methodological and theoretical perspectives, from lab and field experiments to macroeconomics and applied policy work, written using a familiar, accessible language for economists. Highlighting key areas of methodological controversy, the Modern Guide looks at estimating utility functions in choice data, causal modelling, and ethics in randomised control trials. Chapters further explore topical issues, (...)
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  40. Expanding the causal menu: An interventionist perspective on explaining human behavioural evolution.Ronald J. Planer & Ross Pain - 2024 - Evolutionary Human Sciences 6:e39.
    Theorists of human evolution are interested in understanding major shifts in human behavioural capacities (e.g. the creation of a novel technological industry, such as the Acheulean). This task faces empirical challenges arising both from the complexity of these events and the time-depths involved. However, we also confront issues of a more philosophical nature, such as how to best think about causation and explanation. This article considers such fundamental questions from the perspective of a prominent theory of causation in the philosophy (...)
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    The Middle Works of John Dewey, 1899 - 1924: Essays on Philosophy, Education, and the Orient, 1921-1922.John Dewey & Ralph Ross - 1988 - Southern Illinois University Press.
    Volume 13 in The Middle Works of John Dewey, 1899–1924, series brings together Dewey’s writings for 1921 and 1922, with the exception of Human Nature and Conduct. A Modern Language Association Committee on Scholarly Editions textual edition. Ralph Ross notes in his Introduction that the 53 items constituting this volume “defend Dewey’s beliefs at 63 and look forward to what he was yet to write.” The essays to which Dewey responded, as well as abstracts of articles that have been (...)
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    Systemic Dehumanization in the Age of Pandemic Terrorism.Ross Reed - 2021 - International Journal of Philosophical Practice 7 (1):144-155.
    Systemic existential conditions are indelible aspects of a client's reflective and nonreflective modes of consciousness, and therefore fall within the purview of philosophical counseling. This paper focuses on the experience of the dehumanization that is a function of the monetization of all aspects of post-modern neoliberal society. Monetization demands radical self-abandonment, self-anesthesia, auto-aggressive self-exploitation and addiction for functionality within the system. The bankrupt logic of pandemic terrorism confirms that monetization has become the preeminent measure of value. Monetization distorts both reason (...)
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    Abundance.Stephen David Ross - 2009 - International Studies in Philosophy Monograph Series:357-468.
    Quantum aesthetics fosters what might be called a general thesis of metaphysical intimacy. There is no place left, even in nature, where uninterpreted events can hide. With regard to the work of Niels Bohr and Heisenberg, this condition of unavoidable interpretation is referred to as the “indivisibility of the quantum action.” Accordingly, talking about any privileged or pristine considerations involves contradictions that, according to advocates of quantum aesthetics, must be overcome. Now, every facet of existence has a voice that has (...)
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    A commentary on research on American farmwomen.Peggy J. Ross - 1985 - Agriculture and Human Values 2 (1):19-30.
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  45. Another look at God and morality.Steven L. Ross - 1983 - Ethics 94 (1):87-98.
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    A late twelfth-century artist's pattern-sheet.D. J. A. Ross - 1962 - Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes 25 (1/2):119-128.
  47. Asian Wisdom & the Modern West.Nancy Wilson Ross - 1971 - Big Sur Recordings.
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  48. Being Red and Seeing Red: Sensory and Perceptible Qualities.Peter W. Ross - 1997 - Dissertation, City University of New York
    I examine the metaphysical issue of the nature of color. I argue that there are two distinct ranges of colors, namely, physical colors, which are disjunctive monadic physical properties of physical objects, and mental colors, which are properties of neural processes. ;A pair of claims provide the motivation for subjectivist and dispositionalist proposals about the nature of color, proposals which I reject. The first claim holds that a description of colors according to our ordinary experience of color provides a specification (...)
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    Different standards are not double standards: all elective surgical patients are not alike.Ross Lfglannon W. Gottlieb Ljthistlethwaite Jr - 2012 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 23 (2):118-128.
    Testa and colleagues argue that evaluation for suitability for living donor surgery is rooted in paternalism in contrast with the evaluation for most operative interventions, which is rooted in the autonomy of patients. We examine two key ethical concepts that Testa and colleagues use: paternalism a ….
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    Inconsistency of self-schematic content in moderately depressed college students.Michael J. Ross & John H. Mueller - 1989 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 27 (5):470-472.
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