Dissertation, Universidade Federal Do Rio de Janeiro (
The main intent of this thesis is to defend that the laws of nature are better thought as transcendent
universals, such as platonic governism suggests, and that they are metaphysically necessary in a
strong way, such as the heterodox version of such platonism defends. With this intention, we sustain
that physical symmetries are essential consequences of the laws of nature – what solves the challenge
of symmetries – thus being metaphysically necessary, without being governist's necessitation laws.
First, we will show what laws of nature are and the reasons to reject other metaphysical theories and
to accept platonic governism. Soon after, we will present the challenge of symmetries and the reasons
to prefer the platonic governist answer over dispositionalist, regularist, aristotelic (governism),
counterfatualist and primitivist ones. At last, we will define what is the metaphysical necessity, argue
for the strong metaphysical necessity of laws and their consequences, and show why the reasons for
the contingency or weak necessity of laws are bad theoretical paths.