Results for 'Robert Lachmann'

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  1.  22
    Zeitschrift für Vergleichende MusikwissenschaftZeitschrift fur Vergleichende Musikwissenschaft.A. K. Coomaraswamy & Robert Lachmann - 1934 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 54 (2):223.
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    Moral Markets: The Critical Role of Values in the Economy.Paul J. Zak (ed.) - 2008 - Princeton University Press.
    Like nature itself, modern economic life is driven by relentless competition and unbridled selfishness. Or is it? Drawing on converging evidence from neuroscience, social science, biology, law, and philosophy, Moral Markets makes the case that modern market exchange works only because most people, most of the time, act virtuously. Competition and greed are certainly part of economics, but Moral Markets shows how the rules of market exchange have evolved to promote moral behavior and how exchange itself may make us more (...)
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  3. Neo-teleology.Robert Cummins - 2002 - In André Ariew, Robert Cummins & Mark Perlman (eds.), Functions: New Essays in the Philosophy of Psychology and Biology. New York: Oxford University Press.
    Neo-teleology is the two part thesis that, e.g., (i) we have hearts because of what hearts are for: Hearts are for blood circulation, not the production of a pulse, so hearts are there--animals have them--because their function is to circulate the blood, and (ii) that (i) is explained by natural selection: traits spread through populations because of their functions. This paper attacks this popular doctrine. The presence of a biological trait or structure is not explained by appeal to its function. (...)
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  4. The Annual of Psychoanalysis, V. 24.Jerome A. Winer (ed.) - 1997 - Routledge.
    Volume 24 of _The Annual_ opens with a memorial tribute to the late Merton M. Gill, a major voice in American psychoanalysis for half a century. Remembrances of Gill by Robert Holt, Robert Wallerstein, Philip Holzman, and Irwin Hoffman are followed by thoughtful appreciations of Gill's final book, _Psychoanalysis in Transition: A Personal View_, by John Gedo, Jerome Oremland, Arnold Richards and Arthur Lynch, Joseph Schachter, and Bhaskar Sripada and Shara Kronmal. Section II offers four papers from a (...)
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    The concept of disease and its implications for psychiatry.Robert Evan Kendell - 1974 - [Edinburgh]: University of Edinburgh.
  6.  12
    Poetik und Hermeneutik im Rückblick: Interviews mit Beteiligten.Petra Boden & Rüdiger Zill (eds.) - 2017 - Paderborn: Wilhelm Fink.
    Die interdisziplinäre Forschungsgruppe "Poetik und Hermeneutik" und ihre Mitglieder haben die geistes- und kulturwissenschaftliche Landschaft der alten Bundesrepublik geprägt wie vielleicht sonst nur noch die Kritische Theorie. Zahlreiche Interviews mit den wichtigsten noch lebenden Akteuren erlauben einen ebenso erkenntnisreichen wie unterhaltsamen Blick hinter die Kulissen von Poetik & Hermeneutik. Unter welchen Bedingungen und mit welchen Absichten wurde die Gruppe von Hans Blumenberg, Clemens Heselhaus, Wolfgang Iser und Hans Robert Jauß ursprünglich gegründet? Wie entfalteten sich Diskussionen und Kontroversen? Wie kam (...)
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    The Division of Labor in Communication: Speakers Help Listeners Account for Asymmetries in Visual Perspective.Robert D. Hawkins, Hyowon Gweon & Noah D. Goodman - 2021 - Cognitive Science 45 (3):e12926.
    Recent debates over adults' theory of mind use have been fueled by surprising failures of perspective-taking in communication, suggesting that perspective-taking may be relatively effortful. Yet adults routinely engage in effortful processes when needed. How, then, should speakers and listeners allocate their resources to achieve successful communication? We begin with the observation that the shared goal of communication induces a natural division of labor: The resources one agent chooses to allocate toward perspective-taking should depend on their expectations about the other's (...)
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  8. Subliminal mere exposure effects.Robert F. Bornstein - 1992 - In Robert F. Bornstein & Thane S. Pittman (eds.), Perception Without Awareness: Cognitive, Clinical, and Social Perspectives. New York: Guilford.
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    Why Buddhism is true: the science and philosophy of meditation and enlightenment.Robert Wright - 2017 - New York: Simon & Schuster.
    Author Robert Wright shows how Buddhist meditative practice can loosen the grip of anxiety, regret, and hatred, and deepen your appreciation of beauty and other people." -- Adapted from book jacket.
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  10. (1 other version)Group Beneficial Norms Can Spread Rapidly in a Structured Population.Robert Boyd & Peter J. Richerson - unknown
    Group beneficial norms are common in human societies. The persistence of such norms is consistent with evolutionary game theory, but existing models do not provide a plausible explanation for why they are common. We show that when a model of imitation used to derive replicator dynamics in isolated populations is generalized to allow for population structure, group beneficial norms can spread rapidly under plausible conditions. We also show that this mechanism allows recombination of different group beneficial norms arising in..
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    Steel and bone: mesoscale modeling and middle-out strategies in physics and biology.Robert W. Batterman & Sara Green - 2020 - Synthese 199 (1-2):1159-1184.
    Mesoscale modeling is often considered merely as a practical strategy used when information on lower-scale details is lacking, or when there is a need to make models cognitively or computationally tractable. Without dismissing the importance of practical constraints for modeling choices, we argue that mesoscale models should not just be considered as abbreviations or placeholders for more “complete” models. Because many systems exhibit different behaviors at various spatial and temporal scales, bottom-up approaches are almost always doomed to fail. Mesoscale models (...)
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  12. The Great Cat Massacre and Other Episodes in French Cultural History.Robert Darnton - 1986 - Diderot Studies 22:216-217.
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    Hegel, Kant and the Structure of the Object.Robert Stern - 1990 - Routledge.
    Hegel's holistic metaphysics challenges much recent ontology with its atomistic and reductionist assumptions; Stern offers us an original reading of Hegel and contrasts him with his predecessor, Kant.
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    The Problem of the Criterion.Robert P. Amico - 1993 - Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    Selected by CHOICE as an Outstanding Academic Book for 1995.
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    Scenario visualization: One explanation of creative problem solving.Robert Arp - 2005 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 12 (3):31-60.
    In this paper, I first present the ideas and arguments put forward by evolutionary psychologists that humans evolved certain capacities to creatively problem solve. Specifically, Steven Mithen thinks that creative problem solving is possible because the mind has evolved a conscious capacity he calls cognitive fluidity, the flexible exchange of information between and among mental modules. While I agree with Mithen that cognitive fluidity acts as a necessary condition for creative problem solving, I disagree that cognitive fluidity alone will suffice (...)
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    The Contributions of Sociology to Medical Ethics.Robert Zussman - 2000 - Hastings Center Report 30 (1):7.
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  17. Berkeley's Ontology.Robert G. Muehlmann - 1992 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 184 (3):386-387.
  18. (1 other version)Introduction to the Philosophy of Science: Cutting Nature at Its Seams.Robert Klee - 1997 - Behavior and Philosophy 25 (1):77-80.
  19. Disgorging the fruits of historical wrongdoing.Robert Goodin - 2013 - American Political Science Review:478–91.
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    Fluid Convection, Constraint and Causation.Robert Bishop - 2012 - Interface Focus 2:4-12.
    Complexity–nonlinear dynamics for my purposes in this essay–is rich with metaphysical and epistemological implications but is only recently receiving sustained philosophical analysis. I will explore some of the subtleties of causation and constraint in Rayleigh-Bénard convection as an example of a complex phenomenon, and extract some lessons for further philosophical reflection on top-down constraint and causation particularly with respect to causal foundationalism.
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    Critical Theory and Classroom Talk.Robert Young - 1992 - Multilingual Matters.
    An application of Young's Habermasian critical theory of education to classroom communication problems of teachers in schools, with a special focus on the question/answer cycle and its educational role. The book uses classroom transcripts extensively in the analysis.
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  22. (1 other version)The Female in Aristotle’s Biology: Reason or Rationalization.Robert Mayhew - 2004 - Journal of the History of Biology 38 (2):400-402.
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  23. Punishment sustains large-scale cooperation in prestate warfare.Robert Boyd & Simon A. Levin - unknown
    Understanding cooperation and punishment in small-scale societies is crucial for explaining the origins of human cooperation. We studied warfare among the Turkana, a politically uncentralized, egalitarian, nomadic pastoral society in East Africa. Based on a representative sample of 88 recent raids, we show that the Turkana sustain costly cooperation in combat at a remarkably large scale, at least in part, through punishment of free-riders. Raiding parties comprised several hundred warriors and participants are not kin or day-to-day interactants. Warriors incur substantial (...)
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  24. The Pre-reflective Situational Self.Robert W. Clowes & Klaus Gärtner - 2018 - Topoi 39 (3):623-637.
    It is often held that to have a conscious experience presupposes having some form of implicit self-awareness. The most dominant phenomenological view usually claims that we essentially perceive experiences as our own. This is the so called “mineness” character, or dimension of experience. According to this view, mineness is not only essential to conscious experience, it also grounds the idea that pre-reflective self-awareness constitutes a minimal self. In this paper, we show that there are reasons to doubt this constituting role (...)
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  25. The Marxian Revolutionary Idea.Robert C. Tucker - 1969 - Science and Society 35 (1):119-123.
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    A short history of philosophy.Robert C. Solomon - 1996 - New York: Oxford University Press. Edited by Kathleen Marie Higgins.
    In this accessible and comprehensive work, Robert Solomon and Kathleen Higgins cover the entire history of philosophy--ancient, medieval, and modern, from cultures both East and West--in its broader historical and cultural contexts. Major philosophers and movements are discussed along with less well-known but interesting figures. The authors examine the early Greek, Indic, and Chinese philosophers and the mythological traditions that preceded them, as well as the great religious philosophies, including Christianity, Hinduism, Judaism, and Taoism. Easily understandable to students without (...)
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    On the genealogy of morals.Robert Guay - manuscript
    1. We are unknown to ourselves, we knowing ones, we to our own selves, and for a good reason. We have never sought ourselves – so how could it happen, that one day we would find ourselves? Someone once correctly said: “where your treasure is, there your heart will be also”;1 our treasure is where the beehives of our knowledge are. We are always on the way to finding it; as winged creatures and honey-gatherers of the spirit, we truly care (...)
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    (1 other version)Philosophy and myth in Karl Marx.Robert C. Tucker - 1961 - Cambridge [Eng.]: University Press.
    This is explained in a new introduction that goes beyond the interpretative enterprise of the rest of the book to assess Marx in relation to contemporary ...
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    Definition and Rule in Legal Theory: A Critique of H.L.A. Hart and the Positivist Tradition.Robert N. Moles - 1987 - Blackwell.
  30. Mysticism and Mathematics: Brouwer, Gödel, and the Common Core Thesis.Robert Tragesser & Mark Atten - 2014 - In Mark van Atten (ed.), Essays on Gödel’s Reception of Leibniz, Husserl, and Brouwer. Cham: Springer Verlag. pp. 173-187.
    We compare Gödel’s and Brouwer’s explorations of mysticism and its relation to mathematics.
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    Cognition.Robert Pasnau - 2002 - In Thomas Williams (ed.), The Cambridge Companion to Duns Scotus. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 285.
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    Les Mégariques: fragments et témoignages.Robert Muller (ed.) - 1985 - Paris: Vrin.
    Based on the thesis of R. Muller (doctoral)--Universite de Paris IV.
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    Truth versus Justice: The Morality of Truth Commissions.Robert I. Rotberg & Dennis Thompson (eds.) - 2000 - Princeton University Press.
    "This book discusses the vast and complex range of choices in between blanket amnesty and total accountability through criminal justice, and does so with ...
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    Reconsidering Ernst Mach on space, time, and motion.Robert DiSalle - 2002 - In David B. Malament (ed.), Reading Natural Philosophy: Essays in the History and Philosophy of Science and Mathematics. Open Court. pp. 167--191.
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  35. What do mass attenders believe?: Contemporary cultural change and the acceptance of key catholic beliefs and moral teachings by Australian mass attenders.Robert Dixon - 2013 - The Australasian Catholic Record 90 (4):439.
    Dixon, Robert Have the cultural changes of the last fifty years or so influenced the way that Australia's most active Catholics think about key Catholic beliefs and moral teachings? In this article, I will search for evidence of such an influence by examining responses from Mass attenders to selected questions in the 2011 National Church Life Survey. I will note especially the extent to which respondents' demographic characteristics are related to the way they answered those questions, and I will (...)
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    Anaximander and the Architects: The Contributions of Egyptian and Greek Architectural Technologies to the Origins of Greek Philosophy.Robert Hahn - 2001 - State University of New York Press.
    Uses textual and archaeological evidence to argue that emerging Egyptian and Greek architectural technologies were crucial to the origins and development of Greek philosophy.
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    Susanne Langer in Focus: The Symbolic Mind.Robert E. Innis - 2009 - Indiana University Press.
    A thorough account of Langer's philosophical career.
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  38. Logic and Representation.Robert C. Moore - 1994 - Center for the Study of Language and Inf.
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  39. Levinas and the Struggle for Existence.Robert Bernasconi - 2005 - In Eric Sean Nelson, Antje Kapust & Kent Still (eds.), Addressing Levinas. Evanston, Ill.: Northwestern University Press. pp. 170--184.
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  40. Towards a Peircean Politics of Inquiry.Robert B. Talisse - 2004 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 40 (1):21 - 38.
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    Action, Intention, and Reason.Robert Pasnau - 1995 - Review of Metaphysics 49 (2):398-400.
    This volume collects thirteen papers by Robert Audi on action theory, all but two previously published, and dating back as far as the early 1970s. The reader should not be misled by the book's publicity, which proclaims that we are being given "for the first time... a full version of his [Audi's] theory of... human action". Despite such claims, this volume is no more than a collection of papers, and consequently it does not offer the depth and continuity one (...)
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  42. Sociology as an Art Form.Robert Nisbet - 1979 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 12 (4):274-277.
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    Medical ethics and the faith factor: a handbook for clergy and health-care professionals.Robert D. Orr - 2009 - Grand Rapids, Mich.: William B. Eerdmans Pub. Co..
    Clinical ethics is a relatively new discipline within medicine, generated not so much by the Can we . . . ? questions of fact and prognosis that physicians ...
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  44. (2 other versions)Responses.Robert Stalnaker - 2006 - In Judith Thomson & Alex Byrne (eds.), Content and modality: themes from the philosophy of Robert Stalnaker. New York: Oxford University Press.
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    Education and personal relationships: a philosophical study.Robert S. Downie - 1974 - [New York]: distributed in the U.S. by Harper and Row. Edited by Eileen M. Loudfoot & Elizabeth Telfer.
    Chapter One Introduction: the concept of a teacher People teach each other many things in the course of their everyday lives. There is a distinction, ...
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    Zen master raven: the teachings of a wise old bird.Robert Aitken - 2017 - Somerville, MA: Wisdom Publications.
    A uniquely playful and incisive illustrated collection of Zen teaching stories from one of America's best-known and most-respected Zen masters. A Modern Classic. In the tradition of the great koan collections and the extensive records of ancient masters, Robert Aitken--one of America's best-known and most-respected Zen masters--distills a lifetime of teaching down to its essence. Intriguing, playful, and deceptively easy to read, Zen Master Raven is a brilliant encapsulation of Zen in over a hundred koan-like encounters--featuring curious beginners like (...)
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  47. A history of codes of ethics for bioethicists.Robert Baker - 2007 - In Lisa A. Eckenwiler & Felicia Cohn (eds.), The ethics of bioethics: mapping the moral landscape. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press.
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  48. Fifty years after Pacem in Terri.Robert Gascoigne - 2013 - The Australasian Catholic Record 90 (4):387.
    Gascoigne, Robert In October 1962, the world was at imminent risk of nuclear war. In response to the failed CIA backed 'Bay of Pigs' invasion, Soviet Premier Nikita Krushchev had authorized the stationing of nuclear missiles in Cuba, only ninety miles from the coast of Florida. In response, President John F. Kennedy had ordered a blockade of Cuba, which the Soviet Union regarded as an act of war. In fact, the world came much closer to a nuclear exchange than (...)
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    Theophrastus of Eresus: on Winds.Robert Mayhew - 2017 - Brill.
    Robert Mayhew’s _Theophrastus of Eresus: On Winds_ includes an edition of the Greek text with an English translation and lengthy commentary on the sole Peripatetic treatise devoted to winds.
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    Phenomenology and Deconstruction, Volume Four: Solitude.Robert Denoon Cumming - 1991 - University of Chicago Press.
    In this final volume of Robert Denoon Cumming's four-volume history of the phenomenological movement, Cumming examines the bearing of Heidegger's philosophy on his original commitment to Nazism and on his later inability to face up to the implication of that allegiance. Cumming continues his focus, as in previous volumes, on Heidegger's connection with other philosophers. Here, Cumming looks first at Heidegger's relation to Karl Jaspers, an old friend on whom Heidegger turned his back when Hitler consolidated power, and who (...)
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