Results for 'Rob-roy Douglas'

944 found
  1.  40
    A. M. C. Şengör. The Large‐Wavelength Deformations of the Lithosphere: Materials for a History of the Evolution of Thought from the Earliest Times to Plate Tectonics. xvii + 347 pp., illus., bibl., index. Boulder: Geological Society of America, 2003. $100. [REVIEW]Rob-roy Douglas - 2005 - Isis 96 (2):262-263.
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    Neotenic blastemal morphogenesis.Roy Douglas Pearson - 1984 - Acta Biotheoretica 33 (1):51-59.
    Regeneration in arthropods and amphibians follows an analogous principle making comparisons between the two phyla possible.Larval arthropods and amphibians possess powers of epimorphic regeneration which wane for many species of these phyla with the completion of metamorphosis or the cessation of moulting. In those species which retain, post-maturationally, the ability to form a regenerative blastema, larval characteristics are carried into the adult and reproductive stages of these organisms. These include many species of: urodeles, ametabolous insects, crustaceans, myriapods and arachnids. The (...)
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    Tumourigenesis: The subterfuge of selection.Roy Douglas Pearson - 1981 - Acta Biotheoretica 30 (3):171-176.
    Variation or rearrangement of regulatory genes is responsible for cellular malignant change. These types of chromosomal variations also produce heterochrony or paedomorphic evolution at the organismal level. Analogously, neoplasia represents a cellular macroevolutionary event, and a tumour can be said to be an evolved population of cells. To understand this cellular evolution to malignancy, it may be necessary to go beyond a clonal selection (adaptationist) explanation of neoplastic alteration. In the pericellular environment natural selection consists of the organizational restraints of (...)
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    Amphibian regeneration and cellular heterochrony.Roy Douglas Pearson - 1982 - Acta Biotheoretica 31 (3):181-184.
    It is posited that the initiating event of amphibian regeneration of a limb, is retrodifferentiation* of what are to become the developing cells of the blastema. These cells reiterate a larval or premetamorphic ontogenic repertoire, induced by elevated levels of prolactin with adequate innervation. Subsequent redifferentiation of the blastema cells occurs, controlled by thyroxine and innervation.This temporal displacement of cellular morphologic characters in regeneration should be looked upon as a function of the ability to reiterate larval characters and subsequently metamorphose. (...)
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    The individual rights of the difficult patient.Roy R. Reeves, Sharon P. Douglas, Rosa T. Garner, Marti D. Reynolds & Anita Silvers - 2007 - Hastings Center Report 37 (2):13-15.
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    Immersive Virtual Reality Field Trips Facilitate Learning About Climate Change.David M. Markowitz, Rob Laha, Brian P. Perone, Roy D. Pea & Jeremy N. Bailenson - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Trust, trustworthiness and sharing patient data for research.Mark Sheehan, Phoebe Friesen, Adrian Balmer, Corina Cheeks, Sara Davidson, James Devereux, Douglas Findlay, Katharine Keats-Rohan, Rob Lawrence & Kamran Shafiq - 2021 - Journal of Medical Ethics 47 (12):e26-e26.
    When it comes to using patient data from the National Health Service for research, we are often told that it is a matter of trust: we need to trust, we need to build trust, we need to restore trust. Various policy papers and reports articulate and develop these ideas and make very important contributions to public dialogue on the trustworthiness of our research institutions. But these documents and policies are apparently constructed with little sustained reflection on the nature of trust (...)
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  8.  18
    The contribution of Angels Fear to metaReality: Gregory Bateson and Roy Bhaskar’s idiosyncratic approaches to the sacred.Rob Faure Walker - 2024 - Journal of Critical Realism 23 (2):224-236.
    Gregory Bateson’s career from anthropologist, through his development of cybernetics and systems theory, to developing ideas around ‘the sacred’, has parallels with Roy Bhaskar’s intellectual journey. This paper proposes that as well as Bateson’s theory of cybernetics and systemic thought making a contribution to basic and dialectic critical realism, his final and posthumously published Angels Fear: Towards and Epistemology of the Sacred adds to our understanding of Bhaskar’s metaReality. Similarities between the development of Bateson’s work from 1936 to 1987 and (...)
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  9. The Virtual by Rob Shields London and New York: Routledge, 2003.Douglas Kellner - unknown
    In The Virtual, Rob Shields puts virtuality in with the key categories of contemporary social theory such as subjectivity, agency, structure, and the spaces and temporalities between the modern and the postmodern. Shields has rescued the term and the idea of the virtual from utopian futurists like Howard Rheingold and Nicholas Negroponte who use it to hype emergent technologies and forms of culture as the magical vehicles and entry points to new worlds and identities. The works of these digerati, ideologues (...)
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  10. (Brassart) Frans H. Van eemeren, Rob Grootendorst and Francisca snoeck Henkemans et al., fundamentals of argumen-tation theory: A handbook of historical background and contemporary developments (manfred kien). [REVIEW]Douglas N. Walton - 1998 - Argumentation 12:513-516.
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    Speech, Community, and Evil in Rob Roy.Joseph Kupfer - 1997 - Film and Philosophy 4:47-57.
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    A Critical Realist Perspective on Decisions Involving Risk and Uncertainty.Rob Ranyard - 2014 - Polish Psychological Bulletin 45 (1):3-11.
    The relevance to decision research of recent advances in the philosophy of social science is considered. The critical realism of Roy Bhaskar argues for the identification of contextually contingent explanatory mechanisms at multiple levels based on concepts grounded in intersubjectively shared reality. Using examples from the author’s and other’s research on the psychology of decisions involving risk and uncertainty, this paper explores the implications of taking a critical realist approach. It is argued that critical realism has the potential to advance (...)
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  13.  42
    Which of the fallacies are fallacies of relevance?Douglas N. Walton - 1992 - Argumentation 6 (2):237-250.
    This paper looks around among the major traditional fallacies — centering mainly around the so-called “gang of eighteen” — to discuss which of them should properly be classified as fallacies of relevance. The paper argues that four of these fallacies are fallacies primarily because they are failures of relevance in argumentation, while others are fallacies in a way that is more peripherally related to failures of relevance. Still others have an even more tangential relation to failures of relevance. This paper (...)
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  14. Truth's Harmony in Plato's Musical Cosmos.Douglas V. Henry - 1996 - Dissertation, Vanderbilt University
    Plato provocatively characterizes truth $$ in terms of harmony $$ at various points throughout his dialogues. While limited attention has been directed toward the role of musical concepts in Plato's general cosmology, not any attention has been directed toward how musical concepts function in relation to Plato's characterization of truth. In fact, this issue has had little occasion for consideration. Almost every contemporary translator empties terms such as $\grave\alpha\rho\mu o\nu\acute\iota\alpha,$ when co-incidental with $\acute\alpha\lambda\acute\eta\theta\varepsilon\iota\alpha,$ of their musical content. As a consequence, (...)
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  15. Godel's Proof.Ernest Nagel & James Roy Newman - 1958 - New York, NY, USA: Routledge. Edited by James Roy Newman.
    _'Nagel and Newman accomplish the wondrous task of clarifying the argumentative outline of Kurt Godel's celebrated logic bomb.'_ _– The Guardian_ In 1931 the mathematical logician Kurt Godel published a revolutionary paper that challenged certain basic assumptions underpinning mathematics and logic. A colleague of physicist Albert Einstein, his theorem proved that mathematics was partly based on propositions not provable within the mathematical system. The importance of Godel's Proof rests upon its radical implications and has echoed throughout many fields, from maths (...)
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  16.  93
    Case Study of the Use of a Circumstantial Ad Hominem in Political Argumentation.Douglas N. Walton - 2000 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 33 (2):101 - 115.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Philosophy and Rhetoric 33.2 (2000) 101-115 [Access article in PDF] Case Study of the Use of a Circumstantial Ad Hominem in Political Argumentation Douglas Walton In the 1860s, Northern newspapers attacked Lincoln's policies by attacking his character, using the terms drunk, baboon, too slow, foolish, and dishonest. Steadily on the increase in political argumentation since then, the argumentum ad hominem has been carefully refined as an instrument of (...)
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  17. Pragmatic argument for an acceptance-refusal asymmetry in competence requirements.Thomas Douglas - 2022 - Journal of Medical Ethics 48 (11):799-800.
    In 2016, this Journal published an article by Rob Lawlor1 on what we might call the acceptance-refusal asymmetry in competence requirements. This is the view that there can be cases in which a patient is sufficiently competent to accept a treatment, but not sufficiently competent to refuse it. Though the main purpose of Lawlor’s paper was to distinguish this asymmetry from various other asymmetries with which it has sometimes been confused,1 Lawlor also presented a brief case in favour of it. (...)
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  18.  36
    Neither Full nor Flat: Women, Representation and Politics in Walter Scott's Rob Roy.Bronte Wells - 2017 - Constellations 8 (2):38-47.
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    Fulgentius and the Scythian Monks: Correspondence on Christology and Grace. Translated by Rob Roy McGregor and Donald Fairbairn. Pp. xv, 25, The Fathers of the Church: A New Translation , Vol. 126. Washington, DC, Catholic University of America Press, 2013, $39.95. [REVIEW]Laura Holt - 2016 - Heythrop Journal 57 (1):229-230.
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    Chapter Three.Michael Boylan - 2007 - In The Extinction of Desire: A Tale of Enlightenment. Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 28–42.
    The prelims comprise: Half Title Title Copyright Contents The Four Noble Truths Foreword by Charles Johnson Prologue: An Ancient Fable.
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  21.  59
    Dispositional Explanations of Behavior.Rob Vanderbeeken & Erik Weber - 2002 - Behavior and Philosophy 30:43 - 59.
    If dispositions are conceived as properties of systems that refer to possible causal relations, dispositions can be used in singular causal explanations. By means of these dispositional explanations, we can explain behavior B of a system x by (i) referring to a situation of type S that triggered B, given that x has a disposition D to do B in S, or (ii) by referring to a disposition D of x to do B in S, given that x is in (...)
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  22.  28
    Genetic Engineering and the Integrity of Animals.Rob Vries - 2006 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 19 (5):469-493.
    Genetic engineering evokes a number of objections that are not directed at the negative effects the technique might have on the health and welfare of the modified animals. The concept of animal integrity is often invoked to articulate these kind of objections. Moreover, in reaction to the advent of genetic engineering, the concept has been extended from the level of the individual animal to the level of the genome and of the species. However, the concept of animal integrity was not (...)
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    Epistemic Injustice.Rob Sinclair - 2025 - Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
    Epistemic Injustice The term “epistemic injustice” refers to the existence of a distinctive type of injustice in which a wrong is done to someone specifically in their capacity as a knower. Philosophers working at the intersection of epistemology and ethics under the general umbrella of virtue ethics have recognized that individuals are not given adequate … Continue reading Epistemic Injustice →.
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  24. Eliade's Legacy 25 Years Later: A Critical Tribute.Douglas Allen - 2011 - International Journal on Humanistic Ideology 4 (2):15-28.
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    Husband, j.g.Douglas Bankson - 1960 - Renascence 12 (3):159-161.
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    Swinburne and the Doctrine of Divine Timelessness.Douglas K. Blount - 2000 - Philosophia Christi 2 (1):35-52.
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  27. The Development of Ethics: A Historical and Critical Study.Douglas Lackey - 2011 - Philosophical Forum 42 (3):269-271.
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    Wisdom and education.Douglas E. Lawson - 1961 - Carbondale,: Southern Illinois University Press.
  29.  13
    Man: Mind or Matter?Roy Wood Sellars - 1952 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 12 (3):436-442.
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    Natural Law, Liberal Religion, and Freedom of Association: James Luther Adams on the Problem of Jurisprudence.Douglas Sturm - 1992 - Journal of Religious Ethics 20 (1):179-207.
    In contrast to classical natural law theory and traditional individualist liberalism, James Luther Adams develops a version of natural law doctrine grounded in liberal religion. In its ontological dimension, his natural law doctrine is derived from a communal understanding of the character of reality. In its institutional dimension, his natural law doctrine promotes a kind of democracy in which freedom of association is central. From this perspective, law is a practice intended to empower persons through their several associations in the (...)
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    Ethics, Wealth, and Salvation: A Study in Buddhist Social Ethics.Roy C. Amore, Russell F. Sizemore & Donald K. Swearer - 1992 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 12:265.
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    The path of soul liberation.Roy Eugene Davis - 1975 - Lakemont, Ga.: CSA Press. Edited by Śaṅkarācārya.
  33.  7
    The Manuscripts of Jeremy Bentham: A Chronological Index to the Collection in the Library of University College, London : Based on the Catalogue by A. Taylor Milne.Douglas G. Long - 1981
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    The law of Periandros about Symmories.Douglas M. Macdowell - 1986 - Classical Quarterly 36 (02):438-.
    The speech Against Euergos and Mnesiboulos describes a dispute over some naval gear. The dispute occurred early in the year 357/6 b.c. π' γαθοκλους ρχοντος, Dem. 47.44), when the speaker was a trierarch and supervisor of his symmory , and he refers to ‘the law of Periandros, by which the symmories were organized’ . There is no other specific reference to the law of Periandros. If 357/6 was the first year of its operation, it was probably passed in 358/7, but (...)
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    The Problem of Knowledge.Douglas Clyde Macintosh - 1915 - New York,: Routledge.
    Originally published in 1916. This book reviews the common problems of philosophy and then critiques the varied epistemological theories of the time. A theory of knowledge may be either dualistic or monistic and realistic or idealistic. Examining the resulting doctrines at the beginning, this book then goes on to consider mysticism, psychology, logic, consciousness, intellectualism and then scientific method. A fascinating insight into early Twentieth century philosophy.
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  36. Classifying The Class-Membership Relation.Douglas Odegard - 1969 - Logique Et Analyse 12 (September):221-224.
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  37. (1 other version)2. Evelyn Waugh's Brideshead Revisited.Douglas Lane Patey - 2000 - Logos. Anales Del Seminario de Metafísica [Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España] 3 (2).
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  38. Introduction.Douglas Patterson - 2008 - In New essays on Tarski and philosophy. New York: Oxford University Press.
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  39. Extendability and Paradox.Roy Cook & Geoffrey Hellman - 2018 - In John Burgess, Hilary Putnam on Logic and Mathematics. Cham: Springer Verlag.
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  40. The still mind.Roy Agard - 1961 - London,: Thorsons Publishers.
  41.  22
    A. Delphes.Christian Le Roy, Georges Rougemont, Lucien Lerat, Pierre Aupert, Jean Marcadé & Francis Croissant - 1972 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 96 (2):887-905.
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    Essai du̓ne philosophie première.Edouard Le Roy - 1956 - Paris,: Presses universitaires de France.
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    (2 other versions)La Pensée Intuitive. Vol. I. Au Delà du Discours.Edouard Le Roy - 1930 - Journal of Philosophy 27 (18):500-502.
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  44. (1 other version)Pascal savant et croyant, collection « Initiation philosophique ».Georges Le Roy - 1957 - Les Etudes Philosophiques 12 (4):414-415.
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  45. Republican rigorism and emancipation in Bruno Bauer.Douglas Moggach - 2006 - In The New Hegelians: Politics and Philosophy in the Hegelian School. New York: Cambridge University Press.
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  46. (3 other versions)Foundations of Inductive Logic.Roy Harrod - 1957 - Les Etudes Philosophiques 12 (2):252-252.
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  47.  66
    God.Roy A. Jackson - 1998 - The Philosophers' Magazine 4:32-33.
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    The liar’s loophole.Roy Sorensen - 2010 - The Philosophers' Magazine 50 (50):106-107.
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    Concept and Quality: A World Hypothesis.Douglas N. Morgan - 1969 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 28 (2):243-246.
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    Editorial: A new turn in the study of the origin of life.Rob Hengeveld & Thomas A. C. Reydon - 2007 - Acta Biotheoretica 55 (2):95-96.
    This paper compares two approaches that attempt to explain the origin of life, or biogenesis. The more established approach is one based on chemical principles, whereas a new, yet not widely known approach begins from a physical perspective. According to the first approach, life would have begun with—often organic—compounds. After having developed to a certain level of complexity and mutual dependence within a non-compartmentalised organic soup, they would have assembled into a functioning cell. In contrast, the second, physical type of (...)
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