Results for 'Retributive Justice'

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  1.  29
    Gerald Gaus.Retributive Justice & Social Cooperation - 2011 - In Mark D. White, Retributivism: Essays on Theory and Policy. Oxford University Press. pp. 73.
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  2. Retributive Justice in the Breivik Case: Exploring the Rationale for Punitive Restraint in Response to the Worst Crimes.David Chelsom Vogt - 2024 - Retfaerd - Nordic Journal of Law and Justice 1:25-43.
    The article discusses retributive justice and punitive restraint in response to the worst types of crime. I take the Breivik Case as a starting point. Anders Behring Breivik was sentenced to 21 years of preventive detention for killing 69 people, mainly youths, at Utøya and 8 people in Oslo on July 22nd, 2011. Retributivist theories as well as commonly held retributive intuitions suggest that much harsher punishment is required for such crimes. According to some retributivist theories, most (...)
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    Retributive Justice.Gertrude Ezorsky - 1972 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 1 (3):365 - 368.
    Retributivists who proclaim our moral obligation to punish criminals have displayed, on their own behalf, a type of argumant which I shall call Moral Balance. There are three versions of Moral Balance. According to Moral Balance I, retaliatory punishment restores the equality disturbed by the criminal. Moral Balance II philosophers admire the proportion between morality and welfare which punishment can yield. Those who hold with Moral Balance Ill are fascinated by the equilibrium of social benefits and burdens set by punishment. (...)
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    Justifying liberal retributive justice: Punishment, criminalization, and holistic retributivism.Alfonso Donoso - 2015 - Kriterion: Journal of Philosophy 56 (132):495-520.
    ABSTRACT In this article I explore whether liberal retributive justice should be conceived of either individualistically or holistically. I critically examine the individualistic account of retributive justice and suggest that the question of retribution – i.e., whether and when punishment of an individual is compatible with just treatment of that individual – must be answered holistically. By resorting to the ideal of sensitive reasons, a model of legitimacy at the basis of our best normative models of (...)
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    Retribution, Justice and Therapy.John Cottingham - 1981 - Philosophical Books 22 (4):241-243.
  6. Retributive Justice and Prior Offenses.J. D. Stuart - 1986 - Philosophical Forum 18 (1):40-51.
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    Retribution, Justice, and Therapy.Jeffrie G. Murphy - 1981 - Philosophical Review 90 (3):484-489.
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    On Retributive Justice.C. P. Ruloff & Patrick Findler - 2022 - Think 21 (60):57-64.
    Hsiao has recently developed what he considers a ‘simple and straightforward’ argument for the moral permissibility of corporal punishment. In this article we argue that Hsiao's argument is seriously flawed for at least two reasons. Specifically, we argue that a key premise of Hsiao's argument is question-begging, and Hsiao's argument depends upon a pair of false underlying assumptions, namely, the assumption that children are moral agents, and the assumption that all forms of wrongdoing demand retribution.
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    Retributive justice.James P. Sterba - 1977 - Political Theory 5 (3):349-362.
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    Retribution, Justice, And Therapy: Essays in the Philosophy of Law.J. G. Murphy - 1979 - Springer Verlag.
    One might legitimately ask what reasons other than vanity could prompt an author to issue a collection of his previously published essays. The best reason, I think, is the belief that the essays hang together in such a way that, as a book, they produce a whole which is in a sense greater than the sum of its parts. When this happens, as I hope it does in the present case, it is because the essays pursue related themes in such (...)
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    Punishment vs. reconciliation: retributive justice and social justice in the light of social ethics.Patrick Kerans - 1982 - Kingston, Ont.: Queen's Theological College.
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    On Sterba's "retributive justice".T. M. Reed - 1978 - Political Theory 6 (3):373-376.
  13.  53
    The Nature of Retributive Justice and Its Demands on the State.Richard L. Lippke - 2019 - Law and Philosophy 38 (1):53-77.
    The enterprise of state punishment requires the use of limited resources for which there are other competitors, such as national defense, market regulation, and social welfare. How resource-demanding retributive justice will turn out to be depends on how retributivists answer a series of questions concerning the theory’s structure. After elaborating these questions and the varieties of retributive justice that answers to them might generate, I consider the resource demands of retributive justice in the context (...)
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  14. Retributivism and Outraged Love: A Search for the Heart of Retributive Justice.Richard Oxenberg - manuscript
    "An eye for an eye will make the whole world blind." This quote, often attributed to Gandhi, suggests the illegitimacy of the retributive urge. On the other hand, many feel a strong intuitive sense that "justice must be served" and that violators of justice must be fittingly punished. In this paper I examine the urge for retributive justice and argue that, at its base, it is rooted in a profound desire to have a wrongdoer see (...)
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    Punishment and Retributive Justice.R. M. Hare - 1986 - Philosophical Topics 14 (2):211-223.
  16.  74
    Transitional Justice and Retributive Justice.Patrick Lenta - 2019 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 22 (2):385-398.
    Many people have the intuition that the failure to impose punishment on perpetrators of such serious human rights violations as murder, torture and rape that occurred in the course of violent conflict preceding a society’s transition from authoritarianism to democracy amounts to an injustice. This intuition is to an appreciable extent accounted for by the retributivist outlook of a high proportion of those who share it. Colleen Murphy, however, though she accepts that retributivism may justify punishment of offenders in stable (...)
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  17. Restorative Justice, Retributive Justice, and the South African Truth and Reconciliation Commission.Lucy Allais - 2011 - Philosophy and Public Affairs 39 (4):331-363.
  18. Street-Crime Victim Compensation, Retributive Justice, and Social-Contract Theory.Gilbert S. Fell - 1991 - In Diane Sank & David I. Caplan, To Be a Victim: Encounters with Crime and Injustice. Plenum. pp. 87.
  19. MURPHY, J. G., "Retribution, Justice and Therapy. Essays in the Philosophy of Law". [REVIEW]J. Kleinig - 1981 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 59:352.
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  20. Control, Desert and the Difference between Distributive and Retributive Justice.Saul Smilansky - 2006 - Philosophical Studies 131 (3):511-524.
    Why is it that we think today so very differently about distributive and retributive justice? Why is the notion of desert so neglected in our thinking about distributive justice, while it remains fundamental in almost every account of retributive justice? I wish to take up this relatively neglected issue, and put forth two proposals of my own, based upon the way control functions in the two spheres.
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    Retribution, Justice, and Therapy. [REVIEW]Anita L. Allen - 1981 - Philosophical Review 90 (3):484-489.
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  22. Capital Punishment and Retributive Justice.Burton Leiser - 2001 - Free Inquiry 21.
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    Aggressive interrogation and retributive justice: A proposed psychological model.Avani Sood - 2012 - In Jon Hanson, Ideology, Psychology, and Law. Oup Usa. pp. 574--604.
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    Cruel and Unusual Punishment: Distinguishing Distributive and Retributive Justice.Felicia Cohn - 2008 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 19 (3):264-267.
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    Early Christian historiography: Narratives of retributive justice (studies in religion). By G. W. Trompf.Robert C. Hill - 2007 - Heythrop Journal 48 (2):289–290.
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    Crime and Punishment: How Historical Narratives Affect the Evaluation of Restorative and Retributive Justice.Juan David Hernandez-Posada, Javier Corredor & Alejandra María Martínez-Salgado - 2023 - Journal of Human Values 29 (3):261-273.
    This article explores how historical narratives affect the evaluation of political decisions regarding justice during peace negotiations. Specifically, this study evaluates how different narratives of the Colombian armed conflict relate to the preference for either restorative or retributive justice. Results revealed that a historically accurate narrative that included structural elements correlated with the preference for restorative justice, whereas a schematic narrative that focused on individual greed favoured the preference for retributive justice. These results are (...)
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  27.  66
    Free Will Skepticism in Law and Society: Challenging Retributive Justice.Elizabeth Shaw, Derk Pereboom & Gregg D. Caruso (eds.) - 2019 - New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.
    'Free will skepticism' refers to a family of views that all take seriously the possibility that human beings lack the control in action - i.e. the free will - required for an agent to be truly deserving of blame and praise, punishment and reward. Critics fear that adopting this view would have harmful consequences for our interpersonal relationships, society, morality, meaning, and laws. Optimistic free will skeptics, on the other hand, respond by arguing that life without free will and so-called (...)
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  28.  42
    Shaming of Tax Evaders: Empirical Evidence on Perceptions of Retributive Justice and Tax Compliance Intentions.Oliver Nnamdi Okafor - 2022 - Journal of Business Ethics 182 (2):377-395.
    Although naming-and-shaming (shaming) is a commonly used tax enforcement mechanism, little is known about the efficacy of shaming tax evaders. Through two experiments, this study examines the effects of shaming tax evaders on third-party observers’ perceptions of retributive justice and tax compliance intentions, and whether the salience of persuasion of observers moderates these relationships. Based on insights from defiance theory, the message learning model, and persuasive communications, this study predicts and finds that shaming evaders increases observers’ tax compliance (...)
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  29.  24
    Why does Existential Threat Promote Intergroup Violence? Examining the Role of Retributive Justice and Cost-Benefit Utility Motivations.Gilad Hirschberger, Tom Pyszczynski & Tsachi Ein-Dor - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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    Mad, bad, or faulty? Desert in distributive and retributive justice.Matt Matravers - 2011 - In Carl Knight & Zofia Stemplowska, Responsibility and distributive justice. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 136--151.
  31.  31
    Justice Without Retribution? The Case of the System of Communal Security, Justice and Reeducation of Montaña and Costa Chica in Guerrero, Mexico.Alexander Stachurski - 2024 - Diametros 21 (79):24-39.
    This paper discusses a non-state justice system (Sistema Comunitario de Seguridad, Justicia y Reeducación, hereafter: SCSJR) applied by some of the Afromexican and Indigenous communities of the Guerrero state in Mexico as an example of a maximalist restorative justice system. Restorative justice is presented here as an alternative to criminal justice. While it responds to similar moral concerns as retributive justifications do, it offers more adequate mechanisms of dealing with certain crimes and aims to reduce (...)
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  32. Justice without Retribution: An Epistemic Argument against Retributive Criminal Punishment.Gregg D. Caruso - 2018 - Neuroethics 13 (1):13-28.
    Within the United States, the most prominent justification for criminal punishment is retributivism. This retributivist justification for punishment maintains that punishment of a wrongdoer is justified for the reason that she deserves something bad to happen to her just because she has knowingly done wrong—this could include pain, deprivation, or death. For the retributivist, it is the basic desert attached to the criminal’s immoral action alone that provides the justification for punishment. This means that the retributivist position is not reducible (...)
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  33.  49
    Justice distributive et justice rétributive.Jean-Paul Brodeur - 1997 - Philosophiques 24 (1):71-89.
    This paper explores Rawls' positions on the subject of retributive (criminal) justice. It is first argued that Rawls' perspective is hybrid with respect to the two traditional dichotomies of retributivism vs. utilitarianism and of deontologism vs. consequentialism. There is evidence to the effect that Rawls is both a retributivist and a consequentialist. Secondly, Rawls' positions are discussed in the light of recent empirical research. It is argued that his view of retributive justice as being strictly reactive (...)
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  34.  34
    The retributive criterion for justice.D. C. Emmons - 1970 - Mind 79 (313):133-134.
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    Justice and Order : Martin Luther and Thomas More on the Death Penalty and Retribution.Carl E. Maxcey - 1983 - Moreana 20 (Number 79-20 (3-4):17-34.
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    (1 other version)Between Retribution and Restoration: Justice and the TRC.Jonathan Allen - 2001 - South African Journal of Philosophy 20 (1):22-41.
    How may a society, in a morally defensible way, confront a past of injustice and suffering, and seek to break the spell of violence and disregard for human life? I begin by demonstrating the relevance of this question to the South African Truth and Reconciliation Commission, and I draw attention to André du Toit's long- standing interest in ways in which truth commissions may function to consolidate political change. In the second section of the article, I argue that truth commissions (...)
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  37. Justice Without Retribution.Elizabeth Shaw (ed.) - 2019
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  38. Justice and the Role of Retribution in Punishment.David Seligman - 1966 - Dissertation, Columbia University
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  39. Retribution, moral self regulation and self interest in the decision to punish: A moral motives extension of the deontic model of justice.D. E. Rupp & C. Bell - 2010 - Business Ethics Quarterly 20 (1):205-210.
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    Retributive, Restorative and Ritualistic Justice.Kimberley Brownlee - 2010 - Oxford Journal of Legal Studies 30 (2):385-397.
    Few defences of retribution in criminal justice make a plausible case for the view that punishment plays a necessary role in restoring relations between offenders, victims and the community. Even fewer defences of retribution make a plausible appeal to the interpersonal practice of apologizing as a symbolically adequate model for criminal justice. This review article considers Christopher Bennett’s engaging defence of an apology ritual in criminal justice, an account of justifiable punishment that draws from the best of (...)
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  41.  64
    Retributive and distributive justice.Lucius Garvin - 1945 - Journal of Philosophy 42 (10):270-277.
  42. Justice Without Retribution: Interdisciplinary Perspectives, Stakeholder Views and Practical Implications.Farah Focquaert, Gregg Caruso, Elizabeth Shaw & Derk Pereboom - 2018 - Neuroethics 13 (1):1-3.
    Within the United States, the most prominent justification for criminal punishment is retributivism. This retributivist justification for punishment maintains that punishment of a wrongdoer is justified for the reason that she deserves something bad to happen to her just because she has knowingly done wrong—this could include pain, deprivation, or death. For the retributivist, it is the basic desert attached to the criminal’s immoral action alone that provides the justification for punishment. This means that the retributivist position is not reducible (...)
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  43. Lessons from the Exxon Valdez Oil Spill: A Case Study in Retributive and Corrective Justice for Harm to the Environment (2nd edition).James Liszka - 2010 - Ethics and the Environment 15 (2):1.
    The settlements surrounding the Exxon Valdez oil spill prove to be an interesting case of retributive and corrective justice in regard to damage to the ecology of the commons, particularly in light of the recent Deepwater Horizon spill in the Gulf of Mexico. After reviewing the harm done to the ecology of Prince William Sound by the spill, and an account of Exxon Corporation’s responsibility, I examine the details of the litigation, particularly the Supreme Court decision in this (...)
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    Review of Free Will Skepticism in Law and Society: Challenging Retributive Justice, by Elizabeth Shaw, Derk Pereboom, Gregg D. Caruso (eds.), Cambridge University Press, 2019. [REVIEW]Jelena Mijić - 2021 - Filozofska Istrazivanja 41 (3):672-676.
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    Disqualification, Retribution, Restitution: Dilemmas of Justice in Post-Communist Transitions.Claus Offe - 1993 - Journal of Political Philosophy 1 (1):17-44.
  46. Criminal Justice without Retribution.Erin I. Kelly - 2009 - Journal of Philosophy 106 (8):440-462.
  47. L'invention des conventions de justice chez Hume et sa skepsis envers la rétribution.Ignace Haaz - 2009 - In Philippe Saltel, L'invention philosophique humienne. Vrin - Recherches sur la philosophie et le langage No 26. pp. 235-272.
    Promise keeping and the virtue of integrity are understandable only if the sense of justice and of injustice doesn't come from nature but results from education and of some of the most inventive human conventions. We comment this argument that we find in the Treatise of Nature, book III and present how it impacts the notion of retribution and punishment in general.
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    From Retributive to Restorative Justice.Erin I. Kelly - 2021 - Criminal Law and Philosophy 15 (2):237-247.
    I am very grateful to Justin Coates, Adina Roskies, and Costanza Porro for their thoughtful and challenging comments on my book, The Limits of Blame: Rethinking Punishment and Responsibility. My response is organized around their discussion of four main topics: moral competence, proportionality, restorative justice, and excessive punishment.
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    Retribution and restorative justice.Declan Roche - 2007 - In Gerry Johnstone & Daniel W. Van Ness, Handbook of Restorative Justice. Taylor & Francis. pp. 75--90.
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  50. Beyond Retribution: A New Testament Vision for Justice, Crime, and Punishment.Christopher D. Marshall - 2001
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