Results for 'Renate Prochno-Schinkel'

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  1.  21
    Schmuck in Burgund, Flandern und Frankreich unter den Valois-Herzögen (1364–1477).Renate Prochno-Schinkel - 2016 - Das Mittelalter 21 (2):419-447.
    Name der Zeitschrift: Das Mittelalter Jahrgang: 21 Heft: 2 Seiten: 419-447.
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    Human Flourishing, Wonder, and Education.Anders Schinkel, Lynne Wolbert, Jan B. W. Pedersen & Doret J. de Ruyter - 2023 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 42 (2):143-162.
    Various authors see human flourishing as the overarching aim to which education should contribute. We ask whether fostering _wonder_ can help education attain this aim. We discuss two possibilities: firstly, it may be that having a sense of wonder as adults (possibly fostered by and/or refined due to education) contributes to flourishing itself. Secondly, it may be that fostering wonder in education increases the likelihood that education promotes flourishing, which it might do simply by increasing children’s intrinsic interest in what (...)
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    Compulsory autonomy‐promoting education.Anders Schinkel - 2010 - Educational Theory 60 (1):97-116.
    Today, many liberal philosophers of education worry that certain kinds of education may frustrate the development of personal autonomy, with negative consequences for the individuals concerned, the liberal state, or both. Autonomy liberals hold not only that we should promote the development of autonomy in children, but also that this aim should be compulsory for all schools, private or public, religious or nonreligious. In this article, Anders Schinkel provides a systematic overview, categorization, and analysis of liberal arguments for compulsory (...)
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  4. Mechanisms in the analysis of social macro-phenomena.Renate Mayntz - 2004 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 34 (2):237-259.
    mechanism" is frequently encountered in the social science literature, but there is considerable confusion about the exact meaning of the term. The article begins by addressing the main conceptual issues. Use of this term is the hallmark of an approach that is critical of the explanatory deficits of correlational analysis and of the covering-law model, advocating instead the causal reconstruction of the processes that account for given macro-phenomena. The term "social mechanisms" should be used to refer to recurrent processes generating (...)
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    Individual Moral Development and Moral Progress.Anders Schinkel & Doret J. Ruyter - 2017 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 20 (1):121-136.
    At first glance, one of the most obvious places to look for moral progress is in individuals, in particular in moral development from childhood to adulthood. In fact, that moral progress is possible is a foundational assumption of moral education. Beyond the general agreement that moral progress is not only possible but even a common feature of human development things become blurry, however. For what do we mean by ‘progress’? And what constitutes moral progress? Does the idea of individual moral (...)
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  6. A study of theory unification.Renat Nugayev - 1985 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 36 (2):159-173.
    The epistemological problems of unification of two distinct theories are discussed. An approach related to the work of Soviet authors (Stepin, Podgoretzky and Smorodinsky) is used and developed. The notion of ‘crossbred objects’—theoretical objects with contradictory properties which are part of the domain of application of two independent theories—is introduced which helps to describe the dynamics of revolutionary theory change. The occurrence of the cross-contradiction of two theories is reconstructed and the reductionistic and the synthetic means of its elimination are (...)
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  7.  72
    Envisioning the ‘Sharing City’: Governance Strategies for the Sharing Economy.Renate E. Meyer, Markus A. Höllerer, Achim Oberg & Sebastian Vith - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 159 (4):1023-1046.
    Recent developments around the sharing economy bring to the fore questions of governability and broader societal benefit—and subsequently the need to explore effective means of public governance, from nurturing, on the one hand, to restriction, on the other. As sharing is a predominately urban phenomenon in modern societies, cities around the globe have become both locus of action and central actor in the debates over the nature and organization of the sharing economy. However, cities vary substantially in the interpretation of (...)
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    Individual Moral Development and Moral Progress.Anders Schinkel & Doret J. de Ruyter - 2017 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 20 (1):121-136.
    At first glance, one of the most obvious places to look for moral progress is in individuals, in particular in moral development from childhood to adulthood. In fact, that moral progress is possible is a foundational assumption of moral education. Beyond the general agreement that moral progress is not only possible but even a common feature of human development things become blurry, however. For what do we mean by ‘progress’? And what constitutes moral progress? Does the idea of individual moral (...)
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    Wonder, Mystery, and Meaning.Anders Schinkel - 2018 - Philosophical Papers 48 (2):293-319.
    This paper explores the connection between wonder and meaning, in particular ‘the meaning of life’, a connection that, despite strong intrinsic connections between wonder and the (philosoph...
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    Conscience and Conscientious Objections.A. Schinkel - unknown
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    Regimes of Violence and the Trias Violentiae.Willem Schinkel - 2013 - European Journal of Social Theory 16 (3):310-325.
    In common-sense usage, violence is usually conceptualized as intentional physical harm. This makes violence identifiable, locatable, and it facilitates the governing of those identified as committing infractions upon the non-violent community. In this article it is illustrated how this conception of violence legitimates the state by blocking the state’s own foundational violence from critical scrutiny. It argues that the liberal state rests on the differentiation between active and reactive violence, whereby the latter is seen as the legitimate violence of the (...)
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  12.  28
    (1 other version)The Educational Importance of Deep Wonder.Anders Schinkel - 2016 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 50 (4).
    That wonder is educationally important will strike many people as obvious. And in a way it is obvious, because being capable of experiencing wonder implies an openness to experience and seems naturally allied to intrinsic educational motivation, an eagerness to inquire, a desire to understand, and also to a willingness to suspend judgement and bracket existing—potentially limiting—ways of thinking, seeing, and categorising. Yet wonder is not a single thing, and it is important to distinguish at least two kinds of wonder: (...)
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  13. Martha Nussbaum on animal rights.Anders Schinkel - 2008 - Ethics and the Environment 13 (1):pp. 41-69.
    There is quite a long-standing tradition according to which the morally proper treatment of animals does not rely on what we owe them, but on our benevolence. Nussbaum wishes to go beyond this tradition, because in her view we are dealing with issues of justice. Her capabilities approach secures basic entitlements for animals, on the basis of their fundamental capacities. At the same time Nussbaum wishes to retain the possibility of certain human uses of animals, and to see them as (...)
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    Beeldenstormers hebben gelijk.Anders Schinkel & Michael S. Merry - 2020 - Sociale Vraagstukken 1.
    In het spoor van de moord op George Floyd door een politieagent in Minneapolis, vinden er wereldwijd ‘Black Lives Matter’ protesten plaats. De beeldenstorm in ons land sluit hierbij aan. Acties van fanatici, of hebben ze een punt dat we liever niet onder ogen zien? Beelden van dubieuze nationale helden horen in museum thuis, niet op straat.
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  15.  97
    Tense, predicates, and lifetime effects.Renate Musan - 1997 - Natural Language Semantics 5 (3):271-301.
  16.  32
    The ethics of COVID-19 tracking apps – challenges and voluntariness.Renate Klar & Dirk Lanzerath - 2020 - Research Ethics 16 (3-4):1-9.
    As COVID-19 continues to spread, a variety of COVID-19 tracking apps (CTAs) have been introduced to help contain the pandemic. Deployment of this technology poses serious challenges of effectiveness, technological problems and risks to privacy and equity. The ethical use of CTAs depends heavily on the protection of voluntariness. Voluntary use of CTAs implies not only the absence of a legal obligation to employ the app but also the absence of more subtle forms of coercion such as enforced exclusion from (...)
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  17. Education and Life's Meaning.Anders Schinkel, Doret J. Ruyter & Aharon Aviram - 2016 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 50 (2):398-418.
    There are deep connections between education and the question of life's meaning, which derive, ultimately, from the fact that, for human beings, how to live—and therefore, how to raise one's children—is not a given but a question. One might see the meaning of life as constitutive of the meaning of education, and answers to the question of life's meaning might be seen as justifying education. Our focus, however, lies on the contributory relation: our primary purpose is to investigate whether and (...)
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  18. Niet mijn fout? Klimaatverandering en de morele verantwoordelijkheid van individuen.Anders Schinkel - 2010 - Filosofie En Praktijk 31 (4):22.
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    Imagination as a category of history: An essay concerning Koselleck's concepts of.Anders Schinkel - 2005 - History and Theory 44 (1):42-54.
    Reinhart Koselleck is an important thinker in part for his attempt to interpret the cultural changes resulting in our modern cultural outlook in terms of the historical categories of experience and expectation. In so doing he tried to pay equal attention to the static and the changing in history. This article argues that Koselleck’s use of “experience” and “expectation” confuses their metahistorical and historical meaning, with the result that his account fails to do justice to the static, to continuity in (...)
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    On the concept of terrorism.Willem Schinkel - 2009 - Contemporary Political Theory 8 (2):176-198.
    Many contemporary conceptualizations of terrorism inadvertently reify political conceptions of terrorism. Mainly because they in the end rely on the intentions of terrorists in defining ‘terrorism’, the process of terrorism, which involves an unfolding dialectic of actions and reactions, is omitted from researchers’ focus. Thus, terrorism becomes simplified to intentional actions by terrorists, and this short-cutting of the causal chain of the process of terrorism facilitates both a political ‘negation of history’ and a ‘rhetoric of response’. In this paper, I (...)
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    Semantics and contextual expression.Renate Bartsch, Johan van Benthem & P. van Emde Boas (eds.) - 1989 - Providence RI, U.S.A.: Foris Publications.
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    On the Problematic of a Philosophy of Language.Renate Christensen - 1976 - International Philosophical Quarterly 16 (1):33-47.
  23.  16
    Rezension: Löwenthal, Leo, Falsche Propheten. Studien zur faschistischen Agitation.Renate Göllner - 2021 - Psyche 76 (2):183-187.
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  24. The value history: A necessary family document.Renate G. Justin - 1987 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 8 (3).
    Patients' wishes regarding health care and dying must be taken into consideration by their physicians. Competent patients need to record directives about their care in advance of a crisis situation. The primary care physician, seeing the patient at the time of a routine office visit, is in a favorable position to explore and record attitudes. A patient's value system should be part of a medical history before hospital admission. Details in a Value History Questionnaire facilitate guiding an incompetent patient through (...)
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    Wissensproduktion und Wissenstransfer: Wissen im Spannungsfeld von Wissenschaft, Politik und Öffentlichkeit.Renate Mayntz (ed.) - 2008 - Bielefeld: Transcript.
  26.  15
    Der Philosoph – umtanzt und in Musik gehüllt: Zu einem Nietzsche-Bild von Jens Flämig (1987).Renate Reschke - 2022 - Nietzscheforschung 29 (1):119-141.
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  27. De nieuwe preventie. Actuariële archiefsystemen en de nieuwe technologie van de veiligheid.W. Schinkel - 2009 - Krisis 2:1-21.
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    From Zoēpolitics to Biopolitics: Citizenship and the Construction of ‘Society’.Willem Schinkel - 2010 - European Journal of Social Theory 13 (2):155-172.
    Giorgio Agamben’s work on biopower thematizes the biopolitical distinction between what the 1789 Declaration distinguishes as citoyen and homme. In this contribution, Foucault’s and Agamben’s views on biopolitics are critically discussed. It argues that a crucial distinction exists between what can be called zoēpolitics and biopolitics. Whereas the former takes the biological body as its object and is only indirectly geared towards the social body, the latter more directly has the social body as its object. Citizenship can be regarded a (...)
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  29.  77
    The Object of History.Anders Schinkel - 2006 - Essays in Philosophy 7 (2):13.
    The phrase ‘the object of history’ may mean all sorts of things. In this article, a distinction is made between object1, the object of study for historians, and object2, the goal or purpose of the study of history. Within object2, a distinction is made between a goal intrinsic to the study of history and an extrinsic goal, the latter being what the study of history should contribute to society. The main point of the article, which is illustrated by a discussion (...)
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  30. Wonder, education, and human flourishing: theoretical, empirical, and practical perspectives.Anders Schinkel & Vasco D'Agnese (eds.) - 2020 - Amsterdam, The Netherlands: VU University Press.
    The premise that underlies this volume is that there are strong interconnections between wonder, education and human flourishing. And more specifically, that wonder can make a significant difference to how well one's education progresses and how well one's life goes. The contributors to this volume--both senior, well-known and beginning researchers and students of wonder--variously explore aspects of these connections from philosophical, empirical, theoretical and practical perspectives. The three chapters that comprise Part I of the book are devoted to the importance (...)
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    Human Rights at the Time of a Global Pandemic: The Case of Muslim Tatars.Renat Shaykhutdinov - 2022 - Muslim World Journal of Human Rights 19 (1):95-128.
    How are the human rights pertaining to the freedom of conscience/religion, health, and distinct culture intersect in the context of a global pandemic in the Muslim-minority areas? How do Russia’s Muslims make sense of the challenges to those rights caused or exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic? In this paper, I focus on diverse Muslim Tatar communities, primarily of the Middle Volga region, who have recently witnessed numerous political and socioeconomic challenges infringing on their human rights. Attending on the period of (...)
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    Education as Mediation Between Child and World: The Role of Wonder.Anders Schinkel - 2019 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 39 (5):479-492.
    Education as a deliberate activity and purposive process necessarily involves mediation, in the sense that the educator mediates between the child and the world. This can take different forms: the educator may function as a guide who initiates children into particular practices and domains and their modes of thinking and perceiving; or act as a filter, selecting what of the world the child encounters and how; or meet the child as representative of the adult world. I look at these types (...)
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    Wonder and education: on the educational importance of contemplative wonder.Anders Schinkel - 2020 - New York, NY: Bloomsbury Academic.
    Wonder is commonly perceived as akin to curiosity, as stimulating inquiry, and as something that enhances pleasure in learning, but there are many experiences of wonder that have a less obvious place in education. In Wonder and Education, Anders Schinkel theorises a kind of wonder which he calls 'contemplative wonder'. Contemplative wonder opens up space for the consideration of (radical) alternatives wherever it occurs, and in many cases is linked with deep experiences of value; therefore, it is not just (...)
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  34. Surrogacy in Australia: New Legal Developments.Renate Klein - 2011 - Bioethics Research Notes 23 (2):23.
    Klein, Renate The practice of surrogacy in Australia has been controversial since its beginning in the late 1980s. In 1988, the famous 'Kirkman case' in the state of Victoria put surrogacy on the national map. This was a two-sisters surrogacy - Linda and Maggie Kirkman and the resulting baby Alice - in which power differences between the two women were extraordinarily stark: Maggie was the glamorous and well spoken woman of the world; Linda who carried the baby, was the (...)
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    Algorithmic anxiety: Masks and camouflage in artistic imaginaries of facial recognition algorithms.Willem Schinkel & Patricia de Vries - 2019 - Big Data and Society 6 (1).
    This paper discusses prominent examples of what we call “algorithmic anxiety” in artworks engaging with algorithms. In particular, we consider the ways in which artists such as Zach Blas, Adam Harvey and Sterling Crispin design artworks to consider and critique the algorithmic normativities that materialize in facial recognition technologies. Many of the artworks we consider center on the face, and use either camouflage technology or forms of masking to counter the surveillance effects of recognition technologies. Analyzing their works, we argue (...)
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  36. Renate Bartsch. Adverbialsemantik. Die Konstitution logischsemantischer Repräsentationen von Adverbialkonstruktionen.Ewald Lang & Renate Steinitz - 1976 - Foundations of Language 14:137-151.
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  37. Causal and Moral Responsibility of Individuals for (the Harmful Consequences of) Climate Change.Anders Schinkel - 2011 - Ethics, Policy and Environment 14 (1):35-37.
    John Nolt's purpose in this paper is to criticise the assumption, often made but seldom supported with evidence, that ‘the consequences of a single individual's greenhouse gas emissions are negligi...
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    The image of crisis.Willem Schinkel - 2015 - Thesis Eleven 127 (1):36-51.
    Crisis jargon has become endemic in modernity. Whether in radical or in affirmative versions, the idea that ‘crisis’ offers ‘opportunity’, in accordance with the meaning of crisis as ‘decision’, is widespread. This paper questions the relationship between modernity and crisis, first by highlighting the ways in which modernity itself has been cast as ‘crisis’: first as crisis of tradition, then as crisis of modernity itself. The main part of this paper then consists of a reading of modernity-as-crisis inspired by Walter (...)
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    Das Aktive und das Passive: Zur erkenntnistheoretischen Begründung der Physik durch den Atomismus – dargestellt an Newton und Kant.Renate Wahsner - 1981 - Berlin: Walter de Gruyter GmbH & Co KG.
    Keine ausführliche Beschreibung für "Das Aktive und das Passive" verfügbar.
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    Neera K. Badhwar, Well-Being: Happiness in a Worthwhile Life: Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2014 € 55.95.Anders Schinkel - 2015 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 18 (4):883-886.
    It is safe to say that in recent years there has been no dearth of publications on well-being, happiness, and human flourishing. That is true even if we disregard the psychological literature, and focus on philosophy. In 2014 alone, at least two other books have appeared with a similar purpose and purview as Badhwar’s: Paul Bloomfield’s The Virtues of Happiness and Lorraine Besser-Jones’ Eudaimonic Ethics: The Philosophy and Psychology of Living Well . The renaissance of virtue ethics, in particular the (...)
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    Education and Life's Meaning.Anders Schinkel, Doret J. de Ruyter & Aharon Aviram - 2016 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 50 (3):398-418.
    There are deep connections between education and the question of life's meaning, which derive, ultimately, from the fact that, for human beings, how to live—and therefore, how to raise one's children—is not a given but a question. One might see the meaning of life as constitutive of the meaning of education, and answers to the question of life's meaning might be seen as justifying education. Our focus, however, lies on the contributory relation: our primary purpose is to investigate whether and (...)
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  42. Huck Finn, Moral Language and Moral Education.Anders Schinkel - 2011 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 45 (3):511-525.
    The aim of this article is twofold. Against the traditional interpretation of ‘the conscience of Huckleberry Finn’ (for which Jonathan Bennett's article with this title is the locus classicus) as a conflict between conscience and sympathy, I propose a new interpretation of Huck's inner conflict, in terms of Huck's mastery of (the) moral language and its integration with his moral feelings. The second aim is to show how this interpretation can provide insight into a particular aspect of moral education: learning (...)
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  43. Temporal interpretation and information-status of noun phrases.Renate Musan - 1999 - Linguistics and Philosophy 22 (6):621-661.
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    Pierre Bourdieu’s Political Turn?Willem Schinkel - 2003 - Theory, Culture and Society 20 (6):69-93.
    This contribution has two main goals. First, Pierre Bourdieu’s later work is critically reviewed. The question is posed whether or not his recent critical work has to be interpreted as the result of what might be called a ‘political turn’. Second, in reviewing the critical content of this recent work, a clarification of the critical potential present in Bourdieu’s general methodological and theoretical presuppositions is given. It can thus be seen that Bourdieu’s analyses have always been critical, because of their (...)
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    (1 other version)Mr. Collie Goes to London: – The House of Lords Decision in Common Services Agency vs. The Scottish Information Commissioner.Renate Gertz - 2009 - Studies in Ethics, Law, and Technology 3 (1).
    July 2008 saw a conclusion to a case which began with a request to the Common Services Agency for the Scottish Health Service under the Freedom of Information Act 2002 and culminated in a hearing in front of the House of Lords as Court of Appeal. The outcome, however, can be considered both a triumph and a failure for data protection law.This paper analyzes the House of Lords decision to determine whether the judgment has provided more legal clarity in an (...)
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    Theorie der Lyrik: heautonome Autopoiesis als Paradigma der Moderne.Renate Homann - 1999 - Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp Publishers.
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    The Composition of Mutanabbī's Panegyrics to Sayf al-DawlaThe Composition of Mutanabbi's Panegyrics to Sayf al-Dawla.Renate Jacobi, Andras Hamori, Mutanabbī & Mutanabbi - 1994 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 114 (4):685.
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    Zur entstehung einer „buchkultur” in der zweiten hälete Des 5. jahrhunderts V. U. Z.Renate Johne - 1991 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 135 (1):45-54.
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    Opfer, Spende und Geld im mittelalterlichen Gottesdienst.Renate Kroos - 1985 - Frühmittelalterliche Studien 19 (1):502-519.
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    Diaphan und gedichtet: der künstlerische Raum bei Martin Heidegger und Hans Jantzen.Renate Maas - 2015 - Kassel: Kassel University Press.
    Martin Heidegger und Hans Jantzen gehören zu den wichtigsten Vertretern der Philosophie und Kunstgeschichte des 20. Jahrhunderts. Seit den 1920er bis Ende der 1960er Jahre kritisierten sie vorherrschende, naturwissenschaftlich geprägte Auffassungen des Raums und entwickelten einen neuartigen Begriff. Dieser sogenannte künstlerische Raum sei ein freies Zusammenspiel von materiellen und immateriellen Bestandteilen, das als solches erst in der Wahrnehmung real wird. Die Autorin arbeitet dieses Verständnis heraus und stellt es in einen geistes- und zeitgeschichtlichen Kontext. Neben der Bedeutung der Bestandteile und (...)
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