Results for 'René Gerin'

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  1. Moral integrity in the public service.René Sève - 1999 - In Alan Montefiore & David Vines (eds.), Integrity in the Public and Private Domains. New York: Routledge. pp. 309.
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  2. Les principes biologiques de l'évolution sociale.René Worms & James Mark Baldwin - 1912 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 20 (3):4-4.
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  3. Het nut en de charme van omwegen. Popmuziek en authenticiteit.René Boomkens & Wim Dubbink - 1999 - Krisis 76:9-21.
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  4. (1 other version)Sociologie et Pluralisme dialectique.René Toulemont - 1955 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 17 (4):723-724.
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    La Métaphysique Orientale.René Guénon - 2021 - Blurb.
    J'ai pris comme sujet de cet exposé la métaphysique orientale; peut-être aurait-il mieux valu dire simplement la métaphysique sans épithète, car, en vérité, la métaphysique pure étant par essence en dehors et au-delà de toutes les formes et de toutes les contingences, n'est ni orientale ni occidentale, elle est universelle. Ce sont seulement les formes extérieures dont elle est revêtue pour les nécessités d'une exposition, pour en exprimer ce qui est exprimable, ce sont ces formes qui peuvent être soit orientales, (...)
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    Evil and international relations: human suffering in an age of terror.Renée Jeffery - 2008 - New York: Palgrave-Macmillan.
    Since the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, the concept of 'evil' has enjoyed renewed popularity in both international political rhetoric and scholarly writing. World leaders, politicians, and intellectuals have increasingly turned to 'evil' to describe the very worst humanitarian atrocities that continue to mark international affairs. However, precisely what 'evil' actually entails is not well understood. Little consensus exists as to what 'evil' is, how it is manifested in the international sphere, and what we ought to do about it. (...)
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  7. Le Nombre.René Poirier - 1939 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 46 (1):171-171.
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  8. Sur le pragmatisme de Nietzsche.René Berthelot - 1908 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 16 (4):403-447.
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    Sur quelques philosophies Des sciences dans la France contemporaine.René Berthelot - 1930 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 37 (2):181 - 221.
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  10. The Early Stoic Doctrine of the Change to Wisdom.René Brouwer - 2007 - Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy 33:285-315.
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    Less cybernetics, more geometry….René Thom - 1985 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 8 (1):166-167.
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    SUR LE PRAGMATISME DE NIETZSCHE (Suite et fin).René Berthelot - 1909 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 17 (5):654 - 702.
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    Karl Popper, ou, Le rationalisme critique.Renée Bouveresse - 1981 - Paris: J. Vrin.
    En son principe, la raison semble etre exigence de fondement: etre rationnel, c'est expliquer les evenements en leur trouvant des causes, justifier ses affirmations en les demontrant a partir d'autres affirmations, organiser son action en la soumettant a un plan ou a un principe.[...] Il y a des lors, et c'est l'idee essentielle de Popper, une forme de pensee rationnelle, c'est-a-dire non arbitraire: c'est la pensee critique. Le principe de celle-ci, c'est de mettre a l'epreuve toutes les idees que l'on (...)
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    De la disidencia: un tan funesto deseo Julián Sauquillo.Rene Char - 2006 - In Alvarez Alvarez, José Francisco, Roberto R. Aramayo & Javier Muguerza (eds.), Disenso e incertidumbre: un homenaje a Javier Muguerza. [Mexico]: Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas. pp. 2--411.
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    Infinite Epistemic Regresses and Internalism.René van Woudenberg & Ronald Meester - 2014 - Metaphilosophy 45 (2):221-231.
    This article seeks to state, first, what traditionally has been assumed must be the case in order for an infinite epistemic regress to arise. It identifies three assumptions. Next it discusses Jeanne Peijnenburg's and David Atkinson's setting up of their argument for the claim that some infinite epistemic regresses can actually be completed and hence that, in addition to foundationalism, coherentism, and infinitism, there is yet another solution (if only a partial one) to the traditional epistemic regress problem. The article (...)
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    Discours de la méthode: et choix de lettres franc̜aises.René Descartes & Benjamin Aubé - 1884 - Librairie de Paris.
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  17. Discours de la méthode, de Descartes.René Descartes - 1907 - Paris,: Cerf. Edited by Ph [From Old Catalog] Simon.
  18. Discurso del método y Reglas para la dirección del espíritu.René Descartes - 1940 - Buenos Aires,: Editorial Claridad. Edited by Mendoza de Montero, Angélica & [From Old Catalog].
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  19. List do Pierre\'a Chanuta z 1 lutego 1647.Rene Descartes - 1995 - Idea Studia nad strukturą i rozwojem pojęć filozoficznych 7 (7):13-28.
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    Meditazioni metafisiche ed estratti dalle Obbiezioni e risposte.René Descartes & Arturo Deregibus - 1940 - Padova,: CEDAM, Casa editrice dott. A. Milani. Edited by Augusto del Noce.
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    Oeuvres de Descartes, publiées par Victor Cousin.René Descartes & Victor Cousin - 1825 - F. G. Levrault.
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  22. Pensées: choisies, présentées et annotées.René Descartes - 1944 - Clermont: F. Sorlot. Edited by Dauriac, Fernande & [From Old Catalog].
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  23. Richer life through less energy consumption.Rene Dubos - 1979 - In Paul Hallberg (ed.), The Condition of man: proceedings of an international symposium held September 8-10, 1978 in Göteborg to celebrate the 200th anniversary of the Royal Society of Arts and Sciences of Göteborg. Göteborg: Vetenskaps- o. vitterhets-samhället. pp. 23.
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  24. Essai sur l'incompréhension mathématique.René Dugas - 1940 - Paris,: Vuibert.
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    A propos d'un malentendu.René Berthelot - 1936 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 43 (4):641 - 643.
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  26. L'astrobiologie et la pensee de l'asie : Essai sur Les origines Des sciences et Des théories moraLes.René Berthelot - 1935 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 42 (4):481-519.
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  27. La morale et Les valeurs consistance et précarité: Discussion.René Berthelot - 1936 - Société Française de Philosophie, Bulletin 36 (2):(1936:mars/avril).
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  28. Le merveilleux humain.René Bernard - 1962 - Paris,: Nouvelles Éditions Debresse.
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    La sagesse de gœthe et la civilisation de l'europe moderne (suite et fin).René Berthelot - 1928 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 35 (3):311 - 345.
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    Science et philosophie chez Gœthe.René Berthelot - 1932 - F. Alcan.
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  31. Sur les origines de la philosophie de Spencer.René Berthelot - 1903 - Société Française de Philosophie, Bulletin 4:91.
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  32. Un Romantisme utilitaire. — Le Pragmatismechez Bergson. Bibliothèque de Philosophie contemporaine.René Berthelot - 1914 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 77:624-631.
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  33. (1 other version)Évolutionnisme et Platonisme, mélanges d'histoire de la philosophie et d'histoire des sciences.René Berthelot - 1908 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 16 (4):6-8.
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  34. Can we see natural kind properties?René Jagnow - 2015 - Epistemology and Philosophy of Science 44 (2):183-205.
    Which properties can we visually experience? Some authors hold that we can experience only low-level properties such as color, illumination, shape, spatial location, and motion. Others believe that we can also experience high-level properties, such as being a dog or being a pine tree. On the basis of her method of phenomenal contrast, Susanna Siegel has recently defended the latter view. One of her central claims is that we can best account for certain phenomenal contrasts if we assume that we (...)
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    The Great Triad.René Guénon - 1991 - Fons Vitae.
    Attempts to interpret the manifold aspects of the ternary heaven, earth and man, drawing mainly on Far-Eastern sources. This study aims to demonstrate the metaphysical, cosmological and spiritual perspectives underlying the Triad symbol.
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  36. Nonhumans as Machines.René Descartes & David R. Keller - forthcoming - Environmental Ethics: The Big Questions.
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    De internationalisering van het bama-onderwijs.Peter Bursens, René Torenvlied & Isabelle De Coninck - 2015 - Res Publica 57 (1):95-110.
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    Histoire et avenir de la méthode expérimentale.René Leclercq - 1959 - Paris,: Masson.
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  39. La méthode expérimentale.René Leclercq - 1960 - [Paris,: Librairie du Palais de la découverte.
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  40. Implicit attitudes and implicit prejudices.René Baston & Gottfried Vosgerau - 2016 - Philosophical Psychology 29 (6):889-903.
    In social psychology, the concept of implicit attitudes has given rise to ongoing discussions that are rather philosophical. The aim of this paper is to discuss the status of implicit prejudices from a philosophical point of view. Since implicit prejudices are a special case of implicit attitudes, the discussion will be framed by a short discussion of the most central aspects concerning implicit attitudes and indirect measures. In particular, the ontological conclusions that are implied by different conceptions of implicit attitudes (...)
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    Les principes de la philosophie: Première partie.René Descartes & Guy Durandin - 1950 - Vrin.
    Dans les Principia philosophiae, publies pour la premiere fois en latin en 1644, Descartes expose sous une forme synthetique ce que les analyses des Meditations et du Discours avaient mis a jour, a savoir l'articulation entre les principes generaux de la connaissance humaine, les principes des sciences et ses decouvertes sur la structure du monde physique. C'est dans la Lettre-preface a son traducteur francais, l'abbe Picot, qu'apparait aussi la celebre conception de la philosophie comme une arborescence, a partir des racines (...)
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  42. La Géométrie.René Descartes & Franz Hals - 1927 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 34 (4):3-4.
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    The Metaphysics of Degrees.René Woudenberg & Rik Peels - 2018 - European Journal of Philosophy 26 (1):46-65.
    Degree-sentences, i.e. sentences that seem to refer to things that allow of degrees, are widely used both inside and outside of philosophy, even though the metaphysics of degrees is much of an untrodden field. This paper aims to fill this lacuna by addressing the following four questions: [A] Is there some one thing, such that it is degree sensitive? [B] Are there things x, y, and z that stand in a certain relation to each other, viz. the relation that x (...)
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    The Unrealized Potential of National Human Rights Institutions in Business and Human Rights Regulation: Conditions for Effective Engagement and Proposal for Reform.René Wolfsteller - 2021 - Human Rights Review 23 (1):43-68.
    While National Human Rights Institutions are widely regarded as particularly promising tools in the emerging transnational regime for the regulation of business and human rights, we still know little about their potential and actual contribution to this field. This article bridges the gap between business and human rights research and NHRI scholarship, proceeding in three steps: Firstly, I analyze the structural conditions for NHRIs to tackle business-related human rights abuses effectively, focusing on the key conditions of legitimacy and competences. Secondly, (...)
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    Oxytocin drives prosocial biases in favor of attractive people.René Hurlemann, Dirk Scheele, Wolfgang Maier & Johannes Schultz - 2017 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 40.
    Current perspectives on attractiveness-related prosocial biases emphasize the contribution of evolutionarily shaped mating drives. Here, we extend these concepts by highlighting the pivotal role of the hypothalamic peptide oxytocin in augmenting the salience and rewarding value of social stimuli, including the partner's face, thereby fostering social bonding in general and the stability of monogamous pair bonds and offspring care in particular.
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    Law and Philosophy in the Late Roman Republic.René Brouwer - 2021 - New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.
    The middle of the second until the middle of the first century BCE is one of the most creative periods in the history of human thought, and an important part of this was the interaction between Roman jurists and Hellenistic philosophers. In this highly original book, René Brouwer shows how jurists transformed the study of law into a science with the help of philosophical methods and concepts, such as division, rules and persons, and also how philosophers came to share (...)
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  47. Meditations on first philosophy = Meditationes de prima philosophia.René Descartes & George Heffernan - 1990 - University of Notre Dame Press.
  48. Renati des-Cartes Meditationes de Prima Philosophia. [Followed by] Obiectiones Doctorum Aliquot Virorum in Præedentes Meditationes Cum Responsionibus Authoris.René Descartes - 1641
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  49. The Philosophical Writings of Descartes, vols. 1 and 2.René Descartes - 1984 - Cambridge University Press.
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    Index des Regulae ad Directionem Ingenii de René Descartes.Jean Robert Armogathe, Jean-Luc Marion & René Descartes - 1976 - Edizioni Dell'Ateneo.
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