Results for 'Remembrance-learning'

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  1. Touch of the Past: Remembrance, Learning.R. I. Simon - forthcoming - Ethics.
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    The touch of the past: remembrance, learning, and ethics.Roger I. Simon - 2005 - New York: Palgrave-Macmillan.
    Based on ten years of research, The Touch of the Past considers how historically traumatic events uniquely summon forgetting and remembrance. Within a specific focus on events of systemic mass violence, Roger Simon examines how testimonies of historic events influence learning as communities struggle with "difficult histories." The Touch of the Past is a serious and compelling contribution to research in education, historical consciousness, and memory/trauma studies.
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    Learning from Frankena: A philosophical remembrance.Stephen Darwall - 1997 - Ethics 107 (4):685-705.
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    Death and Remembrance: Addressing the Costs of Learning Anatomy through the Memorialization of Donors.Kathleen Marie Dixon - 1999 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 10 (4):300-308.
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  5. Remembrance of Philosophy Classes Past: Why Cognitive Science Suggests that a Brief Recap Is the Best Way to Start Each Class Day.Dan Lowe - 2016 - Teaching Philosophy 39 (3):279-289.
    In the past few decades there has been rapid progress in cognitive science with respect to how people learn. Indeed, it can be difficult to keep up with all of the recent findings, and it is sometimes unclear how these findings should influence day-to-day teaching in the philosophy classroom. But one simple way to use the insights of cognitive science in the philosophy classroom is to begin each class with a five-minute recap of the previous few lessons. Cognitive science suggests (...)
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  6. Roger Simon as a Thinker of the Remnants: An Overview of a Way of Thinking the Present, Our Present….Mario Di Paolantonio - 2014 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 34 (3):263-277.
    Whereas there are many aspects of Roger Simon’s thought that can be privileged, one of the most compelling points of entry for beginning to consider his legacy in the field of education, and beyond, lies with his concern for the difficult work of receiving and transmitting, of giving countenance to, the traces of those now absent. Indeed, in the last 20 years of his scholarly work, Simon pressed us to consider the pedagogical stakes in forging an ethical living relation with (...)
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    Pedagogies of Hauntology in History Education: Learning to Live with the Ghosts of Disappeared Victims of War and Dictatorship.Michalinos Zembylas - 2013 - Educational Theory 63 (1):69-86.
    Michalinos Zembylas examines how history education can be reconceived in terms of Jacques Derrida's notion of “hauntology,” that is, as an ongoing conversation with the “ghost” — in the case of this essay, the ghosts of disappeared victims of war and dictatorship. Here, Zembylas uses hauntology as both metaphor and pedagogical methodology for deconstructing the orthodoxies of academic history thinking and learning about “the disappeared.” As metaphor, hauntology evokes the figure of the ghost in order both to trouble the (...)
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    Decolonization and Denazification: Student Politics, Cultural Revolution, and the Affective Labor of Remembering.Antje Schuhmann - 2017 - Critical Philosophy of Race 5 (2):296-319.
    In 2015 students in South Africa mobilized to decolonize universities and to struggle for free higher education. This article discusses these developments in the context of contemporary theories of remembrance, repression and denial and current debates around decolonization and “talking race” in post-apartheid South Africa. The current South African student movement challenge apartheid legacies and white colonial culture, contending that campuses are still dominated by racist symbolic and economic orders. They argue, “As we learn we need to unlearn and (...)
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    Re-examining Recollection.Joe McCoy - 2011 - International Philosophical Quarterly 51 (4):451-466.
    The doctrine of recollection is one of the most controversial in the Platonic corpus, and much scholarship has been aimed at altering the doctrine to resolve its paradoxical features, many of which, I argue, are generated by a failure to appreciate the difference between memory (mneme) and the distinct capacity of recollection (anamnesis). In several of the Platonic dialogues, Socrates gives an account of how recollection functions in ordinary contexts, and thus provides a basis for showing how anamnesis may be (...)
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    Elie Wiesel: teacher, mentor, and friend: reflections by judges of the Elie Wiesel Foundation for Humanity Ethics Essay contest.Alan L. Berger, Irving Greenberg & Carol Rittner (eds.) - 2018 - Eugene, Oregon: Cascade Books.
    Elie Wiesel, plucked from the ashes of the Holocaust, became a Nobel Peace laureate, an activist on behalf of the oppressed, a teacher, an award-winning novelist, and a renowned humanist. He moved easily among world leaders but was equally at home among the disenfranchised. Following his Nobel Prize, Wiesel established the Elie Wiesel Foundation for Humanity; one of their early initiatives was the founding of the Elie Wiesel Ethics Essay Contest. The reflections in this volume come from judges of the (...)
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    The Curtailment of Memory: Hannah Arendt and Post-Holocaust Culture.Steve Buckler - 2001 - The European Legacy 6 (3):287-303.
    The aim of this paper is to say something about the continuing impact of the Holocaust as an historical event through the application of aspects of Arendt's political thought and, at the same time, to say something about Arendt's distinctive understanding of the problems of post-Holocaust culture. An aim of this sort carries the intrinsic danger that the event in question becomes simply an illustration or grist to a particularinterpretative mill, an outcome that would be particularly undesirable here if it (...)
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  12. Love, self-deception, and the moral "must".Randy Ramal - 2005 - Philosophy and Literature 29 (2):379-393.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Philosophy and Literature 29.2 (2005) 379-393 [Access article in PDF] Love, Self-Deception, and the Moral "Must" Randy Ramal Claremont Graduate University I One significant impact that conceptual relativism has had on current discussions in moral philosophy is the denial of intelligibility to discourses that affirm moral absolutism. The denial is typically based on two allied arguments. The first argument entails that the justification of absolute moral laws and values (...)
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    Teaching a balanced view of Germany to K-6 teacher candidates: Dispelling negative stereotypes and internationalizing the curriculum.Janie D. Hubbard & Karen Larsen Maloley - 2013 - Journal of Social Studies Research 37 (4):209-219.
    National character stereotyping often hinders teachers’ responses to an important 21st century educational theme, global awareness. While recognizing that educators have a responsibility to teach history, in remembrance of the people and events of the past and to help prevent societies from making the mistakes of their predecessors, it is also essential that teachers prepare our new generation of young students for global citizenship in a 21st century world. This research studied 114 teacher candidates in K-6 social studies methods (...)
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    Love Delights in Praises: A Reading of The Two Gentlemen of Verona.René Girard - 1989 - Philosophy and Literature 13 (2):231-247.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:René Girard LOVE DELIGHTS IN PRAISES: A READING OF THE TWO GENTLEMEN OF VERONA Valentine and Proteus have been friends since their earliest childhood in Verona, and their two fathers want to send them to Milan for their education. Because of his love for a girl named Julia, Proteus refuses to leave Verona; Valentine goes to Milan alone. In spite ofJulia, however, Proteus misses Valentine greatly and, after a (...)
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    Re-Membering – A Plea for Togetherness.Arleen Ionescu & Laurent Milesi - 2022 - Oxford Literary Review 44 (1):110-120.
    Starting with a recall of the overwhelming feeling, voiced by many thinkers, that the post-WWII era brought about the ‘sense of an ending’ of history as Mitsein, the essay explores the renewed necessity to re-learn to be together in the wake of the worst modern pandemic by appealing to Jean-Luc Nancy’s imagination of a community without community. Nancy’s plea for a singular togetherness will be re-examined in relation to his view that COVID-19 makes us equal and ‘communizes’ us, including in (...)
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    The Fables of Lucy R.: Association and Dissociation in Neural Networks.Dan Lloyd - 1998 - In Dan J. Stein & Jacques Ludik (eds.), Neural Networks and Psychopathology: Connectionist Models in Practice and Research. Cambridge University Press. pp. 248--273.
    According to Aristotle, "to be learning something is the greatest of pleasures not only to the philosopher but also to the rest of mankind," (Poetics 1448b). But even as he affirms the unbounded human capacity for integrating new experience with existing knowledge, he alludes to a significant exception: "The sight of certain things gives us pain, but we enjoy looking at the most exact images of them, whether the forms of animals which we greatly despise or of corpses." Our (...)
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    Response to Susan Laird, “Musical Hunger: A Philosophical Testimonial of Miseducation”.Heidi Westerlund - 2009 - Philosophy of Music Education Review 17 (1):81-85.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:A Response to Susan Laird, “Musical Hunger: A Philosophical Testimonial of Miseducation”Heidi WesterlundCan hunger and satisfaction, which according to John Dewey form “the arsis and thesis of a child’s life,”1 create the rhythm and heartbeat of music education? Susan Laird shows us through her autobiographical experiences how this heartbeat was missed in her case, while the undertone of her narrative and testimonial begs a wider self-reflection upon the culture (...)
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  18. Melancholic Imprisonment in Memory: How ‘Never Again’ Crumbed when Russia Invaded Ukraine,.Siobhan Kattago - 2022 - Graduate Faculty Philosophy Journal 43 (2):259-281.
    The phrase ‘Never Again,’ ‘plus jamais, ‘nie wieder,’ ‘nunc más’ and ‘nunca mais’ promises to end the atrocities of the 20th century and warns of their return if individuals and governments remain indifferent to injustices in the world. Never Again is based on the moral claim that active remembrance is central to learning from the past and to preventing violence in the future. Indeed, as President Volodymyr Zelensky argued in his speech on May 8th commemorating the end of (...)
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  19. 84 cogito: Spring 'l 991'.Distance Learning - 1991 - Cogito 5:59.
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  20. Changing Practice.Situated Learning - 2008 - In Ash Amin & Joanne Roberts (eds.), Community, Economic Creativity, and Organization. Oxford University Press. pp. 283--296.
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  21. Christian Mannes.Learning Sensory-Motor Coordination Experimentation - 1990 - In G. Dorffner (ed.), Konnektionismus in Artificial Intelligence Und Kognitionsforschung. Berlin: Springer-Verlag. pp. 95.
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  22. Perceptual learning.Zoe Jenkin - 2023 - Philosophy Compass 18 (6):e12932.
    Perception provides us with access to the external world, but that access is shaped by our own experiential histories. Through perceptual learning, we can enhance our capacities for perceptual discrimination, categorization, and attention to salient properties. We can also encode harmful biases and stereotypes. This article reviews interdisciplinary research on perceptual learning, with an emphasis on the implications for our rational and normative theorizing. Perceptual learning raises the possibility that our inquiries into topics such as epistemic justification, (...)
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    A Guide for Research Supervisors.David Black & Centre for Research Into Human Communication And Learning - 1994
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  24. Perceptual Learning and the Contents of Perception.Kevin Connolly - 2014 - Erkenntnis 79 (6):1407-1418.
    Suppose you have recently gained a disposition for recognizing a high-level kind property, like the property of being a wren. Wrens might look different to you now. According to the Phenomenal Contrast Argument, such cases of perceptual learning show that the contents of perception can include high-level kind properties such as the property of being a wren. I detail an alternative explanation for the different look of the wren: a shift in one’s attentional pattern onto other low-level properties. Philosophers (...)
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    Learning complex action models with quantifiers and logical implications.Hankz Hankui Zhuo, Qiang Yang, Derek Hao Hu & Lei Li - 2010 - Artificial Intelligence 174 (18):1540-1569.
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    Learning to Program in LISP1.John R. Anderson, Robert Farrell & Ron Sauers - 1984 - Cognitive Science 8 (2):87-129.
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  27. Learning the Natural Numbers as a Child.Stefan Buijsman - 2017 - Noûs 53 (1):3-22.
    How do we get out knowledge of the natural numbers? Various philosophical accounts exist, but there has been comparatively little attention to psychological data on how the learning process actually takes place. I work through the psychological literature on number acquisition with the aim of characterising the acquisition stages in formal terms. In doing so, I argue that we need a combination of current neologicist accounts and accounts such as that of Parsons. In particular, I argue that we learn (...)
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    What connectionist models learn: Learning and representation in connectionist networks.Stephen José Hanson & David J. Burr - 1990 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 13 (3):471-489.
    Connectionist models provide a promising alternative to the traditional computational approach that has for several decades dominated cognitive science and artificial intelligence, although the nature of connectionist models and their relation to symbol processing remains controversial. Connectionist models can be characterized by three general computational features: distinct layers of interconnected units, recursive rules for updating the strengths of the connections during learning, and “simple” homogeneous computing elements. Using just these three features one can construct surprisingly elegant and powerful models (...)
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    On Learning New Primitives in the Language of Thought: Reply to Rey.Susan Carey - 2014 - Mind and Language 29 (2):133-166.
    A theory of conceptual development must provide an account of the innate representational repertoire, must characterize how these initial representations differ from the adult state, and must provide an account of the processes that transform the initial into mature representations. In Carey, 2009 (The Origin of Concepts), I defend three theses: 1) the initial state includes rich conceptual representations, 2) nonetheless, there are radical discontinuities between early and later developing conceptual systems, 3) Quinean bootstrapping is one learning mechanism that (...)
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  30. Cross-Situational Learning: An Experimental Study of Word-Learning Mechanisms.Kenny Smith, Andrew D. M. Smith & Richard A. Blythe - 2011 - Cognitive Science 35 (3):480-498.
    Cross-situational learning is a mechanism for learning the meaning of words across multiple exposures, despite exposure-by-exposure uncertainty as to the word's true meaning. We present experimental evidence showing that humans learn words effectively using cross-situational learning, even at high levels of referential uncertainty. Both overall success rates and the time taken to learn words are affected by the degree of referential uncertainty, with greater referential uncertainty leading to less reliable, slower learning. Words are also learned less (...)
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  31. Implicit learning as an ability.Scott Barry Kaufman, Colin G. DeYoung, Jeremy R. Gray, Luis Jiménez, Jamie Brown & Nicholas Mackintosh - 2010 - Cognition 116 (3):321-340.
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    Inductive learning of structural descriptions.Thomas G. Dietterich & Ryszard S. Michalski - 1981 - Artificial Intelligence 16 (3):257-294.
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    An effective metacognitive strategy: learning by doing and explaining with a computer‐based Cognitive Tutor.Vincent A. W. M. M. Aleven & Kenneth R. Koedinger - 2002 - Cognitive Science 26 (2):147-179.
    Recent studies have shown that self‐explanation is an effective metacognitive strategy, but how can it be leveraged to improve students' learning in actual classrooms? How do instructional treatments that emphasizes self‐explanation affect students' learning, as compared to other instructional treatments? We investigated whether self‐explanation can be scaffolded effectively in a classroom environment using a Cognitive Tutor, which is intelligent instructional software that supports guided learning by doing. In two classroom experiments, we found that students who explained their (...)
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    Strategic Learning and its Limits.H. Peyton Young - 2004 - Oxford University Press UK.
    In this concise book based on his Arne Ryde Lectures in 2002, Young suggests a conceptual framework for studying strategic learning and highlights theoretical developments in the area. He discusses the interactive learning problem; reinforcement and regret; equilibrium; conditional no-regret learning; prediction, postdiction, and calibration; fictitious play and its variants; Bayesian learning; and hypothesis testing. Young's framework emphasizes the amount of information required to implement different types of learning rules, criteria for evaluating their performance, and (...)
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    Learning by ostension: Thomas Kuhn on science education.Hanne Andersen - 2000 - Science & Education 9 (1-2):91-106.
    Significant claims about science education form an integral part of Thomas Kuhn's philosophy. Since the late 1950s, when Kuhn started wrestling with the ideas of ‘normal research’ and ‘convergent thought’, the nature of science education has played an important role in his argument. Hence, the nature of science education is an essential aspect of the phase-model of scientific development developed in his famous The Structure of Scientific Revolutions, just as his later work on categories and conceptual structures takes its starting (...)
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  36. Spatial-learning in the pigeon-an operant analog of the radial-arm Maze.T. R. Zentall, J. N. Steirn & P. Jacksonsmith - 1987 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 25 (5):341-341.
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    (1 other version)Language Learning Enhanced by Massive Multiple Online Role-Playing Games and the Underlying Behavioral and Neural Mechanisms.Yongjun Zhang, Hongwen Song, Xiaoming Liu, Dinghong Tang, Yue-E. Chen & Xiaochu Zhang - 2017 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 11.
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    Learning by discovering concept hierarchies.Blaž Zupan, Marko Bohanec, Janez Demšar & Ivan Bratko - 1999 - Artificial Intelligence 109 (1-2):211-242.
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    Structured Sequence Learning: Animal Abilities, Cognitive Operations, and Language Evolution.Christopher I. Petkov & Carel ten Cate - 2020 - Topics in Cognitive Science 12 (3):828-842.
    Human language is a salient example of a neurocognitive system that is specialized to process complex dependencies between sensory events distributed in time, yet how this system evolved and specialized remains unclear. Artificial Grammar Learning (AGL) studies have generated a wealth of insights into how human adults and infants process different types of sequencing dependencies of varying complexity. The AGL paradigm has also been adopted to examine the sequence processing abilities of nonhuman animals. We critically evaluate this growing literature (...)
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  40. The philosophy of human learning.Christopher Winch - 1998 - New York: Routledge.
    Christopher Winch launches a vigorous Wittgensteinian attack on both the "romantic" Rousseauian and the "scientific" cognitivist traditions in learning theory. These two schools, he argues, are more closely related than is commonly realized.
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    Netiquette rules in online learning through the lens of digital citizenship scale in the post-corona era.Tahani Al-Khatib - 2023 - Journal of Information, Communication and Ethics in Society 21 (2):181-201.
    Purpose This study aims to investigate the trending term: “Netiquette” as an important element in the effective digital citizenship. The research suggests a systematic framework of netiquette rules in the field of online education based on the classical core rules of netiquette and according to the digital citizenship scale (DCS). The research also studies the corresponding responsibilities of both educators and students to raise awareness towards using technology in a balanced, safe, smart and ethical way as the shift towards the (...)
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    Cross-cultural Comparison of Learning in Human Hunting.Katharine MacDonald - 2007 - Human Nature 18 (4):386-402.
    This paper is a cross-cultural examination of the development of hunting skills and the implications for the debate on the role of learning in the evolution of human life history patterns. While life history theory has proven to be a powerful tool for understanding the evolution of the human life course, other schools, such as cultural transmission and social learning theory, also provide theoretical insights. These disparate theories are reviewed, and alternative and exclusive predictions are identified. This study (...)
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    Innovative learning environments and new materialism: A conjunctural analysis of pedagogic spaces.Jennifer Charteris, Dianne Smardon & Emily Nelson - 2017 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 49 (8).
    An Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development research priority, innovative learning environments have been translated into policy and practice in 25 countries around the world. In Aotearoa/new Zealand, learning spaces are being reconceptualised in relation to this policy work by school leaders who are confronted by an impetus to lead pedagogic change. The article contributes a conjunctural analysis of the milieu around the redesign of these education facilities. Recognising that bodies and objects entwine in pedagogic spaces, we contribute (...)
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    Learning to perceive and recognize a second language: the L2LP model revised.Jan-Willem Van Leussen & Paola Escudero - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6:103694.
    We present a test of a revised version of the Second Language Linguistic Perception (L2LP) model, a computational model of the acquisition of second language (L2) speech perception and recognition. The model draws on phonetic, phonological and psycholinguistic constructs to explain a number of L2 learning scenarios. However, a recent computational implementation failed to validate a theoretical proposal for a learning scenario where the L2 has less phonemic categories than the native language (L1) along a given acoustic continuum. (...)
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    Learning from Non-Causal Models.Francesco Nappo - 2020 - Erkenntnis 87 (5):2419-2439.
    This paper defends the thesis of learning from non-causal models: viz. that the study of some model can prompt justified changes in one’s confidence in empirical hypotheses about a real-world target in the absence of any known or predicted similarity between model and target with regards to their causal features. Recognizing that we can learn from non-causal models matters not only to our understanding of past scientific achievements, but also to contemporary debates in the philosophy of science. At one (...)
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    Adult Learning of Novel Words in a Non-native Language: Consonants, Vowels, and Tones.Silvana Poltrock, Hui Chen, Celia Kwok, Hintat Cheung & Thierry Nazzi - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Physically Distributed Learning: Adapting and Reinterpreting Physical Environments in the Development of Fraction Concepts.Taylor Martin & Daniel L. Schwartz - 2005 - Cognitive Science 29 (4):587-625.
    Five studies examined how interacting with the physical environment can support the development of fraction concepts. Nine‐ and 10‐year‐old children worked on fraction problems they could not complete mentally. Experiments 1 and 2 showed that manipulating physical pieces facilitated children's ability to develop an interpretation of fractions. Experiment 3 demonstrated that when children understood a content area well, they used their interpretations to repurpose many environments to support problem solving, whereas when they needed to learn, they were prone to the (...)
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    Learning Analytics within Higher Education: Autonomy, Beneficence and Non-maleficence.Kevin O’Donoghue - 2023 - Journal of Academic Ethics 21 (1):125-137.
    Higher education institutions are increasingly relying on learning analytics to collect voluminous amounts of data ostensibly to inform student learning interventions. The use of learning analytics, however, can result in a tension between the Council for the Advancement of Standards in Higher Education (CAS) principles of autonomy and non-malfeasance on the one hand, and the principle of beneficence on the other. Given the complications around student privacy, informed consent, and data justice in addition to the potential to (...)
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    Unrestricted classification behavior and learning of imposed classifications in closed, exhaustive stimulus sets.Bert Zippel - 1969 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 82 (3):493.
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    Statistical Learning of Unfamiliar Sounds as Trajectories Through a Perceptual Similarity Space.Felix Hao Wang, Elizabeth A. Hutton & Jason D. Zevin - 2019 - Cognitive Science 43 (8):e12740.
    In typical statistical learning studies, researchers define sequences in terms of the probability of the next item in the sequence given the current item (or items), and they show that high probability sequences are treated as more familiar than low probability sequences. Existing accounts of these phenomena all assume that participants represent statistical regularities more or less as they are defined by the experimenters—as sequential probabilities of symbols in a string. Here we offer an alternative, or possibly supplementary, hypothesis. (...)
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