Results for 'Remedios Aguilar-Moya'

835 found
  1.  30
    COVID-19 and young people in Spain. The emergence of values education as a strategy for civic responsibility.Alexis Cloquell-Lozano, Remedios Aguilar-Moya, Carlos Novella-García & Juan Antonio Giménez-Beut - 2022 - Ethics and Education 17 (1):77-100.
    ABSTRACT The impact of the Covid-19 pandemic has provoked a series of consequences all over the world, especially in young people. On the other hand, this sector of the population has shown an evident and baffling increased failure to comply with public health measures put in place, which has had a knock-on effect on the number of infections detected. These attitudes have resulted in repeated calls by bodies such as the World Health Organisation to remember the risks of this kind (...)
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    Mirada inclusiva. La diversidad como característica.Remedios Benítez-Gavira & Sonia Aguilar-Gavira - 2022 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 11 (2):1-12.
    El presente artículo nace de un proyecto de investigación I+D+i del Plan Estatal 2017-2020. Concretamente, nos centraremos en la primera fase de investigación, cuyo objetivo fué analizar, reflexionar e identificar qué mirada existe hacia la diversidad. Para ello, se llevó a cabo una investigación documental de corte cualitativa. Tras los resultados alcanzados, se percibe la necesidad de una mayor formación desde el ámbito educativo y de los futuros profesionales con el objetivo de alcanzar una escuela inclusiva preparada para atender a (...)
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    The Role of Perception of Support in the Classroom on the Students’ Motivation and Emotions: The Impact on Metacognition Strategies and Academic Performance in Math and English Classes.Ruben Trigueros, José M. Aguilar-Parra, Remedios Lopez-Liria, Adolfo J. Cangas, Jerónimo J. González & Joaquín F. Álvarez - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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  4. La biología como forma de representación: Wittgenstein Y la partitura de la Vida.Fernando Baquero, José Aguilar-Rodríguez & Andrés Moya - 2011 - Ludus Vitalis 19 (36):29-46.
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    Consequences of Team Job Demands: Role Ambiguity Climate, Affective Engagement, and Extra-Role Performance.Miguel A. Mañas, Pedro Díaz-Fúnez, Vicente Pecino, Remedios López-Liria, David Padilla & José M. Aguilar-Parra - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    Subjective Psychological Well-Being in Families with Blind Children: How Can We Improve It?Juan J. Sola-Carmona, Remedios Lopez-Liria, David Padilla-Gongora, María T. Daza & Jose M. Aguilar-Parra - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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  7. Rouse on the Legitimation of Scientific Knowledge/F. Remedios.Remedios F. Fuller - 2003 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 33 (4):444-463.
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  8. Causing Human Actions: New Perspectives on the Causal Theory of Action.Jesús Humberto Aguilar & Andrei A. Buckareff (eds.) - 2010 - Bradford.
    The causal theory of action is widely recognized in the literature of the philosophy of action as the "standard story" of human action and agency -- the nearest approximation in the field to a theoretical orthodoxy. This volume brings together leading figures working in action theory today to discuss issues relating to the CTA and its applications, which range from experimental philosophy to moral psychology. Some of the contributors defend the theory while others criticize it; some draw from historical sources (...)
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  9. Fuller and Mirowski on the Commercialization of Scientific Knowledge Francis Remedios.Francis Remedios - 2009 - In Jeroen Van Bouwel, The Social Sciences and Democracy. New York: Palgrave-Macmillan. pp. 229.
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    Legitimizing Scientific Knowledge: An Introduction to Steve Fuller's Social Epistemology.Francis Remedios - 2003 - Latham, MD: Lexington Books.
    Francis Remedios provides important criticisms of Fuller's position and Fuller's responses to philosophical debates, as well as reconstructions of Fuller's arguments. The result is a carefully argued, in-depth analysis of the work of a very important philosopher of science."--Jacket.
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    Reasoning About Cultural and Genetic Transmission: Developmental and Cross‐Cultural Evidence From Peru, Fiji, and the United States on How People Make Inferences About Trait Transmission.Cristina Moya, Robert Boyd & Joseph Henrich - 2015 - Topics in Cognitive Science 7 (4):595-610.
    Using samples from three diverse populations, we test evolutionary hypotheses regarding how people reason about the inheritance of various traits. First, we provide a framework for differentiat-ing the outputs of mechanisms that evolved for reasoning about variation within and between biological taxa and culturally evolved ethnic categories from a broader set of beliefs and categories that are the outputs of structured learning mechanisms. Second, we describe the results of a modified “switched-at-birth” vignette study that we administered among children and adults (...)
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  12.  41
    Habit and embodiment in Merleau-Ponty.Patricia Moya - 2014 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8:92324.
    Habit and Embodiment in Merleau-PontyIntroductionMerleau-Ponty (French phenomenological philosopher, born in 1908 and deceased in 1961) refers to habit in various passages of his Phenomenology of Perception as a relevant issue in his philosophical and phenomenological position. Through his exploration of this issue he explains both the pre-reflexive character that our original linkage with the world has, as well as the kind of “understanding” that our body develops with regard to the world. These two characteristics of human existence bear a close (...)
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  13.  21
    You May Have My Help but Not Necessarily My Care: The Effect of Social Class and Empathy on Prosociality.Gloria Jiménez-Moya, Bernadette Paula Luengo Kanacri, Patricio Cumsille, M. Loreto Martínez & Christian Berger - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Previous research has focused on the relation between social class and prosocial behavior. However, this relation is yet unclear. In this work, we shed light on this issue by considering the effect of the level of empathy and the social class of the recipient of help on two types of prosociality, namely helping and caring. In one experimental study, we found that for high-class participants, empathy had a positive effect on helping, regardless of the recipient’s social class. However, empathy had (...)
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  14. Descartes and the body-machine.Maria Teresa Aguilar - 2010 - Pensamiento 66 (249):755-770.
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    Spanish Women Making Risky Decisions in the Social Domain: The Mediating Role of Femininity and Fear of Negative Evaluation.Laura Villanueva-Moya & Francisca Expósito - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    Authors have empirically evidenced that cultural stereotypes influence gender-typed behavior. With the present work, we have added to this literature by demonstrating that gender roles can explain sex differences in risk-taking, a stereotypically masculine domain. Our aim was to replicate previous findings and to analyze what variables affect women making risky decisions in the social domain. A sample composed of 417 Spanish participants, between 17 and 30 years old, answered a set of self-report measures referring to femininity, fear of negative (...)
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    Feminism, Aerobics and the Politics of the Body.Moya Lloyd - 1996 - Body and Society 2 (2):79-98.
  17. Basic causal deviance, action repertoires, and reliability.Jesús H. Aguilar - 2012 - Philosophical Issues 22 (1):1-19.
  18.  12
    La grieta. Anotaciones a la reflexión sobre Sófocles de Mariano Álvarez Gómez.Remedios Ávila - 2021 - Studia Hegeliana 4:83-99.
    El siguiente trabajo, dedicado a la memoria del profesor Mariano Álvarez Gómez, se basa en sus trabajos sobre Sófocles y reflexiona sobre la naturaleza del conflicto trágico. En Edipo Rey este conflicto se ilustra mediante la lucha entre realidad y apariencia, entre apariencia y ser, y es tanto más trágico cuanto más se obstina Edipo en conocer su origen. En Antígona, siguiendo la interpretación hegeliana, el conflicto se pone en relación con el concepto griego de phrónesis, a través de los (...)
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  19. On the very idea of a robust alternative.Carlos J. Moya - 2011 - Critica 43 (128):3-26.
    According to the Principle of Alternative Possibilities, an agent is morally responsible for an action of hers only if she could have done otherwise. The notion of a robust alternative plays a prominent role in recent attacks on PAP based on so-called Frankfurt cases. In this paper I defend the truth of PAP for blameworthy actions against Frankfurt cases recently proposed by Derk Pereboom and David Widerker. My defence rests on some intuitively plausible principles that yield a new understanding of (...)
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  20. Primer Symposium Iberoamericano de Filosofía.Ernesto Chinchilla Aguilar, Vicente Díaz Samayoa & Virgilio Rodríguez Beteta (eds.) - 1961 - Guatemala, Centroamérica: Editorial del Ministerio de Educación Pública "José de Pineda Ibarra".
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  21.  18
    A crítica de Nietzsche ao romantismo.Remedios Ávila Crespo - 2015 - Cadernos Nietzsche 36 (2):49-82.
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  22.  21
    Art as a Celebration of the life of a Culture. Contributions of Deweyan Aesthetics to the Present day.Gloria Luque Moya - 2019 - Eidos: Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad Del Norte 30:297-321.
    Resumen: En nuestros días el término arte ha ampliado su horizonte hasta incluir prácticas y objetos que tradicionalmente habían sido negados. Este cambio de perspectiva se introduce a partir del siglo XX cuando la noción de arte comienza a ser cuestionada desde diferentes vertientes teóricas y prácticas. En este artículo se analiza la definición que el filósofo estadounidense John Dewey propuso en los años treinta, la cual trataba de devolver el arte al contexto cultural en el que se originó. Para (...)
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    Tutor-student interaction in Higher Education; an approach to its diagnosis.Nivia Álvarez Aguilar, Carmen Marín Rodríguez & Arturo Torres Bugdud - 2012 - Humanidades Médicas 12 (3):409-426.
    Los acelerados cambios científicos tecnológicos y sociales exigen de los centros de Educación Superior la búsqueda de nuevas vías y el perfeccionamiento de las ya existentes para lograr egresados más competentes. La tutoría se identifica como un proceso educativo que debe favorecer el pleno desarrollo personal e integral del estudiante, en el que éste se conciba como sujeto activo y responsable de su propio proceso de formación. En este sentido cobra una especial importancia el proceso de interacción en el desarrollo (...)
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  24. Sore el trazado de la azafea y de la lámina universal: intervención de los colaboradores alfonsíes.Julio Samsó Moya - 1987 - Al-Qantara 8 (1):29-44.
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  25. ¿Un nuevo dato sobre el Zïy al-safäïh de Abü Yafar al-Jäznin?Julio Samsó Moya - 1981 - Al-Qantara 2 (1):461-464.
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    Fuller's Social Epistemology and Epistemic Agency.Francis Remedios & Val Dusek - 2016 - In Patrick J. Reider, Social Epistemology and Epistemic Agency: Decentralizing Epistemic Agency. Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield International. pp. 61-74.
    An analysis of Steve Fuller’s social epistemology and epistemic agency.
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  27.  40
    Noble lie—Fuller and Kuhn?Francis Remedios - 2003 - Social Epistemology 17 (2-3):277-280.
    A special edition of the journal Social Epistemology on Fuller’s Thomas Kuhn.
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  28.  64
    Steve Fuller: Knowledge, the philosophical quest in history: Abingdon and New York: Routledge, 2015, viii+304pp, $49.95.Francis Remedios, Brom Anderson, Jeff Kochan & Steve Fuller - 2015 - Metascience 25 (1):3-23.
    This is a review symposium on Fuller”s Knowledge: A Philosophical Quest in History.
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  29.  20
    La inmigración en España y mercado de trabajo.Remedios Martínez Verdú - 2007 - Aposta 32:2.
    La migración internacional es parte de la globalización, todos los países desarrollados han recibido un gran número de inmigrantes. España también ha recibido a alta cantidad de nómadas. La población española era emigrante y ahora ella tiene que hacer frente a este nuevo fenómeno, las sociedades desarrolladas van a tener que adaptarse a las grandes afluencias de extranjeros. La migración ha sido a menudo una fuente de tensiones entre culturas e incluso entre movimientos racistas y xenófobos. Un problema político fundamental (...)
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    Courtship and mating in an urban community.Moya Woodside - 1946 - The Eugenics Review 38 (1):29.
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    Courtship and mating.Moya Woodside - 1946 - The Eugenics Review 38 (3):157.
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    Conferencias Aranguren ¿Fin de la intimidad? La (im)posibilidad de un mundo sin párpados. Ensayo sobre la intimidad conectada.Remedios Zafra - 2019 - Isegoría 60:51-68.
    “Lo terrorífico del animal de ojos duros (…) es que ve todo el tiempo” (Derrida). No extraña que la pregunta por el fin de la intimidad se active en una época de conexión permanente, ojos-pantalla y sobreexposición generalizada. Si las subjetividades modernas se construyeron mirando a un lugar interior, hoy se deriva hacia la “exteriorización del yo”. Como efecto, las personalidades tienden a mercantilizarse y lo privado no se representa, se expone. En la cultura-red los clásicos ámbitos de relación se (...)
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  33.  52
    Academic Integrity Policy Analysis of Chilean Universities.Beatriz Antonieta Moya & Sarah Elaine Eaton - 2024 - Journal of Academic Ethics 22 (4):639-663.
    New technologies could facilitate new ways of cheating. This emerging scenario places academic integrity policy in higher education institutions as critical. Academic integrity scholars have designed conceptual frameworks to analyze academic integrity policy. The body of the literature on academic integrity policy analysis includes studies developed in North America, Europe, and Australia. However, insight into several regions of the world is lacking. This pioneering study in the Chilean context analyzes documents addressing academic integrity at forty-three accredited universities. Using a qualitative (...)
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  34.  80
    Fuller and Rouse on the Legitimation of Scientific Knowledge.Francis Remedios - 2003 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 33 (4):444-463.
    Fullerand Rouse are both political social epistemologists concerned with the cognitive authority of science, though both disagree on what role it should play in science. Fullerar gues that political factors such as knowledge policy and a constitution play a primary role in the global legitimation of scientific knowledge, while Rouse holds that politics play a role on the local (practices) level but not on the global (metascientific) level of legitimation. While Fullerpr ovides a political response to the legitimation project, Rouse (...)
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  35.  38
    Knowing Humanity in the Social World: The Path of Steve Fuller’s Social Epistemology.Francis Remedios & Val Dusek - 2018 - London, UK: Palgrave. Edited by Val Dusek.
    This book examines Fuller’s pioneering vision of social epistemology. It focuses specifically on his work post-2000, which is founded in the changing conception of humanity and project into a ‘post-‘ or ‘trans-‘ human future. Chapters treat especially Fuller’s provocative response to the changing boundary conditions of the knower due to anticipated changes in humanity coming from the nanosciences, neuroscience, synthetic biology and computer technology and end on an interview with Fuller himself. While Fuller’s turn in this direction has invited at (...)
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  36. Beyond identity politics: feminism, power & politics.Moya Lloyd - 2005 - Thousans Oaks, Calif.: Sage Publications.
    Recent debates in contemporary feminist theory have been dominated by the relation between identity and politics. Beyond Identity Politics examines the implications of recent theorizing on difference, identity and subjectivity for theories of patriarchy and feminist politics. Organised around the three central themes of subjectivity, power and politics, this book focuses on a question which feminists struggled with and were divided by throughout the last decade, that is: how to theorize the relation between the subject and politics. In this thoughtful (...)
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    What does it mean for humans to be groupish?Cristina Moya - 2023 - Philosophy Compass 18 (2):e12893.
    Perhaps because groupishness comes so easily to humans, clear operational definitions of the phenomena and justifications for the claim that it is deep‐seated are lacking in much of the literature. Furthermore, the assertion of human groupishness glosses over several important questions including which behaviors, which social boundaries, and which evolutionary processes make us groupish. In this paper I use an evolutionary lens, and cross‐species and cross‐cultural comparative examples to clarify the bases on which such a claim of particular human groupishness (...)
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  38.  28
    Response to Lynch: Fuller Transformed—Back to the USSR.Francis Remedios & Val Dusek - 2018 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 48 (5):524-529.
    Remedios’s and Dusek’s response to Lynch’s review is that Lynch misreads Fuller on knowledge and misdirects his criticism of Fuller’s turn to agency.
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    Neoliberalism and STS in Japan: Critical Perspectives.Francis Remedios - 2013 - Social Epistemology 27 (2):123 - 124.
    Neoliberalism advocates for the construction of free markets, which are to be used for solutions to economic and social problems rather than state solutions to those problems. Though Neoliberal reforms in Japan have affected its science and technology, STS literature has not focused on responses to neoliberalism through the lens of a country. Japan has a discrete STS history and Japan makes a good case study to the influence of neoliberalism on STS. In August 2010, at Tokyo’s Social Studies of (...)
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  40. Heteronormativity and/as Violence: The “Sexing” of Gwen Araujo.Moya Lloyd - 2013 - Hypatia 28 (4):818-834.
    This paper will examine the violence of heteronormativity: the violence that constitutes and regulates bodies according to normative notions of sex, gender, and sexuality. This violence, I will argue, requires more than a focus on gendered or sexualized physical harms of the kinds normally examined when studying violence against sexual minorities or women. Rather, it necessitates focusing on the multiple modalities through which heteronormativity performs its violence on, through, and against bodies and persons, including through the production of certain bodies (...)
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  41.  11
    Fuller and Mirowski on the Commercialization of Scientific Knowledge.Francis Remedios - 2009 - In Jeroen Van Bouwel, The Social Sciences and Democracy. New York: Palgrave-Macmillan. pp. 229.
    As a problem for science studies, the commercialization of scientific knowledge is characterized as whether scientific knowledge is a public good, like health care and education, or a positional good, a good whose value allows for exclusion to clients, the opposite of a public good (Callon 1994; Mirowski and Sent 2007). Mirowski and Sent (2007) have highlighted the problem of the commercialization and privatization of scientific knowledge. Furthermore, Mirowski (2009) avers that the commercialization of scientific knowledge is the apotheosis of (...)
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  42. Pensamiento político de México.Jorge Carrión Alonso Aguilar & M. Aguilar - forthcoming - Pensamiento.
  43. Filosofía de la innovación y de la tecnología educativa: Tomo I Filosofía de la innovación.Aguilar Floralba, Jefferson Alexander Moreno-Guaicha, Darwin Joaqui, Robert Bolaños, Alexis Mena, Edison Higuera, José Baldeón, Jessica Villamar, Luis López & Mauro Avilés - 2020 - Quito: Abya-Yala.
    Esta obra colectiva expone diversas concepciones teóricas, ontológicas, epistemológicas, axiológicas y prácticas sobre el origen, sentido, problemáticas, ventajas, detrimentos, alternativas y desafías de la filosofía de la innovación y su incidencia en la educación; reflexiona sobre las contribuciones de la tecnología y responde a interrogantes como: ¿Cuáles son los aporte de la tradición filosófica, del pensamiento ilustrado, de la postmodernidad y de la teoría crítica para la filosofía de la innovación educativa?; ¿Cuál es la función de la filosofía para la (...)
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    El sentimiento kantiano de respeto como núcleo normativo en investigaciones sociales en contextos de vulnerabilidad.José Félix Lozano Aguilar - 2022 - Recerca.Revista de Pensament I Anàlisi 27 (2).
    Social science research, whether observational or interventional, is confronted with situations where the dignity of participants and respect for cultural practices can be seriously affected. The aim of this article is twofold. Firstly, we will reflect on the ethical challenges facing social science research with special consideration of research in contexts of vulnerability. Secondly, we will propose the Kantian sense of respect as a normative framework to guide social science research.
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  45. Del Sujeto a las redes: itinerarios del conocimiento en la epistemología política de Latour.Eugenio Moya Cantero - 2005 - In Angel Alvarez Gómez, Paideia. Santiago de Compostela: Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, Servizo de Publicacións e Intercambio Científico.
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  46. Etienne Gilson: Bibliografia.Pj Moya-Obradors - 1986 - Sapientia 41 (162):291-305.
  47.  20
    El cuidado del derecho como administración de justicia en la Filosofía del derecho de Hegel.Pablo Pulgar Moya - 2021 - Resistances. Journal of the Philosophy of History 2 (4):e21072.
    El presente capítulo tiene como pretensión tanto ilustrar los momentos primordiales del apartado sobre administración de justicia al interior de los Lineamientos de la Filosofía del derecho, como exponer algunos elementos conflictivos en su comprensión. Este capítulo se separa en tres momentos: i) tematiza la tarea de la administración de justicia como salvaguardia del derecho; ii) caracteriza la cohesión narrativa de la administración de justicia al interior de la sociedad civil y su tensión con el concepto de Estado y, finalmente, (...)
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    Fuller's Project of Humanity: Social Sciences or Sociobiology.Francis Remedios - 2009 - History of the Human Sciences 22 (2):115-129.
  49. El poder de la movilidad: de medios de masas a medios personales.Francisco Vacas-Aguilar - 2010 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 83:81.
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    Detection of Ludic Patterns in Two Triadic Motor Games and Differences in Decision Complexity.Miguel Pic Aguilar, Vicente Navarro-Adelantado & Gudberg K. Jonsson - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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