Results for 'Religious fanaticism'

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  1.  12
    Religious fanaticism and thugocracy: Catalysts to the brain drain in Nigeria.Ezichi A. Ituma, Kalu O. Ogbu & Prince E. Peters - 2022 - HTS Theological Studies 78 (1):6.
    Nigeria is a multi-ethnic and multicultural society, and therefore, Nigeria’s religious inclinations differ broadly. There are currently three religions dominant in Nigeria, namely Christianity, Islam and African Traditional Religion (ATR). These three religions, especially the first two, have demonstrated varying levels of fanaticism in the past leading to many recounted crises and jungle justice incidents in Nigeria. Because of Nigerian politics, we have witnessed the use of armed thugs by politicians to harass and even kill party opponents and (...)
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  2. Hurrah for Freedom of Inquiry: Vital Issues for Secular Humanists plus The Best Antidote for Religious Fanaticism.Paul Kurtz - 2006 - Free Inquiry 26:4-7.
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    The limits of tolerance: enlightenment values and religious fanaticism.Denis Lacorne - 2019 - New York: Columbia University Press.
    Tolerance according to John Locke -- Voltaire and modern tolerance -- Tolerance in America -- Tolerance in the Ottoman Empire -- Tolerance in Venice -- On blasphemy -- Multicultural tolerance -- Of veils and unveiling -- New restrictions, new forms of tolerance -- Should we tolerate the enemies of tolerance? -- Tolerance in the age of terrorism.
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    Fanaticism as a Τype of Μentality in the Works of Gabriel Marcel and Karen Armstrong.Farid I. Guseynov - 2022 - RUDN Journal of Philosophy 26 (3):697-712.
    The author examines the fanatical type of mentality in its secular and religious forms based on the analysis of the works of Gabriel Marcel and Karen Armstrong. The origins of the phenomenon of fanaticism are found in the basic foundations of Modern culture as the time of the replacement of myth by logos (Armstrong) and the domination of the abstract spirit (Marcel). The understanding of the foundations of fanaticism as a broad phenomenon undertaken by the French philosopher (...)
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    (1 other version)The Active Fanaticism of Political and Religious Life.Will Dudley - 2012 - In Angelica Nuzzo, Hegel on Religion and Politics. State University of New York Press. pp. 119-131.
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    Incredible forgiveness: Christian ethics between fanaticism and reconciliation.Didier Pollefeyt (ed.) - 2004 - Dudley, MA: Peeters.
    Christian ethics is threatened today by two opposite dangers: on the one hand, violence by moral and religious fanatics and on the other hand, too-easy ...
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    Moral Fanaticism and the Holocaust.Lee F. Kerckhove - 1994 - Philosophy in the Contemporary World 1 (1):21-25.
    I defend Kant’s moral psychology against John R. Silber’s argument that Kant cannot account for the radical evil of Hitler. Silber’s argument cannot be maintained, I argue, if Kant’s account of theological and moral fanaticism, and the personality of the moral fanatic, are taken into account. I contend that Kant’s writings support an analogy between the fanatical pursuit of religious and moral ideals and Hitler’s fanatical pursuit of an ideal of racial purity. I conclude that Kant’s account of (...)
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    Postsecularism, piety and fanaticism: Reflections on Jürgen Habermas' and Saba Mahmood’s critiques of secularism.Yolande Jansen - 2011 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 37 (9):977-998.
    This article analyses how recent critiques of secularism in political philosophy and cultural anthropology might productively be combined and contrasted with each other. I will show that Jürgen Habermas' postsecularism takes insufficient account of elementary criticisms of secularism on the part of anthropologists such as Talal Asad and Saba Mahmood. However, I shall also criticize Saba Mahmood’s reading of secularism by arguing that, in the end, she replaces the secular–religious divide with a secularity–piety divide; for example, in her reading (...)
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  9.  22
    The religious politics of prophecy: Or, Richard Brothers's Revealed Knowledge confuted.Deborah Madden - 2008 - History of European Ideas 34 (3):270-284.
    The messianic messages delivered to Londoners by the self-styled prophet, Richard Brothers, were regarded by many sceptical observers and pamphleteers as eccentric or, worse still, the embarrassing utterances of someone wishing to reprise the political turmoil of a by-gone era marred by religiousfanaticism’. This article shows the extent to which Brothers's messages, as set down in his Revealed Knowledge of the Prophecies and Times (1794–1795), were absolutely central to the religious politics and culture of the 1790s—or (...)
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    Religious Zeal, Affective Fragility, and the Tragedy of Human Existence.Ruth Rebecca Tietjen - 2021 - Human Studies (1):1-19.
    Today, in a Western secular context, the affective phenomenon of religious zeal is often associated, or even identified, with religious intolerance, violence, and fanaticism. Even if the zealots’ devotion remains restricted to their private lives, “we” as Western secularists still suspect them of a lack of reason, rationality, and autonomy. However, closer consideration reveals that religious zeal is an ethically and politically ambiguous phenomenon. In this article, I explore the question of how this ambiguity can be (...)
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  11.  86
    Kant's Account of Practical Fanaticism.Rachel Zuckert - 2010 - In Benjamin J. Bruxvoort Lipscomb & James Krueger, Kant's Moral Metaphysics: God, Freedom, and Immortality. de Gruyter. pp. 291.
    Many seventeenth- and eighteenth-century philosophers of the Enlightenment, such as Hobbes, Spinoza, Locke, Shaftesbury, Hume, Voltaire, and Diderot, criticized religious doctrines not only because (or when) such doctrines comprised unfounded claims to knowledge, but also because they inspired fanaticism, ensuing in sectarian violence, persecution, torture, and war. In this paper, I attempt to reconstruct Kant’s position, as part of this Enlightenment project: he too repeatedly and pejoratively characterizes various forms of belief in or behavior guided by religious (...)
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  12.  36
    Hegel's Conception of Fanaticism.Renzo Llorente - unknown
    In this essay I examine Hegel's treatment of religion in the "Philosophy of Right" with the aim of, first, clarifying his view of the proper relation between religion and the state and, second, shedding some light on a few of the remarkable implications of the conceptual approach that he introduces. I focus above all on Hegel's novel and suggestive treatment of fanaticism, which I argue, is of special interest as an illustration of his conception of modernity. The implications of (...)
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  13.  42
    Religious Zeal as an Affective Phenomenon.Ruth Rebecca Tietjen - 2020 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 20 (1):75-91.
    What kind of affective phenomenon is religious zeal and how does it relate to other affective phenomena, such as moral anger, hatred, and love? In this paper, I argue that religious zeal can be both, and be presented and interpreted as both, a love-like passion and an anger-like emotion. As a passion, religious zeal consists of the loving devotion to a transcendent religious object or idea such as God. It is a relatively enduring attachment that is (...)
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  14.  14
    Early church hospitality-based Pentecostal mission in the religious moderation frame of Indonesia.Syani B. Rante Salu, Harls E. R. Siahaan, Nunuk Rinukti & Agustin Soewitomo Putri - 2023 - HTS Theological Studies 79 (3):6.
    In Indonesia, violence in the name of religion has occurred many times since the reformation began. The trigger is religious fundamentalism and radicalism that increases and affects intolerant actions, inter-religious conflicts and even terrorism. The Indonesian government has initiated religious moderation through the Ministry of Religion to minimise the negative impacts of excessive religious fanaticism. Christians, who are often victims of many acts of violence, should evaluate the religious practices that have been carried out (...)
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  15.  6
    In Defence of Religious Schools and Colleges.Elmer John Thiessen - 2001 - McGill-Queen's Press - MQUP.
    It is often argued that religious schools and colleges promote intolerance, divisiveness, and fanaticism and that they violate the principle of academic freedom. Some writers also suggest that economic support for religious schools by the state violates the principle of the separation of church and state. Elmer Thiessen provides a philosophical defence of religious schools and colleges against these and other standard objections. He concludes with a radical proposal: a pluralistic educational system will better prepare students (...)
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    Religious Harmony as The Gateway To Social Harmony and Peace: An Approach From Lord Buddha And Swami Vivekananda.Dilip Kumar Mohanta - forthcoming - Philosophy and Progress:1-14.
    This short paper argues that interreligious and intra-religious harmony is a necessary condition for social harmony, peace and progress. It is an attempt to develop arguments in favour of the above thesis with special reference to the teachings of Buddha and Vivekananda. Buddha taught human beings to be rational, analytical and moral in way of life. Buddha, therefore, taught openness, interdependence and middle path. Vivekananda also argues for universal religion which is based on scientific, rational and compassionate human relations. (...)
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  17.  13
    Role of Interfaith Dialogue in Checking Religious Extremism.Fazrin Huda - forthcoming - Philosophy and Progress:93-108.
    The concept of interfaith dialogue is extremely significant in today‟s world. It is not a new concept. It has a historical and pragmatic significance. Religious extremism is a new threat to the world. Unfortunately, no one in this world is free from the threat of religious extremism and violence. This article adopts a qualitative approach and data are collected from both primary and secondary sources. This paper explores the role of interfaith dialogue to check religious extremism by (...)
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  18. A Religious End of Metaphysics? Heidegger, Meillassoux and the Question of Fideism.Jussi Backman - 2016 - In Antonio Cimino & Gert-Jan van der Heiden, Rethinking Faith: Heidegger between Nietzsche and Wittgenstein. New York: Bloomsbury Academic. pp. 39-62.
    The paper analyzes Quentin Meillassoux’s conception of the fideistic approach to religious faith intrinsic to the “strong correlationism” that he considers pervasive in contemporary thought. Backman presents the basic elements of Meillassoux’s speculative materialism and especially the thesis according to which strong correlationism involves a “fideistic” approach to religiosity. In doing so, Backman critically examines Meillassoux’s notions of post-metaphysical faith, religious absolutes, and contemporary fanaticism, especially against the background of Heidegger’s philosophy. According to Backman, Meillassoux’s logical and (...)
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  19. Believing by Faith: An Essay in the Epistemology and Ethics of Religious Belief.John Bishop - 2007 - Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press.
    Does our available evidence show that some particular religion is correct? It seems unlikely, given the great diversity of religious - and non-religious - views of the world. But if no religious beliefs can be shown true on the evidence, can it be right to make a religious commitment? Should people make 'leaps of faith'? Or would we all be better off avoiding commitments that outrun our evidence? And, if leaps of faith can be acceptable, how (...)
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  20. The "Proper" Tone of Critical Philosophy. Kant and Derrida on Metaphilosophy and the Use of Religious Tropes.Dennis Schulting - 2020 - In Sorin Baiasu & Alberto Vanzo, Kant and the Continental Tradition: Sensibility, Nature, and Religion. New York: Routledge.
    This is an essay on Kant's neglected late tract On a Recently Adopted Prominent Tone in Philosophy (RTP) and Derrida's oblique commentary on this work in his D'un ton apocalyptique adopté naguère en philosophie. The theme of the essay is metaphilosophical and considers issues concerning the nature of critical philosophy, fanaticism (Schwärmerei), and the use of religious tropes in philosophy. I am primarily interested in the ways in which RTP thematises the legitimacy of speaking in an exalted, quasi- (...) tone apropos of the authority of Reason as a self-legitimising capacity in philosophical speech. An important additional reason for taking a closer look at this text is because the late Jacques Derrida (1930–2004) took a great interest in this work of Kant’s and, indeed, emphasised, rightly I think, that despite its prima facie rhetorically charged, polemical nature this work—which might at first be taken to be merely a lampoon—is anything but insignificant in Kant’s œuvre. Derrida’s On a Recently Adopted Apocalyptic Tone in Philosophy, originally published in 1983, is an oblique commentary on Kant’s RTP, and aims to expose to view the alleged hidden underpinnings of Kant’s polemic against exaltation or fanaticism (Schwärmerei) in philosophy. Derrida tries to show that Kant’s appeal for tonal moderation in philosophy, for a measured speech, which should rein in exalted modes of speech, is itself not neutral and rather fundamentally biased against an exalted, quasi-religious, manner of thought. It is evident that, as he himself notes early on in RTP, Kant is predisposed towards a more Aristotelian, academic kind of philosophy, which adopts a “proper” tone or pitch in philosophical debate, but Derrida claims that Kant himself raises his voice precisely in lampooning exalted thinkers. I am particularly interested in the extent to which Derrida’s critique manifests a fundamental misapprehension of the Kantian mode of moderating critique. By expounding this misapprehension, Kant’s own reasons for his philippic against religious or quasi-religious talk in philosophy are foregrounded, thus showing the nature of properly critical thought. At the same time, I shall show how Derrida underestimates the self-reflexivity, and hence properly critical, self-authorising mode of thinking, underlying his own oblique references to the adieu as a trope for quasi-transcendental intentionality towards the so-called ‘Other’. (shrink)
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  21.  9
    Worldview and Mind: Religious Thought and Psychological Development.Eugene Webb - 2009 - University of Missouri.
    When worldviews clash, the world reverberates. Now a distinguished scholar who has written widely on thinkers ranging from Samuel Beckett to Eric Voegelin inquires into the sources of religious conflict—and into ways of being religious that might diminish that conflict. _Worldview and Mind_ covers a wide range of thinkers and movements to explore the relation between religion and modernity in all its complexity. Eugene Webb invokes a number of topical issues, including religious terrorism, as he unfolds the (...)
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  22.  5
    The significance of Diderot's Essai sur le merite et la vertu.Gordon B. Walters - 1971 - Chapel Hill,: University of North Carolina Press.
    Walters provides commentary on Diderot's translation of Shaftesbury's An Inquiry Concerning Virtue or Merit. By comparing the translation and notes, he demonstrates the evolution of Diderot's thought and artistic skill, discusses the difference between theism and deism, the question of universal order, and compares atheism with free thought. After an analysis of religious fanaticism and social and political abuses, he turns his attention to virtue, as it relates to happiness, objective values, the moral sense, the passions, and self-interest. (...)
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    Voltaire's revolution: writings from his campaign to free laws from religion. Voltaire - 2015 - Amherst, New York: Prometheus Books. Edited by G. K. Noyer.
    Voltaire, the pen name of François-Marie Arouet (1694-1778), was one of the most influential leaders of the French Enlightenment. His defense of individual freedom of conscience and his criticisms of religious fanaticism and oppressive orthodoxy had a telling effect on Western history, inspiring several leading founders of America's new laws. This is the first English translation of many of his key texts from his famous pamphlet war for tolerance, written from 1750 to 1768, originally published under pseudonyms to (...)
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  24.  19
    The delight makers: Anglo-American metaphysical religion and the pursuit of happiness.Catherine L. Albanese - 2023 - London: University of Chicago Press.
    Can you draw a clear line through American history from the Puritans to the "Nones" of today? On the surface, there is not much connective tissue between the former, who often serve as shorthand for a persistent religious fanaticism in the United States, and the almost one quarter of the population who now regularly check the "None" or "None of the above" box when responding to surveys of religious preference. But instead of seeing a disconnect between these (...)
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  25.  49
    John Locke's Politics of Moral Consensus.Greg Forster - 2005 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    The aim of this book is twofold: to explain the reconciliation of religion and politics in the work of John Locke, and to explore the relevance of that reconciliation for politics in our own time. Confronted with deep social divisions over ultimate beliefs, Locke sought to unite society in a single liberal community. Reason could identify divine moral laws that would be acceptable to members of all cultural groups, thereby justifying the authority of government. Greg Forster demonstrates that Locke's theory (...)
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  26.  30
    Nietzsche’s Dawn: Philosophy, Ethics, and the Passion of Knowledge.Keith Ansell-Pearson & Rebecca Bamford - 2020 - Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell. Edited by Rebecca Bamford.
    This unique book explores Nietzsche’s philosophy at the time of Dawn’s writing and discusses the modern relevance of themes such as fear, superstition, terror, and moral and religious fanaticism. The authors highlight Dawn’s links with key areas of philosophical inquiry, such as “the art of living well,” skepticism, and naturalism. The book begins by introducing Dawn and discussing how to read Nietzsche, his literary and philosophical influences, his relation to German philosophy, and his efforts to advance his ‘free (...)
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  27.  28
    Voltaire et l'Affaire Calas au théâtre : une vraie cause au service des mythologies révolutionnaires.Michèle Sajous D’Oria - 1994 - Philosophiques 21 (1):107-123.
    Le théâtre, au lendemain même de la prise de la Bastille, s'était affirmé comme tribune révolutionnaire et « école du citoyen ». La décision, de la part des assemblées révolutionnaires, de transporter les cendres de Voltaire au Panthéon, ne pouvait manquer d'être une occasion pour célébrer le philosophe au théâtre et cinq pièces, toutes sur l'Affaire Calas, furent représentées entre le 17 décembre 1790 et le 31 juillet 1791. Les cinq auteurs centrent leur action sur le drame familial et sur (...)
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    Overvaluation.Lloyd Steffen - 2017 - Dialogue and Universalism 27 (1):7-21.
    This paper offers a critical analysis of an obstacle to dialogue—“overvaluation.” Drawing on Immanuel Kant’s analysis of religious fanaticism as a contradictory and irrational attempt to access the supersensible by sensible means, this paper argues that overvaluation can, at its extreme, suppress prudential reasoning and other-regardingness and render dialogue impossible. Dialogue is an ideal of philosophical discourse that counters the negative prospects of extreme overvaluation. Dialogue is sustained by respect for others; it affirms self-regard in human relationships; and (...)
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  29.  61
    Terror and transformation: the ambiguity of religion in psychoanalytic perspective.James William Jones - 2002 - New York: Brunner-Routledge.
    Religion has been responsible for both horrific acts against humanity and some of humanity's most sublime teachings and experiences. How is this possible? From a contemporary psychoanalytic perspective, this book seeks to answer that question in terms of psychology dynamic of realism. At the heart of living religion is the idealization of everyday objects. Such idealizations provide much of the transforming power of religious experience, which is one of the positive contributions of religion to psychological life. However, idealization can (...)
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  30.  19
    Freedom from fear: an incomplete history of liberalism.Alan S. Kahan - 2023 - Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton University Press.
    A new history of liberalism which argues that liberalism has been predicated on definite morality and should be viewed as an attempt to encompass both fear and hope. Liberalism, argues Alan Kahan, is the search for a society in which people need not be afraid. Freedom from fear is the most basic freedom. If we are afraid, we are not free. These insights, found in Montesquieu and Judith Shklar, are the foundation of liberalism. What liberals fear has changed over time (...)
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  31.  29
    Hobbes on the Grand Tour: Paris, Venice, or London?Linda Levy Peck - 1996 - Journal of the History of Ideas 57 (1):177-183.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Hobbes on the Grand Tour: Paris, Venice, or London?Linda Levy PeckHobbes scholars have long been frustrated by how little contemporary evidence exists for the period when, after graduating from University in 1608, Hobbes was appointed by Lord Cavendish as tutor to his son Sir William Cavendish. Based on a license to travel granted in February 1610 1 and a parenthetical date in a late seventeenth-century source, 2 scholars from (...)
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  32.  45
    Korean Temple Burnings and Vandalism: The Response of the Society for Buddhist-Christian Studies.Harry L. Wells - 2000 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 20 (1):239-240.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Buddhist-Christian Studies 20 (2000) 239-240 [Access article in PDF] News and Views Korean Temple Burnings and Vandalism: The Response of the Society for Buddhist-Christian Studies Harry L. WellsHumboldt State UniversityOver the course of the last decade a fairly large number of Buddhist temples in South Korea have been destroyed or damaged by fire by misguided Christian fundamentalists. More recently, Buddhist statues have been identified as idols, and attacked and (...)
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  33.  23
    Excluding Manners and Deference from the Post-Revolution Republic: Sophie de Grouchy’s Letters on Sympathy on the Conditions of Non-Domination.Spyridon Tegos - 2019 - Australasian Philosophical Review 3 (4):413-421.
    This paper argues that the republican ideal of non-domination, central in Bergès’s paper, rests on affective conditions that often go unnoticed. In this context, I introduce the notion of affective independence to shed light on the affects akin to the spirit of socio-economic and political independence in between aristocratic pretentiousness and vanity on the one hand and servility towards superiors on the other. In the Letters on Sympathy, Sophie de Grouchy dismisses Adam Smith’s key notion of propriety and thoroughly rejects (...)
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    O Ateísmo Militante: Onfray e Richard Dawkins.Wesley Barbosa - 2024 - Aufklärung 11 (1):69-82.
    Militant atheism suffers from the same evil that originates from Judeo-Christian religious fanaticism. He holds the truth. And as a hallmark of this good news, it must convert the uninformed or alienated and deceived, preaching their unbelief to the six corners of the Earth. Before the problem of whether God exists or not, there is the problem of dogmatism, fundamentalism, fanaticism, whatever it is. If all believers lived in peace among themselves, and among atheists, and these with (...)
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    The Party's Over (Almost): Terminal Celebration in Contemporary Film.Tony Bartlett - 1998 - Contagion: Journal of Violence, Mimesis, and Culture 5 (1):1-13.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:THE PARTY'S OVER (ALMOST): TERMINAL CELEBRATION IN CONTEMPORARY FILM Tony Bartlett Syracuse University Movies are a universal language, and as we approach more and more integrated levels of global economy and communication they increasingly become a universal symbol system. At these levels a modern movie from China orNigeria will display swiftly recognizable sensibilities and situations to any viewer in Europe or the USA, and vice versa. But should we (...)
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  36.  57
    (1 other version)Voltaire pensador da tolerância: do combate ao fanatismo à luta contra o ateísmo.Sébastien Charles - 2012 - Doispontos 9 (3).
    Voltaire's militancy in favor of religious toleration is well-known. But he seems to be concerned by its practical results, the rehabilitation of those religiously persecuted, rather than by the theorectical reasonings to convince his opponents. That can be seen in the few importance given to argumentation in the Traité sur la tolerance , mostly composed by historical examples of violence caused by religious fanaticism. However, in Voltaire we find real philosophical reflection on tolerance, but the author finds (...)
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  37. Gay Marriage: The Victory of Political Correctness and Bad Arguments.Neven Sesardic - 2007 - Prolegomena 6 (1):5-28.
    Many Western intellectuals, especially those in humanities and social sciences, think that it can be easily shown that the persistent and massive opposition to same-sex marriage is rationally indefensible and that it is merely a result of prejudice or religious fanaticism. But a more detailed analysis of some of these widely accepted arguments against the conservative position reveals that these arguments are in fact based on logical fallacies and serious distortions of conservative criticisms of homosexual marriage. It is (...)
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    Adam Smith on the Addisonian and Courtly Origins of Politeness.Spiros Tegos - 2014 - Revue Internationale de Philosophie 269 (3):317-342.
    Addison and Steele’s legacy on polite manners has been widely acknowledged as a hallmark of the Scottish Enlightenment’s tradition. On the other hand the place of courtly, ‘French’ politeness within the Scottish Enlightenment is much less debated. Conceiving the European Enlightenment as a status quo built on ‘French manners and English liberty’, as Pocock perfectly synthesizes1, points out to the restrictions imposed on religious fanaticism and warfare by the ‘jus gentium’ and European civility. In my paper I aim (...)
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  39. Psychosocial Disorders of Nigerian Society: Its Causes and Remedy.John Ezenwankwor - 2021 - Journal of Philosophy and Ethics 3 (2):1-8.
    This review aimed at exploring the psychosocial disorders of Nigeria as a nation, its effect on the citizens and the remedy. Psychosocial disorder is a mental illness induced by life experiences, stress, as well as maladaptive cognitive and behavioural processes. The prevalence of these disorders include depression, schizophrenia, anxiety disorders, substance use disorder, personality disorder and autism spectrum disorders have rapidly increase over the past years in Nigeria with its negative impact on the socioeconomic status, psychological well-being; peaceful coexistence and (...)
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  40. Divine Foolishness and the Wisdom of the World in advance.Nicholas Mowad - forthcoming - The Owl of Minerva.
    In Hegel’s Anthropology: Life, Psyche, and Second Nature, Allegra de Laurentiis develops a masterful and incisive reading of Hegel’s anthropology, bringing to light the parallels between the madness and other forms of spirit (moral evil, hypocritical politics, and religious fanaticism). The similarities suggest that madness is a perversion of spirit comparable to others, unique only in its anthropological character. Yet building on de Laurentiis’s work, I will argue that what is pathological in madness is not its withdrawal from (...)
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    Theistic and Naturalistic Morality.David M. Holley - 2009 - In Meaning and Mystery: What It Means to Believe in God. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 151–172.
    This chapter contains sections titled: Is God Relevant to Determining What is Right or Wrong? Divine Revelation and Morality Submission and Autonomy Fanaticism Rewards and Punishments Morality and Happiness Transformative Ideals An Objection to Religious Motivation Notes.
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    The clash of intolerances.Ramin Jahanbegloo - 2007 - New Delhi: Har-Anand Publications.
  43.  46
    A critical analysis of the impact of religion on the Nigerian struggle for nationhood.Chioma P. Onuorah - 2022 - HTS Theological Studies 78 (4):1–9.
    Religion plays a vital role in the formation of conscience and therefore is very important in determining how people co-exist in a society. Nigerian citizens live in regions other than their ethnic geographical areas, but they are not recognised as people of the same destiny and subjects of equal rights. The long period of military dictatorship that truncated the country's democracy since the civil war gave Nigerians a constitution which adopted the Sharia legal system within a purported secular state. This (...)
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    A critical analysis of the impact of religion on the Nigerian struggle for nationhood.Oguejiofo C. P. Ezeanya, Benjamin O. Ajah, Christopher N. Ibenwa, Chioma P. Onuorah & Ugomma A. Eze - 2022 - HTS Theological Studies 78 (4):9.
    Religion plays a vital role in the formation of conscience and therefore is very important in determining how people co-exist in a society. Nigerian citizens live in regions other than their ethnic geographical areas, but they are not recognised as people of the same destiny and subjects of equal rights. The long period of military dictatorship that truncated the country’s democracy since the civil war gave Nigerians a constitution which adopted the Sharia legal system within a purported secular state. This (...)
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    Арсен річинський як науковець і полеміст.Petro Yarotskiy - 2006 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 41:10-13.
    In a number of the author's scientific religious studies, A. Richinsky appears as a deep researcher of the history of Christianity and, in particular, of the history of Ukrainian Christianity. In controversy with his opponents, he attests to a thorough knowledge of the process of forming Christian dogmas of church canons, biblical texts, which he convincingly and skillfully operates as a professional exegete. At the same time, A. Richinsky appears to us as a tolerant, ecumenical personality, not inclined to (...)
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  46. Proceedings of First Online Session of SPPIS, Haryana.Desh Raj Sirswal - manuscript
    First Session of Society for Positive Philosophy and Interdisciplinary Studies (SPPIS), Haryana on the theme -/- “The Contribution of Contemporary Indian Philosophy to World Philosophy” -/- 30th June, 2012 -/- Organizes by Centre for Positive Philosophy and Interdisciplinary Studies (CPPIS), Milestone Education Society (Regd), Pehowa,(Kurukshetra)-136128 (HARYANA) -/- Preface -/- Part-I: Contemporary Indian Philosophers -/- Swami Vivekananda’s response towards religious fanaticism -/- Swami Vivekananda philosophises Easts in the West -/- Four Yogas and the Uniqueness of Swami Vivekananda’s Philosophy -/- (...)
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    Religion and Faction in Hume's Moral Philosophy (review). [REVIEW]James Fieser - 1999 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 37 (1):170-171.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Religion and Faction in Hume’s Moral Philosophy by Jennifer A. HerdtJames FieserJennifer A. Herdt. Religion and Faction in Hume’s Moral Philosophy. Studies in Religion and Critical Thought 3. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1997. Pp. xv + 300. Cloth, $59.95.Jennifer A. Herdt’s book, Religion and Faction in Hume’s Moral Philosophy, is a study of Hume’s notion of sympathy. It is not, however, just an analysis of the psychological mechanism (...)
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    Ḥuṣūn al-takhalluf: qirāʼāt fī ālīyāt al-sayṭarah al-thaqāfīyah: al-takhalluf, al-uṣūlīyāt, al-taṭarruf.Yūsuf Huraymah - 2022 - Miṣr al-Jadīdah, al-Qāhirah: al-Maktab al-ʻArabī lil-Maʻārif.
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    Introduction: Now More Important than Ever ‐ Voices of Reason.Russell Blackford & Udo Schüklenk - 2009 - In Russell Blackford & Udo Schüklenk, 50 Voices of Disbelief. Wiley‐Blackwell. pp. 1–4.
    This chapter contains sections titled: References.
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    D'Holbach's Coterie: An Enlightenment in Paris.Alan Charles Kors - 2015 - Princeton University Press.
    Students of the Enlightenment have long assumed that the major movement towards atheism in the Ancien Régime was centered in the circle of intellectuals who met at the home of Baron d'Holbach during the last half of the eighteenth century. This major critical study shows, contrary to the accepted views, that in fact, atheism was not the common bond of a majority of the members and that, far from being alienated figures, most of the members were privileged and publicly successful (...)
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