Results for 'Regine Ettinger-Reichmann'

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  1.  17
    (1 other version)IV. Richard v. Schubert-Solderns erkenntnistheoretischer Solipsismus.Regine Ettinger-Reichmann - 1912 - Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie 25 (1):69-98.
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  2. Richard v. Schubert-Solderns erkenntnistheoretischer Solipsismus.Regine Ettinger - 1912 - Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie 25:69.
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  3. ETTINGER-REICHMANN, R. -Die Immanenz-philosophie. [REVIEW]A. C. Ewing - 1926 - Mind 35:521.
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    Rebecca Reichmann on womens' health and reproductive rights in Brazil. Interview by Steve Heilig.R. Reichmann - 1996 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 5 (4):579.
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    Afterword from Robert Ettinger youniverse.R. C. W. Ettinger - 2002 - In Charles Tandy & Scott R. Stroud (eds.), The philosophy of Robert Ettinger. Parkland, Fla.: Universal Publishers. pp. 237.
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    Children’s understanding of the costs and rewards underlying rational action.Julian Jara-Ettinger, Hyowon Gweon, Joshua B. Tenenbaum & Laura E. Schulz - 2015 - Cognition 140 (C):14-23.
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    Evolution, Animal 'rights' & the Environment.James B. Reichmann - 2000 - Catholic University of Amer Press.
    Among the more significant developments of the twentieth century, the widespread attention given to 'rights issues' must surely justify ranking it somewhere near the top. Never before has the issue of rights attracted such a wide audience or stirred so much controversy. Until very recently 'rights' were traditionally recognized as attributable only to humans. Today, we increasingly are hearing a call to extend 'rights' to the nonhuman animal and, on occasion, to the environment. In this book, James B. Reichmann, (...)
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    On the adaptations of organisms and the fitness of types.Lia Ettinger, Eva Jablonka & Peter McLaughlin - 1990 - Philosophy of Science 57 (3):499-513.
    We claim that much of the confusion associated with the "tautology problem" about survival of the fittest is due to the mistake of attributing fitness to individuals instead of to types. We argue further that the problem itself cannot be solved merely by taking fitness as the aggregate cause of reproductive success. We suggest that a satisfying explanation must center not on logical analysis of the concept of general adaptedness but on the empirical analysis of single adapted traits and their (...)
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    Hannah Arendt/Martin Heidegger.Elżbieta Ettinger - 1997 - Yale University Press.
    The detailed story of the passionate and secret love affair between two of the most prominent philosophers of the 20th century--Hannah Arendt and Martin Heidegger. Drawing on their previously unknown correspondence, Elzbieta Ettinger describes a relationship that lasted for more than half a century, a relationship that sheds startling light on both individuals.
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  10. The Matrixial Borderspace.Bracha L. Ettinger & Nicola Foster - 2008 - Radical Philosophy 147:54.
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    Higher Language Ability is Related to Angular Gyrus Activation Increase During Semantic Processing, Independent of Sentence Incongruency.Helene Van Ettinger-Veenstra, Anita McAllister, Peter Lundberg, Thomas Karlsson & Maria Engström - 2016 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 10.
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    The social basis of referential communication: Speakers construct physical reference based on listeners’ expected visual search.Julian Jara-Ettinger & Paula Rubio-Fernandez - 2022 - Psychological Review 129 (6):1394-1413.
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    Processing interactions between phonology and melody: Vowels sing but consonants speak.Régine Kolinsky, Pascale Lidji, Isabelle Peretz, Mireille Besson & José Morais - 2009 - Cognition 112 (1):1-20.
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    Presenting the appendix Vergiliana: Vergil at siro's school.Regine Chambert - 2004 - In David Armstrong (ed.), Vergil, Philodemus, and the Augustans. Austin, TX: University of Texas Press. pp. 43.
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    Genes, Gestation, and Social Norms.Derek J. Ettinger - 2012 - Law and Philosophy 31 (3):243-268.
    The case law surrounding surrogacy, in vitro fertilization, genetic donation, and legal parenthood is notoriously confused. Yet the issues involved in these cases are of fundamental importance to our most basic rights. To make matters worse, ongoing developments in technology continue to push the conceptual limits of both our legal and moral schemes. In this paper I argue that the concept of ‘parenthood’ is deeply ambiguous and attempt to carefully untangle the notion into two distinct concepts – one biological and (...)
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  16. Man into superman.R. C. W. Ettinger - 1972 - New York,: St. Martin's Press.
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    Youniverse: toward a self-centered philosophy of immortalism and cryonics.R. C. W. Ettinger - 2009 - Boca Raton, Fla.: Universal Publishers.
    Youniverse is about you and the way things really are--how to improve your chances of a much longer and more satisfying life.
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    Edith Stein, Thomas Aquinas, and the Principle of Individuation.Reichmann - 2013 - American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly 87 (1):55-86.
    This paper focuses on the major work of Edith Stein, Finite and Eternal Being. It seeks to determine whether her mature philosophical synthesis is correctly viewed as Thomist. It strives to accomplish this by focusing mainly on her treatment of the problem of individuation.
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    Zur Herder-Forschung in der DDR–Resultate, Tendenzen, Aufgaben–.Regine Otto - 1990 - In Kurt Mueller-Vollmer (ed.), Herder Today: Contributions From the International Herder Conference, November 5–8, 1987, Stanford, California. New York: De Gruyter. pp. 431-446.
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    Deutsche wortforschung.Oskar Reichmann - 1969 - Stuttgart: J. B. Metzler.
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    From Immanently Transcendent to Subsistent Esse: Aquinas and the God-Problem.James B. Reichmann - 1974 - Proceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Association 48:112-120.
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    Hegel’s Ethics of the Epochal Situation.James B. Reichmann - 1975 - Proceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Association 49:24-36.
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  23. Hegel's Ethics of the Epochal Situation: Morality and Ethics.James B. Reichmann - 1975 - Proceedings and Addresses of the American Philosophical Association 49:24.
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  24. Immanently Transcendent and Subsistent Esse: A Comparison,“.James B. Reichmann - 1974 - The Thomist 38 (2):335-43.
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  25. Kierkegaard.Ernani Reichmann - 1972 - Curitiba: Edições Jr..
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    St. Thomas, Capreolus, Cajetan and the Created Person.James B. Reichmann - 1959 - New Scholasticism 33 (1):1-31.
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    Die Entstehung einer Figurine?: Material Engagement und verkörperte Kognition als Ausgangspunkt einer Entwicklungsgeschichte symbolischen Verhaltens.Regine Elisabeth Stolarczyk, Sebastian Scheiffele, Duilio Garofoli & Miriam Noël Haidle - 2017 - In Christian Tewes, Thomas Fuchs & Gregor Etzelmüller (eds.), Verkörperung - Eine Neue Interdisziplinäre Anthropologie. De Gruyter. pp. 251-280.
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    Spielformen des Selbst: das Spiel zwischen Subjektivität, Kunst und Alltagspraxis.Regine Strätling (ed.) - 2012 - Bielefeld: Transcript.
    Long description: Das Spiel konstituiert ein”Dazwischen“, einen Raum des Als-ob, welcher der sozialen Welt sowohl angehört als auch von ihr abgehoben ist. Diese”ontologische Ambivalenz“macht den Begriff des Spiels für viele zu einem idealen Vermittler im Nachdenken über die Beziehung von Subjektivität, Kunst und Alltagspraxis. Ist der Begriff des Spiels auch nach den Diskussionen um den Status des Subjekts im Zeichen der Postmoderne geeignet, die ästhetischen und alltagspraktischen Formen zu fassen, in denen sich Selbstverhältnisse konstituieren? Die Beiträge des Bandes gehen dieser (...)
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    Supervision d’ici et d’ailleurs.Régine Waintrater - 2019 - Dialogue: Families & Couples 2:21-38.
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    Temporalité et génocide.Régine Waintrater - 2024 - Dialogue: Families & Couples 243 (1):107-121.
    Tous les évènements traumatiques instaurent un rapport spécifique au temps. Parmi eux, le génocide constitue un paradigme de l’expérience extrême. Le génocide est un évènement qui échappe au temps commun et qui instaure une nouvelle temporalité, tant pour les victimes que pour les bourreaux. En analysant des témoignages oraux et écrits de rescapés de la Shoah et du génocide des Tutsi au Rwanda, on constate que la temporalité instaurée par le génocide continue longtemps après la fin des massacres à se (...)
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    The impact of alphabetic literacy on the perception of speech sounds.Régine Kolinsky, Ana Luiza Navas, Fraulein Vidigal de Paula, Nathalia Ribeiro de Brito, Larissa de Medeiros Botecchia, Sophie Bouton & Willy Serniclaes - 2021 - Cognition 213 (C):104687.
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    Philosophy of the Human Person.James B. Reichmann - 1985 - Loyola Press.
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    The role of dopaminergic systems in the mediation of tonic immobility in chickens.Richard H. Ettinger & Richard W. Thompson - 1978 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 12 (4):301-302.
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    Hellenistic Poetry, Magical Gems and ‘the Sword of Dardanus’ in Apuleius’ Cupid and Psyche.Regine May - 2023 - Classical Quarterly 73 (2):845-861.
    Apuleius’ tale of Cupid and Psyche is shown to feature detailed knowledge of ancient magic integrated into the plot, especially the magic of the so-called ‘Sword of Dardanus’ spell and of other papyri with Middle Platonic content. A recently published gemstone from Perugia testifies to the wide distribution of the ‘Sword’. Apuleius’ allusion to the erotic spell involves both Cupid and Venus torturing Psyche. Although Venus’ intentions are to prevent the bond between the lovers, her actions inadvertently echo those depicted (...)
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    Weaving a Woman Artist with-in the Matrixial Encounter-Event.Bracha L. Ettinger - 2004 - Theory, Culture and Society 21 (1):69-94.
    Criticizing Lacan and Levinas, and starting from Freud and Lacan’s denial of the womb and from the Genius-Male-Hero (as theorized by Rank), who is self-creating and holds the power of creation and thus depends on the elimination of the birth-giving begetting mother, I continue my research to formulate a feminine difference that is neither dependency/disguise (Riviere, Butler) nor revolt and struggle in the phallic texture (Kristeva). Unlike other ideas concerning the difference of the feminine, the originary difference that I call (...)
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    Dopaminergic basis of the psychosis-prone personality investigated with functional magnetic resonance imaging of procedural learning.Ulrich Ettinger, Philip J. Corr, Ardeshier Mofidi, Steven C. R. Williams & Veena Kumari - 2013 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 7.
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    The (In)Visibility of Diversity in Alternative Organizations.Regine Bendl, Alexander Fleischmann & Angelika Schmidt - 2025 - Journal of Business Ethics 196 (2):273-289.
    Reflecting current debates on ‘organizational virtues’ as going beyond the capitalocentrist bias of contemporary economies and to see diversity as ‘ethical responsibility,’ this article explores ‘ethical organizing’ at the intersection of alternative organizations and diversity. Our interest in a diversity-oriented analysis of alternative organizations stems from the assumption that those which question taken-for-granted notions of existing economies and follow alternative values of autonomy, solidarity, and responsibility might also be likely to challenge existing diversity relations and, thus, potentially open up new (...)
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    Datavisions – On Panoptica, Oligoptica, and (Big) Data.Regine Buschauer - 2016 - International Review of Information Ethics 24.
    In focusing on relations between data and vision and proposing to address big data in terms of currently dominant optical metaphors, the paper makes a case for an approach that allows for clearer distinctions between big data as ‘visions’, and data technologies. assessing notions and visions of panoptic data technologies, I outline three perspectives on the nexus between data and vision. Following Bruno Latour’s counter-image of “oligoptica”, I argue, more generally, in favour of a conceptual framework that understands big data (...)
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  39. Imperatives as Future Plans.Regine Eckardt - unknown
    Disjoint imperative sentences like ( Nimm die ) Hände hoch, oder ich schiesse! , literally ( take your ) hands up, or I’ll shoot! intuitively present the addressee with all her alternatives for action. The speaker informs that all future worlds, as far as the speaker can forsee, are such that the addressee raises her hands or gets killed. I propose a semantic/pragmatic analysis for sentences in the imperative mood that adopts this exhausitve description of future alternatives as a semantic (...)
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    Das türkische Exil als Geschichte von Frauen und ihr Beitrag zum Wissenschaftstransfer in die Türkei von 1933 bis 1945.Regine Erichsen - 2005 - Berichte Zur Wissenschafts-Geschichte 28 (4):337-353.
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  41. Kunkel, Fritz, Character, Liebe und Ehe. S. Hirzel. Leipzig, 1932.F. Fromm-Reichmann - 1932 - Zeitschrift für Sozialforschung 1 (3):426.
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    Sensitivity to the Sampling Process Emerges From the Principle of Efficiency.Julian Jara-Ettinger, Felix Sun, Laura Schulz & Joshua B. Tenenbaum - 2018 - Cognitive Science 42 (S1):270-286.
    Humans can seamlessly infer other people's preferences, based on what they do. Broadly, two types of accounts have been proposed to explain different aspects of this ability. The first account focuses on spatial information: Agents' efficient navigation in space reveals what they like. The second account focuses on statistical information: Uncommon choices reveal stronger preferences. Together, these two lines of research suggest that we have two distinct capacities for inferring preferences. Here we propose that this is not the case, and (...)
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    Die Wiederentdeckung der Natur: Naturphilosophie im Zeichen der ökologischen Krise.Regine Kather - 2012 - Darmstadt: WBG.
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    We all are rembrandt experts – or, how task dissociations in school learning effects support the discontinuity hypothesis.Régine Kolinsky & José Morais - 1999 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 22 (3):381-382.
    We argue that cognitive penetration in non-early vision extends beyond the special situations considered by Pylyshyn. Many situations which do not involve difficult stimuli or require expert skills nevertheless load on high-level cognitive processes. School learning effects illustrate this point: they provide a way to observe task dissociations which support the discontinuity hypothesis, but they show that the scope of visual cognition in our visual experience is often underestimated.
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    Antiautoritäre Erziehung.Regine Masthoff - 1981 - Darmstadt: Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft.
  46. Eigentlichkeit: Zum Verhältnis von Sprache, Sprechern Und Weltdeutschsprachige Enzyklopädien des 18. Bis 21. Jahrhundertsgenealogische Eigentlichkeit Im Deutschen Sprachdenken des Barock Und der Aufklärungkorpuspragmatik Und Wirklichkeitgrammatische Eigen.Oskar Reichmann & Anja Lobenstein-Reichmann - 2015 - De Gruyter.
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  47. Między homo immunologicus a homo repetitivus. Koncepcje antropologiczne Petera Sloterdijka – notatki na marginesie Du mußt dein Leben ändern.Agnieszka Smrokowska-Reichmann - 2012 - Przeglad Filozoficzny - Nowa Seria 82 (2):441-453.
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  48. Nieme neutrum. Baudrillard-antysocjolog i jego diagnoza społeczeństwa.Agnieszka Smrokowska-Reichmann - 2011 - Principia 54:285-304.
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    Problemy z dyskursem. Czytając Jürgena Habermasa.Agnieszka Smrokowska-Reichmann - 2023 - Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Philosophica. Ethica-Aesthetica-Practica 25:111-131.
    The author of the paper presents some critical opinions (including her own) on Habermas' conception of language and discourse. At the same time she strives to explain the main controversies which arise from Habermas' key categories. For example Habermas seems to compare the structure of society with the structure of language, underlining the importance of common practice of speech acts. But is there still any room for such communicative activity in the modern postindustrial world? And, first of all, must we (...)
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  50.  18
    Exil et nostalgie, un lien consubstantiel.Régine Waintrater - 2014 - Dialogue: Families & Couples 205 (3):65-72.
    La nostalgie est cet état psychique qui se tient quelque part entre le deuil, la dépression et la mélancolie, avec lesquels on la confond souvent. Définie très tôt comme la maladie de l’exilé, la nostalgie est un pharmakon, à la fois baume et poison pour celui qui s’y adonne. À partir des écrits de Jean Améry, survivant de la Shoah, et de sa propre expérience auprès des survivants du génocide rwandais, l’auteur, psychanalyste, distingue ici deux positions face à la nostalgie (...)
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