Results for 'Rebecca Whittle'

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  1.  19
    Guilt and Elation in the Workplace: Emotion and the Governance of the Environment at Work.Rebecca Whittle - 2015 - Environmental Values 24 (5):581-601.
    This paper explores the integration of environmental concern into the workplace by combining insights from the literature on governmentality with work that focuses on the role of emotion in organisational contexts. I build on work by Hargreaves (2008) and Butler (2010) to show that environmental concern is an emerging form of workplace governance which acts by and through the emotions and which intersects with pre-existing forms of power in surprising and complex ways. I conclude by reflecting on some additional theoretical (...)
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  2. Intersubjectivity and Receptive Experience.Rebecca Kukla & Mark Lance - 2014 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 52 (1):22-42.
    Wilfrid Sellars's iconic exposé of the ‘myth of the given’ taught us that experience must present the world to us as normatively laden, in the sense that the contents of experience must license inferences, rule out and justify various beliefs, and rationalize actions. Somehow our beliefs must be governed by the objects as they present themselves to us. Often this requirement is cashed out using language that attributes agent-like properties to objects: we are described as ‘accountable to’ objects, while objects (...)
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    Glittering Vices: A New Look at the Seven Deadly Sins.Rebecca Konyndyk DeYoung - 2009 - Grand Rapids: Brazos Press.
    Contemporary culture trivializes the "seven deadly sins," or vices, as if they have no serious moral or spiritual implications. Glittering Vices clears this misconception by exploring the traditional meanings of gluttony, sloth, lust, and others. It offers a brief history of how the vices were compiled and an eye opening explication of how each sin manifests itself in various destructive behaviors. Readers gain practical understanding of how the vices shape our culture today and how to correctly identify and eliminate the (...)
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    With Gratitude.Rebecca A. Martusewicz - 2014 - Educational Studies: A Jrnl of the American Educ. Studies Assoc 50 (4):305-306.
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    Living with Pirates.Rebecca Kukla - 2014 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 23 (1):75-85.
  6.  41
    Too Close for Comfort? Faculty–Student Multiple Relationships and Their Impact on Student Classroom Conduct.Rebecca M. Chory & Evan H. Offstein - 2018 - Ethics and Behavior 28 (1):23-44.
    Professors are increasingly encouraged to adopt multiple role relationships with their students. Regardless of professor intent, these relationships carry risks. Left unexamined is whether student–faculty social multiple relationships impact student in-class behaviors. Provocatively, our exploratory study provides empirical support suggesting that when undergraduate students perceive that their professors engage in the multiple faculty–student relationships of friendships, drinking (alcohol) relationships, and sexual partnerships, students report they are more likely to engage in uncivil behaviors in the professor’s classroom. Accordingly, our study provides (...)
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    Temporizing after Spinal Cord Injury.Rebecca L. Volpe, Joshua S. Crites & Kristi L. Kirschner - 2015 - Hastings Center Report 45 (2):8-10.
    Mr. C is a twenty‐two‐year‐old who was flown to a level‐1 trauma center after diving headfirst into shallow water. Prior to this accident, he was in excellent health. At the scene, he had been conscious but was paralyzed and had no sensation below his neck. The emergency medical services team immobilized Mr. C's neck with a cervical collar and intubated him for airway protection before transport. As Mr. C's medical care proceeds, he expresses a desire for extubation, although it was (...)
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    Employing imaginative rationality: using metaphor when discussing death.Rebecca Llewellyn, Chrystal Jaye, Richard Egan, Wayne Cunningham, Jessica Young & Peter Radue - 2017 - Medical Humanities 43 (1):71-72.
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    Cognitive biases in processing infant emotion by women with depression, anxiety and post-traumatic stress disorder in pregnancy or after birth: A systematic review.Rebecca Webb & Susan Ayers - 2015 - Cognition and Emotion 29 (7):1278-1294.
  10.  31
    Beyond Case Consultation: An Expanded Model for Organizational Ethics.Rebecca D. Pentz - 1999 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 10 (1):34-41.
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    How happy have you felt lately? Two diary studies of emotion recall in older and younger adults.Rebecca E. Ready, Mark I. Weinberger & Kelly M. Jones - 2007 - Cognition and Emotion 21 (4):728-757.
  12.  10
    When science offers salvation: patient advocacy and research ethics.Rebecca Dresser - 2001 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    "Patient advocates can help make research more ethical, but advocacy raises ethical issues of its own.
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    Using holistic interpretive synthesis to create practice‐relevant guidance for person‐centred fundamental care delivered by nurses.Rebecca Feo, Tiffany Conroy, Rhianon J. Marshall, Philippa Rasmussen, Richard Wiechula & Alison L. Kitson - 2017 - Nursing Inquiry 24 (2):e12152.
    Nursing policy and healthcare reform are focusing on two, interconnected areas: person‐centred care and fundamental care. Each initiative emphasises a positive nurse–patient relationship. For these initiatives to work, nurses require guidance for how they can best develop and maintain relationships with their patients in practice. Although empirical evidence on the nurse–patient relationship is increasing, findings derived from this research are not readily or easily transferable to the complexities and diversities of nursing practice. This study describes a novel methodological approach, called (...)
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    Revisiting Ethical Guidelines for Research with Terminal Wean and Brain‐Dead Participants.Rebecca D. Pentz, Anne L. Flamm, Renata Pasqualini, Christopher J. Logothetis & Wadih Arap - 2003 - Hastings Center Report 33 (1):20-26.
    Some research is too risky to be conducted on anyone whose life expectancy is more than a few hours. Yet sometimes, the research can still be carried out using subjects who are brain dead or are soon to undergo a terminal wean, and who have articulated values that inclusion in the study can honor. So argues a team of ethicists and researchers at M.D. Anderson Cancer Center, where such research was recently undertaken.
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    Can Rights be Enough?Rebecca Ploof - 2024 - Global Justice: Theory Practice Rhetoric 14 (2):121-146.
    The climate crisis is beset by depoliticization. Couched as an issue that experts must solve through technological or technocratic knowledge, discussion about how to address environmental degradation is not amenable to democratic action or dissensus. This paper argues that approaching climate change through a human rights framework risks reinscribing such depoliticization and that this is politically hazardous. Human rights discourse can impede the demos’ exercise of power, obscure exercises of hegemony, and, via a fixed notion of progress, discourage normative contestation. (...)
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    Merleau-Ponty's Cézanne as Misfit Artist.Rebecca Longtin - 2024 - Puncta 7 (1):100-121.
    This paper explores Cézanne’s art through the lens of disability gain. Disability gain defies the ability-disability binary, which defines disability as a lack of ability, by emphasizing what is gained through different disabilities. Central to my discussion are (1) Tobin Siebers’s description of modern art as vitally and thematically disabled and (2) Rosemarie Garland-Thomson’s concept of misfitting, which allows for a phenomenological account of disability that emphasizes the depth of awareness and creative world-making possibilities that are gained through disability. By (...)
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    Long-Term Associations of Justice Sensitivity, Rejection Sensitivity, and Depressive Symptoms in Children and Adolescents.Bondü Rebecca, Sahyazici-Knaak Fidan & Esser Günter - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    Externalities and the Limits of Pigovian Policies.Rebecca Livernois - 2024 - Ethics, Policy and Environment 27 (3):428-450.
    Pigovian policy is developed in economic theory as an efficient resolution to externality problems. The use of this type of policy to resolve real-world externality problems, including climate change in the form of carbon taxes, assumes that the Pigovian policy result derived in theory holds in the real world. By examining the bridging conditions from theory to the real world, I argue that this assumption holds only in an ambiguously defined subset of externalities. It is thus unclear when Pigovian policy (...)
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    Situating Time in the Leibnizian Hierarchy of Beings.Rebecca J. Lloyd - 2008 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 46 (2):245-260.
    Leibniz's widely influential account of time provides a significant puzzle for those seeking to locate this account within his hierarchical ontology. Leibniz follows his scholastic predecessors in supposing that there are different grades of being, with substances being the most real and all other things possessing their reality via their relationships to substance. Following this picture, Leibniz suggests that phenomenal bodies only possess the being that they derive from the substances (i.e., monads) that ground them. Some would argue that time (...)
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    Research and Relevant Knowledge: American Research Universities since World War II. Roger L. Geiger.Rebecca Lowen - 1994 - Isis 85 (1):177-177.
  21.  26
    Affirming and Rethinking our Visions and Responsibilities as Social Foundations Scholars and Educators.Rebecca A. Martusewicz - 2013 - Educational Studies: A Jrnl of the American Educ. Studies Assoc 49 (2):101-103.
    (2013). Affirming and Rethinking our Visions and Responsibilities as Social Foundations Scholars and Educators. Educational Studies: Vol. 49, Critical, Interpretive, and Normative Perspectives of Educational Foundations: Contributions for the 21st Century, pp. 101-103.
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    Detroit Teachers Theorizing a History of Place.Rebecca A. Martusewicz - 2012 - Educational Studies: A Jrnl of the American Educ. Studies Assoc 48 (3):213-214.
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    Note from the publisher.Rebecca Marsh - 2007 - Journal of Information, Communication and Ethics in Society 5 (1).
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    Professor's Reflection: The Course, the Pedagogy, the Student.Rebecca A. Martusewicz - 1999 - Educational Studies 30 (3-4):293-294.
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    Reticence.Rebecca A. Martusewicz - 2013 - Educational Studies: A Jrnl of the American Educ. Studies Assoc 49 (1):1-4.
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    Short and Sweet.Rebecca A. Martusewicz - 2014 - Educational Studies: A Jrnl of the American Educ. Studies Assoc 50 (3):207-208.
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  27. The M event paradox and the specious present: An analysis and refutation of Mctaggart's 2nd argument.Rebecca Lloyd-Waller - 2011 - Analysis and Metaphysics 10:101-112.
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  28. Evaluating awareness: A rating scale and its uses.Rebecca Martin-Scull & Robert Nilsen - 2002 - International Journal of Cognitive Technology 7 (1):31-37.
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    Typical integration of emotion cues from bodies and faces in Autism Spectrum Disorder.Rebecca Brewer, Federica Biotti, Geoffrey Bird & Richard Cook - 2017 - Cognition 165 (C):82-87.
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  30. Touch and Flesh in Aristotle’s de Anima.Rebecca Steiner Goldner - 2011 - Epoché: A Journal for the History of Philosophy 15 (2):435-446.
    In this paper, I argue for the sense of touch as primary in Aristotle’s account of sensation. Touch, as the identifying and inaugurating distinction of sensate beings, is both of utmost importance to Aristotle as well as highly aporetic on his explanation. The issue of touch and the problematic of flesh, in particular, bring us to Merleau-Ponty’s account of flesh as the chiasmic fold and overlap of subject and object, of self and other, and to an incipient and veiled knowledge (...)
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  31. Registration and Recognition: Documenting the Person in World History.Flemming Rebecca - 2012
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    What Does Russell’s Argument against Naive Realism Prove?Rebecca Keller & Jonathan Westphal - 2015 - Russell: The Journal of Bertrand Russell Studies 35 (1).
    We provide a study of Russell’s argument (in _An Inquiry into Meaning and Truth_) against naive realism in which we distinguish five different forms of the argument. We agree with McLendon’s (1956) criticism, that Russell’s premiss that naive realism _leads to physics_ (our emphasis) is ambiguous as between “leads historically or psychologically” and “leads logically”. However, physics does logically lead to naive realism, in the sense that it presupposes it. In that case it is physics that is false. There is (...)
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    Enfants Terribles: Youth and Femininity in the Mass Media in France, 1945-1968.Rebecca Pulju & Susan Weiner - 2004 - Substance 33 (1):155.
  34. Equality in the Family Home?: Stack v. Dowden [2007] U.K.H.L. 17.Rebecca Probert - 2007 - Feminist Legal Studies 15 (3):341-353.
    The recent decision of the House of Lords in Stack v. Dowden appears, at first sight, to endorse a new approach to the jointly owned family home. However, upon closer inspection, this proves to be something of an illusion: the new approach is remarkably similar to the traditional resulting trust in that it attaches more weight to financial payments than to other contributions. A further problem is that the disjunction between the reasoning of the judges and the actual result makes (...)
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    Veatch and Brain Death: A Plea for Soul.Rebecca D. Pentz - 1994 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 5 (2):132-135.
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    Same-Sex Couples and the Marriage Model.Rebecca Probert - 2005 - Feminist Legal Studies 13 (1):135-143.
    In Ghaidan v. Godin-Mendoza [2004] U.K.H.L. 30, the U.K. House of Lords upheld the right of a man to succeed to the tenancy of his deceased same-sex partner as if he had been the husband or wife of the deceased. This note examines the five judgements delivered by the court and considers the implications of the decision. It argues that, within the context of family law, Mendoza was a welcome decision but an evolutionary dead-end. The case signals a more promising (...)
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    What You Can't Tell Just by Looking at a Girl (After Her Mother Leaves).Rebecca B. Rank - 2003 - Feminist Studies 29 (2):461.
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    The Social Media Effect: Examining Usage in Contentious Healthcare Cases.Cara Barbisian Rebecca A. Greenberg - 2013 - Journal of Clinical Research and Bioethics 4 (3).
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    Overcoming Tall Poppy Syndrome in New Zealand Using Moral Foundations Theory and Christian Humility.Rebecca M. Webb - 2023 - Studies in Christian Ethics 36 (4):801-813.
    New Zealand has an unspoken commandment: ‘thou shalt not be a tall poppy’. A tall poppy is someone who stands out from the crowd, usually by excelling at one or more pursuits. Sadly, many New Zealanders are all too familiar with this phrase as they have been ‘cut down’ by those around them, taunted for their success and discouraged from celebrating their achievements. This social phenomenon of cutting down tall poppies is called Tall Poppy Syndrome and is present in many (...)
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  40.  25
    Pandemics in the Ancient Mediterranean World.Rebecca Flemming - 2023 - Isis 114 (S1):288-312.
    This essay outlines the kinds of evidence available (and not available) for studies of ancient Mediterranean pandemics, the scholarship on the subject so far, and some reflections on the relationship between the two. The focus is on the three largescale epidemic episodes that have attracted the most scholarly attention: the “Plague of Athens” in the fifth century BCE; the “Antonine Plague,” which spread across the Roman Empire in the late second century CE; and the “Justinianic Plague,” which first engulfed the (...)
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  41. Should we Routinely Test Pregnant Women for HIV?Rebecca Bennett - 2001 - In Rebecca Bennett & Charles A. Erin (eds.), Hiv and Aids: Testing, Screening, and Confidentiality. Clarendon Press.
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    What Do We Owe to Baby Jane?Rebecca L. Burke, Grace Powers Monaco & Rick Kaufman - 1984 - Hastings Center Report 14 (4):49-50.
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    The Legal Forum.Rebecca J. Cady - 2001 - Jona's Healthcare Law, Ethics, and Regulation 3 (2):35-39.
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    A method of intuition: becoming, relationality, ethics.Rebecca Coleman - 2008 - History of the Human Sciences 21 (4):104-123.
    This article examines social research on the relations between (young) women's bodies and images through Bergson's method of intuition, which suggests that the only way a thing can be known is through coinciding with the uniqueness of its becoming. I suggest that in this aim, intuition is, necessarily, an intimate research method. Rather than apply Bergson's argument to this area of social research, I examine the resonances between his philosophical method and the moves within social research to attend to the (...)
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    Missed Revolutions.Rebecca Comay - 2008 - Idealistic Studies 38 (1-2):23-40.
    This essay explores the familiar German ideology according to which a revolution in thought would, in varying proportions, precede, succeed, accommodate, and generally upstage a political revolution whose defining feature was increasingly thought to be its founding violence: the slide from 1789 to 1793. Germany thus sets out to quarantine the political threat of revolution while siphoning off and absorbing the revolution’s intensity and energy for thinking as such. The essay holds that this structure corresponds to the psychoanalytic logic of (...)
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    Enigma as Display in the Fifteenth-Century Chastellain de Coucy: Veiled Performances.Rebecca Dixon - 2013 - Speculum 88 (1):215-246.
    Over recent decades scholars have begun explicitly to acknowledge the importance of visual display in the formation of the fifteenth-century Burgundian “Theater State.” This remarkably apposite term, coined in the early 1980s by Wim Blockmans and Walter Prevenier, encapsulates the centrality of ceremony and ostentatious self-projection to both the political process of state building and the more personal imperative of identity construction in the Burgundian Netherlands under Duke Philip the Good . The specific sorts of display associated with the Theater (...)
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    Freedom of Conscience, Professional Responsibility, and Access to Abortion.Rebecca S. Dresser - 1994 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 22 (3):280-285.
    Access to abortion is becoming increasingly restricted for many women in the United States. Besides the longstanding financial barriers facing low-income women in most states, a newer source of scarcity has emerged. The relatively small number of physicians willing to perform the procedure is compromising the ability of women in certain parts of the country to obtain an abortion.Do physicians have a duty to respond to this situation? Do they have a professional responsibility to ensure that abortions are reasonably available (...)
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    Language, identity, and belonging: deaf cultural and narrative perspectives.Rebecca Garden - 2010 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 21 (2):159.
    By acquiring an understanding of the cultural meaning of deafness and acting as a bridge to resources and opportunities, clinicians.
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    Remembering Our Place: Ethical Activism for Scholars.Rebecca A. Johns - 2003 - Ethics, Policy and Environment 6:56-61.
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    (1 other version)The Flight to Rights: 1990s China and Beyond.Rebecca E. Karl - 2010 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 2010 (151):87-104.
    A recent spate of exposés about Mao Zedong's China, in English and Chinese, announces a finality to the tendency toward the temporal-spatial conflation of twentieth-century Chinese and global history. This sense was confirmed when the New York Times reported in late January 2006 that George W. Bush's recent bedtime reading had been Jung Chang and Jon Halliday's Mao: The Unknown Story,1 or when, later in 2006, according to a column in the British paper The Guardian, “the Council of Europe's parliamentary (...)
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