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Mark Dibben [12]Mark R. Dibben [11]
  1.  73
    Organisations and Organising: Understanding and Applying Whitehead’s Processual Account.Mark R. Dibben - 2009 - Philosophy of Management 7 (2):13-24.
    Process physics2 is, like all physics, a model of reality. However, unlike traditional substance-based versions, process physics implements many process philosophical concepts, perhaps most notably, the notion of internal relations. It argues that the universe can best be understood in terms of selfreferential semantic information that is remarkably similar to mathematical stochastic neural networks research in biology. It argues that information patterns generate new information through causal efficacy and, ultimately, internal integration, generating self-organising patterns of relationships. These patterns or relations (...)
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    Exploring the Processual Nature of Trust and Cooperation in Organisations: A Whiteheadian Analysis.Mark R. Dibben - 2004 - Philosophy of Management 4 (1):25-39.
    Process philosophy was on the periphery of academic thinking for much of the twentieth century. Whereas the focus of intellectual development was for the most part on scientific analysis, process philosophy argued for a more encompassing synthesis as well. Although the drive — the corpus delecti of formal research assessment funding exercises — for separate, discrete and latterly measurable bodies of knowledge arrived at from within increasingly autonomous academic disciplines has undoubtedly led to significant advance in many areas it has, (...)
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  3. Reason in practice: A unique role for a ˜Philosophy of Management'.Mark Dibben & Stephen Sheard - 2012 - Philosophy of Management 11 (3):1-10.
    The body of work pre s ented in this issue and the next (Volume 12, Issue 1) arose from a question both editors had separately harboured for some years, namely: what role can philosophy play in the practice and conceptualisation of management? Contemporary discourses within the academic discipline of management have tended to err on the side of science, either in the striving for replicative and iterative advancement in the proof-laden establishment of ‘facts’ or, what is worse perhaps, the iterative (...)
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    Leadership as Relational Process.Martin Wood & Mark Dibben - 2015 - Process Studies 44 (1):24-47.
    Various scholars defend the idea that leadership is something accomplished between the leader and the led, rather than something that coincides with the role of an individual manager. Even so, we argue that shared leadership implies a relational ontology grasping leadership as an ever-changing series of events that is thoroughly processual in nature. Supplementing existing analyses and expanding the possibilities for relational leadership research, we propose a view from the perspective ofprocess philosophy, in which relations determine individual leaders and followers, (...)
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  5.  42
    Process Ethics and Business: Applying Process Thought to Enact Critiques of Mind/Body Dualism in Organizations.Rob Macklin, Karin Mathison & Mark Dibben - 2014 - Process Studies 43 (2):61-86.
    The study of organizational ethics continues to be the focus of significant academic attention, however it is a discourse that remains largely informed by a form of morality that is perhaps best described as ordered and cognitive. Traditional approaches to questions of organizational ethics emphasize a fundamentally static view of organizations and the people within them, reinforcing notions of mind/body dualism and reifying ethics as an outcome of human agency, choice, and deliberate intention (see MacKay and Chia). We challenge this (...)
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  6. Real knowledge managers.Paul Griseri, Frits Schipper, Nigel Laurie & Mark Dibben - 2010 - The Philosophers' Magazine 49 (49):77-80.
    There is a presumption that it is the philosophers who know the truth, and the business people who need to be told it. However, business is a unique phenomenon. At no time in human history has anything quite like this been seen before. Unreflective or no, crises or no, poverty or no, something works in this system.
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    Applied Process Thought II: Following a Trail Ablaze.Mark Dibben & Rebecca Newton (eds.) - 2009 - De Gruyter.
    Concentrating mainly on the process philosophy developed by Alfred North Whitehead, this series of essays brings together some of the newest developments in the application of process thinking to the physical and social sciences. These essays, by established scholars in the field, demonstrate how a wider and deeper understanding of the world can be obtained using process philosophical concepts, how the distortions and blockages inevitably inherent in substantivist talk can be set aside, and how new and fertile lines of research (...)
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    Applied Process Thought: Initial Explorations in Theory and Research.Mark Dibben & Thomas Kelly (eds.) - 2008 - De Gruyter.
    Concentrating mainly on the process philosophy developed by Alfred North Whitehead, this series of essays brings together some of the newest developments in the application of process thinking to the physical and social sciences. These essays, by established scholars in the field, demonstrate how a wider and deeper understanding of the world can be obtained using process philosophical concepts, how the distortions and blockages inevitably inherent in substantivist talk can be set aside, and how new and fertile lines of research (...)
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    Appendix: What is Applied Process Thought? The Editorial Introduction to Volume 1.Mark R. Dibben & Thomas A. F. Kelly - 2009 - In Mark Dibben & Rebecca Newton, Applied Process Thought II: Following a Trail Ablaze. De Gruyter. pp. 393-408.
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    6 Checking, not trusting: trust, distrust and cultural experience in the auditing profession.Mark R. Dibben & J. Rose - 2010 - In Mark Saunders, Organizational trust: a cultural perspective. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 156.
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  11.  50
    Introduction: What is Applied Process Thought?Mark R. Dibben & Thomas A. F. Kelly - 2008 - In Mark Dibben & Thomas Kelly, Applied Process Thought: Initial Explorations in Theory and Research. De Gruyter. pp. 27-42.
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    Focus Introduction.Mark R. Dibben & John B. Cobb - 2003 - Process Studies 32 (2):179-182.
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  13. Rethinking ethical leadership using process metaphysics.Mark Dibben, Martin Wood, Rob Macklin & Ronald E. Riggio - 2017 - In Carole L. Jurkiewicz & Robert A. Giacalone, Radical thoughts on ethical leadership. Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing.
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  14.  40
    Re-thinking Technology from an Organizational Perspective: Virtual Reality as a Whiteheadian "Real Potentiality".Mark R. Dibben & Niki Panteli - 2003 - Process Studies 32 (2):258-269.
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  15.  37
    Class Conflict and Social Order in Smith and Marx: The Relevance of Social Philosophy to Business Management.Cristina Neesham & Mark Dibben - 2016 - Philosophy of Management 15 (2):121-133.
    In this paper, we undertake a genealogical study to illustrate how Karl Marx derives his concept of class conflict from Adam Smith’s theory of social order. Based on these findings, we argue that both Smith’s and Marx’s political economies should be interpreted in relation to each other – from the perspective of social philosophy, in particular their shared concepts of social order and necessary opposition of class interests. By appeal to process philosophy, we also argue that this reinterpretation needs to (...)
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