Results for 'Real time'

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  1.  37
    The Second Workshop on Object-Oriented Real-Time Dependable Systems.Object-Oriented Real-Time - forthcoming - Laguna.
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  2. Real Time Ii.David Hugh Mellor - 1998 - New York: Routledge.
    _Real Time II_ extends and evolves DH Mellor's classic exploration of the philosophy of time,_Real Time._ This new book answers such basic metaphysical questions about time as: how do past, present and future differ, how are time and space related, what is change, is time travel possible? His _Real Time_ dominated the philosophy of time for fifteen years. _Real TIme II_ will do the same for the next twenty. GET /english/edu/Studying_at_SU/History_of_Literature.html HTTP/1.0.
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    Real-Time Aural and Visual Feedback for Improving Violin Intonation.Laurel S. Pardue & Andrew McPherson - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
    Playing with correct intonation is one of the major challenges for a string player. A player must learn how to physically reproduce a target pitch, but before that, the player must learn what correct intonation is. This requires audiation- the aural equivalent of visualization- of every note along with self-assessment whether the pitch played matches the target, and if not, what action should be taken to correct it. A challenge for successful learning is that much of it occurs during practice, (...)
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  4. Real Time.D. H. Mellor - 1981 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    This is a study of the nature of time. In it, redeploying an argument first presented by McTaggart, the author argues that although time itself is real, tense is not. He accounts for the appearance of the reality of tense - our sense of the passage of time, and the fact that our experience occurs in the present - by showing how time is indispensable as a condition of action. Time itself is further analysed, (...)
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    Real Time, Simulated Time and Two Types of Time Travel.Marcus Arvan - forthcoming - Ratio.
    This article argues that the possibility that we live in a computer simulation has important implications for the philosophy of time and time travel. Section 2 distinguishes real time from simulated time. Section 3 argues that whatever is true of real time, simulated time realises a functional analogue within real time to versions of presentism in which features of the present play the role of an uninstantiated past and future. Section (...)
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  6. Real Time.David Hugh Mellor - 1981 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 34 (2):197-200.
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    Deliberate real-time mood regulation in adulthood: The importance of age, fixation and attentional functioning.Soo Rim Noh, Monika Lohani & Derek M. Isaacowitz - 2011 - Cognition and Emotion 25 (6):998-1013.
    While previous research has linked executive attention to emotion regulation, the current study investigated the role of attentional alerting (i.e., efficient use of external warning cues) on younger (N=39) and older (N=44) adults’ use of gaze to regulate their mood in real time. Participants viewed highly arousing unpleasant images while reporting their mood and were instructed to deliberately manage how they felt and to minimise the effect of those stimuli on their mood. Fixations toward the most negative areas (...)
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  8. Finding “realtime in quantum mechanics”.Craig Callender - 2007 - In William Lane Craig & Quentin Smith (eds.), Einstein, relativity, and absolute simultaneity. New York: Routledge. pp. 50-72.
    Many believe that quantum mechanics makes the world hospitable to the tensed theory of time. Quantum mechanics is said to rescue the significance of the present moment, the mutability of the future and possibly even the whoosh of time’s flow. It allegedly does so in two different ways: by making a preferred foliation of spacetime into space and time scientifically respectable, and by wavefunction collapse injecting temporal ‘becoming’ into the world. The aim of this paper is to (...)
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    Is Real-Time ELSI Realistic?John M. Conley, Anya E. R. Prince, Arlene M. Davis, Jean Cadigan & Gabriel Lazaro-Munoz - 2020 - AJOB Empirical Bioethics 11 (2):134-144.
    Background: A growing literature has raised—skeptically—the question of whether cutting-edge scientific research can identify and address broader ethical and policy considerations in real time. In genomics, the question is: Can ELSI contribute to genomics in real time, or will it be relegated to its historical role of after-the-fact outsider critique? We address this question against the background of a genomic screening project where we participated as embedded, real-time ELSI researchers and observers, from its initial (...)
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    The Politics of Real-time: A Device Perspective on Social Media Platforms and Search Engines.Esther Weltevrede, Anne Helmond & Carolin Gerlitz - 2014 - Theory, Culture and Society 31 (6):125-150.
    This paper enquires into the politics of real-time in online media. It suggests that real-time cannot be accounted for as a universal temporal frame in which events happen, but explores the making of real-time from a device perspective focusing on the temporalities of platforms. Based on an empirical study exploring the pace at which various online media produce new content, we trace the different rhythms, patterns or tempos created by the interplay of devices, users’ (...)
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    Hybrid Real-Time Protection System for Online Social Networks.Muneer Bani Yassein, Shadi Aljawarneh & Yarub Wahsheh - 2020 - Foundations of Science 25 (4):1095-1124.
    The impact of Online Social Networks on human lives is foreseen to be very large with unprecedented amount of data and users. OSN users share their ideas, photos, daily life events, feelings and news. Since OSNs’ security and privacy challenges are more potential than ever before, it is necessary to enhance the protection and filtering approaches of OSNs contents. This paper explores OSNs’ threats and challenges, and categorize them into: account-based, URL-based and content-based threats. In addition, we analyze the existing (...)
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    Real-Time Analysis of Basketball Sports Data Based on Deep Learning.Peng Yao - 2021 - Complexity 2021:1-11.
    This paper focuses on the theme of the application of deep learning in the field of basketball sports, using research methods such as literature research, video analysis, comparative research, and mathematical statistics to explore deep learning in real-time analysis of basketball sports data. The basketball posture action recognition and analysis system proposed for basketball movement is composed of two parts serially. The first part is based on the bottom-up posture estimation method to locate the joint points and is (...)
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  13.  27
    Real-time heuristic search.Richard E. Korf - 1990 - Artificial Intelligence 42 (2-3):189-211.
  14.  18
    Real-Time System Prediction for Heart Rate Using Deep Learning and Stream Processing Platforms.Abdullah Alharbi, Wael Alosaimi, Radhya Sahal & Hager Saleh - 2021 - Complexity 2021:1-9.
    Low heart rate causes a risk of death, heart disease, and cardiovascular diseases. Therefore, monitoring the heart rate is critical because of the heart’s function to discover its irregularity to detect the health problems early. Rapid technological advancement allows healthcare sectors to consolidate and analyze massive health-based data to discover risks by making more accurate predictions. Therefore, this work proposes a real-time prediction system for heart rate, which helps the medical care providers and patients avoid heart rate risk (...)
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    Real-time’ air quality channels: A technology review of emerging environmental alert systems.Kayla Schulte - 2022 - Big Data and Society 9 (1).
    Poor air quality is a pressing global challenge contributing to adverse health impacts around the world. In the past decade, there has been a rapid proliferation of air quality information delivered via sensors, apps, websites or other media channels in near real-time and at increasingly localized geographic scales. This paper explores the growing emphasis on self-monitoring and digital platforms to supply informational interventions for reducing pollution exposures and improving health outcomes at the individual level. It presents a technological (...)
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    Real-time fMRI links subjective experience with brain activity during focused attention.Kathleen Garrison, Scheinost A., Worhunsky Dustin, D. Patrick, Hani Elwafi, Thornhill M., A. Thomas, Evan Thompson, Clifford Saron, Gaëlle Desbordes, Hedy Kober, Michelle Hampson, Jeremy Gray, Constable R., Papademetris R. Todd & Brewer Xenophon - 2013 - NeuroImage 81:110--118.
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    Realtime Responsiveness for Ethics Oversight During Disaster Research.Lisa Eckenwiler, John Pringle, Renaud Boulanger & Matthew Hunt - 2015 - Bioethics 29 (9):653-661.
    Disaster research has grown in scope and frequency. Research in the wake of disasters and during humanitarian crises – particularly in resource-poor settings – is likely to raise profound and unique ethical challenges for local communities, crisis responders, researchers, and research ethics committees. Given the ethical challenges, many have questioned how best to provide research ethics review and oversight. We contribute to the conversation concerning how best to ensure appropriate ethical oversight in disaster research and argue that ethical disaster research (...)
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    A real-time fMRI neurofeedback system for the clinical alleviation of depression with a subject-independent classification of brain states: A proof of principle study.Jaime A. Pereira, Andreas Ray, Mohit Rana, Claudio Silva, Cesar Salinas, Francisco Zamorano, Martin Irani, Patricia Opazo, Ranganatha Sitaram & Sergio Ruiz - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16.
    Most clinical neurofeedback studies based on functional magnetic resonance imaging use the patient's own neural activity as feedback. The objective of this study was to create a subject-independent brain state classifier as part of a real-time fMRI neurofeedback system that can guide patients with depression in achieving a healthy brain state, and then to examine subsequent clinical changes. In a first step, a brain classifier based on a support vector machine was trained from the neural information of happy (...)
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    Real times and possible worlds.Heather Dyke - 1998 - In Robin Le Poidevin (ed.), Questions of time and tense. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 93--117.
    There are ways in which the new tenseless theory of time is analogous to David Lewis’s modal realism. The new tenseless theory gives an indexical analysis of temporal terms such as ‘now’, while Lewis gives and indexical analysis of ‘actual’. For the new tenseless theory, all times are equally real; for Lewis, all worlds are equally real. In this paper I investigate this apparent analogy between these two theories, and ask whether a proponent of one is committed, (...)
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  20.  12
    Real-Time Neuropsychological Testing Protocol for Left Temporal Brain Tumor Surgery: A Technical Note and Case Report.Barbara Tomasino, Ilaria Guarracino, Tamara Ius, Marta Maieron & Miran Skrap - 2021 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 15.
    Background: The risk of surgery in eloquent areas is related to neuropsychological dysfunctions. Maximizing the extent of resection increases the overall survival. The onco-functional balance is mandatory when surgery involves cognitive areas, and maximal information on the cognitive status of patients during awake surgery is needed. This can be achieved using direct cortical stimulation mapping and, in addition to this, a neuropsychological monitoring technique called real-time neuropsychological testing. The RTNT includes testing protocols based on the area where the (...)
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    Real-Time Energy Management Strategy Based on Driver-Action-Impact MPC for Series Hybrid Electric Vehicles.Shumin Ruan & Yue Ma - 2020 - Complexity 2020:1-15.
    Precise prediction of future vehicle information can improve the control efficiency of hybrid electric vehicles. Nowadays, most prediction models use previous information of vehicles to predict future driving velocity, which cannot reflect the impact of the driver and the environment. In this paper, a real-time energy management strategy based on driver-action-impact MPC is proposed for series hybrid electric vehicles. The proposed EMS consists of two modules: the velocity prediction module and the real-time MPC module. In the (...)
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    RealTime Investigation of Referential Domains in Unscripted Conversation: A Targeted Language Game Approach.Sarah Brown-Schmidt & Michael K. Tanenhaus - 2008 - Cognitive Science 32 (4):643-684.
    Two experiments examined the restriction of referential domains during unscripted conversation by analyzing the modification and online interpretation of referring expressions. Experiment 1 demonstrated that from the earliest moments of processing, addressees interpreted referring expressions with respect to referential domains constrained by the conversation. Analysis of eye movements during the conversation showed elimination of standard competition effects seen with scripted language. Results from Experiment 2 pinpointed two pragmatic factors responsible for restriction of the referential domains used by speakers to design (...)
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  23.  21
    Supporting Real-Time Ethical Deliberation in Contingency Capacity During the COVID-19 Pandemic.Mark R. Tonelli & Catherine R. Butler - 2021 - American Journal of Bioethics 21 (8):25-27.
    The reality of resource limitation during the Coronavirus Disease 2019 pandemic has deeply challenged established approaches to healthcare system emergency response. Early preparation du...
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    Real-time vision, tactile cues, and visual form agnosia: removing haptic feedback from a “natural” grasping task induces pantomime-like grasps.Robert L. Whitwell, Tzvi Ganel, Caitlin M. Byrne & Melvyn A. Goodale - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
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    Multi-layered Gestalt in Real-time Interaction.Terry S. H. Fitzgerald Au-Yeung - 2022 - Philosophia Scientiae 26:123-149.
    In his PhD proposal, now published as Seeing Sociological, Garfinkel [2006] formulated action in terms of a mutually constitutive structure—the Noesis-Noema Structures. This structure can be traced to Aaron Gurwitsch’s gestalt psychology and Law of Good Gestalt which theorises how participants prioritise functional Gestalts over other possible meanings of what is perceivable in their surroundings. While Gurwitsch illustrated his theory using images, in this paper we revisit Gurwitsch’s theory in light of the advances in recording real-time interaction to (...)
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    Towards real-time DNA biometrics using GPU-accelerated processing.Mario Reja, Ciprian Pungila & Viorel Negru - forthcoming - Logic Journal of the IGPL.
    Decoding the human genome in the past decades has brought into focus a computationally intensive operation through DNA profiling. The typical search space for these kinds of problems is extremely large and requires specialized hardware and algorithms to perform the necessary sequence analysis. In this paper, we propose an innovative and scalable approach to exact multi-pattern matching of nucleotide sequences by harnessing the massively parallel computing power found in commodity graphical processing units. Our approach places careful consideration on preprocessing of (...)
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    Real-Time Animation Complexity of Interactive Clothing Design Based on Computer Simulation.Yufeng Xin, Dongliang Zhang & Guopeng Qiu - 2021 - Complexity 2021:1-11.
    With the innovation of computer, virtual clothing has also emerged. This research mainly discusses the real-time animation complex of interactive clothing design based on computer simulation. In the process of realizing virtual clothing, the sample interpolation synthesis method is used, and the human body sample library is constructed using the above two methods first, and then, the human body model is obtained by interpolation calculation according to the personalized parameters. Building a clothing model is particularly important for the (...)
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  28. Real Times and Possible Worlds.Heather Dyke - 1998 - In Robin Le Poidevin (ed.), Questions of time and tense. New York: Oxford University Press.
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    Real-time closed-eye-based communication system using EEG sensors and auditory feedback.Belkacem Abdelkader, Yoshimura Natsue, Shin Duk, Kambara Hiroyuki & Koike Yasuharu - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
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    Real-Time Prediction of Observed Action Requires Integrity of the Dorsal Premotor Cortex: Evidence From Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation.Louisa F. M. Brich, Christine Bächle, Joachim Hermsdörfer & Waltraud Stadler - 2018 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 12.
  31. A Real-Time Expert System for the Detection and Diagnosis of Abnormal Conditions in Nuclear Power Plants.C. R. Hardy, J. Ha, B. K. Hajek & D. W. Miller - 1991 - Ai 1991 Frontiers in Innovative Computing for the Nuclear Industry Topical Meeting, Jackson Lake, Wy, Sept. 15-18, 1991 1.
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    Operationalising a real-time research ethics approach: supporting ethical mindfulness in agriculture-nutrition-health research in Malawi.Joseph Mfutso-Bengo, Edward Joy, Eric Umar, Kate Millar & Limbanazo Matandika - 2022 - BMC Medical Ethics 23 (1):1-17.
    BackgroundThere have been notable investments in large multi-partner research programmes across the agriculture-nutrition-health (ANH) nexus. These studies often involve human participants and commonly require research ethics review. These ANH studies are complex and can raise ethical issues that need pre-field work, ethical oversight and also need an embedded process that can identify, characterise and manage ethical issues as the research work develops, as such more embedded and dynamic ethics processes are needed. This work builds on notions of ‘ethics in practice’ (...)
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    Real time movies versus frozen snapshots: Audits of everyday life in classrooms.Marcus Samuelsson - 2017 - Confero: Essays on Education, Philosophy and Politics 5 (1):171-191.
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    Real-Time Elicitation of Moral Emotions Using a Prejudice Paradigm.Melike M. Fourie, Nadine Kilchenmann, Susan Malcolm-Smith & Kevin G. F. Thomas - 2012 - Frontiers in Psychology 3.
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    (1 other version)Real Time.Paul Fitzgerald - 1984 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 45 (2):281-286.
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    Real-time reasoning in OWL2 for GDPR compliance.Piero A. Bonatti, Luca Ioffredo, Iliana M. Petrova, Luigi Sauro & Ida R. Siahaan - 2020 - Artificial Intelligence 289 (C):103389.
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  37. Real Time And Imaginary Times. On The Husserlian Conception Of Temporal Individuation / Le Temps Reel Et Les Temps Imaginaires. Sur La Conception Husserlienne De L’individuation Temporelle.Rudolf Bernet - 2002 - Studia Philosophica 2.
    Après avoir donné une idée générale du processus d’individuation chez Husserl, l’étude analyse minutieusement la manière dont la temporalité propre aux actes de la perception interne et externe, du ressouvenir et de la phantasia constitue, d’après les Manuscrits de Bernau, l’individualité de l’objet intentionnel. Une attention toute particulière est accordée à ce qui distingue les objets fictifs des objets idéaux et qui permet de leur attribuer une forme spécifique d’individuation . L’étude apporte également des éclaircissements en ce qui concerne la (...)
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    Real Time Computation.Jiří Bečvář - 1966 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 31 (4):657.
  39.  56
    Real-Time Democracy.Shane Ryan - 2016 - International Journal of Applied Philosophy 30 (2):301-312.
    Standard representative democracy is criticised on democratic grounds and the case is made for an alternative system of democratic governance. The paper discusses ways in which representative democracy falls short of the democratic ideal of self-governance. Referendum and initiative are examined as mechanisms that further self-governance, but are argued not to go far enough. Direct democracy is considered as an alternative to representative democracy, but the case is made that even on democratic grounds direct democracy is unnecessarily demanding. It is (...)
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    Timed Modal Logics for Real-Time Systems: Specification, Verification and Control.Patricia Bouyer, Franck Cassez & François Laroussinie - 2011 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 20 (2):169-203.
    In this paper, a timed modal logic L c is presented for the specification and verification of real-time systems. Several important results for L c are discussed. First we address the model checking problem and we show that it is an EXPTIME-complete problem. Secondly we consider expressiveness and we explain how to express strong timed bisimilarity and how to build characteristic formulas for timed automata. We also propose a compositional algorithm for L c model checking. Finally we consider (...)
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    Real-time dynamic programming for Markov decision processes with imprecise probabilities.Karina V. Delgado, Leliane N. de Barros, Daniel B. Dias & Scott Sanner - 2016 - Artificial Intelligence 230 (C):192-223.
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    Action Real-Time Strategy Gaming Experience Related to Enhanced Capacity of Visual Working Memory.Yutong Yao, Ruifang Cui, Yi Li, Lu Zeng, Jinliang Jiang, Nan Qiu, Li Dong, Diankun Gong, Guojian Yan, Weiyi Ma & Tiejun Liu - 2020 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 14.
  43.  22
    Real-Time fMRI Neurofeedback in Patients With Tobacco Use Disorder During Smoking Cessation: Functional Differences and Implications of the First Training Session in Regard to Future Abstinence or Relapse.Susanne Karch, Marco Paolini, Sarah Gschwendtner, Hannah Jeanty, Arne Reckenfelderbäumer, Omar Yaseen, Maximilian Maywald, Christina Fuchs, Boris-Stephan Rauchmann, Agnieszka Chrobok, Andrea Rabenstein, Birgit Ertl-Wagner, Oliver Pogarell, Daniel Keeser & Tobias Rüther - 2019 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 13.
  44.  31
    Real-Time Warning and Risk Assessment of Tailings Dam Disaster Status Based on Dynamic Hierarchy-Grey Relation Analysis.Wen Li, Yicheng Ye, Nanyan Hu, Xianhua Wang & Qihu Wang - 2019 - Complexity 2019:1-14.
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    High-Accuracy Real-Time Fish Detection Based on Self-Build Dataset and RIRD-YOLOv3.Wenkai Wang, Bingwei He & Liwei Zhang - 2021 - Complexity 2021:1-8.
    To better detect fish in an aquaculture environment, a high-accuracy real-time detection model is proposed. An experimental dataset was collected for fish detection in laboratory aquaculture environments using remotely operated vehicles. To overcome the inaccuracy of the You Only Look Once v3 algorithm in underwater farming environment, a suitable set of hyperparameters was obtained through multiple sets of experiments. Then, a real-time image recovery algorithm is applied before YOLOv3 to reduce the effects of both noise and (...)
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    Real-Time Sound and Motion Feedback for Violin Bow Technique Learning: A Controlled, Randomized Trial.Angel David Blanco, Simone Tassani & Rafael Ramirez - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    The production of good sound generation in the violin is a complex task that requires coordination and spatiotemporal control of bowing gestures. The use of motion-capture technologies to improve performance or reduce injury risks in the area of kinesiology is becoming widespread. The combination of motion accuracy and sound quality feedback has the potential of becoming an important aid in violin learning. In this study, we evaluate motion-capture and sound-quality analysis technologies developed inside the context of the TELMI, a technology-enhanced (...)
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    A real-time acquisition system for pump–probe spectroscopy.P. Bartolini, R. Eramo, A. Taschin, M. De Pas & R. Torre - 2007 - Philosophical Magazine 87 (3-5):731-740.
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    Real Time. Accelerating Narrative from Balzac to Zola (review).Suzanne Guerlac - 2007 - Substance 36 (1):168-171.
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    Augmented Reality for Presenting Real-Time Data During Students’ Laboratory Work: Comparing a Head-Mounted Display With a Separate Display.Michael Thees, Kristin Altmeyer, Sebastian Kapp, Eva Rexigel, Fabian Beil, Pascal Klein, Sarah Malone, Roland Brünken & Jochen Kuhn - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Multimedia learning theories suggest presenting associated pieces of information in spatial and temporal contiguity. New technologies like Augmented Reality allow for realizing these principles in science laboratory courses by presenting virtual real-time information during hands-on experimentation. Spatial integration can be achieved by pinning virtual representations of measurement data to corresponding real components. In the present study, an Augmented Reality-based presentation format was realized via a head-mounted display and contrasted to a separate display, which provided a well-arranged data (...)
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  50. Real-time concurrency control in groupware.Paul Jensen Nandit Soparkar - 1996 - Esda 1996: Expert Systems and Ai; Neural Networks 7:147.
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